Sunday, November 20, 2022

Remember Why You Liked Trump In the First Place?

While others have become prominent after him, no one is quite like Trump and to think otherwise is ludicrous.

It’s been an interesting week of watching people on the Right scrambling to sling mud at anything or anyone to which or whom it will stick. Perhaps the most interesting of all is “who” the blame has fallen to. Namely, Donald Trump.

Most people do not understand the kind of true sacrifice Trump made when he decided to run for office—even though he surely didn’t have to. The hatred and other persecutions, the sorts that come with such public sacrifices, have the potential of ruining not only one’s own life but that of one’s family. Most people don’t know anything about what that’s like. Nevertheless, Trump chose to make those sacrifices to expose the unabashed corruption at every level of American politics.

Before Trump pulled back the curtain we only saw shadows and projections of what was actually happening there. We got only rare glimpses of what really goes on behind the scenes. We knew things weren’t on the up and up, but little did we know how deep the swamp really was. At that time, the Republican Party was lifeless and without any sense of direction. No one should forget that Trump resuscitated a dying party. He gave it a future. He gave it hope. 

He was the people’s champion among those who felt left behind by the establishment on both sides. He put American politics under a microscope like no other president ever has.

I think that is why the last week has been so inconceivable. People who once supported Trump saying that his era is over, that Trumpism is dead, and casting him aside for the next shiny object. I have to ask these people one very important question: Why is Ron DeSantis, a candidate who is similar to Trump in many ways, now viewed favorably by the anti-Trump crowd on both sides? It leaves me with an uneasy feeling and doesn’t sit well with me.

This does not seem like a coincidence. It seems like an intentional move on behalf of the establishment elites. Indeed, you can be sure of that. Trump stands for everything these people find abhorrent and he can’t be controlled or bought like the majority of those in D.C.. During his four years in office, he showed what our country could be with no new wars, significantly reduced illegal immigration, tax cuts and deregulation, bringing companies back to America, and building a stronger military. 

It is undeniable that Trump brought an authentic and unique agenda to the table and showed himself to be different from anything the Republican Party has ever had. While others have become prominent in our political culture after him, no one is quite like Trump and to think otherwise is ludicrous.

Without Trump at the helm for the last two years, the RINOs have regained much of the momentum they lost and they, like the Democrats, cannot stand the thought of another four years under Trump. Backing away from Trump now is ill considered. Make some of your own observations about these strange occurrences and remember why you liked Trump in the beginning.

Remember, the same people who were attacking him years ago are the ones still attacking him now, only today they are using a well-liked candidate (who owes a great deal to Trump) against him, causing a divide and duping everyone in the process. Consider who that really benefits. That says a lot to me. 

X22, And we Know, and more- Nov 20


I'll be glad when this cold snap is over! Here's tonight's news:

Third Time’s a Charm For Merrick Garland

Would Merrick Garland have wheeled out the old 
special counsel wheeze absent Trump’s announcement 
that he was running for president again?

What do you suppose the chances are that Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s attorney general and chief enforcer, is a student of Søren Kierkegaard? Pretty slim, I’d wager. But his announcement yesterday that he was getting the old band back together and appointing yet another “special counsel to investigate Donald Trump made me think that he should take a gander at Repetition, a book that Kierkegaard published in 1843 under the pseudonym Constantin Constantius.

The book is an arch, hothouse affair, full of Kierkegaard’s mocking and self-indulgent philosophical curlicues. But the MacGuffin of the book—whether one can really repeat the events of one’s life and, if so, what significance that repetition has—is something Garland might want to ponder for himself. I don’t think I will be spoiling things by revealing that Kierkegaard—or at least his pseudonymous narrator—concludes that, no, “there simply is no repetition” in life.  

I don’t expect that would faze Garland. A man who can direct his Stasi agents to treat parents as domestic terrorists because they complain about the actions of their local school board is clearly made of strong stuff. Why not conduct an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home? Why not organize another political vendetta against him? 

