Monday, September 5, 2022

MSNBC Declares All Republicans a 'Threat to Democracy' - 'We Are at War'

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden’s despicable speech against MAGA Republicans was the “permission” for those on the left to ratchet up the hate and the attacks even more, by demonizing and dehumanizing Americans.

Now MSNBC is following up on it and inciting against Americans. They falsely claimed that Republicans were calling for “violence.” Let’s listen to Roland Martin, as he declares that “we” are at war with fellow Americans because they are “evil.”

“We are at war with these people,” Martin declared. “These folks are evil. They have allowed evil into their house with Donald Trump.” He continued, “This evil is spreading. And when you are in a war footing, you have to respond accordingly. It is about time Joe Biden got tough. Stop being weak, stop being impotent, quit not fighting back. What these people want to do to this country is destroy democracy.”

Hey, Roland, the left can’t meme and you also suck at mood lighting. But your biggest problem is that you’re detached from reality and this proves it if we didn’t already know it. So what does “respond accordingly” mean? Sure sounds like he’s inciting against MAGA people. What do you do after you declare people evil? This is what Biden has given license to, to people who were already over the edge in their hatred of Republicans.

Just in case it isn’t clear, they don’t just mean “extremists” or however Joe Biden tried to soft-pedal it the day after not making any such distinctions for a week. They mean all Republicans are a “threat to democracy.”

“Obviously, Republicans are, I think, the biggest threat to democracy. We don’t separate right-wing extremists and Republican Party anymore,” MSNBC host Tiffany Cross said.

Remember — these are the people who somehow managed to demonize Mitt Romney, one of the most milquetoast Republicans alive. They’ve moved on from the politicians to the voters themselves, from extreme MAGA, to all MAGA, to everyone on the right now. Anyone who opposes their will is “evil.” It would be funny if it wasn’t so stupid and dangerous. One party rule is “democracy”? No, guys, that’s the fascist approach that you are embracing. And we’re not a pure democracy for a reason. We are a constitutional republic because our Founders recognized the failings of pure democracy and mob rule. When you fail to understand that, you fail to recognize the unique and special nature of our founding.

If it wasn’t clear where they were going, this is what Biden has incited and it’s likely to get worse.

President Biden’s Egregious Misunderstanding of the Second Amendment

A citizenry that is habituated to provide for its own defense is also one that has the character to oppose tyrannical tendencies of their government.

On August 31, while announcing his new initiative to restrict gun rights, Joe Biden reportedly stated that if “brave right-wing Americans,” as he mockingly dubbed them, wanted to exercise rights under the Second Amendment to “fight against the country” that had become tyrannical, they “would need an F-15.” “You need something more than a gun,” he added, later referring to perhaps “nuclear weapons.” 

Such is a common trope from the Left, but it completely misunderstands the Second Amendment. 

Here is the understanding of the Second Amendment offered by Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story, whose 1833 Commentaries on the Constitution is widely (and rightly) regarded as among the most authoritative treatises about the Constitution’s original meaning: “The importance of the Second Amendment will scarcely be doubted by anyone,” he wrote, because a well-regulated militia, comprised of the citizenry, “is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers.” (Emphasis added). “The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic,” he continued, “since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.” 

As Justice Story makes explicit, the purpose of the Second Amendment is three-fold: 1) for defense against foreign invasion; 2) for defense against domestic threats (whether “insurrection,” rebellion, or from just ordinary thugs and thieves); and 3) as importantly, for defense against domestic tyranny by the government itself

Was he blind to the concern that armed citizens could not “out gun” the military capacity of the government? Hardly. Indeed, he expected the latter would be successful “in the first instance,” but he saw the right to keep and bear arms primarily as a “moral check” against tyrannical government, not a physical one. His description therefore speaks more to the character of the people being willing and able to resist tyranny, not to whether the weapons owned by individual citizens had to be on a par with those of the military itself. 

A citizenry habituated to provide for its own defense is also one that has the character to oppose tyrannical tendencies of their government. F-15s and nuclear weapons are not necessary if the people remain vigilant in opposing usurpations of power by their own government. (Though having once been in an F-15 when my brother was an F-15 pilot, that sure would be neat to have!) 

