Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Will Arrive in Washington DC Tomorrow, Wednesday

Picking up checks from congress along with some supplemental Christmas shopping likely a high priority.  Because, why not.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be in Washington DC on Wednesday to deliver a speech to a joint session of congress and visit with Joe Biden at the White House.

WASHINGTON DC – President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine intends to make a surprise visit to Washington on Wednesday, the first time the leader has left his war-torn country since Russia invaded 10 months ago.

Zelenskyy’s plans to address a joint session of Congress and at the White House as the Biden administration plans to announce the delivery of a Patriot missile battle system to help Ukraine with its air defenses, according to two people familiar with the plans but not authorized to publicly discuss them because of security concerns.

The trip is not certain to happen, the people cautioned. Zelenskyy was still in Ukraine on Tuesday evening, and there are concerns about his ability to leave his country and then return again.

His visit to Washington would come as Congress is on the verge of passing another $45 billion in assistance to Kyiv in the year-end omnibus bill, which would bring the total to over $100 billion in emergency aid from the United States.

News of Zelenskyy’s planned trip was first reported by Punchbowl News.

The White House pushed Congress to include substantial Ukraine aid in the bill, facing an imminent Republican majority in the House that seems to be less inclined to fund the embattled country. If passed, it would bring the total to over $100 billion in emergency aid from the United States. (read more)

It's 'Trump Will Never Be President' All Over Again

We have entered a time warp and are now in 2015 and 2016.  Donald Trump will never be president, we hear from everyone.

Evidence for same includes that Trump-endorsed candidates for Senate were defeated in the recent midterms.  He must be the kiss of death the national media proclaim.

The "let's blame Trump" crowd forget the Dobbs decision "ending abortion," the great student loan scam, the marijuana legalization ploy, and the Big Lie about losing our democracy.  All of these are chimeras.  Abortion is not illegal — just turned over to the states which are mostly protecting it quite well.  The student loan scam was ruled unconstitutional, and marijuana is not going to be legalized on the federal level any time soon.  As for our democracy, we'll lose it a lot quicker with fraudulent elections than by discussing how to prevent fraud in the future.

But the base looking for handouts afflicted with low information fell for the 24/7 media bleating and the ravings of a demented old man and turned out to save something of Democrats' dignity.  Yes, Republicans lost the Senate, but the prognostications before the media hype about the Red Wave said they would anyway.  Last I looked, Republicans took the House.  Imagine if Trump hadn't campaigned for them to "end Nancy Pelosi's career"!

Mitch McConnell, who is a lot more responsible than Trump for the Senate loss and was also in 2020, says a candidate who has dinner with anti-Semites will never be president.  Must be so.  Even Victor Davis Hanson has jumped on that bandwagon. 

Getting that out of the way: Trump's dinner with Ye and the other lunatic should never have happened, and whoever vets who gets to have dinner with him should be fired.  Full stop.

But let us not forget this is a man that five grandchildren call Zayde, with a daughter who is an Orthodox Jew, a son who married a Jewish girl from North Carolina, who did business with Jews his whole life, whose father financially supported a synagogue in Queens, N.Y. until the day he died and which Trump continued to support, who recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel when no one else had the courage to do so and brought some measure of peace and hope to the Middle East with the Abraham Accords, who bought Mar-a-Lago because they wouldn't let Jews and Blacks play golf there.  If that man is an anti-Semite, he does a poor job of it.  So the dinner was stupid.  He's got some weird soft spot for Ye; God knows why, and the other guy he did not know.  In his own bizarre way, he did apologize: "I didn't know who he was."  That's an apology for Trump.

VDH says he has to change his behavior.  But it is precisely Mr. Trump's social media escapades and sometimes intemperate remarks from 2016, when the press announced his campaign's demise, that led people to join up with him and elect him president.  Have you had any discussion with a regular person in real life about it?  Someone who is not a Twitter accolade or a liberal pundit?  He said a lot of stuff on Twitter, but look at what he did for the country: low unemployment; no new wars; keeping Putin and Kim Jung-un at bay while negotiating the first Mideast peace in 25 years; destruction of ISIS and the elimination of two of the world's worst terrorist murderers of Americans; the roaring economic progress; lowest unemployment ever for Blacks, Hispanics, women, and pretty much everyone else; creation of a new military branch (the Space Force); reform of the V.A.; the Sentencing Act, which did more for Black inmates than any whining and complaining about "over-incarceration" ever did.  Who else did that?  Who else do you think could do that with investigations, bogus prosecutions, and Clinton hoaxes hanging around 24/7?

