Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Trump Can Win in 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of this site.

Most Americans aren’t paying attention yet to the 2024 Presidential race; only political junkies need to get their “fix” every day. Donald Trump wants to be President again, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that desire. He did a great job for four years, and it is a shame that he, for whatever reasons, couldn’t parlay that success into four more years in office. The country has certainly suffered because of it.  

The last few weeks—again, for whatever reasons, some his fault, some not—have not been kind to Mr. Trump. Since we are in a political “off-season,” it might be a good idea for him to sit back and take stock of what a good campaign in 2024 would look like. He isn’t dead, politically, but he needs some resuscitation. If I were his political campaign manager, here are some suggestions I would make.

1. Disappear for a while, or at least, don’t try to hog the limelight. One recent Townhall writer spoke of “Trump Exhaustion Syndrome”—too much is too much. Plus, the more any human is in the public eye, the more chances there are to make mistakes, especially when his myriad enemies are scrutinizing his every word and deed. And Mr. Trump has made plenty (of mistakes and enemies). Take a vacation for a few months, Mr. Trump, and give the rest of us some time away from you. We’d appreciate it. And come back a new man. For examples….

2. Quit talking about 2020. Nobody wants to hear that anymore. You aren’t going to be President before 2025. Shut up about 2020. I’m in Thailand and I don’t want to hear it; I can imagine how the people in America feel. The future is what concerns us, not the past. If some reporter asks you about 2020 (and they will), cut them off—immediately. “We’re going to talk about 2024 and beyond. Period. Next question.” The past can’t be changed; the future can. Help Republicans learn how to win in 2024, not that you were cheated in 2020.

3. Conquer yourself, Mr. Trump. We like you, but we have lives, too, and we want to know what you are going to do for the country, not what your latest personal grievance is. Barack Obama became legendary for starting every sentence in the first person (“I” or “My”). Don’t talk about yourself, or the injustices to you that cannot be corrected. Frankly, we don’t care.

3. Quit endlessly berating Republicans you don’t like. If you rant about how stupid and gutless Mitch McConnell is—something we already know anyway—the only thing you are going to do is alienate people whom you need to help you back into the White House. There are rotten Republicans; that’s just the way it is and it isn’t going to change. Have the wisdom to use them and get them on your side. Sadly, there are not enough conservatives in the country to put you over the top. Get elected first, then do what is necessary to save the country.

4. Let Congress handle Hunter Biden, the Twitter revelations, etc. They aren’t going to, of course, but there is absolutely nothing you can do about that except make it worse by constantly harping on it. Griping is only going to show pettiness. Be above it, Mr. Trump. We need a statesman now, and statesmen must pick their fights carefully. Joe Biden isn’t going anywhere in the next two years. The Democrats and the media will see to that, so quit trying to remove him from office, and start planning what you will do when you get back to Washington.

5. And then tell us, positively and upliftingly, what you plan to accomplish. It is certainly acceptable to expose, clearly, the disasters of the Biden administration. But the negativity is not enough. Ok, Biden screwed up A (and B, and C, ad infinitum). What are you going to do to fix those things? Give us something to look forward to, not just to complain about.

6. Point to your previous record, but don’t dwell on it. Remind people they were paying less than $2 a gallon for gas and that the country was energy independent. Don’t let Americans forget that black and Hispanic unemployment was the lowest they had ever been in your administration. That’s all fine. But then, we need to know how you intend to return the country to those “good ol’ days.” Give us your blueprint, not just your critique. Be positive, inspiring, and enriching.

7. And will you please get out into minority communities and talk to those people? Rightly or wrongly, Republicans are seen as the party of white people, and they care little to nothing about blacks and other minorities. Go to Harlem, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and other Democratic hell-holes and talk—but mainly LISTEN—to what the black and Hispanic people are saying. Show that you intend to be President for ALL Americans. Now, you will never please everybody; the country is too diverse. But perceptions ARE important, and by showing a true interest in the problems faced by inner-city dwellers, you will be doing something Democrats certainly never do. Go to the cities that the Democrats are destroying and find out what you can do to rebuild them. Care what is happening to those tragic places and show it; the Democrats do neither. If you don’t care, either, please go home.

