Sunday, September 4, 2022

America vs. Europe

Americans are not interested in being told what to do in exchange for being able to say, “it wasn’t my fault.” Americans will succeed or fail on their own terms.

Europe is a test bed for terrible ideas. All are variants of communism and fascism. Yes, they’ve been tried before. And no, they didn’t work. But you can just hear the great minds of Europe grinding away inside their medieval castles (moats swimming with champagne-washed crocodiles): Shall we try food shortages again? We tried them before, but what if this time we tell people they can eat bugs! Can we get them to eat bugs? Or: What if we pass laws making it illegal to get fuel oil—except from our enemies! And then we surprise people with a tenfold increase in the cost of electricity! It’ll be like the winter of 1942!

Europe’s elites casually toss around these big-brain ideas while enjoying personal comforts that are as perfect as any that existed in the royal courts of old: They enjoy the finest foods, well-guarded luxury homes, the most convenient travel (private jets all the way to the global warming conference). When French President Emmanuel Macron tells his people we have reached “an end of abundance,” he doesn’t mean an end of his abundance. It’s not as though the butler will come running upstairs one evening with an emergency message from the chef saying they’ve run out of truffle oil. The people who are doing this to Europe never run out of truffle oil. One can sympathize with the undercurrents of dissatisfaction that lead to an occasional monarchal decapitation. 

But Europe generally gets away with this because the Europeans expect and want to be ruled. As a German described it to pioneer correspondent William L. Shirer after the Nuremberg rallies, they are “geborene Untertanen”—born subjects. Though, as Shirer notes, “Untertan” also implies submissiveness. They expect to be bossed around, told what to do. It is a view I found nicely encapsulated in a video of a group of Irish YouTubers going to a gun range to try shooting for the first time: They observe it “seems crazy” that ordinary people could have something like that in their houses. Indeed. Such power, Europeans think, belongs only in the hands of our masters. 

This servant mentality has some advantages for the servant—many, in fact. A servant has no real agency in the world, and therefore is not responsible for his failures. He is a mere instrument of higher authority and higher will. He can’t enjoy smashing personal success, but he doesn’t need to worry about amounting to nothing—because “nothing” is the default. Most importantly, he makes no moral judgment about what he does for the authorities. If they tell him to build a bridge, he builds a bridge; if they tell him to build a concentration camp, he builds a concentration camp. (I heard this very example given not long ago by a European journalist being interviewed for a travel program.) 

In the worst-case scenario, when it all goes horribly wrong, the European can fall back on his favorite catch-all excuse: “I was just following orders.” That may seem like a simplistic attitude, but it has been used successfully to eliminate personal guilt from millions and millions of murders. 

For some people—for many—this is the desired mode of life: No responsibility. No success. No failure. Just—existence. As though to breathe were life (as Tennyson has Ulysees put it). 

But not in America: Americans are not interested in a life of guaranteed mediocrity. Americans are not interested in being told what to do in exchange for being able to say, “it wasn’t my fault.” Americans will succeed or fail on their own terms. They are not interested in working for the government—directly or indirectly. They are not subjects. That is why we left Europe behind. 

If only Europe would stay in Europe. When New York responds to the Supreme Court’s invalidation of their gun ban with a brand new ban, when California forbids the sale of gasoline cars and then tells drivers not to charge their electric cars, we can feel the walls of Europe closing in on America. We are, in this respect, victims of our own success: European-style subservience scents other peoples’ success and will show up wherever American daring has paved the way, sucking up the gleanings. Some people do actually wish to be slaves and want only to serve the wealthiest king. (That’s why they’re doing a decent amount of Chinese bootlicking as well these days. Thirty years ago, it was Japanese bootlicking.) 

The best preventative is to keep our own governments—on every level—small, poor, and weak. If people want strong government and the subservience that goes with it, they have every other country in the world to choose from. 

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 4


More NCIS LA info coming this week. 🤞🤞 that it makes me happy. Here's tonight's news:

It’s the Midnight Hour: Saving America Now Requires Ruthless Offense

Congress should defund most federal agencies, investigate and refer charges, and create rapid offense comms teams. States should block federal agencies from operating within their borders.

