Thursday, September 1, 2022

Biden Speech Will Demand We Give Up Freedom, Stop Resisting Collectivism and Unite as One Nation Conforming to the Dictates of His Administration

According to a prepared release from the White House, tonight Joe Biden will identify all members of the resistance as a threat to his view of American democracy.

The roadmap to the future aspirations of Democrats in power was made clear in their deployment of the COVID-19 control mechanisms.  That power now forms the baseline of the midterm election effort of government ruling the lives of people, forever.  All resistance to the effort is ‘domestic terrorism,’ and the state police (FBI) have been instructed to target all opposition with extreme prejudice.

Once again, the passive aggressive Alinsky mindset is on display.  In Joe Biden’s America, democracy must be destroyed in order to preserve it.  Individualism must be crushed, in order to create the crisis of the all-powerful collectivist state.

A constitutional republic built on the foundation of individual liberty stands directly in the way of the new foundation.  The weapons of internal surveillance, DHS, DOJ-NSD, FBI and ODNI are now primed for full deployment against any ‘domestic terrorists’ who would oppose the regime.

As the worldview is expressed, opposing Anthony Fauci was considered to be an attack on the very foundation of science itself; and now, opposing Joe Biden is opposing the foundation of a democracy.  A democracy built upon fraud.

You will conform to the new control mechanisms.

You will conform to the lockdowns.

You will conform to the social distancing.

You will conform to the mask wearing.

You will conform to the mandated vaccination.

You will conform to the new energy economy.

You will conform to the new electric vehicles.

You will conform to the new energy equity programs.

You will conform to the new speech guidelines.

You will conform….

Everything about the “new democracy,” the Build Back Better democracy, is based on conformity.


William Barr remains the defender 
of the deep state at its worst.

The FBI’s August 8 raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence has called out commentary from all quarters. Last week, former Attorney General William Barr told the Bari Weiss podcast what he thought about it. 

“Number one is that I think a lot of the attacks on the FBI are over the top because a decision like this is not made by the FBI,” Barr said. “In fact, I don’t think the FBI would push a decision that it’s best to go in and search and obtain those documents after being jerked around for a year and a half. The decision would be made at the Department of Justice, by subordinates of the AG, and ultimately signed off on by the AG. The FBI would be told to go and execute it. I think the idea that the FBI is the problem here is misplaced.” 

Barr was more disturbed by “the constant pandering to outrage” on the Right, without discussion of whether the outrage had any merit. The FBI seized Trump’s passports, leaving the impression that the former president had committed a crime and was now a flight risk. FBI agents also rummaged through the closets and dressers of Melania Trump. While Trump attorneys were forced outside, the FBI easily could have planted or destroyed information. If anyone was outraged about that conduct, it would be hard to blame them. 

Weiss brought up the “Russiagate” episode, as the host explained, “the idea that Donald Trump was a compromised agent of Moscow. That there were deep connections between Trump’s people and Russian intelligence. That the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russians, including by hacking Democratic National Committee emails.” Barr remained in his defensive stance. 

“Well, the Russiagate thing, I think, to the extent the FBI was misused was decisions made by high-level officials in the FBI,” the former attorney general answered. “I don’t think that Chris Wray is that type of leader nor do I think the people around Chris Wray are those types of leaders. I think there are problems in the FBI, but it’s not that. It’s not Chris Wray. Wray is going to wake up and say, you know, ‘How do I throw the FBI’s weight around to interfere in the political process.’ Just the opposite. I think he’s very cautious about that.”

Many observers might not think so.

When selected as FBI boss, Wray denied any “spying” had taken place against the Trump campaign. As the world now knows, the FBI did spy on the Trump campaign. In 2018, Wray proclaimed, “I do not believe special counsel Mueller is on a witch hunt.” 

Mueller’s “professional investigation,” aided by partisan Democrats, turned up no evidence of collusion with Russia. All told, Christopher Wray doesn’t sound like someone who is “very cautious” about interfering in the political process, and he was all-in with the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Weiss recalled that Barr “had been in the CIA” and worked as attorney general under George H. W. Bush. Weiss did not recall Barr’s defense of the FBI in a case that marked 30 years only days before the interview. 

