Sunday, December 11, 2022

Are Republicans Still Pro-Military?

It is in some ways a healthy development for one party not to be so closely associated with and uncritical of the military.

Looking over the scene, two seemingly unrelated stories caught my eye. First,48 percent of Americans trust the military, down from 70 percent only four years ago. And, a bunch of homosexuals who like dressing up like dogs felt free to use their uniforms to proclaim their fetish, to the consternation of normal people everywhere. 

No one in his right mind serving in the military would show himself with a Confederate flag, even anonymously, and especially not in uniform. One could expect the FBI’s top assets to be deployed to root out such an offender, just as they are occasionally used to hunt down people engaged in constitutionally protected speech

The military is different and its rules are more restrictive than society broadly, and for good reason. They are a close-knit, racially diverse group, and internal friction can create problems. The uniform is not merely clothing; it is supposed to symbolize uniformity of outlook and purpose. Personal matters are supposed to remain personal. The nature of the tasks the military undertakes requires obedience to orders, including in situations like combat where one’s natural instincts scream, “Run away!” 

But it is notable which examples of free speech servicemen feel perfectly comfortable and protected in and those they generally avoid. Right-wing views and mild criticism of the leadership are out, even when they find a significant number of adherents among the populace.

Homosexual kink in the form of “dog play,” on the other hand, is perfectly OK. 

The Military Got Woke Quickly

It’s not surprising these guys feel comfortable hinting at their secret lives, wearing the uniform for dramatic effect. In fairly short order, the military has gone from prohibiting open homosexuality, to mandatory discretion in the form of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” to where we are today: open celebrations and promotions of homosexuality from military commanders and the top brass at the Pentagon.

There is no similar recognition for heterosexuals (or swingers, for that matter). But, as in corporate America and on campus, one type of sexual minority is upheld as an heroic ideal, while everyone else is supposed to play along, pretending they do not care or are not freaked out. The same playbook that made everyone ignore the lowered standards to force women into combat units is now being used to protect extremely deviant canine-wannabe homosexuals. 

While this has been happening, the military has been taking sides on other culture war issues, openly siding with the deep state against Donald Trump. Division commander General Patrick Donohoe was reprimanded after getting into a “flame war” with both Tucker Carlson and former Marine officer and American Greatness contributor Josiah Lippincott. During the summer of riots in 2020, many former generals and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley openly defied the commander in chief, including his prerogative to use force to stop violence.

Republicans Used to Be the Pro-Military Party

One defining aspect of conservatives and Republicans, particularly after Vietnam, has been support for the military. If Democrats and the Left learned from Vietnam that the draft is bad, Americans are not always the good guys, and wars are sometimes more trouble than they’re worth, Republicans instead saw too much political meddling and not enough guts on the part of the decision makers. They would uphold the military’s conservative ideals of physical courage, honor, and service as being more elevated and worthy of respect, even though it was now the province of a small group of volunteers. 

The post-Vietnam, all-volunteer force would obtain lavish support and be revamped to win the kind of war it won in World War II—a large conventional fight in Europe. Particularly during the Reagan era, increased defense spending led to improvements throughout the military, not only in equipment, but also in pay, housing, and the quality of new soldiers and officers. The swift and decisive victory in the Gulf War, which coincided with the peaceful American victory in the Cold War, further increased the public’s and the politicians’ perception of American military strength and capability. 

After 9/11, the military took center stage in the Global War on Terror. This was the “Thank you for your service” era, when the small professional military received copious accolades and deference. The praise also flowed from collective guilt, as George W. Bush told the rest of America to go out and shop. 

For eight years in Iraq and two decades in Afghanistan, the military fought long, indeterminate wars that did not end in victory. Dissatisfaction with the wars’ lack of progress had a lot to do with Obama’s election over the militant John McCain.

Incompetence + Partisanship = Decline in Support

The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, made worse by the self-congratulation and lack of soul searching on the part of military leadership, left a permanent dent in the military’s prestige and perceived competence. The open defiance of President Trump’s authority to use the military domestically occurring just months before the slimy Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman’s testimony in the first Trump impeachment, the deployment of thousands of troops at the Capitol for the Biden inauguration, and the new secretary of defense’s call for a “stand down” to address an alleged scourge of right-wing extremists, caused Republicans to lose faith in the military they long supported. 