Think of it this way: On September 11, 2001, a small group of men and women on United Airlines Flight 93, led by ordinary citizen-turned-hero Todd Beamer, decided on their own to rush the cockpit and bring down the fourth plane that had been hijacked that day by terrorists before it could hit is intended target—likely the White House or the U.S. Capitol. They didn’t have F-15s of their own, but they had the moral character necessary to step forward and act without waiting for the formal military—for the calvary, to borrow an image from the old American West—to arrive. “Some of our greatest moments have been acts of courage for which no one could have been prepared,” Beamer was heard to say. “But we have our marching orders. My fellow Americans, let’s roll!” 

Men and women of such character are unlikely to allow tyranny to take root on their home soil. Should our standing army—the greatest, most powerful army the world has ever known—be deployed by “ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the government, or trample on the rights of the people,” (quoting again from Justice Story), then it is such character in the citizenry that will provide the foundation for resistance and ultimately for a restoration of free government, grounded in the consent of the governed, and designed to secure the God-given, inalienable rights to which we are each entitled as human beings who are created equal. 

So no, Joe Biden, we don’t need F-15s to defeat the increasingly obvious tyrannical tendencies of your administration or the entrenched bureaucracy itself. We simply need men and women of character who are habituated, because of rights secured by the Second Amendment, to defend themselves against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

So as we approach the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, let us keep in mind the character of the men and women on Flight 93, and rally ourselves to the task of opposing threats to our freedom from whichever quarter they arise. “Let’s roll.”

Christian Patriot News and On the Fringe- SEpt 5


Happy Labor Day. Here's tonight's news:

How Old Bad Ideas Become Wonderful ~ VDH

We in America are regressing—now returning to the distant neanderthal past, now embracing the worst of what the 19th and 20th century had to offer.

There is no end of history. Instead, civilization is a constant fight to embrace what has worked for the common good through the ages—and to reject what in the past has failed abysmally. 

Bad and bankrupt ideas, protocols, and ideologies—like McCarthyism, communism, various cults, or fascism—resurface not because of their intrinsic or lasting value or record of success, but because civilizations become less vigilant and allow human vanities, ignorance, arrogance, and evil to reassert themselves. 

Joe McCarthy Is Back

Our Tail Gunner Joe (of semi-truck driving expertise and brilliant legal training fame) in a single week smeared roughly half the country as un-American “semi-fascists.” Then in one of the creepiest speeches and background sets in American political history, Joe Biden railed that “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.” Franklin Roosevelt declared war on Japan in careful, sober, and exacting presidential tones; Joe Biden all but declared war against half his own people like a raving lunatic.

All that was missing from the rant was Biden waving to the crowd a purported list of names of prominent MAGA threats to our collective soul and screaming, “I have here in my hand a list of 205 members of the MAGA Party!”

Yet Biden never quite told us what was subversive about the “MAGA Scare” or wanting to “Make America Great Again.” It was merely a sort of conservative version of George McGovern’s call to “Come home, America.” Both slogans, like Obama’s “hope and change” banality, suggest things were either better before the present or will be better afterwards. 

Unable to acknowledge this, a more-than-usual angry, snarling, and nearly incoherent Biden screamed his McCarthyesque attack amid an eerie red-and-black lit background, punctuated by two U.S. Marines on guard in the shadows of the red glow. (Gen. Mark Milley was uncharacteristically silent about the use of military props for executive political agendas). The resulting lurid visual effect was a cross between an outtake from “Triumph of the Will” and a bad version of “Phantom of the Opera.” 

Biden barked out all sorts of fantasy enemies of the state, as he lumped 75 million people together as a collective existential threat to the soul of America. Left unsaid but understood is what Biden and the “good” other half are supposed to do with such an existential danger posed by millions of their fellow Americans. 

Are they to ferret out MAGA supporters in the manner Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin promised to cleanse the Pentagon of mythical white supremacists? Will Biden unleash his new battalions of IRS auditors? Will they call back Mark Zuckerberg to infuse another $419 million of dark money into the ballot counting to absorb the work of state registrars in the upcoming midterms?

Will Biden now recall FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith to alter more government documents, or hire another informant such as Clinton lackey Christopher Steele, or round up 50 more intelligence “experts” to swear that Hunter’s next lost laptop is proof of Russian-Trump collusion? 

What exactly is fitting preemptive punishment for Biden’s soul-threatening un-American enemies—solitary confinement in a D.C. jail for a year without charges? Leg irons? SWAT teams awaiting them in their driveways? Early morning raids at their houses while they are still in their underwear? Phone grabs while dining out with their wives at restaurants or in airports? 

