Thursday, July 21, 2022

Uvalde and the Collateral Damage of Loose Borders

This collateral damage exposes the utter dishonesty of the claim that illegal immigration is a “victimless crime.”

By now most Americans have become familiar, through news reports or personal experience, with the most obvious consequences of not enforcing our borders. They include higher crime in our communities, more competition for jobs and social services, and the abandonment of our national sovereignty. Because our current leadership has chosen to implement unprecedented levels of permissiveness with illegal immigration, we are now seeing the collateral damage caused by this policy, and the astronomical costs we are paying for them.  

Authorities are still analyzing the conditions that led to the nightmarish school shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24. Like many similar incidents, there are a multitude of factors: the school’s safety procedures, law enforcement response to the incident, and the failure to recognize warning signs telegraphed by the shooter, among others.

But now, in a preliminary report on the incident, the Texas State House of Representatives has identified another, previously unreported factor. 

Since they have become ground zero in the Biden Administration’s immigration disaster, Texas border towns have seen increasing numbers of “bailouts.” This refers to incidents where law enforcement attempts to pull over vehicles suspected of human smuggling. The drivers will refuse to stop and speed away. The result is often a vehicle crash where driver and passengers “bail out” of the vehicle and flee to avoid arrest. 

Such bailouts trigger security alerts at schools. According to the report, the frequency of bailouts—reportedly around 50 in Uvalde from February to May this year—ended up causing security alerts at schools to be treated like false alarms. This resulted in a “diminished sense of vigilance about responding to security alerts,” the report said.

Is the prevalence of bailouts in South Texas the sole reason for the tragedy in Uvalde? Of course not. But we must live with the reality that the law enforcement response to the security alert on May 24 would likely have been far more serious and intentional if our federal government had a serious approach to border enforcement. That advocates for current policies claim they are done out of compassion for children is sickening in light of the lost children of Robb Elementary.

Texas has also been the front line of another collateral issue of the border crisis, the influx of illegal aliens infected with COVID-19. In the final year of the Trump Administration, the COVID threat at the border was mitigated through a White House order using the Title 42 process to prevent aliens infected with COVID from entering.

Not only did Joe Biden’s advisers seek to rescind the Trump order, they are also fine sticking border states with the colossal healthcare price tag incurred by the spread of the virus and other health problems of illegal border crossers.

In a lawsuit brought against Biden by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, for which the Immigration Reform Law Institute serves as outside counsel, a case brief gives an idea of such costs.  

The most recent estimate of the bill for uncompensated medical care by state public hospital facilities to illegal aliens was in 2008, when Texas incurred a cost of over $718 million. Given the scope of the pandemic, the bills for each of the last two years will easily be north of $1 billion. Expect the free-spending Biden White House to be uncharacteristically tight-fisted when it comes to compensating Texas for the bad outcomes of policies hatched in Washington.

Other collateral damage from current border policy is the environmental impact of unchecked immigration. To those on the extreme Left, the environment is their raison d’etre, the cornerstone of all their big government goals. Yet they turn a blind eye to the fact that another one of their pet issues, rampant mass migration, is an increasing force for environmental regression.

Research shows that the carbon emissions of migrants from developing countries are four times greater once they come to the United States. One of the popular talking points of Climate Change, Inc. is that the United States has less than five percent of the world’s population, yet consumes about a quarter of the world’s fossil fuel resources. If that is true, then why do some of the same people support immigration policies that significantly increase American fuel consumption as well as its carbon footprint?

All of this exposes the utter dishonesty of the claim that illegal immigration is a “victimless crime.” This is a problem that breeds many levels of bad consequences, created intentionally by the toxic agenda of self-serving politicians, activists and media figures. We deserve, and must demand, much better.

And we Know, Red pill news, and more- July 21


This has been a very amusing day. :) Here's tonight's news:

The Left Should Be Happy with Biden ~ VDH

Since when has changing an inept messenger 
ever changed a disastrous message?

The Left should be ecstatic that Joe Biden has given them everything they wanted. 

The Left likes inflation. It reduces the value of old money by printing lots of new money. Those richer who have it, lose the value of their money; those poorer who don’t have any money, suddenly do. 

When combined with low interest rates, inflation roars even louder. Not since Jimmy Carter has a Democrat been so insistent on inflating the money supply. 

For decades, the Left has amplified former Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s 2008 dream that the government must spike fuel costs up to European levels. That was seen as the best way to force unsophisticated Americans to quit burning gas and transition to renewable energy. Biden took that sermon seriously. 

He canceled federal energy leases. He shut down ANWR. He canceled pipelines and warned the oil industry its days were numbered. Biden has done more than any other Democrat to ensure fossil fuels were unaffordable, forcing America’s supposedly unthinking consumers to drive less or consider ditching their gas-engine cars altogether. 

The hard American Left always wanted unlimited illegal immigration. Biden agreed and destroyed the southern border as we knew it. 

The result is that in less than two years, nearly 3 million illegal aliens have surged into the United States. Nearly all of them arrived unvaccinated, untested, and unaudited at a time of a COVID pandemic. 

Biden worries little that record numbers of Americans are dying from drugs that now pour across the border. Cartels became richer and more powerful than ever under his watch, while child traffickers were freed from worries. 

Biden did more than any prior Democrat to ensure massive illegal immigration as part of the leftist dream of flipping red states blue by changing the demography. 

The Left rails about imperialism, neo-colonialism, and military expenditure. Joe Biden without warning simply yanked all troops from Afghanistan. He abandoned a $1 billion new embassy, a $300 million refitted U.S. air base, and $80 billion worth of sophisticated arms and equipment. 

In other words, Biden did more than any other prior Democrat to ensure the United States was humbled abroad, and its expeditionary forces taught a lesson about the evils of foreign interventions. 

The Left fetishizes race. It enshrined the idea of “good” racial discrimination: to stop racial bias, one must be racially biased. 

Biden was the first president to promise in advance that his vice-presidential running mate had to be both black and female. For his cabinet picks, Biden ignored most criteria of prior experience or specific expertise, but instead ensured that his administration was “diverse.” 

No prior Democratic president has been so beholden to identity politics or so consistently used de facto racial, gender, and sexual identity quotas in his presidential appointees. 

The Left for years has railed about the criminal justice system. It believes punishment does not really deter crime, which is instead a result of racism and a toxic capitalist system. 

Biden agrees. Federal attorneys mimic the so-called George Soros city and county prosecutors who enforce the law largely according to ideological directives. 

No prior president has managed to weaponize the Pentagon, the FBI, or the CIA in ways that have transitioned them from traditional institutions to woke avatars of social revolution. 

No prior Democratic president has so attacked conservatives, a strict-constructionist Supreme Court, and the Republican Party. 

So why is the Left so eager to oust Biden or at least ensure that he does not dare seek reelection in 2024? 

Strangely, leftists do not grasp that Biden’s current record and unpopularity are due not just to his unmistakable cognitive decline. The problem is not just his often-toxic personality, or his creepy habits of trying to shake the hands of invisible people or violating the private space of younger women. 

Instead, the Biden Administration has become an utter failure because voters detest its agendas. They recoil at $5-a-gallon gas. They feel their lives are being destroyed by 9.1 percent annual inflation and supply chain shortages. 

The public is tired of near record annual increases in murders and other violent crime. 

They are sickened by the tsunami of dangerous drugs pouring across the border and unvetted millions of foreign nationals entering their country without their permission. 

They are irate that the Biden cabinet never responds to these disasters. Instead, the administration denies the crises even exist. 

Or it blames its own self-created messes on the Russians, or Trump, or their own Democratic senators who balked at printing more trillions of dollars. 

Now the Left is looking for a younger, more charismatic, and more glib replacement president to advance their stale unpopular agendas. 

But since when has changing an inept messenger ever changed a disastrous message?  

Using Executive Power Biden Pledges Increases in OSHA Workplace Inspections as Part of Climate Change Compliance System

Joe Biden has pledged to increase his use of executive power in order to deconstruct the U.S. energy system and recreate a Green New Deal energy economy using windmills and solar power to generate electricity.  Today, Biden kicked-off the first round of executive orders [READ HERE].

The first round of executive orders is essentially payments to low income Americans for the increased costs of Biden’s new energy programs.  However, for those paying close attention, I would direct you to notice this predictable aspect in the “Fact Sheet” provided by the White House:

…”the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has already conducted 564 heat-related inspections, which are focused on over 70 high-risk industries across 43 states. On days when the heat index is 80°F or higher, OSHA inspectors and compliance assistance specialists are engaging in proactive outreach and technical assistance to help stakeholders keep workers safe on the job.”

Overlaying the COVID-19 mandates and executive orders as a guide, I think everyone can see where this is going.

[Go Deeper Here]


Prepare for the Biden Blackouts…

Gov. Ron DeSantis Gives Hilarious Answer When Asked Whether He’d Rather Be Stranded With Biden or AOC

 Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

I don’t normally write about this type of story – but this one was just too good to pass up. During an interview, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was asked a very interesting question that perhaps we should all ponder in those moments when we have nothing better to do.

During a Wednesday interview, Florida’s Voice Founder and Editor-in-Chief Brendon Leslie asked DeSantis who he would rather be stuck on a deserted island with: President Joe Biden or Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). It was probably the most difficult question one could ask a Republican politician in 2022.

DeSantis answered: “I mean, could I just end the misery right now and have my Maker call me back?”

Leslie then asked who DeSantis, who used to be a baseball player in college, would rather bat against. The choices were Tampa Bay’s Shane McClanahan or the mainstream media. DeSantis replied:

“Oh, I mean like — you know, look, I was a pretty good hitter in baseball — but the mainstream media, I mean, you know we know how to fight back against them and so I’m happy for that challenge any time they want to throw it to me.”

It was a fun exchange, and while DeSantis’ answer is understandable, it was the type of politician’s dodge to which America has become accustomed. I mean, why couldn’t he just answer the question? I bet Trump would have given a straight answer. Tsk tsk tsk.

Perhaps we should all consider the choice we would make in that situation. For my part, I’d choose AOC in a heartbeat. To the men reading this: Get your minds out of the gutter – it’s not for the reasons you’re thinking, you sick bastards. Besides, I’m already taken and my lady would throw me off the Empire State building with a millstone tied around my neck if I even came close to thinking such thoughts.

But seriously, I think conversations with AOC would be far more entertaining than hanging out with Mr. Biden. I’d feel much less guilty laughing at Ocasio-Cortez’s silly meanderings than I would with the president, who is clearly in his twilight years. She makes it so easy to post satirical tweets that people believe to be real, like this one:

Besides, after being a recent political prisoner after blocking traffic during a pro-abortion protest and her harrowing experience dodging hordes of angry Trump supporters during the Jan. 6 riot, I think it’s safe to say she’s a battle-hardened warrior type who could help me survive an ordeal like being stuck on a deserted island.

But that’s enough about me. Who would YOU choose?

Biden Approval Plummets to 18 Percent with Latino Voters After Comparing Them to Breakfast Tacos

The “breakfast taco” comparison was declaration heard loud and clear amid a Latino/Hispanic population already unhappy with the economic and social destruction the Biden administration has unleashed.

While it is not surprising to see a culture based on faith, family and tradition, become upset with policies that have a direct and immediate impact on their quality of life, it is surprising to see how much the Latino voting place has shifted.  A new Quinnipiac poll [DATA HERE], notably a very left leaning political survey operation, shows just how far the Biden administration has plummeted:

Overall approval for Joe Biden is now only 18% amid Latinos, with 69% disapproving and 49% strongly disapproving.

Things get worse when you look at opinions of Joe Biden and his handling of the economy.

66% of overall Americans disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the economy.  That number rises to 72% amid Latino adults.

Keep in mind this polling is very skewed.  You can see how skewed it is when the #1 concern for Democrats in the survey is “gun violence” (22%), the number two concern is “abortion” (14%) and then inflation and the economy comes in third place at 14%.

No other poll has inflation and the economy in third place amid any group. It is the #1 concern across every group polled.   Somehow Quinnipiac was able to generate a poll where guns and abortion (the ideological narratives) ranks higher than the economy as “the most urgent issue.”


The Democrats' Base Is Fleeing at an Alarming Rate

Joe Cunningham reporting for RedState 

There is a string of different data points from various sources that should fully explain why, barring a miracle, the Democrats have well and truly screwed the pooch for this campaign cycle. Each one of these data points comes from sources that aren’t exactly friendly to Republicans, making the data all the more damning.

From a CNN/SSRS poll released Monday, when asked if Joe Biden has had the right priorities during his term, only 29 percent of white voters thought so, with 71 percent saying he’s ignored the most important issues. What’s worse, only 35 percent of voters of color think he’s had the right priorities, with 64 percent saying he’s been off the mark.

In Florida, even a poll commissioned by one of the top teacher unions in the country shows Ron DeSantis is popular among his constituents, forcing the union to tell teachers to change their talking points.

The day before his speech, one of the national teacher unions that opposes him released a battleground-state survey showing voters approve of DeSantis’ education policy positions, and even some of his rhetoric.

The American Federation of Teachers circulated the poll, conducted by the Democratic firm Hart Research, as a call to arms for its members and allies to emphasize more popular proposals like spending more on schools and reducing class sizes, and de-emphasize fights that center on cultural issues.


One poll question found that voters, by a 32 percentage-point margin, said they were more likely to vote for candidates who believe public schools should focus less on teaching race and more on core subjects. By 27 points, they said schools should be banned from teaching sexual orientation and gender identity to kids in kindergarten through third grade. By 28 points, they said transgender athletes should be banned from competing in girls’ sports.

In Georgia, there appears to be new polling coming out soon that will show Brian Kemp enjoying surprising results among even minority voting populations in the state.

And, as I mentioned on Monday, we know Hispanic voters and working-class voters are at odds with the social issues Democrats seem to want to focus on over the economic problems plaguing the nation.

Hispanic voters and working-class voters are increasingly at odds with strong progressive Democrats, and the latter’s push for social change is also pushing Hispanic voters at a much higher rate than they did working-class voters ahead of 2016. In the year Trump was elected, union households were split on who to vote for, which helped hand blue-collar states to Trump and break the Democrats’ hold over the rust belt.

But now, you have Hispanic voters who not only are disapproving of President Joe Biden and his agenda, but are actively siding with Republicans on key issues. Working-class voters had long been the backbone of Democrats in those rust belt states and Hispanic voters key to Democrats in southern states like Texas, Florida, and elsewhere. But Hispanic voters of all origins started breaking for Republicans — and Trump, in particular — in the last few election cycles. Working-class voters grew upset with the Obama administration attacking factory and mining jobs and flipped to Trump.

When you add all of this together, it paints a horrible picture for Democrats. They are losing key demographic groups that have been a major part of their strategy for decades.

Democrats have long believed that “demography is destiny” — that if they just build a multicultural coalition utilizing shifting demographics in the country, they’d obtain a permanent political majority. But there’s a problem: Democrats then switched to all identity politics and extreme takes on social issues that end up pushing many of those demographic groups away.

And all the while, they have whistled past this particular graveyard. Donald Trump, vilified as the most racist and corrupt President of all time, nonetheless picked up increasing Hispanic and even black voter support. Republicans in states like Texas and Florida, which have a very large number of Hispanic voters, are getting larger and larger shares of those votes.

There is increasing dissatisfaction with Biden among black voters. The working class are losing their faith in Democratic politicians in swing states. The base they were so reliant on is disappearing ahead of the November midterms.

Demography is not, in fact, destiny. As it turns out, you have to actually work to keep those votes, and to do that, you need to know what it is they actually want from their politicians.

All Western Nations Following World Economic Forum Build Back Better Climate Agenda Have Identical Trends

In May the inflation rate in the U.S. increased to 8.6%, a few weeks later the European Union measured their May inflation rate to match at an exact 8.6% {link}.  In June the U.S. inflation rate increased again to 9.1%, and now we see the U.K. reporting their June inflation rate today at 9.4%.

While the individual amounts of government COVID-19 spending amid the U.S, U.K. and Europe were different, the percentage of that spending in relationship to the size of their economy was very similar.  As a result, the global inflation rates contain strong parallels.

None of these parallels are accidental.  All of this economic turmoil is running on an identical track -on a global basis- because the entire western plan was coordinated and followed.  What we are seeing right now is the outcome of the “Build Back Better” roadmap.  The “global inflation” is the outcome.

Joe Biden is blocking domestic energy production as he follows through with the agenda of the Green New Deal.  In Europe, not coincidentally demanded by Biden, a similar outcome comes from the sanctions and blocking of Russian energy resources.

One could make a reasonable argument that the team behind Joe Biden specifically wanted the EU sanctions against Russia, because the U.S. crew wanted to keep both industrial economies mirroring each other as the U.S. energy system was dismantled.  It would make sense to avoid a spotlight on the U.S. economic collapse, by forcibly pushing the EU economy into the same situation.

Taking that line of geopolitical and economic consequence one step further, and that would be part of the strategy -albeit undiscussed- behind having a consistent global cap on the price that any nation could pay for Russian oil.  That approach is not about punishing Russia, it is to make all of the economic pain and problems equal amid all western nations.  Globalists, and the central bankers, are good at creating economic systems to deliver equitable misery.

LONDON — U.K. inflation hit yet another new 40-year high in June as food and energy prices continued to soar, escalating the country’s historic cost-of-living crisis.

The consumer price index rose 9.4% annually, according to estimates out Wednesday, slightly above a consensus forecast among economists polled by Reuters and up from 9.1% in May.

This represented a 0.8% monthly incline in consumer prices, exceeding the the previous month’s 0.7% rise but remaining short of the 2.5% monthly increase in April.

The U.K.’s Office for National Statistics said in Wednesday’s report that its indicative modelled consumer price inflation estimates “suggest that the CPI rate would last have been higher around 1982, where estimates range from nearly 11% in January down to approximately 6.5% in December.”

The most significant contributors to the rising inflation rate came from motor fuels and food, the ONS said, with the former soaring 42.3% on the year, the highest rate since before the start of the constructed historical series in 1989. (read more)

The key point is to see how this is all being done in synergy. These geopolitical and economic outcomes may, at least initially, seem like disconnected patterns. However, when you stand back away from each assembly of pixels it is possible to see a much larger picture in focus.

How 'Terrible', Local Resident supposidly gets sick, how will we go on?! 😂


This is gonna be fun. :) Source:

The White House has just reported Biden has tested positive for Covid-19.

Despite being fully vaccinated and boosted Biden has tested positive for Covid-19.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said “This morning, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19, he is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms.”

Biden’s positive results come just one day after he stated that he and many other people in Delaware have cancer from the pollution that stemmed from oil refineries.

Fox News shared these details:

President Biden has tested positive for COVID-19, the White House said on Thursday.

“This morning, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a written statement. “He is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms. He has begun taking Paxlovid. Consistent with CDC guidelines, he will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. He has been in contact with members of the White House staff by phone this morning, and will participate in his planned meetings at the White House this morning via phone and Zoom from the residence.”

“Consistent with White House protocol for positive COVID cases, which goes above and beyond CDC guidance, he will continue to work in isolation until he tests negative,” Jean-Pierre continued. “Once he tests negative, he will return to in-person work.”

“Out of an abundance of transparency, the White House will provide a daily update on the President’s status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation,” she said.

USA Today had these details to add:

Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday, something the White House had taken extra steps to avoid as highly transmissible strains struck top aides, Cabinet members and the vice president.

Biden is experiencing “very mild” symptoms and is taking the antiviral drug Paxlovid, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.

While Biden’s vaccinations should protect him against serious illness, the infection is a blow to the administration’s efforts to show the president is on top of the pandemic that has disrupted the country for more than two years.