Social media made the military’s hostility to social conservatives even more apparent. While it’s true that many in the ranks are still conservative and austere in their lifestyles, they are also more diverse in attitude and practice than the plaster saints of conservatives’ imagination. The leadership has also become extremely solicitous of the managerial class with whom they rub elbows while serving at the Pentagon. Gays, women, and minorities are now in, while white, male, Christians have became persona non grata. 

While declining respect for the military and its apparent decline in quality is concerning, it is in some ways a healthy development for one party not to be so closely associated with and uncritical of the military. 

Prior to Vietnam, the military ideal was a nonpartisan one. It was a tool in the hands of the elected president, himself acquiring authority from the American people. It was not the province of one party or another, nor of a “deep state.” Afterwards, there was worry for a time that the military was becoming overly political and too closely associated with the Republican Party, particularly during the difficult civil-military relations of the Clinton years. That has since been completely reversed, particularly at the top, creating a different set of problems.

Pentagon leadership is at a crossroads. During the Obama and Trump years, it has chosen to look upward for its guidance, seeking favor exclusively with its congressional and bureaucratic patrons, while paying scant attention to the American people and their view of things. This is why the rainbow flags and sex change surgeries for transexuals seem to make sense. Everyone in Washington, D.C., thinks this way, even many of the Republicans, so it is easy to imagine the opposition is only a tiny, atavistic minority of extremists.

But Washington, D.C., is not representative of America. It has become increasingly a distant, wealthy, and haughty Imperial City—the swamp—which has neither connection to nor respect for the American people.

The brass ignore the American people at their peril. The good old boys who used to join the combat arms, often from long family traditions of service, are starting to doubt whether there is any future for them in the woke military. Surveys suggest veterans are less enthusiastic about their children serving than they were only a few years ago. The military is facing recruiting challenges even worse than at the height of the dangers and high operational tempo of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. 

The military may soon discover that for reasons of their social outlook and endemic mental illness, the young and woke folks they are trying to impress will not fill in the gaps.

X22, Devolution Power Hour, and more- December 11


Got some sad news to report on before I post the podcasts:

Last night, I found out that a long time episode director for the NCIS franchise passed away last Monday from a long battle with cancer. He directed many fine episodes of JAG, NCIS, NCIS LA and even a few of NCIS New Orleans. 'sighs'. He was 1 of the best.

Here's tonight's news:

Where’s the Outrage?

In any sane world, these revelations would have the public up in arms, literally.

Bob Dole ran a pretty poor campaign against Bill Clinton in 1996. It was no surprise, then, that he lost. But let history acknowledge the former U.S. senator from Kansas asked the very best question in the entire election cycle. “Where’s the outrage?” he thundered at a GOP event at the end of October 1996. Back then, the chief issue was the Clinton Administration’s use and abuse of 900 FBI files on their political opponents. Imagine! An American president using the FBI as his secret police! Have you ever heard of anything so outrageous? In America, amidst Our Democracy™? 

Then as now, however, the answer to Dole’s question is simple: Nowhere. There was, there is, no outrage. Then, as now, there are little flutters of enthusiast unhappiness among the rest of the faithful who greet news of outrageous behavior with applause and expressions of solidarity. “You go, champ!” they seem to say, before relapsing into a blinking, weakly smiling repose. (This is the cue for people like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney to adjust their hairdos and stride boldly on stage.) 

But the media writ large? Then, as now, it’s crickets as far as the eye can see. 

The biggest story of the day revolves around Elon Musk’s decision to open the window and reveal Twitter’s active role in stage managing the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden and very much to the detriment of Donald Trump. Over the past week, extensive Twitter threads posted by Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and others have revealed that the company was essentially part of a coordinated Democratic oppo-research and suppression operation and, moreover, one that was actively collaborating—or, to use the preferred term, “colluding”—with the FBI to destroy Donald Trump and assure Joe Biden’s election.