Or will Biden and the Left be content simply to unleash another 120 days of the “good” sort of riots, arson, and protests, while reissuing the 2020 promises of now Vice President Kamala Harris, that they are “not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not going to stop after Election Day.”

To preserve the soul of America, will Biden be content with just following our now progressive norms: screaming out threats to named Supreme Court justices with mobs at the court doors led by U.S. senators? Or mobs massing at the justices’ homes? 

Or will the White House continue to ignore assassins who show up in the justices’ neighborhoods? Or will it raid another home of an ex-president? Or use the FBI to retrieve family diaries, lie about embarrassing lost laptops, leverage private social media companies to censor embarrassing stories, or stalk and surveil parents at school board meetings? 

To fight such fascistic unicorns, will Biden be recreating his sidetracked government Ministry of Truth? To save democracy, will the Left once more be promising to pack the Supreme Court, junk the Electoral College and filibuster, and supersede state balloting laws? Will he bring out of retirement intelligence pundits James Clapper and John Brennan, known mostly now for lying under oath to Congress?

The Good Ol’ Racism

If we are back in McCarthy’s 1950s, how about a similar return to Jim Crow separatism, racial exceptionalism, and chauvinism? American history from 1776 to 1860 was the story of postponing but not preventing a civil war over race-based slavery. What followed was a century-long attempt to ensure that race did not thwart the newly won constitutional protections of the enfranchised black citizen. 

Then the next half-century saw an effort to provide “affirmative action” by offering advantages in hiring and admissions for groups felt to have historically suffered racial discrimination.

In the recent decade, however, we have entered new territory—or regress to old familiar landscapes—in which racial preferences and discrimination are considered reparatory and thus good. 

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of an integrated society in which race became incidental not essential to the individual (living in a nation where we will not be judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our character) has now been nullified. It is all but rendered inert. Any scholar in a sociology department of a major university who professed allegiance to King’s notion of a fully integrated and racially blind assimilated society would likely be summarily fired or ostracized. 

In place of integration, returns the old racism now cast as “anti-racism,” as if “good” racial discrimination is needed to fight “bad” discrimination. 

But the history of racism is just such special pleading about why the latest sort of new discrimination is both needed and justified and thus is no longer the old discrimination. Ask the former Yugoslavians or Rwandans. 

So now, at some colleges, dorm residents can select the race of their roommates. At “theme houses,” some races are not even allowed in the door. “Safe spaces” is the 21st-century euphemism for segregation. Special graduation ceremonies exclude students based on race. 

To push through the new racism, all logic is suspended. What did it matter that those of the lower classes born in 2005 grew up in the 40th year of affirmative action and had no knowledge, much less any memory, of Jim Crow segregation in the South? 

If in the racist “one-drop” past, some blacks desperate for a chance at equal opportunity sought to pass as “white,” so too in our full-circle, racist present, some whites desperate to find either psychic acceptance in “otherness” or more concrete racial advantages in hiring and admissions likewise seek to pass racial barriers, but now as “nonwhite.” Just ask Hilaria Baldwin, Ward Churchill, Rachel Dolezal, Shaun King, or Elizabeth Warren. 

It is apparently irrelevant that class is now increasingly divorced from race. Several “minorities,” from Asian-Americans to Arab-Americans, earn more per capita on average than the so-called “white” majority. Certainly, the Obamas, the NBA superstars, and millions of federal employees enjoy more “privilege” than low-income southern or midwestern whites.

Amid such racial chauvinism, we must ignore intermarriage and millions of children of mixed lineages, given Americans are increasingly a hybrid society in which it is impossible to identify people by superficial appearances other than by a resort to DNA badges. In the face of reality slamming into ideology, our best and brightest in academia and government seek guidance in the ridiculous “one-drop” rule of the Old South.

Cultural Marxism—Again

The new racist antiracism must continually find ubiquitous racism to justify its industry of victimization, even where it never appears. No wonder then racialists invented an entire vocabulary for such ghost racism. “Microaggression” is a word to describe the effort of detecting racism that otherwise is undetectable. “Systemic” racism means that when clear evidence of racism is missing, it is only because the entire system is inundated with it, as if we cannot see air because it is everywhere. 

Woke leftism, the most pernicious of all ideologies in the post-Civil Rights era, is simply the old bankrupt Marxist cant, now superimposed upon race. Any detectable inequality must be attributable to racial or, less commonly, sexual or gender, oppression. 

