Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Tyranny of the Minority

A few hundred super-rich elites and a powerful handful of 
woke and climate activist ringleaders now tyrannize America.

In the Federalist, James Madison famously warned against the “tyranny of the majority,” but it is unlikely he could have envisioned what we face today. Twenty-first-century America is dissolving before our eyes, as a tyrannical coalition of minorities steals our heritage and sovereignty. Not ethnic minorities—their American bequest is being stolen right alongside that of America’s shrinking white majority. Nobody is exempt, and everyone should unite to resist.

“Minorities” in this context refers to the elite vanguard of what Californian political writer Joel Kotkin has called the “Upstairs-Downstairs Coalition,” a voting bloc, he says, “that brings together the most destitute with the most privileged parts of our society.”

At the top of the top are a few thousand of the super-rich. At the bottom are a few thousand hardened fanatics, many of them professionals. These two super-minorities, working in tandem, currently control the destiny of America. Expertly manipulating the voters in the upstairs-downstairs coalition, they’re actively destroying everything we love and everything we need.

The minority occupying the top position in the upstairs-downstairs coalition are the plutocrats who run America. A 2017 analysis identified the top 0.01 percent (1 in 10,000 Americans) to have an average annual income of over $30 million. A 2019 Stanford study found the top 0.1 percent (1 in 1,000 Americans) control a total net worth equal to the entire cumulative net worth of the bottom 90 percent of Americans. At the pinnacle, however, are America’s billionaires, a scant 735 of them at last count.

This is a vanishingly small minority of people, roughly one in every half-million Americans. But their influence is decisive. Every year, these billionaires and the corporations they control disburse billions—often getting tax deductions for doing so—to maintain standing armies of activist groups that conduct lawfare, fund civil disobedience, run massive propaganda campaigns, engage in targeted “get-out-the-vote” activities, prop up financially dependent media properties, and produce “expert” studies with paid-for ideas.

The minorities at both ends of this up-down coalition are groups identifiable not by their ethnicity or ideology, but by their behavior. In every case, they constitute a minute fraction of the population, but in the name of compassion, equity, diversity, and environmentalism they are undermining and, unless stopped, will destroy America.

The Weaponization of Mental Illness

Michael Shellenberger, a Californian and former progressive activist, has become one of America’s most astute critics of the failed policies that are sowing social and economic chaos across the nation. In a series of recent Substack articles with self-explanatory titles, including “Infantilization Of The Apocalypse,” “The Quiet Desperation Of Woke Fanatics,” and “Narcissism In Climate & Woke Victim Movements,” referring to militant climate activists, he argues that “global elites are encouraging them, which is exceedingly dangerous and irresponsible.” He’s right.

Co-opting potentially violent sociopaths, or as Shellenberger puts it, “weaponizing mental illness,” has long been a tool of authoritarian regimes. In the USSR during the Cold War, during the German Nazi era, and in police states throughout the 20th century, recruiting thugs and turning them on their own people was a common tactic—as it is still in Communist China today. What’s happening in America is only slightly more nuanced, and highly effective.

To further explain who controls America’s current upstairs-downstairs coalition in a historical context, it is helpful to recognize the false dichotomy represented by the supposedly left-wing establishment Democrats and the supposedly right-wing establishment Republicans. “Establishment” is the key word here.

Gary Allen, in his 1971 book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, blew up the traditional paradigm whereby the “Left” is communism and the “Right” is fascism. In what he suggested is a more accurate political spectrum, all forms of authoritarian government, communism, fascism, and socialism, are to one extreme, anarchy is to the other extreme, and in the center is a constitutional republic with limits on government power.

The distinction explains how a shared agenda could exist between outwardly antagonistic capitalists and socialists. Allen writes, “The seeming paradox of rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes the logical, even perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.”

Pressure from Above, Pressure from Below

Allen describes the upstairs-downstairs coalition as “pressure from above, pressure from below,” writing, “Radical movements are never successful unless they attract big money and/or outside support . . .  the Left is controlled by its alleged enemy, the malefactors of great wealth.”

