Friday, June 30, 2023

2023 Trump Feels More Like The Revenge Tour

When former president Donald J. Trump first burst onto the political scene in 2015 he was an animal. He had boundless energy, and a message that resonated with millions of people—he was fighting for the forgotten men and women who had been let down by our ruling class.

Trump was ubiquitous. At least it felt that way.

It seemed as though the real estate magnate was doing an interview virtually every other hour on every cable news program, whether it was Fox News, CNN or even MSNBC—before their relationship eventually soured during his presidency.

One did not have to flip through the channels for very long to find Trump going at it with Bill O’Reilly or Joe Scarborough. On any given day, one could turn on the TV and there he was at a rally in Iowa, in Michigan, Ohio, or Pennsylvania.

It was a mutually beneficial relationship. The networks watched their ratings soar, and Trump barely had to spend a nickel on advertising.

Part of Trump’s appeal to both the cable networks and to disenfranchised voters at the time was that he was a businessman, a celebrity, a billionaire, and a political outsider. But the other half of his appeal, and the main reason the networks felt compelled to provide him with upwards of $2 billion worth of free airtime was that he was so unpredictable. No one knew what he was going to say or do next on the stump, or on the debate stage that would shake up the political class.

He was P.T. Barnum on the campaign trail.

But it wasn’t so much that Trump shook up the system with his soaring rhetoric, grandiosity, or masterful mocking of anyone who stood in his way. He had ideas that were bracing.

Most notably, fixing our broken immigration system by building a wall along our southern border; ripping up and renegotiating unfair trade agreements with foreign countries; reducing crime on our streets; fixing our crumbling infrastructure; rebuilding our military and our inner cities that had been let down by Democrat politicians; destroying ISIS; promoting economic prosperity by eliminating regulations and reducing taxes; and creating millions of new jobs—unlike the previous administration.

Trump’s ideas were so effective that it left the other candidates with no choice but to try to emulate them, without sounding like they were fighting for sloppy seconds.

Not only did Trump have ideas that resonated with hard-working Americans, but they felt authentic and original. Trump’s 2016 platform was not some carefully crafted policy from a D.C. think tank that had been trial tested before focus groups. If it sounded like they were his ideas, and his alone—that’s because for the most part they were.

Anyone who has watched Trump over the last 40 years knows that many of the proposals that were key components to his campaign, were policies that he had pontificated on the airwaves for decades. This was particularly true when it came to unfair trade agreements that hurt American workers by eliminating jobs and lowering wages, including for farmers, miners, and manufacturers. For years, Trump had spoken about our country being ripped off and outsmarted by other nations, and he talked about America’s infrastructure falling behind other countries in terms of our failing roads, bridges, highways, airports, railways, and military capabilities.

In 2016, Trump spoke a lot more about his presidential qualifications from the standpoint of a successful businessman who would fight for American workers—while portraying himself as a tough negotiator, who would apply the same type of acumen to the Oval Office.

And while it’s true that in Trump’s four years in the White House he accomplished many of the policies previously cited, it is also clear to any impartial observer that he has lost a step and no longer has the same energy or enthusiasm for the things he says.

Age does come for us all eventually, but perhaps even more damning is that aside from releasing daily policy videos that sound like they were crafted by a Heritage Foundation consultant, Trump does not seem to have many new ideas that resonate with anyone outside of the MAGA faithful. At other times, he seems oblivious to the ideas that he has supposedly proposed—including in his recent interview with Brett Baier, where he seemed unaware that “his” new stance on the death penalty would have applied to a drug dealer that he freed from prison during his presidency.

Unlike Governor Ron DeSantis—who has a successful record of fighting the Left on practically every issue, from removing sexualized and anti-American education from the classroom, to protecting women’s sports, to fighting woke corporations, promoting fiscal responsibility and law and order, and protecting Floridians from unconstitutional COVID mandates—Trump no longer seems to have a pulse on what the hot button issues of the day are.

