Wednesday, August 3, 2022

How to split America when we get divorced


Article by M.B. Mathews in The American Thinker

How to split America when we get divorced

With the deep fundamental and structural differences American culture is experiencing, I’d like to propose divorcing the regressives and going our separate ways. But how to split up the spoils, who gets the kids, and who gets what, are the questions. I propose the following split:

Redmerica: We get the entire right half of the country.

Bluemerica: They get the left side.

Right down the middle. That's the hard part but we'll make it happen.

Redmerica: We get the dirty, polluting coal plants, oil pipelines, electric generators, and gas guzzler cars and trucks. We also build nuclear power plants.

Bluemerica: They can have the electric cars, charging stations, ESG, twelve-hundred-dollar car batteries, windmills, and hamster wheels inside their Kias.

Redmerica: We will take Trump, DeSantis, Boebert, JD Vance, Mike Lee, Cotton, Blackburn, Ernst, Imhofe, Tim Scott, Ben Carson, Noem, Jim Jordan, Eric Greitens, Kari Lake, and Herschel Walker.

Bluemerica: They can have Biden, Harris, Waters, Swalwell, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Wray, (deep breath), Newsom, Romney, Richard Blumenthal, Abrams, Hochul, Whitmer, Soros, Boudin, (deep breath) Nicole Hanna-Jones, Bill Gates, Jeff Zucker, Mark Zuckerberg, Ibrim Kendi, and anyone named McCain, Cheney, or Obama.

Redmerica: We will be happy to take Dan Bongino, Dave Ruben, Tom Fitton, Shelby Steele, Tucker Carlson, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Candace Owens, Kurt Schlichter, Judge Jeanine, Victor Davis Hanson, Maria Bartiromo, (deep breath) Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Rumble, Locals, One America, FoxNation, Daily Wire, the ghost of Rush Limbaugh, and talk radio.

Bluemerica: They can have CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, the entire mainscream media, Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Twitter, Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink, Facebook, Rachel Maddow, Wikipedia, and all the alleged fact checkers who rarely get their facts checked.

Redmerica: We will take traditional marriage, childbirth, freedom of worship, free speech, gun rights, merit-based hiring and firing, a powerful non-politically correct military, and color blindness.

Bluemerica: They can have gay marriage, gay parades, Pride month, abortion, anti-Judeo-Christian sentiment, censorship, a gun-free country, transers in the military, CRT, DEI, SEL, and ESG (worthy of two mentions).

Redmerica: We will take steak, pork belly, rack of lamb, ribs, Cuban sandwiches, egg rolls, hoagies, pizza, mac and cheese, sushi, pho, Caesar salad with anchovies, sticky toffee pudding, and Key lime pie.

Bluemerica: They can have their kale, quinoa, spelt, tofu, kombu, hemp, flax, chia, tempeh, vegan "meat", sawdust, and bowel cleanses.

Redmerica: We will take the teaching of reading, American and world history, writing, logic, math, typing, technology, literature, science, biology, music, cooking, honesty, good manners, the classics, and the death toll from socialism and communism.

Bluemerica: They can reap the rewards of CRT, DEI, drag queen story hours, birthing people, chestfeeding, Maya Angelou poetry classes, vagina worship, how to tear down statues, women’s studies, black studies, socialism studies, how to protest but not work, screaming at the sky, and violent revolution.

Redmerica: We will take the American flag, Iwo Jima, D-Day, individual liberty, the Second Amendment, farmers, truckers, police, amber waves of grain, and purple mountains majesty.

Bluemerica: They can have the inner cities, BLM, defunded police, social-worker law enforcement, masking, vaxxing, taxing, streets lettered with BLM and other "art," CHOP zones, shutdowns, high crime rates, gun-free zones, the WEF, the WHO, the EPA, NEA, FBI, IRS, the CDC, and Chicago.