Sure, this will be the third special counsel assigned to harass Donald Trump, the most investigated American president in history. It would be nice if Garland could lure Robert Mueller out from his Golden Pond activities to take on the attack against the once and possibly future president once more. I suspect, though, that Mueller is too deep in Bidenesque (or Fettermanesque) mental twilight to mount that steed again. Maybe Garland can harness up the despicable Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s brain and primary dogsbody in the now thoroughly discredited “Russian collusion” delusion. 

The predicates for the new special counsel are not too promising. One has to do with Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021, when some of his supporters, along with lots of FBI plants masquerading as Trump supporters, marched on the U.S. Capitol. The other has to do with what classified documents Trump may have sequestered at his Mar-a-Lago estate after leaving the presidency. 

The first is unpromising because, notwithstanding the exertions of loopy Liz Cheney to demonstrate his culpability for the January 6 jamboree, Trump had nothing to do with the almost entirely peaceful Capitol breach. His last two tweets that day (just a day or two before he got thrown off the platform) cannot have pleased the future CNN or MSNBC hostess Cheney:

I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order—respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

Not much to work with there, Liz, but as a famous Russian once said, “Show me the man and I will find you the crime.” 

The second is unpromising because the FBI just leaked the news to the Washington Post that, far from secreting nuclear codes or other classified nuclear secrets (as was first and widely reported), Trump had simply glommed onto various personal items. As the Post reported, investigators have “not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession,” nor did anything recovered “point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets.” Rats. 

But Trump did just announce—speaking of repetition—that he was throwing his hat into the ring for a third time. Would Merrick Garland have wheeled out the old Special Counsel wheeze absent Trump’s announcement that he was running for president again? Nobody outside Garland’s sanctum sanctorum really knows.

We do know, however, that when it comes to government harassment, “the process is the punishment.” The state has unlimited resources with which to torment people it doesn’t like, and on that list of people it doesn’t like, Donald J. Trump gets star billing.

It has long been clear that America now operates under a two-tier judicial system. Notice that I did not say a “two-tier system of justice.” Absent the virtue of impartiality, there is no justice. There is a flagrant absence of impartiality in the contemporary American judiciary. How else could Joe Biden, who obviously profited from his family’s foreign connections in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere, go uninvestigated? How else could Hunter Biden escape anyserious scrutiny? You can add Hillary Clinton and a large cast of Democratic apparatchiks from the FBI and our intelligence services to that list. 

But let’s say you were wandering around the grounds of the Capitol on January 6, 2021: Pow! you are caught up in a nationwide dragnet and tossed into a Washington gulag for many months before you are treated to a biased trial. If you are Steve Bannon and you refuse a congressional subpoena, you are indicted, convicted, and given jail time. If you are Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s “wingman” and attorney general, exactly nothing happens to you

The establishment hates Donald Trump for many good reasons. He did a lot to wreck their concessions during his first term and, should he again win the presidency, the gloves would be off and their gravy train would be over.

I suspect that Michael Anton is right: They can’t let him back in because Trump’s attack on the regulatory “deep state” with all its globalist affiliations would bring their elitist party to an abrupt end. “The people who really run the United States of America,” Anton wrote, “have made it clear that they can’t, and won’t, if they can help it, allow Donald Trump to be president again.” 

I know: it is early days yet. The 2024 race won’t really begin until February or March. We don’t know whether Biden will, or will be able, to run. And we don’t know how many Republican candidates there will be. All the beautiful people with Ivy League degrees and luxury beliefs tell us that Trump shouldn’t run because he can’t win (though, secretly, many of them in their heart of hearts think that he shouldn’t run precisely because he really could win). 

I am alive to Trump’s flaws and shortcomings. I also am alive to his extraordinary achievements during his first term. He would drive the Left, and the housebroken Right, right over a mental cliff, it is true. Anton was not being melodramatic. But I put that down as a collateral benefit, not a liability. Which brings me back to the theme of repetition. In The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, Karl Marx gave famous expression to one version of repetition. History, said Marx, really does repeat itself, just as Hegel observed. But does so with a twist: “the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.” 

The persecution of Donald Trump from 2015 to beyond the end of his terms was a tragedy for the country and what Nancy Pelosi apostrophized as Our Democracy™. His continued torment by the ghoulish Merrick Garland and his flying monkeys looks more farcical, illustrating Marx’s point. But it is important to bear it in mind that even the most farcical developments can unfold as tragedies as well. 

