Friday, August 26, 2022

How Jared Kushner and John Kelly Subverted Trump’s Agenda

There were two types of people in the Trump Administration: Those who thought they had to save the world from the president and those who thought the president would save the world.

While there is no love lost between former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly and me, I would be the first to dispute Jared Kushner’s ridiculous claim that Kelly would ever shove a woman, much less the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump. The grimmer truth here is that Jared and Ivanka did everything within their considerable Javanka powers to neuter a man who, even in the best of circumstances, would have had a tough time excelling in a job that required far more finesse and intelligence than brute force. 

That was one of my main beefs with Javanka. It did not matter who was chief of staff. If these two spoiled scions did not get exactly what they wanted in the West Wing during the day, they went straight to the East Wing during the evening to lobby their patriarch. 

Such meddling might have been all well and good if Javanka had been in sync with Trump’s agenda. But too often, Jared would undermine the president’s tough-on-China policies on behalf of his once and future Wall Street benefactors, while Ivanka would push a steady stream of New York liberal Democratic causes to subvert Trump’s efforts to make America great again.  

As for John Kelly, my biggest problem with this four-star bully—on that appellation, Kushner and I agreed—was his intense opposition to my key remit in the White House: advancing the Trump trade and manufacturing policy agendas.

Because Kelly had no training in economics, he easily fell prey to the facile globalism of National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and Staff Secretary Rob Porter. I quickly became Kelly’s odd tariff guy out. 

Because Kelly had no training in politics, he failed to understand the importance of trade policy in holding the high political ground of Blue Wall manufacturing states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan that Trump won in 2016. It’s not for nothing we lost all three of those states in 2020.  

Because Kelly did not know how to “let Trump be Trump”—as Corey Lewandowski once advised—there was no way Kelly was going to let me or anyone else with deviant trade policy thoughts anywhere near the Oval Office. 

To say I would be in for a very rough time with the arrival of Kelly as chief of staff would be one of the great understatements of my life. Kelly tried to humiliate or fire me so many times I lost track. 

What I do remember clearly is sitting with John at my right shoulder on December 2, 2018, at the end of a long table in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We were there with President Trump, who sat at the center of the table, flanked on either side by the rest of his trade team facing Chinese dictator Xi Jinping and his trade team.

Before the meeting began, a by then broken and broken-down Kelly, no doubt aware of his looming exit, apologized for treating me so poorly. In doing so, he further acknowledged that he had failed to see what George W. Bush might have called the real evildoers in the West Wing—the names Gary Cohn and Kushner, in particular, fell from his lips. 

I thought at the time that while Kelly had done a very bad job, he was at his core a good man who had simply borne too much stress in his life—right to the breaking point. Too many combat tours. A son lost in war. The Javanka assault. And now Kelly was, as he once confessed in a jarring manner in a senior staff meeting, “in a very dark place.”

At the time, I really had nothing to say to him. I just gently put my hand on his forearm, looked him in the eyes briefly, and then turned my own eyes back to the Chinese Communists as the meeting began.

Kelly would be fired six days later. 

As I look back on that day, I see Kelly as just another one of Trump’s generals who paradoxically was eager to break the chain of presidential command. Along with Gulf War hero H. R. McMaster, Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis, and Mark Milley, this top brass would repeatedly ignore direct orders from their commander-in-chief.  

Their treasonous conduct—a court-martial offense in the military—always reminded me of a quip U.S. Trade Representative Bob Lighthizer would often make. To Lighthizer, there were only two types of people in the Trump Administration: Those people who thought they had to save the world from President Trump and those who thought President Trump would save the world. 

