Friday, August 5, 2022

John Eastman Is An American Hero

He put his life on the line to stop an unconstitutional election.

It is pleasant and encouraging to read a substantial article about American conservatives in the New York Times Magazine and to come away with the impression that it is fair-minded, generally accurate, and intelligent—especially if it is an article not about just any conservatives, but about your friends and even, in passing, you. 

Elisabeth Zerofsky’s 7,500 word essay on the Claremont Institute for the August 7 edition of the magazine is titled, “How the Claremont Institute Became a Nerve Center of the American Right.” She spent many hours over several months researching, reading, and interviewing to produce a mostly well-informed account of how, in her words, the Claremont Institute became part of the “new Republican establishment that the Trump revolution brought into power.” 

The Claremont Institute is an old friend of American Greatness and will be familiar to most AG readers as a California think tank whose mission is to restore the principles of the American founding to beautiful authority in America. Introducing her article on Twitter, Zerofsky wrote that she “wanted to understand Claremont as Claremont understands itself.” As a director and senior fellow of the institute, I thought this was an admirable approach, one that would be familiar to and respected by all Claremonters. 

Naturally, some portion of Zerofsky’s essay reflects on events that have recently brought the Claremont Institute more into the headlines than usual: notably, John Eastman’s role as an attorney advising President Trump in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. John is a senior fellow and founder and director of Claremont’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence.

He became famous for challenging the constitutionality of the 2020 election.

Zerofsky quotes me—accurately—saying that John Eastman is “an American hero.” My reasons for believing this have to do with another statement she makes in her essay, which doesn’t seem to me to rise to the journalistic standard she otherwise observes. 

Surveying a variety of views about what happened in the 2020 election, she writes parenthetically: “There is no evidence of electoral irregularities sufficient to change the outcome of the election.” That is the kind of unsupported categorical statement one expects from the so-called January 6 committee and its media lackies, who repeat the mantra “baseless” and “debunked” and “disinformation” before every allegation or demonstration of “irregularities” in the 2020 election. I was surprised and disappointed to read it coming from the pen of a respectable journalist. 

The five year-long and continuing Russia collusion hoax, the various FBI efforts to influence the election, the open conspiracy to suppress reporting on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, the $400 million Zuckerberg intervention—any one of these “irregularities” by itself could certainly have changed the outcome of the election. Combined with multitudes of other irregularities, they make the 2020 election, in Mollie Hemingway’s words, “unlike any in American history.” 

No one has done more than Hemingway to bring to public attention the evidence that irregularities could certainly have changed the result of the 2020 election. There is of course her book, Rigged. But she continues on the case: see here and here

Zerofsky, presumably, is using the term more narrowly. She refers not to the large strategic irregularities taking place over five years that amount, in my view, to a rolling coup, but to illegalities or fraud in the election itself. Still, contrary to her unsupported statement, there is abundant and growing evidence for such narrower “irregularities,” which—again, in my view—put the finishing touches on the rolling coup. 

John Eastman has been accumulating this evidence (see, for example, here and here) for over a year and a half. It is certainly fair to disagree with his conclusions, but to claim that there is “no evidence” seems to be sinking to the level of the J6 committee propagandists. It was because he thought the unconstitutional violations of election law in several swing states could indeed have affected the outcome of the election, that John put his life on the line to try to stop what he had good reason to believe was an unconstitutional election. 

I do not say lightly, “put his life on the line.” We have all seen over the past several years, how the increasingly Stalinist Democratic (bipartisan) machine comes to destroy anyone who dares to challenge or disagree with it. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is just one vivid recent example among many: first the machine sinks to the depths of evil to assassinate his character, then a literal assassin shows up at his door. 

In John’s case, the Stalinist machine has not only imposed on him hundreds of thousands of dollars of legal fees, and sicced armed FBI agents on him in his neighborhood, it is trying to make it impossible for him to earn a living, and it is threatening to give him the un-American and tyrannical treatment meted out to the January 6 political prisoners (read everything Julie Kelly writes on this). 

In the meantime, the local papers, part of the machine, publish the vicinity of his home and inform their readers how to obtain his address. Machine street thugs follow up, spray-painting his address on the street and on the bridge leading to his home, with “Eastman Traitor,” and even with an arrow pointing toward his house. 