Knock It Off – Get up, Get Back on Your Feet, YOU Are the ONE They Can’t Beat, and YOU Know It….

It might, heck, -check that- it does seem overwhelming at times.  But that is the nature of this collectivist strategy.  That is the purpose of this bombardment.  We must hold strong and push back against the lies and manipulations.  If you look closely at the attack, it is weak and much of it is psychological bait.  Do not fall into the trap of despair.

When I share the message “live your best life”, it is not without purpose.  Every moment that we allow the onslaught to deter us from living our dreams, is a moment those who oppose our nation view as us taking a knee.  Do not allow this effort to succeed.  You might ask yourself how I can, one person, a flea looking into a furnace, retain an optimistic disposition while all around me seems chaotic and mad.

Simple answer, it’s your choice.  Two wolves fight – one filled with despondency, isolation, despair and dark imaginings; the other filled with faith, something bigger, unrelenting hope, focus and driven to remain connected. Which wolf will win?  The one you feed.

Shake it off. “Get up, get back on your feet, you are the one they can’t beat, and you know it.” WATCH:

The point?  It ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

And here we are… divided by a network of seemingly intoxicating systems; many purposefully driven by the modern dynamic of social media, steering a tribal outcome we are only now just beginning to fathom.

Ultimately the collective weight of progressive leftism is putting us is isolation. There are many historic references to this disconcerting sentiment to review with hindsight. However, ultimately the feeling of isolation first begins with a rejection of God.  Defeat it by embracing Him.

In/around July 2020 it was obvious in my travels we were on the precipice of a disconnect from human interaction that would numb our psyche to what ultimately matters, fellowship.

Not only are various governmental agencies forcing the separation of people from their community networks, we were also seeing faith-based organizations, churches, buying into the fear.

Even in areas where churches were not forcibly shut down, we saw a structural shift where some faith leaders were willingly ostracizing their community under the guise of various medical, social and cultural alarms.

This is not good…. not good at all.

Fellowship is the essential ingredient to a purposeful life. How and why we interact with each-other is how and why we recharge our core humanity.

To see faith leaders willing to separate from the function of fellowship was alarming. However, as individuals we must not allow this foreboding sense to become the normal expectation.

Our nation needs more people like you, right now. Don’t wait… engage life, get optimistic however you need to do it. Then let that part of you shine right now… This is how we fight. Hold up that flag; give the starter smile… rally to the standard you create and spread fellowship again.

Throughout history large armies have been defeated through the process of division. It is not a leap to see the same strategic objectives being deployed against social assemblies including congregations. It is puzzling how many in leadership cannot see the danger in social and spiritual distance when the bond of fellowship is needed more than ever.

Each of us has a different connection to our community. Each of us has a different level of internal strength… such is the nature of living. However, the distance between people is manifestly not a good outcome when combined with the lack of food for the soul.

The influence of social media is already troublesome, physically distancing from human engagement only worsens the impact. There is no digital replacement for the true fellowship of humanity on a personal level.

Ultimately it is the currency of human connection that is the true value in our lives.

We have each felt how our positive influence upon the lives of others nourishes our own sense of purpose and fulfillment… Do not lose that. Do not think you can compensate for that through other arbitrary measures; you cannot.

With local, state and federal leaders moving increasingly toward self-interest; with disconnected workplaces creating social distance; with faith-based leaders unfocused on the value of fellowship; and now government entering your home to tell you the importance of separating yourself from your family we must dispatch these arbitrary decrees very deliberately.

Perhaps we are in this position today because we didn’t sit still enough and contemplate the real priorities in our lives.  Fellowship is the essential ingredient to a purposeful life.

I will not divide my humanity, nor concede my core view of fellowship, simply to comply with the demand of another that I consider my brother or sister of greater or less value than myself.  Any system that seeks to steer my path will not benefit from my participation.  I choose freedom!

My f**king choice…

Our Liberty is inherent.

Our freedom is inherent.

The removal of both requires consent.

I choose not to disconnect.