Donald Trump in 2016 was brilliant. And he won because of it. Since then, not so much. Build, Mr. Trump. “Make America Great Again” is a fine motto. Now, tell all Americans again what it means. Show some humanity, compassion, humility, wisdom, fortitude, and positiveness. America needs help, not a sledgehammer.

X22, And we Know, and more- December 13


If I ever stop laughing at the stupid mistakes CBS makes with the NCIS shows, it'll truly be a dark day.

Here's tonight's news:

Will Secular Conservatives Have Conservative Grandchildren?

It is hard enough for religious conservatives to keep their children and grandchildren conservative. It is far harder for secular conservatives to do so.

Secular conservatives have done, and continue to do, great work on behalf of America, liberty, and conservatism in general.

But they will not likely have conservative grandchildren—and many will not have conservative children.

I know this because I speak with hundreds of conservatives a year in person and on the radio.

I routinely ask these people these questions: “How many children do you have?”

After they give me a number, I ask: “With regard to their holding your conservative values, what’s your batting average?”

On some occasions, the answer is “I’m batting a thousand,” but that is the rarest response. Usually, conservative parents have at least one child who has become a leftist—not a liberal, mind you, but a leftist.

To be completely honest, though less common, this is often also true of religious conservatives. Many religious parents have seen at least one child reject not only religion but conservatism as well.

I will never forget a man who cruised with me years ago on one of my annual listener cruises. He was a successful businessman and a pastor of a church. He told me that he had three sons, each of whom had doctorates—one from Yale, one from Princeton, and one from Stanford.

“And they are all leftists,” he sighed.

All three had chosen the values of the university over religious and conservative values.

The great tragedy of American life since World War II is that many Americans failed to explain American values to their children. As I have said since I began lecturing in my early 20s, the World War II generation decided to give my generation—the so-called baby boomers—“everything they didn’t have,” such as material comforts, financial security, and a college education. And they largely succeeded. The problem is that they failed to give them everything they did have—such as a love of country, commitment to liberty, self-discipline, religion, etc.

The same problem held true among Christians and Jews. Most Christians failed to explain Christianity to their children, and most Jews failed to explain Judaism to theirs.

Secular conservatives see what is happening to some of their children and to many of their friends’ children, yet few draw the conclusion that abandoning God and Judeo-Christian values might be a major factor in these children’s alienation from conservativism.

But it surely is.

God is one of the three components of the American value system. As expressed on every American coin and banknote, those three components are “In God We Trust,” “Liberty,” and “E Pluribus Unum” (“From Many One”). And as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, our rights come from the Creator. The notion that the Founders sought to found a secular, let alone a godless, society has no truth. It is true that many of the Founders did not hold specifically Christian theological beliefs. But they believed in God, and they believed America could not succeed without a God-centered and Bible-revering population.

In other words, American conservatism is incompatible with a secular worldview.

Furthermore, secular conservativism doesn’t work. As we saw during the lockdowns and see every day regarding, for example, woke attacks on “binary” sexuality, it is disproportionately religious Americans who hold and fight for conservative values.

It is true that religious Jews and Christians were a disappointment during lockdowns. That most rabbis, priests, and ministers closed their synagogues and churches in obedience to irrational secular authority is a reason for weeping.

Nevertheless, whatever challenges there were to irrational authority, almost all came from religious institutions.

The same holds true for challenges to the premature sexualization of children taking place in American elementary schools and challenges to the nihilistic claims that there are more than two sexes (or “genders”) and that there is no objective definition for “man” or “woman.”

Such challenges come overwhelmingly from religious America. Conversely, the nihilism comes almost exclusively from secular America.

In sum, it is hard enough for religious conservatives to keep their children and grandchildren conservative. It is far harder for secular conservatives to do so.

I am well aware that many secular conservatives are convinced that they cannot believe in or practice any religion.

To these people, I say: So what?

Once you realize that America’s future depends on Americans affirming “In God We Trust” just as much as they affirm “Liberty” and “E Pluribus Unum,” you have to work on taking God and some religious expression seriously. You should emulate parents who are tone deaf who nevertheless give their children piano lessons.

“Fake it till you make it” is one of the many great insights of 12-step programs. The rule applies to everything good that does not come naturally.

Find a clergyman who shares your values and regularly take your child (or grandchild) to religious services.

