Tuesday, January 3, 2023

13 Big Predictions for 2023

The year ahead will provide lots of intrigue, controversy, volatility, and danger. You read it here first.

Hold on to your seat. But, please, don’t take any of this so literally that you bank on it or sell all of your possessions and move to the top of a mountain to wait in vain for some finale. 

Truth is, I am not Nostradamus and I have no crystal ball. I did, however, get paid big bucks heading up consulting at Wharton Econometrics, where I was asked to “invent the future” for corporate strategy clients. 

So, I thought I would conjure up a special set of predictions for American Greatness readers about what might be coming in 2023. You won’t get this from the three-letter government agencies who are so one-sided nowadays, or from any of our proliferating enemies or frenemies, for that matter. 

These predictions are based on analysis and perspective guided by trends. The context is late-stage secularism and decadent crony capitalism, where wokeism is the default ideology.

The year ahead will provide plenty of intrigue, controversy, volatility, and danger. The pundits are all focused on the fall of Trump—which won’t exactly happen—but there are lots of other traps and challenges galore.

Here then, from my strategist-scholar-diplomat perch, is a list of the things that I predict for the year ahead. Some are commonsensical and others . . . well, quite out of this world.

13) Sadly, Hunter Biden will not be locked up. The Big Guy should be impeached on a raft of charges, but it won’t happen because of the complicity of the conspiracists. Big Tech, the press, the uniparty, and the deep state don’t want this result, as is all too apparent now. They will do everything to thwart justice and to both keep it out of the news and unprosecuted. Daddy would pardon him anyway, since he is “the smartest person he knows,” and that’s how he pays all his bills. Bring on all the investigations and congressional hearings—to no avail. 

12) Sam Bankman-Fried and the FTX Ponzi scheme will be exposed for what it is. A Democrat racket to win the election and maintain their power. Sure, a million people lost their shirts but that’s small potatoes in the grand scheme of power. SBF will be locked up after making bail and crashing at his unprecedented home arrest, and will be made the stupid fall guy (kid) for a totally corrupt system. They say he will go to Epstein’s cell on Rikers Island, and we all know what happened there. He deserves it. But really . . . crime paysif you want to rig an election, get momentarily rich, or fleece lots of people.

11) Both U.S. political parties will see contested leadership races. We already see this in Harmeet Dhillon’s legitimate challenge to the incumbent RINOs at the Republican National Committee. The Democrats are no longer a liberal bastion. They are split between democratic socialists and communists. The presidential primaries on both sides are going to be a blood fest. Biden will run based on his fake bio and he will have a half-dozen challengers, all trying to unseat him, as senile and inept. In the end, he will fold, and the Cackler, Kamala Harris, will be crowned queen as a happy compromise. Obama backs her, remember? 

On the Republican side, Trump is fading faster than Santa after Christmas. The base may still, wink, wink, “support” him. But they have had enough, NFT trading cards and all. There are probably just short of a dozen challengers gearing up to take him on this year—some of whom were his  lieutenants. Ron DeSantis will win the primaries and be the Republican nominee in 2024. 

10) Aliens will invade us. Well, they already have at the southern border. But with fully open borders and no Title 42 or “remain in Mexico” policy, the Texas and Arizona border— especially along the Rio Grande—will allow 10 million more illegal aliens into the country, swelling cities and harming infrastructure, costing billions, while enriching the Mexican drug cartels and human traffickers. America will be a changed place demographically, as is Biden’s intent. The UFO thing will also get a buzz, and the in-crowd will also object to referring to them as “aliens.”

9) The culture will become more debased, evil, and plain pornographic. Just watch the HBO series “White Lotus” if you want to peer at where we are. It is all on display, and we shrug it off, saying, “so what?” Nearing the stage of Rome in its final days, we watch as the foundations of civilization are burned to the ground, desecrated, and Nero, or in this case his distant relative, Biden, fiddles. There is no such thing as truth. Beauty is a figment of subjective imagination. And goodness, rooted in reason, is relative. As Gollum, in Lord of the Rings insightfully reminded us, “They cursed us. Murderer they called us.They cursed us and drove us away. And we wept, Precious, we wept to be so alone.”

