Tuesday, December 27, 2022

WATCH: Business Owner Opens Fire on Looters During Buffalo Blizzard


Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The situation in Buffalo, NY, continues to break down. Power has been out for days as thousands of people remain snowed in as a result of a so-called “bomb cyclone” that brought freezing temperatures and precipitation. Buffalo was hit especially hard compared to other regions in the Northeast due to the effect of bordering Lake Erie.

Not everyone remains snowed in, though. Some have extricated themselves from their homes just in time to start looting. Videos of people ransacking businesses began to surface on Christmas Day.

I’ve seen some suggest that this is acceptable because they are just stealing necessities. Yeah, well except they aren’t just stealing necessities, as other videos of the picked-over interiors of these stores show. Two, I’m not sure that’s an excuse anyway.

A year ago (or was it two years ago?), the South saw an extreme weather event that left many areas snowed/iced in without power for an extended period of time (some areas for well over a week). My city was one of those affected. We couldn’t even get out of our neighborhood for days due to the snow and ice and the power was out for most of the week. As far as I know, no one looted anything. Certainly, people weren’t tearing apart the local Wal-Mart just three days after the storm. I do think there could be a situation where looting for necessities is the only alternative. I just don’t see much evidence that’s what is happening in Buffalo.

Some store owners in the city aren’t buying it either. A video that appears to be from Sunday night includes gunfire as a business owner defends his store from looters.

(WARNING: Language)

At the top of the video, you see a group of people in a confrontation across the street. The woman holding the camera then starts screaming about an “Arab” (I’m assuming that’s the business owner) having a gun and telling people to run. A few seconds later, gunshots ring out and chaos ensues.

What’s also notable in the video is that the power is still on and cars are driving around. What possible excuse could there be for trying to loot a store in those conditions? Buffalo’s mayor addressed the anarchy by calling looters the “lowest of the low.”

Look, there may be some apocalyptic scenario where looting becomes morally acceptable. A day or even a few days into a blizzard is not that. People own those stores. That’s their livelihood at stake, and insurance is not a piggy bank (and often doesn’t cover all or any merchandise loss).

Unfortunately, some people have no regard for others, and the police are of no use when society breaks down. Let this video be a reminder of why it’s important to exercise (and be trained to use) your Second Amendment rights.

What Did Nancy Pelosi Know and When Did She Know It?

The Jan6 select committee never intended to act as a truth-seeking mission but rather perform a cover-up for what actually happened.

The January 6 select committee finally released its long-delayed report late on December 23 after most Americans had happily turned away from politics to enjoy the Christmas weekend with family and friends. The Friday night news dump, a common tactic when government officials want to bury something controversial, was not exactly a vote of confidence in the panel’s ultimate work product.

As expected, the bulk of the 845-page document spun a well-worn tale that portrayed Donald Trump as the sole villain in a so-called “insurrection” the committee wants us to believe was engineered to keep him in the White House. Page after page included dramatic interpretations of snippets from witness testimony intended to bolster the committee’s preconceived conclusions.

Analysis of how law enforcement and intelligence services failed to prepare for the “attack,” a promise made by the committee in its original sell job to the public, is buried in a relatively brief appendix at the end. And despite confirmation the government was aware violence might occur—the FBI used a threat tag, “CERTUNREST2021,” purportedly to categorize in advance information related to January 6—federal and local agencies did not prevent what the Biden regime branded a terror attack comparable to 9/11. (FBI Director Christopher Wray’s name is not mentioned once in the report and it appears unlikely he sat for a transcribed interview.)

Even so, in the face of extensive evidence that those agencies were on high alert, committee members still faulted Trump: “Few in law enforcement predicted that the President of the United States would incite a mob attack on the Capitol, that he would send them to stop the joint session knowing they were armed and dangerous, that he would further incite them against his own vice President while the attack was underway, or that he would do nothing to stop the assault for hours,” the report dishonestly stated.

Another official who escaped accountability in the report is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the lawmaker mainly responsible for protecting Capitol grounds. Committee members avoided any criticism of Pelosi, instead allowing her to write the foreword. (It’s also unclear whether committee investigators interviewed the speaker.)