No doubt I have left out some good, some bad, some ugly, but the list has to end somewhere. And some might disagree on which kids we should get, but this is just a start. Consider it a rough draft.

When we’re all done splitting this up, we re-elect Trump to run it. Then we build a wall to separate Redmerica from Bluemerica and wait to find out who does better after two years. There is one non-negotiable: They cannot come crying to us when they collapse. They were warned.


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On the Razor’s Edge

The world is at immediate risk, but not from global warming. Unless we change course it will end poorly for every living thing on the planet.

The planet faces an existential threat. If we don’t act soon, and with great effort, all may be lost. The point of no return is racing toward us at breakneck speed.

Action is required today, not just talk.

But this apocalypse is not the one we’ve been warned about—the rise in global temperatures by a measly half degree—but rather the complete and total abandonment of logic, reason, and reality in huge swaths of our collective lives.

Like children born into great affluence, many seem to believe the incredible wealth, freedom, tolerance and peace we live with—unique in the annals of all human history—is just the way things are. It just “happened” because of the inevitable march of progress and isn’t rooted in any special system design or way of thinking. They think we can’t go back.

What’s more, it is our right to live this way—ours by our very existence. Somehow, we—at least some of us with the correct thoughts—have turned a corner in human history. We are better than those who came before us, and at a very fundamental level—morally, intellectually, spiritually just better than those unwashed, bigoted rubes who came before us.

Some have called this a period of untruth; a willful casting aside of that pesky thing called  reality. Becoming unmoored from reality allows insane ideas to spread and propagate, putting all life on the planet in jeopardy.

The genius design of our Constitution is now seen by many not as the driver of the freest, most prosperous nation the world has ever seen but rather as a hindrance to their hopes of remaking the country into a socialist utopia.

Many now act as though the powerful nonprofit organizations we call government are actual, physical things with almost god-like powers. Since the abandonment of the constitutional limits on government activity over a hundred years ago, we have seen an explosion in its size, scope, and cost—with no slow down, let alone end in sight. 

Yet almost every problem in the country can be traced back to these entities. 

Many have embraced disproven economic systems, systems which have never worked in all history. Never has a country taxed and spent its way to prosperity. Some things work better than others—we accept this in many areas of our lives but seem to believe wishes and dreams reign supreme when it comes to politics and economics.

Many are re-embracing the ancient evil of tribalism. Multi-generational guilt is now accepted by many—effectively branding individuals permanent oppressors and oppressed based on the supposed actions of ancestors long past. And the core of this thinking is a widespread acceptance of the supposed inherent inferiority of minorities—specifically blacks.

By definition tribal thinking requires an “us versus them” mindset. It has never driven peace in any place it has existed.

Today, government is taking active steps to drive the country into a recession—all to “fight” the inflation which was also caused by the government.

Culture wars? Pick your issue and follow its progress and you will find government fingerprints all over the carnage. Free people freely interacting with other free people can—and do—work these things out themselves. Government just creates division—some say as a planned strategy to maximize the power of those running the government.

Driven solely by government, our country is almost $31 trillion in debt, growing at more than $45,000 per second with no end in sight. 

Few people on the planet have any real grasp of how big a number a trillion is. The entire universe and everything in it went from an explosion of nothingness to today in only 13.8 billion years. Our debt is well over 100 times larger than that.

Unless one believes in magic, there is no way to see how this ends well for the average citizen.

And it seems this unmoored insanity knows no bounds. Now we are told men can get pregnant, women can “become” men simply by taking hormones, and supposedly intelligent people can’t tell you what a female is. Physically and chemically mutilating young children is promoted by many—may God have mercy on their souls.

Global warming might be an issue but notice how all the “acceptable” solutions substantially grow an already bloated U.S. and world government and involve taking huge amounts of money and power from individual citizens.

Yes, we are on a razor’s edge. The world is at immediate risk, but not from global warming, and unless we change course it will end poorly for every living thing on the planet.