Obviously, this is front-page news in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other major newspapers as well as top-of-the-hour reporting every night on the mirror-mirror-on-the-wall talk shows that many Americans turn to so they do not have to face reality. 

Just kidding—about the prominence of the story, I mean, not the habit of Americans turning to their digital fentanyl to avoid the truth. 

There’s been a tiny stream of stern commentary, but mostly what we’ve been treated to are hysterical (I do not mean “funny”) denunciations of Elon Musk for having the temerity to shine a little light into the netherworld of the Twitterverse. They say that sunlight is the best disinfectant. Maybe so. Like iodine applied to a bad scrape, however, this is going to sting. 

But probably not enough. Bari Weiss’ thread goes into the gory details about how Twitter “shadow-banned,” i.e., suppressed the tweets of various people with whom they, or their masters in Washington, disagreed. Remember Jay Bhattacharya? He is one of the Stanford University dissidents from the official COVID narrative. He, along with John Ioannidis and Scott Atlas, was routinely suppressed on Twitter. As Weiss shows, by quoting company directives, “Twitter secretly placed him on a ‘Trends Blacklist,’ which prevented his tweets from trending.”

Dr. Bhattacharya was worried about the harm COVID lockdowns could cause children. But this went against the Fauci-Approved Official Narrative, so it had to be suppressed. And suppressed it was. 

Weiss’ thread is full of disturbing revelations. But even more dramatic is Matt Taibbi’s current thread, which proceeds under the title “THE REMOVAL OF DONALD TRUMP. Part One: October 2020-January 6th.” Unlock the closet where you keep your favorite conspiracy theories. It turns out, they’re not “theories” at all, at least not if by that word you mean something imagined but not true. 

Nope. They are the pure, unvarnished truth. Remember when 51 top experts from our intelligence services signed a letter denouncing the New York Post for publishing a “sensationalistic” story fabricated by “the Russians” about Hunter Biden’s laptop? “Sensationalistic” the revelations may have been. But it turns out that Miranda Devine was right, they were all true. You just couldn’t hear about it because Twitter suppressed any mention of the revelations, especially those having to do with Joe “Big Guy” Biden and the Chinese lucre flowing into Hunter’s purse or crack pipe. 

It’s all quite extraordinary—by which, I guess, I mean it’s just business as usual in the swamp. A sitting president of the United States finds himself suppressed by a major social media platform. Other politicians who have dissident opinions or are from the wrong party do as well. One user of Twitter just asked, “were any political candidates—either in the US or elsewhere—subject to shadowbanning while they were running for office or seeking re-election?” Musk answered: “Yes.” Which is why, as Musk also observed, “Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene.”

I agree with David Limbaugh: “There needs to be a relentless attack from our side against the legacy media for their ongoing suppression of the truth, especially their refusal to cover these latest Twitter censorship revelations. They must never again be permitted to pretend to occupy the moral high ground.” I agree. But I fear that demand is going to go unheeded. 

In any sane world, these revelations would have the public up in arms, literally. They would be marching against the media, the FBI, and the current administration. The anger would be acrid and ubiquitous. 

That’s in any sane world. In our world, alas, you can hear the carpet being pulled back so that the whole dirty mess can be swept underneath it. Where’s the outrage? Nowhere to be found.

Third Batch Of Twitter Files Shows Twitter’s Lead Censor Joking About FBI Collusion

‘I’m a big believer in calendar transparency,’ Roth said. ‘But I reached a certain point where my meetings became… very interesting.’

The third batch of “Twitter Files,” published by independent journalist Matt Taibbi, revealed Twitter’s former lead censor, Yoel Roth, joking about the company’s collusion with government intelligence entities.

“After [Jan. 6, 2021], internal Slacks show Twitter executives getting a kick out of intensified relationships with federal agencies,” Taibbi wrote, publishing internal Slack messages that show Roth “lamenting a lack of ‘generic enough’ calendar descriptions [for] concealing his ‘very interesting’ meeting partners.”

“I’m a big believer in calendar transparency,” Roth said in one message. “But I reached a certain point where my meetings became… very interesting.”