Who else can withstand that onslaught?  Ron DeSantis?  He's already running to the RINOs to support him over Trump.  Do you think DeSantis has the intestinal fortitude to deal with the barrage of invective, investigations, character assassination, and destruction from the left on a national level?  It has already started with questioning his service in Guantanamo.  "Secretive, took part in torture, blah, blah."  Just wait.  They're lining up the liars as we speak.

DeSantis is a politician.  Trump is not.  For instance, can you imagine Ron DeSantis standing up for a defamed Supreme Court candidate as Trump did for Brett Kavanaugh?  A politician would cut the losses.  Trump hung in there and defeated the maniacs.

Consider this as well: almost everyone wants something and can be bribed with it.  Not Trump.  What would you bribe him with?  Anyone else would have two or three Nobel Peace Prizes for what he has accomplished already.  But he's not in it for that.  Or for money or anything else people want.  He's in it because he thinks he can save America.  That's powerful protection from the corruption of high office.

Trump is the man — the last chance we have to save ourselves from a dystopian future, from humiliation at the hands of China and Russia, from the exploitation and sexualization of our children, from the woke craziness of equity and communism masquerading as political correctness.  With him we have a chance to stop all the lunacy, to bring back some sense to our foreign policy, sense to our economic policy, and eventually bring the people of this country together while setting this country back on its feet as the leader of the free world. 

Trump doesn't need any of this Kafka trial he finds himself in.  But he says that it is his duty — remember that word: duty — to put aside the part that says, "Donald, go retire and play golf."  He believes he can restore the country he loves and all the Americans in it, because, like Ronald Reagan and even Abraham Lincoln, he truly believes that America is a shining beacon on the hill with a sacred duty — there's that word again — and a destiny to make the world a safe and better place.

I don't think DeSantis can survive the onslaught.  Look at his silence now.  He has been hooked by Republicans who want a return to the old days, when they were allowed to be part of the elite — if they behaved as the Dems instructed.  Pretty seductive — just go along, Ron.

It is the going along that has destroyed the Republican Party — and, ultimately, can destroy the country. 

So pardon me for backing Donald Trump and not the pundits or pols.  We need Trump, the man who doesn't go along.  Trump fights for America and Americans, and that is why we need to do everything we can to help him be re-elected in 2024.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- December 20


The worst part about the week of a major holiday? Most entertainment sites slow down when it comes to news.

Here's tonight's news:

Elon Musk: African American of the Year

He emigrated legally from Africa. He built businesses and created thousands of jobs. He has restored free speech, and with that, the hope of a free tomorrow.

Remember when Elon Musk was the darling of the Left for his stylish electric cars and his devil-may-care attitude? It was less than a year ago, but in Joe Biden’s dystopian America it seems like an eternity.

If you happen to have been on Twitter lately, you’ve seen startling news: Prominent attorneys are investigating the platform’s new owner and CEO over his U.S. citizenship application from years ago after he emigrated from South Africa. Tweets about it were hard to miss, as is the fact that such tweets all used the same wording to describe the so-called investigation. Here are a few:

The identities of the “prominent attorneys” are never mentioned. The tweets insinuate but never define any wrongdoing. Oh, and one of the aforementioned tweets hails from a former Biden campaign employee. If it all feels a bit oily and from the shadows, that’s because it is. 

The left-wing dumpster divers are on the move.

Either Elon Musk still hasn’t quite succeeded in killing off Twitter’s rampant spambot problem, or someone is sending out talking points with marching orders to wage war against him. Why would that be? Why would actress Alyssa Milano—who tweeted praise for Musk as recently as a couple of years ago—give up her Tesla for a car that’s the product of a company founded by Nazis?

Elon Musk is under attack now by the same people who used to fawn over him and promote his cars because he is no longer their man. Musk has declared his independence, and in so doing has brought down the wrath of the media, the Left, and before long the Democratic Party and the White House. 