You could put every single break-the-chain-of-command commando, including McMaster, Mattis, and especially Kelly, into the “save the world from Trump” box, and wrap that box up with a neat and treasonous little John Bolton bowtie. 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- August 26


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

Republicans Don’t Get It

Joe Biden and congressional Democrats are plowing new and dangerous ground. Meanwhile, the GOP is silent.

by Julie Kelly for American Greatness

When Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) looks around his adopted hometown of Washington, D.C.—a city shamelessly and aggressively using every lever of federal power to destroy Donald Trump and the 76 million Americans who dared to vote for him in 2020—he sees only one menace to the well-being of the nation:

January 6 protesters.

“I do think it’s an important issue,” McConnell said in response to a reporter’s question about a recent poll that ranked “threats to democracy” as the top concern among registered voters who responded. “There were those who were trying to prevent the orderly transfer of power for the first time in American history and that was not good.”

But contrary to his somber reflections, January 6 was very good for McConnell; he got exactly what he wanted after the tear gas smoke cleared that evening. As I explained here, not only did McConnell intentionally leave the Capitol largely unguarded, he warned of the irreparable damage to the republic if his Senate Republican colleagues demanded an audit of contested states—the “official proceeding” actually taking place when the building was breached. McConnell later cooed to a reporter that he had prevailed that day.

“Exhilarating” is how McConnell described his emotions after congressional Republicans, cowed by the four-hour disturbance, abandoned their plans to seek a 2020 election audit commission.

In a way, McConnell is right that the events of January 6 represent a grave threat to the country. They do—just not in the way he thinks. 

The Capitol protest is being used as the pretext to criminalize political dissent as the FBI continues its dragnet to round up 850-and-counting Trump supporters (with new arrests announced just this week) and the Justice Department circles Donald Trump as the alleged instigator of the “insurrection.”

Political prisoners languish in a special jail for January 6 defendants, a hellscape located in the shadow of McConnell’s throne on Capitol Hill. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s prosecutors ruthlessly seek years in prison for nonviolent offenders, adding domestic terror sentencing enhancements in an escalation of the regime’s war on terror against the Right.

The January 6 select committee has made a mockery of itself while failing to sway public opinion. The same poll that showed a majority of Americans feared “threats to democracy” above all other issues also showed they have little or no faith that the government is conducting a fair inquiry. Yet this phony January 6 investigation provides cover for all sorts of lawfare, not least of which is the production of tens of thousands of Trump’s presidential records from his last year in office, a process expedited by the unprecedented denial of executive privilege claims by Joe Biden.

But McConnell, his Senate GOP toadies, and most Republican House members are intentionally oblivious to the radical weaponization of the Justice Department. 

Following a brief outburst after the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, congressional Republicans have gone back to radio silence. Promises of a “rapid response team” to counter the January 6 committee’s primetime performances landed no punches as Republicans shied away from much-needed fights over several questions the committee left unanswered, including the lack of progress in the hunt for the mysterious pipe bomber and unreleased surveillance footage. Instead, they pivoted quickly to familiar ground: high food and energy prices.

Fear and impotence paralyze Republican Party leaders as well as those aspiring to hold leadership positions in a potential Republican majority. If the party doesn’t blow it, that is. 

Unfortunately, it appears as though the GOP is doing precisely that. Republican voters, disgusted with the party’s wholesale failure to confront the Democrats’ scorched earth crusade with little more than tough-sounding tweets, eventually will channel Hillary Clinton and begin asking “what difference” their anger and votes even make.

What difference, at this point, does it make if Republicans win Congress in November?

As Victor Davis Hanson observed this week: 

the left-wing playbook is based on two pillars: the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s home, the January 6 ‘insurrection’ investigation—and selective daily leaking about both. Between the raid and the star-chamber House inquiry, we are supposed to forget unaffordable gas and food, dangerous U.S. cities, over 3 million people swarming the border, and the Afghanistan debacle. Yet if the Republicans advance a coherent national plan of action to restore a pre-Biden America, if Donald Trump will focus positively on national issues and not take the bait to obsess on the wrongs done to him, and if grass-roots conservatives this time around prepare to preempt massive left-wing vote harvesting, they will achieve their blowout.