For two years, Pelosi has played the role of victimized bystander in the events of January 6 rather than being recognized as the incompetent steward of public safety she is—or worse, someone who was complicit in manufacturing the entire spectacle. After all, her filmmaker daughter just happened to be on site as the historic event, one usually considered a pro forma ceremony, went down.

But a competing report also released last week by a handful of Republican House members did not let Pelosi off the hook; to the contrary, “Security Failures at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021” presented new disclosures about how Pelosi’s staff spent weeks ostensibly preparing for the electoral certification vote that afternoon. “[Then] House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving—who served on the Capitol Police Board by virtue of his position—succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership leading up to January 6, 2021,” the report authored by Representatives Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), James Banks (R-Ind.) and others revealed. “He coordinated closely with the Speaker and her staff and left Republicans out of important discussions related to security. Irving only provided information to Republicans after receiving instruction from the Speaker’s office. In one case, Irving even asked a senior Democratic staffer to ‘act surprised’ when he sent key information about plans for the Joint Session on January 6, 2021 to him and his Republican counterpart. The senior Democratic staffer replied: ‘I’m startled.’” (Jordan and Banks were appointed to the January 6 select committee before being bounced by Pelosi.)

According to records obtained by House Republicans, Irving maintained constant communication with two of Pelosi’s top aides—Terry McCullough, her chief of staff, and Jamie Flood, a shared staffer for Pelosi and the House Administration committee—about January 6 in early December 2020. 

On December 11, 2020, McCullough emailed Irving’s team to request a meeting to discuss “choreography and safety for the opening day and electoral college events.” That meeting took place four days later; no Republicans were present.

Irving and his office met three more times with Democratic staffers before January 6 and once on the morning of January 6 without Republican lawmakers in attendance. Now, perhaps there’s an innocent explanation as to why Irving intentionally prevented Republicans from being involved in those discussions—except for more alarming disclosures in the report.

On Monday, January 4, 2021, Irving met with Pelosi in her office. While the specific nature of the meeting isn’t addressed in the report, Pelosi and her aides were furiously working on new COVID protocols to strictly limit the number of lawmakers and staff on the House floor on January 6; a letter to Congress explaining the new rules was sent out the afternoon of January 5.

But that’s not all that happened on January 5. The day began with a “walkthrough” for the joint session attended by Irving, Stenger, Capitol Police, McCullough, and Democratic staffers at 8:30 a.m.. Irving scheduled another walkthrough for his staff at 1:15 p.m.. Shortly thereafter, Stenger, who reported to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) conducted a separate walkthrough, apparently without inviting Republican lawmakers or staffers.

And in one of the oddest events of the day, despite repeated assurances the threat for violence was “remote,” Irving led a walkthrough of Congress’ evacuation plan with unnamed participants at 2:30 p.m.; almost 24 hours later to the minute, the joint session recessed and lawmakers were evacuated from the Capitol creating one of the most dramatic images of January 6.

This also happened at the same time Irving and Stenger repeatedly brushed off requests by Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund for extra protection in the form of National Guardsmen, a process both sergeants-at-arms continued to hamstring throughout January 6. (Sund later testified that Irving expressed concerns about the “optics” of guardsmen surrounding the Capitol.) The guard did not arrive until after 5 p.m., shortly after the disturbance ended.

The exchanges detailed in the House GOP report contradict the narrative that congressional security officials were unprepared for the events of January 6. So, too, does the appendix buried in the January 6 select committee document. Not only was the FBI allegedly collecting scary posts before the Capitol protest, Pelosi’s underlings engaged in deep discussions and planning efforts weeks beforehand without the involvement of Republicans. What exactly those conversations entailed, the public still does not know.

Regardless, as of January 7, 2021, Irving, Stenger, and Sund were out of a job, forced to resign at the demands of irate lawmakers. Were they the fall guys in a carefully “choreographed” operation to permanently oust Trump from office and subsequently criminalize his movement? Did they willfully participate or were they duped? Why didn’t the January 6 committee cover this as extensively as House Republicans?

The answer is obvious. The January 6 select committee never intended to act as a truth-seeking mission but rather perform a cover-up for what actually happened, which is becoming more obvious every day. House Republicans produced a more serious report that requires rigorous follow-up next year.