He appears to be running his campaign on auto-pilot, but without nearly the same amount of pizazz and chutzpah from 2016.

For an individual who is first and foremost an entertainer and a self-promoter, it’s hard to fathom that the reality TV star would become predictable and dare I say boring. But that is exactly what has happened.

While it’s true that Trump continues to face a barrage of unfair and never-ending attacks and politicized indictments, how many times do we need to listen to him say, “RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA,” or “UKRAINE, UKRAINE, UKRAINE?”

Trump has every right to defend himself against these smears, but the problem is, his campaign is beginning to feel more like a revenge tour than one that represents the forgotten men and women.

There’s still a long way to go in the 2024 presidential race, but what has stood out the most is that the 2023 Trump is not the 2016 Trump. That might not be a good thing for the MAGA faithful.

Carpe Diem is the pseudonym for a writer who was a speechwriter in the Trump Administration.

X22, And We Know, and more- June 30


I know no one on here cares what happens in Hollywood's labor disputes, but here is why it's a big deal to me:

Her story is incomplete, and I don't like that.

Next Season of the NCIS's offers the opportunity to give her the happy ending she deserves, and as long as there's a strike, no one is going to work on such a resolution!! And as long as Linda is still alive and able to work, that opportunity will exist! And I don't want to see such a huge opportunity completely wasted. But it can't happen if no one is working on the new Seasons, or if she's dead! And I have no idea right now if NCIS Sydney will even mention LA or Hetty, so the best chance for an update is with the 2 filmed here.

So try to show a little sympathy when I say that I want the disputes to be resolved not just because I care about the lower scale workers, but also because I want Hetty to have her happy ending!! 

This is about what I and so many other fans deserve to get after 2 years of waiting and teases that went nowhere, and I don't want those 2 years to be for nothing, Linda doesn't deserve it, I don't deserve it, and every other fan that has waited the past 2 years don't deserve it either.

Decadent Elites Plunge America Into Political Crisis

A regime that treats good people like criminals and criminals like “public servants” exposes its own iniquity.

If the last seven years of constant anti-Trump intrigue have shown anything, it’s that America’s liberal so-called elites want to govern a certain way and will not tolerate being told otherwise. Given Donald Trump’s recent arrest, they could not make themselves any clearer apart from possibly having the man killed. If he goes to prison, he very well may die there. 

These kinds of dramatic outcomes to political battles are supposed to be precluded in a government of consent, which allows for a peaceful transfer of power (another phrase, like Our Democracy™, that has been bastardized in the mouths of the elites). Uprisings, show trials, assassinations, and the like are not supposed to be necessary when the people can choose and remove their rulers. 

But the recalcitrance of the elites has pushed the country into a political crisis. Their refusal to be restrained by popular opinion has left a large swath of the population with nothing to lose.

Trump’s supporters are the regime’s helots, the “deplorables” consigned to sweat and toil for a government that openly hates them as they are gradually wiped out by an endless stream of more compliant foreign replacements. They have no reason not to support Trump because the alternative is to be governed like vassals. 

When Biden hung the banner of “Pride” from the White House balcony, he was merely making formal the implicit. It was received like the taunt that it obviously was. These humiliations are now a normal part of daily life for the Christians and downwardly mobile middle-class whites who comprise the core of Trump’s base, and who are increasingly unable to recognize the country of their birth.

One needn’t be a fire-and-brimstone type to see a spiritual aspect in the grotesque spectacle that has become of the United States. There are neighborhoods in our cities that resemble scenes from Dante’s Inferno. But as in any oligarchy, the world of fabulous privilege is just a short distance from the mad hell of chaos and disorder. The elites live secure from the evils they midwife, leaving the innocent to face the penalty while they collect their rewards. 

The White House is occupied by a venal, sleazy puppet whose sordid crimes have been covered up by the “free press.” The law is deployed to harass and terrorize people like Daniel Penny, the former Marine who was indicted (just a day after Trump was arrested by his political opponent) for restraining a deranged vagrant from attacking bystanders. Penny is no radical ideologue, but he didn’t need to be to provoke the regime. It was enough for him to have attempted to do the right thing.