X22, And we Know, and more- August 3rd


Remember back in either late June or early July when I said I knew what the 2 NCIS shows on Monday's 1st episodes would be about? Well, CBS confirmed it today: 2 way crossover. Whoop de do.

I have known more about the 1st episodes of 2 NCIS's then I have of LA since late June, and it's now very annoying given that LA has filmed almost 2 episodes and I have zero clue as to what the 1st episode will be about! Whatever it's first teaser will be, it better damn well be amazing, like anything to so with Hetty amazing!

Here's tonight's news:

The Big Lies We Cannot Question

The biggest lie is to suggest that Republicans are spreading lies and misinformation, and Democrats are not.

The following was posted on social media recently by a widely respected California-based journalist:

I don’t like being an alarmist but the epidemic of misinformation is becoming critical and increasingly dangerous. It was bad enough when we had a lying POTUS but it is now clear that it’s become a political tactic of a large part of one of our main political parties. And, if one major party can get away with mass lying, so can the other one, so I fear this will spread across ideological boundaries.

It’s fair to say this reflects a majority opinion among journalists throughout the American media, and it invites a response. This journalist accuses “one of our main political parties” of engaging in “mass lying,” obviously referring to the Republicans and obviously blind to the lies promulgated by the Democrats.

The biggest lie allegedly spread by Republicans, now called “The Big Lie,” is to claim the 2020 election was illegitimate. But even if the 2020 election was not compromised due to a relentlessly hostile and partisan media, endless political persecution designed to damage Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, voting rules that were violated and manipulated in swing states, Zuckerbucks, and possibly much more, this assertion still isn’t a Republican “lie.” For better or for worse, there are diverse opinions within the ranks of Republicans. Some think it was a stolen election; others don’t.

But no such dissent exists among Democrats over some of the biggest lies ever told.

The lies Democrats unanimously affirm, with the active complicity of almost every major American institution, are treated as background facts. To deny any of them is to spread “misinformation.” They have become the premises upon which reports are prepared, decisions are made, debates are framed, and policies are imposed. They’re so ubiquitous that if you’re not a skeptic, you don’t even notice. 

Collectively, these lies are destroying our civilization.

Perhaps the biggest lie in terms of how it is going to damage the prosperity and freedom of Americans is the so-called “climate emergency.” Almost every major news network now devotes a significant portion of its headline content to what used to be relegated to local television weather reports. Once in a great while, a massively destructive hurricane used to dominate national news. Nowadays, every major heatwave and every big storm is heralded as evidence of devastating “climate change.” These events are often tragic and should never be trivialized, but the implication is that any measure, no matter how draconian, is justified to supposedly stop them.

The reality of climate change is not in dispute. The Big Lie is that we face a “climate emergency.” That lie, in turn, is built on many lies: Anthropogenic CO2 is the sole cause of climate change. The most likely climate scenarios are catastrophic if we don’t act now. Weather has never before been this extreme. Renewable energy is more sustainable and climate-friendly than conventional energy. We can accomplish dramatic reductions in CO2 emissions without destroying the American middle class. It is feasible to replace fossil fuels. Humans have to be concentrated in cities because that is more “climate-friendly.” Other nations will follow our example, regardless of the consequences. People who question the climate emergency are “deniers” and should be marginalized if not prosecuted. Global warming is certain to cause more harm than good.

An honest fact checker would rate every one of these assertions as “mostly false.”

These lies are necessary for politicians, backed up by opportunistic industries, aggrandizing public bureaucracies, and fanatical zealots to further their interests at the expense of the American people. These lies are not subjected to even the mildest objective scrutiny by America’s media or academia, much less the withering, hopelessly biased analyses those same journalists and academics use to debunk any challenges to the integrity of the 2020 presidential election.

Another assortment of big lies arises in the Democrat adherence to woke race and gender ideology. Some of the many lies attendant to this ideology include: 21st-century America is systemically racist against people of color. America can have open borders without reforming its system of welfare entitlements. A colorblind meritocracy is racist. SAT scores are not predictive of success in higher education. Mathematics and engineering pedagogy is racist. White supremacists commit the majority of hate crimes. Incarceration of criminals does not deter crime and reduce crime rates. Men can menstruate and have children. Women can have penises. Teaching 5-year-old kids that they can choose their “gender” does not confuse them. “Gender-affirming” puberty blockers are a legitimate medical treatment for children. The list goes on.

If the big lie of the climate emergency will leave Americans destitute and without their freedom, the big lie of woke ideology is going to destroy American culture. Maybe that is the intent. Underlying most of the woke lies is the notion that cultural norms and expectations don’t matter or do more harm than good, and that instead the most important goals for a society should be to achieve equality of outcome across every institution and at every level, and to avoid offending anyone. This is impossible.

A vivid example of woke ideology personified is Sam Brinton. This man has decided that he can publicly flaunt his revolutionary sexuality while simultaneously performing his role as the deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition in the U.S. Office of Nuclear Energy. It isn’t necessarily Brinton’s choice to live as a “nonbinary” that is the problem—it’s that he chooses to dress in a manner that he knows will distract nearly anyone with whom he has official interactions from issues that involve the security of nuclear waste, to instead notice the bright red lipstick he’s applied immediately beneath his thick mustache.

If Brinton wants to be an LGBTQ activist, he should do that. It’s still a free country. But it is selfish and unprofessional for him to make sure the first thing people notice about him are his eccentricities when he has a serious government job that is completely unrelated to his sexuality.

A lot of conservatives, myself included, have not focused on gender issues. When gays got the right to marry, many of us said live and let live. But the sexually correct expectations of woke society have progressed well beyond accepting gay marriage, to the point where we cannot look at someone as obviously performative as Sam Brinton representing our nation, and say “that’s weird and inappropriate.” If we say this, Democrats call us bigots. And that, too, is a lie. Norms exist for a reason. They are a survival trait. Reluctance to precipitously discard them is not bigotry, it’s sanity.

The biggest lie, then, is to suggest that Republicans are spreading lies and misinformation, and Democrats are not. In any healthy democracy you are going to have hyperbole emanate from every side. And our media, backed up by our once trusted institutions, are doing everything they can to marginalize as hyperbolic and untruthful the political party that is still dedicated to preserving our prosperity, freedom, and culture. At the same time, they are promoting countless harmful lies that constitute the base currency of their partisan favorites, the Democrats.

Partisan journalists claim to be concerned about “mass lying.” But their ideological bias prevents them from questioning the lies they believe, or considering the truth in things they don’t believe. As a result, the epidemic of misinformation they help spread is becoming critical and increasingly dangerous.

A perfect primary night for conservatives!



It sure does smell like the lead up to 2016 all over again!

Despite being counted out, President Trump’s endorsements won their races over 5 states holding primaries yesterday.

The media and Democrats are hoping that the January 6th hearings have damaged Trump’s brand.

But if yesterday’s election results are any indicator, President Trump is stronger than ever!

Here’s where things get really interesting:

Trump’s endorsements were all Washington outsiders just like he is.

These aren’t establishment candidates.

These aren’t incumbents.

These are everyday people like you and me with no experience in politics.

And yet, they were able to handily defeat the establishment candidates!

Consider some of the results:

Perhaps the biggest test for President Trump came in Arizona.


Because President Trump endorsed Kari Lake!

But Mike Pence endorsed someone else.

Experts were watching this race to see if the Republican party has moved on from Trump to support Pence, who is reportedly planning on running in 2024, instead.

Yet Lake, who was initially trailing her opponent by as much as 10 points, is now in the solid lead.