8) We will see the continuation of innovations and developments in transformative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT), virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), cloud computing, blockchain, and super-fast network protocols, like 5G. According to an International Data Corporation (IDC) report, the AI industry is predicted to reach $7.8 billion, rising at a compound annual growth rate of 20.2 percent. By the end of 2025, the AI software category will have dominated the market, growing at a CAGR of 18.1 percent from $2.8 billion in just 2020. AI will be integrated all over—from marketing to branding and from voting to censorship and healthcare. Get your implant in 2023! It will be even better than the mRNA vaccines!

7) Nuclear war will be averted—but just barely. Putin will continue his threats and the provocation of military setbacks and Patriot missile systems will take him to the limit. As an erstwhile Soviet, he will, in the end, act rationally and stop short of using theater or tactical nukes and thereby avert an intercontinental exchange—i.e., armageddon. About this time in December, we will finally see a peace accord between Russia and Ukraine. With much more death and destruction, the stalemate will be too painful. Russia will go back to control of Russian language parts of the east, and Ukraine, while in line to join the EU, will agree not to join NATO. People will ask: was this civil war all worth it?

6) Europe will be in near collapse. With economies in free fall, the Euro will be almost worthless, as the fake currency it always was. The operative word for the whole European landmass writ large is decline. The European Union—scandals galore, a malevolent organization if ever there was one—is coming apart at the seams. More countries will exit. The depopulation continues with low birth rates, aging populations, and a shortage of fuel and medicines. Europe will become unlivable as a new dark age descends.

5) Trust is at an all-time low and will sink yet further. No one trusts anyone or any institution. The Trust Barometer shows that no profession is immune to this trend. Politicians, in fact, earned the least amount of trust, barely above zero percent. 2023 will be a cascade of investigations, Twitter file dumps, and polls, demonstrating just how bad things actually are. From FBI interference to election fraud, including the judicial system, life is rotten and not just in Denmark. To be fair to them, Belgium was actually measured as the least happy place on earth. Religion, marriage, and teaching in schools, you name it, trust is shot. It takes decades to build trust and a nano-second to lose. Reputation capital is falling fast, and polarization, cynicism, and fraudulent behavior are all on the rise.

4) Worldwide, people will have a more pessimistic view of what the year will bring. Much of this negativity surrounds the sour economic situation, but it extends beyond the economy to encompass climate and natural related disasters, the use of nuclear weapons, and even asteroid impacts and visits from outer space. Overall, there is much more economic pessimism than in previous years. Few people believe that the global economy will be stronger in 2023. 

The reasons for this pessimism are clear. Large majorities expect the cost of living and prices to rise, 75 percent expect to see a higher inflation rate, higher levels of unemployment (68 percent), and higher interest rates (74 percent). Even more worryingly, nearly half (46 percent) think it likely that their country will need to be bailed out with emergency funding from the International Monetary Fund, with those in South Africa (78 percent) and Argentina (70 percent) particularly worried about this possibility. Sorry, 2023 will be very gloomy.

3) This coming year is, of course, the Year of the Rabbit in China. Such a year is supposed to be characterized by calm, friendship, and peace. As China sits back collecting itself, it is posturing, stalking its prey, for the near future, when it will invade and take Taiwan. The long term perspective for the Red Kingdom has not changed an iota. Authoritarian communism, with one-party rule, led by a powerful dictator for life, using some capitalist manipulations and head fakes to sucker the West is working well, so why would they change? With Joe in the U.S. drivers’ seat all bought and paid for, the next year will be smooth sailing as China advances on every front.

2) The economy will retract further and fall into deeper recession. Under the dead weight of the Euro, the never ending Special Mission in the Ukraine, and with increased tensions everywhere, the world and stability generally will suffer. Prosperity will be put on hold as the poor get poorer and the richest, much richer. There won’t be much economic growth to speak of but the Davos “Great Reset” will kick into high gear. The U.S. growth rate will be negative for all four quarters. The inflation rate will hit just shy of 10 percent and bottom out. The stock market-Dow Jones will close 2023 short of where it started but there won’t be a monumental crash. The Fed will keep tightening and it will hurt. America may be a safe haven and the dollar strong but only just, as the Biden reality sinks to its lowest levels. With $31 trillion in debt the United States at some point later in 2023 will realize it has to go on a diet and better balance its budgets, both public and private. Thrift may even see a resurrection.