X22, And we Know, and more- December 27


Slow day. Here's tonight's news:

Ukrainian Foreign Influence Endangers America

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s visit to the U.S. Congress was a disgrace. Congressional fawning and praise after his broken-English demands for more money symbolized an upside-down world, one where the client state orders around the supplicant patron. The corrupt and collapsing country of Ukraine would not last a week without American largesse and has tried to drag NATO into a larger war with false flags. Yet Zelenskyy spoke grandiloquently of “partnership” and “investments.” 

This pseudo-Churchill attempted to play the heroic and austere wartime leader, complete with his trademark and ridiculous green sweatshirt. This is why he could not trouble himself to put on a suit: he is an actor putting on a show. 

His congressional audience was also the producers and investors in the show. Much of the loot will be directly and indirectly recycled back to the American defense industry—lately with less to do on account of the failures in Afghanistan. An unknown amount will also splash into incumbents’ reelection war chests. Of course, Zelenskyy and his entourage will likely pocket much of it, too. 

The unfurling and presentation of the Ukraine flag by Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris at the conclusion of Zelenskyy’s speech were particularly unseemly. This level of identification with a foreign state shows a deep confusion about where the loyalties and priorities of our political leaders should be. 

This slavishness is particularly laughable after the pious nonsense about “foreign interference” in the 2016 election.

Republicans Fail

Congress’ sorry dereliction of duty was not just the fault of the Democrats but, rather, a symptom of a broken political system. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said, “Providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians is the number one priority for the United States right now according to most Republicans . . . . That’s how we see the challenges confronting the country at the moment.” 

This is just more evidence that the people in charge know little and care even less about the concerns of American voters. They are giving away massive amounts of money, more than the entire defense budget of Russia, as if we were not already $20 trillion in debt, paying too much for food and gas and healthcare, on the brink of a recession, and dealing with many pressing challenges and crises at home. 

This is an oligarchy in action, the uniparty, the swamp. This is where the pretend representatives of the people join forces with invocations about Our Democracy™ and “our values” all the more strenuously as they transfer money, weapons, and our national honor to shady foreigners and cronies.

We are a long way from George Washington’s Farewell Address. In 1796, he warned presciently: 

foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government. . . . Excessive partiality for one foreign nation, and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other.

Then Washington added: 

Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.

Empire Is Bad For Americans

Washington’s principles prevailed, more or less, until the end of World War II. Our earliest departures—the Spanish-American War and later entry into World War I—were treated as temporary emergencies and ended as quickly as they began. A chastened and more cynical populace recoiled from continued involvement in morally ambiguous adventures that did not provide any tangible good to the American people.

But after World War II and the end of the Cold War, leaders in both parties and the unelected foreign policy “blob” reached a consensus. This consensus held that America needed to control events and assert its powers everywhere. This was to be the continued triumph of the American Century, defined by American power, an American empire in all but name. 

A bloated defense establishment would continue into the 1990s until now, even after the sui generis Soviet threat had receded. In the age of a small, all-volunteer, professional military, voters were generally apathetic and tacitly supportive of this approach, except when things went badly sideways, as in Iraq and Vietnam. 

This is what the neoconservatives and foreign policy idealists deliver in practice: 20 years of nonstop and unsuccessful wars in the Mideast followed, nearly instantaneously, by an expensive and risky proxy war against the largest nuclear power on Earth. 

None of this is cheap. And none of this is risk-free. Despite the flag waving, none of this activity connects to America’s constitutional traditions of limited government and historical practice of neutrality. Most important, none of this has anything to do with the welfare of the American people. 

The Uniparty Loses Its Mind

It is somewhat odd to see the Democrats suddenly so bloodthirsty. After all, they used to be the doves. But it seems the myth of Trump’s Russian collusion, combined with a broader anti-Trump animus, has led the Democrats to become rabid in their hostility to Russia. The false origins of this accusation in the Steele dossier have not caused any of Trump’s accusers to retreat, either with regard to Trump or Russia. 

Biden has a particularly strong antipathy to Russia. Unlike most of his schtick, this one seems to come from the heart rather than his handlers. It has its roots in certain obvious explanations, like his social liberalism, and probably some hidden ones, like his family’s ties to Ukrainian natural gas companies. 

