Thursday, October 6, 2022

Matt Gaetz Emerges From Faux ‘Scandal’ as Model America First Leader

The Republican congressman is part of a new breed of lawmaker who thrives on iconoclastic rebellion.

After months of non-stop haranguing from the tentacles of a vengeful political establishment determined to take him down with false and defamatory accusations, it is now clear that reports of Matt Gaetz’s political demise are greatly exaggerated. 

Veteran prosecutors have recommended that Gaetz face no charges over alleged improprieties involving a 17-year-old girl. These nonpartisan, impartial experts determined that the accusers were not credible and were motivated by ideology, which is something that any honest observer could see from the jump. 

Gaetz’s real “crime” was being a vocal opponent of globalism, which resulted in the political power structure targeting him for destruction. As Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said, these entrenched forces have “six ways from Sunday” to ruin you. In the age of #MeToo and weaponized female grievance, a promulgated sex scandal is a convenient weapon. 

The Gaetz non-scandal began with the deep state conflating the illicit behavior of a Gaetz acquaintance and connecting it to the Congressman without a shred of evidence. The media followed that with a nonstop propaganda campaign circulating the claims as if they were canon. Their intent was clear: to shame and disgrace Gaetz. They threw a bizarre and sinister extortion plot of his family into the mix for good measure. 

All of these actions were intimately connected. They did not happen by coincidence or happenstance any more than the dozens of investigations which sprang up against President Donald J. Trump as soon as he began his 2016 presidential campaign and became a threat to the status quo. The regime exerted its full power to clear Gaetz out of Congress, and they failed miserably. 

While Gaetz was fortunately able to navigate out of the trap set for him, other pro-MAGA elected officials and hopefuls have not been so lucky. This blueprint has worked like a charm in recent elections. Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens was smeared mercilessly in spite of the facts, and Republican voters bought the lies during the U.S. Senate primary election. Trump’s pick for Nebraska governor, farmer Charles Herbster, was torpedoed after the state’s RINO elite led a vicious Kavanaughing of him. Congressman Madison Cawthorn was bombarded with attacks and flushed from office after exposing the perverted hypocrisy of the GOP elite. 

Gaetz’s survival—even after getting hit harder than any of these recent casualties of war—demonstrates a political aptitude that separates him from the rest. Not many political figures have the cojones to stand strong against the regime, take their lumps, never lose their swagger, and emerge on the other end with a stronger leadership profile. Gaetz is one of those chosen few, and the battle scars have only hardened him in a way that is necessary for the tough road ahead. 

Throughout the non-scandal, Gaetz never backed down from any of his most controversial opinions. He continued advocating for justice for January 6 defendants who are undergoing Soviet-style treatment in Gulag-like Washington D.C. prisons. He never refrained in putting military officials on blast for placing far-Left “woke” objectives ahead of national security. Gaetz took the pushback as a sign that he was on the right path, and it only strengthened his resolve. 

Other lawmakers would have buckled and perhaps toned down their efforts in the interim, hoping that doing so would cause the pressure to die down. Gaetz did the opposite. He started his “Firebrand” podcast and went on the offensive. He showed that he is completely inoculated against the regime’s pressure machine. Unlike many of his Republican comrades, Gaetz is unwilling to dance to the beat of the liberal media’s drums. 

Gaetz has rejected the pervasive Washington, D.C. mentality. Members of the political class have romanticized the system in which the news media was the vaunted Fifth Estate of a democracy that worked for the people. They demand the praise and worship of the enforcers of this system. Becoming a pariah within the confines of this regime is a fate worse than death. This is how compliance is so easily enforced. 

Politicians, who are natural egotists and narcissists, hire teams of consultants, public relations gurus, and attorneys to ensure that they are never on the wrong side of any media cycle. The thought of a journalist not returning their calls strikes trepidation into the heart of the average politician. Faced with a fraction of the pressure that Gaetz was under, most would have resigned in a flash and hoped to grovel their way back into a lobbying job at some point after slinking out of the public eye. 

Not Matt Gaetz. He is part of a new breed of lawmaker who thrives on iconoclastic rebellion. Gaetz is cut from the same cloth as President Donald J. Trump. His closest peer in Congress is Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), and the two are in high demand among the populist base that is fueled by righteous indignation. Conservatives nationwide wonder why their lawmakers aren’t like Gaetz or Greene and why they must settle for something less. Fortunately, patriots around the country won’t have to settle for much longer as nascent America First forces gain experience, organizational ability, and the ability to project power nationwide. 