According to local CBS affiliate Arizona’s Family:

Republican candidate for governor Kari Lake took the overnight lead against Karrin Taylor Robson, with 46% to 44% of the vote. Lake, a former news anchor, was endorsed by former President Donald Trump in Tuesday’s primaries against Karrin Taylor Robson, a development attorney backed by various Republicans including former Vice President Mike Pence and current Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey.

Last night around 2 a.m., Lake took to Twitter to challenge Democratic candidate for governor Katie Hobbs.

Prior to her confirmed lead, Lake told crowds at an election rally that she is “winning this 100%” and that there is “no path to victory for my opponent. We won this race.” Some of her supporters were seen praying in a circle around 10 p.m.

Early in July, Lake announced on Twitter that former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorsed her with three weeks left in the race. “Sheriff Joe knows the damage out-of-control crime and immigration can do to this state. I won’t back down in my fight to secure our border and defend Arizona. They called Joe, “America’s Toughest Sheriff.” I will be its toughest governor,” Lake tweeted.

But that’s not all.

Don’t forget that 10 Republicans voted to impeach President Trump.

Well, 7 of those 10 Republicans will for sure not be returning to DC!

They’ve either been defeated in their primaries or were so unpopular that they decided NOT to seek reelection!

This has got to be a taste of sweet, sweet revenge for President Trump.

After being kicked off of Twitter, he hasn’t been able to give his side of the story.

Yet, he still has a huge sway over the Republican party.

American Thinker has more analysis:

For President Trump, this morning’s got to be sweet.

His endorsed candidates, one after another, won over other GOP candidates in Tuesday’s primaries. Those coveted endorsements went for congressional seats in Arizona, Michigan, and sort-of Missouri, where it appeared that President Trump endorsed both candidates with the first name “Eric.” The counting is still on in places like Washington, so it may not have been a full sweep, but it came very, very close.

Many of the candidates Trump endorsed were political upstarts, not incumbents, which have a harder time winning, so the primary victories were all the more impressive.


Trump-impeacher Rep. Peter Meijer of western Michigan lost out to Trump-endorsed John Gibbs, who’s a political newbie.

Trump-endorsed Blake Masters won the GOP primary to challenge Democrat Mark Kelly for the Senate in Arizona.

A hideous entrenched character named Rusty Bowers, who was the term-limited state House speaker, lost his primary for a state Senate seat in Arizona after a string of anti-electoral integrity moves on his part, as well as collaborations with Democrats against GOP voter wishes, to Trump’s endorsed state senator, David Farnsworth.

Trump-endorsed Kari Lake took the lead in the counting for the governor’s primary race in Arizona over Mike Pence’s endorsed Karrin Taylor Robson and will probably have the GOP nomination for governor.

Best of all, Arizona is not Georgia…Republicans nominated Mark Finchem as its candidate for the secretary of state’s office, and it wasn’t close. Axios spit it out this way:

Trump-endorsed Mark Finchem, an unrelenting supporter of 2020 election conspiracy theories, will be the Republican nominee for secretary of state, Arizona’s top election official.

So what do you think, folks?

Was last night just a blip in the radar?

Or is it a sneak peak of the red wave that’s coming in November?

Let us know your predictions in the comments section below!

All FBI Agents Must Blow Their Whistles Or They’ll Be Complicit In Bureau’s Politicization

What the FBI needs to rehabilitate itself is a cavalcade of whistleblowers exposing the rot within the bureau.

Sen. Chuck Grassley’s office confirmed to The Federalist that the multiple FBI whistleblowers charging misconduct related to the Hunter Biden investigation only came forward in the last two months. While the existence of these new whistleblowers proves promising, other FBI agents with knowledge of misconduct or political bias must stop hiding behind the chain of command and start blowing their own whistles. 

“Multiple FBI whistleblowers, including those in senior positions” informed the Iowa Republican senator that “Washington Field Office assistant special agent in charge Timothy Thibault and other FBI officials … ‘falsely portray[ed] as disinformation evidence acquired from multiple sources that provided the FBI derogatory information related to Hunter Biden’s financial and foreign business activities, even though some of that information had already been or could be verified.’”

The whistleblowers further charged that “in August of 2020, FBI supervisory intelligence analyst Brian Auten opened an assessment, which was used by a team of agents at FBI headquarters to improperly discredit and falsely claim that derogatory information about Biden’s activities was disinformation, causing investigative activity and sourcing to be shut down.” “The FBI headquarters team allegedly placed their assessment findings in a restricted access subfolder, effectively flagging sources and derogatory evidence related to Hunter Biden as disinformation while shielding the justification for such findings from scrutiny,” Grassley revealed.

The significance of these developments cannot be overstated, for several reasons. First, the whistleblowers accuse supervisory bureau officials — not merely low-level line agents — with manipulating evidence related to an investigation of the son of the president of the United States. The ongoing investigation also implicates the president and his brother in the pay-to-play scandal of influence-peddling.

That reality alone should shock the core of the bureau, but there is more. The whistleblowers’ charges, when read in light of FBI leaks to the Washington Post, suggest that “FBI Headquarters either improperly withheld information or presented inaccurate information to the U.S. attorney’s office in Pittsburgh and possibly also Delaware,” which were tasked with investigating Hunter Biden. 

Further, by burying evidence about Hunter Biden, which at the time included the laptop he had abandoned at a Delaware repair shop, the FBI agents concealed a dangerous national security risk that both the intelligence community and Joe Biden needed to know, namely that Hunter believed Russians had stolen a second laptop that contained similarly compromising material. 

The new information revealed by the FBI whistleblowers exposes yet a further scandal, which Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., highlighted in a letter he dispatched to Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz last week. In his letter, Johnson noted that while he was investigating Hunter Biden’s questionable business dealings, the FBI provided him and Grassley with a supposed briefing on August 6, 2020. That briefing “was not specific” and was “unconnected” to their investigation, Johnson noted, and he and Grassley had “always assumed [it] was a set up to intentionally discredit [their] ongoing work into Hunter Biden’s extensive foreign financial entanglements.” 

In fact, as Johnson highlighted in his letter, leakers from the FBI fed the fact of the briefing to the Washington Post. The Post then framed the briefing as “an extensive effort by the [FBI] to alert members of Congress … that they faced a risk of being used to further Russia’s attempt to influence the election’s outcome.” That spin worked to falsely portray Grassley and Johnson’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign financial dealings as corrupted by Russian disinformation.

Johnson’s letter to the DOJ, FBI, and OIG concisely captured the significance of these facts and the horror of the scandal: “If these recent whistleblower revelations are true, it would strongly suggest that the FBI’s August 6, 2020, briefing was indeed a targeted effort to intentionally undermine a Congressional investigation. The FBI being weaponized against two sitting chairmen of U.S. Senate committees with constitutional oversight responsibilities would be one of the greatest episodes of Executive Branch corruption in American history.”

The Whole FBI Owns This

The FBI scandal does not end there, however, and concerns not merely the alleged misconduct by a few in the upper echelon of the bureau. Rather, the fact that the whistleblowers, including “those in senior positions” of the FBI, are only now coming forward to expose the malfeasance they witnessed — even though the investigation into Hunter Biden has been ongoing since 2018 and the alleged spiking of the evidence occurred in 2020 — renders the scandal owned by the entire agency and every member of the organization. 

The failure of other FBI agents and “those in senior positions” to object to the shameful politicization of the bureau finds its root in the Russia collusion hoax, with agents ignoring the misconduct by the bureau’s leaders, such as Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, and FBI Special Counsel Lisa Page. FBI Special Agent William Barnett, in a detailed interview with former U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen, revealed both the breadth of the bureau’s partisan impropriety and the reticence of apolitical agents to challenge their bosses.