Study the Bible with your child or grandchild on a regular basis. Lincoln rarely attended church, but he read the Bible every day. If you need a rational approach to God and the Bible, I suggest beginning with any of my three volumes of Bible commentary, “The Rational Bible.”

Say a blessing before each meal. Even if you’re secular, that shouldn’t be too difficult.

I promise you that whatever discomfort you experience acting religious pales in comparison to the discomfort you will experience if your child or grandchild ends up woke.

Bill Barr is Contributor to Bari Weiss Twitter File Release Website

I’m not going to write extensively about this because I respect your intellectual ability to see the obvious.  Questions have been raised about why the Twitter File releases appear to have been structured in a fashion to protect government interests.

Well, the new Bari Weiss website that was set up to launch as an exclusive outcome of the Twitter File release, includes a current contributor and former 2020 control officer of the DOJ who would have facilitated the DHS/FBI contact with social media; the stuff that is transparently missing from the Twitter File releases.


Yes, former AG Bill Barr is a content partner with Twitter File narrative engineer Bari Weiss.  Gee, I wonder how that happens?

Oh look, and what a coincidence… they are both promoting Ron DeSantis.

Wait… Elon Musk is also promoting Ron Desantis… and Mr Musk is simultaneously promoting the Bari Weiss website that promotes Ron DeSantis… and contains Twitter File releases that are conspicuously missing the discussion angle of FBI influence in the 2020 election… Almost as if… wait, nah, that would be conspiracy talk.  Just ordinary coincidences everywhere, for sure.

Hunter Biden’s Strategy To Go On The Offensive Further Indicts The Feds

A strangely timed DEA raid, whistleblower claims, and other red flags raise new questions about Hunter Biden and his family affairs.

Two months after the FBI subpoenaed the laptop Hunter Biden had abandoned at a Delaware computer repair store, the Drug Enforcement Administration searched the office of Hunter’s one-time psychiatrist Keith Ablow and seized a second laptop Hunter had left with him. The timing of the DEA raid and the fact that criminal charges were never filed against Ablow, coupled with whistleblowers’ claims that the FBI buried evidence against Hunter Biden, raises the question of whether the search was a pretext to recover Hunter’s laptop and protect the Biden family. 

While the DEA’s recovery of the second Hunter Biden laptop escaped scrutiny over the last nearly three years, a Washington Post article from Saturday brings that laptop into focus — and with it questions about the DEA’s seizure of the laptop and agents’ decision to return it to Hunter. 

Back in the News

In a weekend article titled “Some Hunter Biden Allies Making Plans to go After His Accusers,” The Washington Post reported that Hunter and his closest advisers are plotting an offensive for when Republicans assume control of the House of Representatives in January. The strategy sessions to counter what Biden associates frame as “an expected onslaught of investigations by House Republicans” began last September, according to the Post, with a meeting at the California home of Hunter Biden’s friend and lawyer Kevin Morris. 

Morris, already famous in the entertainment industry as an attorney for the co-creators of “South Park,” gained notoriety when the New York Post reported that Morris “footed Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes totaling over $2 million.” In addition to Morris, David Brock, a liberal activist, reportedly joined in the September 2022 strategy session. “At one point, Hunter Biden himself happened to call into the meeting, connecting briefly by video to add his own thoughts,” according to the Post. 

While not detailing Hunter’s purported thoughts, The Washington Post reported that Morris suggested “it was crucial” “for Hunter Biden’s camp to be more aggressive.” According to Saturday’s article, Morris then described during the September meeting at his California home the “defamation lawsuits the team could pursue against the presidential son’s critics, including Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani.” Morris also reportedly “outlined extensive research on two potential witnesses against Hunter Biden — a spurned business partner named Tony Bobulinski and a computer repairman named John Paul Mac Isaac.”

Brock provided more insight, telling the Post: “They feel that there is a whole counternarrative missing because of the whole Hunter-hater narrative out there.” “What we really got into was more the meat of it, the meat of what a response would look like,” Brock said of the September meeting. To aid the efforts, Brock planned to start a new group — since launched — named Facts First USA, which Brock described as a “SWAT team” designed to “ensure that the media and public do not accept the false narratives that flows from congressional investigations.”

More recently, according to the Post, “Brock’s group, Facts First, is engaging with Hunter Biden and those in his immediate circle.” Brock is reportedly “reviewing research that Morris has conducted on Biden’s adversaries, including Bobulinski and Mac Isaac.” 