 A regime that treats good people like criminals and criminals like “public servants” exposes its own iniquity. But try explaining that to Jill Biden, who expressed “shock” that Trump still has supporters despite being arrested by her husband’s government for something no worse than something her husband did (and, unlike Trump, he did it without the power to declassify documents). Don’t Republicans realize, she told a room of wealthy donors in Manhattan’s Upper East Side last week, what a serious matter this is?

The Left isn’t trying to persuade anyone of Trump’s turpitude. Their own hands are far too dirty for that. They just want to crush him and demoralize those who find hope in his spirited war with the deep state that has worked endlessly toward his destruction and the ruin of liberty in America. 

But until they actually lock him away, Trump will continue to dominate the scene. Strongmen thrive in times of decadence. When disorder becomes unbearable, and the government is neglectful, corrupt, and abusive in turn, people naturally look for protection elsewhere. This is as true today as in any period of political turbulence of the past.

Where others see a wrecking ball to a treacherous oligarchy, the oligarchs naturally see an emergency, a would-be tyrant who threatens the supposedly lawful system of “norms” they claim to uphold. They are willfully blind. In times like these, a charismatic populist like Trump will have appeal no matter how many times he is indicted, or what “crimes” the kangaroo courts can contrive. 

To millions of Americans, nothing that Trump has done with any porn star or “classified” briefing measures up to the betrayal of having their country taken from them. Indeed, to earn the proscription of such “elites,” as we have, is its own honor.

The Biden Family Corruption Story Is More About Love Of Money Than Love Of Hunter

There is no evidence to suggest that Hunter’s years-long addiction to illicit drugs bears any responsibility for his present legal crisis.

An honest analysis of Hunter Biden’s adult life shows his most severe addiction problems came only after the influence-fueled gravy train that ultimately allowed him to “pay for everything for [his] entire family for 30 years” began to wind down — at the end of his father’s vice presidency.

The latest attempt by the corporate press to run interference for the Biden family seeks to downplay the importance of Hunter’s admitted tax and gun law violations by framing it all as a redemption story.

Against the backdrop of growing evidence of significant additional wrongdoing by Hunter and explosive whistleblower testimony that potentially implicates his father in an influence-peddling scheme, The New York Times would have you believe that “the main takeaway” is the “fine model of the love and support” that Joe Biden showed his son.

There is no doubt Hunter’s struggle with addiction has been heart-wrenching for his entire family and has left nothing but hurt in its wake. But there is no evidence to suggest his years-long addiction to illicit drugs and problems with pornography and prostitutes bears any responsibility for the present legal crisis that may ultimately engulf the president — unless one considers that Hunter abandoning his laptop and its treasure trove of damning evidence amid a drug-fueled bender allowed the entire story to emerge from the depths of the cover-up at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and into the public consciousness.

1996-2006: Privileged Political Family

Until Joe Biden was sworn in as vice president in January 2009, Hunter’s professional career had largely been consistent with being the privileged son of a successful and powerful Washington politician: Shortly after Joe’s 1996 reelection to the Senate — as a recent law school grad who hadn’t yet passed his bar exam — Hunter was hired as an executive at MBNA Corporation.

MBNA was the Delaware financial services company (later sold to Bank of America) that had been so close with then-Sen. Biden that Byron York, writing for The American Spectator in a 1998 exposé, infamously nicknamed him “The Senator from MBNA.” In 2019, Matthew Yglesias, writing for Vox, conceded “[I]t’s more like Hunter got the job due to his dad’s overall cozy relationship with the company.”