Biden’s entire party follows his lead for reasons of corruption, a lack of imagination, and the moribund ideology of American empire. Both parties seem to have confused the evil Soviet Union with the mildly authoritarian regime of Vladimir Putin. Thus, the one-party state of Ukraine—a place where mobs torture their neighborsNazis are feted, and churches are banned—has now become the avatar of democracy and the American way of life. 

While it may help the Biden family and Lockheed Martin, the quest to destroy Russia using Ukraine is not in our interest. It is not even in the interest of the Ukrainian people. We are prolonging the slaughter of Ukrainian manhood and the destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure to preserve every inch of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, a goal that has no realistic chance of succeeding. Proponents of this course should be honest that they think our interest is in weakening Russia regardless of the pretend cause and regardless of the costs to Ukraine. 

The goal of weakening Russia only makes sense if one accepts a bunch of other controversial assumptions, like European security is our responsibility, that being the sole superpower is realistic and sustainable, and that Russia is somehow an existential threat to us because it does not want a neighbor to join a hostile military alliance. 

We have two oceans, a capable military, and a huge nuclear arsenal to protect us. There is no reason we also need to take sides in every conflict in every far-flung corner of the world, prolonging a bloody war of attrition in pursuit of bloodless concepts like “hegemony” and “influence.”

The most striking thing of the recent display is how the ruling class does not even try to conceal their lies and contradictions anymore. The same people who said Trump’s border wall was too expensive at $11 billion now treat $100 billion to defend Ukraine’s border as perfectly reasonable. An investment!

Reality is plainer by the day. We are ruled by a corrupt, stupid, and hostile elite that hates us. In fact, they are willing to endanger our national security and impoverish us to prolong their temporary grip on power. 

From A SCOTUS Assassination Attempt To Threat Of Nuclear War, Here’s 2022 In 6 Minutes

A lot happened in 2022, but long story short…

The huge changes to our country that seemed hard to believe were happening in 2021 have only worsened and become the new norm in 2022 — serious crimes get a free passmillions of illegal immigrants flow across our borders, record national debt and inflation burn away our dollars, and censorship worsens.

This year also included Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, so add the threat of nuclear war to that list of the new awful.

The good news from this year is brief but heartening: Covid-19 seems mostly behind us, Roe v. Wade was overturned, and Elon Musk took ownership of Twitter and is exposing the Big Tech censorship so damaging to our democracy.

Abortion Ruling Brings Uglier Rhetoric — and Violence

Almost 50 years after the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, the ruling was overturned by Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

In an unprecedented series of events, the court’s decision was leaked to the press, demonstrators protested outside justices’ homes, and an armed man was arrested near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s residence and charged with attempted murderPro-abortion zealots attacked dozens of life-saving pregnancy centers and churches. The FBI arrested a pro-life activist at his home.

Extreme Partisanship

The abortion issue exemplified today’s partisanship, but President Joe Biden used his office to further divide our nation, disparaging a huge number of Americans when he said in September: “The Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.”

This was following up on earlier comments that Trump’s philosophy is “semi-fascist.” 

Biden Losing Command on World Stage

Biden also warned of “Armageddon.” On major international flashpoints, his administration walked back many of his panic-inducing comments. He said the U.S. would defend Taiwan should China invade, and that NATO would respond “in kind” to any Russian use of weapons of mass destruction against Ukraine. His handlers also walked back comments regarding sending U.S. troops to Ukraine and saying Putin “cannot remain.”

But when Biden tried to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin for inflation too (we knew more than a year ago, before Russia’s invasion, that inflation was at a 40-year high), the White House didn’t walk that back. On the issue of the year that arguably affects Americans more than any other, their loss of income due to inflation, Biden repeatedly blamed Putin. If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

Dissent Blocked by Big Tech

While Musk’s takeover of Twitter has revealed Big Tech’s suppression of free speech, many other events in 2022 highlighted ongoing threats to our First Amendment rights.

In February, podcaster Joe Rogan almost got canceled for using the “n-word” but also because he discusses ideas that corporate media consider untouchable, such as doubting Covid-19 vaccine efficacy. Since Rogan is not a conservative, a designation that makes people more subject to such cancellation, he brought national attention to how the left won’t tolerate dissent. In a compromise, Spotify deleted many of his past episodes.

The next month brought a major crackdown by Big Tech: Social media companies banned so-called “misgendering,” or accurately referring to people by their sex. Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk, The Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson, satire site The Babylon Bee, and others were blocked from Twitter.

That same month, YouTube removed a video of speeches by former President Trump and a U.S. senator at a major conservative conference, CPAC. YouTube representatives said the content violated their policy on misinformation regarding election integrity. Ironically, a topic of the conference was Big Tech censorship.

Information War Heats Up

Also in March, more than a year after Big Tech blocked the New York Post for publishing news of a laptop that detailed President Biden’s son Hunter’s cashing in on the family name with foreign business deals, The New York Times finally admitted the laptop was real and not Russian disinformation.

Then in May, the Biden administration launched a “Disinformation Governance Board” as part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Following criticism, it was shut down.

However, DHS and the FBI continue monitoring social media for speech they consider dangerous and pressuring tech platforms to censor viewpoints that contradict the official narrative. Musk’s recently released “Twitter Files” have proven the government collaborated with tech giants to suppress free speech by censoring disfavored news stories and speakers, including using fabrications to block Trump’s account and coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop (Twitter said Trump violated its policy of inciting violence and the laptop went against its policy on publishing hacked materials, but staff acknowledged in internal deliberations that these were just excuses to do what they wanted).

Some Resist LGBT Ideology

Along with Big Tech’s “misgendering” ban, this year saw the Biden administration push its radical leftist ideology even further.

It kicked off the year pushing for more insurers to cover transgender surgeries. It announced it would take lunches away from poor kids if schools did not accept the transgender agenda. Men were put in women’s prisons, and law enforcement was purged of those who disagree with radical trans ideology.

Disney was found to be “queering” its movies and shows, and parents started to push back. States passed legislation to keep sexual education from being taught too young or advocating transgender ideology, banning schools from keeping children’s sexual confusion from parents. 

Some states passed laws to protect female athletes after transgender-identifying male Lia Thomas defeated female college swimmers.

Other Firsts in 2022

In other firsts, Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed as the first female, black Supreme Court justice. Showing how much transgender issues have come to dominate our debate, she was also the first Supreme Court nominee to be asked to define what a woman is.

Another unprecedented event that occurred in 2022 was the FBI searching Trump’s Florida home, Mar-a-Lago. The Department of Justice is once again targeting a political enemy in what will likely become a lengthy, drawn-out investigation.

Ending the year in a fitting tone, FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested for allegedly defrauding investors of millions of dollars. He was the second-largest individual donor to the Democrat Party during the 2022 midterm election cycle, giving away about $40 million. FTX executive Ryan Salame gave about $20 million, mostly to Republicans.

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely 2023 will see Big Tech ending censorship, Biden finding his footing, or transgender radicalism fading away.

With the November elections behind us, we may feel incapable of changing any of these things, but sharing the truth is our greatest power — when Big Tech allows it.

Elon Musk Talks Conspiracy Theories and Absolutely Nails It

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Christmas has passed, and we now enter that weird period where one can’t be sure if it’s acceptable to keep playing Jingle Bells and Let It Snow or not. Surely, we get until New Year’s, right? But I digress, it also means back to the political grind, and Elon Musk provided some material over the holiday weekend.

Appearing on a podcast, the Twitter owner addressed the recent “Twitter Files” controversy and provided a moment of vindication for conservatives.

I don’t know how many articles I wrote over the years talking about the partisan censorship regime that was taking place on Twitter. I also don’t know how many times I was shouted down on Twitter by mainstream media hacks telling me the sky wasn’t blue. In both cases, it was a lot, and it was a frustrating period because the actions being taken were obvious, but in many cases, they weren’t quantifiable without having access to the internals of Twitter.

Musk purchasing the site changed all that, and finally, there’s vindication for conservatives who weren’t afraid to say that water is indeed wet. The internal documents released have shown that Twitter did coordinate with the government to quash speech. It did shadowban conservative accounts, usually for completely unjustifiable reasons, and it did influence an election by making up a reason to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.

