Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Fake, and Real, Domestic Terrorists

Who successfully sought a “revolution” in Washington—a bunch of random dudes in Michigan or the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world?

To hear the government tell it, a homeless guy who lived in the dilapidated basement of a vacuum repair shop with no running water is as much a danger to society as was Timothy McVeigh and the Tsarnaev brothers.

Adam Fox, according to the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Michigan, should spend the rest of his life in prison for conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. After a jury could not reach a verdict in Fox’s case last April, the Department of Justice retried Fox and his remaining co-defendant Barry Croft, Jr. in August; both men were found guilty the second time around.

In what must be one of the most dishonest motions filed by the government perhaps in recent history—for example, prosecutors insist two men acquitted during the same April trial are Fox’s co-conspirators despite being cleared of all charges by a jury—the Justice Department described the kidnapping plot as an act of domestic terrorism in a memo arguing 

Fox, 38, should die in jail. Fox, who had to use the Mexican restaurant in the same strip mall where his vacuum repair flophouse was located to brush his teeth, somehow had the wherewithal to attempt to “light the fire of a second revolution,” assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Birge wrote in Fox’s sentencing memo.

“While the plot to kidnap a sitting state governor is shocking for its temerity, it is not without recent antecedents. For Fox’s paranoid fantasies of government ‘tyranny,’ one need look no further than the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The defendant’s plan to use homemade explosive devices to kill and maim recalls the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.” (Fox also was convicted of planning to use a weapon of mass destruction.)

Setting aside the government’s despicable comparison of Fox’s half-baked (and sometimes, literally baked) bull-session planning to two deadly terror attacks, both of which resulted in the murder of children, the plot to kidnap Whitmer existed only in the “paranoid fantasies” of agents and informants working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Fearful that Donald Trump might win reelection, the FBI, a frequent and deserved target of the president, took no chances. At least a dozen FBI informants hired to work at the direction of numerous FBI supervising agents and alongside at least three undercover FBI agents made it appear that white supremacist militiamen loyal to the president hatched a plot to abduct and assassinate one of his biggest political foes.

In fact, the plot was an FBI entrapment scheme from start to finish, another example of the agency interfering in a presidential election to sabotage Donald Trump. It was, in effect, the bureau’s own act of domestic terrorism—an attempt to terrify the public as millions of Americans were already voting for president.

As prosecutors wrote in the Fox sentencing memo, domestic terrorism is legally defined as action “calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion.” Concocting a fake and allegedly politically-motivated kidnapping plot and announcing arrests in the late stage of a close election—targets were lured to the arrest site by the main FBI informant to meet another undercover FBI agent on October 7, 2020—to produce negative, wall-to-wall media coverage while Joe Biden and Democrats leveraged the news to influence voters in an last-ditch effort to remove a sitting president certainly meets the spirit, if not the letter, of the legal definition. Who successfully sought a “revolution” in Washington—a bunch of random dudes in Michigan or the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world?

Perhaps Fox’s “paranoid fantasies” about government tyranny weren’t so fantastical after all.

Just like everything produced by Biden’s Justice Department, Fox’s sentencing memo is more narrative-setting to boost the regime’s false claims about the threat of domestic violent extremism, innocent lives be damned. The events of January 6, 2021 are mentioned on three occasions—although the year is twice incorrectly stated as 2020—as a consequence of the failed kidnapping caper. “As the public became aware after January 2020 [sic], Fox’s plot was a harbinger of more widespread anti-government militia extremism,” Birge wrote. 

Birge is right to connect the Whitmer fednapping and January 6, just not in the way he intended. The FBI also ran several informants into two so-called “militia” groups months before the Capitol protest; no one can explain exactly what the informants did since it appears not a single source alerted law enforcement about the pending “insurrection.” So, did the FBI hire the worst informants ever or did those informants act in a manner similar to those involved in the Whitmer fednapping—agents provocateur rather than channels for information to thwart a potential crime?

One has to assume, given the bureau’s conduct over the past six years, the former is accurate. Further, the FBI and Justice Department continue to weaponize the four-hour disturbance, likely provoked by government actors, to label the entire MAGA movement as domestic terrorists. The Justice Department is closing in on a total of 1,000 new January 6 defendants in its ongoing “Capitol siege” investigation as the FBI arrests new protesters every week, nearly two years later.