He finds long spikes buried in the end of his dirt driveway, which have damaged tires on family cars and cars of visitors. Demonstrators gather daily, becoming more and more aggressive. A constant stream of hate email and voice messages, some of them criminal, makes it impossible to answer either his landline or cell without going first to voicemail.  

That is the way the Stalinist Democratic (and now, bipartisan) machine operates, and it has become increasingly violent, even frenzied, in the past five years. 

John Eastman is standing up to the tyrannical violence of this machine, because he thinks the Stalinist (bipartisan) Democrats are not just tyrants but usurpers. I agree with him and so think he is an American hero. 

Zerofsky no doubt disagrees with some or all of this. But I hope she will make a renewed effort to understand John as he understands himself. If she brought her intellectual curiosity and considerable investigatory powers to bear, she might even conclude that the irregularities (in the strategic and tactical sense) in the 2020 election constituted the greatest political crime in American history. Pulitzers, MacArthur Genius Grants, are in the offing. 

X22, And we Know, and more- August 5


Enjoy tonight's Wisconsin rally! Here's tonight's news:

Let’s Get Rid of the FBI

Agents who miss knocking down doors and confiscating private property can always find work with the mafia.

Project Veritas has leaked blurry but legible photos of an internal FBI memo describing the warning signs of “Militia Violent Extremism.”

“The following symbols,” says the memo, “are used by Anti-Government or Anti-Authority Violent Extremists, specifically Militia Violent Extremists (MVE) [which include] widespread use of symbols and quotes from American history, especially the Revolutionary War. Historical and contemporary military themes are common . . . ”

Using these symbols indicates you may be a “Militia Violent Extremist”; I include explanatory quotes the memo itself:

  • A symbol of the Second Amendment (“MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment . . .”)
  • A Gadsden Flag (“Historical American symbol representing gun rights and limited government”)
  • Revolutionary War Imagery (“An example of a militiaman during the Revolutionary War”)
  • The Liberty Tree (“The Liberty Tree was a famous elm tree in Boston near Boston Common. In 1765, colonists staged the first act of defiance against the British at the tree.”)
  • A Betsy Ross Flag (“Revolutionary War imagery harkening back to the 13 colonies and calls for revolutions”)

Any non-FBI agent looking over that list might think he’d simply stumbled into the early pages of an American History textbook.

The memo also includes violent extremist phrases to look out for, such as “Well regulated militia,” and “All enemies, foreign and domestic.” So don’t let the FBI catch you quoting those particularly dangerous and thought-provoking parts of the U.S. Constitution or the Oath of Office.

According to the FBI memo, there are two “significant events” these violent extremists like to “reference”: Ruby Ridge and Waco.  In other words, the two most shocking occasions on which the FBI turned an attempted publicity-coup sting into the wholesale murder of civilians (the FBI killed 76 people at Waco, including 25 children) are subjects citizens should not question. 

It sounds as though what the FBI really worries about is people who know their history and for some reason don’t trust them.

The memo concludes with a brief historical timeline of the Militia Violent Extremists: The timeline begins with the 2014 Bundy standoff, in which the federal government was attempting to deprive a cattle rancher named Cliven Bundy of historical grazing rights. (You’ll recall that the Bureau of Land Management started gathering up and confiscating the rancher’s cattle. When Bundy’s friends—and friends of friends—showed up with guns, the government was ultimately forced to let the cattle go and leave the property.)  

The memo’s MVE timeline ends, of course, with the January 6 “siege” of Capitol Hill.  

Anyone looking over the above timeline might get a little confused: Wait a minute, you’d say, this is a list of all the terrible things these violent extremists have done? Where’s the violence?  Where’s the extremism? The Bundy standoff ended without incident. The only people in this timeline who died were unarmed and were shot by the government (Duncan Lemp, Ashli Babbitt).

I think I’ve finally figured out what a Militia Violent Extremist is: An American. The FBI does not like Americans and does not like America. The FBI itself appears to be the enforcement wing of a huge organized crime enterprise. Their goal is to force Americans to keep their heads down and get on with supporting the comfortable lifestyle of all those civil servants and politicians.