Barnett, who served as the FBI’s case agent in the investigation of former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, spoke with then-U.S. Attorney Jensen after then-Attorney General William Barr tasked Jensen with reviewing the Flynn case. As The Federalist previously reported, Barnett “told Department of Justice (DOJ) investigators that the handling of the probes troubled him so much that he threatened to quit working on it in one case, and threatened to go to the Inspector General in another.”

A summary of Barnett’s interview noted that he believed “there was never any basis for the bizarre ‘collusion’ theory the agency and the special counsel relentlessly pursued, to the point that agents made jokes about how they could take any piece of information and claim it was evidence of collusion.” Barnett also believed the Special Counsel Office “pursued Flynn simply as a means to ‘get Trump’ and viewed FBI investigators as a ‘speed bump’ slowing down the work of the attorneys leading the inquisition.”

Jensen’s comprehensive summary of his interview with Barnett revealed many more extensive problems dating from 2016 and through Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. But it wasn’t until September 2020 when Barr initiated a review of the Flynn case by a U.S. attorney outside of D.C. that Barnett’s firsthand experience became known to those willing to address the corruption. 

The now-former attorney general did just that when he moved to dismiss the criminal case against Flynn, concluding the FBI’s questioning of Flynn that served as the basis for the criminal charge “was untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation.” The federal judge presiding over the Flynn case refused to dismiss the case, though, and with the legal wrangling continuing past the 2020 election, prompted outgoing President Donald Trump to pardon Flynn. 

Beyond the numerous FBI improprieties that occurred during the Crossfire Hurricane and Mueller investigations — including high-level leaks by agents — the interview of Barnett revealed a follow-the-marching-orders mentality that cannot continue if agents want to restore integrity to the bureau. 

“While Barnett questioned the investigative theory, he did not think at the time the investigation was illegal, particularly due to the oversight by attorneys (i.e., CLINESMITH) and the direction being given by top FBI officials,” the summary of Barnett’s interview stated, with Barnett noting he “was willing to follow instructions being given by the Deputy Director as long as it was not a violation of law.” 

Turn the Tide

The last two months seem to suggest a potential change in attitude, with FBI whistleblowers willing to work with outsiders committed to reform. 

In addition to whistleblowers exposing the alleged misconduct related to the Biden family, they have also alerted Grassley to the FBI’s politicizing of election crimes and campaign finance investigations. And with whistleblowers also alerting Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan that “FBI leaders are instructing agents to reclassify cases to bolster the Biden administration’s narrative that ‘domestic violent extremism’ is a major threat,” there is hope that the dedicated men and women of the bureau want to restore integrity to the agency.

It may be difficult for FBI agents, trained to trust the hierarchy, to reboot their reticence, but recent events establish that the FBI leadership cannot right itself. What the FBI needs, then, to rehabilitate itself is a cavalcade of whistleblowers exposing the rot within the bureau. Every agent at every level must join the few brave whistleblowers who have come forward. 

If, knowing what they do now about DOJ and FBI leadership’s inability to clean the political mess, agents remain mum, they will be complicit in the scandal, and Americans will no longer distinguish between the hardworking men and women of the FBI and the supposedly few bad apples — we will view the entire bureau as bad.

Unrepentant: George Soros Vows to Continue Backing Woke Prosecutors Despite the Lives They’ve Ruined

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Billionaire activist George Soros wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal Sunday announcing his intention to continue dropping tens of millions of dollars in donations to get woke, “progressive” district attorneys elected in cities across the nation. He laughably claimed that such prosecutors are making the criminal justice system “more effective and just,” despite much evidence to the contrary, including skyrocketing crime and countless shattered lives. He writes:

Americans desperately need a more thoughtful discussion about our response to crime. People have had enough of the demagoguery and divisive partisan attacks that dominate the debate and obscure the issues.

The ninety-one-year-old, Hungarian-born financier continues, explaining that in his view the American justice system is unfair:

Yet our system is rife with injustices that make us all less safe. The idea that we need to choose between justice and safety is false. They reinforce each other: If people trust the justice system, it will work. And if the system works, public safety will improve. (Emphasis mine.)