Even my old friend Matt Drudge, or whoever is now sitting behind the terminal now, is after Musk.

Musk did even more than what Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) just did when she distanced herself from the increasingly deranged Democratic Party. Musk has been doing that incrementally over the past couple of years. He moved Tesla to Texas from California, explicitly blaming the Democrats’ hostility to business on his way out. But he’s one of many CEOs to have moved from blue to red states over the past several years. In 2022, he went further and declared that at this point he’s voting Republican and supporting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in 2024. None of those are unforgivable sins, though. CEOs can move from blue states to red states and even support a Republican from time to time. As long as they say woke things their lawyers and HR departments write for them, they will stay out of the Left’s crosshairs. 

Musk, however, bought Twitter. This more than anything before has made him an object of hate on the Left. In buying the social media giant, Musk poses a threat to those such as MeidasTouch, who use the platform to engage in cancel campaigns against anyone it decides to attack. 

Cancel culture—the threat of destroying someone’s life for stepping out of line with the far Left in any way, at any time—creates a climate of fear the Left cannot win without. A non-leftist buying Twitter—it didn’t have to be Musk, but few can raise the billions needed to complete the sale—poses an existential threat to how the Left in America and around the world operates. What they cannot win at the ballot box, and what they cannot win through lawfare and malicious prosecutions in court, they seek to win through the raw force of intimidation and silencing of anyone who stands in their way. Before Musk, Twitter was silencing anyone who objected to the trans pronoun issue and a host of other deeply divisive discussions.

But Musk went even further than just buying one of the Left’s shiniest toys. He has opened up the vaults to show what was really going on inside the company when it morphed from a software platform to a publisher with an extreme leftist and activist point of view. 

The Twitter Files, published by Bari Weiss, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Schellenberger—also once darlings of the Left, but now targets of leftist ire for having the gall to think for themselves—prove what millions suspected: Twitter was a hive of left-wing activism and deliberately changed its internal processes and policies to justify censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop revelations in the crucial weeks leading up to the 2020 elections. The files on that laptop show how the younger Biden traded his father’s influential positions in government for foreign cash and that Joe Biden profited and was fully aware of what his son was doing. It’s all there. 

But Twitter (and Facebook) blocked the story and suspended the New York Post’s account for reporting it. These platforms are where Americans tend to get their news. The censorship undoubtedly had consequences, as it was designed to do. Why would Twitter’s activists have blocked the story if they didn’t expect that to affect the world outside their lavish San Francisco headquarters?

Americans across the political spectrum should be alarmed at the prospect that a sitting president may be compromised by undisclosed foreign deals about which the evidence in his son’s possession says he has lied to us.

But for disclosing Twitter’s machinations in this and in deplatforming former President Trump, Musk isn’t being universally applauded or thanked. He’s being attacked relentlessly even on the platform he owns. And that’s by people who know the truth but despise it. Most of the media outside of Fox, NewsmaxTV and other conservative outlets aren’t even reporting on the Twitter Files. So most of America presumably isn’t being shown enough to even know that it’s a serious story. That’s one way censorship works. It may not block the story entirely, but declining to cover it signals that it’s not worth the audience’s time.

Musk wasn’t born an American but he’s proven that he lives by American principles more strongly than millions of people who were born here do. He believes so strongly in freedom of speech that he leveraged himself to buy Twitter and restore the bedrock rights that had been so badly damaged on the platform. He believes so strongly in the rule of law that he’s made himself subject to Twitter’s new fact-check system, and has prioritized getting predators who used Twitter to exploit children off the platform permanently. He has also gone after the bots that swarm and distort the public conversation. 

For all these things he’s being attacked, but the immigrant who dreams of restoring America’s space dominance and occupying Mars deserves to be feted with a title. Time magazine chooses its “Person of the Year” based on a number of factors, and Musk was one of the nominees but didn’t get the nod this time. He’s actually something better and more profound. 

He emigrated legally from Africa. He built businesses and created thousands of jobs. He has restored free speech, and with that, the hope of a free tomorrow.

Elon Musk is the African American of the year.