So here’s an idea: Let’s get rid of the FBI. There’s no constitutional provision for federal law enforcement, and it’s high time we shrink the Interstate Commerce Clause back to size. And the unemployed agents who miss knocking down doors and confiscating private property can always find work in Europe, either with the European government or with the European government’s top competitor, the mafia.

South Korean President Snubs Nancy Pelosi as US Power in the Pacific Drains Away

streiff reporting for RedState 

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived on the tarmac in Taipei, she was greeted by the Republic of China’s foreign minister and a flock of government officials. But, when she arrived in South Korea, the story was a lot different.

At the bottom of the ramp, there were only members of the US Embassy turned out to welcome her.

This is how the Financial Times described the scene.

When Pelosi last visited South Korea as House Speaker in 2015, she met then president Park Geun-hye and South Korea’s then foreign minister.

But Yoon’s office said this week that he was unable to meet Pelosi because he was on holiday, while foreign minister Park Jin is in Cambodia for a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Yoon, who is believed to be at home in Seoul, instead spoke to Pelosi by phone on Thursday afternoon. When Pelosi arrived in South Korea on Wednesday evening, Yoon was at the theatre and then had dinner with some actors.

“I can’t understand that the parliamentary leader of our ally visited Korea and our president is not meeting her. Being on vacation cannot be an excuse,” Yoo Seung-min, a high-profile former lawmaker from Yoon’s conservative ruling People’s Power party, wrote on Facebook on Thursday.

“What can we make of the fact that he watched a play at a theatre and had a gathering [with the actors], but is still not meeting the US House Speaker?”

While I supported Pelosi’s trip (Pelosi’s Planned Trip to the Republic of China Leaves the ChiComs Gnashing Teeth But Drawing Bipartisan Support in Congress), her junket through the Western Pacific demonstrated that US power is slipping from our grip. I’ve previously posted on how China is actively using their Hunter Biden strategy to buy heads of states, if not entire governments, on island nations that used to be virtual protectorates of the United States and Australia (China Seeks to Buy Eight Pacific Island Nations While Joe Biden and His State Department Are Comatose). Unfortunately, rather than challenge these moves head-on, we’ve sat on the sidelines and let China sign deals that give the Chinese military basing rights and the right to intervene in those counties to put down civil disorder militarily.

Another clue that the Biden White House is out of ideas is that the White House and the Department of Defense tried to prevent Pelosi’s trip for fear of making China’s President Xi angry. When what passes for our national leadership is afraid of what our primary strategic adversary will do if they had of one of our branches of government visits a US ally, we are edging towards a strategy of preemptive surrender.

Reports indicate that South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s calculated disrespect to Pelosi was driven by his fear of China. This is from the Financial Times article quoted previously:

Kim Jae-chun, a professor of political science at Sogang University in Seoul and a former adviser to Park’s conservative government, said Yoon “seems reluctant to meet Pelosi as he feels burdened by Beijing’s growing criticism of Seoul’s diplomatic and security policies”.

Kim added: “This gives the wrong impression, both domestically and internationally, that he is trying to curry favour with Beijing. Pelosi is a very important US figure. When the leaders of Taiwan and Japan all meet her, Yoon not meeting her is not a good choice.”

The Washington Post makes a similar observation:

But [President Yoon’s] glaring absence on the global stage fired up critics, who accused the conservative South Korean president of deliberately shunning Pelosi out of concerns about retaliation from Beijing. Her controversial visit to Taiwan escalated tensions between the self-governing island and Beijing.

Yoon, who took office in May, pledged to “rebuild” the U.S.-South Korean alliance, which he said deteriorated under outgoing liberal president Moon Jae-in. The Moon administration sought to work with allies of North Korea, notably China, to help broker a peace deal with Pyongyang.

While Yoon vowed a stronger political stance on Beijing, South Korea still walks a fine line. South Korea’s right-leaning Chosun Ilbo newspaper ran an editorial titled, “Yoon’s avoidance of Pelosi meeting may send wrong signals to the U.S. and China.” The paper warned the South Korean government that a “submissive attitude” toward China can alter geopolitical relationships.