Up until this point, Hunter’s struggles with addiction appear to have been primarily with the abuse of alcohol. Eventually, his alcohol abuse was so bad he checked himself into a month-long rehab program in 2003. Various hagiographies seeking to rehabilitate Hunter in the public’s eye, as well as his own biography, Beautiful Things, have candidly recounted Hunter’s trips to other rehab programs between 2010 and 2016, but he appears to have been at worst a very high-functioning alcoholic and recreational drug user during this time.

Indeed, it took Hunter barely two years to end up as senior vice president at MBNA, and by 1998 he transitioned into the realm of D.C. politics, first with a job in President Clinton’s Department of Commerce, then a move to a lobbying firm. In 2004, he added a part-time job into the mix when President George W. Bush appointed him to the board of Amtrak. Hunter’s success was always closely tied to Joe Biden’s stature in the Senate. The overlap between his lobbying clients would raise eyebrows from time to time, but their lobbying firm was adept at navigating what little Senate conflict-of-interest rules existed.

2006-16: Lobbying to Equity & Consulting

By 2006, with Joe Biden set to become chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and planning for his 2008 bid for president underway, it became clear that navigating the minefield of parlaying the Biden name would become much more difficult — even if it was about to become much more lucrative.

It was also in 2006 that the president’s brother, James Biden, proposed buying the hedge fund Paradigm Global Advisors. Allegedly a way for Hunter to find a job outside the world of government lobbying, James pitched the Biden family connections with “state and municipal labor unions” as a source of new money for the firm in their initial merger agreement. In reality, it appears the fund served as a source of cash for James and Hunter and was eventually embroiled in multiple scandals and shady deals with various fraudsters. The Bidens maintained their innocence, and neither Paradigm nor the Bidens were ever officially connected to any criminal wrongdoing. Nonetheless, they began winding down Paradigm in 2010.

In 2008, Hunter founded Seneca Global Advisors as a consultancy to help companies grow their foreign business, and by 2009 he partnered with Christopher Heinz (former Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson) to create Rosemont Seneca Partners, a $2.4 billion private equity firm. Heinz friend and college roommate Devon Archer was the managing partner. Heinz later distanced himself from the firm after Biden and Archer joined the Burisma board.

It is the millions of dollars ultimately earned from that venture that is alleged to have been misreported on Hunter’s tax returns. They have been the subject of ongoing criticism from Republicans since the story broke in the run-up to the 2020 election, and more recently as an IRS investigator’s whistleblower revelations have shed additional light, including how current DOJ officials may have attempted to discourage prosecution to minimize damage to the Biden administration.

2016-19: Can a Crack Addict Do All That?

While it remains subject to debate whether Hunter is “the smartest man [Joe Biden] know[s],” it is clear he’s been successful at playing the cards he was dealt and parlaying the opportunities he was given into millions. That’s not easy, and it is particularly difficult to accomplish if you’re a crack addict. And it’s important to note that during this time period, there is no evidence that he was. So what changed?

In his biography, Beautiful Things, Hunter Biden acknowledged, “In the last five years alone, my two-decades-long marriage has dissolved, guns have been put in my face, and at one point I dropped clean off the grid, living in $59-a-night Super 8 motels off I-95 while scaring my family even more than myself.” Miranda Devine’s aptly named Laptop from Hell provides even more salacious details of this time period. A complete explanation of what triggered Hunter’s unprecedented “bender” from 2016 to 2019 may never be fully understood, but the idea that the only story here is simply one of a father’s love redeeming an addict who simply made some bad decisions betrays the more obvious backstory.

The discoveries from the laptop and reports in friendly media outlets corroborate the claim that Joe Biden was actively involved in helping Hunter find his way back to sobriety. However, the first public evidence of any significant effort toward that end by the elder Biden prior appears to be his heart-wrenching voicemail left on Oct. 15, 2018, after he had decided to run for president again. Make of that what you will, but there is clearly far more to the scandal than just “the story of a father’s love.”

