Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Israel Leaked Video of Ministry of Health Discussion on Vaccine Findings Report

 Israel funded research on the findings of the vaccine after being administered to the public.  There was due diligence to omit any false reports to their adverse events reporting systems, elimination of bots, and identification of  people to follow up for a re-challenge upon a second or a booster to see if they suffered the same result that would connect causation and effect to the vaccine and there were.  There's an open discussion on the need for urgency to release the information to the public and the conflict it would cause with the government openly encouraging vaccines and the possible result of lawsuits being filed against the government.  The report was never released, it was buried up until someone who secretly recorded the meeting released the findings.

How Individuals Can Realign America

The venues for asserting truth to power are many and the opportunities are poorly exploited. Here are some of the many ways to change your community and change the nation.

"King Theoden: What can men do against such reckless hate?
Lord Aragorn: Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them."

— “The Two Towers” (2002)

We live in tumultuous and often troubling times, but that does not make them unique. The ordeals and challenges we face are as old as our species: war, famine, disease, poverty, hate, mass psychosis, greed, brutality, tyranny. Nature is often cruel, and the human capacity to inflict harm on other humans is bottomless.

What is perhaps unique about today, however, is the pace of change and the global scale of its impact. In less than a generation, a communications and information revolution has transformed the lives of 8 billion people. We now stand on the threshold of conquering disease, eliminating poverty, exploiting the resources of outer space, extending our lifespans, and all the while, everyone on earth is witnessing this progress and wanting their share.

This is the truly novel and mostly hopeful context of the age in which we live. But as incredible new wealth and new ways to wield power are created and growing in exponential increments, like moths to a flame, ambitious souls are trying to grab as much of that wealth and power they can. Some hope this competition will naturally evolve for the greater good of everyone. Others, true to the darker side of human nature, just want to use it for themselves.

How do we face the challenges of our time? How do we do good? How do we cope with evil? What do we do with the time that is given us? What can individual Americans do?

First we must recognize that if American society is losing its traditions and splintering into polarized factions, it isn’t all happening by accident. If chaos alone governed our destiny, why is it that  every institution we used to trust, in lockstep, is promoting so many obvious lies? No objective and informed person can fail to at least question, if not completely reject, premises these institutions relentlessly promote: 

Human civilization is unsustainable. We are running out of fossil fuel. Burning fossil fuel will destroy the planet. Renewable energy is clean. Renewable energy is the only acceptable option. White people are inherently racist and enjoy unwarranted privileges. Mathematics are racist. The nuclear family is oppressive. People can choose their genders. Men can have babies, and women can have penises.

Each of these premises is not only false, but, if accepted, will wreak destruction on America and the world.

Yet these foundational lies inform every manner of mainstream public communications, from news, entertainment, education, and public policy debate, to social media discourse and search engine results. The truths that must replace these lies, in similar fashion, constitute the foundation of a resistance: 

Humanity can flourish. Fossil fuel does not create an existential threat to the planet, and there’s plenty of it. Renewable energy is not cleaner or more sustainable than fossil fuel or nuclear power. White people are not inherently racist. Providing equal opportunity to earn success in a colorblind society is the only equitable way to allocate privileges. Math is not racist. The nuclear family with a father and a mother is the optimal way to raise children to become healthy, happy and productive adults. Sex is immutable. Women have babies, and men have penises.

Is that clear enough?

Asserting these truths has a virtue that the other side, for all its power, cannot match: They’re true. They’re backed up by data, experience, science, and common sense. That’s why despite odds that often seem hopeless, it is still possible to rally the American people and politically realign the nation. There’s a gravity to truth. It flows downhill like a river. Lies, on the other hand, require continuous effort to uphold. Truth, as it applies to these fundamental premises, also has the virtue of being uplifting and optimistic.

It’s a relief and a breath of fresh air to hear someone explain that we’re not all about to die in a climate cataclysm, that there are plenty of energy resources, that prosperity is an eminently possible choice, that America has created the most inclusive society in the history of the world, and that it’s OK to be white, black, brown, or whatever, it’s OK to be colorblind, and it’s OK to have a traditional family and teach traditional values and norms to your children.