The hidden agenda is to sow chaos, triggering demands for more state control, and allowing governments and corporations to consolidate power and wealth further. This agenda is proceeding on schedule.

The public agenda, incessantly marketed as something to be desired, is to erase America as we know it, replacing it with what is enthusiastically portrayed as a transnational, transhuman utopia. According to this vision, every person on earth will have achieved “equity,” i.e., equal outcomes. At the same time, the footprint of human civilization will become ecologically benign, and the planet will be saved.

This is an impossible charade. What they are actually imposing on the overwhelming majority of Americans is a terrifying dystopia. Private financial independence will become all but impossible, the economy will be centrally controlled, productivity will be rationed, and, if anything, the health of planetary ecosystems will be worse, not better. Indoctrination campaigns escalate with every passing year. But if you question any of it, you are tarred as a divisive bigot. 

For decades, intensifying with Obama’s presidency, establishment institutions in America have falsely condemned Americans as racist and sexist, despite American culture for all its flaws being the most inclusive culture in the history of civilization. This ongoing propaganda war on social stability wasn’t enough, however, when the MAGA movement began to attract Americans of all backgrounds in 2016. These MAGA Americans reject the narratives of systemic racism and sexism, and they reject climate doomsday scenarios.

To cope, the establishment began anointing the most troubled individuals among us as pioneering saints, destined to redefine what it means to be “normal.” American culture is now at a tipping point, because American institutions are now opportunistically validating behaviors that are clearly destructive and obviously pathological.

The Useful Lunatics

The riots of summer 2020 highlighted the individuals who now constitute the vanguard of the downstairs cohort of the upstairs-downstairs coalition. For months on end, Antifa and Black Lives Matter ringleaders, fêted by the media and funded by plutocrats, orchestrated murderous rampages in dozens of cities. Looters and vandals were described by establishment press and politicians as “mostly peaceful,” and “victims of racism.”

Other members of the downstairs cohort include homeless drug addicts, psychopaths, and predators, who in their uncontained thousands have made life unpleasant, unsanitary, and dangerous for millions of people in cities and towns across America. But they are not held accountable for their actions. They are no longer arrested for vagrancypublic intoxication, or even theft. In the name of compassion and equity, such laws are no longer enforced. This disregard for the rule of law only encourages and multiplies the worse elements, and further harms the genuine victims.

Climate militants, also a minute fraction of the population, have made common cause with BLM and Antifa militants. They commit acts of performative vandalism, their protests block freeways, they harass targeted politicians and executives, they have shut down energy pipelines, and their attacks on vital energy infrastructure are escalating. Their actions are encouraged by every mainstream institution in America, despite the destructive essence of their agenda.

No description of the activist minorities bent on erasing America as we know it would be complete without delving into the sexual revolution, which has taken a form that even hippies in the hedonistic late 1960s would scarcely recognize. Do you think women have penises or that men menstruate? If you do not agree with those statements, American institutions ranging from Proctor and Gamble to the National Hockey League consider you to be a “divisive” individual, lacking empathy.

The preposterous extreme to which the woke gender warriors are trying to take America is incomprehensible to any sane person. Do you believe it’s appropriate for drag queens to recruit five-year-old children to learn how to twerk? Should states be boycotted because their legislatures had the courage to prohibit biological men from using a women’s restroom, or participate in women’s sports? Do you object to surgeons removing the sexual organs of children? Careful how you answer. Sanity is insurrectionary.

The public agenda of Antifa and BLM is “equity.” For the Homeless Industrial Complex, it’s “compassion.” For climate militants, it’s “saving the earth.” For gender warriors, it’s to end “discrimination.” But in all of these cases, their hidden agenda is to advance the power of the state, to divide and demoralize the population, to destroy conventional traditions and norms, and consolidate private property ownership in the hands of a small elite.

From outraged parents swarming in to be heard at school board meetings to individuals everywhere merely wanting to protect their families, their homes, and their businesses, those who defend order and normalcy are now the “divisive” ones. Worse, they are now deemed dangerous and are condemned by nearly every influential institution in the country.

A few hundred super-rich elites and a powerful handful of woke and climate activist ringleaders are the minorities that now tyrannize America. They are not defined by conventional ideological definitions, or by their faith, or by their ethnicity. With money and fanaticism, they control establishment institutions and grassroots armies. The wealthy faction is united by greed, the woke and climate populists by nihilistic hatred. It is an axis of evil.

This cannot stand. There are too few of them and too many of us. Resist.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- December 7


Christmas presents came in today. :) (except for the Ultimate 1 that I deep down inside want. That 1 may take a miracle.).

It's nice to see my threads booming lately. (though friendly FYI, I don't have a very good tolerance level towards pussies who claim to know about Christianity when they really don't anything about being a Christian).

Here's tonight's news: (ICYMI article from this morning: )

A Corrupt, Evil Regime Intent on Imprisoning Trump

Gunrunner, never-charged criminal, political hack, and perpetually aggrieved former attorney general Eric Holder is back, bloviating about President Trump being imminently arrested.  Given that we live in post-Republic times and that the Department of (in)Justice has exhibited no shame or remorse in its years-long campaign of political persecution and partisan double-standards, I'll take Obama's contemptible "wingman" at his word just this once.  So Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and the Deep State Leviathan plan on humiliating President Trump by frog-marching him before the world and tossing him in the clink.

So what?  They've been telegraphing this play for months, if not years.  We get it.  The U.S. government is irredeemably corrupt, we've officially entered banana republic territory, and all the worst tyrants in D.C. plan on rounding up and punishing anyone brave enough to fight back or dissent.  

News flash, Deep State: You kind of got your point across when Hillary Clinton's political henchmen and Barack Obama's FBI (political henchmen with badges?) worked with the Intelligence Community to frame candidate Trump as a Russian spy six years ago and none of the perpetrators ended up in prison.  You made things quite clear when you gave tens of millions of dollars to Andrew Weissmann to run the Mueller Inquisition, so that he and his Democrat friends could pave over the lawless bureaucracy's Russia Hoax tracks; harass the Trump administration in pursuit of nonexistent crimes; and immunize Hillary, the FBI, and their political agents from prosecution.  When you started locking up anybody remotely connected to the president for excrement-laden process crimes that were used as part of a stick-or-carrot approach to suborn false testimony against Trump, most of us understood that America had descended into a Lavrentiy Beria Soviet police State once and for all.  

For the slow learners out there, these people made things very easy to understand when they decided to use members of the military (who in the old days would have just been called "double agents" or "saboteurs" but are now venerated as "whistleblowers") to impeach President Trump for a quid-pro-quo hoax in order to damage his re-election campaign and cover up Joe Biden's actual quid-pro-quo scheming in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere.  We watched state attorneys general, secretaries of state, and both federal and state courts look the other way while mail-in ballot dumps and suspicious "pauses" in vote-counting (in explicit violation of state statutory laws) were used to flip battleground states days after the 2020 election and hand Biden an inexplicable "victory" over a sitting president who had won nearly every bellwether county across the country by double-digits, expanded his 2016 vote totals by over ten million, and received more votes than any incumbent in history — all feats that had meant certain victory in every past election.  We watched as social media networks censored factual information about Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" — containing evidence of financial crimes and deviant behaviors proving how vulnerable the Biden family remains to blackmail from adversarial nation states and other unscrupulous third parties — at the behest of a politically partisan FBI using the false public statements of former members of the Intelligence Community to justify government propaganda, speech suppression, and outright lies.  

If there were anyone left in America who still didn't grasp that these people mean to destroy Donald Trump; his supporters; and anybody who dares to whisper, "Make America Great Again," they've gone out of their way to target Americans who question the legitimacy of the 2020 election farce with threats of criminal charges, job firings, professional sanctions, social "cancelation," forced psychiatric care (straight out of Stalin's Soviet playbook), and censorship.  They've taken the unprecedented step of rewriting history by framing a million-American protest against election fraud on January 6 as a "domestic terrorist attack" and hostile "insurrection."  They've used ethically challenged and politically partisan undercover agents, prosecutors, judges, and juries to turn simple acts of trespass, unlawful assembly, or criminal mischief (at most) into outrageously ludicrous charges of "sedition," "treason," and "conspiracy."  They've used the sycophantic State-controlled press corps to spread the lie that Trump-supporters murdered police officers at the Capitol, when, in fact, four protesters alone lost their lives that day — at least two due to unconscionable State-sanctioned violence.  

They've spent two years conducting a J6 show trial in Congress (using concocted evidence, unsubstantiated testimony, and false accusations without even the pretense of providing for due process or adversarial counsel) intended to brainwash Americans into believing that President Trump was involved in an attempt to overthrow his own government.  They've presided over an abject judicial circus pretending to be a serious legal "case."  They've kept hundreds of J6 protesters in solitary confinement and under other forms of duress in an effort to force Americans who dared to exercise constitutional rights into accepting preposterously unjust plea deals and falsely admitting to guilt.  They've hidden almost all video evidence recorded in and around the Capitol that day.  They've lawlessly violated Americans' Fourth Amendment rights by tracking their cell phones and seizing their personal data without probable cause or valid warrants.  They've mysteriously aided and abetted the still unknown, yet politically convenient, January 6 pipe bomb suspect.

They've intimidated countless Americans into shutting up, lest they be targeted for prosecution, too.  They've successfully distracted from all of the suspicious events that threw the 2020 election to Biden by hunting down Americans for their political points of view.  And for those Americans who have not yet suffered directly for exercising their constitutional rights to free speech and assembly, their persistent threats of punishment have effectively pulled down a quiet Iron Curtain of self-censorship around a country once known throughout the world as the "land of the free." 

So, sure, we get it — these people plan on arresting, embarrassing, prosecuting, and imprisoning President Trump because he happened to be the first national political figure in half a century to stand up to Deep State thuggery, national self-sabotage, and Uniparty-engineered American decline.  Most Americans already understand that every action the Department of (in)Justice takes against President Trump and his supporters is politically motivated and improper.

Our government is sick, venal, and lost.  It attacks American citizens, betrays its duty to safeguard constitutional rights, and pursues its own power at the expense of Americans' liberty.  It is rotten, and more Americans accept this difficult truth every day.  Yet the consequences for crossing one of the last remaining lines of decorum and arresting a former president on fabricated charges will be severe.  

For a significant portion of the country, the U.S. government will never, ever be trusted again.  Tens of millions of Americans will understand that they have become strangers in their own land and designated enemies of the State by their own government.  They will accept that America can never be the same again.  And there's the rub for the lawless Deep State.  The illusion of republican virtue, constitutional rights, due process, honest democratic elections, and protections for personal liberty will irrevocably disappear.

Tick-tocktick-tock, look out!  Eric Holder's Marxist brigades are on the march, and the Black Book of Communism remains both their blueprint and their bloody monument to murder in the name of "social justice" and "good intentions."  As the regime takes another heavy step toward Soviet Russia's gulag system, it takes one more dangerous step closer to mass arrests, political prisoner camps, and even public executions.  It is always totalitarianism's way.  Americans must wake up before it is too late.  They will.  Stay strong.  Have faith.

RESET: Climate Change Professionals Provide Goals and Individual Allowances for Transportation, Food, and Clothing

Carbon trading is the economic platform to generate government income.  That income then drives the carbon control financial mechanisms that will be deployed to the people.  At the end of the financial lane, we arrive at a world with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).  The digital money provides instant control over spending and carbon resource allocation.

For many years the carbon allowances for individuals were esoteric goals as presented by those who assemble at various global COP meetings, Davos and the World Economic Forum.  However, with rapid advances in the energy control process, a result of the pandemic and Build Back Better exit, the control officers are now quantifying the specifics for the individual citizen. [pdf Here]

In short, we are now getting down to the brass tacks.  Your resource allocation is part of the “consumption intervention” consideration, where the amount of carbon emission your consumption drives is what determines the goal for your future allocation.