That Joe Biden loves his son is undisputed. Whether Joe’s efforts to help Hunter get sober were ramped up based on his decision to enter the presidential race is an open question. Regardless, in addition to a chapter on love, the Hunter and Joe Biden story needs a chapter on the love of money — and how the entire Biden family was enriched by Hunter’s schemes. 

Professor Offers a Summer Writing Program — but Not if You're White, and Only if You 'Honor' Trans People

Professor Offers a Summer Writing Program — but Not if You're White, and Only if You 'Honor' Trans People

Alex Parker reporting for RedState 

Is it preferable to instruct people who hype homoeroticism and tout transgenderism? It seems to be for a New York professor — at least in the case of a season-long writing extravaganza. And the teacher has a no-exceptions rule: All students must be black.

Syracuse University Assistant Professor of Political Science Jenn M. Jackson is teaching a writing workshop this summer. It comes courtesy of Colored Convos Media, an LLC of which she’s co-founder.

The mission statement from

To create a generative and intentional space for Black and queer content creators to be paid to cultivate their writing and creative talents.

“Black folks deserve support for our work,” the homepage says. Speaking of support, you’re welcome to donate — to aid a certain kind of candidate:

We are supporting Black, queer, trans/nonbinary, womxn/femmes, and disabled folx for college applications, workshop fees, fellowships, and other writing support. Special priority for students who are first-gen and/or applying to HBCUs. We will cover application fees for as many students as we can.

Colored Convos is promoting its 2023 Summer Writing Programs, described thusly:

The writing group will consist of structured reflection and inspiration time, intention setting, and Pomodoro-style writing intervals. Group members will also elect accountability partners to work with them throughout the session. It will consist of scheduled sharing and feedback sessions meant to move existing work toward publication or completion (maximum of 20 session members).

The two sessions — each three weeks in length — cost $40 per or $75 for both. It’s an undeniable bargain, but there’s a colorful catch. Additionally, attendees must agree to give honor to an exclusive set of citizens. Relatedly, it might be best if participants are queer; but that isn’t required:

While you do not have to be queer to participate in the spaces, you do have to be Black and you must be committed to centering and honoring the lives and experiences of all queer and trans people.

Not long ago, racial unity was an American ideal. We’ve moved on — or back — to specialization in matters of melanin:

Professor Prescribes ‘Reregulation’ to Help White People Stop Their Racist Violence

When Caucasians Cut Rugs: Dance School Boots Ballet Because It’s Wickedly White

TU Segregates Students for ‘Antiracism’ Training, Hails the Absence of Whites as ‘Magical’

Professor on ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ Panel Announces She Keeps Away From White People

Black Student Union Demands More Black-Only Housing

College Symposium Razes the Anti-Black Racism of ‘Good’ Grammar

Yale Avenges Slaves, Reverses Racism — by Paying for Black Students to Leave the State

Professor Insists Anti-Cheating Rules Aren’t Fair to ‘Black and Latinx’ Students

Science Journal Decries Racism in Geology, Claims Blacks Are Too Scared to Hold Hammers

Professor Jenn boasts her own website, which paints a picture of the person:

Jackson’s primary research is in Black Politics with a focus on group threat, gender and sexuality, political behavior, and social movements. Jackson also holds affiliate positions in African American Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and LGBT Studies. They are a Senior Research Associate at The Campbell Public Affairs Institute at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, as well.

Jenn loves all people who are black:

Jenn M. Jackson (they/them) is a queer genderflux androgynous Black woman, an abolitionist, a lover of all Black people, and an Assistant Professor at Syracuse University in the Department of Political Science.

An old adage is “Teach what you know.” Perhaps add to that, “Teach who you love.”

For a sizable part of its history, the U.S. was compared to a melting pot. Being an American, it was said, bonded us all. We’ve since become congealed, our intersectional pieces partitioned. And now for those in the slice of humanity that’s black and queer — or at least black and especially enthused over gender identity and same-sex acts — a prose-packed summer awaits.