In response to a colleague who commented “Very Boring Business Meeting That Is Definitely Not About Trump ;)” Roth responded “Preeeeeeeetty much.”

“DEFINITELY NOT meeting with the FBI I SWEAR,” Roth wrote in another message.

The Slack messages offer more evidence of explicit coordination between the government and Twitter to censor conservative accounts. The second batch of Twitter Files, published by independent journalist Bari Weiss on Thursday, revealed the lead of the company’s Strategic Response Team (SRT), a group designated to run the platform’s shadowban operations, was a former federal intelligence operative. Jeff Carlton, the team’s head, was previously an analyst for the CIA and the FBI, according to his since-deleted LinkedIn page.

This week, Twitter CEO Elon Musk also revealed that the company’s deputy general counsel, who played a key role in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, was a former general counsel of the FBI.

Weeks before the 2020 election, Twitter blocked users from publishing links to blockbuster stories from the New York Post that implicated then-candidate Joe Biden in his son’s potentially criminal overseas business ventures. Emails that showed the former vice president’s direct involvement with Hunter Biden’s influence-peddling schemes came from an abandoned laptop in Delaware. Despite no evidence the computer was ever hacked, Twitter suppressed the story across the platform citing its hacked materials policy. The first batch of “Twitter Files” out last week showed that the company deliberately shut down the bombshells from the Post out of partisanship.

Jim Baker played a pivotal role in censoring the story at Twitter as the company’s deputy general counsel, telling colleagues “caution is warranted” that the content might be the consequence of a hack. Prior to joining Twitter, Baker was instrumental in the FBI’s deep-state operation to undermine President Donald Trump by peddling the Russia hoax. Musk fired him from Twitter Tuesday and announced the termination with a tweet.

“In light of concerns about Baker’s possible role in suppression of information important to the public dialogue, he was exited from Twitter today,” Musk wrote.

“His explanation was …unconvincing,” Musk wrote in a follow-up on Baker’s justification for suppressing the laptop story.

Another post from Taibbi showed Twitter Policy Director Nick Pickles asking colleagues if employees could refer to corporate relationships with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security as “partnerships.”

In one internal Slack post published Friday night, Taibbi further exposed the partisan nature of Twitter’s censorship operations. On Oct. 9, 2020, someone shared a Trump tweet with Roth which read, “Breaking News: 50,000 OHIO VOTERS getting WRONG ABSENTEE BALLOTS. Out of control. A Rigged Election!!!”

“‘[A] rigged election’ would be enough to be in violation right?'” wrote an employee whose name has been redacted.

“If the claim of fact were inaccurate, yes,” Roth wrote, then added, “But it looks like that’s true,” with a link to an article from NPR.

The post in question no longer appears in a keyword search for it on Twitter, even though employees knew the facts were accurate.

WATCH: Private Jet Devotee John Kerry Says U.S. Taxpayers Should 'Step up and Lead' Climate Reparations

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Christened by Joe Biden as America’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry occasionally steps up to a microphone or in front of a TV camera and makes an utter fool out of himself, both because of his doomsday warnings about “the existential threat to mankind,” and also his related blatant hypocrisy.

I would’ve gone with Supreme Potentate of Weather, but I digress.

Anyway, as reported by The Washington Post, Kerry whined during a Wednesday interview with the AP that the annual meeting of the 197 signatories of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change in November didn’t do enough to speed up cuts in emissions of heat-trapping gases.

Kerry told AP that while he believed there was progress on some aspects of reducing carbon pollution during the climate summit in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, he also thinks there’s much more that could be done (Kerry always thinks there’s much more that can be done), including giving more money to what he called a “pyrrhic” agreement to establish a compensation fund for poor nations “victimized by a warming world.”

“We needed to significantly accelerate the reduction of emissions,” Kerry said, adding: “I would have liked to have seen s greater outcome from Sharm with respect to mitigation,” which is what climate negotiators (and “experts” like John Kerry) call cutting carbon pollution.

So what needs to happen, according to Kerry?