The Book of Ecclesiastes tells us there is nothing new under the sun. But there is undeniably something new happening in American history. New and terrible. No hyperbole; we are living through the greatest threat to America since the Civil War. 

This new threat, which has been germinating its poisonous fruit for decades in the darkened earth of sheltered universities, federal agencies, and media newsrooms has erupted into such full and ugly view today that it cannot be met and defeated, or even retarded, with any of our normal methods. 

For quite a while we have been calling and hoping for serious, broad-ranging congressional investigations starting January 3, 2023, when the new Congress is sworn in. Lord willing, there will be a GOP majority in the House, at least. From FBI collusion to armed IRS skullduggery to CDC/FDA corruption and malfeasance to the Department of Education’s horror show to the rest of the rogues’ gallery of federal threats, the GOP should be aggressively investigating and calling to the government to account on behalf of the American people. 

I no longer think that will be enough. The hour is simply too late. 

August 8 was Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon River, the moment when our rulers untethered themselves from the last restraints and embarked upon a no-return option. Federal agents, mimicking Third-World enforcers of a new regime, raided President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate and plundered whatever they wanted. As I wrote here in June, corrupt institutions require armed enforcers and America is not immune to this threat—as August 8, COVID and the Trump-Russia collusion hoax must have demonstrated to every reasonable person’s satisfaction. And now the IRS will be adding 87,000 new agents whose job description, before it was scrubbed to be more palatable, included being willing to use deadly force against their fellow Americans. It’s guaranteed that there will be a thought-purity test for these new hires. They are meant to be intimidators in addition to enforcers. 

Make no mistake. The new authoritarians in Washington, D.C. intend to criminally charge President Trump and perp-walk him as the hated avatar for all of us who still believe in the Constitution, the American Dream, and American exceptionalism. The charges could be obstruction of an official proceeding or conspiracy or frankly anything they feel like demanding. Conviction is not the end goal. Destroying the most powerful representative of traditionalist American ideals is. This is the ruling regime’s bald-faced attempt to intimidate and cow traditional America-loving citizens into silence and obedience. 

It cannot be allowed to work. And so congressional investigations alone, operating in the normal swamp environment, are inadequate. They will allow for a lot of posturing and sound bites as we have seen over and over, but will ultimately usher in no change because the Leviathan of the permanent administrative state will grind on. See 2016-2020. It is this Leviathan that must be extirpated first. As long as it exists, all else will be a harmless fringe show—bread and circuses.

Defund and Reconstitute the Feds 

The very first thing that needs to happen is Congress must shut down broad swathes of the federal permanent state. Put all on notice, the permanency is no longer. To some this may sound audacious, absurd and over the top. It’s not, if we are awake enough to realize the imminent peril and want to have anything like the America we have known to hand down to our children. 

Defund everything except the military, the Customs and Border Protection, and Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid and whatever Congress and those areas need for support. (This may need modifying, but not much.) So, what departments can be shut down temporarily or permanently with minimal disruption outside the bureaucracies themselves? 

  •     Department of Agriculture
  •     Department of Commerce
  •     Department of Education
  •     Department of Energy
  •     Department of Health and Human Services
  •     Most of Department of Homeland Security
  •     Department of Interior
  •     Department of Labor
  •     Most of the Department of State
  •     Department of Transportation

 Major Agencies:

■      AmeriCorps

■      Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

■      Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

■      Farm Credit Administration (FCA)

■      Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)

■      Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA)

■      Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

■      National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

■      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

■      National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)

■      National Science Foundation (NSF)

■      Office of Government Ethics (OGE)

■      Peace Corps

■      Small Business Administration (SBA)

■      Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

■      United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 

Many of these departments and agencies exist as net detriments to most Americans, simply consuming for their own existence. Much of this list should never be reconstituted, and those parts that are should acquire new legislative restrictions, oversight and transparency—and perhaps sunset clauses in all of them, requiring them to consistently prove their worth. 

This level of shutdown is the ultimate disruption of the corrupt norms. And then every congressional committee that exists in every arm of Congress needs to launch full-scale investigations of these agencies, their actions and individuals’ actions from 2016 onward. Criminal cases should be built when appropriate, but everything should be brought to light. No congressional activity will be more critical for our country than this broad-scale action. 

With every ugly, hairy federal wart that is revealed through the investigations, it will become that much easier to make the case for funding a whole new kind of greatly diminished federal government. The revelations must disgust enough Americans to open their eyes and see the moment. And as our forefathers did in 1776, the rebuilt federal government must be one constructed on indelible principles grounded in reality. 

And there is where the real work begins: Rebuilding a constrained, transparent, accountable federal government means actually relitigating 1776. The Left has been doing this for several years and it is part of why we are at this juncture. Our founders, in all their brilliance and with all their faults—and their ability to see their own faults—recognized that any structure reliant on the concept of the goodness of mankind was doomed. All of history proves this, and it is the precise fight we are engaged in now. 

The differences between the sides are pretty straightforward. Those who believe government is benevolent and looking out for the citizens’ best interests, who believe in the precepts of the ESG movement and all its component parts for the collective good, who don’t believe in the measurable exceptionalism of America, are pitted against the founding fathers. We will have what amounts to  a monarchical self-appointed elite making all the decisions for society, or it will be we the people. It’s 1776 America or it’s 1789 France. 

Our founders studied history, they knew the lessons learned in the History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides, the Roman Civil Wars, the English Civil Wars and countless revolutions. They actually learned from this study that reliance on a man or a group of men or centralized government authority always ends badly. And so, they created purposeful friction between the tightly restrained three branches of the federal government and second-level friction between the feds and the states, all drawing on the bet that human nature in each area would keep overbearing government in check. And they were right . . . until we lost our balance. We are badly out of balance today. 

So with the defunding/defanging of the Leviathan, the rebuilding must be on the 1776 foundation. We can’t just shave Leviathan. That sounds so out there, so old, so undoable. But we’ve kicked the can down the road for generations, stuffed with comforts and ease, ceding more and more rights to temporarily protect those comforts, pretending that millennia of history didn’t precede us. Now it will take radical action to effect any meaningful reform. Any more attempts to kick the can down the road now amount to hoisting the white flag of surrender, walking away from the America we inherited. There is no more time. 

Rapid Offense Communications

The GOP and allies will require a 24/7 rapid offense comms team that has the sole job of messaging what is happening through every channel possible—conservative media, legacy media (but only in opinion columns where the author controls the message), direct email that is not fundraising, designated spokesmen for each element, able to communicate clearly without stepping on landmines. This team would use many of the GOP election campaign strategies required to bypass the media. 

The Democratic Party’s legacy media absolutely cannot be allowed to set the tone and frame each issue as they are accustomed to doing. They must constantly be responding to the framing by the rapid offense comms team. They don’t have much experience in playing defense, and that can be used to the GOP’s benefit. 

Reality Check

What if the GOP caucus had the spine and integrity to start with at least defunding and shutting down the FBI, which is now as rogue as they come and has proven they are willing to come after former presidents and sitting congressmen in broad daylight? 

Kyle Shideler makes the case of FBI corruption and the need to reconstitute: 

The solution to the abuses we now endure is not just to subject the FBI to another fruitless inspector general investigation but to dismantle it completely. The bureau cannot be the focus of yet another congressional hearing. FBI Director Christopher Wray, like his predecessors, is more than happy to sit smirking while a handful of grandstanding congressmen and senators pound the table and yell on C-SPAN. Then he’ll jet off for a holiday vacation on a taxpayer-funded private jet while the same congressmen vote to increase his budget. Again. No, the FBI must be rendered into component parts and distributed to the four winds.

Shideler then explains one method to responsibly abolish and re-establish a new federal law enforcement agency. It’s short but workable. And if it can be done with the FBI, it can be done with many lesser agencies. If not all at once, one or two at a time. Departments of Energy, Education, Labor, Commerce. 

Alas, like the founders, we cannot put all of our hopes in a congressional “red wave” making the radical reforms necessary in the federal government. Fortunately, a lot can happen outside of Congress and Washington, D.C.—if there is a will. 

States Interposition 

Following the rubric of playing offense on every front, GOP-governed states should use every constitutional authority they have to thwart federal agencies. 

Governors should not allow obviously corrupted institutions to have authority over their states’ residents. And they don’t need to. All that is required is the will to do right using the principle of state interposition, which I wrote abouthere. We need governors with the basic set of principles and the metaphorical cojones to act. 

True dissolution of federal agencies can be accomplished by states saying those agencies can no longer operate inside their borders. This is quite arguably within the constitutional authority of states. For instance, the EPA would have no more authority in Texas. The Texas Environmental Protection Division would enforce the Texas legislature’s laws and the will of Texans. This would undoubtedly be challenged in court, but it follows the very basic Jeffersonian principle: “The government closest to the people serves the people best.” 

If enough red states act in this way, they will erode the federal agencies’ permanent bureaucratic power and begin to collapse them. That could work to embolden squishy GOP members of Congress to locate their spines. And then we could have a spiral of momentum to actually do what is needed. 

Mutually Assured Destruction Lawfare

Running both in conjunction with, and separate from, congressional and state actions, the conservosphere has increasing strength in the legal arena. The American Center for Law and Justice and the Alliance Defending Freedom are two of several such organizations that are being more aggressive and successful. We are witnessing consistent wins regarding COVID-related civil rights abuses and other overreaches. 

But these organizations need to up the ante, going on offense with a mutually assured destruction type of lawfare. They are almost entirely responsive today. The Left and the feds have for too long owned a lopsided field in lawfare, cowing so many Americans into subservience. That also must end. And it can. We have the basic infrastructure in place, and the funding is out there to greatly expand it. (Note this New York Times story of a clever $1.6 billion donation by one man to fund conservative causes through a known success mechanism.) 

Many on the Left may not be up for a response that is in-kind or greater, going after individuals, businesses and government entities such as the Right has endured for many years. Think how Israel has had to respond to the physical attacks on them from multiple enemy neighbors for generations—it hasn’t been pretty, but Israel survives to this day. Sometimes ugliness is required to survive. 

Endless Offense 

Again, the Left has been successful over many years with flooding the zone. Conservatives and Republicans are on the defense all the time. A part of that is the nature of conservatism—to conserve what exists is a defensive posture. But that is also a distinct weakness when facing what the nation is facing today, and one that must be overcome now. 

So in addition to whatever level of shutdowns can be accomplished, broad-scale investigations, state interposition, and aggressive lawfare, there are some serious constitutional revisions that should be pursued. Here is a starter list that Julio Gonzalez, a former member of the Florida legislature, covered in his book, The Federalist Pages. (Disclosure: I edited this book.) 

  1.   Create a balanced budget amendment with a 30 percent over-budget provision for times of emergency so that maximum budgetary allowance for the federal government is 130 percent revenue. This is a form of starving the beast and reining in our endlessly ballooning debt and would be enormously popular.
  2.   Repeal the 16th Amendment and replace it with a modification of the original taxation scheme where the states are taxed by the federal government and the states then raise the revenue. The taxation responsibilities would be weighted according to GDP or a relative wealth index of the various states.
  3.   Repeal the 17th Amendment and return to the model where the senators are elected directly by the state legislatures.
  4.   Require a member of Congress to to actually live in the district which he or she represents.
  5.   Require term limits for federal employees, not for elected officials.

All of this will seem overwhelming and unnecessary unless we are awake enough to realize that simply relying on the next “red wave” to save us is a futile hope. We’ve had multiple red waves just this century, including the Tea Party. And yet the Leviathan of state has shrugged them all off, grown enormously and, concomitantly, the rights of Americans have shrunk rapidly. 

If Republican politicians continue to play the “my reelection first” game and kick the can down the road, the final and unthinkable worst eventually becomes the only alternative remaining. That cannot happen. We’re in the midnight hour. Maybe, just maybe, enough members of Congress and governors—with the people supporting them—will prioritize stopping the ultimate national nightmare above their petty, short-term political futures.

Joe Biden Is a Cynical Coward, Not an Evil Mastermind

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

On Thursday evening, Joe Biden delivered the most disgusting speech any president has given since televised national addresses began. It was demagogic, it was filled with falsehoods, and it set out to paint half the nation as inherently threatening to the very foundation of the republic.

The visuals were no better, with Biden standing in front of a blood-red background, flanked by military members, as he ranted about the dangers of Americans who are pro-life, among other things. That he was also front-lit in a way that made him look like Mussolini only added to the spectacle. The speech was something more, though.

It was bait.

Joe Biden is a senile old man bolstered by years of radical ideology, but he’s not an evil mastermind. He’s a cosplaying coward, faced with a mountain of failures of his own making desperately looking for a way to distract the eye of the American people. That speech wasn’t meant to lay the groundwork for shipping Republicans off to camps. It was meant to turn the conversation from the economy, the border, and the nation’s disastrous foreign policy to a slap fight about “democracy.”

After all, nothing gets the left going more than hearing someone say “our democracy is in danger.” It’s like catnip to them. Take this recent headline from The Washington Post as an example.

The reality is that our democracy is not in danger. It was not in danger on January 6th, no matter what your feelings on the riot are, and it is certainly not in danger in September of 2022. That narrative is being pushed for one reason: To help Democrats headed into the mid-terms. It is not a serious critique of the current situation, it is a cynical ploy by a man who can’t afford for people to pay attention to his record.

Biden wants to have the national conversation to be centered on “MAGA Republicans” and a supposed fight over “the soul of the nation.” The worst thing Republicans could do is overcorrect in response to his ridiculous speech, giving him exactly what he wants. This isn’t the time to lash out, escalate our language, and play into the caricature Democrats falsely paint of the GOP just in time to alienate voters before the mid-terms. Rather, it’s the time to point and laugh in the face of these lunatics while making sure the president isn’t let off the hook.

Biden is a deranged clown. He’s been a joke his entire career, and that hasn’t changed with him in the White House. His delusions of grandeur as a great statesman only bolster that fact. The way to beat him is to not play his game and to deliver a resounding defeat to his party. Do that, and there won’t be enough popcorn in existence to enjoy the meltdown.

The Madness of Teaching Children Nihilism Through the Insanity of the Green Energy Agenda

During his weekly monologue, a refreshing blast of commonsense amid a world gone mad, GBNews host Neil Oliver pushes back against the ridiculous ‘green’ propaganda that people are parasites on the planet.

Generations of children have been taught their existence is destroying the world, and the growing population is the source of environmental damage.  Yet none of that is true.  Greta Thunberg, the weird Swedish kid who tells all the adults around her what to do – and they listen, is the textbook example of a child scared out of her wits by anti-human propaganda, who grows up to become a cult leader.  WATCH:

[Transcript] – It’s time to stand up for humanity. Underlying so much of what is wrong in the West now, is a pernicious, baleful belief that there are too many people in the world – that people are the problem.

Generations have grown among us that have been taught – actually taught to believe – that our species is some sort of plague upon the Earth, a planet-wide cancer, if you will – that human beings only destroy, only do harm, only contribute one by one and billion by billion to the end of the world.

There are uncounted millions of children out there right now who are growing up unhappy and terrified of the future – all because relentless anti-human propaganda dressed up as Green politics and policies – the activities of outfits like Extinction Rebellion and many others besides – have made them feel guilty just for being here and alive.

There are so many adults who talk about how they, “Don’t feel it’s right to bring a child into this world.” Plenty more, if they allow themselves to have children at all, consciously limit how many they have – not because they don’t want them, wouldn’t love them, cannot afford to raise them, but because the guilt they have internalised persuades them a child is a sinful indulgence – a wrong committed against the planet and against nature.

Those are people who have been affected by more of the same propaganda that openly declares the world would be better off without us, better off without most of us at least.

How many possible people, fellow travellers – individuals whose contributions to the world will never be known because they were never born – have we been denied on account of anti-human fear mongering? This is a profound evil and it has to stop.

All the time we are told there are so many of us now – approximately 8 billion and counting – that we are collectively an unsustainable drain on finite natural resources.

This nihilism has been in the air since at least the work of the Reverend – note that he was a man of the cloth – Thomas Malthus, who published An Essay on the Principle of Population in 1798. Malthusianism concluded that a species – yeast, rats, whatever – eventually multiplies until there are too many individuals for the available food supply, so that all must starve.

In the 20th century more harm was done by American biologist Paul Ehrlich and his bestselling book The Population Bomb that predicted, in 1968, imminent world-wide famine caused by over population.

The scientific theory of Reverend Malthus was hopelessly flawed, and Paul Ehrlich’s famines never happened.

But in spite of how wrong both scientists were in concluding people were the problem, the fear and the anti-human rhetoric has stayed with us.

Now that same fear emboldens destructive nonsense like Net Zero and Agenda 2030 that will, by denying them access to plentiful cheap fuel, perpetuate the poverty of hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people while simultaneously dangling millions in the so-called developed West back over the same old yawning abyss that swallowed so many of our ancestors.

Lord Grey, British Foreign Secretary at the outbreak of World War I famously said, “The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.” He was talking about the looming darkness of war, its attendant miseries. More than a century after the war to end all wars the lights are being extinguished again.

This time it’s on account of a war being waged against all of us by the ruling classes. Blackouts, energy rationing, in Germany, in France, in Poland, in Spain and all over. Winter is coming and people will die – not because of Global warming, but because of cold and hunger, on the continent that was a birthplace of civilisation.

In Germany people are cutting down trees for firewood so they might heat their homes and cook food this winter in the absence of natural gas. France has gone from being an exporter of energy to a country in which energy must be rationed.

Here in Britain there’s talk of 70 percent of restaurants preparing to close … for the last time … for want of plentiful cheap fuel. There is talk too of rationing and blackouts, closed schools and cold swimming pools. PM Boris Johnson has made it all about Ukraine – the sacrifices he loftily declares Britons must make in support of Ukrainians. But the energy situation is the product of many years of insane, ruinous policy-making driven in its entirety by Green zealotry. And always remember too that Johnson, like the rest of those preaching necessary hardship, has no intention whatever of experiencing so much as a moment of discomfort.

His gilded world of excess, of plentiful food and the thermostat turned round to full will continue without the merest disruption.

And while we’re on the subject of Green, it is always worth exposing the lying hypocrisy that underlies the Green movement.

If we’re supposed to be about saving the planet, how are we meant to square that with the catastrophic damage to landscapes and ecosystems that results from the making of all the batteries to store the electricity – electricity still generated mostly by fossil fuels?

The extraction and processing of the rare earth element lithium is wildly destructive of environments and ecosystems, as rapacious as any other mining, and also toxic.

So too the acquisition of cobalt – most of which comes from the DRC and exploits the labour of children in circumstances little different from slavery.

It has been estimated that 50 tonnes of ore are processed to make the battery for just one EV.

How many people acknowledge to themselves that when they depress the accelerator in their shiny Green EV, they are putting the boot in to some of the world’s poorest children?

Presumably the Malthusians and the acolytes of Ehrlich rest easy, insulated by their belief there are too many children anyway. None of it is Green.

What it is … is grotesque. It is a ruthless and determined ideology. It is about changing society by having people accept a leap back into the impoverished past. It is about weakening people, diminishing people’s options so they are more susceptible to control.

All of this madness is excused and promoted as the remedy for a world being overheated by too many people using too much natural gas, oil and coal. Renewables – energy generation based on wind and sunlight – will never … never … replace fossil fuels in a like-for-like hand over.

What is being forced on what was once the most developed continent in the world is fuel poverty and all its myriad consequences.

Millions of people – all but the richest elite – are being coerced into smaller, colder, hungrier, darker lives.

All of this incoming misery is necessary medicine, we are told by those who travel endlessly in their private jets – the biggest generators of the infinitely maligned and demonised CO2 – for a planet made terminally ill, choking to death on too many human beings.

A new book – Superabundance – the Age of Plenty – by Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley – invites us to consider that more people actually means more ideas and thereby the inspiration for more solutions to problems.

For almost all of the 2 to 3 hundred thousand years our species has been here, virtually every individual endured a life inconceivably tough, miserable and short compared to our own. The mass of people were poor – in every sense – in ways that are impossible for us to imagine.

It wasn’t until around 1800 that the world’s population reached one billion for the first time. Now there are 8 billion of us – and more of those than ever before – more than any Malthusian could ever have imagined – are living longer, better lives, freed from poverty.

The possibilities actually made manifest by our numbers mean we are infinitely better equipped to solve our problems, carry more and more people into better futures.

I watched a podcast this week in which Marian Tupy talked about the potential of combining different elements. There are around 100 elements on the periodic table. It took our species the better part of 200,000 years to discover you could combine copper and tin to make bronze. That’s just one combination of just two elements.

Once you start thinking about combining groups of 4 elements – and wondering what those combinations might offer – you realise the same 100 elements allow for 94 million different combinations.

Now, says Tupy, if you think about all the possible combinations of 10 elements – mixing 10 elements at once – you have possibilities more numerous than the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Big Bang, 14 billion years ago.

We are smart compared to our Bronze Age ancestors, but the potential of our future, made possible by all the ideas and innovation drawn from billions of people, unique individuals, becomes limitless.

Thinking we will run out of resources is like thinking we will run out of tunes because there are only 8 notes.

It is also useful to appreciate that in the almost empty world of our ancestors, good ideas often died like sparks in the darkness, for want of others of like mind to help cradle them, coax them into fire.

For most of our species’ history we were too few, and so the sparks flashed for moments and then went out forever. Only once there were billions of us together, sharing ideas, did we reach the point where we could make life better for the many rather than just the few.

Here’s the thing: to seek to persuade generations of children that they and their kind are a plague upon the earth, a curse, is an unforgivable wrong.

In many ways Greta Thunberg is the textbook example of a child frightened out of her wits by anti-human propaganda. Her fear was picked up and weaponised by adults determined not to improve the lot of the many, but to favour and enrich, beyond imagining, the few.

Natalism is a belief that promotes the reproduction of human life as a good idea. It is high time we recognised that the agenda being pushed upon us now is anti-human and predicated upon the belief that a world with far fewer people in it would be much better for the few that remain.

By now you will likely have heard the words “Useless eaters” to describe the mass of the human population. It’s not a fringe term – it’s freely thrown around by public intellectuals like Yuval Noah Harari, closely allied to the World Economic Forum. Keep a close watch on any and all who would describe, let alone dismiss, as useless eaters, billions of fellow human beings, each with his or her own unique hopes and dreams.

We split from the species that would become chimpanzees and gorillas some 6 or 7 million years ago. Courtesy of clever hands we have clung to existence on this earth ever since, often by our fingertips. It has been a close-run thing more than once – times in the not too distant past when the whole human species numbered perhaps just a few thousand individuals.

We are challenged by plenty of things. We are infinitesimal specks of existence on a blue dot in the dark. We have enough to contend with in the years ahead. Who, after all, gets to decide which of us eaters are useless? I say it is time to remember and to have some respect for the species that has, inside three pounds of rosy-pink meat, beneath a thin cap of bone, a human consciousness, still barely understood, that represents the most profoundly astonishing creation of the universe that we know about so far.

In ways best expressed by philosophers, the universe only exists because we – we troubled and troublesome human animals – are here to comprehend it. Our eyes evoke the blue of the sky.

Our ears evoke the sound of thunder. The light from distant stars is only able to begin its unimaginable journey because our eyes, optic nerves and brains are here ready to receive the photons and so be dazzled by their brilliance.

But for us, Homo sapiens, the universe – and everything that surrounds it – might be mere meaningless quanta.

That so many are denied the opportunity to reach their potential – to give what they have to give – is on account of years and years of deliberate schemes to keep us inadequately educated, thereby dependent upon malevolent institutions, lied to and, worst of all, in a perpetual state of fear.

What those malign elements fear above all are smart, educated, independent, happy people who DO NOT NEED THEM. I say it is time to stand up for the people … all of the people. And I say the more people, the merrier.