According to The Washington Post, Morris and others are also focused on whether the data claimed to be recovered from the laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at the Delaware computer repair store, “was improperly obtained and distributed,” with Hunter and his allies suggesting that the materials released by Giuliani and others may not have originated from the laptop Hunter abandoned at the repair shop. Instead, the help-Hunter crew posits that the information may have been improperly taken from a laptop Hunter left with Ablow, whom the Post frames as “close to Republican activist Roger Stone.” The Post then reported that “Morris has been overseeing a forensic analysis of that laptop to determine if it was the basis of the hard drives that were later distributed by Trump allies.” 

Morris began floating a similar tangled conspiracy theory in May 2022, with CBS News reporting, “Morris and his team have been circulating provocative slides that tease a coming counter-narrative to political attacks against the president’s son.” The slides describe a “contextualized theory” positing that “there was no laptop dropped off with Mac Isaac, just a laptop which Hunter abandoned on Feb. 1, 2019, at the office of his psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow.” 

The New York Post’s Miranda Devine also lighted the conspiracy theory Morris floated in May, writing: “Morris alleges in his scrawled mind map, and in conversations with confidants, that Trump ally Roger Stone and his lawyer, Tyler Nixon, masterminded a plot with Ablow and Mac Isaac to create ‘clones’ of the laptop left in Newburyport to damage Joe before the 2020 election.” Morris pushed the theory based on Stone writing a foreword for Ablow’s 2020 book, “Trump Your Life,” and Ablow’s appearances on Fox News. 

But as Devine detailed in her article, the material contained on the MacBook abandoned at Mac Isaac’s business included material created after Hunter had left the laptop with Ablow: “The biggest problem with Morris’ conspiracy theory of the ‘Ablow clones’ is that there are authentic videos and other material unique to the Mac Isaac laptop that were created after Hunter left his second laptop at Ablow’s office.” 

Ablow has also dismissed the counternarrative as “a work of fiction,” stating: “I never looked at any laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, much less shared any laptop belonging to Mr. Biden with anyone, ever.” “I wouldn’t know how to access a password-protected laptop if my life depended on it,” Ablow added. Stone reportedly said the theory is “insane conjecture bordering on defamation.” Mac Isaac described it at the time as a “loose effort to muddy the waters.”

In response to Morris’s most recent push, as captured in Saturday’s Washington Post article, Mac Isaac’s attorney, Brian Della Rocca, told The Federalist, “As we have always said, Hunter Biden knows it is his laptop. That is why neither he nor his father have ever actually denied that it is his.” “The night before the story broke,” Della Rocca added, “Hunter’s attorney reached out to John Paul to ask about whether he still had Hunter’s laptop.” What Morris is doing now, Mac Isaac’s attorney claims, is “nothing more than trying to create more of a stir so the story will be worth more in Hollywood.”

Beneath the Surface

Whether crafting a Hollywood story or an offensive strategy to protect Hunter Biden, what Morris and Hunter’s other confidants fail to realize, however, is that by pushing the theory that the material recovered from the Delaware laptop originated from the laptop left with Ablow, they are resurrecting a story that received little scrutiny at the time: the DEA’s raid of Ablow’s office. And since Morris first pushed this conspiracy theory in May 2022, “highly credible whistleblowers” have come forward and accused the Department of Justice and FBI “of burying ‘verified and verifiable’ dirt on President Biden’s troubled son Hunter by incorrectly dismissing the intelligence as “disinformation.” 

So, the question arises: Was the DEA’s raid of Ablow’s office a pretext to recover Hunter’s second laptop? And relatedly: Did the DEA return the laptop to Hunter without securing the evidence first for the criminal investigation against the now-president’s son?

While most Americans now know of the infamous laptop Hunter reportedly abandoned at a Delaware computer repair store, shortly after the New York Post broke the news that material recovered from the laptop implicated Joe Biden in Hunter’s shady business dealings, CBS News reported on Oct. 30, 2020: “[A]ccording to two people familiar with the matter, a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA in February when they executed a search warrant on the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist accused of professional misconduct,” the psychiatrist being Ablow. 