There’s an obvious problem with the above sentence. People don’t trust the justice system under the prosecutors he supports, because they’ve been soft on crime and utterly uninterested in the rights of victims. If Soros witnessed a stabbing, he would probably rush to soothe the disturbed psyche of the attacker while leaving the victim bleeding out on the ground.

According to the NY Post, Soros has been quite generous:

The Capital Research Center reported in January of this year that Soros has given more than $29 million to left-wing district attorney candidates through a network of political action committees. Other incumbents who have benefited from the largesse include Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Foxx in Cook County, Ill., Kim Gardner in St. Louis, and Kim Ogg in Harris County, Texas.

Here’s a rogue’s gallery of those he’s sent money to through his web of PACs: Los Angeles DA George Gascon, former San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin (recalled), Cook County Illinois State’s Prosecutor Kim Foxx of Jussie Smollett fame, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, and more. There are horror stories associated with each one, as we at RedState have reported:

  • Gascon gave just five months probation to a drugged-out, paroled teen who mowed down a mother and baby in a stolen car;
  • Two El Monte officers were shot and killed by a gang-member out on a Gascon-arranged plea deal;
  • Alvin Bragg charged a bodega worker in Manhattan with murder after he defended himself in an attack, while the attacker’s girlfriend was not charged despite stabbing the employee three times;
  • The Chicago Bears just announced they are moving from downtown’s Soldier Field because of the constant shootings; and,
  • A veteran prosecutor in Kim Foxx’ office resigned with a scathing letter Friday, accusing the office of being “more concerned with political narratives and agendas than with victims and prosecuting violent crime.”

There are so many more stories of these prosecutors letting loose violent criminals and spitting in the face of victims that it would take up about five separate articles.

Yet Soros wants “justice.”

We need to invest more in preventing crime with strategies that work—deploying mental-health professionals in crisis situations, investing in youth job programs, and creating opportunities for education behind bars. This reduces the likelihood that those prisoners will commit new crimes after release.

That sounds all nice and “justice-y,” but how does releasing dangerous felons accomplish these goals?

In recent years, reform-minded prosecutors and other law-enforcement officials around the country have been coalescing around an agenda that promises to be more effective and just. This agenda includes prioritizing the resources of the criminal justice system to protect people against violent crime.

Yet another case of a Leftist claiming to deliver one thing while actually bringing about the exact opposite. Not only do these Soros prosecutors fail to prioritize violent crime and its victims, but they have also actively sought to drive up crime rates. The shoo-in for a Bond villain counters:

Some politicians and pundits have tried to blame recent spikes in crime on the policies of reform-minded prosecutors. The research I’ve seen says otherwise. The most rigorous academic study, analyzing data across 35 jurisdictions, shows no connection between the election of reform-minded prosecutors and local crime rates.

What an effective argument! But wait… what’s missing? The name of the research paper he’s supposedly citing, or even one statistic. In any case, I don’t need a research paper to know what I’m seeing—I have two eyes and a brain, and what I’m seeing is staggering crime and tragedy and it just so happens to be on a massive upswing since Defund the Police and woke prosecutors came into fashion. I don’t need to be a Rhodes scholar to figure out what’s going on.

Soros concludes with what sounds more like a threat than an offering of hope:

This is why I have supported the election (and more recently the re-election) of prosecutors who support reform. I have done it transparently, and I have no intention of stopping. The funds I provide enable sensible reform-minded candidates to receive a hearing from the public. Judging by the results, the public likes what it’s hearing.

No, George, the public does not like what’s hearing, and that is why San Franciscans recalled whacko DA Chesa Boudin and why voters are desperately trying to get rid of George Gascon. I’m also pretty sure that the dozens of people shot every weekend in Chicago don’t like what they’re seeing.

The American justice system shouldn’t be for sale to the highest bidder.