“FBI Ramps Up Spending to Fight MAGA Terrorism,” blared a Newsweek headline this week. A senior government official confirmed what I covered in my book: the regime is now using the tools created to fight the first war on terror against Trump supporters.  

“Stopping terrorism before it happens has been the entire career focus of most FBI agents and intelligence analysts in the 20-year war on terrorism, and is now being applied to domestic terrorism,” reporter William Arkin wrote. “The FBI and the Intelligence Community are already significantly increasing their monitoring of social media and working more closely with local law enforcement to uncover potential plots and monitor individuals and groups.”

The FBI’s focus, of course, is more political than justified. “Since [January 6], anti-government, ‘anti-authority’ and civil unrest cases have taken over as the number one threat, making up almost 90 percent of all investigations,” an internal FBI document claimed.  Of the more than 2,700 open cases flagged by the FBI as domestic terror investigations—a laughably miniscule figure in a country of 330 million people—more than one-third are tied to January 6.

This crusade against Trump supporters is more than a paper fight: for nearly two years, each of the 56 FBI field offices, as FBI Director Christopher Wray often brags, has been involved in the abusive round-up of January 6 protesters: Dozens of armed FBI agents accompanied by SWAT vehicles conduct predawn raids to terrorize families and neighborhoods in a show of brute government force—even those accused of nonviolent offenses or low-level misdemeanors, which represents the overwhelming majority of charges. These efforts are clearly designed to intimidate American citizens on the Right.

Joe Biden’s hand-picked U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia warned the government could prosecute up to 2,000 January 6 protesters, more than double the current figure. In other words, the vengeful, retaliatory FBI raids will continue into the foreseeable future.

Again, who are the real terrorists?

None other than Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently boasted how the work of the January 6 select committee influenced the outcome of the 2022 election. “There were the January 6 hearings—I think they had an important effect,” Schumer told reporters on December 7. “People didn’t just read about something that happened once, but every night they saw on TV these hooligans, these insurrections, being violent, beating up police officers. They saw all of that, and they said ‘wow,’ They saw that the Republican leaders wouldn’t even attack this crazy.”

One doesn’t need a set of furry horns or marijuana-induced shock talk in a dingy cellar about kidnapping a politician to be an actual domestic terrorist. In this new destructive era, more often than not, it requires an FBI badge or congressional office to terrorize an electorate into reordering the composition of government.

The terrorism is coming from inside the house.

And we Know and Red Pill news- December 10


Conservatives that I consider to be my friends: Please try not to pick petty arguments with each other and expect me to break them up just because I happen to upvote some of your arguing posts. You're grown adults, work it out amongst yourselves.

Here's tonight's news:

21st Century Robber Barons: the WEF

In the 1870s, the term “robber baron” was first used to describe an exploitative class of industrialists who utilized their wealth to create monopolies of resources and amass control in the fledgling United States.  The name describes an illegitimate aristocracy of unelected plutocrats.  John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie; all American industrial royalty whose names line the streets of America and the pages of our history books.  One hundred fifty years later, we face a new global class of robber barons.

Once a year, the world’s richest and most influential people meet behind closed doors in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the future direction of the globe. Known as the World Economic Forum, they were originally founded in 1971 by German engineer Klaus Schwab.  Look at any major global policy push in recent history, and you’ll likely find the fingerprints of the World Economic Forum.  From climate alarmism to ESG investing to our obsession with sustainability and population control or a push for centralized and authoritarian government, we find the handiwork of the World Economic Forum.

Earlier this year, a video surfaced of Mr. Schwab in 2017, openly bragging about infiltrating the cabinets of major governments worldwide by grooming a class of Young Global Leaders, including Angela Merkel of Germany, Justin Trudeau of Canada, and even Vladimir Putin.  The World Economic Forum describes its Young Global Leaders program as “an accelerator for a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world.” It is doubtful that their vision for positive change aligns with that of the plebian class, but they aren’t too concerned with that.  In 2016, they told us in Forbes magazine that soon we would own nothing, have no privacy, and we would learn to like it.

The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders collective is a veritable who’s-who of politicians, tech titans, corporate executives, philanthropists, celebrities, and financiers worldwide. You don’t have to look far to find their influence.  In the United States, we find their people in finance at organizations like Blackrock, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, CitiBank, and Mastercard.  In technology, we find their people at Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, Microsoft, Amazon, and more. In the media, they’re at Fox, CNN, CBS, Forbes, Bloomberg, the NY Times, and the Washington Post. In government, they hold governorships, congressional seats, mayorships, federal cabinet positions, and more.  At the universities, they’re presidents, faculty, lecturers, and researchers. There is no sector they do not touch.

Every extreme policy push in America of the last five years overlaps with the objectives and people of the World Economic Forum.  The neo-Marxist Critical Race Theory push following the death of George Floyd?  Ibram X. Kendi is a Young Global Leader.  Environmental Social Governance investing? The World Economic Forum counts dozens of ESG executives from financial firms among its members.  Financial firms like Blackrock outbidding residential home buyers for residential properties? This aligns with their objective to create a tenant class.  Visa, Mastercard, and American Express pushing for a backdoor gun registry in the U.S.? All WEF partners as well.

In 2020, President Donald Trump was invited to speak at Davos for what can only be described as an opportunity to put a face to the enemy and embolden the modern robber barons.  He spoke openly of the need to reject the doomsday prophets of the World Economic Forum and to emulate the successes of America First.  It was likely a part of their unfolding plan to depose him.

Following the 2020 election, brazen conspirators described their organization's work in overthrowing Donald Trump in a TIME Magazine piece, in which they described their work as “fortifying democracy.”  They detailed their structure as a bipartisan effort of media, technology, government, and corporate interests. In 2018, TIME was purchased by Marc Benioff, co-founder and CEO of and World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. Does this sound familiar?  Without outing themselves directly, it sure sounds like the World Economic Forum is that cabal, and their history demonstrates their intent.

In 2016, when the outgoing Obama Administration participated in surveillance of the incoming Trump Administration, it was U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power who was caught unmasking the communications of Trump transition team officials.  She’s a Young Global Leader.  From John Durham’s special counsel investigation, it was found that during Russiagate, the Georgia Institute of Technology was tasked with surveilling the internet traffic of the White House.  Their current president, Angel Cabrera, the former chair of their board of advisors, is a Young Global Leader.

COVID-19 was the pretext for hijacking American elections and ousting Donald Trump, and every piece of the global pandemic response touched the World Economic Forum. In October 2019, Johns Hopkins University and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ran coronavirus pandemic modeling exercises at Event201 several weeks before COVID dropped in Wuhan, China.  Both organizations are partners of the World Economic Forum and are full of Young Global Leaders.

The U.S. COVID response was predicated on vaccines and only vaccines being a solution, to the point of demonizing even the testing of off-label therapeutics. It was Pfizer who got the green light with falsely touted ninety-five percent effective COVID shots.  Pfizer is a partner of the World Economic Forum and is represented by Young Global Leaders. When they withheld their promising but false study results until the day after the 2020 election, it was clear the intent was to end Donald Trump’s re-election chances.

The insanity of the past half-decade is most aptly described as shock and awe.  Shock and awe is an offensive warfare tactic that describes an assault from all angles that does not permit the opponent a chance to mount a defense because they are spread thin across all fronts.  Shock and awe is disorienting and does not allow one to discern who or what is coming at them.  Now that the dust has settled, it is clear that few, if any, global organizations have the capacity, the reach, and the motivation of the World Economic Forum to perpetrate the shock and awe we’ve experienced.  No free state can tolerate its continued existence.

Prince Harry looks unamused as Meghan jokes about curtseying to Queen Elizabeth


Prince Harry appeared annoyed with his wife at one point in their new Netflix documentary when she joked about having to curtsey to the late Queen.

The Duke of Sussex recounted the conversation he had with Meghan when he first introduced her to Queen Elizabeth II, explaining that she would have to curtsy.

"How do you explain that you bow to your grandmother? And that you will need to curtsey? Especially to an American… that’s weird," he said.  

The Duchess said it was "surreal" and that she thought he was joking when he asked if she knew how to curtsey, then giggled as she performed an exaggerated curtsey for the camera.

"I was like, pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. Like, was that OK? It was so intense," she said. "I didn’t know what I was doing!"

Prince Harry shot her a look that suggested he was not sharing the joke.  

One royal insider said: "The truth is, this is a real royal family, they're not playing a role.

"It's a real Queen and now a real King. Do the family bow to them? Yes, it's about respect. How did they not know that?"

Gyles Brandreth, the royal author, branded the Duchess of Sussex's demonstration of her curtsy as "mocking" and "embarrassing".

He told Vanessa Feltz's Drivetime show on TalkTV: "Nobody curtsies to the Queen like that, and nobody would have advised her to do it that way."

Brandreth, a friend of the royal family, said the King was unlikely to watch the docuseries as he does not spend much time tuning in to television, but that the show was "interesting" rather than "explosive".

He added of Harry: "He would know that the bow, as it were, is a brief nod and the curtsy is to show respect for the sovereign, and in the case of the Queen - a lady in her 90s who actually had earned respect through a lifetime of service, and that was it.

"To do this sort of mocking thing is uncomfortable, but it is a cultural difference. It's like you would do a curtsy if you were playing in Snow White."   

2020: The Year the Ruling Class Took Control

A reminder to those in today's progressive and woke establishment who forgot about Georgia changing its election laws after the 2020 cycle. The world went ballistic, claiming it to be racist voter suppression and Jim Crow 2.0.  Major League Baseball moved the all-star game out of Atlanta to punish the state. There was a lot of angst and handwringing coming from major corporations, such as Delta Airline, which has its headquarters in Atlanta, when the CEO 'blasted' the new law as 'unacceptable' and 'based on a lie.'

But there has been a record turnout in the special election for a Senate seat between two black men over the last couple of weeks where over 1.5 million early votes have been cast. This is a prime example of the hysteria that always originates from the establishment that is never true and has destroyed their credibility. Yet they keep doing this kind of thing over and over again. Political persecution of Donald Trump is another example of this kind of thing.

Although the 2020 election technically wasn't rigged, it was manipulated in the name of the pandemic that was clearly unconstitutional in key states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin, when changes were made to benefit the Democrats without first going through state legislatures. More than likely the Supreme Court declined to hear the legal challenge that came to them was because it was such a hot potato, meaning they knew exactly what would happen if they took the case and ruled that the changes were unconstitutional. It would have literally set the country on fire much in the same way George Floyd's death ignited a year of unprecedented rioting and mayhem. 

Manipulation is the key word when it comes to the Democrats. Calls to pack the Supreme Court and the Senate, eliminate the filibuster, and change the way the Electoral College works all point to the fact the Democrats and the Left never rest in their nonstop efforts to manipulate the political and judicial systems to their advantage.  In a way, they really are geniuses in identifying ways to manipulate the system. They're not always successful, but they're always trying, and for now they've succeeded in changing the way elections work in many states by making mail-in voting, ballot drop boxes, and ballot harvesting legal. Democrats can get away with these ongoing shenanigans, especially the coverup of the coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop story, is because nearly every major institution in the country is controlled by progressives in positions of authority at those institutions, most in the corporate mainstream media.

There's been a lot of talk lately using terns like “ruling class” and “the elites.” This is who they're referring to, those who can now influence social policy unilaterally and in the process. You can say with a fair amount of confidence that society and culture is clearly rigged in favor of today's progressives. It's almost as if they were lying in wait for the pandemic and George Floyd's death to happen so they could unleash all of their power on the rest of the country. This came in the form of lockdowns, masks, social distancing, vaccine mandates, censorship, wokeness, and cancel culture, almost entirely implemented by unelected people both inside and outside of government. 

Is the world really a better place when a major league baseball and football team got rid of their names, a black woman wearing an apron was removed from bottles of maple syrup, and a squaw was removed from butter containers all in the name of social justice? It's totally laughable, but these are all examples of the top-down cancel culture the country has been experiencing since 2020. Every day there are numerous articles identifying the rotten woke establishment consolidating its control. Here are links to four of them recently posted to their respective websites: "From Social Credit to Social Control," "How Corrupt is a Corrupt Media?" "Lady Hussey and the Tyranny of Identity," "Rising Wokeness in Medical School is a Problem for Patients Everywhere."

A much more ominous example of the power of the ruling class coming completely out of the closet in asserting control was the firing of a partner in a Los Angeles-based law firm. She had committed the unpardonable sin of expressing her support during an internal conference call for the Supreme Court Dobbs v Jackson decision that overturned the landmark Roe v Wade decision legalizing abortion nationwide. She simply agreed with the Supreme Court that abortion is an issue that should be returned to the states to decide whether to make it legal or not.

It appears that political correctness has evolved from the point where the idea was to get people to think like a liberal to the point where we're at today is to get people to think like a progressive... or you're cancelled, no questions asked. This is raw authoritarianism, the kind of thing totalitarian societies of the 20th Century implemented in establishing total control by their governments and ruling classes. The year 2020 could very well be seen in a hundred years from now as a watershed, one in which the United States broke from all its traditional means of governance, when the ruling classes took it upon themselves to impose social policy unilaterally, i.e., anti-democratically, while at the same time assisting their comrades in the Democrat Party to maintain political power.

A Credible Conservative Warrior Emerges to Lead the RNC

After the 2022 midterm elections and the failure of the "Red Wave" to materialize, there has been a crack-up in party leadership at every level. The conservative base wants RINO scalps, and the establishment wants to blame Trump. The battle for the party's soul is no more apparent than it is in the leadership battle at the Republican National Committee.

There have been several interesting and captivating names thrown out there for RNC Chair. Lee Zeldin, the gubernatorial candidate in New York who had a strong showing by going on the offense against far-left Democrats; Mike Lindell, the MyPillow founder who has become an election fraud crusader following the 2020 presidential election; and Scott Presler, the grassroots community organizer who has registered thousands of Republicans on the ground around the country.

But one stands out above the rest: conservative civil rights attorney and California RNC committeewoman Harmeet K. Dhillon.

Dhillon's record makes her uniquely qualified for the position. She is intimately aware of the issues that are crucial with the America First base and has her finger on the pulse of these issues. There is a wide variety of high-profile cases that Dhillon's firm has taken on that have national ramifications for defending constitutional freedom. 

Years ago, Dhillon took up a case of viewpoint discrimination initiated by Big Tech giant Google against an attorney who brought up legitimate concerns about bias in the workplace. This was long before the issue was on the radar of most conservatives, who were slavishly devoted to the free market. She remains active in fighting against tech censorship, but her work on culture war issues has gained recent acclaim.

In more recent years, Dhillon has taken up the cause of parental rights. She is suing a school district and two teachers on behalf of a mother whose daughter was groomed into transgenderism without her consent and knowledge. While the GOP folds on moral issues, Dhillon is emboldened to defend the values that bind America together. This is the type of leadership that will embolden the base and incentivize party unity that is desperately needed during a time of unprecedented division and confusion.

Dhillion is the gold standard for conservative lawsuits in an age where disreputable or shyster attorneys regularly use cases as ways to build their public perception or as a quick gift. When she is in the courtroom, she is taken seriously, and there is a strong likelihood of success. Liberals have been able to project political power through lawfare in recent years or through legal threats or activities designed to enforce their political agenda. Dhillion has been a pioneer in the conservative antidote to lawfare, showing leftist extremists that they will pay the price for their overreaches even if weak-kneed government officials refuse to take action. 

As a personnel manager, Dhillion has shown early signs of efficacy. She has floated hiring Presler to handle voter outreach for the RNC "to inspire and train our ground forces on voter registration and getting every ballot to the ballot box by all legal means." She is unconcerned with the good ol' boys club of Republican consultants that would usually box out someone as impressive and unflinching as Presler from upstaging them and overshadowing them. She will drain the RNC swamp, something that is long overdue, building upon improvements made with the election of America First committee members throughout the country who have censured soon-to-be-former Reps. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.

Dhillion's record is second-to-none, but what about current Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel's record? McDaniel became RNC chair after hogging the credit for an unexpected Trump victory in the state of Michigan, where she served as Michigan Republican Party chair in 2016. This allowed her to be thrust into the role of Republican National Committee chairwoman, where she has overseen spectacular failure after spectacular failure. One fact about McDaniel that is commonly swept under the rug is her family lineage. Before it became a political liability, she was widely known as Ronna Romney McDaniel. She is Mitt Romney's niece and used nepotism to become a favorite of the Republican establishment in Michigan, where Mitt's father, George, started the Romney political dynasty as governor. 

McDaniel is the ultimate political chameleon, using Romney's bona fides to get an unearned position of authority but reinventing herself as a Trump Republican when that benefited her ambitions. Although she masquerades as a Trump ally now, she has clearly brought the baggage of the establishment with her. The RNC under her control has failed time and again. 

If there is anyone who is equipped to handle legal challenges that are professional, intelligent, and credible, that can change election laws and protect voter integrity when it counts, it is Dhillon. She has a record showing that she can fight and win in these high-profile cases. This is the type of competent, forward-thinking professional that is needed to lead the RNC to prevent another disaster from happening in 2024. If heads do not roll after the disastrous 2022 midterms, it will show that the Republican Party is not serious about putting America First. Getting rid of McDaniel, and cleaning the RNC of the foul stain of Romney's legacy, would be an admirable start.

Brittney Griner Had Better Earn Her Freedom

Marine veteran Paul Whelan was left to rot in a Russian prison while WNBA star Brittney Griner was released.

Women’s basketball star Brittney Griner was freed from a Russian prison on Thursday after President Joe Biden released one of the planet’s deadliest arms dealers in an exchange. Maybe now the WNBA player, who made a point to boycott the national anthem for an entire season, will stand and show some respect for her country that let a Marine rot while bringing her home.

Griner’s Freedom Was Far from Free

Griner was released in exchange for Soviet military translator-turned-Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, otherwise known as the “Merchant of Death.” Michael Braun, the former chief of operations at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, called Bout “one of the most dangerous men on the face of the Earth” in a 2010 “60 Minutes” interview.

“He is a shadow facilitator,” Braun said. “He is arming not only designated terrorist groups, insurgent groups, but he’s also arming very powerful drug-trafficking cartels around the globe.”

Now the Pentagon is concerned Bout will begin arming warlords again, according to a senior defense official who spoke to Politico. That’s the man this administration released to secure the freedom of a women’s basketball Olympic gold medalist who checks all the right identity-politics boxes as a black lesbian celebrity.

However, Paul Whelan, an American Marine serving a 16-year Russian prison sentence on espionage charges, remains in their custody. Whelan was arrested while on vacation in Moscow four years ago and was convicted in a 2020 trial that was condemned by U.S. officials as unfair. Griner had been serving a nine-year prison sentence after her conviction on drug charges in August.

“Sadly, for totally illegitimate reasons, Russia is treating Paul’s case different than Brittney’s,” President Biden said on Thursday. “And while we have not yet succeeded in securing Paul’s release, we are not giving up. We will never give up.”

But after two years in office, President Biden didn’t appear to make any effort at securing his release, despite Whelan being incarcerated the entire time. In contrast, the White House stepped into high gear when Griner was first arrested in February for carrying vape cartridges containing hashish oil, which is illegal in Russia.

The Biden administration prioritized the black basketball player convicted on drug charges over the white male Marine. Biden claimed American officials were offered either Griner or nobody, but the White House also had another option: Bout for both. If Vladimir Putin rejected the offer, Biden should have left the table. The White House capitulated to Putin instead.

A Debt to Repay

Griner landed at San Antonio’s Kelly Field Air Force Base in Houston on Thursday morning. Good for her and her family. But she also lands with a debt to pay. 

Two years ago, as riots over “systemic racism” reached a fever pitch in the summer of 2020, erupting in the worst outbreak of civil unrest in recent memory, Griner demanded the WNBA take an axe to the national anthem.

“I honestly feel we should not play the national anthem during our season,” said Griner, a center for the Phoenix Mercury. “I think we should take that much of a stand.”

Not only should she stand for the national anthem at basketball games, but she should spend the rest of her life making her freedom worth the cost. She should either harness her wealth and fame for other Americans locked up abroad or support military veterans’ groups to honor the Marine left in Russia.

Identity-obsessed leftists will inevitably call this article racist because they can’t fathom that a member of any one of their protected classes should be held to any standard beyond gross victimization. But here’s the hard truth: Griner’s minority status boosted the priority of her case among the Biden administration. The White House spokeswoman said so herself when making Griner’s release about identity.

“Brittney is more than an athlete, more than an Olympian,” said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. “She is an important role model and inspiration to millions of Americans, particularly the LGBTQI+ Americans and women of color.”

But here’s another hard truth: Being black is not an accomplishment. Nor is being “LGBTQI+” an accomplishment. Griner was released over a Marine after the U.S. played one of its biggest cards by giving up an international arms dealer. It’s up to Griner to make it worth it.

English Teacher Fights the 'White Supremacy' of Teaching Kids to 'Write Properly'

Alex Parker reporting for RedState 

It’s a time of revolution, and nowhere is that more evident than American public education. Case in point: the enlightened efforts of a teacher featured on TikTok.

In a video recently posted online, a self-described English teacher talks of incessant worry:

“As an educator, I am constantly worried if I am part of the problem. What do I mean by that? Well, public education is an institution that upholds lots of problematic systems in our society.”

Such problems, as stated:

  • White Supremacy
  • Misogyny
  • Colonization, etc.

Since she knows sexism, geographically-based subjugation, and KKK-ish concepts have infected institutions of learning, she’s committed to crippling the bowel movements of bulls:

“In my role as an educator, I try to undermine that B.S. in my classroom as much as I possibly can.”

School’s Caucasian-caused corrosion is a bunch of hoo-ey:

“I teach high school English and, hoo, the white supremacy runs deep.”

For those wondering which ways white wickedness wrecks education, examples are provided. According to the educator, the rules regulating essays are ruinous.

Consider conventions which — if I adequately understand — couldn’t have possibly ever been conceived by any Easterner. These are our literary-composition customs:

  • Start with an introduction that includes a thesis.
  • Always cite your sources.
  • Use transition words like “however” and “therefore.”


“These are all made-up rules. … They were created by Westerners in power.”


“They’re arbitrary.”

She goes on to reference author April Baker Bell’s book Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy. From a description of the work on the publisher’s website:

Bringing together theory, research, and practice to dismantle Anti-Black Linguistic Racism and white linguistic supremacy, this book provides ethnographic snapshots of how Black students navigate and negotiate their linguistic and racial identities… … Baker-Bell demonstrates how traditional approaches to language education do not account for the emotional harm, internalized linguistic racism, or consequences these approaches have on Black students’ sense of self and identity. This book presents Anti-Black Linguistic Racism as a framework that explicitly names and richly captures the linguistic violence, persecution, dehumanization, and marginalization Black Language-speakers endure when using their language in schools and in everyday life.

On TikTok, the teacher says Linguistic Justice “got [her] thinking.”

Her thought:

“‘[W]hat if I started my school year with a unit honoring how we talk rather than teaching students how to ‘write properly?’ So this is the start of my series on teaching linguistics in high school.”

Of course, she’s correct that the rules of essays are mere constructs. Curiously, the same applies to every sound she utters for the video’s duration — language itself has been constructed.

Will triumph against racism be attained by abandoning the manmade constructs of the written word in order to delight in the manmade constructs of the spoken word? We’ll have to wait and see; if a tremendous victory ensues, it’ll hopefully make headlines.

In the meantime, academic evolution persists: Those who are hired to teach a subject may choose not to do that very thing. In the end, seemingly, it’s worth the refusal to defeat the scourge of Westerners in power.

At least, that’s the current word from many heads of American classrooms — AKA Westerners in power.

And the revolution continues.

Virginia Dems’ Ballot Harvesting Manual Instructs Going After Dead People, ‘Bad’ Addresses

‘I don’t know how you can in good conscience instruct your
 workers to solicit votes from people in those categories.’

The Virginia Democratic Party is instructing activists to include deceased citizens and “bad” addresses when generating voter contact lists, The Federalist has learned.

A pivotal tool Virginia Dems use to target voters for their ballot harvesting and get-out-the-vote efforts is VoteBuilder, an online database of all registered voters in Virginia operated by the Virginia Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee. In the words of the Virginia Democrats themselves, “this database contains the names and other important information about registered voters – information that we can use to target likely voters for Democratic campaigns.”

Democrat activists who use VoteBuilder can look up specific information about each registered voter and group them into likely Democrat voter outreach lists, which they then use for GOTV outreach, including phone banking and ballot harvesting.

On the Virginia Democrats’ VoteBuilder website, there are instructions for how activists can use the tool to generate voter contact lists for absentee ballot chasing, a.k.a., ballot harvesting. The website describes it as generating absentee ballot “labels,” a process which also functions to collect a list of voters’ addresses.

In the instructions on the web page, however, there are screenshots of the VoteBuilder database that show activists can generate an expanded outreach list by adding voters (under “Suppressions”) with “bad” addresses, National Change of Address forwarding addresses (residents who have moved), and even those who have died to the baseline list of active and inactive registered voters with accurate addresses. From there, activists can create lists of these voters’ phone numbers and addresses so they can contact them and collect their mail-in ballots.

These instructions vary from another place on the Virginia Democrats’ site that appear to be tips on how to use VoteBuilder from the DNC itself, saying the “Suppressions” filters are “the automatic settings to prevent bad addresses from showing up on your lists.”

If the DNC itself is telling activists that the “Suppressions” filters are used to prevent “bad” addresses from being included in the voter contact lists, why is the Virginia Democratic Party instructing its users to include them?

“I don’t know how you can in good conscience instruct your workers to solicit votes from people in those categories,” Clara Belle Wheeler, former vice-chair of the Virginia State Board of Elections and senior fellow at the Virginia Institute for Public Policy, told The Federalist. “They’re instructing people to solicit votes from people who are not legally eligible to vote — they’ve either moved, are not a citizen of the United States, or [are] dead.”

When asked about the deceased or NCOA filters on its database, a spokesman for the Virginia Democratic Party told The Federalist they are filters to help users weed through the voter registration data and that incorrect or deceased registrants are removed. But when asked why the instructions on their website for creating voter contact lists specifically tell users to include addresses of those who have died or moved, the spokesman told The Federalist he would respond later. The Federalist has since reached out twice with no response.

Virginia Democrats are not the only Democrats who use VoteBuilder to identify and group potential Democrat voters for ballot-harvesting purposes, however. State parties across the nation use the software, all thanks to the Democratic National Committee. VoterBuilder’s parent company – and main technology provider for Democrat and other leftist campaigns — NGP VAN describes the database as a way for thousands of Democrat campaigns “to contact hundreds of millions of voters” each election cycle. On the same site, there is an entire article dedicated to ballot harvesting and scoring votes “early.”

But why are deceased voters on VoteBuilder? That depends on each state’s list maintenance (or lack thereof). Virginia Democrats have deceased or incorrect registrants in their database because they receive Virginia’s voter registration file each month — purportedly to “update” their database. Despite the state’s commitment to list maintenance, Virginia’s voter rolls contain inaccurate data: a spring mailer sent out by Fairfax County had over 72,000 undeliverables return — nearly 10 percent of their registered voter list.

“Under the National Voter Registration Act, it is the locality’s [the Virginia Department of Elections] responsibility to maintain accurate and current voter registration lists, whether they are transmitted to anybody or not,” Wheeler said. “So I guess you could say it’s not really the fault of the party if the voter file is not accurate.”

Regardless of whether or not the voter files are accurate, that Virginia Democrats are instructing its volunteers to include the dead or “bad” addresses increases the likelihood of voter fraud.

“The existence of that option, along with instructions that include soliciting dead ‘people’, would seem to be soliciting voter fraud,” former Attorney General of Virginia Ken Cuccinelli told The Federalist. “Obviously, that would be a crime, if accurate.”