With Russia Hoaxer Jim Baker On The Inside, The FBI Primed Twitter To Kill Hunter Biden Story Long Before It Broke

‘The FBI’s influence campaign aimed at executives at news media, Twitter, & other social media companies worked,’ Shellenberger reported.

The FBI, with the help of insiders at Twitter, led a domestic intelligence coup against Americans during the 2020 election by priming the lead censors at Twitter to discredit reports of the legitimate Hunter Biden laptop under the guise of hacked materials.

The use of an intelligence reimbursement program means the taxpayer-funded FBI was paying Twitter nearly $3.5 million while the Big Tech company was aiding its election-rigging operation, writer Michael Shellenberger confirmed on Monday in the seventh installment of the “Twitter Files.”

By the time the New York Post reported on the Biden family business — a revelation that had the potential to change Americans’ votes in the 2020 election — the FBI knew the laptop and accounts of Hunter’s sketchy overseas dealings were legitimate.

A previous batch of “Twitter Files” indicated that the Big Tech platform used a manufactured “hacked materials” policy to suppress the New York Post’s reporting about Hunter’s laptop for political reasons mere weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

The driving force for that censorship, Shellenberger revealed in his new thread, was James Baker, Twitter’s deputy general counsel who served as lead counsel for the FBI from 2014 to 2018.

Baker, who played a key role in the FBI’s attempt to undermine former President Donald Trump via the Russian collusion hoax, was recently fired by Twitter CEO Elon Musk after his “unconvincing” explanation about his part in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The FBI and Baker, documents suggest, worked to discredit reporting about the Biden family business both before and after it went public.

One month before the New York Post published its story, the FBI requested to have a classified briefing with someone at Twitter who had a top security clearance. Baker, out of the many former FBI officials who had infested Twitter over the years, got the meeting.

One month later, Baker was documented discouraging Yoel Roth, former safety head at Twitter, from allowing the Post’s reporting to circulate on Twitter.

Roth noted that the Post’s reporting “isn’t clearly violative of our Hacked Materials Policy, nor is it clearly in violation of anything else” but admitted, after months of grooming by the FBI about hacks, that “this feels a lot like a somewhat subtle leak operation.”

Even though Baker’s former employer was aware of the veracity of Hunter’s laptop, Baker insisted on the possibility that the contents were obtained in unsavory ways that violated Twitter’s policies. The FBI veteran sourced some of his skepticism from what he said were “reliable cybersecurity folks.”

In the years leading up to the 2020 election, Twitter reported there was “very little Russian activity” on its platform. The FBI also admitted it “did not see any similar competing intrusions to what had happened in 2016.”

Yet, the corrupt agency spent months pressuring and priming Twitter with secret meetings, which focused on encouraging censorship ahead of the 2020 election, and encrypted conversations about the potential for Russian hack-and-leak operations.

By 10 a.m. on Oct. 14, the same day the Post’s story was published, Twitter executives had bought and were selling the idea that the laptop came not from a whistleblower but from a “hack-and-leak” operation. The executives used corporate media reporting speculating about Republicans’ ties to Russia to raise the possibility that this “hack” was led by foreign maligners.

“In the end, the FBI’s influence campaign aimed at executives at news media, Twitter, & other social media companies worked: they censored & discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story,” Shellenberger wrote.

For its successful influence operation, the FBI was warmly thanked by Baker and Twitter.

Satan Clubs, Drag Queens, and the Limits of Modern Conservative Principles

posted by streiff at RedStateVIP 

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of this site.

A kerfuffle erupted in Chesapeake, VA, a few days ago when the “Satanic Temple” filed an application with Chesapeake Public Schools to organize an “After School Satan Club” (ASSC) at B. M. Williams Primary School.

According to the Satanists’ “campaign director” and “ordained minister” June Everett, “The Satanic Temple does not worship the devil. We are not demons. We do not believe in demons, because neither exists.” She went on to say, “Schools are supposed to be incubators of democracy.”

(As an aside, the purpose of education has nothing to do with being an “incubator of democracy,” its purpose is to form minds, academically and morally for responsible citizenship.)

The chief Satanist spokesman, Lucien Greaves, went on Jesse Watters’ Fox News show to defend the effort to start a Satanist club for elementary school kids.

During that interview, he said, “You need to ask yourself if your distaste over us identifying as Satanists is strong enough that you would abandon the principles of free speech and religious liberty.”