1) The end times debate will heat up with more cult groups—Left, Right, and satanic—removing themselves and their followers from this immanent, worldly set of crazed realities. More Kool-Aid sold, and more Kool-Aid drunk; more acid and fentanyl dropped, and more demented Jonestown-like activities and leaders will proliferate. Since there are zero norms any longer, nothing to define “normal,” woman are men, men are women, and as the last book of the Bible predicts, there will be an increasing temptation of deceit by false teachers. Devastation, disaster, and tribulations are part of our suffering on this earth but these pale in the face and reality of an eternal God. 

Unfortunately, I don’t see any Great Awakening in 2023, even if it is sorely needed. 2023 will be a lot like Hell or one of the lower levels on Dante’s ladder.

President Richard Nixon once asked Russell Kirk if “we have any hope”? Kirk replied, “It is all a matter of belief. If most intelligent and energetic people come to believe the prophets of despair, then indeed ruin falls upon the state, for many withdraw to hide-holes, there to conceal themselves from the coming wrath.” 

Try to have a Happy New Year, realizing, as Victor Hugo reminded us over a century ago in Les Misérables: “The future has several names. For the weak, it is impossible; for the fainthearted, it is unknown; but for the valiant, it is ideal.”

X22, And we Know, and more- Jan 3


What, a, day! Am I right?! Hopefully the videos down below help to make some sense of all the mayhem.

Are They Ready?

GOP voters are rightfully wary that a Republican-led Congress will fail to fulfill campaign pledges and refuse to go to the mattresses on issues that matter most.

At the moment, it remains unclear who will win the speakership of the House of Representatives. Outgoing House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has battled a small but fierce group of intraparty dissidents opposed to his taking the speaker’s gavel this week. A polished salesman desperate to become speaker of the House, McCarthy recently held conference calls and private meetings to lobby for the 218 votes needed to vault him into that cherished position.

Regardless of the outcome, the fight was worth having. 

Initial reaction to the results of the midterm elections faulted Donald Trump for the unrealized red wave, but congressional Republicans, including McCarthy, were the real culprits. Lackluster messaging coupled with equally lackluster energy failed to motivate the base where needed; half-hearted attempts to fight the Biden regime over the past two years—not to mention a long list of missed opportunities during the Trump Administration—finally caught up with party leaders. Unconvincing promises to “hold accountable” rogue federal agencies using their authority to punish Trump and his supporters fell on deaf ears this time around.

Turns out, writing strongly worded letters left unanswered without consequence isn’t a winning political strategy to appease Republican voters who “want blood.”

McCarthy, to be fair, isn’t solely to blame. Party leaders again learned the hard way that reckless absentee voting isn’t going away; grassroots concern about election fraud in 2020—the overwhelming majority of Republicans still believe Joe Biden did not legitimately win the White House—was ignored. Republican candidates in key races were massively outspent, prompting questions about fundraising and allocation of resources. And who knows what sort of closed-door chicanery between Silicon Valley and the government rigged the scales in favor of Democrats, similar to what happened in 2020.

But no GOP leader continues to do more to sabotage his own party than Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), a wildly unpopular figure on both sides of the political aisle who nonetheless wields massive power in Washington and among the donor class. His toadies, including Senators John Thune (R-S.D.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), solemnly lurk behind McConnell during Capitol Hill press briefings where McConnell rattles off legislative priorities in direct contradiction to those of Republican voters. A long-distance trip to pledge America’s support in defending Ukraine’s border? Done. A short-distance trip to Texas to pledge support in defending America’s border? Nope.

McConnell did nothing to halt the most controversial Biden appointees. For example, 48 of 50 Republican senators voted to place longtime Obama loyalist and Russia collusion hoaxster Lisa Monaco in charge of the Department of Justice in a tacit endorsement of her six-year criminal pursuit of Trump and his supporters.

Tepid criticism of Joe Biden stands in stark contrast to McConnell’s harsh condemnation of Donald Trump. McConnell, whose role in the events of January 6 remains unclear although his office is primarily responsible for Capitol security, signaled support for the January 6 select committee’s criminal referrals against the former president, insisting Trump was “responsible for that day.” 

The 80-year-old Beltway lifer also insisted Trump’s dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes was a disqualifying event. “Anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States,” McConnell said on November 29 alongside his dutiful Senate GOP dupes.