I would submit that the only reason that a man elected on a “get tough with China” platform is keeping his head down is that he no longer trusts the US to back him up if he goes nose-to-nose with Beijing.

Totally unrelated, I’m sure, is this:

The weakness shown by the Biden administration is a danger to world peace. Our enemies do what they will, our friends are terrified, and Biden trembles in anticipation of the next revelation of the business deals by the crime family he leads.

Joe Biden Releases Statement After WNBA Player Given 9 Year Prison Sentence in Russia on Drug Charges

WNBA player Brittney Griner was arrested in Russia in February for bringing cannabis oil into the country while traveling for a basketball game.  Griner brought vape cartridges with her containing cannabis oil, a prohibited substance in Russia.  Today the 31-year-old was sentenced to nine years in Russian prison, after she was found guilty of possession and smuggling of illegal drugs.

The Biden administration is attempting to work out a prisoner exchange where Griner and Paul Whelan, a former U.S. Marine detained in 2018 in Russia of espionage charges, would be released in exchange for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout.

The White House released the following statement:

Today, American citizen Brittney Griner received a prison sentence that is one more reminder of what the world already knew: Russia is wrongfully detaining Brittney. It’s unacceptable, and I call on Russia to release her immediately so she can be with her wife, loved ones, friends, and teammates.  My administration will continue to work tirelessly and pursue every possible avenue to bring Brittney and Paul Whelan home safely as soon as possible.

We Can Shut Down Churches and Schools for a Virus, but Not Bathhouses?

Kira Davis reporting for RedState 

Monkey pox is in the news, despite affecting a miniscule portion of the population, and almost 100% of that portion being gay men. It’s a sexually transmitted disease with an easy fix…stay away from unsafe sexual practices. Yet, to suggest such a thing has become akin to homophobia. One CA senator, Scott Wiener said:

Closing bathhouses in 1980s didn’t reduce HIV. It was an epic blunder & pushed people into the shadows. Let’s not make that same knee-jerk mistake with MPX

The government forcibly shut down businesses, nursing homes, gatherings and schools over fears of COVID transmissions, crippling our economy and leading us to an unprecedented education crisis. Are we to believe that somehow shutting down the mom & pop flower shop was vital to national health, but shutting down bathhouses that are the site of regular, risky, gay sex orgies is not? If you’re gay, you don’t have to follow the same health rules that have been imposed on all of us?

Asking men to refrain from unprotected sex with other men in order to save their own lives is not an insane request. The insanity is coming from activists like Scott Weiner who think they should be able to do whatever they want with whomever they want without consequence, and also in the idea that shutting down small businesses and schools for a virus is okay, but shutting down bathhouses that accommodate risky behavior is not.

I’m just sayin’.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema Agrees to Senate Green New Deal Spending and Tax Proposal After Negotiating Minor Changes

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema has announced her support for the senate climate change spending and tax proposal after some modifications to the new taxation.

To support the hedge fund donors, Senator Sinema insisted the carried interest loophole tax provision be removed and instead replaced with a corporate tax on stock buybacks.  Any time a corporation wants to buy back their own shares of stock, they will now pay the U.S. government a tax for doing so; at least that’s the ¹intent.

[¹Note: taxing shares of company stock will never work, because that’s exactly what shell companies were designed to avoid.  Set up a child shell company to purchase the stock and the parent company doesn’t pay taxes on the child’s purchase.  It’s a shell game]

Additionally, according to reports, there is some kind of agreement to modify the 15% corporate minimum tax.  Details unknown.  Bottom line, Senator Sinema now supports the $700 billion climate change spending and tax proposal.

“We have agreed to remove the carried interest tax provision, protect advanced manufacturing, and boost our clean energy economy in the Senate’s budget reconciliation legislation,” Sinema said, signaling that she plans to vote to begin debate on the bill.  “Subject to the parliamentarian’s review, I’ll move forward,” she said.  (link)

Democrats fear the Lame Duck label

Once Joe’s labeled a lame duck, his entire presidency is dead in the water.

If there is one thing the Democrats fear more than Joe Biden’s cratering poll numbers leading into the midterm elections, it’s having Joe labeled a Lame Duck president less than two years into his term.

