Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Trump’s ‘Think Tank’ Prepares to Betray Him

The America First Policy Institute’s broader agenda appears to be to hijack the political attractiveness of Trumpism but replace Trump with their own anointed RINO.

Don’t go, Boss! That’s my strong advice to President Trump as he prepares to deliver a speech in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday at his alleged “think tank,” the America First Policy Institute (AFPI). 

Yes, it is important for President Trump to have a well-credentialed stable of policy experts capable of both building a 2024 platform and finding solid MAGA talent to populate a new Trump Administration. But the AFPI Trojan Horse—whose leadership is now bragging about how it will staff Trump’s “shadow cabinet”—is decidedly not that. 

Most comically, the AFPI roster features the author of a poison pen White House memoir who sued the president; a Communist China-trained accountant who criticized the president for “ineffective drug price policies”; a former Cabinet secretary who almost got Trump impeached; a former top advisor to Dick “Endless War” Cheney; and John “Book Deal” Bolton’s former chief of staff. What could go wrong there?

Most perniciously, the AFPI economics team is peppered with free trade ideologues on record opposing Trump’s tariffs—the most important and transformational component of Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement. The most famous offender here is Trump’s former National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow, who is now vice chairman of the AFPI board. 

As I document in Taking Back Trump’s America, I had to fight Brother Larry on an almost daily basis, not just on trade policy but also in my efforts to advance Trump’s two most simple rules: buy American, hire American. And Kudlow worked hand-in-hand with several members of Trump’s Council of Economic Advisors (CEA), who now constitute the free trade core of AFPI’s economic experts.  

Most egregiously, Casey Mulligan has boasted how Trump’s CEA chairman “would never waver from a free trade position,” and at the White House, Trump’s CEA, by culture and ideology, did everything it could to delay, dilute, and damage Trump’s trade policies. 

Brooke L. Rollins, president and CEO of the America First Policy Institute.

Incredibly, AFPI also hosts a gaggle of former Trump officials who have publicly criticized him for his “Stop the Steal” efforts and/or falsely implicated him in the January 6 violence. Besides the aforementioned Kudlow along with Kellyanne Conway, this gaggle includes former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf. 

Wolf openly defied President Trump’s order to fire the DHS official in charge of election security who laughably claimed the 2020 election was “the most secure in history.” And Trump pulled Wolf’s nomination for secretary after Wolf lit the Boss up over January 6. 

Arguably, the most dangerous AFPI fifth-columnist is former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. After the Boss left office, Jindal would insist “Trump was undone by his own predatory nature” and attacked the Boss for his “conspiracy theories and extra-constitutional notions.” Today, Jindal is aggressively pushing a “Trumpism without Trump” agenda.

That may well be AFPI’s broader agenda: Hijack the political attractiveness of Trumpism but replace Trump with an AFPI-anointed RINO. Here, it is worth remembering the Michael Dukakis bon mot“a fish rots from the head up.” 

The fishy CEO of AFPI is Trump’s former Domestic Policy Council director, Brooke Rollins. She recently let slip“[W]hether the next president’s name is Donald J. Trump or whether the next president is a different name, we will be there standing by ready to help and we’ve already begun preparations for that time.”

If that’s not a recipe for Jindal’s “Trumpism without Trump” coup, I don’t know what is; and Rollins ranks high on my list of bad personnel in the Trump White House who helped Trump lose the 2020 election. 

I thought when I served with her that Rollins was merely politically tone deaf. Today, after I see how she is staffing AFPI, there is a far darker possibility. 

Memo to the Boss: Instead of legitimizing these grifters, why not demand they stop using the Trump good name to raise money to engineer their “Trumpism without Trump” coup. Alternatively, if this really is your think tank, bring in a John McEntee or Liz Harrington to run the place with the full power to fire and hire. Now that would be a real Trump MAGA policy institute.

X22, And we Know, and more- July 26


1st episode of NCIS LA wrapped filming today, and there are plenty of opportunities for Hetty to appear! Here's tonight's news:

Industrial Power in Economics and War

Without sufficient industrial capacity and firepower, high tech information systems merely communicate the obvious: 
you are going to lose.

Beginning in the 1980s, the American economy underwent substantial changes. Just as the earlier age of industrialization had transformed a rural and agriculture economy into an urban one focused on manufacturing, the industrial age gave way to the information age, with a greater priority for tasks like management, information processing, and finance. The workforce and concentrations of wealth followed suit, with finance and high-tech companies displacing the old industrial giants with their assembly lines and armies of workers. 

Bill Clinton and Thomas Friedman told us that this was the way of the future and the path to prosperity.  In the 1990s and 2000s, the GDP suggested they were right, as American companies focused on the higher-paying decision making and information management functions, while leaving less profitable, labor-intensive functions like manufacturing to others, particularly China. 

This all seemed to work, until it didn’t. 

COVID and Russian Sanctions Reveal the Fragility Caused By Outsourcing

COVID revealed how extended, China-dependent supply lines meant that more and more products were unavailable and could not be augmented by nonexistent domestic producers during a disruption. In parallel with the supply chain crisis came the Ukraine War and the boomerang effect of severe sanctions imposed on Russia. These effects are even more severe in Europe, which tried to sanction Russia while being highly dependent on Russian energy supplies.

At the beginning of the war, Europe and America treated Russia like a bit player, who would fold quickly under the sanctions’ weight. Commentators mocked Russia, saying its economy was no bigger than Italy’s, ignoring the huge differences between them in purchasing-power parity. Using crude GDP figures, they said Russia was merely a gas station with an army.

If this is true, then Europe is a car-maker with neither an army nor a domestic energy supply. Russia has absolutely essential supplies that Europe cannot easily replace, which has fueled a rally in the Russian ruble. It turns out the more traditional, “industrial age” Russian economy, which is focused on things like food, fertilizer, oil, natural gas, and making tanks, was better prepared than Europe’s economy for a war. 

TikTok videos and artillery shells, while both contributing to the GDP, have quite different values once the bullets start flying. 

The Information Age At War

As with the information age’s economic cheerleaders, military theorists in the West have also been seduced by the promises of modern technology and information systems. As the economy moved from one focused on high-value production to the management of information, the Defense Department and its top theorists imagined that warfighting would follow a similar evolution. 

This anticipated shift had various labels, including the “Revolution in Military Affairs,” “digital dominance” and “fourth generation warfare.” The experts predicted that a high-tech military that detected, decided, and communicated the fastest would dominate the battlefield disproportionate to numbers of personnel, equipment, and firepower. 

As with the real economy, the major premise had some flaws. Even in the information age, it turns out, things still need to be made and consumed—whether those things be cars, phones, or food. The often highly technical work of producing these necessities still must be done somewhere, frequently in China. This practice of outsourcing renders information age economies, like our own, vulnerable and dependent, even though self-sufficiency is particularly important in times of war.  

Just as an economy needs raw materials and manufacturing, in warfare, communications are not self-sufficient; they must be in the service of delivering firepower. In other words, there still must be tanks and planes and artillery and men with guns to exploit the information being communicated. 

While American military procurement has focused on various high-tech information systems, along with similarly sophisticated sensors and communication equipment, the force itself, though shockingly expensive, has also become very small. It is doubtful that the United States and NATO have the industrial capacity or sufficient stocks of weapons to fight a war of attrition with an industrial power, such as China or Russia. Our forces still use 40 year-old tanks, have spent a small fortune to field a new utility vehicle, and we arespending more for less capable ships. Our computers may be top notch, but weapons, numbers, and firepower are equally important. 

A good example of the mistaken focus on technology and hubristic theories of future warfare is the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). It was supposed to be modular and fitted with the latest sensors and computer systems, but the design severely neglected firepower. Following directions from the Navy, it has minimal organic anti-air capability and no vertical launch missile systems. 

In the end, the LCS was a very expensive patrol boat with a very short range and little more than a 57mm gun in the way of offensive armament.  All the information dominance in the world would not make the LCS a match against modern warships with their over-the-horizon weapons systems, or even old ones, like the retired Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates.  

NATO is Losing Its Proxy War Because It Neglected Its Defense Industrial Capacity

While the United States and NATO were trying to make a Ukrainian Army in their image, NATO patrons found comparatively few artillery shells, armored vehicles, or other resources in their warehouses to supply the Ukrainians. Ukraine’s president has repeatedly begged for more, but the West lacks the stores or the industrial capacity to fulfill these requests. It turns out much of the $30 billion that was promised to Ukraine was actually a payoff to defense contractors, who will have to replenish the meager and diminished Western stocks of high-tech missiles and weapon systems being quickly used up by Ukraine.   

Before the conflict began, many criticized Russia’s military as outdated, with its large reserves of mothballed equipment and mountains of munitions in storage. But it appears that their approach has certain advantages and may prove prescient. While their strategy and tactics may be ugly and slow, they are slowly grinding down the Ukrainian military and gaining territory, and the Russians have the men, matériel, and a seemingly endless supply of artillery shells to continue. 

Western experts, including retired U.S. Army Europe commander Ben Hodges, mistakenly predicted that Russia would run out of shells and missiles back in April or May. But here we are in July, and the Russians are apparently firing 50,000 shells or more per day in comparison to the Ukrainians’ 5,000. At the same time, Russian Kalibr missiles continue to hit sensitive targets deep within Ukraine. It looks like Russia has worked out its logistics problems.  

Neither the Ukraine War, nor the recent conflicts involving ISIS, al Qaeda, and the Iraqis, resemble in any significant way the sanitized, information-dominated warfare projected by the theorists. America’s wars in the Middle East ended up being infantry-centric low intensity conflicts, where high levels of manpower may have helped, but were unavailable from the all-volunteer military. The Ukraine conflict appears to be a slightly more mobile version of World War I, with a heavy emphasis on attrition and firepower, after some initial, ham-handed efforts at “shock and awe” by the Russians. 

The actual wars taking place require different technologies, skills, and equipment than those being developed to serve the projected revolution in military affairs. As the military is gearing up for “great power competition,” our leaders do not appear to be sufficiently sensitive to the lessons of very recent wars, the risks of nuclear escalation in any conflict with China or Russia, or the need for numbers, mass, and industrial power if, by some miracle, a “near peer” conflict remains conventional. 

The whole tone of the discussion is reminiscent of the discredited predictions after World War II and the Gulf War that conventional warfare was basically over, and future war would be a “push button” affair. 

Models vs. Reality

Excessive devotion to a theoretical model can distract one from what is visible before one’s eyes. During the height of the COVID pandemic, modelers insisted on the need for masks and lockdowns, even though both had no strong empirical foundation. As the masked and the locked-down had similar outcomes as everyone else, the advice of the theorists did not change, other than to become more shrill and insistent.

While I have been highly critical of America’s and NATO’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict, it still pains me to see our military weakened by a combination of bad ideas and faddish ideology. American military power is an important component of maintaining American independence. 

The lessons of the Russia-Ukraine War are still emerging, but it appears likely, as with information-age predictions on the economy, that traditional “industrial age” skills, weapons, and preparations will prove to have an enduring place in warfare. National economic strength is the necessary foundation of military power. But what kind of economic strength? 

Domestic industrial capacity, abundant supplies, sufficient manpower, reserves of raw materials, and a streamlined procurement system will prove to be more decisive than high tech communications and information systems in any future war, just as they are now proving decisive in Ukraine. 

Without sufficient industrial capacity and firepower, high tech information systems merely communicate the obvious: you are going to lose. 

Wokeism Is Collapsing On Itself

The evidence of cognitive dissonance is mounting. 
The left’s house of cards will inevitably collapse.

If there’s a light at the end of the dark tunnel our nation is in right now, it’s because of Horace’s ancient dictum, “You can chase out nature with a pitchfork, but she will keep running back.” Arguably, wokeism is defined by its gnostic rejection of nature on gender, sexuality, the laws of economics, energy, race, speech, and rationality itself. 

Yet, nature has the final say, and we’re seeing it in the slow retreat of leftists from wokeism. Nary a day goes by on which a new Substack writer confesses some variation of, “I’m not a right-winger; I’m a proud progressive, but these new leftists are crazy, and I’m done with the Democrats.” They’ve reached a terminus in their minds where they can no longer bear the cognitive dissonance created by the suspension of reality. They’re done drinking the Kool-Aid.

The Liar’s Paradox

Consider the left’s cognitive dissonance on race. They have a Liar’s Paradox problem. The Liar’s Paradox goes, “A Cretan says all Cretans are liars. Is he to be believed?” 

Today, the paradox goes, “European male critical theorists say everything white males do only furthers systems protecting their power. Does the theory itself fall under that verdict?” Or currently, it would go, “A bunch of white tech entrepreneurs, CEOs, politicians, college administrators, business leaders, educators, and human resource managers push Critical Race Theory. Are they punking us while laughing all the way to the bank?”

Critical Race Theory says systemic racism is the inescapable order of things. So, if you’re a black child, personal agency is a chimera. You might as well try to escape the grip of gravity and fly like Superman. Such things don’t happen. How does this not disempower blacks?

Meanwhile, who benefits from this disempowerment? An entire industry of academicians, consultants, politicians, and entrepreneurs profit off the theory. Woke white graduates have lucrative careers in human resources awaiting them. Whites on social media gain a sense of moral superiority through it. 

So, cities are burned, their denizens murdered, and their businesses looted while Amazon grows. This might help Jeff Bezos, Shannon from human resources, or Emily on TikTok. But how does this help Elijah from Riverdale? It doesn’t. Elijah is a bit player in the woke leftist’s ideological psychodrama. 

The evidence of this sort of cognitive dissonance is mounting. More to the point, Horace’s dictum is proving true. The suspension of reality necessary for so much of Wokeism cannot hold, and nature runs back. Two recent examples highlight this.

Woke Education Policies Backfire

In a Substack article, “Yes, Things Are Really As Bad As You’ve Heard,” Wesley Yang presents the account of a teacher in a blue city involved in a free summer program. Because of woke criteria, the program became unmanageable and useless, hurting the very people it intended to help. Watch in real-time Horace’s dictum pan out for this teacher:

I’m a leftist. Like, a big one. I hate capitalism, I support abortion on demand, and I unironically use phrases like “systems of oppression” and “the dominant culture.”

In my short career as an educator, I’ve had countless … encounters with colleagues and administrators so surreal that even close friends chided me for exaggerating or “playing into right-wing tropes” when I repeat them. And there’s a sense in which I don’t blame them, because things really are that crazy out here…

Here’s the punch line:

Do I like having to make the same points as [right-wing pundits]? Of course not. But it’s precisely because I think racism and poverty are so rampant in this nation, and our obligation to respond so overwhelming, that I can’t keep pretending these ridiculous DEI schemes aren’t hurting the children we owe so much to. They are. It’s happening, right now. . . .

It’s not my fault a bunch of cynical hacks noticed that first while all my supposed allies were training themselves to look the other way.

The teacher still holds the old-time religion. But how far are they from realizing that this right-wing, cynical hackery is just an eyes-wide-open look at how nature works?

The True Victim Speaks

A second example comes from a recent police shooting in Minneapolis. The MPD shot a black man after a six-hour standoff during which the man threatened to murder a mom and her two children. He shot several times into her apartment where the incident occurred. During the standoff, police brought in the man’s parents to talk him down, but eventually, the SWAT team (two white men) shot the man, killing him.

Of course, the shooting cued The Narrative, and all the facts got rammed in place accordingly – Bad White Cops Kill Good Black Man Because Racism. And like Pavlov’s dogs, all the Good White People came running to fulfill their roles, showing up at a rally for the “victim.” 

And then this happened. Anyone not on a complete Kool-Aid buzz sees the cognitive dissonance of the situation. The actual victim, the woman threatened by the shooter, confronted the protestors and gave a heart-wrenching cri de coeur explaining how the incident was incomparable to George Floyd. By and large, the white protesters chastised the woman in nasally Minnesota-ese why she’s wrong to be upset. 

These sorts of optics will be the death of wokeism as we know it. It cannot continue. I cannot imagine being that middle-aged white guy in the video extending his hands in sympathy and saying, “I’m sure it was a terrible [presumably ‘experience’].” How sympathetic you are of a woman held hostage for six hours by an active shooter, essentially telling her, “Fall in line with The Narrative, woman. We whiteys need this.”

What’s in Store for Leftism?

Liberals reacting to the epistemic disorientation of current leftism – we could call it Maherization – often retreat to the safe territory of working class issues. But one wonders whether they’ll realize they’ve butted up against a more fundamental problem with leftism as such: it’s rejection of God and exaltation of humanity as a replacement.

The Liar’s Paradox doesn’t go away as long as the divinization of self or humanity drives progressive theory. At root is the paradox, “How do I reject any transcendent meaning to guide us, but then propose something with transcendent meaning to guide us?” All forms of leftism are a house of cards whose end is to collapse, like Nietzsche finally going insane after a lifelong project of using words to say words are suspect. 

The brain can only hold such cognitive dissonance for so long, before nature comes running back. We are reaching that point.

WATCH: Portland Residents Learn What Consequences Are as Democrat Policies Ravage Their City

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.” That’s the theme of a new video out of Portland that shows the city’s residents complaining about the state of things.

Journalist Andy Ngo, who chronicles Antifa aggression across the country (but got his start in Portland), released the clip showcasing a series of people whining about homeless encampments in the city. Worse, anytime contractors try to clean up and sanitize the areas in question, Antifa attack them with no reprisal from Portland officials.

There are two ways to respond to this as someone from the outside looking in. I could recognize that these people are in a tough position, having no real way to enact immediate change as their neighborhoods are destroyed by homeless encampments that bring with them rampant crime and even sickness. Conversely, I could note that Portland is one of the bluest, far-left cities in America and that its residents, including likely everyone in that video, continually vote for Democrats who do nothing but make the situation worse.

Take a guess at what response I’m going with.

In 2020, Portland’s mayoral contest came down to a radical Democrat named Ted Wheeler and an open communist named Sarah Iannarone. Those two candidates gained 86 percent of the vote, with the communist only losing by less than six percent (40.76 percent of the total vote).

There’s a certain meme online about sowing and reaping that I’m not going to post (because of the language used), but I think you can figure out the overall theme. It’s all fun and games when you are virtue signaling by voting for a communist and talking about marginalized groups. It’s a different ballgame when the homeless encampment takes over your neighborhood and makes it unsafe for your kids to go outside while your home is devalued. Suddenly, being woke isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, is it?

And frankly, unless Portland voters change their voting habits and stop electing Democrat officials who value anarchy over order, they deserve no sympathy. You get what you vote for, and that’s never been more true than in this situation. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Voters who are fed up are welcome to show they aren’t insane in the next election. Until that happens, good luck to them.

'The View' Hosts Went Wild on Ron DeSantis, Then the 'Clarifications' Started

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Is there a dumber show on television than “The View?” I mean, Joy Reid’s MSNBC show exists, so probably, but it’s got to be up there, right?

On Monday, the round table of liberal women decided to discuss the recent TPUSA summit that took place in Florida, which some RedState writers attended. Naturally, that meant lots of breathless accusations that in no way reflect reality. One of those surrounded “nazi” protesters who appeared outside the conference. Our own Brandon Morse videoed himself making fun of them if that gives you an idea of how much support they had among conservatives at the event.

Regardless, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and all but one of the hosts went wild, asserting that Ron DeSantis was somehow connected to these “nazis.”

When Ana Navarro is the voice of reason, you know things have gone way off the rails. To start, these “nazi” protesters were not attending the conference, and they were not allowed “inside” as Goldberg suggests. Instead, they were mocked and maligned as they stood outside on the sidewalk. Behar’s claim that DeSantis sympathizes with nazis is farcical, based on no evidence whatsoever.

Further, it is not the Florida governor’s job to constantly denounce every random half-dozen wackos who make a public appearance, especially given the history of these types of “nazis” being leftwing astroturf (i.e. what happened to Glenn Youngkin). Democrats are never expected to denounce Antifa or other anarcho-communist groups that show up at their events, but they demand Republicans always answer for those they have no relation to. DeSantis doesn’t play that game, and that drives the left mad. They want him to condemn these “nazis” because then they can say, “See, they are part of his group.”

Getting back to “The View,” apparently, the network’s lawyers didn’t like how the DeSantis segment went. When the show came back from a commercial break, multiple clarifications were given, including Sarah Haines being forced to read a “legal note.”

The long and short of it is that basically everything these unbearable lunatics said originally was false. TPUSA condemned the “nazis” in question via a statement. For his part, Ron DeSantis had no connection with them whatsoever. Lastly, Goldberg’s rantings about them being part of the conference were also false. On the contrary, they were ridiculed and denied entry.

In other words, this was just another day on “The View.” How ABC News justifies keeping that dumpster fire on the air is a question that may never be answered. We are talking about hosts who know absolutely nothing about anything they address, yet try to present themselves as thoughtful analysts. Who actually watches this mindless garbage? Well, I know the answer to that (*cough* white, liberal wine moms), but still.

I’ll end by mentioning how much I enjoy watching DeSantis drive Democrats mad. They just have nothing on the guy, and the flailing attacks are genuinely entertaining to watch.

Senator Liawatha Rants Big Mad with Forked Tongue

Senator Elizabeth “Fauxcahontus” Warren writes an op ed today [SEE HERE] that is fraught with a level of ideological pretending almost off the charts.

Essentially Liawatha is big mad because Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is raising interest rates into a contracting economy.

The duplicitous senator accurately notes what the fed chairman is doing is only going to deepen the recession and hurt main street worse.

American workers are going to suffer, and the middle-class is going to bear the majority of the pain inflicted by the Biden administration policy.

All of that is true, but Fauxcahontus is not stupid.  Instead, she attempts to distance herself with forked tongue while knowing the monetary policy is specifically designed to support the energy policy she demands.

A recession lowers energy use, and as a result lowers energy costs. Pushing the U.S. economy deeper into a recession in order to support the Green New Deal “economic transition” is exactly the intent of the rate hikes.  Liawatha knows this but does not want to be stuck on the USS Biden when it sinks.

“Rising costs are an urgent problem, and interest rates play a key role in maintaining price stability. But urgency is no excuse for doubling down on a dangerous treatment. As with any illness, the right medicine starts with the right diagnosis. Unfortunately, the Fed has seized on aggressive rate hikes—a big dose of the only medicine at its disposal—even though they are largely ineffective against many of the underlying causes of this inflationary spike.” (read more)

Senator Elizabeth Warren is the worst kind of liar.  She is a liar that convinces her followers of her virtue through forked tongue.  Turn over the Senator Elizabeth Warren UniParty medallion and on the opposite side you will find the image of Senator Ted Cruz.

Discrediting the January 6 committee one bad meme at a time

If anyone is making the January 6 committee look like an illegitimate, unserious band of petty, vindictive twats, it’s Adam Kinzinger.

If Congressman Adam Kinzinger really wants the American people to accept the legitimacy of the January 6 committee, maybe he should take a look in the mirror.

Because if anyone is making the January 6 committee look like an illegitimate, unserious band of petty, vindictive twats, it’s committee member Adam Kinzinger.

Remember a month ago when Kinzinger posted a picture of himself holding his baby and tweeted “For you, I won’t give up until truth prevails.”

That self-satisfied, narcissistic tweet aged like rancid milk.

Since Thursday night, Kinzinger has spent his time shit-posting on Twitter, sending snarky, juvenile, badly-created memes mocking Republican Senator Josh Hawley over the video footage of Hawley running to attend the session certifying the 2020 election on January 6.

See, the committee wants you to believe that a terrified Josh Hawley was running away from the frothing-at-the-mouth mob of insurrectionists. But for that to be the case, Hawley would have had to be a psychic since no riot was taking place at the time the video footage was captured.

But that hasn’t stopped January 6 committee member Adam Kinzinger from turning into a 14-year-old girl and posting snotty tweets and badly-made memes mocking Hawley for running to make a session.

Like this one:

Kinzinger is a twat

Ah, okay. So Josh Hawley is Cary Grant. That’s bound to sting.

If you want to make Hawley look bad, you don’t post a meme of him as Cary Grant in “North by Northwest” for crap’s sake.

Does Adam think this makes Hawley look bad?

“For you, I won’t give up until truth prevails.”

Sure, Adam. This is all about truth prevailing.

I mean, not only is he one gigantic twat with the emotional maturity of a pimpled-covered ‘tween, Kinzinger can’t even meme well.

If this sits-while-he-pees dickless wonder wants America to believe the January 6 committee is a legitimate search for the truth, unfettered by partisanship and guided by the facts, perhaps he should stop tweeting like a big girl, get the hell off Twitter, and act like a man.

But he won’t, in large part because even this douche-canoe knows that the January 6 committee is not any of those things, nor did he ever expect it to be.

For Adam Kinzinger, this has never been about a measured and thoughtful investigation. It’s been about expanding his public profile by whoring for retweets from the anti-Trump ResistanceLOL – the only people stupid enough to buy his “For you, I won’t give up until truth prevails” bullshit.

In short, Kinzinger is Michael Avenatti with hair.

He’s the (albeit nominal) Republican version of that farting, shit-posting Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell.

And because Kinzinger is such a narcissistic lightweight, he has no idea that his snotty, estrogen-fueled Twitter obsessions expose him for the massive twat he is.

Then again, what else should we expect from this clown?

He’s the guy who fell for the fake picture of the fictional “Ghost of Kyiv” fighter pilot.

Kinzinger is also another excellent example of how the behavior of Trump haters eventually mirrors the behavior they supposedly hate in Donald Trump.

Trump posted stupid memes on Twitter to bash the people he hated. And Adam Kinzinger, who can’t shut the hell up about how awful Donald Trump’s behavior was, is now trying to do the same thing.

I say “trying” because, in the case of Josh Hawley as Cary Grant, he failed miserably.

But for the anti-Trump media, Kinzinger’s behavior will be rewarded. I fully expect him to land a regular paying gig with either CNN or MSNBC once his term in office ends in January.

And that right there is what is prompting him to act like a big girl’s blouse on social media. For CNN and MSNBC, approval from the Twitter ResistanceLOL is the most important quality any prospective on-air talent can possess.

And if he happens to be an enormous twat with the emotional maturity of Cindy Brady, even better.