But we’re just going to have to keep pushing. We have to increase the mitigation and that’s the one thing that I thought should have been highlighted even more. There was forward movement very clearly at increased ambition, but I think it needed to do more.

Really, Mr. Special Presidential Climate Envoy?

How ’bout you mitigate your own emissions and carbon pollution by dumping your private jet, for which you have a great affinity? You know, just like you were forced by your fellow climate loons to sell your $7 million 76-ft. superyacht. Remember? The same yacht you docked in Rhode Island in an attempt to avoid paying roughly $500,000 in taxes to your cash-strapped, Democrat-controlled home state of Massachusetts. Yeah, that yacht. Now to your private jet to show the little people just how serious you are. Deal?

In answer to a direct question about whether “there’s going to have to be U.S. taxpayer money — that the United States is going to have to be one of the nations that contribute” more to climate reparations for third world countries, Kerry said:

Well it would be great if there were some — I mean the United States of America, proudly, is the largest humanitarian donor in the world. The American people already do an enormous amount around the world … so we’re on deck.

I mean we’re in the fight. … We have to step up to lead.

Cool. How ’bout you step up and lead, first, Mr. Climate Envoy?

However, as reported by my colleague Streiff in November, Kerry’s climate-alarmist pal Joe Biden agreed to pay “climate reparations” to “developing” countries, as Streiff put it, “to punish Americans for their success and reward a handful of extremely rich people who live in those countries.”

Speaking of extremely rich people, John Kerry is worth an estimated $250 million. His wife, Teresa Heinz, also the widow of Republican Sen. John Heinz (R-Pa.), was an heir to the famous ketchup fortune. Independent of his wife, Kerry has scored wealth of his own through his relation to the well-to-do Forbes family, unrelated to the Forbes publishing family. In all, Kerry has inherited at least four Forbes family trusts, including three from his mother, Rosemary Forbes Kerry, who died in 2002.

In other words, Kerry’s fortune came with zero wealth-building of his own doing.

Yet, the climate hypocrite extraordinaire jets around the world at will, and owns multiple homes, all the while preaching to the rest of us about how much we need to cut back on this and give more to that, all in the name of “the existential threat to mankind,” otherwise known as cyclical long-term weather patterns.

Ignorance is bliss to hypocrites — particularly, to multimillionaire hypocrites.

It’s Remarkable How Many New Ways the Elite Have Concocted for Us to Die, Justified by Climate Change…

For his weekly monologue today, U.K pundit Neil Oliver looks at the climate change agenda, energy policy, and the constructs of how the new green agenda manifest to create new ways for people to die.

We aren’t allowed the energy available from a century of gas beneath our feet here in Britain – because it’s not Green. But we’re paying top dollar for nine billion cubic litres – twice as much as last year’s order – of gas fracked out of the ground in the US. WATCH:

[Transcript] -Winter arrived last week – and with it a dose of reality. All that talk about wrapping up warm in the house, putting on an extra jumper, hot water bottles, full-size onesies – it’s dangerous nonsense. It might be fine for a while if you’re a healthy adult – but it’s a tragedy in slow motion for babies, young children, the elderly, the sick.

And it’s only the second week in December. It’s a long time until Spring.

Even if layering up and donning a hat were enough to keep a body going, once cold properly gets a grip of a house, it too starts to die in its own way.

The creep of dampness that takes its own toll on house and health alike. Frozen pipes – followed by burst pipes – and not enough plumbers to go round. People who can’t afford to heat their homes are likely struggling with spiking food bills as well.

All of this in a first world country that was home to the industrial revolution that changed the world for the better and lifted billions out of poverty. Now the grannies saved by locking down the world until its heart stopped beating, are sitting down to die alone of cold and hunger. It’s amazing how inventive the Establishment has proven to be in coming up with ways to invite the elderly to die miserable lonely deaths.

Our so-called leaders tell us all of it is a price worth paying – by which they mean worth paying by us, the little people. All the decisions are being made by those who have no intention whatever of spending so much as five minutes in an unheated home. Turn up the thermostat and fill out the expenses claim – that’s the order of the day for our elected representatives.