The February 2020 raid on the office of Hunter’s one-time Massachusetts-based psychiatrist Ablow received only passing mention at the time, with local outlets reporting that the DEA claimed the execution of the search warrant was part of an “ongoing investigation.” Coverage at the time also highlighted the revocation of Ablow’s medical license for alleged “inappropriate sexual activity with patients and illegally giving prescriptions to employees.”

There was no mention of the recovery of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden at the time, or at any time until two unnamed sources told CBS News of that detail on Oct. 30, 2020. Since then, Ablow confirmed that Hunter left his laptop at a bungalow attached to Ablow’s office in 2019, where the Biden son was reportedly staying for intravenous ketamine treatments for his addiction in December 2018 and January 2019. 

Ablow reportedly “made repeated efforts to persuade Hunter Biden to retrieve his computer,” with Ablow even contacting Hunter’s attorney to arrange for its return.” However, the second laptop reportedly remained in a safe in Ablow’s basement for a year, and the DEA raided the psychiatrist on Feb. 13, 2020, then returned the computer to Hunter’s lawyer George Mesires.

Red Flags

The timing of the raid and the return of the computer to Hunter’s lawyer raises several red flags, especially since federal charges were never brought against Ablow. First, the Feb. 13, 2020, DEA raid occurred some nine months after the Massachusetts Board of Medicine suspended Ablow’s medical license on May 15, 2019, for purportedly diverting “controlled substances from patients,” among other things. One would think the DEA would act more promptly to execute a search warrant to prevent the destruction of evidence.

Second, the DEA only executed the search warrant after the FBI issued a grand jury subpoena in mid-December of 2019 to seize the first Hunter Biden laptop from the Delaware store owner, raising the question of whether the real goal was to ensure there were no more Biden laptops floating about before the 2020 presidential election.

Third, even if there was nothing pretextual or nefarious about the raid on Ablow’s office, that the DEA returned the laptop to Hunter’s lawyer raises other concerns because at the time, and still to this day, Hunter Biden was under investigation. In fact, it was that investigation that served as the basis for the FBI to subpoena the laptop from the Delaware repair store. Given the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden, why would the DEA return the laptop to his attorney?

Given the FBI whistleblowers’ claims that government agents buried incriminating evidence against Hunter Biden, the House oversight committees should pose these questions to the DEA to ensure that federal agency was not also acting as a protect-Biden front. And we can thank Morris and The Washington Post for reminding us of the DEA’s seizure of that second Hunter laptop — something that at the time seemed straightforward but, given the developments over the last six months, now smells suspect.

Musk Derangement Syndrome Has Become So Foolish His Critics Are Politicizing Child Porn

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Leftists are furious with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. They are incensed by the fact that he is working to turn the social media platform into a level playing field in which decisions regarding censorship are not motivated by politics. Indeed, so-called progressives seem terrified at the thought of losing supremacy over the site and have been viciously attacking him since he first took over the company.

To put it simply, they are livid.

But the “Tesla Man Bad” movement has become so nonsensical that they are even criticizing him for making a move of which most Americans would approve: Rooting out the distribution of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) on the site. In saner times, it would be expected that protecting children would be a praiseworthy endeavor regardless of whether one agrees with the politics of the one undertaking it.

However, in 2022, this cannot be the case, as evidenced by the vitriol coming from red-eyed leftist lunatics who are intent on weaponizing the existence of child porn on Twitter.

Shortly after he took over the company, Musk indicated that the removal of CSAM on the platform would be his number one priority. He has taken substantial steps toward that end, having put measures into place to make it easier to report and remove content featuring the abuse of children.

After it became clear that Twitter’s prior leadership was not taking the matter seriously, one would think his desire to address it would be welcomed by people of all political stripes. But alas, that is not the case. Indeed, leftists have instead used the issue as another way to attack Musk and undermine the vision he has for the company.

Professor Don Moynihan took to Twitter to resurrect a tired old trope about QAnon to lump Musk in with the crazies. “The narrative that the Great Leader is secretly defending us against the Elite Band of Pedophiles is the basic QAnon story, now being rebooted to recast Musk in the Trump role,” he tweeted.

Meidas Touch, a far-leftist media outfit, seemed to imply that Musk was a consumer of child porn himself:

The Serfs, a far-leftist YouTube channel, claimed the leader of the trust and safety team is leaving Twitter because of Musk and that he is telling conservatives that a “pedo conspiracy” is “going down.”

