Sunday, November 6, 2022

How France became trapped in a spiral of chaos and decline

 Humiliated Emmanuel Macron is presiding over a country that has lost its raison d’être   

Whatever became of France? Once the most beautiful, brilliant and civilised country on earth, it is now caught in a seemingly irreversible spiral of decline. The French know it — a survey last year found that 61pc believe the country is in decline — but they feel powerless to prevent it.

The mood is sullen, resentful and angry. Violence simmers just below the surface, as in the yellow vest protests four years ago. Those who dare to look behind the crumbling facade of the French state will find a nation in existential crisis.

The crisis has countless causes. At its heart, however, is the despair of a people who have been deceived for so long that they no longer believe anything their leaders say — even if they tell the truth. The mood is crepuscular, at times almost apocalyptic, as those who have been kept in denial come to terms with a present that mocks their hopes for the future. There is barely a glimpse of la gloire with which they associate the rapidly receding past.  

Earlier this year, when the fate of France hung in the balance during the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron made short work of his rival, Marine Le Pen, by depicting her in their TV debate as Putin’s poodle. He was duly re-elected by a substantial majority.

Yet there was none of the jubilation that had greeted his first victory in 2017. This time the French no longer took their President’s promises seriously: he and his entourage were seen merely as the lesser of two evils. Within a month, his party had lost control of a National Assembly dominated by the far-Left and the far-Right.  

Macron had been humiliated: a president in name only, his office deprived of the power and the glory that the architect of the Fifth Republic, General de Gaulle, had intended.

Since then, the ageing wunderkind has sought to regain the trust of his people by admitting what they all know: that their country is no longer the pride of European civilisation, but a nation ill at ease with itself, unequal to the task of preserving its own identity, let alone its revolutionary legacy as the global champion of the rights of man.

Much of France is in a perpetual state of panic or rage about uncontrolled immigration and its own profoundly alienated Muslim population. 

Last week, in a televised interview, Macron defended his record on law and order after the sensational murder of Lola, a 12-year-old Parisian girl, but for the first time conceded an inconvenient truth: “If we look at crime in Paris today, we cannot fail to see that at least half of the crime comes from people who are foreigners, either illegal immigrants or those who are waiting for a residence permit.”

Even a year ago, Macron would have vehemently condemned such views from one of his Right-wing rivals. That he now says it himself is a sign of his desperation. For it implies not only that the French state has lost control of its borders, but that it is failing to integrate the rapidly growing proportion of the population whose origins lie in the former French colonies. 

Paris is, after all, a microcosm of France. The lawless anarchy of the banlieues that surround the capital, amounting almost to low-level terrorism, is mirrored in almost every other city. The graffiti, vandalism and filth that disfigure the streets of Paris are ubiquitous elsewhere too.

The decaying infrastructure, the hideous monuments of avant garde “starchitects”, reflect the extinction of Parisian stylishness in art, dress and manners. And the conflagration that almost destroyed the Cathedral of Notre Dame in 2019 symbolised the collapse of Christianity in what was once a land more devoted to Our Lady than any other  

The decline of France manifests itself in many ways. Underlying the political malaise is an economic one that has been accelerated, but not caused by, the shocks of the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The long history of French dirigiste governments of Left and Right, which have prioritised state control over free enterprise, has bequeathed a centralised economy that seems unable to adapt to global headwinds.

Take the car industry: it still employs 800,000 workers, but it has been plunged into what Le Monde last April called “an existential crisis”, with sales down 17pc on 2021. Since then, the cost of energy has left the likes of Renault, Peugeot and Citröen struggling to survive. A nation of mechanical pioneers, traditionally obsessed with the open road, has fallen out of love with the automobile. Yet the captains of industry behave like rabbits caught in the headlights.  

It is the same story with nuclear power, which provides 70pc of French electricity. The failure to replace ageing infrastructure has left more than half of the 56 reactors out of service as the worst winter in living memory approaches. 

EDF, which operates the plants, has been nationalised and, for the first time in decades, France is importing more energy than it exports, only narrowly avoiding blackouts so far. For the foreseeable future, the country has not only been overtaken by Sweden as Europe’s leading electricity exporter, but has lost its vaunted reputation for energy security.

French agriculture, too, is losing ground to foreign competition, especially in beef production. Over the past 20 years, the amount of beef produced in France has fallen 9pc to 1.4m tonnes, according to Eurostat.  

Meanwhile food inflation rose to 11.8pc last month, with fresh products rising by nearly 17pc year on year. While state subsidies have kept overall inflation below the EU average, this policy of bribing consumers with their own money to mask the true picture is unsustainable in the medium term.