During the Ruby Ridge siege of 1992, the FBI deployed a massive military force against a single family. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot unarmed Vicki Weaver in the head as she held her infant child. Snipers are trained carefully to “acquire” the target, so the killing was not accidental, as FBI boss Louis Freeh claimed in 1995

Barr spent two weeks organizing former attorney generals to defend Horiuchi, who already had government lawyers working on his behalf. Barr told reporters he was not directly involved in Ruby Ridge, but the Washington Post revealed that the Justice Department made 20 telephone contacts with the operation, two of them from William Barr’s office. The Weaver family filed a wrongful death lawsuit and the government paid $3 million. When an Idaho county filed criminal charges against Horiuchi, Barr sought immunity for the FBI sniper. 

The shoot-without-provocation rules were approved by the FBI’s Larry Potts. When Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno nominated Potts for deputy director of the FBI, William Barr told the New York Times Potts was “deliberate and careful” and “I can’t think of enough good things to say about him.” In 2022, Barr has nothing but praise for Christopher Wray. 

To all but the willfully blind, the FBI is now the American KGB. And, like that organization engaged in “special tasks,” it is not exactly operating within the law. The FBI plants evidence (money planted on George Papadopoulos), fabricates evidence (Kevin Clinesmith changing the email about Carter Page), engages in stagecraft (the fake Whitmer kidnap plot), and pressures social media platforms to avoid news of Hunter Biden’s laptop, supposedly “Russian disinformation.” 

On the other hand, the FBI looks the other way at blatant lawlessness, such as Hillary Clinton keeping classified information on her unsecured homebrew server and destruction of subpoenaed emails and electronic devices. 

The FBI’s KGB-style operations were the strongest evidence of Russian interference in the election process. As William Barr concedes, his pal Robert Mueller found no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Barr told Weiss he hadn’t seen evidence of fraud in 2020 on a scale that would have affected the outcome of the election. He did not indicate what audits his Justice Department conducted on races that suddenly reversed in favor of Biden. Barr provided no tallies of the number of illegal aliens who had voted in California, where the “motor voter” program automatically registers illegals to vote. Stuffed ballot boxes, as shown in “2000 Mules,” also escaped his notice. Yet in 2022, as the midterms approach, the former attorney general and CIA man remains certain about the 45th president. 

“Trump is his own worst enemy. He’s incorrigible. He doesn’t take advice from people,” Barr told Weiss. “I said to him when I first started that I thought he was going to lose the election unless he adjusted a little bit. And if he did adjust, he could go down in history as a great president. He continued to be self-indulgent and petty and turned off key constituencies that ultimately made the difference in the election.” 

For Barr, voter fraud and election interference had nothing to do with the outcome. By implication, the nation was panting for the addled Joe Biden, who openly touted voter fraud and failed to conduct a national campaign. On the Delaware Democrat’s watch, the FBI for the first time raids the residence of a former president, carting off passports and rifling the drawers of the former first lady. 

The raid prompted Barr to wonder, “what is the nature of the highly classified information? How sensitive were these documents?” In similar style, “what is the evidence, if any, of active conceit by the president or those around him in Mar-a-Lago to mislead the government?” The former attorney general and CIA man seems down with the whole operation, and that provides a moment of clarity. 

Donald Trump is not his own worst enemy. Donald Trump’s worst enemies include his own attorney general, members of his own party, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which has crossed the line. Whatever special tasks the FBI has planned, Bill Barr will be there to back them up, just as he did with FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi. The defender of the deep state, at its worst, can be no friend of the people.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- Sept 1st


Ya know what would be really funny and also reasurring? if NCIS LA actually gives mini updates all throughout the new Season of how Callen is doing with finding Hetty. Like it did allllll the way back in 2017 when the show used to be great.

Here's tonight's news:

Joe Biden’s Antifa Politics

Targeting tens of millions of Americans who support opposing but mainstream policies while mainstreaming the views of dangerous street revolutionaries is only going to dangerously fragment our politic

Joe Biden’s recent declaration that “MAGA Republicans” are motivated by an ideology of “semi-fascism” may come off as merely the sort of off-hand slander Biden is sometimes known to utter.

But while assailing a random crowd member as a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” is merely offensive, Biden’s “semi-fascism” smear, aimed at the tens of millions of Americans who identified with former President Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again,” reveals a disturbing truth about the direction of both the Biden Administration and his perceived base.

For one thing, his administration made absolutely no effort to walk the statement back, as it has done with many of Biden’s frequent outbursts. In fact, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre chose instead to emphasize the remarks:

I think he was pretty clear and he was very powerful last night. Look, what the president said last night was that when it comes to MAGA Republicans, when it comes to the extreme ultra wing of Republicans, they are attacking democracy. Right? They are attacking, taking away rights and freedoms.

It is not clear what rights and freedoms so-called MAGA Republicans have taken away, although the one example Jean-Pierre gave was “voting rights,” presumably referring to the passage of election integrity bills in nearly 20 state legislatures. Finding fault with legislatures passing laws on a topic 83 percent of Americans consider an important issue is a strange way to define “attacking democracy.”  

In a follow up with Don Lemon on the “semi-fascism” claim, Jean-Pierre also asserted that “MAGA Republicans” were attempting to “put on the chopping blocks Medicare and Social Security” which sounded less like Mussolini reborn and more like the sort of perennial complaints that Democrats usually make about Republican policies going into a midterm election.

Biden’s remarks were clearly intended to drive a wedge between those he views as political opponents, and the rest of mainstream politics, making an explicit comparison between “MAGA Republicans” and notably anti-Trump Republicans such as Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, in whose state Biden was speaking.

This portrayal of a large chunk of the American political electorate as “fascist” (“semi-” or otherwise) is motivated by the same logic that drives the street violence of Antifa; which seeks to affix the fascism label to mainstream opponents to the benefit of otherwise politically unpalatable anarcho-communists. This was the same strategy Antifa’s earliest incarnation used in the street battles of Weimar Germany, to disastrous effect.

Shortly after Biden’s remarks unknown perpetrators vandalized the Seminole County, Florida GOP offices, with the words “Eat Shit Fascists” spray-painted on the building, together with an anarchy symbol, suggesting Biden’s words were well received by the Antifa movement.

The phrase “I Am Antifa” also began to trend on Twitter promoted by self-identified liberal Twitter users who compare being “Antifa” to serving in the U.S. military, a media narrative that Antifa exploits. Meanwhile actual members of Antifa showed up in body armor and carried rifles to “protect” a drag show advertised as “kid-friendly” from lawful protesters in Roanoke, Texas.

Treating mere criticism and protest as equivalent to fascism is the same logic which led Biden Administration Attorney General Merrick Garland to identify parents (protesting school boards for permitting arguably pornographic materials in public schools) as extremists and terrorists. In both cases normal, lawful, and ultimately mainstream positions are treated as beyond the pale, while actual outlier positions are codified as the new political center.

Biden’s attempt to besmirch the tens of millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump, and who make up the lion’s share of the Republican Party, is taking a page out of The Anti-Fascist Handbook, literally. As Handbook author Mark Bray writes:

Our goal should be that in twenty years those who voted for Trump are too uncomfortable to share that fact in public. We may not always be able to change someone’s beliefs, but we sure as hell can make it politically, socially, economically, and sometimes physically costly to articulate them.

If Biden has any advisors around him who actually care about the welfare and stability of the country, they should warn the president against the ideological forces with which his rhetoric and behavior continue to align. Targeting tens of millions of Americans who support mainstream policies while mainstreaming the views of dangerous street revolutionaries can only yield further political fragmentation and civil disorder.

How Republicans Can Win in November—And Beyond

Before Dobbs v. JacksonRepublicans looked poised to take the House and the Senate in the upcoming midterm elections. The polls looked good. The Democratic president looked bad and the Democratic electoral coalition was collapsing. Democrats, as usual, aimed to keep their various constituencies together through fear. To black voters, they said Republicans will "put ya'll back in chains" or maybe just kill you. To unmarried young women, Republicans will, well, put you in chains too, as enslaved handmaidens forced to give birth. To Hispanics, Republicans will put your kids in cages.

These are all silly attacks. But they're working. Since Dobbs, the Democratic Party's standing in the polls has improved. And in special elections, which serve as previews for elections in November, Democrats have done much better than expected. The reason is obvious: many Republicans—the kind that rely on party leaders and donor money to run—are just doing nothing. Expecting that they'd simply fall into Congress because inflation was high, they put themselves in chains. They've shown no confidence that they can articulate a debatable position and then explain it convincingly in a soundbite.

Take Marc Molinaro, a Republican who lost a special election in a New York district that was leaning Republican by three points. He lost it by two. While his opponent attacked him relentlessly on abortion, Molinaro ignored the issue in his platform and instead ran on "reforming taxes and reducing inflation." To an ordinary voter, that means what it's always meant coming from an old-guard Republican: cutting taxes for the rich and paying for it by cutting benefits for the poor and middle class. Since the Republican offered nothing of substance, ordinary voters should be excused for assuming the worst of his intentions—especially on issues he ignored, like abortion.

Republicans need to get back to basics. First, they must fashion a clear idea of why and how their party is going to do good things with power. Then, they must add a theme—the sizzle—that encapsulates the "why" and the "how" in a catchword. Both their theme and theory should pair with and neutralize what the Democratic Party chooses as its own. The Democrats' theme will likely be—shockingly, after two years of pandemic tyranny—freedom. Their theory—again, shockingly—will be that Democrats let you do what you want whereas Republicans will oppress you. That includes keeping you from your abortions and your trans identities.

The acid to dissolve the fear holding the Democrats' electoral coalition together is hope. Republicans' theme should be "flourishing." "Freedom is for flourishing," goes the theory. "There are chains in society today. Corporations run everything. There are senseless rules everywhere for how to think and what to say. Wealth and power for ordinary Americans are scarce and prices everywhere are rising. Republicans will seek your flourishing. That means freedom for young women to start a family, not to have an abortion. It means freedom for entrepreneurs to run a business, not to have it shut down. It means freedom for parents to raise their own children—instead of radical schools doing it for them."

Propose policies and provide explanations. On flourishing families: "children of all ages must be protected—and so must the mothers who care for them. That's why I support making it free to have a child in America. That includes free prenatal care and free hospital delivery. It's also why I support making families flush again—with a bigger tax credit for having children and high-paying jobs for high-school graduates. We must help workers bargain—fairly but forcefully—for better pay. We must help companies build factories and drill for energy in America. That's why we should cut regulations and taxes—smartly but significantly. And that's also why we should keep fair-trade tariffs that cancel out the profits companies make from shipping factories overseas just to hire cheaper foreign labor. All my opponent offers are free abortions and free gender transitions—but that's not the flourishing you really want."

On schools, propose laws like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has. On business, look to the tax and regulatory policies in growing, flourishing states like Florida and Texas.

The popular tide on abortion will turn—but not immediately. But there is no reason the baggage of controversial beliefs should be carried by Republicans alone. When a Democratic candidate attacks a Republican candidate on abortion, the Republican should respond not by tacking or cowering but with three simple steps. First, the parry: "I oppose abortion because children's lives matter. It's my sincere belief, not a way to scare people into voting for me." Second, the pivot: "I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but neither should you expect everyone to agree with your party's bizarre philosophies, like trans surgeries for children." And third, the counter-punch: "The difference between my position and yours is the purpose of it all: I want flourishing families. All you can promise are abortion and sexual confusion." One, two, three.

One big issue that could decide congressional control is the Senate filibuster. Senate Democrats tried to kill the filibuster this year and will try again. They'll succeed if they get just two more seats. Then they'll pass whatever they want, no matter how unpopular—exactly as President Biden just threatened to do. Republicans can respond with, "A flourishing country is one free from the fear that, once the party you voted for loses one election, everything changes. That's why I support the filibuster—and it's why you have little to fear from me. It's what my opponent plans to do with the unchecked power his party wants from you for that you should really fear. Don't give in; vote for hope and for a flourishing future."

That's how to win, for party and country.

Three More Minutes of Succinct Sunlight from Mike Davis on the Fabrications of a Politically Motivated DOJ

Using the references of current events, attorney and former Constitutional Law Clerk for Justice Gorsuch, Mike Davis, once again astutely and succinctly summarizes and deconstructs the nonsense within the fabricated and political DOJ case against President Trump.  {Direct Rumble Link}

Mr. Davis walks through the claims and deconstructs the political arguments with citations to the constitution, lawful and applicable precedent, along with a direct hit on the motive of the DOJ and FBI effort.  In three minutes, Davis nails the top-line issues soup to nuts, WATCH:

The Anger Games, Tucker Carlson Outlines the Hatred of Biden Toward a Nation He Divides

Tucker Carlson delivered a hard-hitting monologue last night, hitting the agenda of the installed occupant of the White House directly on target.  Within the outline, Carlson notes the background of an angry, bitter and disconnected divider-in-chief and the hate-filled agenda he espouses.

 {Direct Rumble Link}

It is a remarkable moment captured and broadcast by Mr. Carlson, less than 24-hours before Joe Biden is scheduled to lay out his divisive national agenda of hate during a primetime speech on Thursday evening.  WATCH:

New Titanic footage shows wreck in 'highest-ever quality'


New video of the Titanic filmed in the highest quality resolution so far shows an "astonishing level of detail", according to the company behind the mission.

OceanGate Expeditions released the 8K video on its YouTube channel and said it was "first-of-its-kind footage".   

It said the ship's bow, the portside anchor, hull number one, and an enormous anchor chain can all be seen.

"One of the most amazing clips shows one of the single-ended boilers that fell to the ocean's floor when the Titanic broke into two," said OceanGate's Rory Golden.  

"Notably, it was one of the single-ended boilers that was first spotted when the wreck of the Titanic was identified back in 1985."

The name of the ship's anchor maker, Noah Hingley & Sons, is also clearly visible on the portside anchor, said the veteran Titanic diver.

"It is exciting that, after so many years, we may have discovered a new detail that wasn't as obvious with previous generations of camera technologies."  

The pictures show slight changes in the wreck compared with last year's mission, said OceanGate, which will be examined by experts to determine the rate of decay.

The Titanic famously sank on 15 April 1912 after hitting an iceberg.

More than 1,500 people died and the wreck - discovered 37 years ago - is some 4,000m deep at the bottom of the Atlantic, about 400 nautical miles from Newfoundland in Canada.

Ric Grenell Gives His Viewpoint of The DOJ Case Against Trump Using the Mar-a-Lago Raid Documents

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard “Ric” Grenell, gives his perspective on the FBI and DOJ conduct in their effort to frame a media case against President Donald J Trump. {Direct Rumble Link}

Ambassador Grenell walks through the distinct and important difference between the DOJ media narrative, and the actual non-issues that are being manufactured to promote the narrative.  WATCH:

Young Fetterman

 Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman released a statement giving some lame excuse for why he would not debate his Republican challenger

Yesterday, Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman released a statement giving some lame excuse for why he would not debate his Republican challenger, Dr. Mehmet Oz, next week.

The Oz campaign was mean to him, the lumbering Fetterman whined.

On Twitter, where he does 99% of his campaigning, John Fetterman has been relentlessly mocking and attacking Dr. Oz for months.

He mocks Dr. Oz for coming from New Jersey, for how many homes he owns, and for daring to describe a vegetable platter as “crudités.”

Even during his rare campaign events, the Fetterman campaign can’t get enough of mocking his Republican challenger. Over the weekend, Fetterman campaign staffers even dressed up in broccoli costumes. Because when your entire campaign consists of mocking “crudités,” you put your dignity aside and get up like a vegetable.

Fetterman plays the tough guy on Twitter. But the moment the Oz campaign hits back, he simpers like a thin-skinned toddler and whines, “No FAIR!!!!!”

But John Fetterman’s stroke leaving him nearly incapable of basic human speech is a big deal, no matter how much his campaign and the compliant press might want to deny it. The Oz campaign would be stupid not to raise the issue often and loudly.

After a video clip showing Fetterman struggling to formulate a sentence during a recent campaign speech went viral on social media, the reporters covering his campaign stopped posting videos, opting for still photos instead.


Because watching this man struggle to make his way through a simple sentence is alarming and concerning. It raises the very valid question, is John Fetterman capable of serving a six-year term in the United States Senate?

Fetterman isn’t backing out of next week’s debate because Dr. Oz’s campaign “mocked” him for having a stroke.

He’s backing out because he had a stroke that rendered him incapable of coherent speech.

So while Dr. Oz has been crisscrossing the state, driving thousands of miles while making campaign stops by the hundreds, this guy retreats to the basement like Biden while his campaign staffers post snarky memes on Twitter.

But there are problems with running a statewide campaign entirely on Twitter.

Instead of connecting with actual voters, you resort to playing to the cheap seats, begging for retweets and gleeful press coverage that might appeal to far-left ResistanceLOL Democrats in deep blue urban areas but won’t do a thing to move the needle with voters in your state.

Nikki Fried made the same mistake during her quixotic primary campaign for governor of Florida.

Fried’s campaign operated almost entirely for the benefit of nationwide members of the Twitter ResistanceLOL.

While she might have gotten a lot of retweets and campaign donations from Pussy hat-wearing wine moms in northern Virginia who have 🇺🇦 and 🌊 in their Twitter handles, Nikki Fried did diddly-squat to reach out to actual Democrat primary voters in Florida.

Fetterman’s campaign people who run his social media “engagement” are following the Fried model, but not for the same reasons. Unlike Nikki Fried who fancied herself a hot social media “influencer,” the Fetterman team has to resort to Twitter because they have to limit how much actual voters see and hear their candidate.

The Fetterman campaign is following the Nikki Fried Model on social media and the “Biden-hiding-in-the-basement” Model in real life.

The lumbering oaf won’t debate Dr. Oz because Pennsylvania voters will be able to watch a debate from the comfort of their homes, meaning far more of them are likely to see and hear firsthand just how much damage that stroke did to the guy.

And all the snarky “crudités” tweets in the world wouldn’t be able to hide it.

How Long Can America Survive a Rogue Department of Justice?


Article by Stephen Kruiser in PJMedia

How Long Can America Survive a Rogue Department of Justice?


And is it? Or is it being directed? 

 Put mildly, Joe Biden’s America is kind of a mess. This guy and the commie cabal running what’s left of his brain are the kiss of death for all that’s good in the Republic.

The renegade gang of Constitution haters in charge of most of the federal government knows that they don’t have a long shelf-life, so they are trying to do as much damage as they can in a hurry.

Of particular concern is the Department of Justice, which Biden’s puppet masters have turned into nothing more than a political attack dog that’s blinded by the lust for revenge. In fact, if Attorney General Merrick Garland were to set up a profile on a dating site, it would probably say something like that.

Garland, of course, is motivated by a deep personal hatred for Republicans. Because of that, his Dept. of Justice isn’t much interested in any kind of justice for those he feels denied him his right to be on the Supreme Court.

The DOJ has most definitely gone rogue, being spurred on by the revenge obsession of its head.

Ever since Garland directed the Biden Stasi to raid Mar-a-Lago, my colleagues and I have been writing that he greatly overplayed his hand and that none of this is going to work out the way he and the administration had planned. Garland knows he stepped in it and, as Matt writes, he’s certainly acting like he’s got something to hide:

Garland tries to obfuscate his true intentions by insisting that whistleblowers will still have the ability to speak out. But when the Attorney General issues a memo “reminding” employees not to talk to Congress, it doesn’t take a genius to read between the lines and see what’s going on.

Mike Davis, the founder and president of the Article III Project, aptly notes that Garland did not order “a similar gag on the inappropriate and illegal Justice Department leaks to the media.” Davis believes this supports the idea that Garland is engaged in a cover-up of FBI misconduct by intimidating whistleblowers with a directive disguised as a “reminder” of policy.

The stink is everywhere in Garland’s Dept. of Justice. Almost every day there’s new evidence of rot at the top of the FBI. Actually, there’s a stink all over the Bureau.

The conundrum facing the United States right now is this: what do we do when the chief law enforcement officer in the land doesn’t have any respect for the law?  Who knows how many actual bad guys are getting away with things or putting plans into motion unnoticed while Garland and the FBI are making up reasons to go after Trump, as well as continuing the purely political J6 witch hunt?

If the Republicans do wrest control of the House from the Democrats, they need to drown Justice Dept. officials in hearings and make it clear that their Wild Bunch days are over.

Faith in the institutions in this country is at an all-time low. That can’t be fixed until those institutions are run by people who actually want to win that faith back.


But Hey! I really posted this in order to make the tweet below even more fun! 


Everything Isn’t Awful

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