Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Second Amendment Puts Safety First

Gun ownership by good people deters crime.

The Second Amendment addressing the right of American citizens to bear arms is a touchy subject these days, but its effect on our daily lives cannot be overstated. Being able to protect ourselves in a world that is becoming more dangerous by the day is essential to survival. The right to arm oneself, whether the weapon is concealed or not, has become more important than ever.

Take a stroll through any big city and you’re likely to see a replay of what I witnessed recently in New York City: rampant homelessness, burgeoning crime and a proliferation of drug use. Feeling safe should be an inalienable right. But today, that’s no longer a given in this country.

Instead, our cities are in a dangerous downward spiral. They are increasingly filthy, and crime rates are skyrocketing. Make no mistake about it, America and its people are at risk. Cities that used to be barometers for the American experience are now bastions of hellish disarray.

Go to San Francisco and you will see precisely what I mean. Shoeless drug addicts roam the streets like zombies in a trance, treating the streets like public toilets. Droves of homeless people shoot up heroin not in trash-littered back alleys but in plain sight on major roads. The gutters are filled with discarded syringes.

What we need to rectify this situation is more policing and enforcement of the rule of law. Until then, we are going the wrong direction by focusing on gun control. We need to be increasing funding to the police, not “defunding” them. And we need to ensure that law-abiding citizens are afforded their constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms. It’s an essential way for men and women to protect themselves.

People kill people. Guns do not. And it is obvious that overregulating gun ownership will have zero effect on the estimated 400 million guns that are already in private circulation. Gun control simply cannot stop violence in this country, which is being caused by a crime-ridden society that is out of control.

Imagine that you are a small businessman in a big city rife with crime and short on cops. Imagine how you might react if an armed robber burst into your store, pulled a gun and demanded cash. You could meekly hand the money over and put your fate in the hands of an armed criminal, hoping he doesn’t just decide to orphan your children. Or you could up the odds in your favor by defending yourself with a legally purchased and properly registered firearm.

In San Francisco, former District Attorney Chesa Boudin decided that the city would not be prosecuting thieves who stole, as long as their thievery fell beneath a certain price point. The initiative was announced publicly. The result of that ridiculousness? Gangs of criminals breaking into stores.

Talk about throwing gasoline on a fire. We saw the videos of these shocking crime sprees posted online.

In this era of lawlessness, the best life insurance policy is one tucked into a holster. Should we be forced to choose a thug’s life or our own, we should have the means to make the right decision.

Gun control advocates like to point to the mayhem wreaked by mass shootings, especially in schools, which are a truly terrifying reality. But we know that the perpetrators of those horrors are often mentally ill people. I am not opposed to sensible steps to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of the insane and the criminal—but I am opposed to overreach by the government to prevent law-abiding and rational Americans from securing the firearms of their choice.

Gun violence deaths detailed by Giffords Law Center hype the numbers but fail to look at the hard truth: Gun deaths are caused by people who misuse guns, and stricter gun legislation would do little to stop those individuals who are compelled to use guns to commit crimes.

The sooner we recognize this truth and the sooner we recognize where our country is headed, the quicker we will come to the realization that we truly must protect ourselves at all costs. Responsible gun owners know how to properly secure their weapons away from children, and often train with professionals and carry with care.

Gun ownership by good people deters crime. Criminals may think twice about committing their attacks if they are forced to wonder if their victims are packing heat. As the saying goes, “If guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have them.” What’s more, stricter gun laws make it more difficult for people to protect their homes and families, a growing concern in a day and age where fewer and fewer people want to become police officers.

In addition, consider the reality. Police simply cannot protect everyone all the time. Response times may be short, but the window for self-preservation often occurs in mere moments.

A Pew Foundation report found that 79 percent of male gun owners and 80 percent of female gun owners said owning a gun made them feel safer. Another 64 percent of people living in a home in which someone else owns a gun also said they felt safer.