The venues for asserting truth to power are many and the opportunities are poorly exploited. Here are some of the many ways to change your community and change the nation.

How You Can Change the World

Pack public meetings: Leftist activists who show up, without exception, to loudly push their agendas at city council meetings are sending a message: Vote for what we want or we will continue to disrupt everything you do, including every public meeting where you appear and including any attempt you make to get reelected. Packing public meetings also helps a biased media spread the perception that there is grassroots support for a policy, even if there isn’t. Elected officials and appointees to governing boards are reluctant to vote for anything that violates the sentiment of the boisterous crowd packing a meeting. If you don’t show up, you lose.

Litigate: Using lawfare to derail common sense public policies has been used by the establishment Left for decades. Litigation is one of the primary reasons we can’t get the homeless epidemic under control, or build new water projects or oil pipelines, or any other badly needed infrastructure. Litigation has been the synergistic partner to regulatory bureaucracies, where the activists sue the agency, the agency immediately settles, paying the activist law firm a massive penalty fee and layering new regulations onto the American people. 

Litigation has been used to compromise American elections, where to eliminate “voter suppression,” countless loopholes have been blown through election integrity up to and including not even having to produce a valid ID in order to vote. Litigation has been used by the Left to expand every well intentioned bit of legislation or regulatory decree from a nuisance into a monster. It’s a racket. Fight fire with fire. Sue.

Participate in grassroots election campaigns: An obscure and very close election, belatedly called on December 1 in deep blue California exemplifies how good candidates can beat the odds. In the seventh assembly district, where registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans by six points, political newcomer Josh Hoover overcame a five-term incumbent Democrat despite being outspent four-to-one. His secret? What limited resources his campaign had were spent primarily on mobilizing volunteers to knock on doors, send texts, and make phone calls. 

Hoover already had name recognition, because voting households had been saturated with television ads and mailed flyers demonizing him. This meant when voters met the candidate in person, or met his volunteers, they already knew him, and could immediately tell he was a good candidate with good ideas, that he was the underdog, and that his opponent had nothing to offer apart from a dirty campaign.

Get involved in local campaigns: It’s hard for one person to change the outcome of a national election. But the concerted efforts of just a few individuals can make the difference in a race for city council or school board. If you’ve had it with how your city is managing the homeless crisis or how your school board is failing to manage the left-wing agenda of the local teachers’ union, then get involved. If you don’t want to run for local office, help a local candidate. In many of these races, just a few more people walking precincts can change the outcome. It happens all the time. As local victories build up, these winning politicians gain experience to take the good fight to races for higher office. When it comes to local elections, one person can make a difference.

Support ballot initiatives and recalls: On September 14, 2021 Americans witnessed an unusual political event. In solidly Democratic California, of all places, Governor Gavin Newsom had to take time off from pursuing his dream of becoming the 47th U.S. president to fight for his political life. Fueled by a relative pittance in donations but an abundance of passion, a grassroots army, easily a hundred thousand strong, circulated petitions to recall the governor, submitted over 2.1 million signatures, and forced a special election. Newsom and allied committees opposing the recall were forced to spend $92 million to defend his seat. 

If a strong enough contender had surfaced, Newsom would have lost. Initiatives and recalls are expressions of direct democracy with decisive power. In an age when petitions can be downloaded from a website, printed at home, signed and returned, the power of local and state ballot initiatives can be exploited far more often and at far less cost than is currently done. Find a cause, and start a committee. You will give them a scare. You will drain their resources. You might win.

Listen to what nonpolitical people want: Most Americans have a vague sense they’re being fed a pack of lies by a government run by special interests, but unless they’re among the minority of Americans who have made politics one of their top priorities in life, they don’t realize the extent of the danger or the depth of the lies. For these Americans, the last thing the Right needs to do is come across as even angrier and more extreme than the leftist machine they oppose. There are issues that animate the hard Left and the hard Right, and it’s an existential battle. But the derivatives of that battle are playing out in the issues that everyone cares about. 