Polling already shows the Democrats are likely to lose control of the House. But if they have to face November with a Lame Duck president tied around their necks like a millstone, the midterms could be a bloodbath.

Who wants to vote for the party of a guy who has already decided to pack it in?

This is why the Democrats are playing along with Biden’s quixotic claim that he will be running for reelection in 2024.

Nobody in the White House or the DNC believes Biden will be running again. He’s too damn old and even Democrat voters don’t want him to run.

But if they admitted before November that old Joe is a one-term guy, he would instantly transform into a Lame Duck, unleashing political chaos throughout the party right before voters go to the polls.

And that wouldn’t do.

So they have to play along, pretending to believe that a guy who will be 82 in 2024 is definitely, positively, pinky-swear running for reelection, and by golly, he totally should because he’s been such a great leader who has done so many wonderful things.

The other day during the Democrat primary debate for New York’s 10th congressional district, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney committed the unpardonable sin of not playing along.

When asked if Joe Biden should run again, Maloney said she didn’t believe Biden is running for reelection.

Two days later, Maloney was forced to issue a mea culpa and retract her remarks live on CNN:

“Sorry I called you a Lame Duck, Mr. President.”

Now, I guarantee you, Joe Biden wasn’t the one demanding Maloney embarrass herself this way. He’s still trying to figure out how to get the VCR thingy to record his shows.

The Democrat leadership and possibly the White House ordered Maloney to do it because the last thing they need is Joe Biden getting slapped with the Lame Duck label.

And not just because it would damage the Democrat Party’s midterm prospects either. Getting labeled a Lame Duck would hamstring this White House for the remainder of Biden’s term. This administration’s agenda would be dead in the water while Lame Duck Joe paddles around it looking for breadcrumbs.

And not just his domestic agenda, either. It would cripple the administration’s foreign policy as well.

Who wants to bother negotiating with a decrepit old crock who’s just biding his time until January 20, 2025, when he can waddle to Marine One and fly away to Delaware?

So these guys have to act out the fiction that the senile old man “deserves” to run again because he’s been “a great president.”

Frankly, I’m a little embarrassed for them.


Democrats fear the Lame Duck label

Biden Declares a New Public Health Emergency Just in Time for the Election

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The Biden administration is making the move to declare Monkeypox a public health emergency. That’s the word on Thursday as fear over the virus continues to spread, mostly driven by health authorities and media outlets that refuse to tell the truth about the risks.

And sure enough, this is all happening just in time for the November election.

To the leftwing hysteric, declaring Monkeypox a public health emergency seems like common sense. To the rest of us, it’s completely asinine and political. If you go to the CDC’s tracker, there have been a total of just 6,617 cases of the virus in the entire United States as of this writing. That’s a small number, no doubt, but it gets even sillier when you look at deaths. There have been zero deaths from Monkeypox in the United States, with only nine deaths in the entire world despite the virus circulating for months now.

Clearly, Monkeypox, whatever the spread may be or may become in the future, is not deadly on any statistical level. Certainly not in countries that have first-world healthcare services. On what planet does any of that add up to being an emergency worthy of government proclamations?

Then there’s the issue of how the virus spreads. It is no longer debatable that the primary vector of Monkeypox is strange men having sex with other strange men. Call them bathhouses, call them orgies, or call them pride events but that’s where somewhere around 95 percent of cases are coming from.

And what’s been the response? Abject hypocrisy.

The same people who told you to not leave your house and to wear a mask for two years over COVID-19 now want to assert that telling gay men not to go to bathhouses is just not workable. Is it any wonder no one trusts the public health establishment?

So why is all this happening? Part of it is the Biden administration not wanting to be accused of taking action by its far-left base of doubled-masked, quadruple-vaxxed hypochondriacs. The other part of it is November’s elections. What better way to justify once again crushing election day turnout, which heavily favors Republicans, than to scaremonger about Monkeypox being easily transmitted? And that assumes some states don’t try to change their election laws again, which is a real possibility. Are you ready for more drive-thru voting?