Safety in a land without allowing people to exercise their Second Amendment right will become even harder to find. But good people can make America safer with permits in their pockets and  holstered guns on their hips.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and a lot more- Oct 5


Enjoy the warm days of fall while you can. Because when it gets cold, it'll stay cold until spring. (Years of experience). Here's tonight's news:

The Globalist Climate Agenda is a Crime Against Humanity

It is more than a misguided but well-intentioned mistake. 
It is a brazen lie, promulgated by some of the most dangerous people who have ever lived.

"This anti-sustainability backlash, this anti-woke backlash, is incredibly dangerous for the world."

Alan Jope, CEO, Unilever, speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative

It would not be an exaggeration to say this is probably one of the most inverted takes on what is “dangerous” in the history of civilization. Not because anyone is against the concept of sustainability, but because sustainability as defined by Alan Jope is incredibly unsustainable. If he gets his way, he will destroy the world.

Jope, Clinton, the infamous Karl Schwab who heads the World Economic Forum, the ESG movement informally headed by Larry Fink of BlackRock (with over $10 trillion in investments), and all the rest who champion today’s prevailing globalist climate agenda are coercing nearly 8 billion people into an era of poverty and servitude.

The primary target of the “sustainability” movement is fossil fuel, the burning of which allegedly is causing catastrophic climate change. Heedless of the fact that fossil fuel provides more than 80 percent of all energy consumed worldwide, banks, hedge funds and institutional investors throughout the Western world are using ESG criteria (environment, social, governance), to deny the financing necessary to maintain or build new fossil fuel infrastructure.

It’s working. Pressure from governments, international NGOs, and global finance is now delivering unprecedented shifts in policies around the world, creating needless scarcity and turmoil. In just the last month, new emissions rules have triggered protests by farmers in the NetherlandsCanadaSpainItalyPoland, and elsewhereSri Lanka, in the process of earning a near perfect ESG score, lost its ability to feed its people. In the ensuing fury, the president was forced to flee the country. Undaunted, globalist climate activists are discouraging African nations from developing natural gas.

It should be easy to see the hidden agenda behind this repression. If you control energy and food, you control the world. The biggest multinational corporations on Earth are empowered by ESG mandates, because marginal or emerging competitors lack the financial resiliency to comply. From small independent private farmers and ranchers to small independent nations, once their ability to produce is broken, the big players pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar. But that’s not what you read in the Washington Post.

In a blistering editorial published on September 18, under “The Post’s View,” the editors wrote “The World’s Ice is Melting: Humanity Must Prepare for the Consequences.” For at least 30 years, and with increasing frequency and intensity, it is not the weather that has become extreme, but rather these proclamations. We have now reached the point where every major institution in the Western world is bent on spreading this panic. Yet very little of it is justified by the facts.

To verify the credibility of the globalist climate agenda, should it have any, several hurdles have to be overcome. If global warming and extreme weather is definitely happening, then how serious is the problem, what is the cause of the problem, and what are rational solutions to the problem? To all four of these questions, serious debate is mostly absent from mainstream discourse. Skeptics are pariahs.

But if a skeptical response to any one of these four questions is accepted, the entire edifice of climate alarm collapses. Consider each of them:

Melting ice is sort of a trump card in the hands of the climate alarm community. If every molecule of ice on top of Greenland were to melt into the ocean, sea level would rise by over 20 feet. If the entire 5 million square mile Antarctic continent were to lose its ice, sea level would rise by 200 feet. That much is indisputable. But is ice in retreat?

The Wall Street Journal recently published an analysis by theoretical physicist Steven Koonin, where he noted that Antarctica has been ice-covered for over 30 million years, and is covered with over 26 million gigatons (a gigaton is a cubic kilometer) of ice. He points out that even at the current estimated rate of net loss, 250 gigatons per year, it would take a century for sea level to rise 3 inches. What Koonin ought also to point out is that 250/26,000,000 is a fraction so small, it is unlikely to exceed the margin for error using existing measurement technology.

In Greenland, as in Antarctica, summer ice melt is offset by snow that causes accumulation of ice in the interior. A recent paper authored by NOAA’s Michael Gallagher evaluates how snowfall affects ice mass in Greenland. Throughout the document, the author acknowledges large uncertainties that make it difficult to predict that climate change automatically signifies net losses in ice mass. It may be that a warmer climate would cause increased snowfall to more than offset increased melting in Greenland.

As for floating ice in the Arctic, which does not raise sea level when it melts, but does offer a cooling, reflective surface at the top of the world, inexplicably it is at a decade high. Vijay Jayaraj, writing for Principia Scientific, citing findings from both the Japanese Institute of Polar Research and the Danish Meteorological Institutereported that “the extent of ice in the summer of 2022 has been greater than the 10-year average. On most days in July and August, sea-ice levels were above the 10-year average and significantly more than the previous few years.”

Digging further into arctic ice loss, over the past 40 years, the summertime retreat of ice has become more significant, while the wintertime maximum has dropped slightly. So let’s assume the planet is warming. How serious is the problem?

To answer this, you can go to the IPCC’s own reports, which are routinely misread by governments and media to hype the worst case scenarios. Michael Shellenberger, an environmental writer and activist, and author of the book Apocalypse Never, in a recent essay he published on Substack, referenced IPCC reports among others to refute the idea of a climate crisis. Here are excerpts:

Since the end of the Cold War, policymakers, journalists, and activists have pointed to melting glaciers, dying coral, and deadly floods as signs of the apocalypse. But people misread the signs. Scientists in 2022 measured more coral on the Great Barrier Reef than at any point since they began monitoring them in 1986. And, not only have deaths and damages from flooding declined significantly worldwide, for the first time in 25 years, there were no Atlantic hurricanes in August.

Climate change is real and having real world impacts, to be sure. But none of those environmental changes are the end of the world. While warmer temperatures increase bleaching, corals can survive bleaching; scientists find that corals are adapting and evolving to warmer water; and people are breeding coral that can survive hotter temperatures. And the main factor preventing flood damage and death remains water management to channel stormwater through upgraded drain systems, not modestly higher rainfall. As for hurricanes, NOAA estimates that they will become 25% less frequent.

In truth, there is no scientific basis for any claim of climate apocalypse. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and others forecast that farmers in the world’s poorest regions, like sub-Saharan Africa, could see a 40% increase in crop yields if they gain access to fertilizer, irrigation, and mechanization, even at high levels of warming. There is no science supporting the alarmist claims of an imminent collapse of the North Atlantic Ocean currents, which bring warm water north, and cool water south, an oft-repeated ‘tipping points’ scenario. Indeed, it is hard to come up with any scenario where temperature changes of 4°C could be world-ending.

So whether it’s mild or severe, what is causing climate change?

First, as climate skeptics are fond of pointing out, the earth’s climate has always been changing. Many of the variables at work today are identified as causing major climate shifts in previous epochs. For much of the last 2.5 million years, the earth has been a snowball. What we are living in today is known as the Holocene interglacial, a warm period that has lasted for 11,000 years. Based on geologic history, another ice age is past due.

Clearly it wasn’t anthropogenic CO2 that drove these profound episodes of climate change in Earth’s past. Other causes include how the shape of Earth’s orbit fluctuates on a 96,000 year cycle, how the tilt of the Earth’s axis fluctuates on a 41,000 year cycle, and how that axis wobbles on a 26,000 year cycle. The combinations in which these cycles converge impact how much sun hits the polar latitudes, possibly triggering warming or cooling.

These orbital phenomena are not believed to be enough to trigger the beginning or the end of an ice age on their own, but instead start a feedback loop in the Earth’s climate system. In that regard, anthropogenic CO2 may actually be postponing the next ice age. From, “Scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany have shown that the onsets of past ice ages were triggered mainly by decreases in carbon dioxide and that the dramatic increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because of human-caused emissions, has likely suppressed the onset of the next ice age for up to 100,000 years.”

More immediate variables affecting climate include solar cycles, as well as major fluctuations in ocean currents such as the 20 to 30 year Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Climate is also affected by volcanic activity which releases CO2 and aerosols into the atmosphere. The climate may be affected by deforestation or desertification, urban heat islands, and other changes in land use. The climate is greatly affected by water vapor in ways that are still poorly understood.

The multidisciplinary nature of climate science, the infinitely complex assortment of variables impacting climate, the uncertain and often conflicting measurements, the dichotomy between predictive modeling and actual events, combined with relentless pressure on scientists to always reinforce the “consensus,” ought to call into question all alarmist proclamations. But weather has always been capable of wreaking havoc on civilization. What should be done to mitigate its extremes?

This is where the doomsday coalition, with the globalist ESG lobby in the vanguard, are themselves the most dangerous people on Earth. Their solution, preposterous on its face, is to halt further development of fossil fuel resources and, within 30 years, eliminate use of fossil fuel entirely.

This is nihilistic, tyrannical oppression. It is horrendously unsustainable. It is an impossible goal to achieve. To even approach accomplishing this objective in a matter of a few decades would cause famine, depression, and war—impoverishing if not killing billions of people.

In his remarks at the Clinton Foundation, Unilever CEO Alan Jope also said this, “In 1939, George Orwell wrote that we have sunk to such depths that stating the obvious is the first responsibility of every person.” He went on to say “stating the obvious, that we are having a climate emergency, is becoming an unpopular thing to do.”

To state the obvious, however, is to state that we are not having a climate “emergency.” And while we have reason to hope that a tipping point is near,that remains the unpopular sentiment. Equally obvious is that the globalist climate agenda, among other things, aims to control and ration all energy in the world.

Alan Jope, and others like him pushing this death wish, are themselves the most dangerous people in the world. They may claim to be high-minded altruists, but if they get their way, the destruction they unleash will make the last century’s tyrants seem amateur by comparison.

One must wonder how anyone can be so delusional in the face of overwhelming evidence. Alex Epstein, author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, and an energy expert who is becoming a powerful voice for sanity on this topic, recently produced the following chart showing the resources required to produce renewable power:

Epstein’s revealing chart—using data taken from the U.S. Department of Energy—shows, per unit of energy produced, how much goes into building solar and wind generating plants compared to natural gas, nuclear, and coal. This illustrates one of the biggest lies being told by the renewables lobby. Wind and solar energy provide less than 5 percent of all energy currently consumed worldwide. It isn’t even close. Imagine the footprint of this many solar farms and wind farms, if fossil fuel, nuclear power, and hydroelectric power were phased out. Renewable energy is not “sustainable.”

The architects of the globalist climate agenda are well aware of these facts. They also know that for everyone on Earth, per capita, to consume half as much energy as Americans consume per capita, energy production worldwide will have to double. That should be the shared objective of all nations, and the idea that this can be accomplished without further development of fossil fuels is a blatant, outrageous lie.

What are these obscenely wealthy, inordinately powerful people thinking? How can they possibly believe they’re going to make the world a better place, if their plan is to force billions of people into starvation and poverty while carpeting millions of square miles with wind and solar farms? How is this a good thing?

If the world gets a little warmer, we can adapt, as will most species of wildlife. More CO2 means higher crop yields and faster growing forests. More energy means more prosperity, and history has proven that prosperity is the fastest way to induce people to have fewer children. Indeed in most industrialized nations we already face population decline. The footprint of civilization is not destined to expand forever. The situation is not dire. The biosphere will endure.

The globalist climate agenda is more than a misguided but well-intentioned mistake. It is a monstrous crime against humanity, promulgated by some of the most dangerous people who have ever lived. It is a brazen lie for any of them to claim that we are dangerous if we do not think the world is coming to an end, are not promoting panic and fear, and wish to see citizens of all nations achieve prosperity.

We are not the dangerous ones, Alan Jope. You are.

As NYT Identifies The Mysterious ‘Perla,’ All The Media’s Martha’s Vineyard Lies Unravel

Everything the media tried to convince the public was illegal about the DeSantis-facilitated migrant flight was just proved wrong.

As soon as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his administration took credit for flying nearly 50 illegal border-crossers on a charter plane to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, in mid-September, Democrats and their allies in the corrupt corporate media freaked out.

They called the flight “evil,” “inhumane,” “disgusting,” and a “cruel” thing to do and demanded DeSantis answer for the “blonde woman” called “Perla” whom migrants in San Antonio, Texas, reportedly claimed had “tricked” them into taking the long trip North.

Immigration lawyers who jumped at the opportunity to represent the migrants called the flight an act of “kidnapping” to an undisclosed destination orchestrated by DeSantis. NPR reported that migrants were “lured” into boarding the plane because Perla told them they were going to Boston where “expedited work papers” were waiting for them.

According to The Washington Post, Perla, decked out in a cowboy hat and riding around in a “rented white SUV,” coerced migrants into making the journey with the promise of “food, jobs and transportation.” The New York Times said this Perla woman likely “misled” migrants to the point of breaking the law.

One blogger even claimed that the informative brochure given to migrants, which outlined Massachusetts and Martha’s Vineyard migrant assistance programs, was a “smoking gun” that indicated DeSantis is potentially guilty of a crime. Federalist Senior Editor John Daniel Davidson quickly debunked this claim, but it still got tens of thousands of likes and shares on social media.

Shortly after these reports made their rounds, several Democrats including California Gov. Gavin Newsom asked the Department of Justice to investigate red states such as Florida and Texas for “trafficking” migrants against their will. U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco all but confirmed in an interview with Bloomberg that her agency would eventually get involved. Other Democrats including Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar in Texas pledged a full criminal investigation into the matter.

Fast forward a few weeks to Sunday, Oct. 2, when The New York Times published an article identifying the mysterious “Perla” who talked to migrants in San Antonio as Perla Huerta, an alleged former combat medic and counterintelligence agent who now resides in Tampa, Florida. Buried more than two dozen paragraphs into the NYT article is a quiet confirmation that, regardless of Perla, the migrants not only agreed to get on the plane voluntarily but that they knew their final destination was the wealthy East Coast island of Martha’s Vineyard.

“The migrants each received a red folder containing a map of the United States, with an arrow stretching from Texas to Massachusetts. Another map in the shape of Martha’s Vineyard had a dot for the airport and one for the community services center,” the New York Times story states.

Using information from “a person briefed on the San Antonio sheriff’s office investigation,” the Times affirmed what DeSantis and his office had claimed all along: These illegal border-crossers knew where they were going when they boarded the plane to Martha’s Vineyard. And they did so of their own will.

Suddenly, everything the press tried to convince the public was illegal about the DeSantis-facilitated domestic flight was proven wrong.

It’s not surprising, given their history of brazen lying in the service of Democrat narratives, that the corporate media readily bought into and peddled a hoax fed to them by dozens of immigration lawyers with fiery rhetoric. The worst part about this Perla arc is that most of it was wrong from the very beginning.

Effectively buried in the press’s panicked coverage of the Perla narrative was a quote at the bottom of a Texas Tribune article from one of the migrants. Eduardo Linares told the Tribune that, after allegedly hearing Perla’s pitch, he voluntarily decided not to get on the plane. The article also noted that Perla was offering “a free trip to islands off the coast of Massachusetts,” not Boston.

Multiple publications including The Boston Globe amplified Linares’s quotes about being lied to by the blonde woman. But the migrant’s acknowledgment in the same Tribune article that “he is second-guessing whether he should have gone, too” after hearing that the other migrants who flew to Martha’s Vineyard were faring well is predictably missing from those accounts.

“I’ve heard … from people that say they are good, they’re working and they’re good,” Linares told The Texas Tribune.

Additional evidence the media ignored while it fabricated an alternative narrative about migrants being “tricked” included this account from a Telemundo reporter who said the illegal border-crossers who did take the trip to Martha’s Vineyard considered themselves the “lucky ones.”

“I can tell you, they’re not angry at Ron DeSantis,” Telemundo’s Cristina Londoño Rooney told MSNBC. “They are actually thanking him for having brought them to Martha’s Vineyard.”

Even The Martha’s Vineyard Times talked to a migrant who said, through an interpreter, “that they wanted to come to the Island and are seeking employment.”

None of this mattered to the corporate media, which were salivating at the chance to blast DeSantis.

The same media outlets that accused DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott of using migrants as “political pawns” by shipping them to blue states and cities twisted the facts, deliberately omitted them, and straight up lied about the events that led up to that famous Martha’s Vineyard flight. It’s the media, not DeSantis, who are guilty of exploiting the border crisis for political gain.

With New Documents, The Biden Administration’s Targeting Of A Pro-Life Dad Just Got Crazier

The message of intimidation will last longer than the public’s outrage, which is exactly what the Biden regime counted on.

The private criminal complaint filed by abortion escort Bruce Love and obtained by The Federalist conflicts with the allegations contained in the federal indictment returned against pro-life sidewalk counselor Mark Houck. That fact and an email exchange between Houck’s lawyer and the U.S. attorney’s office raises significant questions about the Biden administration’s decision to charge Houck with purported violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, or “FACE Act,” and further calls into question the FBI’s excessive show of force when arresting Houck.

Amid Americans’ growing distrust of the FBI, the agency further damaged its reputation when, not quite two weeks ago, some 15 police vehicles and about 20 law enforcement officers, including many with ballistic shields, long guns, and a battering ram at the ready, descended on Houck’s home. While the FBI disputed the precise number of agents who swarmed Houck’s property and stressed that the officers brandishing the long guns and carrying ballistic shields were not a “SWAT Team” or “SWAT operators,” the FBI’s overwhelming show of force to arrest the father of seven for allegedly violating the FACE Act brought swift condemnation. 

The scandal intensified after a dozen Republican senators revealed in a letter sent to FBI Director Christopher Wray that Houck’s attorney, Thomas More Society lawyer Matt Heffron, had informed the Assistant U.S. Attorney Anita Eve that he would accept the summons on Houck’s behalf and that Houck would appear voluntarily. A copy of the email exchange between Heffron and Eve obtained Monday by The Federalist proves even more damning than the senators’ letter to Wray suggests, for two reasons.

First, Heffron’s email to Eve, in which he noted he would “accept a summons on my client’s behalf, rather put Mr. Houck and his family through needless disruption,” was dated June 9, 2022, but Eve’s sole response to that email came on Sept. 23, 2022 — when Eve wrote Heffron to inform him that “this morning, [Houck] was taken into custody by FBI agents and is being transported to the Philadelphia FBI office for processing.” So the first response Houck’s attorney received from the U.S. attorney’s office, following two phone calls and an email, came more than three months later to advise him that his client had already been arrested.

The letter from Houck’s lawyer to Eve also revealed serious problems in the government’s case against Houck, with the Thomas More Society attorney quoting at length a case from the same judicial district that involved nearly identical facts to those involved in the Houck/Love incident. In that case, the court held that a FACE Act claim could not succeed because there was no evidence that force was used “because” the escort was providing so-called reproductive health services. Instead, the force resulted from a “mutual argument” between the individuals. Stressing these legal principles, Heffron concluded his letter by suggesting that, particularly under the circumstances of the case, it “should not go forward.” 

While the charging decision was clearly the U.S. attorney’s office’s call, Heffron’s legal analysis is sound and the government’s case against Houck is extremely weak — so much so that dismissal of the charges pre-trial would likely be appropriate. The weakness of the government’s case adds to the outrage over Eve ignoring Heffron’s email and his offer to accept the summons on behalf of Houck and instead using the FBI to descend unanswered at Houck’s home with tactical gear fitting for the arrest of a gang member or murder suspect.

This extreme show of force parallels the description an FBI whistleblower has made of the arrests of some of the Jan. 6 defendants. Interestingly, a docket search shows that Eve appears to have handled some 40 Jan. 6 cases, leaving one to question whether the federal prosecutor held any role in pushing for the combative arrests of Jan. 6 defendants.

Further questions arise over the Department of Justice’s decision to prosecute Houck given conflicts between the federal indictment and Love’s summary of his encounter with Houck in the private criminal complaint he filed in Philadelphia. 

In the indictment, the DOJ alleged two claims under the FACE Act. The first count alleged that on Oct. 13, 2021, Houck shoved Love to the ground as he “attempted to escort two [Planned Parenthood patients.]” (The indictment references Bruce Love as “B.L.” throughout, but his name appears in a search of the Philadelphia court records.) The second count alleged that on Oct. 13, 2021, Houck “verbally confronted” B.L. and then “forcefully shoved B.L. to the ground in front of the [Planned Parenthood facility], causing injuries to B.L. that required medical attention.”