CONFIRMED: CCP Counterintel Defector Dong Jingwei Is Still in the United States, Debriefing Continues

CONFIRMED: CCP Counterintel Defector Dong Jingwei Is Still in the United States, Debriefing Continues

Jennifer Van Laar reporting for RedState 

Almost exactly two years ago RedState broke the story of the defection of CCP counterintelligence official Dong Jingwei to the United States. The “terabytes” of data Dong, the highest-ranking Chinese defector ever, brought with him to the United States included information and data showing “that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in addition to evidence confirming that the People’s Liberation Army managed the Wuhan bioweapons program (and others).” While it was essentially ignored by the mainstream media and dismissed by the professional former spook crowd, it was a huge story – so huge that RedState was hit with a DDOS attack just hours after it was published.

Over the next few weeks, RedState published a series of articles outlining some of the specific information and evidence Dong brought to the U.S. and the corroboration that had occurred to that point. There were denials of the defection by Beijing and a few articles mentioning it, mostly in international outlets, but the small amount of related coverage in U.S. media generally didn’t directly mention Dong. (See the June 26, 2021 story, “Reactions to RedState’s Exclusive Reporting on Chinese Defector Dong Jingwei Show Disturbing Pattern.“)

However, China expert Gordon Chang told Tucker Carlson that he believed that Dong Jingwei did defect, and I appeared on Newsmax to tell the story.

There hasn’t been any reporting about Dong since, leading to speculation about his whereabouts or if he’d been “disappeared.”

RedState can now confirm that Dong has been in a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) protection program since his defection. A Defense Intelligence Agency source close to the investigation, speaking on condition of anonymity, provided this update:

As of June 2023, Dong Jingwei is participating in one of DIA’s protection programs. He has voluntarily participated in debriefing meetings since his arrival, and continues to do so.

The source further explained that debriefing meetings will likely last for years for many reasons, including the position Dong held in the Chinese Communist Party, the type and quantity of information he provided, the lengthy process of corroborating highly technical information without jeopardizing operational security, and the potential use of some of the information in ongoing U.S. counterintelligence activities. In addition, since Dong is voluntarily participating in debriefing meetings and is not compelled to do so on a particular schedule, debriefing can move forward at an uneven pace. But, those debriefing meetings have borne fruit, as will be shown below.

First, it should be noted that many within the U.S. intelligence community, specifically the FBI and CIA, wanted the story to go away. I wrote on June 11, 2021:

As reported in my original story about the defector, sources told RedState that the FBI, the State Department, and CIA were intentionally kept in the dark about the fact that the defector was working with the DIA. Many in the intelligence community were highly skeptical of that claim for logistical reasons (i.e., China obviously knew the guy was gone as soon as he was gone, and any assets/spies within our government also knew, so how could they keep his location a secret for so long?), but the fact that the FBI had a lot of this information from [Chinese virologist] Yan [Li-Meng] for more than a year and nothing to investigate or validate it makes it easy to understand why this defector wanted nothing to do with the CIA or, especially, the FBI.

In June 2021 the most explosive information Dong brought with him related to SARS-CoV-2 being manmade, having leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that its creation was part of a bioweapons program managed by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). While those assertions were extremely controversial at the time, numerous agencies within the U.S. government now believe that it’s much more likely than not that COVID-19 was created in a lab, and that the pandemic originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and at least two State Department cables reference Chinese military work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

But Dong provided data and documentation on many other topics, as reported by RedState at the time. Reading through this list now, it’s obvious that much of this information has been corroborated and is in the mainstream, and other portions are just now surfacing (i.e., the next-to-last bullet point was referenced in this story about the Biden/Burisma bribe):

Dong’s defection was especially significant because of his rank within the Chinese Communist Party and because of the type (direct knowledge of Chinese military bioweapons programs) and quantity (terabytes of data) of information he reportedly brought with him when he defected to Defense Intelligence Agency officials in the spring of 2021. At that time, RedState reported that Dong had provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials which they’d determined was legitimate, and that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA had corroborated very technical details of the information provided that was related to COVID-19. In addition, we reported:

[Dong] provided data proving that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in addition to evidence confirming that the People’s Liberation Army managed the Wuhan bioweapons program (and others), as Chinese virologist Yan Li-Meng told the FBI last year.