It isn’t necessary to explain—truthfully or not—that evil forces are behind the push to replace math instruction with queer theory. It’s more productive to calmly ask “don’t you think it’s better if we prioritize reading, writing and arithmetic in K-12 schools, and keep sex education age appropriate and subject to parental consent?” Similarly, it isn’t necessary to explain—truthfully or not—that the entire “climate change” narrative of doom is a plot by a fascist oligarchy to conquer the world. It’s more productive to simply explain that renewables aren’t ready for prime time, and conventional energy is the only way civilization can thrive.

Find new allies: Probably the most important missing partner in reforming the American establishment and realigning American politics are labor unions. This deserves closer examination. As it is, the prevailing special interests in America are hedge funds, technology corporations, and pharmaceutical companies, in that order, with most of corporate American falling in right behind them. These special interests now completely control the Democratic Party and most of the Republican Party. 

Historically, however, labor unions controlled the Democratic Party. What has happened to labor unions in the past 50 years, and especially in this century, is their original charter—to protect the American worker—has been supplanted by a veneer of internationalism, i.e., protect all workers of the world, eliminate racism, and stop climate change, while behind that veneer is a desperate compromise. 

Unwilling to submit to the optics of supporting populist Republicans, or to support the anti-establishment substance of America First policies, union leaders in America have joined forces with the neoliberal, globalist uniparty. Open borders and energy poverty are policies they now accept, and an impoverished and disenfranchised American workforce is the consequence. If labor unions were true to their membership, they would return to their roots and demand regulated borders and deregulated energy and infrastructure development. Don’t give up on labor unions.

Boycott woke corporations: There are several lists of so-called woke companies that pander to the activist Left. While high profile examples include Disney and the NBA, it is important to also look for the companies that express their wokeness in ways that directly harm the economy. For example, the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria being used by the Left to judge companies is designed to eviscerate America’s energy economy. 

Choose your targets carefully, and attend to the big picture: The most influential woke institutions in the world are arguably Blackrock and Vanguard. Pick companies to boycott where there a movement has formed in order to leverage your impact. Consider investments in the growing non-ESG movement such as being pioneered by Vivek Ramaswamy’s new firm Strive. Never forget that as more Americans rebel, these boycotts will gather irresistible strength.

Become a prepper: This advice is offered in the broadest possible sense. Being a prepper doesn’t necessarily mean you have to hunker down in remote hills on a fortified compound. It can just mean you have prepared for possible hard times by stocking food, fuel and a means to defend your home at the very least against nongovernmental disorder, i.e., against mobs of rioters and looters. Knowing you and your family are prepared for difficult times makes it easier to participate in public activism, because you know you’ve already done everything you can in your private life.

Engage in peaceful protests: When the people who control the pumps that deliver water through aqueducts to farms and cities in Southern California are driving to work, on yet another day when those pumps are turned off so an endangered bait fish can survive, a fish that is being wiped out by non-native, introduced predator species more than by the pumps anyway, why aren’t ten thousand angry people lining the road outside the gates? Environmentalist extremists, along with social justice warriors, have engineered demonstrations to stop everything from pipelines in the Dakotas to desalination plants off the California Coast, so why aren’t the people whose lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by these policies also showing up and applying pressure? Organizing has never been easier. Do it.

Be a social media warrior: This is the easiest form of getting involved. It’s been justifiably satirized: the “activist,” sprawled on his couch with a bong and a laptop, poking keys and pretending he’s making a difference. But it’s naïve to think fighting online battles doesn’t matter, and misleading to think it’s easy to do this effectively. If tens of millions of people share news, promote values, and expose misdeeds online, the truth cannot be suppressed. 

If tens of millions of people engage in activity reciprocal to how organized online mobs of left-wing activists behave, reporting every misleading message, vilifying every villain, exposing every decision maker that currently hides in bureaucratic anonymity, it will make a difference. If you can’t do anything else, learn everything you can about social media, set smart priorities to maximize your time, and get to work.

The tactics described here are only some of the ways to help keep America great. There are plenty of reasons to be hopeful about where America and the world is headed. And this optimism is yet another source of power. Optimism energizes activists and it attracts new recruits. Matching an optimistic attitude with proven tactics becomes a force very difficult to stop. Political realignment is possible in America. Every one of us can help make it happen.