[From the Abstract] – There is a growing consensus, based on compelling evidence, that the world is facing a climate crisis and rapid action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is a necessity. Historically, decision-makers and academics have discussed a range of options that can reduce our carbon footprint over the long-term. However, recent evidence demonstrates that choosing between one option and another is no longer compatible with rapid and significant emission reductions.

Increasingly, all options are required, and this involves multiple actors exploring how they can respond to the current climate crisis; including national government, cities, business and civil society. (read more)

As you can see, the goal is to remove meat and dairy products completely.

In the next chart, you can see your allocation for “net clothing and textiles“:

You will be permitted 3 new clothing items each year.


In the Transporation sector, the ambitious goal is to remove all private vehicles, and the target lifetime of vehicles is 50 years.

For airline travel, citizens will be permitted one flight less than 1,500km (930 miles) every three years.

[Abstract] – “The wide range of action required to achieve a 1.5°C scenario leaves little room for delay or failure over the coming decade; other broad, supporting policies can provide a safety net by bringing about complimentary emission reductions. Examples of such policies are a wide deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS), particularly in industries that emit direct emissions, and carbon pricing mechanisms that can underpin action across entire economies and markets. However, even deeper paradigmatic shifts may be relevant, such as adopting more useful measures of societal development than just economic growth. In practice, no one city or nation will follow the exact same emissions reduction pathway, but this report provides direction on the type, scale and timescale of policies that will need to be implemented (read more).

As mentioned in the beginning, these are the allocations we can expect to see in the future.

The enforcement mechanisms will likely vary depending on government power amid the various nations within the collective western society.  However, based on the successful results from the COVID passport beta tests, gateways and permissions, some form of digital currency will likely be part of the compliance process for the carbon allocation as outlined.

Why Isn’t Homeland Security Monitoring A Muslim-Only Immigrant Shelter At The US Border?

A shelter in Tijuana for U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants exemplifies the Biden administration’s dangerous mismanagement of the border crisis.

In October, U.S. Border Patrol caught another nine border-crossing immigrants who were on the FBI’s terrorism watch list, adding to the already record-breaking 98 during the just-ended fiscal 2022 and 14 during the prior fiscal year.

Those 121 suspected terrorist border crossings should strike President Joe Biden’s homeland security establishment and the general public as a “system blinking red” moment, to requote the infamous 9/11 Commission Report line about failures to act on threat information.

But my recent fact-finding trip to Mexico’s first and only shelter that expressly caters to U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants indicated Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sees no blinking red lights amid this current mass-migration border crisis.

In June 2022, the San Diego-based Latina Muslim Foundation noticed significant enough numbers of U.S.-bound travelers from the Islamic world to justify opening the Albergue Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter in a two-story, 8,000-square-foot former nightclub in Tijuana just two blocks from the border wall, which all who stay there intend to bypass one way or another. The shelter serves as a waystation for 30 to 140 immigrants at a time coming from Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Somalia, Chechnya, and other regions in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia where terrorist organizations operate.

Latina Muslim Foundation Director Sonia Garcia told me she is concerned that Islamic terrorists may use her Tijuana shelter and does her best to ferret them out during interviews. She’ll even call in Mexican law enforcement authorities to investigate deceptive and suspicious persons. Mexican authorities recommended that she reject two of them for shelter assistance on terrorism grounds.

The Albergue Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter in Tijuana
Albergue Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter, Tijuana, Mexico (Photo by Todd Bensman)

“I’m not the person who is going to hide the reality of what people do, regardless of their religion,” Garcia said. “Just because they are Muslims, [we] are not going to let them come to the United States or Mexico to hurt people. That’s it. We’re not into that. We’re just here to help people.”

In ordinary times, when a historic-sized mass migration crisis is not raging, clientele like hers would bring the shelter more attention from law enforcement. That’s because, for more than 15 years, American homeland security has officially tagged U.S.-bound immigrants from such countries as “special interest aliens.” The SIA tag is supposed to trigger bilateral law enforcement and counterterrorism screening with Mexico to investigate them further.