Last year, I penned an editorial arguing that if Gaetz could survive his faux-scandal, he “could become unstoppable and prove to be the heir to Trump that the MAGA movement desperately needs to prevent the GOP’s orchestrated backslide.” After taking the best hits that the establishment could throw at him, Gaetz is in the perfect spot to do just that. He is tried and true. The people now understand that Gaetz will never waver, even under the worst circumstances. This is the resume of an authentic America First champion who is destined to lead.

X22, And we Know, and more- Oct 6


Very good day today! 🌲 Here's tonight's news:

An Epidemic of Cognitive Impairment? ~ VDH

Why is the supposed party of youth 
  dominated by such frail and forgetful elderly?

Joe Biden, the nominal head of the Democratic Party, is 79. But he increasingly acts and sounds 89.  

Recently, Biden has pivoted repeatedly on stage with his arm outstretched to shake the hand—of someone not there.  

On one recent occasion Biden called out for Representative Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) who passed away in a car crash in early August. He was insistent, shouting to the crowd, “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie? I think she wasn’t going to be hereto help make this a reality.” 

Biden’s fantasy was the reality that Rep. Walorski is no longer with us. 

Biden slurs his words. He truncates sentences. He speaks in a muddled voice that often makes comprehension impossible. When questioned, he grows irate, growls, and stutters. 

Biden’s messaging is even more confused than his medium. On any given day, Biden may impetuously announce that U.S. soldiers will defend the soil of Taiwan, or that the “killer” Vladimir Putin, unhinged head of nuclear Russia, must be removed from office promptly.  

If Biden doesn’t like a question, he may deride the reporter as a “stupid son of a bitch.” He habitually lies about everything from COVID-19 vaccinations being unavailable until his presidency to the nature of his son’s military service.  

Biden confuses Iran with Ukraine. He calls a senior African American assistant “my boy.” 

For much of the Trump presidency, leftist opponents sought to remove Trump by the 25th Amendment. A Yale psychiatrist diagnosed Trump in absentia and declared him deserving of a straitjacket forced intervention. Partisan charges grew so intense that Trump voluntarily took—and aced—the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.  

Strangely, the same Left arm-chair psychiatrists offer no such worries about Biden’s clear mental decline.  

One reason Biden enjoys immunity from removal is that his 57-year-old vice president, Kamala Harris, is seen to be even more incoherent and ill-informed.  

Harris cannot plead age as the cause of her mental confusion. Yet, the more the public sees and hears Harris’ mixed-up word salads, and bizarre cackling spells, the more it is convinced that she is either ignorant or intellectually lazy—or both.  

Recently while at the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas, she read from a prepared speech that the United States honors its “very important,” “strong,” and “enduring,” “alliance”—with the communist, genocidal “Republic of North Korea.”  

For those other than the vice president, North Korea is the sworn enemy of the United States, and officially known as the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”  

Millions of Floridians remain currently displaced by Hurricane Ian. In response, Harris recently reassured them that impending federal assistance would be predicated not on need or individual disasters, but on the basis of skin color.

Translated that would mean that millions of the homeless, white middle-class should wait in line for relief, given Harris’s promises to “fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place.” 

Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi is 82. At times she too seems trapped in her own world disconnected from reality. Pelosi apparently recently mixed up Taiwan with mainland Communist China, and thus exclaimed  “China is one of the freest societies in the world.”  

She stood up and weirdly rubbed her clenched fists together when Joe Biden in his state of the union darkly mentioned the dangers of soldiers inhaling toxic fumes from burn pits.  

Of course, after one of Trump’s SOTU addresses, Pelosi proceeded indignantly to tear up her copy of the speech on national television. 

More recently, Pelosi defended open borders and the vast influxes of illegal aliens by crassly claiming “We need migrants to pick crops.” 

Pelosi’s startling revelation of progressive condescension was reminiscent of NBC retweeting the liberal commentator who said of the movement of immigrants, “It’s like me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where I live and just throwing my trash there.” 

The Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania John Fetterman is running for senator in his home state. His handlers try to keep him from questioners. They duck debates. And they count on the media to edit videos of his increasingly rare and bizarre appearances.  


Fetterman recently suffered a severe life-threatening stroke, the details and prognoses of which he has yet to fully disclose.  

Like Biden, Fetterman is now severely cognitively impaired. He cannot finish a coherent sentence while campaigning.  

Almost daily Fetterman suffers long bouts of incoherence. He even becomes confused over where exactly he and his crowd are: Send us back to New Jersey and send me to DC.” 

The Democratic Party’s top hierarchy is run by octogenarians and septuagenarians. In the case of Biden and Pelosi, their powerful positions and age-related cognitive disabilities startle both Americans and allies abroad.  

Why is the supposed party of youth dominated by such frail and forgetful elderly?  

Maybe because the alternative of the next generation of would-be leaders waiting in the wings—like a Kamala Harris or John Fetterman—is more frightening still. 

How To Survive Elon Musk’s Pro-Free Speech Twitter: A Guide For The Corrupted National Press

While Musk-owned Twitter will, in theory, diminish the influence of pro-censorship journalists, there are ways they can prepare.

Based purely on what Elon Musk has said in public, his intention upon taking ownership of Twitter is to free it from the little tech totalitarians who see it as their moral obligation to shut down any expression they disagree with. That understandably frightens a lot of people in the national media who rightfully sense a threat to their control over what information voters get to have.

While it’s true that a Musk-owned Twitter will, in theory, greatly diminish the influence of pro-censorship journalists, there are ways they can prepare themselves to mitigate the coming trauma. Here are some:

1. When confronted with information you can’t suppress, say to yourself, “This too shall pass.” To Musk’s repeated vows to steer Twitter in a freer direction — that is to say, to the way it was pre-Hunter Biden laptop story, pre-“fact checkers” — Mike Allen at Axios declared that his personal “15 years of experience with online social networks tell us that such an approach is wildly impractical.” He said less censorship on Twitter would “unleash floods of spam, bullying, fraud and disinformation.” Like the word “racist,” each of those things no longer has its original meaning when used by someone in the Washington press.  By “spam,” Allen doesn’t mean unwanted solicitation. He means “things I don’t want to see, including perspectives that contradict my preference.” By “bullying,” he doesn’t mean the harassment of a weaker person by a more powerful one. He means an average person’s right to counter-argue with, or even, dare I say, mock elitists in Washington and New York. And by “disinformation,” Allen doesn’t mean claims and rumors that are demonstrably false. He means competing information, arguments, and alternative opinions. People like Allen surely consider it an assault to be exposed to ideas or statements that they don’t believe or support, but that may just be something they have to accept moving forward.

2. Spend less time monitoring Twitter content that you don’t like for the purpose of reporting it to would-be censors, and more time perhaps utilizing the “unfollow” and “block” features. A more open Twitter would inevitably mean some users publish sophomoric or even ugly content, either for their own amusement or because they’re inherently bad people. Scott Rosenberg, also of Axios, fretted that a Muskified Twitter would become another one of the “free-fire zones enjoyed chiefly by extremists and trolls.” Rosenberg is presumably referring to certain forums and chatrooms that become most frequented by weirdos, recluses, and all-around socially awkward young men. These have existed since the creation of email. The problem with warning that such a thing might occur at Twitter is that it’s based on a lack of understanding of the platform. (Ironically, Rosenberg is Axios’s technology editor.) The way Twitter works is by users finding publications and content creators that they enjoy. The only material a user sees is that which he has voluntarily sought. There is no risk of following a journalist who reports on politics, only to then get buried under a deluge of black separatist views or kinky pornography (especially if you avoid Kurt Eichenwald). There is, however, the possibility that a user is exposed to such content if a person sent it to him directly. And that’s what Twitter’s “unfollow,” “mute,” and “block” features are for. Isolated incidents like that don’t need to be calls to action for journalists who suffer from control issues.

3. If you truly cannot handle the idea of anyone and everyone having equal access to what has become the default platform for national political discourse, log out. NBC’s Ben Collins looked like a nervous wreck when he tweeted Tuesday, “Yes, I do think this site can and will change pretty dramatically if Musk gets full control over it.” He said the new ownership “could actually affect midterms,” meaning the elections in November. Ah, so journalists do understand. They do recognize that more information available to the public isn’t always good for the corrupted media’s political preferences. More expression and unrestricted flow of it is good for democracy. But so many journalists want less speech and more restrictions. Hmm…

I hope these tips help calm some anxiety.

Big Questions About Accuracy, Bias Raised After FBI Releases New Crime Stats

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The FBI is out with its numbers for murders and other violent crimes over the past year. The numbers allege that violent crime dropped in 2021. Democrats are likely to use that, given that crime is such an important concern with Americans right now. As we noted, 72 percent think it’s a big issue — and they prefer Republicans on the issue.

We’re already getting headlines like this about the new FBI report from the MSM.

Even though murders went up according to the report by 4.3 percent, take a gander at this take on it — the rise “slowed.”

Or it was “flat” even though the report said it went up by almost five percent.

But there are some big problems with the report, including that they left out some major high-crime cities in the process, including New York and Los Angeles.

Experts say the data, released as part of the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report on Wednesday, has some glaring holes due to an “overwhelming” lack of participation by police.

Nearly 40% of all law enforcement agencies — including in the nation’s two largest cities — failed to submit any data to the feds, who reported that violent crimes ticked down by about 1% across the country, from 1,326,600 in 2020 to 1,313,200 in 2021.

The FBI and Justice Department instead made estimates for those cities, according to Bloomberg.

So the FBI and DOJ — which already have been accused of issues of bias — are “estimating” the statistics right before the very important midterms? I’m sure there’s no problem there at all. In other words, we can’t trust what these statistics say at all when they don’t have accurate numbers from some of the highest crime areas.

According to the Brennan Center, the 2021 report only used data from law enforcement agencies representing half the population, whereas prior reports used data from those representing over 95 percent of Americans. So one would think it’s a lot less accurate.

Now, part of this is the switchover to the new system on which states/local police departments are not up to speed. But if you know that you don’t have almost half the country’s stats, how can you even pretend that this is a credible report? You can’t. But the Democrats are certainly going to try to spin this report for all it is worth.

The FBI stats used to be considered the gold standard. Now even that seems in shambles.

Fox News Is Actually Covering the Midterm Elections and the Left Doesn't Like It

Joe Cunningham reporting for RedState 

I regret to inform you that Fox News is covering the midterm elections, focusing on the critical swing states that will actually determine control of the Senate.

If that concerns you, then have faith! Media Matters For America is on the case, and they want to let the world know this is a Very Bad Thing.

You know, the flip side of this tweet is that CNN and MSNBC are suddenly suppressing their coverage of one of the most vital swing states in the country. I, for one, would love an answer as to why those two networks aren’t focusing more on the race between John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz.

Look, I’ve been extremely pessimistic about Oz’s chances, and I know there were a lot of conservatives who wondered why a guy who declared himself a conservative Republican 47 seconds ago would suddenly be the top choice among guys like Sean Hannity and Donald Trump. But, as Republican voters have become more bullish on the celebrity doctor and the center-right vote has consolidated around him, Oz has closed a major portion of the gap in the polling.

There are multiple factors at play here. For one thing, Republicans are coming home. For another, Fetterman is plagued by health and cognitive issues, and his stances on issues like crime leave a lot to be desired.

As the race tightens, it becomes even stranger that two major news networks would stop covering the race. The seat is currently Republican, but it’s an open race, and the current Republican in the race is losing. News and analysis is required to figure out what’s happening. Instead, they’re keeping their distance.

What’s more, it isn’t just Pennsylvania. It’s every key race. Fox News is covering the races far more than the other networks, and we’re a month away from the elections!

In the four weeks following Labor Day, Fox’s weekday prime-time broadcasts mentioned the Democratic nominees in seven competitive Senate races more than twice as many times as CNN and MSNBC’s broadcasts didcombined, according to a Media Matters review. The network’s prime-time block also mentioned the Republican candidates in those races more frequently than did those of the other two networks combined.

I’m sorry, but what? It’s a bad thing that Fox News is covering these races?

Fox mentioned the Senate nominees at least 336 times in prime time – 212 times for the Democrats and 124 times for the Republicans. CNN and MSNBC combined mentioned the nominees only 179 times, 76 for the Democrats and 103 for the Republicans.

How is this an attack on Fox? This reads like an indictment of CNN and MSNBC! Those two networks are letting Fox News dominate the coverage! Why aren’t you doing more to stop this?

The sub-head of this piece is “Fox’s propagandists are determined to help the GOP take over the Senate.” But this isn’t about Fox News propaganda. This is about the fact that CNN and MSNBC aren’t really covering the midterm races, and we should try to figure out why.