But in a copy of the private criminal complaint Love filed against Houck, he described only one incident and made no mention of attempting to escort Planned Parenthood patients. According to his complaint, Houck “was standing on the corner and [Love] was standing a few feet away from [Houck] waiting for clients. [Houck] stated to [Love] to stay away from him and that he will push [Love] into the street. As [Love] was walking away from [Houck], [Love] states [Houck] pushed [Love] causing him to fall to the ground.” The complaint then notes that Love notified the police and sought medical treatment a few days later.

The state court dismissed Love’s private criminal complaint after he failed to show up for a required hearing, only to have the Department of Justice take up the case. But as a matter of law, the facts of the private criminal complaint sworn out by Love do not constitute a violation of the FACE Act because Houck was standing at a corner away from the abortion facility, no clients were involved, and the alleged assault had nothing to do with so-called reproductive services. And that conclusion flows from Love’s version of the facts, ignoring Houck’s allegation that Love was harassing his 12-year-old son. 

Peter Breen, vice president and senior counsel at the Thomas More Society, told The Federalist that Houck is innocent of the charges and that Love was the aggressor, approaching Houck and his son. In addition to Love being the aggressor, the allegations in Count 1 are also “absolutely false,” Breen told The Federalist.

Given that in the private state criminal complaint Love filed, he made no mention of the facts alleged in Count 1 of the federal indictment and instead claimed he was pushed while “waiting” for clients, the DOJ’s decision to charge Houck is beyond baffling — absent a desire to intimidate pro-lifer protesters, innocent or not. And that was precisely the purpose the fleet of FBI agents descending on Houck’s home served as well. 

Conservatives got the message, and their concern for the safety of their children will lead fewer to pray, protest, or provide help outside abortion facilities. And that message will last longer than the public’s outrage, which is exactly what the Biden administration counted on.

Joe Biden Holds Shocking Abortion 'Task Force' Meeting, Trashes Press Corps

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Has there ever been another administration as openly ghoulish as the Biden administration? You’d be hard-pressed to find a contender given how absolutely insane the president’s social policy has been. From promoting the mutilation of children to openly pushing racism in schools, abject insanity is a good descriptor of what we’ve seen.Of course, there has been no bigger example of that than the issue of abortion, and predictably, Biden and his handlers have pushed the bounds of radicalism. On Tuesday, the White House held a roundtable (or a square-table, to be more accurate) for its “abortion task force,” and the results were downright shocking.

The money quote came from Miguel Cardona, who runs the Department of Education. In a jaw-dropping moment, he actually argued that school children need abortions “to thrive in school and in life.”

I’m trying to imagine what could possibly possess a supposedly normal human being to promote abortion for school-age children, and I’m coming up blank other than just being pure evil. It’s unfathomable, and it shows depravity rooted so deep that it is downright disturbing. That these are the people running our federal government and making decisions that directly affect our kids should terrify all Americans.

The Biden administration has no boundaries because it is run by the most extreme, far-left elements of the nation. While the president has never been a moderate himself, the driving force for this stuff comes from the think tanks and shadowy figures that actually control things as Biden barely remains conscious half the time. There will be no course correction or waking up to any semblance of decency. The commitment to murderous, totalitarian progressivism is absolute.

But I digress, on a slightly lighter note, after the “abortion task force” adjourned, Biden decided to trash the press corps as they were forced out of the room.

This wannabe tyrant who gives an interview every four months at best sure does hate the news industry, doesn’t he? That despite the fact that 95 percent of the press corps worships the ground he walks on for purely partisan reasons. Yet, even the slightest amount of pushback sets Biden off. That’s how weak and sheltered he is as president.

But what’s more pathetic is that despite the White House’s war on the press, almost all of its members will still line up to do Biden’s bidding. He can spit in their face and talk to them like they are animals, and they won’t care because politics is more important than journalism. In that sense, I guess you have to respect the disrespect. Biden knows he can get away with it so what does he care how he comes across? Meanwhile, the rest of us suffer from the arrangement.