“But that is a lot of ifs,” Hanson writes. “And meanwhile, time grows short.”

Seventy-five days to be exact.

So, what’s the plan? Who in the GOP is detailing how Congress will dismantle this abusive administrative state targeting their own voters? Where is the pledge to cut off funding to the FBI and U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, a Biden campaign advisor now handling the vengeful prosecution of Trump voters?

Where are the public denouncements of Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, a longtime Obama loyalist now attempting to finish what her boss started in 2016 by putting Trump in handcuffs, or of Steven D’Antuono, the FBI chief responsible for the Gretchen Whitmer fednapping hoax, who sent his agents to Palm Beach to participate in the raid of the former president’s residence?

Republicans may not control much in Washington yet, but there are other ways to draw attention to this destructive abuse of power. The Biden regime and congressional Democrats are plowing new and dangerous ground, and Republicans appear unwilling to do anything about it.

Republican voters hear their silence. And in November, they might hear Republicans’ silence in return.

Trump's Crosshairs Have Centered on Mitch McConnell

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is an old-guard Republican that has outlived so many other politicians that it’s difficult to remember a time without him. It’s undeniable that when you think of old Republicans in D.C., McConnell is chief among them.

And maybe that’s the problem. McConnell has been there so long that he’s melded into the culture. He might have an “R” next to his name but, in truth, his party affiliation should be “McConnell.” Take, for instance, his lack of enthusiasm for his own party’s chances in the Senate for the coming midterm elections. Before people have even gotten a chance to vote, McConnell already seems to be throwing in the towel. It’s a defeatist attitude that has many people asking whose side he’s on, and the answer is simple: McConnell’s.

Tucker Carlson’s response to McConnell was solid:

“So, there’s the head Republican in the Senate conceding three months out that Republicans are probably not going to retake the Senate. Why is that? Well, the answer, of course, is in the final line you just heard. Some of the candidates are mediocre. That’s Mitch McConnell’s excuse and there’s some truth in that. Obviously, some of them are mediocre, but compared to what? Mediocre in the Congress. Well, let’s see. Dianne Feinstein hasn’t spoken a coherent sentence in years, hasn’t had trouble getting reelected. Eric Swalwell had sex with a Chinese spy. He’s still there. So, mediocre people get elected to office, lots and lots and lots of them do every cycle. So, what McConnell’s analysis really is, of course, is buck-passing. Don’t blame me. I didn’t choose these people. All right, but they’re still the nominees.”

You’ll hear nary a good word said about the Republican Senate Minority Leader, and one of the Republicans ready to see him go is none other than Donald Trump.

According to The Federalist, Trump is calling for his removal and not just because of his lack of solid leadership. McConnell is a corrupt D.C. politician:

“Why do Republicans Senators allow a broken down hack politician, Mitch McConnell, to openly disparage hard working Republican candidates for the United States Senate[?]” Trump asked in a Truth Social post on Sunday. “This is such an affront to honor and to leadership. He should spend more time (and money!) helping them get elected, and less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China!”

As The Federalist highlighted, this isn’t just Trump running his mouth, especially against McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao who resigned from her position within his administration after the January 6 riot.

Chao’s family has strong business connections to communist China thanks to her father’s company, China State Shipbuilding Corp., which is an unofficial arm of the Chinese Navy. McConnell used to take a very strong stance against China, but that all changed when he took a sponsored trip to meet the Chinese President.

From there, McConnell’s Chinese relatives used his position to grow their shipping business and become far wealthier. When Trump appointed Chao to be his head of the Department of Transportation, Chao’s family went into action as reported by The Federalist:

Even though the Trump administration took a hardline stance against China and its intent to compete with the U.S., the Chao family company proceeded with the purchase of 10 new ships from the Chinese government. That strategic buy expanded the Foremost fleet capacity by more than 40 percent, enabling the company to do even more business with the CCP. It also came shortly after Chao secured a spot in the Trump Cabinet overseeing an industry in steep decline thanks to competition with China.

While China sought to expand its maritime endeavors, it was under Chao’s leadership that the Department of Transportation proposed budget cuts for programs meant to stimulate American shipping and mariners.

It was later confirmed from investigations that Chao’s family used her position to their benefit.

With McConnell being the most powerful member of the Republican Party, it’s not likely going to help in our ongoing struggle against China. McConnell will continue to open the door to our enemy becoming more powerful at the cost of American prosperity.

Trump has seen this first-hand and, on top of that, notes that McConnell’s weak leadership against Democrats makes him the worst candidate for leader of the GOP. He called for his removal in a statement.

“Mitch McConnell is not an Opposition Leader, he is a pawn for the Democrats to get whatever they want,” Trump said in a statement. “He is afraid of them, and will not do what has to be done. A new Republican Leader in the Senate should be picked immediately!”

As my colleague Joe Cunningham notes, getting rid of McConnell is easier said than done. His roots go deep and his donors are required for funding. Candidates that get the nod from Trump often wind up heading to McConnell for assistance from Super Pacs that are allied with him. That gives McConnell a lot of pull and quite a few more allies.

Power makes for more power and McConnell has been around long enough to gather a lot of it. To dislodge him, Republicans would have to wage something of a civil war, and if they do manage to oust him, it will leave a monetary gap that Republicans will need to fill.

Plurality Of Independents Don’t Trust DOJ Or FBI

A new poll shows a plurality of independents have lost faith in federal law enforcement following their raid on former President Trump.

A new poll out Wednesday shows a plurality of independents have lost faith in federal law enforcement two weeks after FBI agents raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

According to a survey from the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action shared exclusively with The Federalist, nearly 48 percent of independent respondents said the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI “are too political, corrupt, and not to be trusted.” Less than 44 percent said otherwise.

Republicans were most distrusting of the federal law enforcement agencies with more than 68 percent identifying the FBI and DOJ as corrupt compared to nearly 25 percent who said “they are to be respected for their pursuit of justice and law and order.”

More than 73 percent of Democrats, on the other hand, reported trust in the FBI and DOJ while nearly 20 percent said the agencies were “corrupt.”

The poll was conducted among 1,092 likely voters in the general election between Aug. 19-23 with a 2.9 percent margin of error.

“The FBI has lost the trust of half the country,” said Mark Meckler, the president of the Convention of States. “This is historically one of the most trusted law enforcement branches in America. The fact that just about half the country believes they’re not to be trusted is a radical thing.”

Voters were basically evenly split over whether the DOJ investigation into former President Trump is intended to prevent him from being on the ballot in 2024, with 48.6 percent believing that is the goal of the government and 48.5 percent saying otherwise. Three percent were unsure.

Respondents were also split over whether the two agencies were being truthful about their investigation of the former president.

Digging into the crosstabs, Meckler said, revealed troubling signs for Democrats, where more than half of black respondents, nearly 54 percent, said the FBI and DOJ were “corrupt and not to be trusted.” More than half of Hispanics surveyed, more than 55 percent, believed the DOJ’s investigation of former President Trump is politically motivated.

The fact that “traditionally Democratic constituencies” say “the FBI and DOJ is being weaponized against their political opponents,” Meckler told The Federalist, is a “very dangerous thing for Democrats in the upcoming midterms.”

The survey was conducted nearly two weeks after roughly 30 plainclothes agents executed an unprecedented raid of a former president’s residence. The search was signed off on by a federal magistrate, ostensibly regarding potential violations of the Presidential Records Act, but it possesses all the hallmarks of the routine witch hunt operations used to go after Trump from within the agency for the past six years.

Days after the raid, Attorney General Merrick Garland gave a press conference where he professed to personally signing off on the search of the president whose election neutered Garland’s Supreme Court nomination in 2017. The search, Garland said, was “narrowly scope[d],” though examination of the warrant shows authorization to confiscate any and all documents Trump may have come into contact with as president.

On Wednesday, meanwhile, Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson published a whistleblower report revealing FBI leadership instructed agency staff to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020.

“After the FBI obtained the Hunter Biden laptop from the Wilmington, DE computer shop, these whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, ‘you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop’ and that the FBI is ‘not going to change the outcome of the election again,'” Johnson wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Further, these whistleblowers allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election–potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop in December 2019.”

Johnson’s whistleblower findings came one month after Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley published another whistleblower report accusing the FBI of similar misconduct.

Whistleblowers Reveal How Far FBI Brass Went to Shut Down Hunter Biden Case

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We’ve been hearing a lot of concerning revelations from a flood of whistleblowers revealing the bias and the politicization of the FBI.

The last revelation involved the FBI even pursuing fake cases to pump up their numbers and allegedly filing false affidavits. That sets off alarm bells, particularly in light of the FBI raid on President Donald Trump’s home, the reason for which has still not been revealed.

But now the whistleblowers are spilling even more on the bias in the Hunter Biden laptop case.

According to whistleblower claims revealed by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), after the FBI took possession of the Hunter Biden laptop in December 2019, FBI brass told agents not to investigate it for months, saying the bureau was “not going to change the outcome of the election again.”

“These new allegations provide even more evidence of FBI corruption and renew calls for you to take immediate steps to investigate the FBI’s actions regarding the laptop,” Johnson wrote in a letter to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

According to the senator, “individuals with knowledge” had told his office that “local FBI leadership” had slow-walked the laptop investigation after the computer was recovered from a Wilmington, Del. repair shop in December 2019.

Johnson quoted FBI management as telling employees “You will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop” and promising the bureau would not alter the 2020 election outcome — a reference to the FBI reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server days before the 2016 election.

“Further, these whistleblowers allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election,” the Republican added.

This is on top of prior allegations that the FBI brass was trying to dismiss the laptop as “disinformation.”

So if this is true, the FBI effectively did interfere in the election, helping Joe Biden, giving Hunter a pass for all those months, and denying the American public the truth. They had the information well in advance of the election and then did nothing. According to the computer repairman, they even may have threatened him to be silent.

Given that, one has to wonder what is happening now with the Hunter Biden case. Are they still holding it back, this time until after the midterms, even after everything that has been revealed on the laptop, so as not to hurt the Democrats? Is the hard drive even safe in their hands?

Add that to the raid on Trump for unexplained reasons, while leaking like a sieve, and we do indeed have an FBI that is out of control, undermining the very rule of law upon which we are based. They need a complete housecleaning.

Johnson told Horowitz that the FBI “cannot be trusted with the handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop” and he demanded that Horowitz investigate the FBI’s actions regarding the laptop. But Horowitz has put Johnson off before. The only way the GOP is going to get answers is to gain power and then start dropping subpoenas on everyone and get real action.

Biden Attacks Millions of Americans Who Support Trump, Descends Into Complete Incoherence

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Most Democrats seem to be fleeing from Joe Biden. They don’t want him at their campaign events because he would be an anchor that would sink their efforts.

But that looks pretty bad when he’s supposed to be the “leader” of their party. So, the Democrats set up a rally for him in Maryland on Thursday in a very safe Democratic area, to make him look better. His unpopularity isn’t going to cost him at all there. The audience was promoted by rabid Democratic groups like Planned Parenthood

But speaking in front of a rabid partisan group, Biden was unleashed, attacking Americans who had supported Trump accusing them of being hateful, violent, and endangering democracy.

“It’s not hyperbole now you need to vote to literally save democracy again,” Biden told an above-capacity crowd of several thousand at a Democratic National Committee event at Richard Montgomery High School in a Maryland suburb of Washington.

“America must choose. You must choose. Whether our country will move forward or backward,” he said.

“Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice – to go backwards full of anger, violence, hate and division,” he said, while Democrats have chosen to be a nation of unity and hope.

Biden made it clear he was not just attacking Trump.

“We’re seeing now either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA agenda,” Biden said, referring to former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan. “It’s not just Trump. … It’s almost semi-fascism,” he said.

This was worse than a “deplorable” moment, as he said, “I don’t respect these MAGA Republicans.”

Not a good look when you’re saying you don’t respect millions of Americans, that they’re “semi-fascist” as well as violent and hateful. Indeed, it was Biden who was the hateful one in falsely demonizing all those Americans. While the rabid folks on the left in the audience may not have cared, that isn’t going to play well to the rest of America.

Biden also downplayed and lied about inflation.

No, the high inflation that we didn’t have during the pandemic under President Donald Trump. The inflation was triggered in part by Biden’s excessive spending. And yet he’s still spending even more, with the falsely named Inflation Reduction Act and student debt “forgiveness.”

Biden lied about the Inflation Reduction Act to the crowd — it isn’t going to do anything to reduce inflation.

However, it wouldn’t be a Biden event without his incoherence. Here he is, saying the “very survival of our planet is on the vallot.”

Vallot, ballot — all the same thing, right? He doesn’t even understand what he’s saying anymore. He’s right that we are in danger — with him in charge.

But then he went over the slide with whatever he was trying to say here, which was just a mess.

Is he actually saying that if they elect two more senators, it would keep the House in the hands of the Democrats? Whatever this word salad is, it’s just complete confusion.

It’s just wrong to be attacking millions of Americans; but they know better and support his agenda. This is the guy who claimed he was all about unity. But again, as with everything else about Joe Biden — that was just a lie to gain power.

No, Biden’s Student Loan ‘Forgiveness’ Is Nothing Like PPP

When a reporter asked Joe Biden yesterday if bailing out (largely well-heeled) students was fair to those who chose not to take out loans, the president responded: “Is it fair to people who … do not own multibillion-dollar businesses? They see why these guys getting all the tax credits? Is that fair? What do you think?”

I think it’s an incoherent non sequitur. But there’s an effort on the left to compare the president’s loan “forgiveness” edict with other bailouts, especially the recent Paycheck Protection Program. If we can forgive business loans, why not the suffering grad student, goes the argument.

This is a terrible comparison for numerous reasons. First, PPP loans were enacted by the government to stave off economic ruin it had initiated. The state sent checks so that employment wouldn’t crater after it forced the economy to shut down. In normal times, a company unable to repay debts to creditors enters bankruptcy. And perhaps student loans should also be dischargeable in bankruptcy. Though many of those bailed out by Biden’s executive edict aren’t on their way to ruin, but six-figure salaries.

Second, PPP loans, unlike student loans, were intended to be cash transfers from the government. They were structured to be forgivable “loans” before the law was passed. No one broke a contract. No one changed the parameters of the loans. No president walked in and unilaterally transferred the responsibility of PPP payments to other businesses.

Which brings me to the third point: PPP was passed with wide margins in Congress, not decreed by a president approaching a midterm in desperate need of votes.

“When corporate taxes were cut a few years back, I don’t recall accusations of ‘buying votes,'” says Axios’s Dan Primack. Nate Silver also called Biden’s edict a “transactional” piece of public policy, “directly serving the interests of the people who elected you.” It’s “extremely common…” he went on to say, adding that it was just like “the Trump tax cuts were.”

Trump’s tax cut would be just like Biden’s loan forgiveness if the former president had, by executive force, “canceled” corporate loans of some favored industries and then transferred the responsibility for those payments directly to unfavored businesses. Trump’s tax cuts weren’t curated to prop up any one interest, despite the left’s claims. Of course, tax cuts also merely let people keep their own money (sometimes it seems the left believes every dollar belongs to the state, which then bequeaths it to the citizen at their pleasure.)

None of this means Congress is incapable of buying votes or even that PPP was without corruption. Bills bailing out political interests — like Barack Obama’s corrupt “auto bailout” payout to GM-Chrysler unions that broke contracts and screwed over debt holders — are basically racketeering schemes. But those who believe the president should be empowered to change the parameters of existing loans by fiat — relying on bogus decades-old “national emergency” legal rationalizations — without any debate or vote, are defending lawlessness.

Maybe PPP was bad policy, or maybe it was unfair, but it was a law passed by Congress to mitigate economic factors it helped create. It is nothing like student loan “forgiveness.”

And the torture continues…

The  pain  is  the  point.

Just two weeks after I compared the Democrats’ economic policies to Medieval crushing torture, President Biden dropped yet another weight on America’s working class, leaving me to conclude that torture isn’t an unintended consequence of Biden’s economic agenda, but the purpose of it.

When the government consistently makes decisions that inevitably crush the very people it claims it wants to “help,” what other conclusion could you possibly draw?

After previously claiming that he would not give in to progressive lawmakers’ demands to “cancel” student loan debt, yesterday Grandpa Joe announced he would do just that.

Yup. Now, working families who are already struggling under the weight of 40-year high inflation and the skyrocketing consumer prices that fueled it will now be saddled with bailing out around $300 billion in other people’s debt. And most of those other people are earning far more than the ones stuck bailing them out.

Meanwhile, the universities who exploited Obama’s federalizing the student loan program to jack up their tuition rates will walk away scot-free, leaving us with the bill.

Remarkably, the president insists that this is going to “lower” inflation and bring much-needed relief to Americans suffering under the torture his administration’s policies have caused.

Maybe Peepaw Joe believes that, who knows?

Or maybe, as I’ve said in the past Joe Biden is the same asshole he’s always been, so crushing the American people matters to him about as much as a June bug in July.

And here I thought living with Lupus was torture.

Families who chose not to saddle their own kids with a debt they could never pay back are now supposed to bail out college graduates earning up to $125,000 a year.

On what planet is that justifiable?

Good heavens, even Jason Furman, the former Chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors said “pouring roughly half trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless.”

The Biden administration knows it isn’t right. But they don’t care.

They did this less than three months from the midterms for one reason: to buy votes.

Sure, those fuckers are buying those votes our money. And yes, it’s craven and obscene, not to mention unconstitutional. But when all that matters is political power, nothing is ever going to be off the table.

Yesterday, Carol Roth, the author of “The War on Small Business,” reposted the link to her April column, “Canceling student debt doesn’t fix the problem” which is probably the best commentary on the causes of and solutions to this massive student debt problem that I’ve read. Then again, pretty much everything Carol writes is excellent, including her book.

And while I strongly urge you to read the entire column, here’s a pull quote:

So, how does the government picking some group of people to have their debts “forgiven” solve anything? It would unfairly shift the burden of the costs (via more national debt, inflation, etc.) from the person who took on the obligation and received the benefits from it to all taxpayers. Those who passed up college, went to a cheaper school, made sacrifices to pay down their college debts, or carry other types of debt burdens would be unfairly penalized by the government picking winners and losers.

It would do nothing to help get college costs under control and prevent the same situation from happening in the future. It wouldn’t put any schools on the hook for selling degrees that aren’t worth their costs.

All it does is give the government power to play game show host and ultimately buy more votes.

Roth outlines exactly what needs to be done to solve the current problem. It is clear and concise, and even an economic illiterate like me can follow it.

Biden’s “solution” is to treat a symptom while leaving the larger systemic problem untouched.

But solutions have never been this administration’s strong suit.

Like most government “solutions” will only make the problem worse while creating a whole new passel of problems on top of it.

And the torture will just keep coming.