Technical details provided by the defector, RedState is told, were given to scientists (who were not told how the US government obtained that information), who then re-analyzed data from published sources in conjunction with the new data and concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered. And, the defector was able to confirm numerous non-public details Yan provided the US government.

Those scientists, according to DIA sources, were Dr. Steven Quay and physics professor Richard Muller, who published their findings in the Wall Street Journal two days after RedState’s original story about Dong’s defection. Their research found the damning CGG-CGG sequence that was omitted in Dr. Shi Zhengli’s February 2020 paper, and which had “never been found naturally” in the class of coronaviruses that includes CoV-2. The duo concluded:

“The presence of the double CGG sequence is strong evidence of gene splicing, and the absence of diversity in the public outbreak suggests gain-of-function acceleration. The scientific evidence points to the conclusion that the virus was developed in a laboratory.”

Curiously, around the time the news that Dong had defected hit, Beijing recalled Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai, replacing him with a Xi Jinping confidant. Intelligence community sources told RedState that Qin Gang, the new Ambassador, was sent to the United States specifically to attempt to shut down any investigation into information Dong brought forward. Since Dong was not interfacing with the normal players, that plan seems to have been foiled.

MSNBC Proves Clarence Thomas’ Point That Race-Based Admissions Uphold The Bigotry Of Low Expectations

Moments after the Supreme Court struck down race-based university admissions on Thursday, talking heads at MSNBC tried to dunk on Justice Clarence Thomas and ended up proving the exact point he made in his concurrence. Thomas, the longest-serving member of the current court, joined the rest of the Republican-appointed majority in a 6-3 decision that universities’ use of racial discrimination in admissions to guarantee minority entry is illegal under the 14th Amendment.

“While I am painfully aware of the social and economic ravages which have befallen my race and all who suffer discrimination,” Thomas wrote in his concurring opinion, “I hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles so clearly enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.”

Among the reasons Thomas concurred with the majority’s ruling to strike down race-based admissions was his rejection of the assumption that race, rather than merit, is the primary driver of success.

“These policies may harm even those who succeed academically,” Thomas wrote. “I have long believed that large racial preferences in college admissions ‘stamp [blacks and Hispanics] with a badge of inferiority.'”

“Consequently, ‘[w]hen blacks’ and, now, Hispanics ‘take positions in the highest places of government, industry, or academia, it is an open question… whether their skin color played a part in their advancement,” he added.

Justice Thomas can write from his own experience. Shortly after the decision was handed down, an exchange on MSNBC proved his case.

“Clarence Thomas, you know, he has criticized affirmative action. That’s how — that’s one of the reasons why he graduated from Yale and we know that’s one of the reasons why he’s on the Supreme Court,” said network legal analyst Catherine Christian.

In other words, it didn’t matter how hard Thomas worked to lift himself up from abject poverty to the nation’s highest court. Affirmative action policies reinforce the bigotry of low expectations, wherein skin color is identified as both a handicap and metric of preferential treatment and success.

Thomas’ colleague Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson was explicitly nominated to the high court by President Joe Biden because of her race and sex. In her dissent Thursday, Jackson criticized the notion that the Constitution is colorblind.

“With let-them-eat-cake obliviousness, today, the majority pulls the ripcord and announces ‘colorblindness for all’ by legal fiat,” Jackson wrote. “But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life.”

Koch Network Plans to Spend $70 Million Exclusively to Block President Trump from GOP Nomination

As if on cue, here comes another billionaire group by well-established political control agents in yet another multimillion effort to block President Trump.   This time it’s Koch and his Americans for Prosperity network.

The Koch groups are planning to spend $70 million in their effort to eliminate the support of Donald Trump in 2024.