This entire thing is absurd. Monkeypox is essentially a sexually-transmitted disease based on the data we have, even if it’s not technically one. You don’t declare a national emergency over a virus that has killed no one after months and that largely spreads through a single act. If they could close churches for COVID, they can close the bathhouses for a few weeks. That they won’t do so shows just how hypocritical and useless our health “experts” are.

Coordination Between J6 Committee and Politically Motivated DOJ is Intended to Break Attorney-Client Firewalls in Trump Targeting Effort

The long-term motives and plans of the J6 committee and their coordination with the DOJ are starting to come into increased clarity as the mid-term elections draw near.

A key indicator of the strategy from within the J6/DOJ effort surfaced when the quasi-constitutional “committee” sent a subpoena to former President Trump legal counsel Pat Cipollone, then leaked the subpoena, then leaked the testimony, then shaped, edited and broadcast the testimony during their prime-time broadcast.   After the J6 broadcast, attorney Cipollene was then subpoenaed by the DOJ and recent reports indicate he is being called to testify before a grand jury.

The legal strategy, hereafter called by what it is, a Lawfare strategy, is now clear.

The legislative branch, specifically the J6 committee, is attempting to use their self-created legislative legal authorities, to fracture long established attorney-client privileges, and then send the results to the DOJ for use against the client of the attorney.  This explains the importance of former White House attorney Lisa Monaco taking up her position as Deputy Asst Attorney General.

The DOJ would be shut down by any ordinary court of jurisdiction, even in the heavily political Washington DC system, if they attempted to get a lawyer to give testimony about his legal advice to a client.  It is one of the most basic tenets and legal privileges in our system.

Attorneys cannot be compelled to give testimony against their clients, it is a standard long accepted in our legal system.  Any attorney who would break the confidence of the attorney-client privilege would lose their license.

Additionally, as the president, other privileges exist for President Trump, specifically the executive privilege to receive counsel or advice -from any person- on any issue that would pertain toward the administration of the executive office.  The president needs to be able to receive information in confidence, and the people giving advice and counsel need to be able to speak freely without fear the content of the conversation would later be used by another entity not involved in the issue at hand.

By compelling testimony to a non-court of manufactured quasi-legal jurisdiction, such as the J6 committee demanding testimony from Cipollone, it now appears the resulting information is being transferred to the DOJ for use against Cipollone’s client, President Trump.

This is an example of lawfare at its worst.

The J6 committee demands testimony and asserts the testimony must be offered without conflict because the J6 committee itself has no criminal authority.

As the issue is argued, the witness cannot be criminally charged by the committee, therefore no criminal liabilities exist for the witness, therefore the testimony can be compelled by the committee (the legislative branch).  However, what we are seeing is the committee being used as a legal shield and enforcement tool by/for the DOJ who could never -on their own- force the same testimony.

The result is President Trump legal counsel Pat Cipollone being compelled to testify before a criminal grand jury, and within that questioning he will be asked about about his prior testimony before the J6 committee.  Essentially, this is one big Lawfare workaround; and likely a legal and constitutional issue that will end up at an appellate court level or higher.

Political elements within the legislative branch (J6) are colluding with political elements within the executive branch (DOJ), to fracture the constitutional protections that exist not only for presidents’ (exec privilege), but also for all Americans (attorney/client privilege).

In ordinary times, this approach would be a jaw-dropping controversy that would come under rebuke from everyone involved in the media and justice system.

What is being described, well, actually what is happening, is what happens in third-world banana republics when presidents of various political regimes take office and then target their opposition using the state police or military.  What is being done under the auspices of the J6 committee and DOJ is an identical scenario using a longer approach that works around the foundation of the U.S. political and legal system.

More alarmingly, there is no one doing anything or saying anything to stop this process.  The republican politicians in Washington DC are as willfully blind to the unconstitutional lawfare scheme as they are to the victims of the J6 FBI and DOJ targeting operation who are languishing in DC prisons.

No doubt former President Obama and his crew are laughing as they watch this play out, while the media cheer.  After all, these are all former Obama officials who are carrying out the targeting operation. [ SEE WHY HERE ]  The Republicans and Democrats created the Fourth Branch of Government as a political targeting mechanism.  Both parties are now protecting themselves from discovery of its intent.