Which leads to the biggest challenge House Republicans will face after January 3. Their number one enemy is not Democrats in Congress or the Biden regime but the 49 Republicans senators working on the other side, literally and figuratively, of the U.S. Capitol. One would be hard-pressed to name a more contemptible, craven assembly of elected officials in political history. Democrats must chortle every day at their good fortune in having such hapless opposition, empty suits with equally empty heads fiddling while Rome burns.

Look no further than the 18 Republican senators who helped pass, with unanimous Democratic support, the $1.7 trillion omnibus package in the waning days of the 117th Congress. Among other betrayals, the bill authorizes another $47 billion for Ukraine, bringing the grand total to nearly $100 billion, and boosts funding for the Department of Justice, including a more than half-billion dollars raise for the corrupt FBI.

In defending his support for the bill, Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah), the emptiest of all empty suits—and that’s saying something considering stiff competition from Senators John Cornyn (R-Texas), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), all of whom voted yes—placed the blame on his congressional GOP counterparts. 

“House Republicans say they want to craft a budget but they haven’t yet been able to select a speaker,” Romney said in a typically nonsensical video message posted on December 22. “And I’m not sure they’ll be able to take on the budget for this year as well as next year at the same time.”

New flash, two-time presidential loser: Serious people are able to accomplish two things at once.

Prior to the final vote, 13 House Republicans threatened to work against the legislative priorities of any GOP senator who supported the omnibus; McCarthy endorsed the effort. That promise, unlike so many in the past, must be kept.

Meanwhile, the full force of the corporate media, Democratic Party, and Biden regime is preparing to derail House Republicans particularly related to planned investigations. White House lawyers just notified incoming Republican committee chairmen that any requests for records made prior to January 3 will be ignored. 

“Congress has not delegated such [oversight] authority to individual members of Congress who are not committee chairmen, and the House has not done so under its current Rules,” Biden’s general counsel wrote to Reps. James Jordan (R-Ohio) and James Comer (R-Ky.).

Longtime Democratic Party hustler David Brock assembled what he calls a “SWAT Team” of fellow lowlifes to counter Republicans efforts and threaten news organizations who dare to fairly cover any subject matter by “putting the mainstream reporters on notice that they will be held accountable if they simply buy into Republican propaganda.”

Of course, that won’t be a heavy lift for Brock or anyone else. The media already is trying to knock Republicans off their wobbly game by fixating on the largely fabricated background of Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.), who will join many profligate résumé-enhancers in Washington.

House Republicans would do well to rebuff those distractions. Constantly chasing the latest scandal du jour manufactured by the media is the Achilles’ heel of the Republican Party. Don’t fall for the banana in the tailpipe, guys and gals.

They also need vocal backing from state Republican officeholders, especially popular figures such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and GOP attorneys general who can lend legal support. (The lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt—soon to take his oath of office as U.S. senator—and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry is an example to follow.) Crises such as immigration, election fraud, and brazen violations of the Bill of Rights are under the purview of state authority; House Republicans cannot, and should not, act alone.

For now, Republican voters are rightfully wary that a Republican-led Congress will fail to fulfill campaign pledges and refuse to go to the mattresses on issues that matter most. Let’s hope for a pleasant surprise in 2023.

America Has Become the Greatest Exporter of Destructive Ideas

At the present time, China is the greatest threat to world stability, Russia is the world’s premier aggressor-nation, and Islamist groups are the primary exporters of terror and (religious) totalitarianism.

And, for the first time in history, America is the world’s major exporter of destructive ideas.

This is hard for me to write. One of my books is titled Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph. It contrasts American values with leftist values and makes the case that the American value system is the finest ever devised. I define American values — what I call the “American Trinity” — as “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and e pluribus unum (Latin for “From many, one”), the three American mottos found on American coins and banknotes.

No other country has those three national mottos. The book maintains that any country can adopt those values and any country that does adopt those values will be a good society. Its citizens will be the freest in the world and that country will prosper.

Indeed, those values are the reason Americans have been the freest people in the world and America has been, far and away, the greatest land of opportunity in human history.

But America has been gradually abandoning its unique value system and is consequently becoming a less free, less humane, less prosperous, and more corrupt country. In fact, at this moment, America is no longer the best country, the exceptional country, it has been since 1776. There may not yet be a better country. But that is cold comfort.

We are in the incredible position of being feared by many other relatively free societies; more than a few European countries actually reject America’s current values. And they are right to do so.

The most obvious example of America in decline is the perverse American doctrines surrounding transgender issues: the sex (“gender”) of any individual is not a given fact, “men give birth,” men who say they are women may compete in women’s sports, and physicians and children’s hospitals are right to surgically cut off the healthy breasts of young women and even girls who say they are boys.

America’s war on truth, science, and children has rendered America increasingly an outlier in the Western world.

More and more European countries are rejecting the perverse worlds of Yale and virtually every other American university, of The New York Times and virtually every other mainstream left-wing medium, of Boston Children’s Hospital and virtually every other children’s hospital, and of the University of Minnesota Medical School and virtually every other medical school.

Switzerland has just announced that as far as the Swiss nation and government are concerned, sex is not “non-binary.” In Switzerland, there are only two sexes, as has been the case in essentially every civilization in recorded history because that is the reality.

As reported by AP (but apparently not in The New York Times or elsewhere in the mainstream left-wing media), Swiss citizens “are entered into the civil registry as male or female, with no other option.” The Swiss Federal Council declared, “The binary gender model is still strongly anchored in Swiss society.”

Sweden — the American left’s most admired society until it broke with the rest of the West by allowing its children to stay in school during the Covid hysteria — has also broken with America on the transgender issue. Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers for minors under age 18; and as of December, mastectomies will only be offered in the rarest of circumstances.

Thomas Lindén, a head of the National Board, announced, “Young people who suffer from gender dysphoria need to be able to quickly receive an investigation and be offered adequate care measures, based on the health and medical services' assessments of the care needs. Good psychosocial care is fundamental.”

In other words, if a Swedish teenage girl says she is a boy, Sweden will offer “psychosocial” care, almost never hormone blockers, let alone a mastectomy.

Between Sweden’s new policy on gender dysphoria and its allowing children to stay in school throughout the Covid epidemic, an American must sadly conclude that at this time in history, Sweden cares for its young people considerably more than America does.

In England last October, the National Health Service (NHS) announced, in the words of the Daily Mail, that “Children who believe they are trans are probably just going through a short-lived phase.” Therefore, logic and morality say, we should not make permanent life-altering changes to their bodies with drugs and surgery.

In addition, “The NHS England draft guidelines are part of the health service's plan to close the highly-controversial Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock clinic, the country's only gender identity service for children. GIDS is scheduled to shut its doors in the spring after a review ruled that the service was unsafe.”

Typical of the changes taking place in the UK regarding the transgender issues, Stella O'Malley, a psychotherapist and director of Genspect, an international transgender care group based in England, advised: “Professionals working with children need to . . . make sure they aren't inadvertently causing harm by providing short term relief that leads to long term distress. . . . At Genspect . . . . we don't think changing pronouns helps anyone — it creates more problems than it resolves.”

In France, the National Academy of Medicine has issued a statement advocating “psychosocial support” rather than hormone blockers and surgery for young people with gender dysphoria.

Finland had already enacted a similar policy decision as early as 2020. Thirteen European countries now reject the American “non-binary” attack on human sexuality and children.

Sadly, with regard to children’s wellbeing, there are many countries in which American parents would rather raise their child.

I never imagined I would ever believe that.

I wish you a Happier New Year.

‘60 Minutes’ Exhumes Enviro Cult Leader For A New Round Of Scaremongering

There is no overpopulation crisis.

Earth is headed for a sixth extinction, warned biologist Paul Ehrlich on “60 Minutes” this Sunday. And since Ehrlich has predicted about 20 extinctions over the past 60 years, he’s a leading expert on the issue.

Couldn’t “60 Minutes” find a fresh-faced, yet-to-be-discredited neo-Malthusian to hyperventilate about the end of the world? Why didn’t producers invite a single guest to push back against theories that have been reliably debunked by reality? Because the media is staffed by environmental pessimists and doomsayers who need to believe the world is in constant peril due to the excesses of capitalism. And Ehrlich is perhaps our greatest alarmist.

His 1968 book, “The Population Bomb,” is among the most destructive of the 20th century. The long screed not only made Ehrlich a celebrity, but gave end-of-day alarmists a patina of scientific legitimacy, popularized alarmism as a political tool, and normalized authoritarian and anti-humanist policies as a cure. Ehrlich’s progeny are other media-favored hysterics by other antihumanists, such as Al Gore or Eric Holthaus or Greta Thunberg, who skipped learning history and science because she also believes we are on the precipice of “mass extinction.” And none of this is to mention the thousands of other Little Ehrlichs nudging you to eat insects, gluing themselves to roads, and demanding you surrender the most basic conveniences and necessities of modernity.