Predictably ossified racial Marxist binaries divide America into victims/oppressed and victimizers/oppressors. All ancient considerations of supposed inequality—luck, inheritance, chance, health, location, individual talent or lack of it, motivation or its absence, the work ethic or its lack of such, culture, traditions, etc.—are rendered meaningless. Instead, the all-knowing, all-powerful government in response must have the force and money to ensure not liberty and equality of opportunity, but a forced equality of result—and by any means necessary. 

“Loyalty Oaths”?

The ancient idea of cancel culture—whether tribal banishment, ostracism, scapegoating, witch-burning, blacklisting, or Trostkyization—is back in vogue, despite its antitheses to the U.S. Constitution. 

In 1950, good liberals fought “loyalty oaths” in college hiring that required one to profess loyalty to the United States and to disavow belonging to or associating with “subversive” organizations. There were plenty of snitches and sneaks—e.g., rivals for jobs—ready to rat out any professor or actor with youthful communist flirtations. 

Today, the new Left requires would-be faculty to swear loyalty not to the state but to the new deity of DEI, or to state just how much they have been so far committed to “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Should an applicant confess that such sloganeering is antithetical to the King dream of America, he would never be hired, and if hired, risk being fired.

Yet such diversity oaths, vows, and statements are becoming more popular across the existing curriculum and faculty on the theory that the problem with the old McCarthyesque loyalty oaths was not the suspension of individual thought and freedom of belief, but simply that such admirably effective suppression was aimed at the Left, rather than properly as now at the Right. 

So, the message at UC Berkeley in 2022 is the same as it was in 1950, some 72 years ago: toe the line, accept orthodoxy, and ostracize the noncompliant—or else you are a DEI apostate and will suffer the consequences! 

Nullification Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Under our federal system states are guaranteed the right to make laws and to enjoy powers that are not contrary to the Constitution. In the leadup to the Civil War, “nullification,” or the idea that a state could pick and choose which federal statutes to obey or ignore along with the right to appropriate federal property within its jurisdiction, was considered insurrectionary. 

“States’ rights” were once an anathema to the Left. It rightly equated them with George Wallace’s 1963 inaugural-address promise of “Segregation yesterday, segregation today, segregation tomorrow” as a racist contravention of federal laws. 

Not now. The defiant Left could just as easily boast in defiance to the federal government, “Open borders yesterday, open borders today, open borders tomorrow!” 

So, federal nullification is also back. Some 550 state and local jurisdictions have declared federal immigration law no longer applicable fully within their domains. They forbid federal immigration authorities to pick up detained illegal alien felons upon release. 

“Every Man a King”

Look at Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, or Iran or the many failed states of Latin America, Asia, and Africa and the message is clear that statism, communism, and socialism ruin societies and render them impoverished and without freedom. 

No matter. In America, radical statists in major cities are doing their best to pass rent-control legislation in Florida. Canceling hundreds of billions of student debt by executive fiat is now a serial federal agenda. Nullifying millions of private rental contracts between landlord and tenant is now in the power of the federal and state government. Each new reconciliation bill is yet another socialist success in upping taxation and redistributing wealth, while depriving the individual of freedom, both economic and political. 

A $30 trillion unsustainable national debt is no obstacle to printing trillions of new dollars. Apparently, the more money created, the more the poor are likely to have some, and the less the value of the money of those who have too much.

Get Them While They’re Young

Indoctrination, especially of the young, was always considered a tip-off of the totalitarian nature of a regime. The obvious message is that adults would never willingly accept contrary-to-nature communism or socialism—unless they had been brain-washed by it for years. 

Critical race theory never polls anywhere close to majority support. Most object to the use of race to discriminate against any group. Consequently, the Left now is using the primary schools to push it based on the idea of exposing and rooting out implied racism as a way of contextualizing asymmetries of student achievement, disciplinary action, attendance, and college trajectories. 

Drag queen shows and transgender advocacy are now permissible in schools and welcomed as “pride” days. If, in the old Left calculus, the “children” must be protected from adults who were too eager to strut their sexuality among the presexual, thus imprinting them with imagery and behavior beyond their ability to fathom, now the opposite is true. 

Kids have become just smaller adults. They are perfectly able to digest the risqué, the partially nude, the simulated sexual advance or even act—all as a part of acculturating them from early on, concerning the various sexual identity choices they soon must not only make, but apparently discuss and contemplate with groomers and sexual tour guides. 