Fox News Martha MacCallum and Jared Bernstein

Here’s a theory: The more you focus on these races, the more you realize that the issues plaguing Democrats are due to their inability to speak on the issues voters really care about. CNN and MSNBC have focused so much on the social agenda, like abortion, and seem to have largely ignored or tried to gloss over the economic woes of the country. They downplay the crime problem unless there is some right-wing domestic terrorist – a phenomenon they play up while ignoring left-wing violence happening.

It’s those issues that are driving voters toward the GOP. It’s Fetterman’s health issues that are worrying independents. It’s the over-emphasis on extreme abortion positions that are making people pause. It’s an absolutely wide open border that is actually forcing demographic shifts along the border toward the GOP.

But, when you bring those issues up – when you talk about crime, education, and economy – that puts a pretty stark contrast between the two parties, and the general consensus in almost all the polls is that these are issues the GOP is winning on. So if you cover swing races and you report on the key issues among voters, you are reminding voters which party is in power and doing nothing and who the alternative is.

This isn’t about Fox News propaganda. This is about covering the races and the issues that matter to voters. This is about the failure of other mainstream outlets to adequately cover these things.

‘Codify Roe’ Is Biden’s Euphemism For Democrats’ Atrocious Aim: Unregulated Abortion Anywhere, Anytime

Democrats don’t want to ‘codify’ abortion law as it existed before Dobbs. They want to cement a regime of taxpayer-funded abortion on demand in state constitutions. 

With midterms just a month away, plain-speaking Joe Biden took to Twitter late Sunday to spread some malarkey about abortion.

“My dad used to say, ‘Joey, don’t compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative,’” the master of Biden’s Twitter domain said. “And here’s the deal: Democrats want to codify Roe. Republicans want a national ban on abortion. The choice is clear.”

While some Democrats may want to codify the Roe-Casey law of abortion, and while some Republicans may desire a national ban on abortion, the current political scene tells a vastly different story — one in which Democrats demand an unfettered state constitutional right to abortion that far exceeds what Roe and Casey held that the U.S. Constitution guaranteed. Abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, without informed consent or parental notification, without the safety and medical licensing regulations currently governing in most states, and paid for by taxpayers — this is the push presently underway in several states by mainstream Democrats.

Michigan best exemplifies this reality, with Democrats in this Midwestern state pushing a two-prong approach to achieve that end goal. First, Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer petitioned the Michigan Supreme Court to declare that the state constitution includes a right to abortion. But as a fail-safe, Democrats put abortion on the ballot for this November’s election, asking Michiganders to vote to amend the state constitution to expressly declare a right to so-called “reproductive freedom” — an implicit acknowledgment that Michigan’s constitution does not currently address abortion.

The proposed constitutional amendment would declare that “every individual has a fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.” The amendment would further prevent the state legislature from passing any law affecting the broadly defined “reproductive freedom,” absent “a compelling state interest.” 

This “compelling state interest” standard, also known as “strict scrutiny,” far surpasses the standard that governed under Roe-Casey, but that reality is hard to convey in soundbites, given the legal nuance “standards of review” inject into discussions of constitutional law. Constitutional scholar Elizabeth Kirk, who currently serves as a research associate at the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law and the director of the Center For Law and The Human Person, explained the significance of the “strict” “compelling state interest” standard of review when she testified in support of Kansas’s Value Them Both constitutional amendment before the state’s Senate Judiciary Committee and House Federal and State Affairs Committee. 

Kirk’s testimony is a must-read for anyone who seeks to understand the extreme abortion regime Democrats seek to install on Americans through a “strict scrutiny” standard cemented in state constitutions by amendment or judicial intervention. And as Kirk detailed in her testimony, in states where the courts have discovered a so-called state constitutional right to abortion and applied that “strict scrutiny” standard, courts have struck down laws that the public overwhelmingly supports. 

For instance, state courts in Alaska, Florida, Tennessee, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have all struck down legislation requiring parental notification or consent based on the respective states’ constitutions. Iowa and Tennessee laws establishing waiting periods and/or informed consent also failed in court based on state constitutional challenges.

In Montana, the law requiring physicians to perform abortions succumbed to a constitutional challenge, and courts in Alaska, California, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New Jersey have compelled such funding based on their interpretation of the states’ constitutions. In Kansas, notwithstanding the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans — and nearly all other countries in the world — oppose second- and third-trimester abortions, the Kansas Supreme Court held that the state legislature’s ban on one type of second-trimester abortion, live dismemberment abortions (those in which human beings are killed by being ripped apart limb by limb), violated the state constitution. 

If a state constitutional right to abortion exists, as Michigan Democrats claim with Whitmer insisting so in her court filings, or if the Democrats’ abortion amendment passes, then abortion regulations will be impossible to enact. This will be true no matter how widely supported those regulations are, such as late-term abortion bans, parental notification laws, and even health and safety standards. And it will be true no matter how many Michiganders support the proposed legislation and no matter how many legislators the people elect to advance their preferred policies on abortion.

Democrats hide this reality by using the legalese of “compelling state interest” and pushing dishonest soundbites, such as those Biden peddled in his recent tweet. And no wonder: The media will not expose their extreme views on abortion and, as the failure of the referendum on Kansas’s Value Them Both constitutional amendment shows, the tactic works.

But contrary to Biden’s claim, Democrats are not seeking to “codify” abortion law as it existed prior to Dobbs overturning Roe and Casey. Today’s mainstream Democrats seek to cement an extreme regime of abortion on demand, for any reason, at any time, and paid for by taxpayers, in the states’ constitutions.

It is understandable then, that Biden doesn’t want Democrats’ abortion stance compared to the Almighty! 

🌲Merry early Christmas! GAF reveals their 2022 Christmas movie line up🌲



Great news today from Great American Family! The network has released their FULL 2022 NEW CHRISTMAS MOVIE SCHEDULE and ALL the Wonderful Stars you'll see on their channel this Christmas season!

You'll see Christmas movies that take you home again, one's that will make your heart sing, and you'll even visit an old movie drive-in and so much more!

So... bring on the joyful merriment and yuletide cheer... the 18 *NEW* Great American Family 2022 Christmas Movies are Here!




(programming details below via GAC Media Press Release)

Destined at Christmas

Saturday, October 22 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Shae Robins and Casey Elliott

Storyline: Kim and Theo meet amid Black Friday shopping madness but there’s a definite spark between them. When a power outage causes some panic at a store, the couple gets separated. With Christmas coming, there should be plenty of distractions, but neither Kim nor Theo can forget the other. Both yearn to find each other but how with so little information to go on? It’ll take a little Christmas magic and destiny to bring them back together.


Catering Christmas

Saturday, October 29 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Merritt Patterson and Daniel Lissing

Storyline: A fledgling caterer, Molly Frost, is hired by Jean Harrison, the perfectionistic director of the renowned Harrison Foundation, to cater this year’s annual Christmas Gala dinner. Things get complicated when Molly falls for Jean’s nephew, Carson, 30s, a photographer with no desire to take over the family’s foundation — until his aunt assigns him to the task of making sure the catered dinner goes perfectly.


A Royal Christmas on Ice

Saturday, November 5 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Anna Marie Dobbins and Jonathan Stoddard

Storyline: Looking to escape his Royal life, a dashing prince comes to the United States to start a business in a small town in upstate New York and winds up falling for a former Olympic ice skater.


Love At the Christmas Contest (wt)

Sunday, November 6 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Samantha Cope and Ross Jirgl

Storyline: For as long as she can remember, Angie’s favorite part of Christmas has been the Christmas Eve tree lighting in town square. But this Christmas, her first without her mom, Angie doesn’t feel much like celebrating… until she learns her mom had always dreamed of winning the annual tree decorating contest and seeing her tree lit up in town square. Angie realizes winning the contest and decorating the town’s tree is the perfect way to honor her mom. What Angie isn’t expecting is her high school sweetheart David and his adorable daughter Gabby to enter the contest, too.


A Merry Christmas Wish

Saturday, November 12 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Jill Wagner and Cameron Mathison

Storyline: An NYC advertising executive returns to her hometown to sell the family farm, but instead reconnects with her childhood friend and gets involved with organizing the yearly Winter Wonderland, which takes place on the property.


My Best Friend’s Christmas

Sunday, November 13 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Breanne Hill and Colton Little

Storyline: When a woman returns home to find her ex in a relationship, she enlists her best friend to act as her fake boyfriend for the holidays.


Christmas At Pine Valley

Saturday, November 19 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Kristina Cole and Andrew Biernat

Storyline: Natalie is the owner of a successful farm and home goods store that garners the attention of a major magazine. The magazine sends a reporter named Josh to profile Natalie’s company thinking it’s a family-run business. Little does he know that Natalie’s business is run by her with the help of longtime family friends. Knowing how much the article will help struggling farm, Natalie must convince Josh that her “family” and Christmas traditions are all real.


My Favorite Christmas Tree

Sunday, November 20 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Emma Johnson and Giles Panton

Storyline: Kyla is a skilled genealogy researcher who’s made a thriving business of putting together family trees. When she comes across new information regarding her mother’s mysterious extended family, Kyla and her sister travel to the charming town of Conifer, hoping to piece together their ancestry. The search leads Kyla to a generations-old Christmas tree farm, its stubborn, handsome owner – and potentially, love.


Christmas at the Drive-In

Friday, November 25 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Danica McKellar and Neal Bledsoe

Storyline: A property lawyer works to prove that her town’s Drive In Theater, a local institution is not closed down at the holidays, finding romance with the very person who is trying to sell the property.


I’m Glad It’s Christmas (fka Someday at Christmas)

Saturday, November 26 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Jessica Lowndes, Paul Greene, and Gladys Knight

Storyline: An aspiring Broadway singer is convinced to participate in a small-scale production for her local Christmas celebration. Along the way, she finds hope and unexpected mentorship towards her dream career. But will her professional success come at the cost of her chance at love?


Candace Cameron Bure Presents: A Christmas…Present

Sunday, November 27 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Candace Cameron Bure and Marc Blucas

Storyline: Maggie and Eric are busy parents of teenagers who embark on a trip to the home of Maggie’s widowed brother to celebrate Christmas. Everyone has different expectations of the perfect holiday. Through a series of transformative events, Maggie learns to embrace the season.


Christmas on Candy Cane Lane

Saturday, December 3 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Andrea Barber and Dan Payne

Storyline: Ivy struggles with the long shadow cast by her late mother, Muriel, the darling of Icicle Falls; head of the Candy Cane Lane Lights Extravaganza, owner of The Christmas Haus, and a former TV star known adoringly as the “Christmas Maven.” This Christmas, a series of comical and mysterious events bring the town together in a masterstroke of perfection only the “Christmas Maven” herself could appreciate. A Candy Rock Entertainment production.


B&B Merry (fka Stay For Christmas)

Sunday, December 4 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Jen Lilley and Jesse Hutch

Storyline: Renowned luxury travel blogger, Tracey Moore, is invited to a Christmastime getaway in exchange for a review of a smalltown B&B. Despite her initial reservations, she finds herself wanting to help the property… and falling for the owner’s handsome son, Graham, who helps her to learn that every experience can be five-star when shared with kindred spirits.


Big Box Christmas (wt)

Friday, December 9 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Jennifer Freeman and Garrett Watson

Storyline: Two exes finally reconnect when a snowstorm leaves them stranded in a superstore (without cell service or Wi-Fi) just before Christmas.


A Prince for the Holidays (wt)

Saturday, December 10 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Cindy Busby and Jilon VanOver

Storyline: Madison, an aspiring musician, jokingly tells her overbearing family that she is dating the prince of a small European nation. The joke goes too far as her friend and co-worker Sebastian is roped into impersonating the prince while visiting her family in New Jersey. Little does Madison know that Sebastian happens to be hiding a royal secret.


A Belgian Chocolate Christmas

Sunday, December 11 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Jaclyn Hales and Zane Stephens

Storyline: A photographer takes her best friend’s place at a Belgian culinary school at the holidays and connects with the chocolatier leading the class. As romance begins to bloom, the only problem is a case of mistaken identity.


A Brush with Christmas Romance (wt)

Saturday, December 17 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Jillian Murray and Joseph Cannata

Storyline: Over the week leading up to Christmas, Charlotte tries to capture her own unique style in the local art scene while also helping her mother run the family restaurant. Disheartened and struggling to find time for her art, Charlotte throws out her latest painting, only to discover that it has been anonymously submitted to the Christmas art festival. It turns out that Wyatt, a visiting artist, stumbled upon her discarded work and is now using the festival’s exposure to find its mysterious creator who has stolen his heart with her craft.


The Art of Christmas

Sunday, December 18 (8 p.m. ET)

Starring: Brigitte Kingsley and Joe Towne

Storyline: After her latest gallery exhibition literally goes up in flames, struggling artist Liv James accepts a teaching job at a local elementary school to make ends meet. Through this reluctant career move she discovers her true self, a new sense of purpose and a surprising romance.


My take: I LOVE THIS!! And I hope you'll find something you love here too.