The tax burden in France is among the highest in the developed world. The French tax to GDP ratio, at 45.4pc, is the second highest in the OECD. The UK figure is 32.8pc. Put another way, the French government spends almost 53pc of GDP; the UK Government about 10pc less. So although the British are paying the highest taxes for 70 years, compared to the French we are allowed to keep much more of our incomes.

Youth unemployment in France also remains stubbornly high, at 15.6pc compared to 9pc in Britain. Meanwhile, GDP growth will amount to 2.5pc this year, according to forecasts by the International Monetary Fund, while the UK’s economy is expected to grow by 3.6pc. 

However bloated by its confiscatory fiscal policies and despite its protectionist trade policies, the French state has failed to prevent the descent of its industrial regions into terminal decline. The equivalent of the “Red Wall” in England is to be found in Northern and Eastern France, while the rural hinterland is equally depressed. Opinion polls now give Le Pen’s National Rally nearly 50pc, with most of these protest voters concentrated in the rust belt regions and la France profonde.

Around 3m French homes are empty, or 8.2pc of the total, the national statistical office revealed last year. That is up since the turn of the millennium, when the figure stood at 6.9pc. In some communes, the vacancy rate is higher than 20pc.

The old problem of a centralised bureaucracy stifling the free market means that in contrast to Britain and the US, the decline of old French industries has not been compensated by the rise of new ones. Instead of cutting taxes and red tape in order to retain enterprising young people and attract investors, France has aped the least attractive of “Anglo-Saxon” tastes.  

Despite having created the very concept of the restaurant, the French are more inclined to grab a “McDo” for lunch than any other Europeans. But the vulgarity of McDonalds and other aspects of American commercialism are by no means the worst of French transatlantic imports.

Like their US counterparts, academics and politicians have lately been at war over the spread of woke identity politics, which President Macron says risks “breaking the republic in two”. 

After the beheading of schoolteacher Samuel Paty by an Islamist two years ago, an acrimonious row broke out within French intellectual circles over the education minister’s claim that “Islamo-Leftists” on university campuses were turning a blind eye to radicalism.  

Frédérique Vidal warned some lecturers were seeing “everything through the prism of their desire to divide, split, designate the enemy”.

Wokery, with its totalitarian intolerance and inbuilt philistinism is a deadly threat to the life of the mind everywhere, but perhaps especially in France. Why? Because France has been here before.

As in May 1968, the universities are the weak link. Then as now, the self-entitled and self-indulgent attitudes of a generation of students threaten to overwhelm their timorous professors. Older French generations are just beginning to realise how bewitched they were by the intellectual gurus who seized power in the chaotic aftermath of 1968.  

Perhaps the cleverest, most cynical and most pernicious of these Pied Pipers was Michel Foucault. His books and lectures undermined the moral foundations of French history, society and intellectual life. Only now, decades after his death in 1984, is France gradually coming to terms with the fact that it allowed its collective mind to be befuddled by an evil genius — who was also an alleged predatory paedophile, according to a contemporary.  

Like so many of the post-1968 amoralists, Foucault was the son of a strictly Catholic middle-class family and he received an excellent education. What underlies many of the present French discontents is the loss of all these things. The Church has largely lost its place in society, the bourgeoisie has been hollowed out, the family has disintegrated and the education system has abdicated its role in encouraging intellectual pursuits.

The decline of the French schools at all levels is especially distressing to those who knew them in their heyday. The lycées and the grandes écoles were highly competitive and unashamedly elitist, but they achieved their purpose of equipping the leadership of France to a superlative level. After 1968, however, the rot set in and has since affected every part of the system.  

Macron closed the École Nationale d’Administration, the elite finishing school for the country’s leaders and bureaucrats that he himself attended, last year amid claims it had become yet another institution to become captured by elite groupthink. It was originally set up by Charles de Gaulle in 1945 as a way of breaking the hold of the upper-classes over France’s levers of power.

Macron, a typical product of the system, has unfortunately presided over an acceleration in its decline. France does poorly in the PISA (Programme for International Student Achievement), ranking far below the UK or Germany. France slipped down the rankings for reading skills from 19th to 23rd in 2018. The UK ranked 14th. Just one French university (PSL Paris) made it into the top 50 in the world, according to the Times Higher Education rankings.  

One consequence has been the decline of French science. This was revealed by the pandemic, when Macron had to admit that his country was unable to produce its own Covid vaccine — unlike the US, UK and Germany. The French authorities also took much longer to vaccinate their population than their British counterparts.

Such facts are no surprise. France has never been a pure meritocracy: its rigours have always been tempered by connections, corruption and class. But the educational and economic impoverishment of the bourgeoisie has damaged professions such as the judiciary, medicine, the military and the media. The quality of politicians, too, is strikingly low. Just as Macron is no De Gaulle, so there are no journalists of the calibre of the General’s great critic Raymond Aron. French public life is a moonscape of mediocrities.

Domestic decay has been accompanied by geopolitical decline. Under Macron, France has failed to support Ukraine against Russian aggression and has lost influence in its North African backyard. Who could forget the contrast between Volodymyr Zelensky’s unfeigned admiration for Boris Johnson and his exasperation when he found himself embraced by Emmanuel Macron?  

Only months earlier, the French president had been forced to defend the withdrawal of his country’s troops from former colony Mali after a decade fighting jihadist groups. His decision, prompted by a falling out with the ruling military junta, left allied British peacekeepers with no air support, and opened the door to greater influence from Russia, which has sent private military contractors to the region.

Even the Germans, whom the French have hugged all the closer since Brexit, are brutally detaching themselves from a partner whose interests are increasingly divergent.

Intergovernmental meetings and a joint visit to Beijing have been cancelled, while a Macron-Scholz lunch last month resolved none of the outstanding issues. Germany under Scholz is going its own way, dashing Macron’s hopes of leading the EU after Angela Merkel’s retirement. The newer member states are contemptuous of the French President’s attempts to broker peace with Putin; most simply ignore his posturing.  

The same sense of a global power in decline applies, only more so, to the realm in which France once excelled: high culture. Last month the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to the 84-year-old Annie Ernaux. Like the better-known Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgaard, Ernaux writes “autofiction”, obliging the reader to submit to the immersive trivia of her daily existence.

Such a vicarious experience of mundanity evidently fascinates a growing readership, but it is hardly the stuff of which the great literature of a self-confident nation is made. Rather, Ernaux’s works are saturated in the solipsism and nihilism of a nation in decline.

A subtler French writer than Ernaux, Michel Houellebecq, published a far more prophetic novel earlier this year. Anéantir (“Destroy”) is set in 2027, as Macron leaves office. His vision of France is grim: stricken by poverty and unemployment, it is a rapidly ageing society. Hence his focus is on fatal illness. Unlike Ernaux, whose depiction of her mother’s dementia is shockingly cold-blooded, Houellebecq’s writing about the end of life is suffused with humanity.  

Yet even Houellebecq sees no sunlit uplands for France. For him, as for most of his compatriots, Macron cannot come clean soon enough about the failures of leadership that have reduced France to such relentless economic, social, political and educational decline. The pessimism of the country’s greatest writer speaks volumes about a nation gripped by the politics of cultural despair.

Houellebecq’s last testament is his valedictory elegy for a France that has lost its raison d’être. Under Macron, the French have reversed Descartes’ Cogito, ergo sum. Now it should read: “I no longer think, therefore I no longer am.”   

The Club Branding of Ron DeSantis Continues, and The Transparency is a Little Funny

President Trump will be holding a rally in Miami-Dade, Florida, for the slate of republican candidates.  All of the main republican candidates, including both Florida senators, who rely on the diverse America-First MAGA movement for election victories will be there…. Except Ron DeSantis.

Now, I get it. I mean, I understand why the people managing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis cannot have their principle appearing at a MAGA rally to receive the endorsement of President Trump, an almost certain 2024 candidate they are planning to challenge a few months later.  However, I get it because I see the roadmap they’ve laid in front of him; a roadmap he is following.

But again, it takes a level of intellectual honesty to accept the basic point that if Ron DeSantis was not planning to run for higher office, or at least leave that option available, there is nothing to lose for DeSantis to appear with Trump.  The only downside to attending the Miami MAGA rally is if DeSantis would want to challenge President Trump a few months later.  Honesty is the cornerstone of accepting things as they are, not as we would wish them to be.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will not be at the Miami-Dade County Fair and Exposition Center, because the team managing Ron DeSantis national branding campaign don’t want him there.

Since July/Aug {Go Deep} the new management in charge of DeSantis have been positioning him as the Trump alternative, the more acceptable republican candidate, ie. the club candidate

Instead, the republican club and Wall Street financed “Friends of Ron DeSantis” superPAC ($150+ million) have organized another optical event in the much deeper red, Southwest Florida (advertisement left) [LINK HERE].

Notice who is paying for the DeSantis event.  Parker Yancey McCollum is an American Americana and country singer-songwriter based in Texas, and if you follow the granular details of the GOPe branding effort, you might notice the DeSantis management team have deployed the strategy of hitching the governor’s wagon to popular music stars [Luke Bryan example].

This specific branding approach is familiar to professional political consultants and those who follow the deep weeds around ‘imaging’ in political campaigns.  The objective is to use the popularity of the Hollywood or music star as a draw for the crowd.  The managed politician benefits from the optical illusion of a large crowd gathered to support the candidate.

The image and branding approach is useful in avoiding a campaign event at a venue where the crowd doesn’t show up, which looks horrible for the candidate.

While President Donald Trump rallies the MAGA movement in Miami-Dade, specifically going to the formerly deep blue region to drive the proverbial stake through the heart of the left-wing political machine in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis will hold court within deep red southwest Florida, using Parker McCollum to hopefully offset the optics of DeSantis absence at the MAGA rally.

Rising country music star Parker McCollum was not scheduled to perform in SWFL [Schedule Here] and the DeSantis event is advertised, promoted and financed by the GOPe SuperPac ‘Friends of Ron DeSantis’.   The motives and intents being the DeSantis branding and management team remain clear to those with eyes to see.

To emphasize… Governor Ron DeSantis is a good governor, a good manager, well liked and should be well supported by the Florida voting base.   There are several large issues for Florida that voters are counting on Governor DeSantis and the Florida legislature to tackle quickly in 2023.

Florida has a major housing crisis combined with a serious issue of unaffordable insurance rates crushing the finances of Florida residents.   For many Floridians their homeowner’s insurance costs, now the highest in the nation, are equal to -or higher than- their mortgage payments, and it’s getting worse.  Energy costs have skyrocketed and that is making overall inflation that much more impactful.

The costs to live in Florida are putting an even more severe burden on those with a fixed income.  All of the working-class residents and retirees in Florida are feeling the issue, and there are things the state can do to help.

Charlie Crist would be an absolute nightmare scenario for Florida, but thankfully his hopes of election victory next week are virtually nil.  That is a good thing.

Florida needs Governor DeSantis to focus on Florida.

We are at a very critical juncture in the state and there are some major decisions that need to be made about the future of the state.

The national GOPe club looking to leverage Governor Ron DeSantis as the more acceptable alternative to Donald Trump’s America-First economic platform in 2024, are in a general sense selfish billionaire Wall Street and multinational types [Example].

That said, if in midyear 2023 the professional financial and political class leverage their donations to Ron DeSantis to abandon his post in order to help them nationally combat the MAGA agenda…. DeSantis will not only lose the contest for the republican presidential nomination, but he will also destroy his political career in an instant.

I know the DeSantis national management and branding team read here, so be forewarned.  Step out of your cocktail class donor bubble for a few weeks and listen to the people who matter.  If you push the principal to repay the $200+ million in donations by attempting to combat the MAGA agenda – you, your candidate, and his tenuously constructed reputation will be destroyed.

Wisdom would dictate that Governor Ron DeSantis work on the critical economic issues for Florida that will have ramifications and impacts for many years forward.  Prove himself skilled at large economic problem solving, and then position your principal to receive the support and appreciation of the hometown MAGA base for 2028….

….But step into the national arena for 2024 and DeSantis will be destroyed by angered MAGA like a feather in a hurricane.


WASHINGTON DC – […] Save America PAC raised a total of $24.7 million during the third quarter— a 38% increase from the second quarter. A source familiar with the fundraising told Fox News that 98.8% of those donations totaled less than $200 each.

Trump raised $10.2 million in August after the FBI’s unprecedented raid on his private residence at Mar-a-Lago—the most Save America PAC had raised in a month since Trump was in office. (link)

On the Fringe, Badlands Media, and more- Nov 6


2 days left to go! Keep the faith up and don't give up! Here's tonight's news:

Buck the Bureaucratic Supremacists

From the shadows, they and their metastasizing totalitarian regime of systemic censorship and propaganda must be unmasked, uprooted, and undone.

Freedom’s death march to serfdom hastens: The deep state that lied about “Russiagate” is now policing “disinformation.”

In a story broken earlier this week by The Intercept, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—largely through its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)—and the FBI engaged with Big Tech companies to censor Americans and interfere in the 2020 presidential election. Cloaked in the nebulous pretext that it is endeavoring to protect Americans from “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation,” this insidious collusion between unaccountable bureaucrats and Big Tech companies is part of a continuing effort by federal apparatchiks to have Big Tech do what the government technically cannot do: stifle and criminalize dissent, and eradicate the God-given, constitutionally recognized and protected right to free speech.

Per The Intercept:

According to a draft copy of DHS’s Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, DHS’s capstone report outlining the department’s strategy and priorities in the coming years, the department plans to target ‘inaccurate information’ on a wide range of topics, including ‘the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.’

Patently, these targeted topics are worthy of public discussion and debate. Indeed, we are already seeing that those who swallowed the government’s approved information mask, line, and sinker, are asking for “amnesty” for being such gullible social bullies. It is also not a coincidence the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine are also political liabilities for the inept Biden Administration and the Democrats. But make no mistake. While there is a partisan bent to the bureaucracy, it will never subordinate its interests to any elected officials, not even the president.

Consider this timeline (kindly synopsized from The Intercept article by James Carafano), which chronicles the bureaucracy’s success in implementing and cementing its censorious ascendancy under the Trump Administration and spawned by a GOP congressional majority:

2018: After high-profile hacking incidents of U.S. firms, Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act, ‘forming a new wing of DHS devoted to protecting critical national infrastructure.’

2018-2019: DHS started talking with and advising social media companies about voting-related disinformation appearing on their platforms a lot more.

2020: ‘Prior to the 2020 election, tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon Media met on a monthly basis with the FBI, CISA [DHS], and other government representatives.’

2020: Disinformation efforts around COVID ramped up. The DHS Threat Assessment expanded these.’

Then note how the apparatchiks made their move for permanent institutionalization under the Biden regime: “In January 2021, CISA replaced the Countering Foreign Influence Task force with the ‘Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation’ team, which was created ‘to promote more flexibility to focus on general MDM.”

It’s worth noting how—at a time when the Left was demanding the public shunning and cancellation of Trump Administration officials—Big Tech was more than happy to collude with the bureaucracy to suppress and censor speech. If President Trump was the tyrant the Left portrayed, such meetings would never have occurred. It’s likely even the requests would have been leaked to the corporate media to further smear Trump as an authoritarian. The only conclusion is that the bureaucracy believed it had the insularity and power to implement its own censorship regime and undermine a duly elected president—so it colluded with Big Tech to do so. Ultimately, as the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story showed, the bureaucracy was correct. It does have this power, just not legitimately.  

For those apparatchiks implementing this censorship, when they say “government,” they are not talking about those transitory officials publicly elected; they are talking about the unaccountable bureaucracy—i.e., themselves.

Carafano notes how Laura Dehmlow, an FBI official, warned during a March meeting that “the threat of subversive information on social media could undermine support for the U.S. government. Dehmlow, according to notes of the discussion attended by senior executives from Twitter and JPMorgan Chase, stressed that ‘we need a media infrastructure that is held accountable.’”

But wait, there’s more: “According to DHS meeting minutes from March, the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force this year includes 80 individuals focused on curbing ‘subversive data utilized to drive a wedge between the populace and the government.’”

As anyone who ever publicly expressed dissatisfaction with an elected official knows, the entire purpose of dissent is precisely to undermine support for the existing government and its officials. But one doesn’t have to take my word for it. Ask any Democrat who “resisted” Trump. Of course, these apparatchiks understand this, which is why they aren’t fans of dissent. Consequently, who will ensure the “media infrastructure” is “held accountable” in their understanding of things? A government of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats. Moreover, when a government is going fascist, it goes whole hog. 

As such, there will also be thinly veiled propaganda spewed through obedient NGOs: “Geoff Hale, the director of the Election Security Initiative at CISA, recommended the use of third-party information-sharing nonprofits as a ‘clearing house for trust information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda.’”

In shaping this state-sanctioned “information ecosystem,” the government argues that it merely suggests to Big Tech what aspects of free speech should be flagged and stifled. This is akin to a Mafia racketeer “suggesting” your business might want to pay for that “extra fire insurance.” Actually, this comparison may not be fair, as many in Big Tech are more than happy to play God with what you may see and consider. And government making such “suggestions” is, in itself, unconstitutional; it has an inherent chilling effect both on the purveyor and the speaker.

Not that these fascist bureaucrats give a rip about the Constitution, let alone statutes, or congressional oversight. After all, no statutory power exists that would allow the bureaucracy to seize these arbitrary and capricious powers. Bluntly, they have usurped them due to the obliviousness of the Trump Administration and, subsequently, with the connivance of Biden Administration, which has condoned turning powers intended to prevent foreign threats against the American people—or at least those citizens who express dissent and lack a sufficient “faith in government.”

Per The Intercept, consider Joe Biden’s novel “National Security Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism”:

The strategy identified a ‘broader priority: enhancing faith in government and addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms, which can tear Americans apart and lead some to violence.

We are working with like-minded governments, civil society, and the technology sector to address terrorist and violent extremist content online, including through innovative research collaborations . . . [and] addressing the crisis of disinformation and misinformation, often channeled through social and other media platforms, that can fuel extreme polarization and lead some individuals to violence.

One supposes we should thank Biden and his bureaucratic minders for providing an exhaustive list of authoritarian pretexts for censorship and criminalizing dissent. So, too, in the same document, they have also bluntly stated how their drive to censor and criminalize dissent will proceed apace:

While ‘counterterrorism remains the first and most important mission of the Department,’ it notes, the agency’s ‘work on these missions is evolving and dynamic’ and must now adapt to terror threats ‘exacerbated by misinformation and disinformation spread online’ including by ‘domestic violent extremists.’

Yet, what of the violence of the mind? Where aspiring totalitarians destroy not only free speech, or freedom of conscience, but freedom of thought itself? To wit:

Jen Easterly, Biden’s appointed director of CISA, swiftly made it clear that she would continue to shift resources in the agency to combat the spread of dangerous forms of information on social media. ‘One could argue we’re in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure, so building that resilience to misinformation and disinformation, I think, is incredibly important.’

The arrogance is breathtaking, even by bureaucratic standards. Once deemed civil servants, the bureaucracy has come to view itself as sovereign and superior with mastery over your money and mind. There can be no parlaying with such hubristic apparatchiks. The public must buck the bureaucratic supremacists. From the shadows, they and their metastasizing totalitarian regime of systemic censorship and propaganda must be unmasked, uprooted, and undone.

For there is nothing more extreme than government “content moderation.” There is nothing more dangerous than government censorship. There is nothing that spurs more public distrust than arbitrary and capricious government. And there is nothing more deadly to our republic and her free people than a government that believes it has the power and the right to control your mind.

Paul Pelosi Had A Brush With Death. Here’s Why We’re Not Crying

After years of being blamed for the spread of an uncontrollable virus, right-wingers are expected to film themselves praying for the Pelosis? No thanks!

Democrats and their little media friends are beside themselves that right-wingers aren’t in mourning over the very strange — shut up, don’t ask! — attack on Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband. They’ve all seemed to have forgotten how they treated everyone over the past three years.

To recap, 82-year-old Paul Pelosi was hospitalized last week after a man in his house attacked him with a hammer. At this point, that is literally the only thing that everyone agrees happened, since the story keeps changing. To wit, NBC’s “Today” aired a segment Friday morning billed as an “exclusive” with “new details” about the assault. And then NBC deleted the segment from its website and from its Twitter account, claiming that, “The piece should not have aired because it did not meet NBC News reporting standards.”

Setting aside the ever-changing kinky details of the affair, it’s been interesting to watch liberals in the days since whine about Republicans and conservative media being insufficiently concerned with Pelosi’s wellbeing, even accusing them of spreading “conspiracy theories” about the attack.

Jamelle Bouie captured it all at the top of his column in Friday’s New York Times: “[I]t has been shocking to watch Republican politicians and conservative media personalities respond to the brutal attack on Paul Pelosi … with lies, conspiracy mongering and gleeful disregard for the victim.”

Let’s talk about compassion for the victims of deadly encounters. For three years now, Democrats and the corrupt national media have blamed every single infection, hospitalization, and death of an airborne virus on people who were guilty of nothing more than minding their own business.

Herman Cain, the former businessman who ran for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, attended a Trump campaign rally in June 2020. He died a month later from Covid-related complications. Here’s how the media reacted to that story:

“Herman Cain, ex-presidential candidate who refused to wear mask, dies after COVID-19 diagnosis.”— Reuters

“Cain, who co-chaired Black Voices for Trump, was photographed maskless and not socially distancing at the event.”— The Washington Post

“He was photographed there inside the arena without a mask sitting with a group of other Trump campaign surrogates.”— ABC News

“A photo taken at the rally showed Cain, without a mask, sitting closely to other people who also were not wearing any face coverings.”— Associated Press

No less than the president of the United States contracted an infection that is, by every indication, unstoppable. The New York Times captured the history by observing that, “Even if Mr. Trump does not become seriously ill, the positive test could prove devastating to his political fortunes,” because he had “scorned the advice of scientists,” and “refused to wear a mask in public.”

Nancy Pelosi herself said of Trump that “Going into crowds unmasked and all the rest was sort of a brazen invitation for something like this to happen.” (Perhaps living in a sanctuary city like San Francisco that might allow an illegal immigrant to roam the streets on the hunt for criminal activity would be “sort of a brazen invitation” for something like the attack on Pelosi. But we won’t say that.)

When the president recovered from his severe illness, advising the public in an innocuous tweet to live without fear, CNN’s Jake Tapper lifted his droopy eyelids in disgust. “It’s OK to be afraid of Covid, and it’s OK that it’s dominating your life,” he whined. He also called Trump’s tweet “so disrespectful.”

After that — months and months of being blamed for the spread of an uncontrollable virus –right-wingers are expected to film themselves praying for the Pelosis? No thanks! (Though we will say a prayer, maybe two, in private.)

They can get lost. Bouie’s Times piece went on about how important “virtue” is in a healthy republic. True, but the responsibility of saying, “Well, let’s put politics aside for now” isn’t going to be for one side only. Other than 9/11, there was never a more important time in the past half-century to “put politics aside” than in March of 2020, when the nation was told that a mysterious and deadly pathogen was sweeping across the globe.

Instead of giving “the resistance” a rest, Democrats and the media thought to themselves, Now’s our chance! They blamed Republicans for getting people sick. They blamed Republicans for getting themselves sick. If a Republican got infected, it was his own fault for not getting vaccinated. If a Democrat fell ill, it was a Republican’s fault for not wearing a mask. Miraculously, Democrats were never held responsible for any disease spread, despite virtually every party leader being photographed without masks and gathering with others.

It’s too bad. Four years ago, everyone would be deeply concerned about the spouse of a political leader having his head battered with a hammer. Yes, even if the circumstances seemed a little lewd and indecent. (Shhh!)

It is sad. But conjuring up the energy for much compassion, after what they’ve put us through, is just too difficult. Best of luck to the Pelosis, though.

Biden's Bald-Faced Lie About Twitter Under Musk Takes the Cake

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

While we’ve long been aware of Joe Biden‘s penchant for lying — a “skill” he practices relentlessly virtually every time he opens his mouth — some of his bald-faced lies are so preposterous in ironic hypocrisy that they’re actually worth covering, as opposed to his daily mumbling and saying stupid, senseless crap.

As reported by Reuters, Biden, during a Friday campaign speech said, without foundation, that Elon Musk’s Twitter is “an outfit that spews lies across the world.” Huh? We’ll get there in a minute.

Does it strike anyone else that Biden and the Democrats have this whole thing backward?

While Twitter on Friday laid off half its workforce, cuts were smaller in the team responsible for preventing the spread of misinformation, as advertisers pulled spending amid concerns about content moderation. Moreover, Musk bought Twitter precisely because the social media giant under former CEO Jack Dorsey, and later Parag Agrawal, notoriously blocked conservative content that exposed the left’s lies and narratives.

What Biden and the Democrats are so worked up about is the realization that Twitter will no longer fly wingman for the left, and they just can’t deal. Irony is a beautiful thing–particularly when the tables are turned on the Democrat Party and its radical policies and false narrative.

Here’s Joe, on Friday night:

And now what are we all worried about: Elon Musk goes out and buys an outfit that spews lies all across the world. There’s [sic] no editors anymore in America. How do we expect kids to be able to understand what’s at stake?

Pot, meet kettle.

BS, Joe. Musk has promised to restore free speech and prevent Twitter from descending into a “hellscape.” Oh, and lemme fix the last line for you: “How do we expect kids to be able to be indoctrinated by the left into only ‘understanding’ — via censorship — the left-wing narrative?” There, much better.

As the histrionics continue, Musk tweeted on Friday:

Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists. Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.

Amen. And I’ll lay 3:1 odds that Elon already has a “plan B” in place, if the left’s attempts continue.

It’s not only “extremely messed up”; the left’s attempt to bring Musk’s Twitter to heel is also very telling. If Democrat “principles” and policies stood on their merit, why would the left be so apoplectic about Twitter under Elon Musk? Why is the left so terrified about criticism from the right?

What’s to worry about, if Democrats are confident that a majority of Americans support their agenda, even when openly challenged by conservatives? The answer, of course, is that Democrats are terrified of being exposed for who they really are–and what they really intend to do.

And, Joe? Musk’s refusal to spew lies on Twitter 2.0 is what you’re really afraid of, and you know it.

Are Democrats trying to make Lee Zeldin sound cool?

Kathy Hochul’s campaign against Lee Zeldin 
is going as badly as expected.

In a Hail Mary attempt to prevent Republican Lee Zeldin from pulling off an upset next Tuesday, Democrat Kathy Hochul’s campaign decided to deploy an army of shrill, hectoring fishwives to stump for her in reliably Democrat Manhattan Thursday. And all they managed to do is make Zeldin sound cool.

As I mentioned earlier this week, the panicked Hochul held a rally featuring the unpopular Kamala Harris and the equally unpopular Hillary Clinton. And during the event, Democrat Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney referred to Lee Zeldin as “Mr. No, Mr. Darkness.”

When “New Yorker” reporter Erin Durkin tweeted Maloney’s quote Thursday evening, the reaction probably wasn’t what Maloney was hoping for.

Rather than make Lee Zeldin sound dangerous and scary, Maloney made Zeldin sound “Metal AF:”

I whipped up that image in response to Stephen’s tweet because he’s right. It is Metal as f*ck.

Funnily enough, my Lee Zeldin/Led Zeppelin image was such a viral hit on Twitter that someone even posted it in a reply to Erin Durkin’s initial tweet.

If the goal was to put the fear of God into New York voters, Carolyn Maloney failed miserably.

I mean, come on. What was her logic here?

“Oh, NO! Lee Zeldin is becoming a ROCK STAR! How can we stop him from beating our fellow fishwife?! I know! I’ll make him sound like a heavy metal rock star.”

No wonder Carolyn Maloney lost her primary race against Jerry Nadler.

Only Kathy Hochul would think the woman who got beaten by a broken-down old man who craps his pants in public would be an ideal surrogate for her campaign.

I said the other day that I haven’t seen anything like this before in New York politics. Lee Zeldin’s popularity is definitely unique.

Usually, Republicans nominate some nobody who doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell against the Democrat candidate. Even that ludicrous Kirsten Gillibrand won her 2018 reelection to the Senate by a 34-point margin. I had to look up the name of the Republican who challenged her because, even in 2018, I couldn’t remember her name.

Likewise, Andrew Cuomo beat challenger Marc Molinaro in 2018 by 23.4 points.

In New York, Republicans are the Washington Generals to the Democrats’ Harlem Globetrotters. They’re not supposed to present a challenge or (God forbid) win.

Then Lee Zeldin came along. And NY Democrats don’t know what to do.

Before the primaries, Lee spent months traveling the state slowly building support for his campaign. And after he won the primary in June, he just kept traveling — holding small gatherings, pressing the flesh.

Then in the fall, his campaign took off.

When I first started following Lee on Twitter a year ago, his tweets rarely got more than a handful of likes and retweets while the videos he posted never got viewed more than a few hundred times.

That’s not the case anymore. Zeldin’s Twitter engagement skyrocketed in recent months.

Like this one one from yesterday:

And while I admit that Twitter isn’t real life, the increased engagement does bear noting.

One thing you have to understand about New York voters is this. The ones who don’t vote Democrat often stay home on election day. They know the Democrat candidates will sail to victory so, as many often say, “what’s the point?”

But this year, there is a point.

Lee Zeldin isn’t just a warm body whose name nobody can remember. He’s a genuine contender in a dead-heat race against a Democrat incumbent.

And all those discouraged New York voters who haven’t fled the state for Florida are now excited about Lee Zeldin.

Now, Zeldin isn’t holding small gatherings but massive rallies where hundreds, if not thousands, show up on a regular basis.

The one holding small gatherings now is the incumbent Democrat, Kathy Hochul (when she bothers to campaign at all). And the only way she gets a crowd at her rare campaign events is by prevailing on organized groups like union members and other activists to show up.

And since that isn’t helping, Hochul’s Hail Mary was to drag Hillary’s dusty ass off the shelf and prevail upon the deeply unpopular Kamala Harris to join her rally in deep-blue, reliably-Democrat Manhattan.

In short, Hochul’s strategy was to campaign with women so odious that only the most reliably-Democrat voters would care. And they’re already planning to vote for her, so “what’s the point?”

Meanwhile, her “We are Women, Hear us Roar: ZELDIN IS EXTREME” campaign strategy did nothing to change the minds of the Republicans, Conservatives, Independents, and yes, Democrats who are excited to vote for Lee Zeldin.

And if the best Hochul has to offer in the final days of this campaign is to have these women make Lee Zeldin sound cool, I can see why New York Democrats are bracing for disaster on Tuesday.