Thursday, September 8, 2022

Powerless Figurehead Leader With No Official Responsibilities Still Alive

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WASHINGTON, DC — A powerless figurehead world leader with no actual responsibilities is still barely clinging to life, according to sources. Family is said to be gathered at the White House as the leader's condition is reportedly quickly declining.

"It's sad to see the 'Big Guy' go," said Hunter Biden to reporters while brushing some white powder off his face. "I'll surely be lost without him. Also, has anyone seen my glass tobacco pipe?"

Commentators are praising the dying figurehead as an "alive human who sat in the Oval Office to replace Trump until we could think of a better plan." Dozens of mourners from around the country are already preparing to pay tribute to the dying impotent mascot of America.

The Babylon Bee will provide further updates as the situation changes.

The Demonization of MAGA

By the time we reach the presidential elections, the hatred unleashed by Biden will have reached a fever pitch. 

In electronics, the definition of “reset” is to cause (a binary device) to enter the state representing the numeral “0.”

Wipe out everything that has gone before. Start over.

In September 2021, the World Economic Forum announced that “To improve the state of the world,” they are starting “The Great Reset initiative.”

And here we are. In less than two years, Biden has done his best to reach that state of “0.” In order for the world to be reset, the greatest superpower on earth must be brought to its knees. Congratulations, Joe Biden. You are on target to fulfill your job description.

There is only one problem—the MAGA movement. The last thing the Biden Administration wants is to “make America great again.” They want to destroy it so they can “build back better” within the rubric of a one world government.

Biden can scream all he wants about MAGA in his Independence Hall speech. He can vilify former President Donald Trump. He can then the next day try to claim he didn’t say what he manifestly said. But the damage has been done. It is the hate that stays with people—the hate that Biden has been pounding home since day one.

“Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to this country?” a reporter asked Biden the day after his speech.

“Come on, look, guys, you keep trying to make that case. I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden said.

But then, of course, he contradicted himself yet again by saying this:

I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it is used, refuses to acknowledge when an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which they can count votes, that is a threat to democracy.

So, he really isn’t backtracking at all. Every one of those 75 million Trump supporters surely has questions about the validity of the 2020 election and the Biden regime’s January 6 narrative. How about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan? Plenty of people will never forget what happened and how our own military and American citizens were abandoned. Plenty of people wonder why the U.S. government is sending billions of dollars to countries like Ukraine and takes better care of those crossing our southern border than it does its own people.

The net will continue to widen, stoking fear and anger. You don’t even have to identify as “MAGA” although that is the word now being used. All you have to do is dare to disagree with one of Biden’s policies and you will be thrown into the same pot with all the other deplorables.

In Biden’s inaugural address, he started right off by accusing Trump of giving rise to “political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront, and we will defeat.”

Deplorable, MAGA, insurrectionist, white supremacist, and, ultimately, domestic terrorist. The divisive rhetoric keeps escalating. By the time we reach the presidential elections, the hatred unleashed by Biden will have reached a fever pitch. If Trump is indicted, for surely that is the plan, and Americans watch a former president taken away in chains, the violence we experienced during COVID lockdowns could pale in comparison. Of course, that, too, is part of the plan. Chaos, fear, violence. While Europe potentially explodes in war across all borders, the United States is set to destroy itself from the inside out.

It seems like a century ago, but it was only in June of 2020 that Hawk Newsome, president of Greater New York Black Lives Matter said during a Fox News interview:

If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation.

Was he immediately labeled a domestic terrorist? Was he carted off to prison for inciting violence? Kept in isolation for months without a trial? Not that I recall.

After the death of George Floyd, in Minneapolis alone, “nearly 800 police officers were assaulted throughout the state in a record 667 incidents—an increase of 62 percent from 2019,” and “the state recorded 185 murders in 2020—a dramatic increase of 58 percent from a year earlier.”

Even MSN said that the riots in 140 U.S. cities in 20 states following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis could become the costliest civil disorder ever in the United States.” They quickly backtracked that statement and reduced the riots to “mostly peaceful protests.”

BLM was never identified as dangerous. Quite the contrary. The organization received billions of dollars in donations. Millions of Americans eagerly blacked out their profile pictures on social media in virtue-signaling support. Those daring to question its motivations were labeled as racists. Taught to be silent, just as they want every Trump supporter to be silenced now. How many people who voted for Trump never admitted it to their friends, family, or colleagues, knowing that if they did, they’d be insulted, scorned, defamed, denigrated, ostracized, fired?

It has now been proved time after time that money donated to BLM was funneled away from the people who needed it and back to its founders. Most recently, “a lawsuit has been filed on behalf of 26 grassroots Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapters alleging that Shalomyah Bowers, the leader of the national organization, siphoned $10 million in charitable contributions to pay for his own personal expenses.”

Biden didn’t talk about that in his speech. He didn’t talk about how the black community was cheated by its own leaders. Nor did he talk about the corruption of the FBI, or Hillary Clinton’s emails, or that his own son needs to be investigated. He didn’t talk about so many of the things that really matter.

He talked about the 75 million Trump supporters who he says represent the greatest threat to America. Biden has good cause to be worried. But not for the reasons he says.

Trump received 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. By mid-August, 92 percent of Trump’s candidates had won their primaries. And the FBI’s unprecedented raid on Trump’s home has only energized the MAGA movement further. Those who once were embarrassed or frightened into silence are proudly expressing their patriotism now.

Biden and his cronies in the Washington, D.C. swamp know that if Trump wins, they will have failed at their job to usher in the Great Reset. If that happens, the elite who put them into power will not be happy. A bought and failed politician is surely the most terrified and miserable creature on earth.

Yes, there are some bad apples in the MAGA movement, as there are everywhere. But the vast majority want one simple thing: fair and honest elections.

As one Trump supporter tweeted to Joe Biden:

These are the MAGA people who threaten the Great Reset. These are the people the Biden regime is determined to demonize.

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 8


I suppose I should probably put an 'advance apology' here in case anyone finds some of the below podcasts to be a wee bit 'insensitive' in the wake of a dead monarch. Here's the truth though: There's a very dark and ugly secret to that whole monarchy, and I have no interest in feeling sympathy for 1 of the Elite being dead. And that's all I'm gonna say.

Here's tonight's news:

The World Wants No Part of Woke, But It’s Glad We Do ~ VDH

China can likely sink any $12 billion American aircraft carrier and its 5,000 diverse “they/them” crew that dares to venture into the Taiwan strait.

The United States obsesses over whether biological men can compete in women’s sports as transgendered males. 

Crime is spiking at levels not seen in 40 years. But it is considered racist to suggest that arrests, indictments, convictions, and incarcerations deter crime. 

Major U.S. downtowns almost overnight went from mostly safe and clean to terrifying and toxicand we brag that we are at least “tolerant” of the medieval conditions. 

The Pentagon and CIA put out recruitment videos that sound like kindergarten diversity, equity, and inclusion programming. 

Yet the military is less eager to explain why the United States met utter humiliation in Afghanistan or why the army only has met about 50 percent of its scheduled recruitment targets. 

Few dare to attribute declining morale, inept strategic thinking, and anemic recruitment to the stereotyping and targeting of middle-class white males, Soviet-style workshops, and diversity, equity, and inclusion mind conditioning. 

The Biden Administration in its first 18 months warred on the U.S. oil and gas industry. Radical cutbacks in fossil fuels supposedly would “transition” the world to a greener future. 

Biden expressed little worry about the resulting economic damage to the middle class or the lack of commensurate efforts in India and China to curb emissions. 

During COVID American popular culture has collectively demonized any who were lax on masking and social distancing as “super spreaders.” 

Federal employees and military personnel who skipped the new mRNA COVID-19 inoculations on grounds the shots were not fully vetted, were stereotyped as red-state conspiracist super-spreaders. They were accused of endangering all Americans by their supposedly selfish behavior.  

Yet there has been no such judgmental criticism of individual conduct during the current monkeypox outbreak. 

Given the loud woke media, few would dare suggest that social distancing, or avoiding areas where promiscuous sex is frequent might slow down the dangerous epidemic—95 percent of whose cases so far have been sexually transmitted between men with recent multiple partners. 

The daily stuff of tabloids is cancel-culturing, virtue signaling, and suing over race and gender. 