The same paradox of championing and harming children holds true of transformative surgeries and medication unleashed upon the teen and preteen. For a century the Left has warned about profit-minded Big Pharma issuing a stream of dangerous new drugs to a naïve population, or Big Medicine allowing doctors to carve out radical and toxic new optional surgeries to enrich themselves. 

So how eerie is it that some of the big pharmaceutical companies could promote the use of regimens of powerful drug cocktails, or the medical profession would green-light disfiguring and noxious surgeries on children? Radical hormonal injections, mastectomies, castration, and genital mutilation are now decisions largely in the hands of the adolescents, occasionally without parental consent. 

A decade ago, the Democratic Left would have judged that not just unthinkable, but illiberal. For the Left, no “child” should be able to buy a .22-caliber rifle under the age of 21 or to smoke under the age of 18, but certainly is adult enough to decide to amputate her breasts or have himself castrated.

So, in matters of “gender affirmation,” none of the ancient rules apply. If a 12-year-old is convinced that he is gender dysphoric—and suddenly, in faddish-style thousands of such teens are so convinced—then we allow the medical community to inject them with drugs, the radical consequences of which are the stuff of evening televised malpractice commercials from trial lawyers.

When does a child become an adult? When he is cognizant, responsible, and mature enough to have consensual sex—or to agree to be castrated? 

We in America are regressing—now returning to the distant neanderthal past, now embracing the worst of what the 19th and 20th century had to offer. Worst of all, we create such cultural destruction and then call it progress.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Pentagon Speeds Arms Sales to Allies, as US Stockpiles Dwindle

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

As Joe Biden continues to ship billions of dollars in U.S. military to Ukraine in support of its never-ending war with Russia, the administration announced last week it will now ask the Democrat-controlled Congress to authorize a roughly $1.1 billion arms sale to Taiwan, as China continues to threaten the self-governing island nation. All of this and more, even as U.S. stockpiles continue to dwindle to dangerously low levels.

What could possibly go wrong? Biden’s America is dangerously morphing into Biden’s World.

The Defense Department has vigorously stepped up efforts to eliminate red tape in competing arms deals, a policy that could require overhauling defense production, as the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday:

The Pentagon last month created a task force of senior officials to examine longstanding inefficiencies in U.S. sales of billions of dollars of weaponry to foreign countries. The so-called “tiger team” will look at ways for the Defense Department to streamline parts of the program, according to a senior defense official, with the aim of putting coveted American drones, guns, helicopters, tanks, and other weaponry into partners’ and allies’ hands faster, officials said.

Increasing tensions with China and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have brought urgency to the review, which began within the Pentagon about a month ago, officials said.

The Pentagon executes much of the foreign arms-sales program but it is overseen by the State Department, which uses the $45 billion in annual weapons sales as a foreign-policy tool to spread American influence. Congress ultimately approves all foreign military sales.

“The Pentagon executes much of the foreign arms-sales program but it is overseen by the State Department.” Welp, let’s see…

The Pentagon? Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who kowtows to China by canceling scheduled missile tests, while pledging to provide “seamless access to reproductive care” in the aftermath of the overturn of Roe v. Wade? In effect pledging the U.S. military’s “readiness and resilience” to “continue to provide access” to abortion, as permitted by federal law. Check.

And the State Department? Where Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in November that there are “good faith” reasons for U.S. businesses not to condemn communist China? So, yeah — “check,” on Blinken and the State Department, as well.

In other words, what Biden’s left-wing handlers want, they get — even if it means America’s arms stockpiles are running on “empty.” Again, what could possibly go wrong?

Additionally, as the WSJ reported, with certain systems, the Pentagon approves contracts only once a year, so orders that miss an annual deadline are held until the next cycle, according to officials. The State Department provides input to the Pentagon-driven assessment. (No word on whether or not those “inputs” and “assessments” are affected by the use of “proper” pronouns, support of the “Pride”  movement, or gender “self-identification.” [sarcasm — but just barely.]

Here’s one of the major concerns among some in the defense industry, the federal government, and within Congress, via the WSJ:

The American foreign military sales system was designed to function during peacetime, not while the U.S. is supplying billions of dollars of military gear to an ally fighting Russia. Its primary goal has been to reinforce America’s allies and partners with American-made weapons. […]

But growing competition with nations such as China and Russia, which develop advanced weaponry at lower cost, has threatened to offset America’s competitive advantage in the race to arm friendly nations around the world.


Some in industry, government, and in Congress have grown alarmed at the convergence of challenges for the defense industry and U.S. military readiness. The war in Ukraine has led to worrisome shortages in America’s own weaponry stocks, including some ammunition.

Here’s one example:

One of the most lethal weapons the Pentagon has sent are howitzers that fire high-explosive 155mm ammunition weighing about 100 pounds each and able to accurately hit targets dozens of miles away. As of Aug. 24, the U.S. military said it had provided Ukraine with up to 806,000 rounds of 155mm ammunition. The U.S. military has declined to say how many rounds it had at the start of the year.

In recent weeks, the level of 155mm combat rounds in U.S. military storage have become “uncomfortably low,” one defense official said. The levels aren’t yet critical because the U.S. isn’t engaged in any major military conflict, the official added. “It is not at the level we would like to go into combat,” the defense official said.

Incidentally, the U.S. military used a howitzer as recently as last week to strike Iranian-backed groups in Syria, and the depletion of 155mm ammunition is increasingly concerning for a military that seeks to plan for any scenario.

China and Russia.

The bottom line, a defense official told the WSJ, is rising Chinese aggression against Taiwan and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have underscored the need for the United States to maintain “robust storehouses.” In addition, a U.S. official said:

The U.S. defense industry isn’t designed like it was in World War II. They don’t produce things just because we ask them to. They have to have a contract in hand.

Meanwhile, as the Miami Herald reported, snipers from Russia and other countries hostile to the United States competed in war games in Venezuela in events that were organized not only to show that Moscow still has friends but also that some of them are in America’s backyard.

Forces from Burma, Belarus, China, India, Pakistan, and Indonesia, among others, also participated in the competitions. These are nations that “daily condemn imperialist aggression against the peoples,” Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López declared as he inaugurated the “games.”

In addition, China has continued to expand its influence in Central and South America, as well. Over the past two decades, China has developed close economic and security ties with many Latin American countries, including Brazil and Venezuela. Beijing’s growing sway in the region has raised concerns in Washington and beyond.

The bottom line:

It’s one thing to allow U.S. military stockpiles to temporarily run low — it’s happened in the past — but quite another when the most inept U.S. president in history continues to spend taxpayer dollars like a drunken sailor in Ukraine, after purposely creating a disaster in Afghanistan; abandoning NATO allies, unconscionably leaving untold numbers of U.S. citizens behind Taliban lines, and irresponsibly walking away from more than $85 billion worth of military equipment.

As we reported in August 2021, Biden “gifted,” as it were, more than 600,000 weapons, 75,000 vehicles, and 200 aircraft to the Taliban, the most brutal terrorist organization on the planet. And now, Biden gives away military hardware as fast as defense contractors can make it. Almost, that is.

Yeah, I’m sure nothing could possibly go wrong.

Biden’s Sinister ‘Soul Of The Nation’ Speech Wasn’t His First Attempt To Target Political Opponents

Last summer, the Biden Administration published their ‘National Strategy,’ deeming any anti-government, anti-authority sentiment as potential extremism.

Never before has a president given a primetime address to the nation with a backdrop reminiscent of a 1930s authoritarian state to demonize half the country. With the blood-red lighting and two shadowy Marines flanking the President Joe Biden Thurday night, the message was clear: unity can only exist through submission.

The president’s job is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and our way of life. Given that solemn oath, what happens when the president and his administration view nearly half the country as “threats to democracy,” intent on “destroying democracy” to usher in an era of “semi-fascism?” If the president and his team truly believe “MAGA” and anyone who subscribes to the America First policies represents “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” how long will it be before the president officially declares tens of millions of Americans as domestic terrorists?

Biden’s speech was dark, gloomy, and filled with contradictions. The speech was not intended to unite Americans, nor was it meant to win over any new voters. While President Biden stated he “will not let anything tear us apart,” the speech was intended to do just that — by instilling fear and targeting his political opposition.

Everyone should pay attention because the Biden administration is not just targeting “MAGA Republicans.” They are targeting Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and disaffected Democrats who support the former president’s policies.

In June 2021, the administration released the “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.” Unfortunately, it went completely ignored by most media outlets, including conservative organizations. This document is filled with vague terminology where anyone who expresses what the Biden administration deems as anti-government, anti-authority sentiment has the potential to be labeled a domestic violent extremist. For those who believe this document is not designed to target political opposition, look at the dangerous progression since the document was released.

In September 2021, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona encouraged the National School Boards Association to write their now infamous letter requesting parents be investigated for complaining about mask mandates and critical race theory (CRT).

Five days later, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a Department of Justice (DOJ) memorandum doing just that. The Attorney General denied that this would target ordinary parents simply raising concerns and that it would only be reserved for actual threats. However, DOJ whistleblowers contradict Garland’s claims as the FBI created a new threat tag system and opened dozens of investigations into parents.

Anyone familiar with the “National Strategy” should not be surprised. In Pillar 4, one of the ways to combat domestic terrorism over the long term is by introducing CRT and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs throughout education curriculums. Under the “National Strategy,” it would make sense that those opposed to these programs would be considered potential threats.

Three months later, in January 2022, the DOJ announced the creation of a “specialized” domestic terrorism unit. To this day, very little is known about what this specialized unit does or why it’s even necessary given the extraordinary powers that have already been granted to the government to combat international and domestic terrorism since 9/11.

In April 2022, DHS Secretary Mayorkas announced the newly created Disinformation Governance Board. Due to the enormous pushback, DHS put the program on hiatus. Last week, they announced the idea has been officially terminated, but do not be surprised if it is rebranded and repackaged under another name. Remember, former press secretary Jen Psaki admitted that the White House flags what they consider as misinformation.

A month later, in May 2022, Biden came out accusing his political opponents of belonging to “the most extreme political organization in history- recent American history.” The extremist label was intentional, and it is no coincidence that the words extremist and extremism appear 27-times in the “National Strategy.” This is part of a sustained campaign to brand political opposition as domestic terrorists.

At the beginning of August 2022, the FBI made the unprecedented decision to raid the home of a former President. While there is a lot we don’t know, many critics of the FBI remain skeptical of the raid given the increasing political weaponization of the agency. However, according to Garland’s 2.5-minute statement on the raid, no one is allowed to question the professionalism and integrity of the FBI.

Last week, Biden dubbed the former president and those who support him as a “threat to our very democracy.” At a closed-door fundraiser, Biden took it even further, accusing anyone who supports the former president and his policies of “embrac[ing] political violence” and “semi-fascism.”

At a campaign rally earlier this week, Biden warned “brave right-wing Americans” that they will “need an F-15, you need something a little more than a gun.” What kind of president threatens F-15’s on their own population?

It’s not just the president, who simply reads the script, or his administration, allies in the media consistently use words like “purge,” “reeducate,” “eradicate” and “deprogram” when talking about republicans and Trump supporters. Senior leaders within the bureaucracy, the self-appointed guardians of democracy, continue to abuse their power by pushing ideology over public service.

This is a coordinated and sustained campaign to portray political opposition as an existential threat and enemies of the state. The timeline of events and the increasingly darker rhetoric indicates that we are heading towards an ominous period in American history.

Too many continue to ignore the mounting evidence of the administration’s sinister attempts to target their political opposition. Those that chalk this up to midterm election campaign rhetoric are delusional. If people had scrutinized the “National Strategy” when it was released over a year ago, perhaps we wouldn’t be in this position.

If the Biden administration continues down this trajectory, it is only a matter of time before former President Trump and his supporters are officially designated as a domestic terrorist organization.

Joe Biden Sounds Like a Cult Leader

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

By this point, I assume most political observers have caught wind of Joe Biden’s recent ill-advised national address. The president appeared in Pennsylvania, drenched in blood-red lighting as he ranted and raved about the “threats” posed by the “MAGA Republicans,” which he helpfully defined as basically everything to the right of Mitt Romney. It was equal parts gross and comical, with Biden beginning his remarks sounding like he was about to hack up a lung.

If you know anything about Biden, you know that he’s prone to latch onto tropes and repeat them over and over. That’s how we’ve gotten his “deer in kevlar vests” and “you need an F-15” lines more times than I can count. His national address was no different, recycling many of the same proclamations he’s made time and again.

That brings me to this tweet he made on Sunday, which was actually a reprisal of a line he delivered during his address, and it begs the question…Why does Joe Biden think he’s a cult leader?

There are a lot of things you can blame on Biden’s staff. After all, he’s largely controlled by them given he generally doesn’t know what day it is. But this “soul of the country” nonsense is so obviously his creation that it could hardly be mistaken for anything else. No president in modern history has had more delusions of grandeur than Joe Biden. He truly believes he’s a transformational figure with the moral authority to dictate the very being of the nation he ostensibly stewards.

The problem? Biden is not actually a moral authority at all. He’s a far-left, abortion-loving radical who allegedly showered with his daughter and has enabled a son who defines the term “degenerate.” He’s also a divisive demagogue with authoritarian tendencies. Does that sound like a man who can “heal” the “soul of this country?”

Of course, Biden would love to be the arbiter of all that’s right and good. He and his overly-ambitious wife rode into the White House largely based on the lie that they represented “decency” and “normalcy” in the face of the bad orange man. What we’ve gotten since has been anything but, and one look at Biden’s personal life prior to him becoming president would have revealed what a farce that caricature was and remains.

The president is his own biggest fan for a reason, and he desperately wants history to remember him for something other than sky-high inflation and getting punked by the Russians. That’s where this “soul of the country” bit comes from. It comes from a vulnerable place within a bitter man who can’t fathom his failures becoming part of the historical record. His solution? Invent, essentially out of whole cloth, the idea that our “democracy” is in danger and that only he can save it, painting himself as a transcendent leader.

Very few people actually buy that, though, and the quasi-religious tripe he’s peddling simply comes across as weird and pathetic. Biden should really come up with some new material, but he won’t. So get ready for a lot more soul-saving and deer wearing kevlar vests.

ABC News Is Now Asking Uncomfortable Questions About Biden, Shady Dem Tactic of Boosting MAGA Candidates

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

During this primary election cycle, a deceptive ploy by Democrats to get their candidates an easier ride into office has emerged–funneling campaign ad dollars into efforts to get the opponent of their choosing on the other side. The topic was brought up Sunday, surprisingly, during ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” by co-host Martha Raddatz.

Earlier in the program, as my colleague Bonchie shared, former mayor of Atlanta and current Biden senior adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms doubled down on the dangerous, hateful rhetoric President Joe Biden spewed during his prime time address Thursday.

But the host also tried to ask Bottoms whether she supports the Democrat tactic of boosting what they consider, to borrow a term from Joe, “ultra MAGA” and unelectable Republican candidates–to handpick for their nominees to defeat in the fall.

Here’s the exchange:

RADDATZ: The president criticized MAGA Republicans for electing election deniers, yet Democrats are promoting far right candidates in GOP primaries. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan tweeted in response, if President Biden is truly serious about threats to democracy, then he would condemn the tens of millions of Democratic groups who have spent money promoting extremists threatening democracy. Obviously in the end, they hope that Democrats will win. That’s why they’re spending that money.

But should the president speak out against members of his party who have boosted these so-called extreme candidates?

BOTTOMS: I think what the president will continue to do is encourage people to go out and vote their conscience, whatever their conscience maybe. And what the president will continue to do is what we saw him do just this week, is to remind people of who we are as a country, who we are a nation. We are a nation that —

RADDATZ: So, does he support that? Does he support supporting those extreme candidates?

BOTTOMS: I cannot speak to what the president support. I can speak to what he has said publicly. And what he has said publicly is that we are a nation that values the rule of law, that we are nation of peace, that we are a nation that values a peaceful transition of power and this MAGA agenda has no place in our democracy.

So, that’s a duck of answering the question.

During the panel segment, Raddatz returned to the topic, asking USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page about the question “[she] asked Keisha Lance Bottoms and that is, the funding of extreme candidates by the Democrats. How much does that hurt them and should Biden speak out and say, wait a minute?”

The host continued:

I mean, again, the Democrats are hoping if they fund these extreme candidates they’ll run against those extreme candidates and they’ll win. But the look is not good.

Page noted, and Raddatz agreed, that both Bottoms’ non-answer and the look she shot Raddatz showed she didn’t want to answer a question like that. You’d have to guess she thought she was in friendly territory on a show like “This Week,” full of softball questions she’s prepared to knock out of the park.

Then Page delved into the ramifications of Democrats ducking the question–including the leader of their party, Joe Biden:

The question — she didn’t defend this practice of trying to boost the most extreme candidate on the other side in the hopes of an easier general election. But the risk is, sometimes the other candidate might get actually elected. And you have helped elect put in office an election denier.

It also cedes the high ground. The Democrats — the cases where the Democrats have done it, they have ceded the political high ground and I think that — I think — I would like to hear President Biden answer a direct question about this.

When you’ve lost USA Today and ABC News, you’re not doing all that well.

Watch their exchange in the video below: