Friday, July 22, 2022

Constitutional Sanctuaries

Across the country, many sheriffs are working actively to ensure that their citizens are protected from federal overreach.

In an era in which the federal government has identified conservatives as would-be domestic terrorists, many Americans are looking for sanctuaries where their constitutional rights will not be infringed.

Pinal County, Arizona, where Sheriff Mark Lamb has formed a civilian posse to act as a bulwark against tyrannical government encroachments, may be one such place.

In an interview last week, the sheriff said that his goal is to educate residents to be active in their communities “so the government will have a harder time overstepping their bounds.”

When Lamb established the civilian posse in July 2020, the idea was to educate concerned residents about law enforcement and to let them assist deputies during the 2020 riots.

“It’s just an opportunity to get them [residents] to more education,” Lamb said at the time. “They can hopefully squelch some of the frustration that they’re feeling right now in these uncertain times and at the same time get some training.”

Daniel Horowitz had the sheriff on his Conservative Review podcast Friday to discuss how sheriffs’ posses can be a firewall against government tyranny. 

During the interview, Horowitz asked Lamb if he was concerned that many police officers seem to be moving away from doing “what is just and right” toward “following orders no matter what.”

The sheriff said that he “shares that concern” and noted that he has even made videos that explain to officers that they shouldn’t be “afraid to say no.”

“The only way that a tyrannical government can really impose their will is with compliance of multiple law enforcement throughout the country,” he said. “Don’t be afraid to stand up against what you know is wrong and to stand up for the people.”

Pinal County also has a patrol posse that is armed and assists deputies by booking people in jail. Multiple sheriffs’ offices across the country have patrol and civilian posses, including Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone.

Additionally, there are currently 22 states, plus Puerto Rico, that have active organized militias known as State Defense Forces (SDFs), which assist the state National Guard in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

The State Defense Forces are controlled by the governors, and work as force multipliers for homeland security and civil support operations.

Governor Ron DeSantis announced the reestablishment of the Florida State Guard in December.

“The U.S. military has been kicking out great service members over the Biden administration’s unacceptable COVID vaccine mandate, and they are even targeting members of the National Guard,” said DeSantis. “The bureaucrats in D.C. who control our National Guard have also refused to increase the number of guardsmen despite our increasing population, leaving Florida with the second worst National Guardsman to resident ratio. By reestablishing the Florida State Guard under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Graham, we have a great opportunity to expand our capability to help people in times of need or disaster.”

DeSantis also recently announced a $6.5 million civil service and government leadership program that will open three “civics academies” located at Broward State College, Florida State College at Jacksonville and Polk State College. DeSantis says the civics lessons will “secure” Florida, and help rein in “woke” ideologies.

In Pinal County, posse members need to complete a four-hour training session that teaches “constitutional law, search and seizure, the use of deadly force and other police tactics.” Applicants have to pass a background check to receive a certificate and ID. Those who attend the training sessions can have a felony on their records as long as they don’t have outstanding warrants, but felons are not allowed to join the posse.

Sheriff Lamb told Horowitz he was concerned to see stories in 2020 about people getting arrested for not wearing a mask or being kicked out of restaurants because they didn’t have a vaccination card.

“Those things to me are very concerning,” he said, noting that when police enforce unjust edicts, it just “perpetuates the problem,” and allows “tyrannical ideas that are contrary to America’s foundation to be pervasive in our society.”

Lamb added that he is a “big believer in focusing on what you have control over.”

The sheriff told Horowitz that when he started the civilian posse in 2020 amid nationwide riots and looting, 3,500 people signed up in less than 2 weeks.

“We had to shut down the portal because we were getting so many people signing up for it,” he said.

Horowitz asked Lamb what would happen if the feds started targeting innocent people in his county for political persecution.

“Where does local law enforcement and perhaps a posse fit in?” the reporter asked.

Lamb said it was important for the sheriffs to put a stop to that.

“You know, your sheriff has the ability to put a stop to that, and at least, protect the people. That’s what my goal is. My goal has always been to protect the people,” he replied. “I didn’t swear an oath to any government organization. I swore an oath to protect the Constitution and the people of the United States.”

He added. “We work for the people and the people alone. I don’t work for the president or the governor. I work for the people of my county—and there’s power in that. I’ve been authorized by them to protect them, and to protect them from overreach.”

The sheriff said while he doesn’t see any immediate danger of feds going door-to-door to arrest innocent people, “history shows you” that it can happen. “If you don’t know history, you’re doomed to repeat it. So we can’t say that’s not possible,” he said.

Lamb told Horowitz that his ultimate goal was to “educate citizens to be active in the communities so the government will have a harder time overstepping their bounds.”

He went on to describe a disturbing interaction he had with “one of the chiefs” during a sheriff’s conference he attended by Zoom a few weeks ago.

Lamb said the individual “started talking about the importance of priorities for DHS,” and how their primary focus should be “domestic violence threats,” like people who question the January 6 narrative, or the 2020 election results.

The sheriff said he told the chief that the people he was describing as potential terrorists were “basically anybody who disagrees with this administration.” Lamb recalled asking him, “what about the 300,000 people crossing across the border every month? The unprecedented amount of fentanyl coming across the border killing 100,000 Americans? How is this not a threat?”

The sheriff went on to argue that the feds can not force him to enforce Joe Biden’s unconstitutional mandates, and if they tried it in his county, “we would stop them because they can’t. They have no jurisdiction.”

He explained how the federal government has been able to get its way all over the country despite not having  jurisdiction.

“What they did was they told local law enforcement, if you don’t do this, if you aren’t in lock-step with us, you’re going to lose your funding. That’s the only way they have local law enforcement over the barrel is over federal funding,” he said.

“I told our county that we have to be prepared to lose federal funding because we’re not going to do what they’re asking us to do. So, we just have to be prepared to lose federal funding and make our budgets work without it,” the sheriff told the host. “Any local law enforcement agency can say, ‘nah, we’re not going to do that,’ and other than losing some federal funding, there’s not much they can do.”

Lamb said he has started a group of sheriffs who stand up for the Constitution and the rule of law, called “Protect America Now.” 

“Not trying to be a partisan thing, we’re just trying to be sheriffs who stand up for what’s right,” Lamb said. “Standing up for the Constitution should not be a political issue.”

There are currently 3,081 sheriffs across the nation.

Lamb said that they’re trying to get “as many sheriffs on board as we can to where we can have the strength in numbers to stand up for what’s right.”

X22, Devolution Power Hour, and more- July 22


Just made screencaps for what could be the greatest gifs sets I've ever made! (well, for now anyways.). I'll tell you more about what they are about tomorrow. Here's tonight's news:

The Left’s Trans Agenda Is All About Erasing The Past To Control The Future

The left doesn’t just want you to deny biology in the present. They want you to ignore that it was ever valued as reality in the past.

Radical gender idealists recently announced they are unhappy with the “current standards in forensic human identification” because those policies “do a disservice to people who do not clearly fit the gender binary.”

Instead of simply discovering and classifying the past using contextual clues in human remains, including sex as determined by biological features, there’s a new academic push to project the sexual climate of today on history and offer “a gender-expansive approach to human identification.”

We should have guessed that the same progressives who want to wipe the Founding Fathers’ legacy off the face of the planet would also want you to believe that skeletons from ancient times would be miffed about being “misgendered” by archaeologists and anthropologists.

The left’s war on the past shows their ferocious desire to control the future. By normalizing sexual chaos in the now and using that to contextualize the past, transgenderism activists are chipping away at the foundations of humanity. To participate in their charade, you must reject biology on all counts and accept what false narrative is force-fed to you as tolerance and acceptance.

Unfortunately, Americans are buying it. They are adding “pronouns” to their email signatures and Instagram bios. They cheer when Big Tech nukes someone like Jordan Peterson from Twitter for “deadnaming” actress Ellen Page and pointing out that no amount of mutilation will change her sex into accord with her new name, Elliot Page. They collectively moan when they hear another Republican state passed legislation affirming women’s sports or launched an investigation into puberty-blocking drug manufacturers.

The left wants a monopoly on language, definitions, and history because once you control those, you have the power to set the narrative for everyone else — past, present, and future. That’s why institutions from schools to libraries to sports leagues and all the way up to the federal government are plagued with propaganda pretending it’s perfectly fine and normal for immature, underdeveloped children to make life-changing, physically altering, and often irreversible choices.

Thanks to elevation by the corrupt press, pharmaceutical companies, and social media echo chambers, that propaganda is working. Not only has the number of self-proclaimed trans teens nearly doubled since 2017 to 300,000, but a “study found that people 13 to 25 accounted for a disproportionately large share of the transgender population” in the United States.

As The New York Times succinctly put it, “trans identification in recent years has become political dynamite, driven in part by the rise in minors seeking medical treatments.” These “medical treatments,” often touted as life-saving, include chemical castration, genital mutilation, and other irreversible procedures and prescriptions that lack approval from the Food and Drug Administration, but those dangerous risks are memory-holed by the White House and the corporate media. This spin is present throughout the whole trans movement.

Just like it is taboo to mention that there is often regret associated with sculpting bodies into something they are not, it is almost always forbidden to mention the name and life associated with a person before he or she “transitioned.”

Any mention of a “deadname” could evoke a deranged rage because, for the radical gender idealists, any mention of the past that doesn’t comport with their perception of the future must be rejected.

That’s why leftists demand we pretend Lia Thomas wasn’t just an average swimmer in the men’s division before deciding to switch over to the women’s category and destroying the competition there. That’s why Merriam-Webster has repeatedly caved to radical gender activists and updated its definitions to reflect ideology instead of science, truth, and fact.

The left doesn’t just want you to deny biological reality in the present. They want you to ignore that biology was ever valued in the past.

Refuse to accept the terms and conditions of their wordplay and reject their attempts to replace fact and science with this radical new orthodoxy on sex. It’s wrong, it’s revisionist, and it’s already harming an entire generation of moldable children at a historic rate.

Experts Insist Sea Levels Are Rising Despite Photos Proving They Aren't

Jerry Wilson reporting for RedState 

The First Church of Climate Change demands absolute fealty lest Mother Gaia smite thee mightily with a fearsome blow. This is why, for example, true believers such as Barack Obama only purchase property guaranteed safe from rising sea levels and … oh, wait …

Nevertheless, intrepid defenders of the faith are unceasing in their efforts, demanding who do you believe: them, or your lying eyes and ears. The latest foray involves recently circulated photos of Sydney Harbor taken some 140 years apart.

Let the outrage begin, courtesy of Reuters:

It is not possible to gauge sea level rise simply by comparing two images of a location side-by-side, experts told Reuters, despite claims made online.

Oh, really. Do tell.

The photographs may reflect “different tidal stages,” Gary Griggs, Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, told Reuters.

An absolute global rate of sea-level rise has been recorded since 1993 by orbiting satellites, Prof Griggs said.

“This rate has averaged 3.42 mm/yr. but over the past decade or so has increased to 4.77mm/yr. over the past 10 years,” he said.

This begs the question of how sea levels are determined via satellite. Since hanging a giant dipstick from one into the ocean would doubtless prove unwieldy, the method involved is described thusly:

Satellite altimetry is all about timing. Sea-surface height can be measured by the time it takes for radar pulses to hit the ocean surface and bounce back to the spacecraft. Laser altimetry works in a similar manner, as laser pulses bounce off land-ice and sea-ice surfaces. But this method requires precise knowledge of satellite altitude, as well as the terrestrial reference frame (see question on how NASA studies sea level change). Extensive calibration is necessary to ensure the accuracy of altimetry measurements.

So, we’re depending on NASA knowing exactly how high their and others’ satellites are flying to keep tabs on the ocean level. Good to know.

Now, as most have noticed, when you pour water into a container, the water level rises evenly, even when the container’s surface is irregular. Obviously the oceans have far more complex surfaces than your average terrarium, and there are other factors at play, such as volcanos and earthquakes locally changing sea floor levels. However, even with these, one would assume the sea level would remain fairly consistent over time, rising or falling or staying the same as one. Instead, according to a map on NASA’s site, the change has been wildly inconsistent for going on 20 years. It makes one wonder.

It also makes one wonder where that pesky evidence of rising oceans might be. Are islands being flooded out? Portside cities going glub-glub? Harbors growing? Uh, no. But hey — EXPERTS!

“Local rates, whether Sydney or San Diego, provide sea level changes relative to land. Where the land is rising or sinking will produce different local rates. So, in Sydney, the land has been rising over the period of tide gauge measurements producing lower than global sea level rise rates,” he (Gary Griggs, Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz) added.

My, how convenient. In the meantime, let’s party on Martha’s Vineyard like it’s 1999, celebrating how it will still be there in 2099 and beyond.

EU Commission Asks all Member Nations to Reduce Natural Gas Use by 15 Percent to Help Germany and Energy Dependent States

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a woman of notoriously bureaucratic disposition, has proposed that all member nations to reduce their use of natural gas by 15% in order to subsidize and protect the larger member nations -specifically Germany- who are more dependent on Russian energy.

Spain, Portugal and Greece are balking at the idea of voluntary cuts in order to spread the energy resources to the larger economies.

Things amid the EU could get spicy again, with the league of nations in Brussels taking control of economic wealth distribution.

BRUSSELS, July 20 (Reuters) – The European Union set out emergency plans on Wednesday for countries to cut their gas use by 15% until March, warning them that without deep cuts now they could struggle for fuel during winter if Russia cuts off supply.

Europe is racing to fill its gas storage ahead of winter and build a buffer in case Moscow further restricts supplies in retaliation for European support for Ukraine following Russia’s invasion.

[…] The regulation needs approval from a reinforced majority of EU countries. Country diplomats are set to discuss it on Friday, with the aim of approving it at an emergency meeting of their energy ministers on July 26.

“Russia is blackmailing us. Russia is using energy as a weapon. And therefore, in any event, whether it’s a partial, major cut-off of Russian gas or a total cut-off of Russian gas, Europe needs to be ready,” EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said. (read more)

Obviously not everyone is happy….

BARCELONA, Spain — The European Union’s plan to reduce the bloc’s natural gas use by 15% to prepare for a potential cutoff by Russia this winter received sharp skepticism Thursday from the governments of Spain and Portugal, which are usually big supporters of the bloc.

The governments in Madrid and Lisbon said they would not support the initiative announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday. The proposal would start with voluntary reductions, but the EU’s head office also wants the power to make 15% savings mandatory in the event of an EU-wide energy emergency.

Spain and Portugal said making reductions obligatory was a non-starter. They noted that there are scant energy connections linking them to the rest of Europe and that they use very little Russian gas compared to fellow EU members such as Germany and Italy.

“We will defend European values, but we won’t accept a sacrifice regarding an issue that we have not even been allowed to give our opinion on,” Spanish Ecological Transition Minister Teresa Ribera said. (read more)

You will reduce energy use, or you will eat the bugs…. 

Congress Preps for Vote on Puerto Rico's Statehood (or Independence)

Joe Cunningham reporting for RedState 

Beneath all the other issues dominating the news cycle, a little-discussed bill is before the House and set for a vote next week. That bill could change the physical and electoral landscape of the United States.

The bill, called the Puerto Rico Status Act, went through markup in committee on Wednesday. If it passes through Congress, it would give the Puerto Rican people a chance to vote on statehood. It’s not a new initiative, but what is new is that this bill provides another option: Independence.

The bill provides three options that Puerto Ricans would vote on regarding their territory’s future with America including statehood, independence, and “sovereignty in free association with the United States.”

Under the bill’s third option, Puerto Rico would have “full authority and responsibility over its citizenship and immigration laws” but would also simultaneously allow for Puerto Ricans born before independence day to retain their citizenship.

Puerto Ricans who are not citizens but in the U.S. should the hammer drop on the option of free association would be eligible for naturalization as an American citizen.

Additionally, children born in Puerto Rico to two U.S. citizens would be recognized as American citizens, as well. This would last for “the duration of the first agreement” of free association, but that could be indefinite.

Democrats have eagerly been pushing this bill, even going so far as to bypass Republican input. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threw herself into the mix, and there were fears that she may include poison pills in the legislation to deter Republican support. However, while Republicans may not get everything they’d like in the bill, there is potential there for the GOP to capitalize on.

AOC, by the way, seems much more interested in Puerto Rico choosing independence rather than statehood. For some reason, she seems to think that offering statehood is just as colonialist as maintaining its status as a territory.

Even Democratic Puerto Rican voters have typically been far more socially conservative than their Democratic counterparts on the mainland, and many of their leaders have been solid conservatives. In late June, I was able to interview former governor Luis Fortuno on the subject of statehood.

The fear among Republicans has always been that a Hispanic-dominant territory becoming a state would instantly be a blue state, but that’s not always how the island votes. What’s more, as I’ve pointed out, it’s not like Hispanic voters are currently a lock for Democrats — in fact, the polling indicates the opposite. And Republicans who have gotten solid support from Hispanic voters — Ron DeSantis, Marco Rubio, and even Donald Trump — all support the statehood movement.

Regardless of the politics of the issue, it’s far past time for the United States to either admit Puerto Rico or let it go. Hopefully, this bill will lead to a change in our policy on the matter, and the Puerto Rican people will make a more definitive choice.

The Attention Hogg Shaman

Narcissistic, attention-craving social media
 influencer stages stunt for retweets.

Yesterday, America’s least favorite attention Hogg interfered with an official proceeding in the US Senate when he began shouting like a dangerous extremist and had to be escorted from the room by Capitol Police.

This is sedition and an insurrection and a direct threat to our democracy and … and … and … I’m literally shaking right now!

And here you thought we were rid of this shameless attention Hogg went he managed to get accepted to Harvard University despite being an inarticulate, pencil-necked, sunken-chested white guy.

And for a while, it certainly seemed like his 15 minutes of fame were over.

Remember in 2020 when he ran a Twitter poll to see if people wanted him to post daily videos with his thoughts on the election? More than 90 thousand people voted in his poll and over 80% of them voted No.

But Congress is debating gun control again. So David thinks now is the time to breathe life back into his long-decomposing 15 minutes.

So unauthorized entry to disrupt lawmakers is once again A-okay, guys.

It’s a good thing David the Attention Hogg wasn’t wearing a big Viking hat or he’d have been locked up faster than a debutante’s virtue.

Not that David would ever be caught dead wearing a big, furry horned hat like that. It would smash his perfectly quaffed, heavily-gelled pompadour.

(As an aside, I initially considered titling this “NRA-Anon Shaman,” but since my focus on his desperate need for attention, I changed my mind.)


I hate this kind of stuff, I really do.

I hated it when screaming idiots disrupted the Kavanaugh hearings. I hated it when idiots swarmed the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

I hate it because mob rule is diametrically opposed to our Constitution.

But I especially hate it coming from an attention Hogg like this pipsqueak in a pompadour.

David Hogg didn’t disrupt this hearing to petition the government for a redress of his grievances.

He did it for retweets, which is why he posted a video of his childish, narcissistic stunt on Twitter.

Just as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t really a congresswoman, she just plays one on TV, David Hogg isn’t really a political activist; he just plays one on Twitter.

For him, it’s all about attention.

Then again, that has been the case for this insufferable little twerp since he emerged from the closet in a separate building far away from where his fellow high school students were murdered.

Climate Alarmist Explains Policy Targeting Farmers to end all Beef, Pork and Chicken from Human Diet

A few years ago, we might have just brushed this type of ideological policy aside and called the guy a nut.  However, he might indeed be a nut, but more and more countries are adopting the climate change farming policy he is advocating.  {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH (2 minutes):

I often wonder about the mental health of these people.