Recently, the woke movement may have jumped the proverbial shark when a family filed a $25 million lawsuit against Sesame Place Philadelphia. One of the guilty theme park’s costume character actors apparently missed seeing a young African-American girl in the crowd reaching out for a hug. 

The American middle class is learning just how much poorer they are after suffering a collective $3 trillion stock loss in retirement accounts. 

For some reason, their stocks pummeled despite Wall Street’s past loud commitment to politically correct Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment. That new woke idea puts green, racial, and gender issues ahead of profit and loss investment calculations—at least for the declining middle class. 

ESG may be a permissible luxury in a bull market, but it can help to ruin millions of lives in a bear one.  

The new “anti-inflation” budget bill manages to increase federal spending in times of inflation, while upping taxes and regulation during a recession. 

Interest rates must climb far higher to slow down spiking prices. But the higher they go, the harder it is to service the gargantuan $30 trillion—and climbing—national debt, 

Our enemies abroad, particularly China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, are watching all this woke, comic madness with absolute glee. 

They are delighted the United States is diverting trillions of dollars and man-hours away from production to ideological witch hunts, woke cannibalism, green virtue-signaling, spendthrift consumption, racial and gender fixations, warped science, suicidal surveillance, and commissariat indoctrination. 

Woke means that Americans have less money, labor, and time to hone their military readiness. They will produce less competitive energy, but more pseudo-science, non-meritocratic advancement, and unsound investment—all the reasons why America will no longer dominate the world. 

Most analysts abroad do not believe that being woke translates into more accurate missiles, more lethal infantrymen, more efficient industrial production, better medicine, cheaper, more plentiful energy, a more united, cohesive population—and a higher standard of living.

So, our unwoke adversaries certainly want us to stay woke. 

And why not? Russia already has better hypersonic missiles and more nuclear warheads. 

China can likely sink any $12 billion American aircraft carrier and its 5,000 diverse “they/them” crew that dares to venture into the Taiwan strait. 

Beijing already produces 90 percent of U.S. antibiotics, and nearly as large a percentage of our key vitamins and painkillers. 

India and Brazil do not want any more pot-to-kettle U.S. lectures on their need for better elections and racial relations. 

While we war on our past, our competitors abroad prep for the future. 

They are more likely to erect than tear down statues. We spend what we borrow; they invest what they earn.  

How odd America once taught the world what works—only now to mock its own lessons.

Welcome To The Green New Deal, California

Transitioning from modernity to windmills and candles isn’t progress, it’s regression. And California is leading the way.

If California, our most populous state, was its own nation, it would rank as the world’s fifth largest economy and boast the highest average household income (outside a handful of “countries” like Monaco or Luxemburg). And, yet, the governor is begging its citizens to stop using their appliances, turn off their lights, and keep their thermostats at a stifling 78, lest they suffer more rolling blackouts, like some junior mandarin in a third-world country.

Of course, I kid when I say that California is already experiencing the effects of the Green New Deal. A state that still derives more than 66 percent of its energy from non-renewable sources, has tens of trillions of dollars to go before it meets Joe Biden’s promise of reducing 65 percent reduction in emissions by 2030. The flooding of an already rickety grid with undependable renewables offers only a small taste of the “transition” to “clean energy.”

Because you can scaremonger about climate change all day long and ratchet it up to insane levels, but no one escapes the laws of physics or economics. California has been forced to extend the life of its last nuclear power plant at Diablo Canyon and gas-fired power plants to save the state from being plunged into darkness rather than the occasional blackout. As it turns out, most people are only theoretically fans of deindustrialization.

California is following in the footsteps of Germany, which over the past ten years closed down most of its nuclear power plants and engaged in a national decarbonization of the economy — energiewende. When reality hit, Germany, and thus the rest of the EU, was compelled to start relying heavily on Russian natural gas as it struggled to transition. Then Russia attacked Ukraine. Rather than falling back on its world-class, environmentally friendly, forward-looking nuclear-energy program, the Germans must now contemplate rationing and historically high prices. If they can avoid this fate, it will only be because the industry has turned back to coal.  

Even before the Ukrainian war, Germany was home to the highest global electricity prices per household in the world. As Robert Bryce points out, though California’s households use only about half the national average in energy, they also pay one of the highest rates in the nation — only Hawaii and Alaska beat them. Continued restrictions on reliable, relatively cheap, and portable energy are not only inconvenient, but they also damage growth and opportunity. Decarbonization is objectively immoral.

One of the problems is that California has the power to export its retrograde ideas. Although electric car owners in the Golden State can’t go anywhere these days, the state still plans to ban the sale of gas-powered cars in just 13 years (your used car is going to be worth a fortune). But since 15 states, including New York and Pennsylvania, have adopted California’s vehicle emissions standards — a federal waiver under the Clean Air Act allows it to have stronger fuel economy standards than the federal government—a cult of Luddites in Sacramento now effectively controls the national automotive industry.

If there was any real big organic demand for EVs, the federal government wouldn’t have to keep massively subsidizing — bribing — the industry into manufacturing them, and California wouldn’t have to mandate you to buy them. Less than 1 percent of cars, SUVs, and light trucks on the road in the United States are electric. Right now, electric cars are for wealthy people more concerned about pricey virtue-signaling than functionality. A recent University of California at Berkeley study, for example, found that 90 percent of tax credits for electric cars go to people in the top income quintile.

That’s fine. Knock yourself out. But Democrats are rigging the market to force you to buy a car that has a 200-mile reach and uses erratic and expensive energy when you already have increasingly efficient models in your driveway and tens of billions of easily accessible barrels of offshore fossil fuels here at home — and much more around the world. We have centuries’ worth of the stuff waiting in the ground. Which gives us enough time to come up with some better ideas. Because, sorry, transitioning away from modernity and into windmills, choo-choo trains, folding fans, and candles isn’t progress, it’s regression. And California is leading the way.

NBC News Laments How 'Fear of Monkeypox' Stopped Gays From 'Going to Sex Parties' and 'Attending Orgies'

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement…

Remember how the Democrat Party and left-wing media sock puppets did their damnedest to scare the bejesus out of us over COVID-19, including quadruple-vaxxed Joe Biden — who, along with “Dr.” Jill, has contracted COVID at least twice — hysterically warned the unvaxxed about their coming “winter of severe illness and death” that never came? And the draconian lockdowns? Me, too.

Contrast all of the above with the relative lack of specific hysteria over the monkeypox virus. So, why the liberal media’s difference in reporting on monkeypox vs. COVID? We know the answer to that question, as well.

As we reported in late August, CNN — AKA: The Most Trusted Name in News™ — went to painstaking lengths to completely ignore science while incredulously declaring: “Monkeypox is not a sexually-transmitted infection.” In addition to the blatant lie, CNN also forgot to stress that monkeypox cases overwhelmingly occur within the gay and bisexual men communities.

As we reported in early August, while the “mainstream” media has been remiss in reporting known scientific facts about the sexually-transmitted virus and downplaying or ignoring the most important facts about monkeypox. According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, the virus is indeed continuing to spread across the country, but 98 percent of those infected are either gay or bisexual men:

We report 528 infections diagnosed between April 27 and June 24, 2022, at 43 sites in 16 countries. Overall, 98% of the persons with infection were gay or bisexual men, 75% were White, and 41% had human immunodeficiency virus infection; the median age was 38 years. Transmission was suspected to have occurred through sexual activity in 95% of the persons with infection.

So what’s up with the lapdog media? Simple: The left is terrified of stigmatizing the gay and bi-sexual communities by reporting the “rest of the story” about the primarily sexually-transmitted disease.

Now, NBC News “science writer” Benjamin Ryan is bemoaning the heroic sacrifices [sarcasm] made by “gay men” over the fear of monkeypox in an article titled, How monkeypox spoiled gay men’s plans for an invincible summer, in which he laments, “Queer men across the U.S. talked to NBC News about the dates they never went on, the sex they never had and the gatherings they avoided due to the viral outbreak.”

Here’s how Ryan kicked off the piece, lamenting the plight of “queer men” from the outset:

For many gay and bisexual men, the sprawling and chaotic monkeypox outbreak has upended a summer that was supposed to be a well-earned opportunity — following the peak of the Covid crisis — to finally have some fun and revel with their gay brothers without the threat of viral infection hanging over them.

Not to nitpick, Mr. Ryan, but it wasn’t just gay and bisexual men who were looking forward to a summer free from the left’s draconian COVID lockdowns and mandates. But alas, Ryan noted, after Memorial Day, the GBTQ community’s dreams of “fun and reveling” were dashed.

Soon after Memorial Day, however, these men, as well as transgender individuals and other queer people — GBTQ for short, because lesbians’ monkeypox risk is remote — were met head-on with harrowing reports about monkeypox’s often devastating and disfiguring effects on the body. Next came anger and frustration over what queer activists characterize as the Biden administration’s fumbling initial response to the outbreak.

So Ryan set out to query gay and bisexual men about their feelings as a result of the unfortunate turn of events. “Over 100 gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people responded to an NBC News online survey, Ryan wrote, “seeking to learn about how monkeypox has affected their lives.”

What this diverse cross-section of the community most had in common were missed opportunities. They wrote about sex they never had, dates they never went on, and gatherings with friends they avoided.

Not to sound uncompassionate, but other than sex, why couldn’t those at risk have done the other things Ryan said they missed out on?

Michael, 42, explained:

Sex isn’t just a frivolous pastime. For many of us, sex has serious meaning, sex is one of the things that makes life worth living.

So how did Michael — who works in education react? Defiantly and angry:

I am not changing my behavior with an attitude of cheerful, take-one-for-the-team compliance. Instead, I find the situation fearful, miserable, and diminishing. I am experiencing this outbreak as a serious setback to something that is very important to me, namely sexual freedom.

Guillermo Rojas, 29, a Mexican citizen and public administration graduate student in New York City, told Ryan that life as he knew it “halted.”

Life has sort of halted. This was supposed to be the great summer that everything went back and opened.

So what has “halted” for Rojas, specifically? He was more than happy to share the details:

I’ve stopped going to sex parties. “I also stopped having sex with people who live off their OnlyFans. I additionally stopped cruising at the gym, I did not continue to go to Fire Island, and I stopped attending orgies.

Oh, the injustice! Oh, the humanity!!!

J.J. Ryan — presumably no relation to the NBC News reporter — a bisexual trans man “assigned” female at birth, “spent the height of the Covid pandemic transitioning.”

“I felt like I was just surviving before. I wasn’t really living,” said Ryan, 34 of his “pre-transition life.” “So I was really excited to get out and live my life — for this to finally be my ‘hot boy summer.’” Instead, he said, he has sadly “sharply reduced” his sexual exploration.

As was the case with COVID and any other virulent disease, RedState has reported factually on both COVID and monkeypox — including an emphasis on those most susceptible to contracting either or both, as in the following related articles.

CDC Issues Eye-Opening Monkeypox ‘Safer Sex’ Guidelines, Exposes Their Shriveling Credibility

New York City Whines to WHO, Insisting the Term ‘Monkeypox’ Is Discriminatory

‘Cover up Your Bumps’: California State Senator Encourages Gay Orgies During Monkeypox Outbreak

German Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck, Under Fire as Energy Driven Reality of Economic Collapse Starts Sinking In

German Minister of Economics Robert Habeck is under fire after his comments during an interview with an ARD broadcaster on Tuesday evening.

The conversation surrounded the astronomical rise in the price of energy taking all the income away from people who would purchase other goods and services. As Germans no longer can afford purchases, the stores and businesses can no longer operate.  Minister Habeck was asked if that means a wave of bankruptcies and business closures are forecast.

Mr. Habeck responded that businesses can stop operating, but that doesn’t mean they will go insolvent.  Just because the business loses most or all of their revenue, doesn’t mean they will go bankrupt.  That doesn’t make sense, Minister Habeck was pressed to apply commonsense. If businesses close to save money, workers are not employed. If workers are not employed people do not earn income.  If people do not earn income, the economy worsens.

Habeck had no response other than an economically detached “Green Party” perspective that businesses will not go bankrupt just because they are not operating. However, his facial expressions reflect that he knows what comes next, total economic collapseWATCH: 

(Reuters) – German Economy Minister Robert Habeck faced a backlash on Wednesday for saying he could imagine parts of the economy stopping production due to rising energy prices that German firms say are threatening their existence.

Asked whether he expected a wave of insolvencies at the end of this winter due to companies’ rising energy bills, Habeck said “No, I don’t. I can imagine that certain industries will simply stop producing for the time being.”

The answer, in an interview with ARD broadcaster on Tuesday evening, sparked criticism of the minister in charge of Europe’s biggest economy, with mass-selling Bild newspaper saying Habeck “has no idea about the economy.”

Friedrich Merz, the conservative opposition leader, also took the opportunity to criticize Habeck, Germany’s second most popular politician, saying he and his ruling coalition were not taking energy and economy questions seriously.

“One could see how helpless Mr. Habeck you are with these questions last night on German television,” Merz told the lower house of parliament.

Habeck’s comments come as economists and industry groups warn that rising energy prices are a growing risk for Germany’s medium and small-sized businesses, which form the backbone of the economy.  (read more)

Things are about to get very spicy in Germany as the reality of the unsustainable Build Back Better agenda starts to sink in.  The intellectual disconnect from an economic minister to the consequences of an energy policy removing trillions of dollars from the economy is stunning.

EU Commission Announces 5 Point Plan for Energy Crisis, Including Increased Imports of U.S. Natural Gas Driving Up Prices for U.S. Consumers

According to the U.S. Energy Information Association (IEA), U.S. storage of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is 12% below the five-year average (LINK).  Additionally, the IEA is expecting the U.S. to export 11.7 billion cubic feet of LNG per day during the fourth quarter of 2022 — up 17% from the third quarter. The destination of that export is Europe.

Consider that 43% of U.S. households use LNG for home heating, and power suppliers use LNG to create electricity.  With the massive 2022 exports of LNG to Europe (+17% in fourth quarter alone), that means lower domestic supplies and increased prices here in the United States for electricity and home heating.  We are seeing and feeling these massive price increases right now. As a result, consider this reality….

Not only are U.S. taxpayers directly paying for the majority of costs in Ukraine, but we are also subsidizing the European Union by exporting LNG and driving up the price here at home.

We are directly paying Ukraine, and indirectly paying Europe to maintain gas sanctions against Russia.  This is the reality of the current situation as created by the Biden administration.

Now, consider this.  The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen held a press conference in Brussels today, announcing five initiatives to contain the expensive EU energy crisis: “The goal is clear. We must cut the revenues of Russia that Putin uses to finance this atrocious war against Ukraine. And now our work is paying off. At the start of the war, gas from Russian pipelines accounted for 40% of all imported gas. Today it has dropped to only 9% of our gas imports. These are tough times. But I am convinced that Europeans have the economic strength, the political will and the unity to maintain the upper hand,” she said.  The United States and Norway are the primary suppliers of gas to the EU to fill the void.

Commissar von der Leyden’s five initiatives include:

(1) Conservation of electricity through forced and mandated cuts in electricity use.  The amount of the cut has yet to be determined but reducing demand through forced curtailment of electricity use is the first approach.  [Insert California as an example here in the United States.]

(2) A cap on the profit generated by energy suppliers who use renewable energy like wind and solar.  The renewable industry has lower costs, yet they are profiting from the top line increase in delivered electricity.  The EU commissar is proposing to confiscate the profits of Green Energy suppliers, direct the funds to the member states and then use those funds to subsidize the energy costs of poorer EU citizens.

(3) A cap on the profits generated by traditional fossil fuel energy suppliers (oil, coal, nuclear, gas electricity generation), and the diversion of those profits following the same formula as above.

(4) Banking support and financial liquidity for smaller regional energy providers who are having short term financial issues as they must pay massive amounts of money for the raw material needed to generate electricity.  Essentially, the cost of coal, oil and LNG has skyrocketed, and there is a lag between the time they energy company must pay for the fuel source and the time the customer pays the electricity bill.   The inbound fuel costs (new) are so extreme the inbound payments for prior electricity (old) are not covering the cost of the new supplier purchase.

(5) A price cap on Russian natural gas.  To accompany the increased import of Norwegian and U.S. gas.  This sounds like a bizarro effort to manipulate the market which could backfire.  If Russian gas is cheaper than EU market gas, the smart energy providers will purchase the Russian gas.

Not a single word about increasing the supply of any traditional energy resource.  These ideologues are so committed to the cult of climate change and renewable energy, they are intent on destroying the economy in order to lower demand to the level of their windmills and solar farms.  This is madness, absolute madness.

Here’s the presser: