Monday, November 14, 2022

The GOP Needs a Florida Takeover

If Republican legislators don’t have the courage to fix their party, how can they credibly claim the ability to fix the significant problems plaguing the country? 

As Hurricane Nicole made its way to the east coast of Florida on Tuesday, a red tsunami crashed down upon the sunshine state. It was the only one this election season. The aftermath of the Republicans’ disappointing performance reopened wounds that had been festering under the surface ever since Donald Trump completed his hostile takeover of the GOP in 2016.

Beltway Republicans want to scapegoat Trumpism. The former president insists on making their job easy, taking swipes at Ron DeSantis, spiking the football on the defeat of an anti-MAGA Senate candidate in Colorado, and blaming General Don Bolduc’s disappointing performance on not being strong enough on the 2020 election.

This criticism, however, is an obvious distraction from a far greater problem with the current Republican Party. If anything, Trump’s greatest culpability for Tuesday’s red trickle was his post-2016 decision to largely maintain the operating structure of the GOP his supporters voted to change.

Republican leadership in the House, Senate, and the RNC believed they could coast into electoral victory by default. Mitch McConnell explicitly refused to offer up any platform of any sort. Kevin McCarthy held a press conference with a few vague talking points like “A Future Built on Freedom,” but good luck finding any average American aware of it. Meanwhile, Ronna Romney McDaniel has done nothing over two election cycles to inspire the confidence of any Republican faction.

Even less defendable were the deliberate financial decisions made by the alleged leaders of the party. McConnell pulled funding from Blake Masters in Arizona to help defeat a Republican Senate candidate in Alaska. Earlier this year, McCarthy unloaded millions of dollars to defeat MAGA Republican candidates in primaries, including Anthony Sabatini and Joe Kent. The intent is obvious—the priority of McCarthy and McConnell isn’t to elect Republicans. It is to reverse Donald Trump’s revolution of 2016.

Trump deserves blame here as well. His Save America PAC received over $100 million, but spent less than $15 million on his endorsed candidates in key races. At a time when the Republican Party desperately needs a leader that reflects its base, Trump allowed McConnell and McCarthy to fill the role that the base elected him to take.

This is why DeSantis is resonating with so many Republicans, including both critics and supporters of Trump’s 2016 message. DeSantis did what national leadership failed to do: he provided a clear vision for Florida, executed that vision, and elevated candidates down the ballot—securing a supermajority at the state level. And he won, bigly.

With a smaller-than-expected margin in the House and a likely tie in the Senate, both McCarthy and McConnell, as well as McDaniel, find themselves in a precarious situation. Republicans claim to be the party of merit. Rewarding these three for their performance in 2022 would demonstrate how hollow that commitment truly is. Small margins make it easier for the discontented to prevent the old guard from maintaining their leadership positions. For the credibility of the GOP, we must see change.

If Republican legislators don’t have the courage to fix their party, how can they credibly claim the ability to fix the significant problems plaguing the country?

Of course, changing leadership requires an alternative. Here, again, the party should look to Florida.

In the Senate, Rick Scott seems eager to challenge the long-standing king of the Republican Senate. He publicly attacked the “treason” of Republicans not properly standing up for candidates like Masters, a thinly veiled shot at the minority leader. While McConnell wanted to avoid policy discussions, Scott has made an aggressive push for a legislative vision—one that is frequently attacked by Joe Biden.

Scott also has a record that is of particular interest for the role of Senate minority leader. As a billionaire-turned-politician, he was himself a proto-Trump figure in Florida politics. He built a political operation parallel to the Florida Republican Party to push his agenda. While the governor could leverage post-COVID popularity to force the state legislature to follow his lead, Scott’s approach in Tallahassee will be more direct. His operation can be deployed to turn voters back home against state legislators who refuse to follow his lead. 

He was effective in doing so back in 2017, and effectiveness is what Republicans desperately need.

The case for Representative Matt Gaetz may seem less obvious for those only familiar with him as a cable news regular, but no Republican in the country has demonstrated keener instincts than the proud firebrand. Gaetz not only quickly became Trump’s favorite congressman after riding into Washington with him in 2016 but was one of the only Florida leaders with Tallahassee roots to support DeSantis in 2018. After DeSantis’ successful election, the former state representative served as his state capitol sherpa. 

Gaetz’s high-energy personality can also distract from his rare intelligence and keen understanding of the Republican base. In Congress, he’s been one of the most effective interrogators exposing deep state corruption, such as his grilling the FBI about the handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop. In person, he’s capable of going deep into the weeds on a broad array of vital policy points, ranging from national security to cryptocurrency. Most importantly, he has articulated a clear vision for a meritocratic GOP, as was on display when he gave a rousing speech in front of the Wyoming state capitol attacking the turncoat Liz Cheney. (McConnell, at the time, was defending Cheney’s place in leadership.)

Gaetz is savvy in the ways of modern communication: a vibrant tweeter (with more discipline than his patron in Mar-a-Lago), an engaging podcast host, and a political communicator with a real sense of humor. He also is familiar with old-school politics, being the son of Tallahassee titan Don Gaetz, a former Florida Senate president.

Gaetz, of course, has also been a lightning rod of controversy after being the subject of unsavory allegations last year. The catalyst came from the testimony of a felon with a history of making such claims, upset that the congressman couldn’t secure him a pardon from Trump. The fact that any of this came to light highlights the way the Department of Justice can selectively leak information to a corporate press that can be depended upon to take down political enemies. Gaetz beat the allegations, but a man with connections to former federal agent Dan McGee was charged with felony extortion.

In Florida, Republicans don’t get tired of winning.

Elevating Gaetz has one additional added benefit for the Republican Party: the prospect of desperately needed unity. Between Trump’s opening shots and DeSantis’ historic victory, it currently seems that a battle between the Florida governor and the man whose endorsement secured him the Republican nomination is inevitable. Gaetz is a man who has served both men loyally.

This year’s midterms highlight foundational issues with the operations of the modern Republican Party. The Democrats have the luxury of an electorate so committed to whatever social cause is being pitched by the corporate press or social media influencers that their base will follow them no matter the economic pain they inflict. The worst COVID tyrants faced no repercussions for their actions. Better dead (or mentally damaged) than red. 

To overcome this, the GOP needs a vision. It needs renewed energy. It needs the organizational capability to elevate talent and discard the incompetent. It also must find leaders who can unify the deep rifts that exist and that grifters on both sides will seek to exploit for personal gain.

Florida has offered a model for how to reset political expectations.

Now is the time for Florida Men to lead.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- Nov 14


No, I have zero idea of what tomorrow's announcement will be about. I've only read a lot of theories.

Here's tonight's news:

Activist Media’s Attitude Towards ‘Citizen Journalists’ Is Exactly Why Nobody Trusts Them

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

The advent of alternative media has created a whole new world when it comes to disseminating information. But not everyone is happy about this – particularly members of the activist media.

Elon Musk ruffled more than a few feathers when he took over social media company Twitter. But when he tweeted about his vision of making the platform friendlier towards average citizens participating in journalism, at least some members of the once-vaunted fourth estate took umbrage.

On Friday, Musk tweeted:

As Twitter pursues the goal of elevating citizen journalism, media elite will try everything to stop that from happening.

Of course, Musk is right. Those firmly ensconced within the marble halls of the establishment press excoriated the Twitter CEO for daring to suggest that we regular folks could contribute to the national conversation.

Shannon O’Connor, social media editor for The Daily Beast, responded:

Not sure who needs to hear this (Elon) but “citizen journalism” is bad and should not be elevated. Look at how much worse “citizen journalism” made the Boston bombing aftermath (and that’s just one example).

There’s a reason why we go to school for years for this profession…

O’Connor continued, pointing out that “[a]ll legitimate news organizations have fact checkers and editors so that false and misleading information isn’t given to the public.”

Condé Nast’s Luke Zaleski also chimed in, noting that “[j]ournalists are citizens” and that “[t]he vast majority are middle and working class men and women doing difficult and important work.”

Politico’s Bill Scher said: “Twitter apparently is pursuing the goal of being a 2003 blog post.”

What is truly interesting about this exchange is that these media activists didn’t even realize they were proving Musk’s point. They are trying to discredit the notion that regular folks who don’t work for their esteemed media outlets could also bring important information to the American public. Folks like this believe that they – and only they – should be entrusted with the responsibility of informing the populace.

But what most people know is that despite O’Connor’s contention that major news outlets have fact-checkers and editors, mainstream media routinely gets it wrong, oftentimes deliberately so. Trust in the media has declined significantly over the past decade.

There is a reason for that.

The big letter news agencies have shown even more that their aim is to influence rather than inform. Many of these companies have acted as full-on propaganda mills for the Democratic Party while cloaking themselves under the veneer of objectivity, even though they are no longer fooling anyone.

Rather than being honest about their bias, they sell a deceptive image of fairness and balance to their audience, hoping to fool them into believing they are only reporting the facts. Indeed, most people would not have a problem with the media if they were open about their political leanings. But the fact that they choose to lie has been their undoing.

With Americans no longer having confidence in the media as an institution, it can be no wonder these individuals feel threatened. But whether they like it or not, we are in a different age now. Anyone with a camera and a computer can publish information – and there is little the elites can do about it. In fact, perhaps the establishment needs more in the way of fact-checkers on the ground who can fill in the blanks when it comes to facts they would rather us not know.

The outcome of the midterm elections has made alternative media more important than ever. America is entering into a season that could determine the future trajectory of the country. But unlike the giants in the establishment media, sites like RedState need the support of Americans who value the truth. We are at a critical point in our nation’s history, and the elites are working nonstop to control the narrative.

This is where you come in. With your help, we can continue pushing back against the leftist-dominated propaganda that is becoming ever so pervasive in our society. By reading our site and joining the VIP program, you are helping us in our effort to create a better America. The next chapter is already being written, and we will continue making sure liberty-minded Americans have a voice.

Media Propagandists Will Never Play Fair, No Matter How Quality The GOP Candidate Or Lousy The Democrat

To the polarized Democrat Party and its media mouthpieces, the 2024 Republican presidential nominee will be either Trump or Trump 2.0

Donald Trump is neither a kingmaker nor the palace’s HR director charged with hiring the next court jester. He didn’t make the Republican Party, and he didn’t destroy her fortunes. And Trump did not downgrade the red tsunami to a splash. The schizophrenic election results that included both Trump-endorsed winners and losers show that. 

Like all else in politics, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. But no matter where that line falls, conservatives need to accept the reality that the Democrat Party, Fetterman loyals, faux Republicans, and the corrupt corporate media don’t care: They aren’t going to like us, they won’t represent us fairly, and they aren’t going to vote Republican. 

A Democrat Party that props up an elderly man with obvious signs of mental decay to run as the party’s presidential candidate cares only about power. And voters casting their ballots for the same man, or the even more cognitively challenged Democrat candidate who just won the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat, see only one thing: the “D” next to the candidate’s name

The establishment press likewise plays for team Democrat, and conservatives won’t change that even if they nominate the most milquetoast moderate candidate willing to don a scarlet R. Enter stage right, 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The press portrayed the inoffensive Romney as an animal abuser and denigrator of the women brimming over from his business binders. 

The media will never play fair, as CNN’s Candy Crowley established when she moderated the Obama-Romney presidential debate. So in the pocket for the Democrat Party was the press that Crowley took no pause before conducting a live and incorrect fact-check of Romney when the GOP contender exposed then-Democrat President Barack Obama’s delay in branding the deadly Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya as an act of “terror” — something Obama falsely claimed he had done during his White House Rose Garden press conference held the following day.

The 2012 presidential contest also showed that the Democrat Party, its loyal members, politicians on the left side of the aisle, and the press don’t really care about a candidate’s demeanor either. Then-vice presidential candidate Joe Biden’s clownish behavior during his debate with his Republican counterpart, Paul Ryan, went ignored in the main, and the media continue to overlook Biden’s bullying behavior. 

Disregarding or downplaying Biden’s flaws, however, doesn’t hold a candle to the burying of the Biden-family corruption scandal by his boosters. From FBI agents allegedly suppressing evidence corroborating Biden’s involvement in a pay-to-play scandal to the press and social media censoring reporting on the scandal mere weeks before the 2020 election, Democrats and their media allies protect their own while accusing their opponents of the very misdeeds they have committed. And it doesn’t matter — and won’t matter — who the Republican opponent is. 

Younger conservatives who didn’t live through the Reagan presidency can be excused for thinking Democrats are open to the right kind of Republican. But for those old enough to remember the ’80s, “come on, man.” 

The left trashed Ronald Reagan until Democrats needed to destroy George W. Bush, at which time the Gipper became the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being ever to serve as a Republican. And now Bush has been remade the consummate statesman. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. 

Democrats have since refurbished this strategy by preemptively branding any potential Republican opponent the spawn of the current evil-incarnate titleholder. We saw this with Democrat and media attacks on Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, which began while Trump still resided in the White House and long before DeSantis rode the only true red wave to victory on Tuesday.

Conservatives need to vacate their state of denial and accept that the Democrat Party and its politicians, voters, and paramours in the press will attack and reject any Republican put forward. And so will faux Republicans; in fact, that is how you can recognize them. 

They will push false scandals, misrepresent positions, peddle narratives to the disadvantage of Republicans, brand negative news about Democrats as disinformation, demonize the person and his (or her) voters — and they will never like us or vote with, or for, us. 

So support your candidate of choice, but realize that come 2024, to the polarized Democrats and their media mouthpieces, the Republican presidential nominee will be either Trump or Trump 2.0.

Your Next Barista May Be a Software Engineer: Big Tech Lays off Tens of Thousands as Boom Era Ends

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Big Tech has had a heck of a decade, with companies exploding their net worths, creating new billionaires seemingly on a daily basis, and watching their stock prices shoot through the roof. The COVID pandemic was especially good to them, as customers locked in their homes were forced to shop online and spend more time on social media than actually interacting with people in real life.

That run appears to be over. Major Silicon Valley firms are watching their market value shrink, they’re laying off tens of thousands of workers, and their stock prices are plummeting. There’s a good chance your next barista at Starbucks (if they haven’t closed due to high crime) will be a laid-off software engineer.

Bonchie’s written about Twitter downsizing, and I’ve covered the slashing at Meta (Facebook’s parent company) and its troubles with Mark Zuckerberg’s pet virtual world project.

Payment platform Stripe, business software firm Salesforce, ride-hailing company Lyft, and many other tech companies have also recently announced double-digit percentage dismissals. Google and Amazon meanwhile have implemented hiring slowdowns and freezes.

The Washington Post sums it up:

The departures are solidifying a feeling in Silicon Valley that the bull market of the past decade—which created massive amounts of wealth for tech investors, workers and the broader economy—is decidedly over, conjuring an image of what the rest of the economy could experience if a predicted recession materializes.

Why is this happening? Executives blame a changing post-COVID reality:

Executives at the companies making the cuts blamed a variety of interconnected factors—overzealous hiring during the pandemic, a slowdown in e-commerce activity and people spending less time online as in-person events return.

Rising interest rates due to inflation are also hampering businesses, as borrowing becomes much more expensive and investing in startups becomes less feasible.

Amazon stock is down 40.85 percent for the year, Alphabet (Google’s parent) 48.58, Meta 66.62, Apple 17.75, Snap 75.14…Ouch!

While it’s easy to make fun of pampered tech workers lounging around in spa-like “campuses,” real people will be affected. A lot of them:

The week’s layoffs bring the total number of displaced tech employees in 2022 to just over 120,000, according to fyi, a layoff tracker run by tech founder Roger Lee.

Tech workers who previously could have counted on dozens of offers for their skills will now have to compete for jobs with thousands of other people.

Tech recruiting companies are reporting a surge in calls from applicants who suddenly find themselves out of a job. Many will have to lower their expectations:

Semil Shah, a general partner at venture capital firm Haystack, estimates there may be as many as 25,000 to 50,000 out-of-work tech people on the Bay Area job market over the next few months. Salaries will go down, and people will take jobs they might not have considered earlier.

This downsizing has been a long time coming, as companies vastly overestimated the demand for e-commerce and the need for more employees as the pandemic grew to be less of a crisis. E-commerce, Big Tech, and social media are here to stay, and while there will be winners and losers in the near term, this is not a death knell for the sector. It’s just a giant wake-up call.

CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus Resigns After Being Tossed Under the Bus by Biden

Susie Moore reporting for RedState 

On Friday, we reported that the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Chris Magnus, was being forced out of his position. As warranted as his dismissal may be, given the disaster that continues to unfold at our southern border, that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas remains firmly attached to his title is galling.

In early October, Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham put Mayorkas on blast, noting numerous grounds for his impeachment. The Senators’ scathing letter outlined Mayorkas’ dereliction of duty,  observing:

Despite the heroic efforts by the men and women of Border Patrol, who operate with very little support from Washington, D.C., you have failed to achieve any semblance of operational control of the southern border.

Yet it’s Magnus who’s being shown the door as part of a shake-up at DHS.

Initially, Magnus indicated he would not be exiting voluntarily.

Chris Magnus is resisting leaving the position, after being told by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to resign or get fired, according to the source. It comes after a record year of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. along the Mexican border.

Following the reported directive from Mayorkas, Magnus sent an e-mail to senior staff members at CBP:

“I want to make this clear: I have no plans to resign as CBP Commissioner. I didn’t take this job as a resume builder. I came to Washington, DC— moved my family here— because I care about this agency, its mission, and the goals of this Administration,” the email obtained by Fox News states.

However, on Saturday, came news that Magnus would, in fact, be tendering his resignation.

Per Fox News, Magnus resigned “effective immediately.”

President Biden accepted Magnus’s resignation letter, according to a Saturday night press release from the White House.

“The President has accepted the resignation of Christopher Magnus, the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. President Biden appreciates Commissioner Magnus’ nearly forty years of service and the contributions he made to police reform during his tenure as police chief in three U.S. cities. The President thanks Mr. Magnus for his service at CBP and wishes him well,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

In his brief resignation letter, addressed to President Biden, Magnus stated:

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Senate confirmed Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection over the past year. It has been a privilege and honor to be part of your administration.

I am submitting my resignation effective immediately but wish you and your administration the very best going forward. Thank you again for this tremendous opportunity.

What additional moves will be made at DHS as part of this restructuring remains to be seen. However, it does not appear that Mayorkas will be going anywhere soon — and given the Republicans’ failure to take control of the Senate, no impeachment is in the offing either.

Coincidence: Bush and Obama Schedule Conferences on Disinformation and Democracy to Follow U.S. Midterm Election

It’s just coincidental happenstance they say.  Both George W Bush and Barack H Obama have scheduled conferences to highlight concerns over disinformation in the wake of the U.S. midterm election.  Democracy is at stake if people do not blindly trust the constructs of the election systems that are now in place.

With a demand to accept the new normal…. Former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama are hosting back-to-back conferences about disinformation in the days following Donald Trump’s ‘big announcement.’ 

Bush, 76, will host his The Struggle for Freedom conference in Dallas on November 16, while Obama’s democracy conference will be held in New York City on the 17th. 

Trump’s big announcement – largely rumored to be his 2024 presidential campaign announcement – is set for Tuesday. 

Organizers said the conferences were not planned together, but will focus on the rising threats from authoritarianism and disinformation. 

David J. Kramer, of the Bush Institute, said it was ‘terrific’ the two presidents would be focusing on similar topics, saying: ‘We’re very mindful of what’s happening in the United States, and we have to make sure we stay on a democratic path. (read more)

All just a coincidence…. nothing to see here, move along… move along.

Ignore any remembering that George Bush created the U.S. surveillance state (Patriot Act) and that Barack Obama weaponized it.  However, also remember, the most dangerous time for a victim is that moment when the abuser realizes their battered victim has become numb to the continued psychological effort.