Thursday, September 22, 2022

Of Course Ron DeSantis Will Run…and He May Very Well Win

 Of Course Ron DeSantis Will Run…and He May Very Well Win

Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

Of Course Ron DeSantis Will Run…and He May Very Well Win

When Ron DeSantis is consulting renowned experts about whether or not to run for president in 2024, the man he is most likely to listen to is President Chris Christie. Well, not literally listen. He’ll instead learn from the potential prezzy who ended up presiding in network green rooms instead of the White House because he declined to run when he had his big – well, everything about him is big – chance in 2012. The Gov will also look to the lessons of President Mario Cuomo. These two guys hesitated and missed their window, just like there are some folks – Mitt Romney, John Kerry, Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit – who never actually had a window at all yet still tried to dive through one and ended up defenestrating themselves.

Remember a decade ago when we had Christiemania, when he was a breath of fresh air blowing away lib pieties after an improbable New Jersey governor win? And instead of striking while the presidential iron was hot, he failed to go for it, and now he will never be president of anything except maybe the International Society to Prevent Cardio. Mario Cuomo similarly blew it in the 80s. He was the Dem candidate who sped up the Dems’ heartbeats with his unapologetic defense of liberal values. He had his shot, and played Hamlet, and never became president. Today, he’s remembered only for being the father of two big creeps.

The 2024 cycle is undoubtedly Ron DeSantis’s moment. He won a first election that everyone expected him to lose as the governor of the Free State of Florida. He will win a crushing victory over secret lizard-person Charlie Crist this November. And he has set about owning the libs hard not merely by humiliating them for their hypocrisy with awesome moves like sending illegals to Martha’s Vineyard but with substantive conservative policies that are sucking the remaining productive people out of hellscapes like New York and California.

He has governed like a conservative, and he has the receipts. Florida works. Its kids went back to school while blue state bosses were still sacrificing their own kids’ futures to the garbage teacher unions. He is fighting wokeness and its poisonous CRT ideology. He treats the media like what it is – a pack of flunkies. And when he picks fights, he wins them. The base loves him. The polls bode well, to the extent polls are not mere onanism.

If Donald Trump was not still in the picture, he would be the unquestioned frontrunner. But Donald Trump is in the picture.

And he has every right to be. Let’s cut the baloney the regime media keeps serving up. This was a great president who made huge substantive improvements to the country. By defeating Bill Clinton’s wizened baby oven – maybe – Trump literally saved the Constitution. And he would have done even more but for an indisputably questionable election and the unprecedented, fully-fascist attacks of the Establishment and their media and bureaucratic allies.

There are good reasons for Trump to run, and good reasons for him not to, and none of them matter because the decision is Trump’s. The smart money says he will go for it.

So, does Ron DeSantis step up to the 800-pound Gorilla Channel fan for a clash of the titans? 

There are rumors that he has promised not to run if Trump does. Do not believe them. There is wishcasting to the effect that he would take the veep slot. It won’t happen.

The fact is that this is DeSantis’s time to score the Big Enchilada.

He is never going to be better positioned than right after his smashing reelection victory. He will have the momentum, he will have the excitement, and he will have the bully pulpit as governor of America’s most vibrant state.

He’s young (44) and he could wait, in theory. But why? Youth is part of his sell, and that applies both to the relatively youthful Trump and especially to crusty Grampa Badfinger should he run again (which he seems to want to do). And after getting the nomination, some Democrat is going to have to spend the campaign explaining how inflation, foreign defeat, and an open border are actually good things. With potential competition like Crusty, Kamala, or that supply chain superhero/scourge of “racist roads” Buttigieg, DeSantis would have to try to lose. 

But most of all, he has to consider the fact that things can only go downhill for him from here. An economic downturn. A hurricane the regime media will blame on his personal carbon footprint. A terrible heath crisis (thankfully, his wife recently beat cancer and is back by his side). It could be anything. And it could change everything. Chance is a fickle and cruel dominatrix, just the way the Dispatch guys like ‘em. 

The problem with being on top is that there is nowhere to go but down. That’s the position Ron DeSantis would find himself looking at in 2028.

Sure, Trump has the poll numbers right now, but right now the 2024 race is a hypothetical. Republicans generally like Trump, except for the Never Trump sissies no one cares about anyway. But the midterm flogging of the Dems is not even complete and no one being polled is thinking deeply about 2024 yet. 

“Who do I like? Haven’t given it much thought. Trump, I guess. Now stop calling me during supper.”

But soon, they will have to think about it. They will have to start weighing the alternatives. The GOP base loves only one thing more than Donald Trump, and that’s winning. Ron DeSantis is a proven winner. Donald Trump has the entire axis of evil gunning for him. The GOP could very well offer The Donald a gold watch and a handshake once they think it over.

Or not.

But one thing is undeniable. Ron DeSantis is the best positioned to beat Trump of any Republican who might run. And, unlike Trump, he has no firm ceiling for votes in the general. If Trump wins it will be a squeaker – it’s just a function of how many losers hate him. DeSantis has no such baggage.

And DeSantis knows all this. He’s not dumb, and neither is Trump, who sees the governor of New Alligatoria as his only real competition. The libs are dumb, but even they see it. That’s why we are already getting the inevitable “Trump is literally Hitler, but DeSantis is literally Hitler²” articles and tweets.

The stars have aligned. All the pieces fit. The time is now. Ron DeSantis really has no choice but to run if he ever wants to be president – he will never have a better chance. Just ask ex-President Christie.


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The Coming Austerity Crisis

In the past, fiscal conservatives warned that future generations would pay the debt Democrats were accumulating. If the Democrats have their way, that future will arrive much sooner than we think.

The U.S. government’s debt is 150 percent of the gross domestic product. The current inflation is just the first problem caused by the debt. If deficit spending continues, soon high interest rates and the decline of U.S. debt credit will follow. Instead of incrementally fixing the problem, austerity economics will be the outcome. The Greeks went through it in 2007 and 2008, and they will be the first to tell you it was no fun. Congress, and especially during sessions with Democratic majorities, bears much of the blame for this.

Every time Democrats controlled the Congress during a Republican administration over the past two decades, they appropriated more money than the president requested. These additional expenditures, including the interest paid on them, well exceed $1 trillion in isolation. 

But each budget builds on the previous budgets enacted. For instance, the Trump Administration’s proposed budget for 2021 would have cut the deficit by $850 billion in 10 years. Adding up the money saved annually over those 10 years, it would have been trillions of dollars. If Congress had committed to the budgets submitted by Presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump, the money saved would have totalled trillions more. 

On top of this, recall how Congress in 2007 rejected President Bush’s Social Security reforms, a program which remains the largest item on the federal budget by far. There is no study to show how much U.S. taxpayers would have saved if Democrats in Congress had not added money to the budget or reformed Social Security, but one can easily estimate that it would have been trillions of dollars.

Why Democrats didn’t do it is twofold. Spending is always popular if nobody has to pay for it, and they thought that the debt would never become a problem, or that, if it did become a problem, they would no longer be around to fix it or suffer the consequences. 

But others had a more ideological reason.

Leveling wealth disparities is a perennial progressive goal, and taxing is the easiest way to accomplish it. Many progressives have hoped that, when the problems with debt begin manifesting themselves, then the government would have no choice but to tax high-income and middle-class Americans.

In 2020, Democratic presidential candidates proposed increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans only. But all studies show that, even if the wealthiest Americans paid 100 percent in taxes, they still couldn’t finance the enormous spending proposals of the Democrats. If the top 1 percent paid all of their incomes in taxes, that would be around $800 billion, not enough to pay one year of deficit. The middle class will also need to pay more in order to finance Democratic and progressive projects.

Such policies are already under way. During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden pledged not to raise taxes on middle-class Americans. But according to the center-left Tax Policy Center, his American Jobs Plan proposal would have added an average $300 to the tax bills of three out of four middle-class Americans.

The Inflation Reduction Act is the beginning of this. By nearly doubling the IRS budget, Democrats hope to extract more money from middle-class Americans. Congressional Democrats, including Senators Mark Kelly of Arizona and Catherine Masto of Nevada, voted against an amendment by Senator Mike Crapo (R-Ind.) to limit new audits to only Americans with incomes above $400,000.

If Democrats’ target is only “the rich,” then why would they do this?

Under progressive Democratic policies, the rich and the middle-class will pay more in taxes. The narrow majority of Democrats in the Senate, with the supposedly moderate Democrat Joe Manchin from West Virginia, has so far tamed their ambition. But if Democrats succeed in increasing their majority in November, it won’t just be spending increases. Taxes for most Americans will rise.

Democrats have claimed they just want to help those who are in need. But they also want to punish those who have. In the past, fiscal conservatives warned that future generations would pay the debt Democrats were accumulating. If the Democrats have their way, that future will arrive much sooner than we think. 

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 22


Here's tonight's news:

Martha’s Meltdown Model ~ VDH

The Martha’s Vineyard experience marks a unique opportunity for modern bicoastal progressivism.

Martha’s Vineyard has been all over the news. 

The tony resort community so loves aiding and comforting the undocumented immigrants who were flown in from Florida that it hugged them—for barely 48 hours. 

Oddly, the Left became unhinged when red-state governors—whose states the last two years were flooded with some 3 million illegal aliens—finally decided to spread welcoming chores among affluent blue-state communities. 

It was a natural fit. 

Most, like Washington, D.C., and New York, were on record as sanctuary city jurisdictions. In the abstract, they endorse open borders and celebrate diversity—from the serenity of thousands of miles away. 

The uproar at Martha’s Vineyard prompted the Democratic hierarchy to do some explaining. Why had it not earlier objected to the federal government night flights of tens of thousands of border crossers to red-state communities that had opposed illegal immigration? 

And why be angry with governors who were only emulating that policy by flying in a mere 50 newcomers—in the light of day—to a far wealthier and liberal-minded sanctuary resort?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gave the nearly all-white, rich vacation spot an opportunity to match noble words with even nobler deeds. But in response, the one percent screamed that their small community could not possibly cope with a mere 50 new arrivals. 

So far, wealthy progressive enclaves in Malibu, Aspen, and Napa have not stepped up to alleviate the “burden” put on their Martha’s Vineyard brethren.

They should ask how does a poor Yuma or El Paso sustain hundreds of thousands crossing illegally into their communities—once Joe Biden effectively rendered federal immigration law null and void?

The Martha’s Vineyard vacation mansion of the Obamas is currently vacant, as are most of his neighbors’ estates. Their expansive grounds could still serve as ideal centers for hundreds of immigrants to camp out.

Almost all arrivals would surely prefer the Obamas’ estate, scenery, and view than crowding among the impoverished at the border.

Here where I live in southern Fresno County, California, often ground-zero for illegal immigrant arrivals, receptive communities try hard to make space for immigrants. 

On my avenue, small farmhouses are now rented to landlords who often manage to accommodate 20 or 30 immigrants on their small lots. 

In fact, almost all farmhouses in my environs are surrounded by trailers, shacks, and sheds where hundreds of the undocumented live—to the total indifference of the state and utter neglect of California’s left-wing elite.

Instead, our apartheid living elite virtue signal that increased crime, gangs, drug smuggling, prostitution, and child trafficking do not accompany open borders. 

From personal experience, I can attest that many have found otherwise. 

But, to be fair, Martha’s Vineyard could serve as a permanent way station for border crossers. That way it might offer a more disinterested long-term assessment of the impact of illegal immigration on U.S. social services and communities.

The Vineyard could also offer the nation a test case to ascertain whether the frantic panic of its privileged reveals their xenophobic racism and stereotyping—or if those are all too understandable reactions to the politically driven, reckless, and inhumane open-borders policies of the Biden Administration.

This new idea of redirecting undocumented immigrants from swamped communities on the border to more supportive sanctuary well-off cities might also serve as an ethical model for us all on a variety of other issues. 

For those who object to establishing grounds for the homeless far away from urban parks and downtowns, might they instead offer their own yards to help spread the burden among the entire community?

For those who mocked the efficacy of border walls, might they take a vow not to erect walls around their own estates? 

For those who decry the inordinate carbon footprints of the consumer classes, might they pledge not to fly in private jets until catastrophic climate change abates?

For those who believe that natural gas is too carbonized a fuel to generate electricity or warm homes, can they pledge not to heat swimming pools or cool down their homes below 78 degrees?

For those who supported defunding the police and decriminalizing an array of previous misdemeanors and felonies, might they highlight the ensuing safety and security by not hiring private security guards?

For those who call for extensive gun control and decry the ubiquity of handguns, might they pledge not to hire armed security details?

For those who feel that charter schools undermine the public schools as much as unionized faculty empower them, might they eschew private prep schools?

The Martha’s Vineyard experience marks a unique opportunity for modern bicoastal progressivism. 

View it as a landmark teachable moment to prove to the nation that leftists’ loud theories and utopian agendas merely reflect—rather than are at odds with—their own prior concrete and well-lived experiences.

Congratulations, You're in a War for the Soul of the Nation

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

I really hate using the phrase “now more than ever” but sometimes cliches actually make sense.

And now more than ever we’re up against something that can’t be overlooked or ignored. Like cancer, social justice began small and then spread through America rapidly, infiltrating and overtaking our systems, corporations, media, and especially schools. If it hasn’t spread to places you like to frequent yet, give it a minute. It’ll infect it.

It’s safe to say that today’s Democrat Party isn’t your grandpa’s. While it used to have quite a bit in common with the Republican Party, the radicalism that’s infected it has it looking like something completely different and far more dangerous. Its banana republic tactics include raiding the property and private lives of U.S. citizens and sitting presidents alike, not because they’re truly dangerous, but because they actually pose a threat to their power in some capacity.

Likewise, our media has given over to intimidation tactics as well as flat-out falsehoods in order to push the message. If you’re too effective at exposing the left’s extremism, ridiculousness, or hypocrisy then it won’t be long until a hit piece is released on you from a major publication. One of their reporters might even show up at the door of one of your family members.

If you upset anyone on the left you may find yourself at the business end of an online mob that won’t just say mean things to you on the internet, but they may attempt to have you and maybe even your family members fired from their jobs.

Meanwhile, the same people who want to ruin your life are also trying to control your child. Consistent attempts to introduce radical leftist and social justice concepts to your kid are being made, oftentimes behind your back. This includes attempting to convince your child that they’re gender-fluid or some identity within the LGBT lineup. At the very worst, they’re attempting to introduce sex and sexualizing to children, even going so far as to attack those who protest provocative drag shows for children as transphobic.

I wish we lived in a time where we could all just go our lives without having to worry about radicals infiltrating our lives and attempting to force us into some form of subjugation but we don’t. We are in nothing short of a war over the soul of the nation. If we lose then the great American experiment is over.

This isn’t hyperbole. They’ve made it clear that they would love nothing more than to tear down the American system, eliminate the family unit, and replace it with their own system of control. They will empower whoever and whatever they can to that end be it popular social movements like Black Lives Matter or government agencies like the IRS.

Their rulebook says “by any means necessary” and they mean it. No matter how detestable, unfair, or violent, they will push their agendas, they will do what’s necessary to get what they want, and what they want is you.

Fighting against that kind of authoritarianism requires a lot of work, especially since the left controls most institutions and the big stage. It’s not uncommon to be censored, shadowbanned, or have accounts terminated. They’re not going to give you a fair shake. You will not get a seat at the table. Your voice will be dismissed or silenced.

And yet, you’re giving them hell. So much of it, in fact, that they’ve begun openly attempting to create entire government agencies meant to monitor and track your speech. They’re terrified of the fact that you’re running for positions on the local school board. They’re apoplectic over your unwillingness to accept their mandates for your own “safety.” They’re furious that you won’t carry their narratives and are ready and willing to vote them out of office.

This is why we have the VIP program. Their attempts to control what we write, how much they let us be seen, and/or intimidate us into silence are hollow in the face of a readership and fandom that will not allow the left and its ilk to sink us. Your subscriptions have helped us out far more than we can relay and our thanks are far more than we can express.

But as thinks we are sweetening the deal. New video uploads will be included with the subs you throw our way. Not only are we including more content, but we’re also lowering the price by 40 percent for people who use the code “SAVEAMERICA.”

Rest assured, their tactics are going to get worse before they get better. Animals backed into corners get more vicious and that means we’re going to have to fight all the harder. Rest assured, like many other groups RedState will be one of those places on the frontlines giving you the necessary information, expertise, and opinion that will equip you to fight back. The attacks on us haven’t stopped us yet, and with your help, they won’t ever.

Regardless of whether or not you sub, this fight’s going to get nastier and will continue to do so well into 2024. This won’t stop with a failed election for Democrats. This only ends when cultural marxism has been defeated and anyone who supports it has been driven out of their positions of power. They must be tossed out of every institution, discredited in every circle, and their bank their sources of income turned off.

This isn’t just a battle, this is a war. Settle in. We are.

Political Lawfare, New York AG Files Another Frivolous Lawsuit Against Donald Trump and Trump Organization

The first New York State AG approach was to claim Donald Trump and the Trump organization undervalued their company assets, specifically real-estate assets, in order to avoid income and property tax liabilities.  That didn’t work.  Apparently, they discovered the complex valuation system of finance in real-estate that ebbs and flows as property evaluations rise and fall under market conditions.

Next up, the same New York AG moved to target Donald Trump and the Trump organization for overvaluing their company assets, specifically real-estate assets, in order to gain favorable financial and banking terms.  Thus, the claims yesterday from New York’s political activist Attorney General Letitia James, which will, like all efforts before, eventually fail.

The leftist goal is to continue targeting President Donald Trump through lawfare in order to bleed him out and/or make him go away.  Which really raises an interesting aspect as to the unique nature of Donald J Trump.

What is it about this one man’s outlook that causes such levels of fear and targeting?

The big picture answer is found in the primary Donald Trump objective, “America-First!”

….There are trillions at stake.

[Truth Social Link]

The above meme is very accurate, albeit not specific.   What the Big Club wants is control over everything related to money; as a result, that brings control over all human activity, at least that’s what they believe.

President Trump stands in the way of this larger ideological construct that forms the cornerstone of the Big Club and all the tentacles of politics.  Everything is always about the economics of the thing, even ideology.

Donald J Trump puts the manipulated global financial system, a system based on exploitation of sovereign wealth, at risk.   Donald J Trump opposes the biggest of the big force elements that are aligned against people.  No other person has ever, or would ever, attempt to confront that scale of enemy.

Do you recognize what scale of effort they are willing to exhaust in order to remove the threat Trump represents?

Can you fathom what Machiavellian deployment they would be willing to organize in order to retain the system of controlling western wealth?

Do you realize what personal characteristics a ‘John Galt‘ must possess in order to face that enemy?

Great MAGA King type characteristics.

McConnell Abandons Arizona Senate Race To Maintain A GOP He Can Control

The top elected Republican in the country, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, is abandoning the competitive Arizona Senate race — and potentially a Senate majority — to maintain a conference he can control in the upper chamber.

On Tuesday, Axios reported that McConnell’s super PAC, the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), is pulling another $9.6 million in television ads from the Arizona contest where Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters remains locked in a tight effort to unseat Democrat incumbent Mark Kelly.

“The cancellations mean that the GOP’s leading super PAC won’t be spending any money in Arizona, one of the most closely watched Senate races in the country,” Axios reported, adding that McConnell’s allies are “confident other outside conservative groups will make up much of the difference.”

The $7.5 million tally from outside groups compiled by Axios, however, is far from making up “much of the difference” where Masters is outspent by Kelly upwards of 9 to 1, according to campaign finance data from OpenSecrets. And hosting a fundraiser for Masters, as McConnell has planned in lieu of direct financing, is mere lip service to claim the Republican Senate leader still supports the party’s Arizona nominee.

The reality is that McConnell would rather run a Senate minority that’s beholden to the octogenarian lawmaker than a majority with solid Republicans who refuse to kiss the ring. The decision to pull nearly $10 million from the Arizona race comes less than a month after McConnell’s super PAC canceled another $8 million in ads planned for Masters. During the Republican Senate primary, Masters said he would not back McConnell for another term in GOP leadership. Alaska Republican Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka, whose contest is tied against incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski has also pledged to vote for someone else to lead the Senate conference.

After McConnell began to pull support from the Arizona race, an independent super PAC affiliated with Heritage Action for America stepped up to inject $5 million into the contest where Masters is within striking distance of Kelly. According to the RealClearPolitics latest aggregate of polls — which are often biased to shape rather than reflect public opinion — Masters is down by just over 3 points, less than two months before November. McConnell, however, appears content to let Masters slip.

Federal Reserve Chair Announces Another 75 Point Rate Hike

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced another 75-point increase in federal interest rates today. This is the third consecutive 0.75 percentage point increase.  Additionally, Fed policymakers have pledged to continue raising rates as high as 4.6% in 2023.

While Powell walked through his reasoning to continue targeting inflation by lowering consumer demand, not once in any of his remarks did he mention energy policy driving up the cost of materials and goods.  The Great Pretending continuesWATCH:

The Fed chair is trying to manage the economic policy transition by reducing economic activity to match intentionally diminished energy supplies.  Lowering economic activity drops demand for energy. Unfortunately, as admitted by Powell on August 26, 2022, in Jackson Hole, this means a period of “some pain” for Americans as the central banks join together in an effort to lower consumption. 

What does “some pain” mean?  It means lower incomes, higher prices, lowered standards of living and more scarce resources.   During this transition to owning nothing and being happy about it, the pain is your wealth being stripped as the economy is intentionally diminished.

We will not be able to afford much; we won’t be able to afford the foods we want; we will not be able to purchase anything except the essentials, and those essentials will cost much more; we won’t be able to vacation, travel, or enjoy recreational activities; we won’t be able to afford any indulgences; but at the end of the process, we will learn to live more meager existences based on lowered expectations needed for sustaining the planet.   Pay no attention to the elites who don’t have those concerns, comrade.

UP TV and Hallmark announce their 2022 Christmas movie lineup


Last night, UP TV unveiled their planned Christmas movie schedule! (would've posted it last night but I got too busy.). Here's a preview:

Press Release via UPtv:


UPtv’s Merry Offering is filled with more than 600 hours of Holiday Cheer including 17 premiere movies; the return of the ultimate Thanksgiving week Gilmore Girls binge-a-thon, GilMORE the Merrier; a new season of the unscripted series Small Town Christmas; and the television premiere of multi-platinum country artist Josh Turner’s King Size Manger Christmas Special.

ATLANTA – Sept. 21, 2022 – UPtv, the television home for uplifting entertainment, announced today a super-sized Christmas on the network with MORE original holiday movies, MORE specials and MORE chances to uplift or be uplifted than ever before. This holiday season UPtv will deliver the best in holiday entertainment while also celebrating the people and moments that bring joy.

In addition to 17 premiere movies, UPtv will debut multi-platinum country artist Josh Turner’s King Size Manger Christmas special on Friday, Nov 18, and a new season of unscripted series Small Town Christmas, highlighting Christmas celebrations across small town America. Additionally, annual fan-favorite GilMORE the Merrier is back with this year’s binge-a-thon hosted by Michael Winters who played Town Selectman Taylor Doose on the series. These premieres are part of UPtv’s collection of more than 600 hours of holiday cheer.

“With so many people needing to scale back in different ways this holiday season, we wanted to deliver an abundance of Christmas programming so uplifting, holiday cheer was plentiful for our viewers,” said Hector Campos, vice president, content strategy and acquisition at UPtv. “We are thrilled to provide them with our largest offering of Christmas programming yet that continues to celebrate the true spirit of the season. We have 17 of the very best Christmas movie premieres, the second season of Small Town Christmas, and the premiere of multi-platinum country artist Josh Turner’s King Size Manger Christmas special. Whether Christmas lovers are seeking a cozy romantic holiday escape, an uplifting story, or singing along with their favorite songs, we have a diverse slate with something for everyone this Christmas season.”

UPtv's Most Uplifting Christmas Ever, will have viewers “unwrapping” surprises and delights all season long with:

A sweepstakes that includes a $10,000 cash grand prize + $10,000 donation to a charity of their choice from a list of selected charities. Also includes weekly secondary prize winners

Interactive Merry Movie Christmas Watch Parties every weekend with polls, quizzes and more chances to win Daily surprises ranging from smaller donations and bonus content to special messages from our Christmas stars via a digital advent calendar beginning in December, the destination for viewers to recognize those who uplift others, will be the hub for holiday content. We will ask viewers to share videos of themselves uplifting others by surprise and delight gift giving to friends, family, or even strangers, to help spread Christmas joy to those who could use some uplifting spirit this season.

As in previous years, the My UPtv Movies app is available for viewers to download and is especially popular around the holidays to track movie viewing. The tracker app allows viewers to learn more about upcoming movies and series on the network, watch previews and request personalized showtime alerts. Viewers can also “favorite” movie titles to add to a personal collection to easily access them later, set calendar reminders and request notifications or text messages. As an exciting update later this year, the app will allow for polls and giveaways during Merry Movie Christmas airings. Download the app:

In 2021, UPtv’s Christmas Movies reached 18.4 million P2+1 and 4 million viewers2 tuned in to GilMORE the Merrier.

Full movie list link is right here:


My take: Definitely looking forward to these delightful movies!


Hallmark announced their lineup today as well. And it's result is, definitely less then positive. Here's a preview of that:

It may be the first day of fall, but for Hallmark Channel, that means it’s only one month away from their annual “Countdown to Christmas” and “Miracles of Christmas” events. Variety can exclusively reveal the 40 new movies coming this holiday season — 31 on Hallmark and 9 on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.

Beginning Friday, Oct. 21, the networks will both be airing around-the-clock holiday movies; additionally, the Hallmark Movies Now streaming service kicks off “Movies & Mistletoe,” providing subscribers with more than 150 Christmas movies with new content available each week.

This year’s “Countdown to Christmas” and “Miracles of Christmas” lineups include many new faces in the Hallmark world, as well as some returning favorites. In fact, leading men Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker and Paul Campbell will come together for the first time in “Three Wise Men and a Baby,” playing three brothers forced to work together to take care of a baby throughout the holidays. The face of Hallmark, Lacey Chabert, also returns for a record-breaking twelfth Christmas movie for the network, “Haul Out the Holly,” alongside Wes Brown.

Hallmark Media will celebrate the culture of Chinese Americans in two films, “A Big Fat Family Christmas” and “Christmas at the Golden Dragon.” Meanwhile, the Festival of Lights will be celebrated in “Hanukkah on Rye,” while “Holiday Heritage” is the network’s first-ever movie celebrating Kwanzaa.

For the first time, a Hallmark holiday movie features an LGBTQ couple as the focus in “The Holiday Sitter,” featuring Jonathan Bennett and George Krissa.

Hallmark Movies & Mysteries will air the first Christmas movie under the Mahogany banner, “The Holiday Stocking,” starring Nadine Ellis, Tamala Jones, BJ Britt, Karon Riley and Mykelti Williamson. The network will also feature the first film under DaySpring, “The Gift of Peace,” starring Nikki DeLoach and Brennan Elliott.

Full puke worthy movie list is listed here:


My important take: I knew the lineup would be bad. but this is worse then I thought. Not only do most of these look sheer awful, but Kwanza?! Do these blockheads have any idea who celebrates that fake holiday and why???!! 😩 Sigh. I don't have beef with Jews or Chinese Americans, but I have zero interest in watching new movies celebrating their holidays.

Countdown to Christmas used to be my favorite tradition, and Hallmark has now completely ruined it. 

Don't be too et down though, I fully prepared for tis in advance. I've been buying DVD's of lots of past movies from the network that I loved from past years so I don't have to keep junking up the DVR with them. I'll keep the tradition going in my own way. The right way.