And we Know, On the Fringe, and more- Jan 11


House Creates Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government and the Democrats Immediately Begin to Sabotage It

streiff reporting for RedState 

The House of Representatives has voted to create a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The subcommittee will have 13 members and will be chaired by Ohio Representative Jim Jordan. Up to five members may be Democrats if Hakeem Jeffries decides to participate. Its charter is rather expansive.

(A) the expansive role of article II authority vested in the executive branch to collect information on or otherwise investigate citizens of the United States, including ongoing criminal investigations;

(B) how executive branch agencies work with, obtain information from, and provide information to the private sector, non-profit entities, or other government agencies to facilitate action against American citizens, including the extent, if any, to which illegal or improper, unconstitutional, or unethical activities were engaged in by the executive branch or private sector against citizens of the United States;

(C) how executive branch agencies collect, compile, analyze, use, or disseminate information about citizens of the United States, including any unconstitutional, illegal, or unethical activities committed against citizens of the United States;

(D) the laws, programs, and activities of the executive branch as they relate to the collection of information on citizens of the United States and the sources and methods used for the collection of information on citizens of the United States;

(E) any other issues related to the violation of the civil liberties of citizens of the United States; and

(F) any other matter relating to information collected pursuant to the investigation conducted under this paragraph at any time during the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress.

Texas Representative Chip Roy said on Hannity on Friday night that this subcommittee is part of the deal the Freedom Caucus cut with Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and it will have the same funding and staff resources as the bizarre and dangerous January 6 Committee.

Republican Conference chairwoman Elise Stefanik told Fox News, “House Republicans are committed to ending the political weaponization of the FBI and DOJ’s abuse of power and restoring a government accountable to the people.”

On Twitter, she linked the mindless pursuit of President Trump over documents that turned out to be about as “Top Secret” as something you’d keep in your sock drawer — see The Verdict Is in on the ‘Top Secret’ Documents Seized by the FBI From President Trump’s Home — with Biden keeping Top Secret documents in his office at a Communist Chinese funded think tank; see Those Questions About China and the Penn Biden Center Where the Classified Docs Were Found.

The left is not going to take this lying down.

During the debate on the resolution establishing the Weaponization Subcommittee, defenestrated House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff fulminated, branding it a “Deep State conspiracy theory.”

Republicans claim without merit that this committee will investigate the so-called weaponization of the federal government. But what it’s really intended to do is to undermine the legitimate investigation of Trump’s incitement of a violent attack on this building, on this Capitol, on this citadel of democracy. An investigation that implicates some of the very members of this body who want to sit on that committee.

As someone much funnier than me remarked on Twitter, we should start calling everything the Democrats label a “conspiracy theory” a “spoiler alert.”

This was Fat Jerry Nadler’s take on the issue.

Sorry, wrong video. This is the one of Nadler opposing the subcommittee.

I rise in strong opposition to this resolution which appears designed to launch a dangerous and unprecedented attack on our law enforcement agencies.

Last week, Americans across the country watched the Republican Party melt down the moment it encountered its first test. For days, the extremist wing of the party held the rest of their caucus hostage as they demanded a steep price for their support. And today, we have the first of their many demands on display; an open-ended investigation into whatever conspiracy theories may be headlining the right-wing echo chamber at the moment. With unchecked authority to undermine ongoing criminal and intelligence investigations. For example, the select committee can use its expansive authorities to protect Donald Trump, those who perpetrated fake elector schemes to overturn the 2020 presidential election, insurrectionists facing trials for their crimes, and other domestic terrorists. It aims to undermine the safeguards of our democracy and to embolden MAGA extremists who would rather see our institutions fail than to see Democrats and President Biden succeed.

Make no mistake, the “destroy democracy subcommittee” will enable the House Republicans to interfere with the free operation of businesses they do not like; to inhibit the fight against domestic terrorism, and to settle political scores on behalf of Donald Trump. The Judiciary Committee has serious work to do, but rather than trying to solve
the problems of the American people, this new subcommittee will expend untold time and money undermining our nation’s law enforcement agencies, our justice system, and our Intelligence Community, all for a political stunt catering to the extremist wing of the Republican party.