All around them are those that can’t afford to heat their own homes but are forced to subsidise the warmth of the sociopaths that put us here with their hubris and eco-vanity.

Regardless of what nonsense they spout about the causes – Putin, climate, whatever – at least know that the misery here now and that lies ahead for millions is entirely the consequence of decades of wilful destruction in the name of saving the world. A Green agenda that absolutely is not green.

Where we are now is entirely the consequence of politicians competing with one another to see which of them can take the title of world’s most psychopathic hypocrite. We aren’t allowed the energy available from a century of gas beneath our feet here in Britain – because it’s not Green.

But we’re paying top dollar for 9 billion cubic litres – twice as much as last year’s order – of gas fracked out of the ground in the US. Now we are dependent on Uncle Sam. Say what you like about Sippy Cup Joe Biden but he’s played a blinder there. Well done, the Big Guy.

I wonder about that sabotage of Nord Stream II, I really do …

A report published by Lancet reminded the world that around five million people die every year on account of climate extremes.

Of those deaths, 4.5 million are caused by cold compared to five hundred thousand attributed to heat. In our time on this planet, an interglacial between ice ages, it is always the cold that is far more of a deadly threat to human life – ten or 20 times as deadly.

And yet still the priests of the new religion of climate fear preach that we must cool the world.

You’ve probably heard that 97 per cent of scientists are agreed that humans are the cause of climate change. It comes from research carried out in 2013.

Do you know how that team obtained that number?

They gathered nearly 12,000 scientific papers dealing with global climate change. They didn’t read the papers – heavens no, that would have been proper research – instead they looked at just the summary paragraphs on the front covers.

On that basis they grouped them into four piles. 3,896 papers agreed humans were to blame for climate change; 7,930 took no position either way; 78 rejected the idea of it being humanity’s fault and 40 were uncertain altogether.

That initial pass gave a figure of just 32 percent blaming humans for climate change. Obviously, that wasn’t nearly scary enough. So then came the gross and clumsy cheat: the 7,930 papers that took no position on whether humans are to blame were removed from the final analysis.

With them gone, the figure of 32 percent went up to 97 per cent. And the likes of Barack Obama and Al Gore have been quoting it ever since.

If my interpretation is correct, this is the kind of deliberate tampering with evidence that underpins the Net Zero madness that is being pursued by the zealots running our countries, or rather ruining our countries.

In a book published in 1997, physicist Carl Sagan wrote the following:

“We’ve arranged a global civilisation in which most crucial elements – transportation, communications, and all other industries, agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment, and even the key democratic institution of voting – profoundly depend on science and technology.

“We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”

In this context, it’s our leaders who either fail to understand science and just parrot whatever propaganda lands in their inbox each day – or they do understand and they’re lying. Either way, it’s the prescription for disaster predicted by Sagan.

Remember a few months back when a few hot days in a row occasioned yet more fear porn about imminent climate catastrophe? Now the temperature is below zero and all we hear is cheery twaddle about clear blue skies and hopes for a white Christmas.

For anyone still concerned, I’m here to tell you the polar bears are doing fine – I’m told numbers are on the up as never before and the ice in Antarctica is getting thicker every day.

And if one more tv presenter waxes lyrical about the joys of one-pot meals and watching telly while wrapped in a duvet …. Where is the outrage on behalf of millions who can’t afford to turn on one radiator in one room? In a country where centuries worth of energy lies beneath our feet.

Putin didn’t order the West to put him in control of the energy required to keep the lights on in Europe. Everyone used to go cap in hand to Russia. Europe’s leaders outsourced energy production so they could crow about cutting emissions at home.

Agenda 2030 – Net Zero – is a second Titanic – and this time the whole world’s being herded aboard like cattle. The passengers on the original Titanic had no way of knowing what lay ahead for them in the North Atlantic.

This time around though, millions of people who could and should know better – who have no excuse now for not knowing – who could and should have realised long ago that they were being lured and lied towards disaster – are actually buying tickets for the ride on Agenda 2030 … a ship of fools. 1,500 people were lost when Titanic went to the bottom. This time it’s the lives of billions.