As Musk says, essentially every “conspiracy theory” that the right pushed about Twitter in the last several years turned out to be true. Yet, in some ways, it all feels like too little, too late. Looking at Twitter today is a bit like looking at a crime scene after you know the killer has already fled to Mexico to drink piña coladas on a beach.

The press won’t even report on all the revelations in the “Twitter Files,” but more frustrating is that the political damage is already done. Joe Biden ended up in the White House and nothing can change that. It’s the same dynamic that was in play when Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes during the 2012 presidential election. “It worked” has become the official motto of the left. They’ll do anything to gain power knowing that whatever they do will lead to zero consequences.

In the case of Twitter, some wealthy executives lost their jobs, but there were no apologies, and despite everything that we’ve learned about what was happening, the same people continue to double down on the same lies. That political censorship is still happening on Facebook and other sites isn’t heartening either. Once again, conservatives won a war but only after the cities had been nuked.

Islamic State still a threat and could once again seize power in parts of the Middle East like Syria, experts say


While it no longer controls vast swathes of Iraq and Syria, Islamic State remains a threat and will seek to spring 10,000 of its fighters from Syrian prisons in 2023, experts say.

The infamous terror group is much diminished from its peak in 2014 but it remains a menace in a volatile part of the Middle East, as well as abroad in Afghanistan and parts of Africa.  

What is more, there are fears that a possible ground offensive by Turkey in Syria could create the perfect conditions for IS to once again seize power.

"Blink and you'll miss it and suddenly ISIS will be back," says Middle East expert Dr Shiraz Maher.

In a year where other stories have dominated the headlines, Sky News looks into what IS has been doing, and whether huge tracts of territory could once again fall under its flag.

Since its last bastions in Syria fell to Western-backed forces, IS has been operating at a "greatly diminished" level, according to terror expert Matthew Henman.

He said: "But the level of threat, the level of operational activity, has stayed reasonably consistent over that kind of period.   

"In various key theatres the group has maintained a steady tempo of insurgent violence."

Mr Henman, who works for the Janes intelligence agency, said the group and its affiliates further afield are focused on exploiting regional instabilities and still have designs on seizing territory.  

Seeking to seize territory in parts of Africa

Several branches, or provinces, of IS exist across the Middle East and Africa. Each has its own regional leader who then pledges allegiance to the overall IS leader.

Abu al Hussein al Husseini al Qurayshi is the current leader of IS after his predecessor blew himself up in October as Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters closed in.

At its height the so-called IS caliphate held sway over about a third of Syria and 40% of Iraq - a territory larger than Iceland.

In recent years much of the groups focus has turned to west Africa, Mr Henman says, where it has been met with multinational taskforces seeking to stop it gaining a proper foothold.

In Afghanistan the group's regional affiliate - known as the Islamic State in Khorasan Province - has increased its attacks since the Taliban regained power.  

Earlier this month, China advised its citizens to leave the country following a co-ordinated attack by Islamic State militants on a Chinese-owned hotel in the heart of Kabul.  

But the danger of IS activity in Iraq and Syria remains, despite its diminished presence.

Some 70,000 people with suspected links to the group, including women and children and around 10,000 IS militants, are being held by Kurdish forces in northeast Syria.

IS has been clear that it intends to free its supporters. In January it used vehicles and explosives to ram through the walls of Gweiran Prison in Hassakeh in a bid to free the 3,000 held there.

Dr Shiraz Maher, a senior lecturer at King's College London, says the risk of IS freeing thousands of imprisoned fighters is the "single greatest security threat to the West".

He told Sky News: "The Syrian Democratic Forces have repeatedly said that this is a ticking time bomb that they are sitting on (that) they are not capable of dealing with themselves alone."  

Many of those being held by SDF forces are foreign fighters, but many nations have been reluctant to deal with them.

The delicate situation could be put at risk if Turkey carries out its threat of a land invasion targeting Kurdish forces, Dr Maher warned.

Such a development may force Kurdish authorities to divert resources currently guarding its network of detention centres to the front line, creating a "massive ability" for IS to free its supporters.

"We need to think creatively and have some courage in dealing with this issue and nipping it in the bud right now," Dr Maher said.

"If ISIS return to Syria and Iraq, people will die on the streets of Berlin, London and Madrid."    