The school apparatchiks took this all under advisement, but it is safe to say that the ASSC will meet sometime shortly after school returns from Christmas.

My colleague, Cameron Arcand, posted about this episode in Satanist Defends After School Club by Twisting Conservative Principles.

Let’s be serious; to one degree or another, the Satanists are just trolling and attention whoring. They cast their “Satanism” as non-theistic but nonetheless want to be considered a religion; this gives them First Amendment cover. They made the application as a reaction to a Christian “Good News Club” starting up because they know that if the school district refuses to allow them to meet, they must put school facilities off limits to all clubs no matter what their objective. This lets them get the attention they crave by holding other school clubs hostage. Having said that, I would disagree with Cameron’s conclusion. In fact, I would argue that starting an ASSC epitomizes the modern libertarian brand of conservatism working exactly as intended.

We never get tired of dragging the goofy David French over his defense of drag queen story hour at the public library as a “blessing of liberty,” but the ASSC is the same sort of blessing. In French’s view, half-naked cross-dressers cavorting with young kids, just like a Satanist club in your local school, is a validation of freedom and liberty and not a symptom of a very sick society that uses public spaces to legally sexualize and groom kids or serve as counter-programming to The Almighty. Modern conservatism supports all manner of anti-social behaviors — pornography, gay marriage, homosexuality, and transgenderism, to name only a few — simply because it lacks the guts to say something is wrong and harmful and should not be tolerated by society. I suspect conservatives will fall in line with the campaigns to legalize or decriminalize Schedule I drugs and recognize “minor-attracted persons” as a legitimate sexual orientation.

Indeed, in a debate on the subject, French makes the case that all viewpoints are equal and then, bizarrely, states that he doesn’t endorse the viewpoint he’s de facto endorsing.

It doesn’t really work that way. If you endorse the presence of a social ill for the sake of “free speech and freedom of association,” you are tacitly endorsing the result. To be clear, it is no more appropriate to take your kid to a “drag queen story hour” or any other drag event than it would be to take them to a topless bar (read the whole thread).

At least at a topless bar, they wouldn’t be exposed to some kind of caricature of what women look like.

Conservatism, as it exists today when it isn’t an overt grift, tends to be a weak and spineless philosophy that believes in nothing more than “tolerance.” In that way, it has become sort of the Unitarian Church of political philosophies. It holds no beliefs deeper than “you be you, dude.” If modern conservatism has any organizing principle beyond licentiousness, it is tolerance. Conservatives are so tolerant that they mumble “muh private business” when social media companies stomp on their ability to speak and criticize Elon Musk when he uses the same rules against progressives that they used against us. Instead of “standing athwart history, yelling Stop,” we find leading conservatives today fully aligned with progressive trends, simply differing from the liberal consensus on how fast we should move.

One of my favorite Catholic clerics, Archbishop (retired) Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, has said this about tolerance:

“We need to remember that tolerance is not a Christian virtue. Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty — these are Christian virtues. And obviously, in a diverse community, tolerance is an important working principle. But it’s never an end itself. In fact, tolerating grave evil within a society is itself a form of serious evil. Likewise, democratic pluralism does not mean that Catholics should be quiet in public about serious moral issues because of some misguided sense of good manners. A healthy democracy requires vigorous moral debate to survive. Real pluralism demands that people of strong beliefs will advance their convictions in the public square — peacefully, legally and respectfully, but energetically and without embarrassment. Anything less is bad citizenship and a form of theft from the public conversation.”

Tolerating grave evil within society is not a “blessing of liberty”; it is material cooperation with evil. It is also scandalous — here I’m using a very specific meaning of the word — because every time a weak-kneed conservative supports one of these grotesque events out of a misguided belief in tolerance, we give the impression to the public that we don’t object.

However, just because a Satanist club is approved, that doesn’t mean kids will actually show up to take part. There is a difference between drag queen story hour being scheduled at your local library and anyone going to it. Parents and communities need to make their presence known at these venues and object because these activities are wrong and have been wrong throughout history. No amount of tolerance makes them appropriate or harmless.