I choose purpose.

I choose my own humanity.

I believe in a generous loving God.

My faith stands.

Love to all,

~ Sundance


Conservatives Can’t Run And Hide From The Left Anymore. They Have To Stand And Fight

A tale of two parades in a small Texas town illustrates why 
conservatives can’t hide from the left. Not anymore.

One of the comforting fictions conservatives are increasingly tempted to tell themselves is that if they just move to a red state or county, the insanity of the woke left won’t affect them and their family. Ensconced in safely Republican communities, perhaps they’ll be free not just from disastrous Democrat policies but also from the pernicious sexual propaganda of the left. For conservatives with children, this is especially important.

But it’s a mirage. There is no American town or hamlet remote or red enough to prevent the infiltration of leftist ideology, which today often comes from institutions that in an earlier era would have been seen as the guardians of a decidedly Christian civic virtue. Not only are left-wing activists taking over these institutions, but they are also working to ban conservatives, and especially Christians, from the public square altogether.

There is nowhere today that conservatives can run and hide from the left. They can either surrender or stand and fight.

Consider what’s playing out in the small town of Taylor, Texas, population 16,807. Situated about 40 miles northeast of deep-blue Austin, it has long been precisely the sort of place conservative families might move to raise their children — a quiet and peaceful town full of churches in a deep-red part of the Lone Star State.

For decades, Taylor has staged a Christmas — not “holiday” — parade down Main Street. The Taylor Christmas Parade of Lights is a beloved tradition that for the past 10 years or so has been organized under the auspices of the Taylor Area Ministerial Alliance, or TAMA, a coalition of local churches.

Last year, as a result of an oversight in the application process, an LGBT advocacy group called Taylor Pride was included in the parade. The oversight in this case was that the old ladies who volunteer to organize the parade and process float applications had never heard of a group called Taylor Pride and didn’t realize what it was. (And no wonder, before the summer of 2021 the group had never staged a public event.)

By the time parade organizers found out, it was too late. Two men dressed in drag, one as a female Santa and the other scantily clad in glitter, were suggestively gyrating to dance music on the Taylor Pride float as it rolled down Main Street in the annual Christmas parade — as it happened, right in front of a float for Saint Mary’s Catholic School, which was full of children.

Parents and attendees were understandably outraged. Soon after the parade, TAMA decided that in the future, parade entries must be consistent with traditional biblical and family values, and made an announcement to that effect ahead of this year’s parade. The point, as TAMA’s statement made clear, was not to exclude any individuals or groups from attending or even participating in the parade, but to ensure the floats were family-friendly and not contrary to Christian teachings.

In response, the Taylor City Council announced it would stage a separate, city-sponsored parade, calling it the “Very Merry Holiday Parade and Celebration” — on the same night as the traditional TAMA parade, following immediately behind it on the same route, for the express purpose of giving Taylor Pride and other LGBT groups a parade of their own. As a recent post on the City of Taylor’s official Facebook page explained, the city is doing this because “we are committed to being inclusive and diverse in the City of Taylor.” 

A spokesman for the city has since falsely characterized the situation to at least one local news outlet, saying TAMA had “made it clear that they did not want certain people to be a part of the parade,” and, “They were going to go in a little bit of a different direction … and make it a little bit more exclusive.”

This is exactly the opposite of what’s happened. The only thing that’s changed is that TAMA has realized that LGBT groups like Taylor Pride have targeted their town and attempted, with some success, to infiltrate and undermine their traditional civic celebrations of Christmas. So they decided to push back and insist on the survival of their traditions. Good for them.

The point here is that Taylor might as well be every conservative community in America. It’s located in Texas’s 31st Congressional District, one of two congressional districts in Texas that have never been represented by a Democrat. Voters there just reelected Republican Rep. John Carter for the 11th time. He ran unopposed. Taylor also sits in Williamson County, where nearly every elected office is held by a Republican.

Indeed, Taylor is the last place in the country where a family attending a Christmas parade organized by a coalition of local churches would expect to see two men in drag dancing inappropriately on a float rolling down Main Street. Yet like many such towns across the country, the city council and municipal staff are eager to prove just how enlightened and woke they are. Send in the drag queen holiday floats.