Mexico Collaborates When Manageable

As noted in my book “America’s Covert Border War, The Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration,” Mexico’s collaboration with the United States on counterterrorism has been extensive and to great effect — in non-crisis times when human flows are manageable.

Mexican intelligence often runs the names of special interest aliens through American security databases and allows U.S. officers into detention facilities to interview many of them — before they can cross. Mexican customs officers working in Mexican airports also run identities of arriving special interest aliens through U.S. databases. Mexico has proven sensitive to U.S. requests that it deport the identified extremists to their home countries before they can reach the southern border.

A recent Milenio newspaper investigation based on leaked classified Mexican Ministry of National Defense documents revealed a variety of cases where Mexican and American intelligence agencies working together discovered Islamic terrorists in Mexico in 2015, 2016, and 2017 — a number of them in Tijuana. Some were working on behalf of the Islamic State. The Milenio story details extensive Mexican collaboration with American intelligence agencies on these cases, for example on a January 2017 investigation of an Algerian in Mexico that resulted in the dismantling of an ISIS cell in Algeria.

Between 2014 and 2018, Mexico’s National Institute of Migration identified 19 suspected terrorists in its territory and deported them all, undoubtedly at American behest.

U.S. Not Inquiring About Shelter

But nothing is normal now with the crisis. Garcia told me the Americans have never called asking about any of the terror-watch-listed immigrants caught crossing the border, except early on when Afghans started showing up and the U.S. consulate in Tijuana came to interview them.

Garcia said she would be happy to provide the Americans with all information the shelter maintains about every person who stays overnight if they ever call.

Outside the Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter in November
Outside the shelter, November 2022 (Photo by Todd Bensman)

“If somebody’s on the [FBI] list and they want to find out if they came from the shelter, well, they’re welcome to come to the shelter and ask us,” she said. “We have no problem in giving the information or in hiding the information, no. If he is on the watch list and he came into the shelter, well it’s very good because we’ll give [the Americans] the information. We’re not hiding the information.”

The Mexicans are no more proactive about her guests, she said, beyond when she calls them in. Outside her facility recently, several young Chechen men described journeys in which they flew to Mexican airports on Russian passports and were never delayed or interviewed.

Is this a replay of unseen red lights blinking amid a massive crush of millions of immigrants overwhelming both the Americans and the Mexicans?

Going to ‘Blow Something Up’

“Eventually these guys are going to go in and blow something up and it’s going to be a huge scandal,” said former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to Mexico, Christopher Landau, when I described my findings. “You’d think we’d learn something from 9/11. I would think that this is a DHS concern about monitoring who is making their way to our country. If I were the ambassador, I’d be very curious about this shelter, like who is there and what kind of people are trying to come into our country.”

So too would retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent James G. Conway, who led post-9/11 counterterrorism programs in Mexico for years and vetted thousands of special interest aliens. After all, in no other single shelter would SIAs planning border crossings congregate as they do in this one.

“I would be all over this place,” Conway said. “The fact that terrorist organizations are based in some of those countries and want to bring harm to the United States, and that this shelter that specifically caters to citizens from special interest countries two blocks from the U.S. border is helping to funnel them into the United States, should certainly be a concern to law enforcement and the intelligence community.”

Covert Operations

It is possible that both the Americans and Mexicans are running covert operations in and around the shelter. But that’s doubtful too, according to two intelligence community sources who told me it wasn’t on the radar.

“If the Mexicans see that we don’t care about something, then the Mexicans won’t care,” Landau said. “They’re not going to knock themselves out if they see we’re not going to knock ourselves out. I can’t blame them.”

Infamously, the George W. Bush administration — up until Sept. 10, 2001 — didn’t seriously consider intelligence reports that terrorists would ever fly planes into buildings.

Does the Biden administration not believe terrorists could cross the southern border amid the current chaos and could get through to do harm?