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. What lies beneath all the madness that is keeping so many millions of people perpetually on edge … knowing … just knowing that something, somewhere has gone very badly wrong … is an attack on humanity itself. This fact above all others must be understood.

We are described as useless people; we need to accept smaller, colder, hungrier lives; we should swap beef and chicken for beetles and worms.

And if you’re white you’re the product of original sin – bad from birth and owing creation itself an apology just for being here.

Last year in Canada, 10,000 people died by euthanasia – three per cent of all deaths in the country

A disabled veteran and former Paralympian – retired corporal Christine Gauthier, says she was offered euthanasia instead of waiting any longer to have a stairlift fitted in her home. After years of asking, Gauthier was told by a health worker:

“Madam, if you’re really so desperate, we can give you medical assistance in dying now.”

She only wanted a stairlift! Canada’s euthanasia programmed is soon to grow wider. Next year there are plans to offer death to people who are mentally ill – which hardly bodes well for the clinically depressed. Plans are underway to help under-18s die too, if they want to.

Human life is being devalued as easily as our currencies.

Last week there was yet another variation on the theme of stripping us of more of what it has meant to be human and alive. Also lurking under the darkening umbrella of Agenda 2030 is climate lockdown. It’s here already in the form of the 15-minute city.

In Britain the scam-scheme is being rolled out first in Oxford. Everyone will be confined to one of six ghettos inside which they might live out their lives on foot, or perhaps by bike. The Labour/Liberal/Green council responsible says it will go ahead whether people like it or not.

Every resident must register their car with the council, which will use number recognition cameras to monitor their movements around the clock.

Anyone driving out of their designated ghetto more than 100 times a year will be fined. This is about one agenda and one agenda only – keeping people apart … increasing the atomisation of society, the deliberate division of people into smaller and smaller dependent units.

This outrage proposed in Oxford is the tip of an iceberg. Because we humans, we useless people, we hackable animals, are so sub-optimal, so contemptible in the eyes of our self-appointed superiors, we must be watched at all times. It’s not just in Oxford.

In every city there are cameras monitoring everyone’s every move. Forget the nonsense of the 15-minute city, it is simply and plainly the bars of the cage of climate lockdown. Covid ran out of steam and so the next excuse for total control is the weather.

Here in Britain, it starts in Oxford, but the 15-minute-city nonsense is already all over the word. Plans are in place for London, for Paris, for Milan, for Krakow in Poland and in scores more places besides. In Melbourne, Zero Covid zealot Dan Andrews, the premier recently re-elected by those in favor of seeing fellow citizens brutalized in the street by black-clad storm troopers, waxes lyrical about a 20-minute-city.

Don’t bother with the details, remember just one word: lockdown. A word that came from prison parlance is now all around us. The excuse keeps changing … but lockdown remains the same.

What should we do? For a start we can stay awake – and not be distracted by bread and circuses. Ignore the self-pitying of Royal narcissists, for a start, and pay attention instead to better examples by far.

Remember those who stood up AGAINST totalitarians, against those who despised fellow human beings and would take away their rights and their lives.

Last week we lost squadron leader George “Johnny Johnson”, last surviving member of the Dambusters raid.

He was born into relative poverty. He lost his mum when he was three. His dad was less than kind to him, to put it mildly. He was mostly raised by his big sister.

He volunteered for service in the second world war and eventually made his way into 617 squadron, the Dambusters.

He was married and raised three children. After the war he was a teacher, in primary schools and then helping patients at Rampton Psychiatric Hospital. He served as a local councilor.

He was a warrior, a teacher, and a public servant – in that order. He was a husband and father.

Given a choice between multi-millionaire self-obsessed, self-publicists and self-serving politicians and a selfless man like Squadron Leader George Johnny Johnson, MBE, Distinguished Flying Medal. I know who I’d stand beside.

Here’s the thing: we’re being constantly goaded to see our own species, this human race, as the source of all ills. I say we are not. The technocrats and authoritarians want to treat us like lab rats. It is time we all got up on our hind legs and remembered what we are truly capable of. (LINK)