By now, Christians in Taylor must surely know that next year, there will be only one parade down Main Street in December — and it won’t be the Taylor Christmas Parade of Lights. Unless they vote the city council out of office and clean house in City Hall, traditions like the Christmas parade will soon be a thing of the past there, another lost battle in a never-ending war of attrition waged by the left. Same goes for the public library and the public schools. If conservatives don’t take them over, the left will.

It might just be one small town in Texas, but Taylor stands as a cautionary tale. It isn’t enough to move to a red state or a Republican district. You are going to have to fight the left, and win, or surrender to them. There is nowhere left to hide.

Teleprompter: 1, Biden: 0, as the Mumbling President Attempts to Talk About His Failed Economy

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Let’s just admit it. Watching Joe Biden‘s near-daily battles with scripts written for him by handlers is not dissimilar to our inability to turn away from crash sites; both are hard to look at but we can’t not watch.

In Biden’s case, while we know he’s going to go incoherently off the tracks virtually every time he speaks, we watch anyway — as if we can’t believe this guy is still the president of the United States.

Such was the case on Friday when the president, who turns 80 on Sunday, attempted to speak about his disastrous economy during a meeting with business and labor leaders. So how brutal was it?

This train went off the tracks before it left the station. Here’s Joe, in all of his mumbling glory:

This week we saw the growth in prices and business pay for goods and services come down, as well. Gas prices are down but it’s gonna take time to get inflation back to normal levels if we keep our job market strong so we can see setbacks along the way; I don’t doubt that, but thus far we’re in good shape. But, we’re laser-focused on that.

Wait, huh?

I whipped out my super-duper Biden decoder ring and I still can’t figure out what he said, much less what he was trying to say. Moreover, it was obvious that Biden saw nothing wrong with that word-salad dumpster fire, but for the sake of the country, shouldn’t the American people be able to understand what their president is trying to say when he speaks? Is that asking too much, my Democrat friends?

Just me, or was that special ed quality stuff, right there?

Biden ran into similar teleprompter (brain-functioning) problems in mid-October when he tried to talk about the miserable state of the economy — for which he is largely responsible — with similar results. The Republican National Committee dished up a few examples of how that went down:

There’s not a single solitary Biden man that is as old, uhh, younger than any Biden woman.

Wait— wuh?

Biden was right on this one, but for all the wrong reasons:

The [so-called] Inflation Reduction Act did a lot of things.

Yup, Joe, it did — like continue to drive inflation up.

And finally, as the RNC observed, after lying about Bidenflation for 18 months, Biden ludicrously warned, with a stupid grin on his straight face:

If Republicans take control, the prices are going to go up.

Sorry, Joe, that dog don’t hunt.

Nope, that dog don’t hunt, anymore — particularly after you’ve spent your entire dumpster-fire presidency intentionally taking actions that you should’ve known or been told would drive prices higher and higher, and force needless financial problems on tens of millions of hardworking Americans. But, hey — the “existential threat of mankind,” right, Joe?

The Bottom of the Line

The Democrat Party owes it to the American people to keep Joe Biden far away from anything to do with the 2024 presidential election, which I suspect they’ll do — one way or another.

And American voters owe it to all Americans to keep any Democrat out of the White House in 2024. That will only happen if the party unites — or even pretends to unite, if only for the most important presidential election of the 21st century.

If we fail to do that, whatever happens over the next four years will be on us. Think about it.

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer handed the 2022 midterms to the Republicans on a silver platter. Both chambers were there for the taking. Yet? The GOP squeaked out a majority win in the House and failed to capture the Senate. We can blame “cheating,” “stolen elections,” and whatever else we want to blame, but the fact is the party remained divided heading into the midterms, and here we find ourselves in the aftermath of the red trickle.

If the internecine war continues through the 2024 election, we will face the same results.

What was that thing Einstein famously said? Something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Yeah, that. He called it the definition of insanity.

Einstein was right.

Oliver’s Gist – “A Betrayal Too Far”, Perhaps Time for Citizens to Secede from Government

Neil Oliver has a thoughtful monologue this week that pertains to the specifics of the British political landscape; however, in the era where global government is identical in just about every shore, the points could just as easily pertain to America.

U.K. citizens face the same problem of non-representative government -ruling by dictate and fiat- as we do in the United States. I would suggest the reason, and indeed the similarity we find in various nations, has more to do with multinational corporations now giving instructions to government leaders than anything else.

The disconnect between what one would call “best interests” and actual “policy via government,” has less to do with the decisions and more to do with the instructions.  As Oliver accurately notes, the outcome is a system of government that has no connection to the needs of the actual citizens they are supposed to serve.  WATCH:

(Transcript) – I keep waiting for the betrayal too far – that action by the State against Britain that finally pushes every last citizen of the country that used to be Britain into the grim realization that those illegitimates are out to get us.

The Green Agenda that guarantees the impoverishment of the peoples of the West by pursuing the lie that wind and solar can take the place of gas, oil and coal? The Green Agenda that pushes the palpable nonsense those of us with petrol and diesel cars today are meant to have electric cars tomorrow – when all the evidence makes plain that you and I are meant to be going nowhere while our self-appointed masters go anywhere and everywhere?

The Green Agenda that invites us to think that Net Zero and the rest are about anything more than stealing our rights and freedoms while further enriching the already rich?

The delegates for COP27 flying in private jets to luxury accommodation in Egypt, where they sat down to meals of 100 pound a time cuts of prime Aberdeen Angus beef, foie gras – which is the liver of force-fed geese – salmon and sea bass and cream sauces – while pausing between burps to lecture us proles about carbon emissions and the need to eat bugs and genetically modified grass?

Those delegates discussing plans to eviscerate the farming industry – to cut farming around the world by anything up to a half in a time of food insecurity for millions?

The blindingly obvious realization that these schemes are nothing to do with saving the planet but merely the means to bankrupt the farmers and drive them off the land so it may be acquired by trans-national corporations?

The realization that governments and physicians together oversaw the most disastrous medical intervention in history – that by setting aside “First do no harm” and “informed consent” and opting instead for ruinous lockdowns and coercion they took a bad situation and made it much worse?

The revelation that those so-called vaccines were never even tested to see if they would stop transmission of Covid – which they absolutely do not do – thereby revealing that all the government and media driven propaganda demanding submission to the needle to save granny was a blatant lie?

The revelation that those medical products do not – do not stop a person contracting any virus?

The realization, quite simply expressed, that those that medical products making billions for big pharma do not work as advertised?

Would it be the soaring numbers of people dying from causes unrelated to Covid, the people dying or suffering life altering consequences in the aftermath of submitting to the jabs, released only under the terms of emergency use authorization?

The number of otherwise healthy people – young people included – dropping dead or being found dead in their beds? Would it be the fact it’s still all but forbidden to ask if the so-called vaccines have anything to do with those excess deaths?

Or the realization that all the currencies in the world – the pound, the dollar, the euro – are now nothing more than Ponzi schemes – fraudulent confidence tricks doomed ultimately to collapse, and soon, and that ought to have put their operators in jail long ago?

The news from the US that another Ponzi scheme – called FTX – a crypto currency exchange owned and operated by a 30-year-old wunderkind – has crashed, taking billions of dollars into oblivion?

Tens of billions of US dollars were sent by the Biden administration to Ukraine. Ukraine invested some of that in FTX. Then, FTX donated 40 million dollars to the democrat campaign in the midterms. At what point does it become legitimate to ask if this was profiteering or money laundering?

Now the collapse of FTX could potentially be seized upon by Biden’s administration as the excuse they were waiting for to pass legislation to take control of crypto currencies? Killing two birds with one stone, anyone?

What about the knowledge that college dropout computer software salesman Bill Gates has acquired more than a quarter of a million acres of farmland in the US for purposes unknown?

Or the daily and nightly arrival, by dinghies, of tens of thousands of young men, on Britain’s southern shore, where they are ferried to hotels for free accommodation, free money, free food and access to all the GP and dental appointments you can’t get, all of it at the taxpayers’ expense?