Media activist Jacob Silverman repeated a similar trope, pretending that Musk is “leveraging right wing pedo panic” to attack Twitter’s previous leadership.

Members of the activist media have also been writing hit pieces and going after Eliza Bleu, a human trafficking survivor who is working with Musk on the CSAM issue. The Washington Post even went so far as to attack her in a hit piece against Musk, bringing up the fact that she helped raise money for Operation Underground Railroad, an organization that moves against traffickers in other countries. “Some police departments have declined to accept donations from the group amid questions about its fundraising and its appeals to QAnon followers,” the author wrote.

Of course, they would try to link her to QAnon, even though she has publicly criticized them in the past.

Even when I posted a tweet calling this out, some responded by claiming these individuals are only pretending to fight CSAM so they can avoid criticism.

In other words, Musk Derangement Syndrome has made these people completely irrational. Their hatred of Musk for promoting free speech and engaging with non-progressives has transformed them into zombies unable to appreciate his efforts to protect children even while disagreeing with his stance on content moderation.

To them, politics even trumps the safety of children from predators. If they have to use ludicrous QAnon references and attack Musk’s character in his bid to eliminate child porn, they have no issue with it. But sane people can see that these attacks are nothing more than cynical attempts to advance and defend a political agenda and have nothing to do with concern for children or anyone else for that matter.

Twitter Employees Found Trump Didn’t Violate Policies, Then Banned Him Anyway With Corporate Media’s Help

Even after Twitter’s safety team concluded that Trump’s tweets did not violate any policies, Twitter banned the sitting president on Jan. 8. 

A new batch of the “Twitter Files” released by independent journalist Bari Weiss reveals Twitter employees acknowledged on internal channels that former President Donald Trump’s tweets shortly after the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot did not violate Twitter policies, but the Big Tech company cooked up a reason to ban him anyway with the corporate press running cover.

Weiss revealed in a Twitter thread on Monday that Twitter employees pushed for the removal of Trump long before they created a reason to ban him from their platform on Jan. 8, 2021. So did the media — after Trump’s loss in the 2020 presidential election, propaganda press outlets began dredging up polls and other content designed to cast doubt on Trump’s presence on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

When media figures weren’t personally calling for the suppression of Trump online, outlets such as Politico amplified Democrats who wanted nothing more than to see their top enemy banned from social media for life.

One of the most egregious and effective examples of this was when The Washington Post chose to publish a letter from hundreds of Twitter employees early in the afternoon on Jan. 8. In the letter, Twitter staff demanded then-CEO Jack Dorsey, legal and policy executive Vijaya Gadde, and other executives “permanently suspend” Trump. They also called on the Big Tech company to review the role it played as “Trump’s megaphone” and helping “fuel the deadly events of January 6th.”

“We appreciate stronger measures, like the interstitials recently used on his account and his Jan. 6 timeout. We do not believe these actions are sufficient,” the “Tweeps” wrote.

At the time of the letter’s amplification in the digital pages of WaPo, however, Twitter staff doubted that Trump’s tweets on Jan. 8 would justify his permanent removal from the platform.

Even after Twitter’s safety team concluded that Trump’s tweets did not violate any policies, Twitter banned the sitting president by the evening of Jan. 8.

Instead of heeding the assessment that Trump’s tweets did not violate Twitter’s policies, the Big Tech company took a page out of its Hunter Biden laptop censorship playbook and used a vague excuse to nuke the president’s personal page.

At the time, Twitter claimed that giving Trump access to the online public square posed a “risk of further incitement of violence.”

“After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them — specifically how they are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter — we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” Twitter’s official statement read.

Censors at Twitter, who pined for Trump’s suspension for months, celebrated the suspension in various internal chat rooms. Corrupt corporate media outlets returned the favor by publicly glorifying the decision.

These employees were so emboldened by their sweeping act of speech suppression that they began to brainstorm what other types of content and users they could get away with deplatforming.

To this day, corrupt corporate media continue to advocate for the downfall of anyone who threatens their allies in Big Tech. That includes publishing hit pieces about new Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who initiated the release of the “Twitter Files” with the hopes of exposing Big Tech collusion and censorship tactics.