I oppose this resolution. I encourage my colleagues to do the same.

The same lines of attack were picked up by the stenographers at the New York Times (no paywall).

Republicans are promoting Mr. Jordan’s panel as a new “Church Committee,” referring to a 1970s investigation by Senator Frank Church, Democrat of Idaho, that uncovered decades of intelligence and civil liberties abuses by presidents of both parties.

But in an environment in which Mr. Trump has been the subject of multiple criminal investigations for years — including continuing inquiries into his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and his hoarding of sensitive documents — Democrats predicted the new investigative subcommittee was likely to adopt a more partisan edge.

The resolution appears to give him authority to subpoena the Justice Department for information about the special counsel inquiry into Mr. Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election and his handling of classified documents, along with other politically charged matters like an open tax investigation into President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

The text of the resolution would also grant Mr. Jordan’s panel the power to receive the same highly classified information that intelligence agencies make available to their oversight committee, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Intelligence Committee members have access to some of the most sensitive secrets in the government, including information about covert actions, which are not shared with other lawmakers. Traditionally, House leaders tend to place on the intelligence panel members of their party they think are especially trustworthy not to disclose classified information.

While Mr. Jordan’s investigative unit will be housed within the Judiciary Committee, its 13 members — eight of whom would be Republicans — will not be limited to lawmakers on that panel.

It is not clear, for example, whether Republican leaders would select hard-right members, such as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia Republican who was stripped of her committee assignments in 2021 for making a series of violent and conspiratorial social media posts before she was elected. Mr. McCarthy has already promised her a spot on the House Oversight Committee, and she broke with other far-right members to support his speakership bid from the first ballot, as did Mr. Jordan.

Such a situation could result in lawmakers trying to scrutinize a Justice Department investigation as that inquiry potentially examines some of those same lawmakers’ conduct concerning the events of Jan. 6.

How you could possibly describe Adam Schiff or Eric Swalwell as “members of their party they think are especially trustworthy not to disclose classified information” and not end up like Jerry Nadler is beyond me.

Look for these themes from the five Democrats who will be assigned to the subcommittee unless McCarthy takes a play out of Pelosi’s handbook and personally vetoes members he thinks will deliberately sabotage the process.

This investigation has the potential to do a great deal of good or turn into an exercise in self-beclowning. The Democrats have already telegraphed how they will attempt to discredit the subcommittee’s work. But if anyone can keep this roaring semi between the lines, it is Jim Jordan.

The Elitists’ Communications Counterrevolution

We should have seen it coming. 

The gleaming promise of new technology and its uses blinded us to the insidious extent imperiled elitists would go to protect their unmerited power, wealth, and status. We were naïve. Yet, even if one could have foreseen the metastasizing tyranny brought about by the digital age, it would have strained credulity to watch Americans—especially the young—not merely acquiescing to it, but embracing it.

Though we are now inured to its novelty, it bears recollecting that from the late 20th century to the present, we have lived through a worldwide communications revolution. Profoundly affecting the individual and society, the full impact of this revolution remains unclear. Humanity’s ability to choose and pursue happiness has been empowered to an extent undreamt. In the palm of one’s hand, or upon one’s laptop or desk, and with just a stroke of a key, one can instantaneously communicate with family and friends a world away, conduct business, petition the government for the redress of grievances, or bring calumny upon a major corporation. In sum, the communications revolution is an historically unprecedented technological boon for personal empowerment, growth, enrichment, and self-government.

It is this last that alarms the elitists.

The elitists believe they are entitled to wield power for the purpose of governing their inferiors (i.e., the rest of us). To facilitate this inversion of our free republic’s design, the elitists require the complicity of a significant amount of the citizenry who, through acquiescence, apathy, and/or dependency, are more than willing to submit to the elitists’ control over their lives, be it wholly or in part. Thus, for the elitists, the communications revolution is an existential threat. The empowerment of sovereign citizens to self-govern and, be it singularly or collectively, increase their ability to control and curtail—i.e., to subordinate—the power of public and private sector elitists, had to be blocked through co-option and coercion; through a communications counter revolution.  

Fear is the key. (Isn’t it always when trying to pry away the people’s rights?) Frightened elitists were able to project and impart their fear into their fellow citizens; once the unwarranted paranoia was sufficiently transferred to a critical mass of them, no social, political, legal, or constitutional bar would be insurmountable. There were foreign and domestic terrorists lurking around the corner, white supremacists scurrying about the block, hate and racism woven throughout our endangered democracy! 

So commenced and continues the coercive disempowering of the entire sovereign citizenry, as far too many frightened people voluntarily shed their rights and scramble into faux lifeboats bound up serf’s creek without a paddle. Free speech is on the verge of being viewed not as a God-given right but a clear and present danger. A danger only the elitists could prevent through their life-saving censorship—er, “content moderation.”    

Already, the elitists’ siren song has found fertile ground. The elitists’ indoctrination machine has seduced many of America’s youth to renounce what was once considered an intergenerational, innate yearning by young people to be heard and to reject censorship. But the elitists have tamed and muzzled the rising generation’s innate rebelliousness. Like a teacher handing out participation trophies to boost students’ unwarranted self-esteem, the elitists have granted laurels to collegiates for disempowering themselves, laurels these kids have accepted gratefully in exchange for their rights. Of course, they and everyone who submits to the self-censorship and abets the censorious silencing of dissent will be defenseless when the elitists come for them. But that will never happen, will it?

This is not a partisan issue, as every American has the God-given right to free speech. And every American is an equal participant in our free republic’s revolutionary experiment in self-government. The elitists’ communication counterrevolution proceeds apace—with the bitterly ironic collusion of Big Tech, which has betrayed its initial promise of providing and promoting personal empowerment and free speech—and with the support of much of the Left, which once championed free speech. Apparently, that was free speech only for themselves and those who aligned with their ideology. 

In the end, though, it makes perfect, despicable sense: Big Government, Big Tech, and the Left are elitists in common cause to convince the public that the greatest threat to Our Democracy™ is your freedom. Yet, this “democracy” is actually their oligarchy, the preservation of which is the elitists’ communications counterrevolution’s end game.

Yes, we should have seen it coming. Still, during the communications revolution, to have been blinded by the empowering possibilities and—hope against hope—to have believed individual liberty had ultimately triumphed over the state is to our eternal credit. Such idealism, independence, and faith are hallmarks of Americans; and, incidentally, why the elitists’ communication counterrevolution, finally, will fail.

'Migrant Laundering': Biden's Latest Scam to Import Illegal Aliens Is His Most Blatant Attempt Yet

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Like all “good” Democrats — if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try, try, and keep trying until you achieve your objective — Joe Biden continues scam after scam to import as many illegal aliens into America as he can get away with, with the misguided belief that his illegals will one day become Democrat voters.

As is the case with everything Biden does, he has zero morals with respect to his ongoing efforts to keep his illegal alien importation business alive. As we reported recently, he even stooped to the unconscionable level of comparing illegal aliens filing illegitimate asylum claims to terrified German Jews fleeing Adolf Hitler’s Nazis and the Holocaust.

Beyond disgusting, but Bidenesque to the max.

As reported by Politico on Thursday, Biden’s recent newest scam rests on “paroling” illegals. Speaking in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, the president said the policy will grant humanitarian “parole” to eligible migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. In a faux bow to the growing public outcry, he described his new scam:

Do not just show up at the border. Stay where you are and apply legally from there. Starting today, if you don’t apply through the legal process you will not be eligible for this new parole program.

“Parole”? Seriously?

Parole is generally granted to imprisoned convicted criminals who’ve demonstrated years of good behavior, have shown characteristics of rehabilitation, or have serious medical issues — not to aliens who illegally enter the country, most of whom have been told what to say as soon as they’re apprehended, while untold numbers of “got-aways” continue to disappear into the interior of the country.

In a recent National Review column, former federal prosecutor and Fox News contributor Andrew McCarthy shared his thoughts about what Biden’s latest scam portends.

Last weekend, I urged that the House impeach Biden over the security catastrophe he has willfully created at the southern border. In just the last two months, for example, over 600,000 illegal aliens — oh, sorry, migrants — have been apprehended.

And mind you, that doesn’t count another 200,000-plus “got aways,” who’ve snuck in without being captured because Biden won’t provide adequate enforcement resources.

As anger over his non-enforcement policy mounts, Biden is now trying to hoodwink the country into believing that he is getting tough on illegal-alien entries, despite two years of aiding and abetting millions of them.

Biden and his factotum, Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, are telling aliens the world over who want to come to the United States that they just need to let us know they’re coming ahead of time. For this, they just need to use an app or avail themselves of various hubs in Mexico (and elsewhere, to be sure).

McCarthy called Biden’s “parole” scam “fiction.”

The fiction is that this way, when the alien hordes later show up at the border, they won’t be “without legal authorization” anymore. The parole decreed by the chief executive will be treated as if it were a visa granted under legitimate American law.

“Wait a second,” you’re thinking, “hasn’t Biden already been paroling hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens?” Yes, he has. But see, the parole has been happening after the aliens get “encountered” at the border. (Encounter is a euphemism that the government employs because it doesn’t want to say arrest — that, after all, would imply detention, which the government is not doing, though the law requires it.)

The Biden administration doesn’t want to do the parole post-encounter anymore. Is that because of our national-security problem? Don’t be silly: It’s because of Biden’s embarrassing political problem.

To McCarthy’s last point, Biden’s entire agenda from his first day in office — along with that of Democrat lawmakers in both chambers of Congress — was based on the incorrect belief that voters in the 2016 election delivered a mandate to the Democrats, along with a green light to go for it, meaning the implementation of the most radical agenda we have yet seen in America. On the contrary, voters in 2020 mostly delivered an “it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” message.

So how is Biden attempting to “fix” his “embarrassing political problem”? As the old saying goes, by trying to have his cake and eat it too. McCarthy absolutely nailed it:

To address this political embarrassment, Biden has concocted a form of what we might call “migrant laundering.” The illegal aliens will now apply for parole before they get here, so that when they arrive at the border — voila! — they are no longer illegal; they’ll have their Biden parole codes.

Border agents (the Welcoming Committee) will find the code right there on the app, perhaps loaded onto one of those cellphones illegal aliens are given gratis, courtesy of Uncle Sam (a.k.a the American taxpayer). That means there will no longer be reason to count these aliens in government stats as illegals caught at the border and then released onto our streets.

You’re to conclude that the aliens are no longer illegal because they have Biden administration parole authorization, as if that were the same thing as authorization under the laws of the United States.


Let’s get back to my statement about Biden and the Democrats incorrectly believing that an open border policy — despite the administration’s plethora of blatant lies to the contrary — would benefit the party in the long run, before we wrap this one up.

The Democrats’ problem stems from their incorrect assumption that Latinos — Hispanics, more correctly — would overwhelmingly vote Democrat if eventually given the right to vote, based on the reality that an overwhelming percentage of Black Americans have voted Democrat for more than six decades.

Just one problem.

As I reported in December, Hispanic voters are abandoning the Democrat Party in droves. A then-recent Rasmussen survey found that 42 percent of Hispanic Voters have walked away from the Democrats and toward the Republican Party since 2018. That is profound. Warranted, but profound just the same. As Rasmussen reported:

The decline in support for Democrats likely has many causes. In terms of legislation, the president’s Build Back Better plan is weighed down by a large number of extraordinarily unpopular provisions.

Additionally, Democrats are seen as a bigger threat to democracy than Republicans. In their push for election reform, Democrats have sought legislation to outlaw three election reforms that are supported by more than 80 percent of voters.

Beyond specific legislation, there are many broader concerns. Most voters recognize that, compared to pre-pandemic numbers, there are far fewer Americans with a job these days.

Politically, this is a very challenging issue for Democrats. Two-thirds of voters say economic issues are more important than cultural issues. Yet only 37% believe that Democratic politicians and activists are primarily interested in economic issues.

Oops, Joe.

And oops continues, as Biden and the Democrat Party — desperate to change public opinion — continue to attempt to look like they’re making efforts to stem the flow of illegal aliens into America when in reality they don’t want to do a damn thing about it.

Biden White House Hounded Facebook To Censor Tucker Carlson, New Emails Show

The Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor Fox News host Tucker Carlson for criticizing the Covid shots, according to newly released White House emails.

President Joe Biden’s administration actively pressured Facebook to censor Fox News host Tucker Carlson for criticizing the Covid shots, according to internal White House communication records obtained by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana.

In an email dated April 14, 2021, then-senior adviser to the president’s Covid response team, Andrew Slavitt, voiced dissatisfaction to a Facebook official that a video of Carlson questioning the left’s universal demand that people get the Covid jab was “Number one” on the platform, to which said official responded that they’d look into the matter. Later that same day, the Facebook representative informed the White House that while the “Tucker Carlson video does not qualify for removal under [Facebook’s] policies,” the company would label the clip with “a pointer to more authoritative COVID information” and work to limit its reach on the platform.

Facebook’s efforts did not meet the administration’s demands for greater censorship, however. In response to the representative, White House Director of Digital Strategy Robert Flaherty questioned how Carlson’s video didn’t violate Facebook’s existing policies and pressured the company to turn over information on the efficacy of its censorship practices.

“How was this not violative? The second half of the segment is raising conspiracy theories about the government hiding that all vaccines aren’t effective,” Flaherty claimed. “Moreover, you say reduced and demoted. What does that mean? There’s 40,000 shares on the video. Who is seeing it now? How many? How effective is that?”

“Not for nothing but last time we did this dance, it ended in an insurrection,” Flaherty added in an apparent reference to the platform’s handling of claims pertaining to the outcome of the 2020 presidential election and subsequent riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

But the Biden White House’s habit of using Big Tech to silence dissenting voices on Covid-related information didn’t just stop at Carlson. A separate batch of emails released by the Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general reveals a concentrated endeavor between the administration and Facebook to reduce the “virality of vaccine hesitancy content,” even if such posts contained factually accurate information.

“As you know, in addition to removing vaccine misinformation, we have been focused on reducing the virality of content discouraging vaccines that does not contain actionable misinformation,” a Facebook representative told Slavitt in a March 21, 2021, email. “This is often-true content, which we allow at the post level … but it can be framed as sensation, alarmist, or shocking. We’ll remove these Groups, Pages, and Accounts when they are disproportionately promoting this sensationalized content.”

In addition to Facebook, Twitter was also a major player in the collusion efforts between the federal government and Big Tech to further squash free speech online. In an email dated August 11, 2022, Flaherty admonished Twitter for allowing posts contradicting White House claims to circulate on the platform, writing that “if your product is appending misinformation to our tweets[,] that seems like a pretty fundamental issue.”

Flaherty separately accused Twitter in a December 2021 email of “Total Calvinball” and “bending over backwards” to tolerate disfavored speech after the company refused to comply with demands from the administration to censor a video.

“This case is about the Biden Administration’s blatant disregard for the First Amendment and its collusion with social media companies [to] suppress speech it disagrees with,” said Missouri AG Andrew Bailey in a statement. “I will always fight back against unelected bureaucrats who seek to indoctrinate the people of this state by violating our constitutional right to free and open debate.”

The bombshell emails come as a result of an investigation launched last year by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and then-Missouri AG and now-U.S. Senator Eric Schmitt to uncover collusion efforts between the federal government and Big Tech companies to censor Covid-related posts they deemed misinformation. In addition to obtaining communication records unveiling such corruption, the investigation has scored numerous legal wins allowing Louisiana and Missouri to depose high-ranking administration officials such as Anthony Fauci under oath about their role in these efforts.

According to a transcript of Fauci’s November testimony, the man claiming to “represent science” somehow couldn’t recall relevant information about his role in the federal government’s disastrous Covid response “at least 174 times.” The deposition ranged from topics such as Fauci’s bid to smear authors of “The Great Barrington Declaration,” to his role in attempting to “discredit any theory” that Covid resulted from a lab leak in Wuhan, China.