However, what will be interesting will be to watch how the downstream media networks attack Trump in order to get a piece of the spending allotment.  That’s where knowing where the Koch money flows comes in handy.

First the article:

(New York Times) – The political network established by the conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch has raised more than $70 million for political races as it looks to help Republicans move past Donald J. Trump, according to an official with the group.

With some of this large sum to start, the network, Americans for Prosperity Action, plans to throw its weight into the G.O.P. presidential nominating contest for the first time in its nearly 20-year history. The network spent nearly $500 million supporting Republican candidates and conservative policies in the 2020 election cycle alone.

Two groups closely affiliated with Charles Koch contributed $50 million of the more than $70 million that has been raised. Mr. Koch is a major shareholder in Koch Industries, which contributed $25 million to Americans for Prosperity Action, according to a preliminary draft of Federal Election Commission filings. Another $25 million was donated by Stand Together, a nonprofit he founded.

The Koch network’s goal in the 2024 presidential primaries, which has been described only indirectly in written internal communications, is to stop Mr. Trump from winning the Republican nomination. In February, a top political official in the network, Emily Seidel, wrote a memo to donors and activists saying it was time to “have a president in 2025 who represents a new chapter.” (read more

Truthfully, this is all so brutally transparent it is becoming farcical.  Who is inside the Koch network [SOURCE]

So, we are going to see all the Never Trump media orgs like Fox News, The Daily Wire, etc. etc. lining up to take the Koch money in order to make some cash with their ideological alignment.

This Koch Industries $70 million expenditure, exclusively to target Donald Trump, is on top of the $200+ million being spent by Ron DeSantis’s Never Back Down SuperPAC group. Now people are starting to get the scale of the “trillions at stake” aspect.

Recapping all of the aligned enterprises against President Trump we find: the entire Wall Street network of hedge funds and billionaires like Ken Griffin, the entire multinational corporate alignment represented by the Sea Island confab, the billionaires and industrialists who need globalism for profit, the lobbyist groups like the Chamber of Commerce and Club for Growth and the Republican Governors Association who receive funding from those groups. Then we can add the social media influencer community, Elon Musk, the network of allied conservative Never Trump punditry and top it off with the RNC as the cherry on the cake.

Yes, this opposition group represents almost the entirety of the Big Club and every control mechanism- all of it aligned against one guy, one man, who is an existential threat to their influence and affluence…. AND this is only from the Republican side of the UniParty equation.  Add the entire Intelligence Apparatus into this equation, and a majority of Republicans in both chambers of Congress, and the scale of opposition takes even more context.

But wait, there’s more…

This doesn’t even include the weaponized use of the judicial branch, the NYC Alvin Bragg effort, the Fulton County GA effort and the Special Counsel Jack Smith effort. All of this… ALL OF THIS is against ONE GUY.

Think about what that reality represents when you consider the scale of corruption that infects the body politic.

And yet, stunningly, remarkably and perhaps even divinely protected, President Donald John Trump is still winning against all of this opposition.

Why and how can this be possible? Because Trump has something none of this can defeat – he has the support of a massive number of Americans who are taking a stand with President Trump as our gloriously imperfect vessel to destroy it all.

It is the most remarkable moment in history as one man stands the gap and fearlessly faces down the combined effort of decades of political corruption. It truly is inspiring.

Last point, knowing that South Dakota governor Kristi Noem is a fully networked Koch person, and knowing that Americans for Prosperity was going to spend $70 million to target Trump, I find it remarkable that Noem is making statements like this:

“President Trump is in the race and right now I don’t see a path for victory with anybody else with him in the race and the situation as it sits today,” she told South Dakota radio station KWAT.” (source)

It looks to me like Koch is holding back Kristi Noem as an insurance policy, just in case they cannot destroy Trump and he ends up victorious against them.  In this scenario, perhaps they are even positioning Noem to play the role of Pence in a second Trump administration.   We need to watch this angle carefully…