“The battle to feed all of humanity is over,” the opening line of “The Population Bomb” reads. “In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now,” Ehrlich wrote. It was likely, he went on, that the oceans would be without life by 1979 and the United States would see its population plummet to 23 million by 1999 due to pesticides. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years,” he famously told Mademoiselle in 1970.

When Julian Simon offered the biologist his famous wager, Ehrlich responded by saying, “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” Instead, Ehrlich picked five natural resources he believed would experience shortages due to human consumption. He lost the bet on all counts, as the composite price index for those commodities, copper and chromium and so on, fell by more than 40 percent, despite there being 800 million new people during that time.

It’s not merely that Ehrlich is always spectacularly wrong about the future but that he remains unrepentant. In 2009, Ehrlich argued that “perhaps the most serious flaw” in “The Population Bomb” was that it was “much too optimistic” about the future. “We will soon be asking: is it perfectly okay to eat the bodies of your dead because we’re all so hungry?” Ehrlich warned in 2014. One year later, there were 200 million fewer people suffering from hunger than in 1990, despite there being 2 billion more people inhabiting the Earth.

And much like today’s environmentalist, Ehrlich offered a slew of authoritarian economic prescriptions to salvage the Earth. Though in 1977’s “Ecoscience,” a book he co-authored by Obama’s future “science czar” John Holdren, Ehrlich toyed with the idea of adding “sterilant to drinking water or staple foods” and compelling abortions to save the world from human beings.

How could “60 Minutes” frame this ridiculous man as a foremost expert on the future?

It would take a lot of work to point to any tangible factor that’s worsened for humans since the 1970s. There is less war, terrorism, poverty, hunger, child mortality, genocide, death due to weather, illiteracy, etc. By nearly every quantifiable measure the environment is also better now than it was 55 years ago — which is why contemporary alarmists have learned to prophesy “climate” catastrophes 30 or 40 years out. Perhaps Ehrlich’s biggest mistake was living long enough to be proven wrong dozens of times. (Then again, in 1932, the year he was born, a man could expect to live to 61. Today they will likely live to be 77. Dr. Doom is 90.)

Fears about “overpopulation” are regularly cited by journalists — who often live in the densest, yet also the wealthiest places— as if it’s one of the world’s most pressing problems, like the threat of war or the election of Republicans. Every hurricane, tornado, and flood is treated as the opening of the Seventh Seal. The media will seek out the struggling commercial fisherman but fail to speak to any of the billions of humans in developing nations whose lives have dramatically improved in virtually every aspect over the past decades. While we hyperventilate over Elon Musk or Kanye or elections, and scary climate disasters, scientists have made one of the most exciting energy breakthroughs in our lifetimes, perhaps in history.

They always do. We may have many problems in our spiritual lives or our political lives, but human ingenuity has dependably overcome demand.

What's Joe Going to Do Now? Gas Prices Projected to Go up Again

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

When gas prices were skyrocketing and hitting their highest numbers this past summer, Joe Biden tried to blame the rise on “Putin’s price hike,” claiming it was due to Vladimir Putin having Russia invade Ukraine. Now, that was just an outright lie since gas prices had been going up since Biden took office, long before the invasion of Ukraine. But that didn’t stop Joe Biden, it wasn’t his fault. It didn’t occur to him that blaming Putin made him look even weaker, as though Putin could dictate American prices and Biden was completely at his mercy.

But then when prices started dropping, the Biden team started taking credit for that, even though the price of gas was still far higher than when Biden took office. So when they were going up, he refused to take the blame, but when they were going down, he wanted to take all the credit. Rather than stopping the attack on our energy industry and putting in sensible policies, Biden blamed gas companies for the high prices, accusing them of price gouging. He couldn’t explain why they were “gouging” under him but not under President Donald Trump. Then he started swiping from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve so as not to have the prices too high going into the election. He even begged the Saudis to put off a production cut so it wouldn’t have an effect until after the election. Republicans won the House anyway and now that the swiping is ending, prices have already been inching up again in some places.

Listen as Biden tries to convince you that even though prices are still far higher than when he started office, he’s saving you “hundreds of dollars a month.”

It’s like taking credit for slowing the ongoing fire that you helped to ignite.