The knowledge that their arrival is aided and abetted by Serco – a company whose outgoing chief executive is Rupert Soames, grandson of Winston Churchill, the wartime leader made immortal by his vow to defend the beaches? The irony.

Or the fact that Serco has the contract for finding accommodation for those migrants – that profits hugely by offering millions a time to hoteliers to sack their staff and turn their properties into hostels for those young men, always young men?

The realisation, in my eyes anyway, is that the British born and raised here have been put at the back of the queue for everything their taxes pay for – so that all of those benefits can be extended to new arrivals?

The realisation that the powers that be are intent on breaking the morale and spirit of the British, transforming us into a compliant, dependent, unquestioning herd ready to accept whatever indignity might be foisted upon us next?

The threat of nuclear war – dear God, the existential threat we all grew up fearing in the last third of the 20th century – the climax we are being invited to accept as somehow inevitable. The very existence of every man woman and child apparently hanging in the balance amidst all the politics as the fighting drags on, month after month?

And then … and then … as if all of that wasn’t enough … look at the politics here. Last week came the financial statement from Hunt – the chancellor no one wanted except the markets that make our country’s decisions for us.

I listened to as much of his rubbish as I could before I felt the gorge rise in my throat. Surely, I thought, this litany of contempt, nudge unit grooming, obfuscation and downright patronising piffle would awaken the slumbering, sleep walking masses to the now undeniable, unmissable fact that those occupying the great offices of State are working around the clock to break Britain and the British.

No help for the workers. No help for pubs and restaurants. No help and only more hurt for small businesses of all sorts. No help for those who generate the modest profits upon which everything in our society depends.

Those who received no furlough – not a cent – are to reach into empty pockets and pay for those that did. This is the equivalent of throwing a dinner party, inviting some to enjoy all they can eat, and then insisting that those who watched from outside the restaurant, hungry while they pressed their noses against the glass, should now help foot the bill for food they didn’t eat. This all on its own is a graceless, egregious scandal.

So called Bounce Back loans are being reclaimed from the bank accounts of those that received them. But furlough … no … that money went out and won’t be coming back … and the same self-employed the government hates are being ordered to pick up the tab.

Listen to some of what Hunt said, if you have the stomach for it:  “We also protect the vulnerable because to be British is to be compassionate and this is a compassionate government.”

He goes on: “The Bank of England, which has done an outstanding job since its independence, now has my wholehearted support in its mission to defeat inflation and I today confirm we will not change its remit.”

And then try swallowing this vomit-inducing cant from Hunt:  “Finally, Mr Speaker, I have talked a lot today about British values – of compassion, hard work, dignity, fairness.

There is no more British value than our commitment to protect and honour those who built the country we live in.

But the British people are tough, inventive and resourceful.

We have risen to bigger challenges before.

We aren’t immune to these headwinds but with this plan for stability, growth and public services, we will face into the storm.”

How that man has the gall to pronounce such disingenuous platitudes in public, at such a time, when millions are on their knees, is beyond me. Him and his parliamentary colleagues are the people who put us here – with policies they kept pushing long after anyone with half a brain could see the disaster coming.

The Conservative Party has become what the Labour Party has been for generations – the enemy of those who would work all the hours to make something of themselves – something that might raise up their children and set them on the same aspirational road.

Governments of every stripe hate and loathe the self-employed, the entrepreneurs, because by definition those sovereign individuals do not need the State. What those people need is for the State to get out of their way – and this latest iteration of the State refuses to do that. On the contrary, they seek only to break the middling classes and have them ask for help instead.

What will it take, I ask, before the rest of this country awakens to the realization that we are being had, being played, taken for fools? What will it take before those citizens see that we have put ourselves at the mercy of a criminal enterprise shaped only to rob us blind, hobble all ambition and see to it that we are cowed and submissive with our hands held out for a few shekels from our self-proclaimed lords and masters.

Here’s the thing: all of it stops when we say it stops.

It doesn’t require every one of us – just enough of us – simply to realize that no cavalry is coming, no help is at hand.

It is up to us to see these charlatans for what they are, to disregard them – red, blue and every color in between – to turn our backs on them, and work together to make something else, something decent, something that is ours.

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