The descent from liberty to license was something the Founders were well aware of and tried to ensure would not happen. John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Publius, thought in this case to be James Madison, writing in Federalist 55, observed, “Were the pictures which have been drawn by the political jealousy of some among us, faithful likenesses of the human character, the inference would be that there is not sufficient virtue among men for self government; and that nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.” Both understood a cowardly, supine, or dissolute people would inevitably lose the right to self-government. This right could only be retained through a morality formed by religion. This simple fact has been lost on most of America.

The only sure defense against a school board being flummoxed by a grifter seeking to troll them is to create parallel institutions where morality is taught and enforced. But it isn’t enough to withdraw from society; we must organize to “peacefully, legally and respectfully, but energetically and without embarrassment” oppose this nonsense and reclaim our country from the people trying to destroy it.

Democrats Demand Investigation Into Incoming Republican Congressman They Forgot to Do Any Opposition Research On

Joe Cunningham reporting for RedState 

Had New York Democrats been anything north of functional in 2022, the House might not be in Republican hands come 2023. But the momentum that Lee Zeldin picked up during his campaign for governor helped drag Republicans across the finish line in several House districts while Democrats were still furious with each other for how they handled their congressional maps and party in-fighting.

One of the Republicans Zeldin’s campaign was able to help across the finish was a guy named George Santos, a man most of you may have never heard of except to hear that he had won a House race in New York a little over a month ago. The problem with Santos, however, is that his biography appears to be largely made up.

The New York Times had a lengthy breakdown of Santos’ biography, and almost all of it seems to be fake, if the Times reporting is anything to be believed. I have no reason to suspect it is a fake report, because while it does expose a Republican, the fact of the matter is that the Democrats were so unbelievably horrible at their jobs in this one that it makes them look worse than Santos.

The fact that the Times has unearthed all this information (which, for the record, Santos’ camp denies) is a hilarious indictment of the Democrats’ own opposition research capabilities. This is a guy whose entire biography seems to be fake, and no one in the Democrats’ camp had any clue? That’s amazing.

Well, now the Democrats are calling on someone to do the job their people didn’t do in the first place – investigate Santos.

The chairman of New York’s Democratic Party on Monday called for a House ethics investigation into George Santos, a Long Island Republican elected last month, following a report questioning whether he misled voters about key details in his background.

The story by the New York Times cast doubt on Santos’s claims that he worked for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup and the basis of his reported wealth as he loaned his campaign more than $700,000 before notching a surprise win that helped provide the GOP with a slim majority.

“This is about one of the biggest messes I’ve ever seen from anyone who is about to become a member of the Congress,” said Jay Jacobs, the New York Democratic Party chairman, adding later, “I think that had voters seen this information, understood the ramifications and how egregious it really was, I don’t see how he would have won the race.”

They want a House ethics investigation into Santos because they failed to catch the fact that his entire backstory is (allegedly) made-up. “Please, do the job our campaigns didn’t do,” they are crying out.

Some Democrats expressed disbelief on Monday that questions about Santos’s background didn’t surface more clearly during the campaign. Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.), a member of the House Ethics Committee, noted his surprise that the issues hadn’t emerged in prior reporting and opposition research, particularly given that Santos had unsuccessfully run for Congress in 2020.

“As someone who’s had every case I’ve ever worked on vetted by opponents in both cycles, it’s difficult to overstate how many people would’ve had to drop the ball in not even verifying the mere fact of Congressman-elect Santos’ prior employment as he ran to flip a key House seat,” Jones tweeted. Jones’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

The man Santos beat, Robert Zimmerman, actually admitted today that his campaign knew about all this, but that it was just “drowned out.”

Zimmerman said the allegations in the Times story are “not a shock to me.” He said his campaign learned about “many of these issues but were drowned out in the governor’s race where crimes was the focus and the media had other priorities.”

How do you let that message get “drowned out” exactly? Your opponent is a fake at every level and the media in your state largely support the Democratic Party. Surely someone would have run with that story for you had you just leaked it to them.

I am just astounded here. The story is that Santos’ biography is (again, allegedly) fake. But the far more hilarious story is that the entire Democratic Party missed it and this guy won a House seat. It’s just incredible.

Oh, and to make it all ten thousand percent better? This is the second election cycle where they failed to investigate this guy’s background.