So what is Biden going to say and do now that the prices are going up again since he didn’t change his harmful policies to truly deal with the situation?

Gas Buddy said that 2022 will close with a yearly national average for gasoline of $3.95 a gallon, the highest yearly average recorded, according to Patrick De Haan. But the prices are expected to go up as high as $4 as we hit the spring and the demand goes up once the weather gets better. Gas Buddy said that they were projecting it would go down again when the demand drops later in the year, but that would depend on many variables including the recession.

“2023 is not going to be a cakewalk for motorists. It could be expensive. The national average could breach $4 a gallon as early as May – and that’s something that could last through much of the summer driving season,” said Patrick De Haan, the head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.

“Basically, curveballs are coming from every direction. Extreme amounts of volatility remain possible, but should become slightly more muted in the year ahead,” he added. “I don’t think we’ve ever seen such an amount of volatility as we saw this year, and that will be a trend that likely continues to lead to wider uncertainty over fuel prices going into 2023.”

California is likely to be the worst and could have $7 gas prices again if there are more problems and refineries have trouble with California’s regulations.

What happens if we have a true emergency now that Joe Biden has so seriously depleted our emergency supply? It’s at the lowest level in forty years.

Biden has jeopardized our national security with what he’s done, and he can no longer rob from the savings account to artificially decrease the prices. He’s stuck in a hole now if something truly bad happens.

Inflation is Crushing the Middle Class and Unfortunately More Price Increases are Likely in 2023

It’s almost painful to go to the grocery store today, not just because the prices for everything are so high, but also because seeing the stress amid the working-class shopping is palpable.  Unfortunately, while we may have a momentary plateau on current pricing, there’s a strong possibility another wave of higher prices is yet to come.

At the core of the issue are energy prices which continue to rise.   The immediate cycle of energy price hikes, a direct consequence of political policy, has lessened somewhat and we are now in that slow tick upward as the pressure on oil, gas, heating and electricity prices continues.

Michael Burry, famous for his predictions in/around the U.S. housing market, is noticing the same thing as CTH.  “Inflation peaked. But it is not the last peak of this cycle,” he said“We are likely to see CPI lower, possibly negative in 2H 2023, and the US in recession by any definition. Fed will cut and government will stimulate. And we will have another inflation spike. It’s not hard.”

Peak demand side inflation is long in the rearview mirror, but the peak of supply side inflation is questionable at best – I would say it’s a plateau, not a peak.

The price of goods, including industrialized and processed raw materials from China are going to increase again – and simultaneously become less consistent in availability.  This is going to make prices extremely volatile in 2023.

Essentially, everything around price is tenuous as the western economies absorb the full impact of this Build Back Better energy policy, and into this foray comes China with production and processing challenges as a result of COVID bubbles being removed.   We are seeing this problem right now in the pharmaceutical industry and with ordinary medicines becoming scarcer on store shelves.

With the macro economy showing a consumer collapse in spending on goods, the economy will contract again.  However, the prices of essential products continue to sustain upward pressure.  What does this look like in real terms?  Less income amid the workforce and consistently higher prices.  We need to be as prepared for this scenario as humanly possible.

Many people have written with sincere appreciation for the CTH forecasts delivered in the fall of 2021.  I am thankful to have been of benefit to those who could take proactive measures to avoid the economic issues we faced in 2022.  However, I am worried now.

I am worried because the downside to this economic contraction is going to hit the already tenuous and barely surviving middle class the worst.  There’s only so much a person/family can do to offset rising energy costs.  I listen to this woman’s voice, and it crushes me because I know and feel that pain (Twitter video):

I know just about every reader on these pages can relate to how financial fear can eat you from the inside.  The life game of trying to figure out how to get from one week to the next, keep a roof over your head and keep the kids/grandkids safe and fed is fraught with trepidation.  I get it. Believe me, I get it….  But you just gotta keep going; whatever it takes.

2023 is going to be rough for many working families and people on fixed incomes.

This is why I was saying for 2023 we need to focus at home; build that bunker safe and secure.

Then look to help/assist the neighbors, then the community, etc.  But start by being proactive at home and do not isolate.  Fear, worry, trepidation, foreboding etc, is worse when internalized.  Do not swallow it – reach out to a loving God, pray, release it, and then embrace the central purpose in life, fellowship.

This too shall pass.