Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Sir Joe Biden: ’Tis But a Scratch

The situation for the Democrats is bad. Really bad.

Joe Biden is the Black Knight in the classic Monty Python scene, guarding a forest passage King Arthur seeks to cross.

Arthur asks the knight to join him in his cause, but the knight refuses, and then refuses Arthur permission to pass through. The knight announces that he moves for no man. “So be it,” replies Arthur, and the fighting commences. After a number of thrusts and parries, and groans and moans, Arthur cuts off the knight’s left arm. 

“Now stand aside, worthy adversary,” says Arthur. 

The knight replies: “’Tis but a scratch.” 

Arthur, incredulous: “A scratch? Your arm’s off!” 

“No, it isn’t,” replies the knight. 

Reality is not his thing. 

Nor Biden’s. After 20 years of fighting in Afghanistan, Biden withdrew U.S. forces precipitously last year in hopes of reaching a wholly artificial deadline of September 11, which would have made for a nice photo-op.

The withdrawal was a chaotic disaster. It was Saigon revisited. Afghans held onto departing planes until they fell to their deaths. In an attack on the airport, 13 U.S. servicemen were killed, 18 were wounded, and 170 Afghans were killed and scores more injured. Unbelievable carnage. Friends and allies of the United States were abandoned in the country, as well as tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military hardware. The world took note and took the measure of the man in the Oval Office. In an unprecedented action, the British Parliament rebuked Biden.

Biden’s reply to all of the criticism? “’Tis but a scratch.”

In the “Holy Grail” scene, the fighting continues. “C’mon, you pansy!” the Black Knight taunts. They fight more and Arthur hacks off the Black Knight’s other arm.

“Victory is mine,” says Arthur. He kneels down to say a prayer of thanks, whereupon the Black Knight kicks him. Arthur says the Black Knight can’t continue fighting because he has no arms left. “Those are flesh wounds,” replies the knight. He continues kicking Arthur, while yelling, “Chicken! Chicken!”

In the United States, meanwhile, it’s not just the price of chicken that has gone up. The price of gas has doubled since Biden took office, reminding everyone of hapless Jimmy Carter, “President Malaise.” Biden has attempted to blame inflation on Russian President Vladimir Putin, but the public isn’t buying. And why should we? Prices started rising long before Putin invaded Ukraine. Even Jerome Powell, Biden’s recently reappointed chairman of the Federal Reserve, agreed with the public: “Inflation was high before—certainly before the war in Ukraine broke out.”

The public understands that part of Biden’s woke agenda is to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. He canceled drilling leases and limited domestic production. He has imposed regulations that impose big costs, which lead to higher prices. And his anti-energy rhetoric discourages investment. Actions have consequences, and the public understands that. Biden is senile and may not.

Sky-high gas prices? Those are “flesh wounds.”

Arthur whacks the Black Knight, cutting off one of his legs. 

“Right,” says the knight, “I’ll do you for that.” 

Arthur replies, “What are you going to do? Bleed on me?”

Out-of-control crime is bleeding all over America. Murder rates and unsolved homicide rates soar. Soros-backed prosecutors refuse to prosecute criminals. Even “moderate” Attorney General Merrick Garland refuses to enforce the law that forbids picketing outside the homes of Supreme Court justices—though he seemed willing to sic the feds on parents attending school board meetings (since they might be terrorists). Meanwhile illegal aliens swarm across the U.S. southern border, bringing disease, crime, and fentanyl—lots of fentanyl—with them. Biden’s dereliction of duty, to enforce the laws faithfully, is startling. If the Democratic Party loses the Hispanic vote, it will be closing time for them. The Republican Party will be invincible.

But the Black Knight says: “I’m invincible.” To which Arthur replies, “You’re a looney!”

Black Knight: “A black knight always triumphs.”

Joe Biden may think that, but Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, isn’t so sure.

“Geopolitical tension, high inflation, waning consumer confidence, the uncertainty about how high rates have to go and the never-before-seen quantitative tightening and their effects on global liquidity . . . are very likely to have negative consequences on the global economy sometime down the road,” Dimon warned recently.

Arthur whacks the Black Knight again, cutting off his remaining limb. The black knight replies, “All right, we’ll call it a draw.”

That’s not what the polls say. In one recent poll, 64 percent of Democrats said they prefer someone other than Biden to be the Democratic candidate for president in 2024, citing his advanced age and middling performance. Seventy-seven percent said the country is headed in the wrong direction. This is the reality of current politics.

Arthur moves on. The Black Knight accuses him of running away. “Come back here and take what’s coming to you.” But Arthur is already gone.

The situation for the Democrats is bad. Really bad.

 But for looney Joe Biden, ’tis but a scratch.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- July 19


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

Victoria Spartz Deserves a Real Argument on Ukraine

Yesterday, Politico reported that House Republican leadership was “coming to regret” giving Representative Victoria Spartz, a Ukrainian-born freshman from Indiana’s 5th congressional district, “a coveted platform to speak out against Russia’s war.” Spartz was initially all-in for the war, but in recent months, she has begun to raise concerns about corruption in the Ukrainian government and push for more oversight of U.S. aid. In response, Politico reports, Spartz’s senior counterparts have grown worried that her criticisms “could portend future cracks in U.S. support for Ukraine,” and “may damage cohesion among the Western coalition in defense of Kyiv”: 

Inside the House GOP Conference, there’s a widespread fear that her posture is damaging U.S.-Ukraine relations at the worst possible time — and that she’s being played by forces that aim to weaken the Western alliance.

There’s no actual evidence offered for who those “forces” are, or how Sparks’ concerns about corruption and push for more aid oversight — the same position, notably, as that of the Heritage Foundation — are evidence that she’s being “played.” (In fact, Politico implicitly cedes that those concerns have a basis in reality, but waves them away as harmful to discuss: “Western nations’ longstanding concerns about corruption in Ukraine, an element of former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment, have also been shelved in the interest of fostering both domestic and international unity against Russia’s invasion”). Instead, unnamed House Republicans offer anonymous quotes trashing their freshman colleague for breaking with the party line:

“Her naiveness is hurting our own people,” said a GOP lawmaker who serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, granted anonymity to speak candidly about a colleague. “It is not helpful to what we’re trying to do and I’m not sure her facts are accurate … We have vetted these guys.” The Republican warned that Spartz’s comments could “hurt” the war effort.

Asked for comment on Spartz’s remarks, one senior House Republican who was granted anonymity for the same reason offered a blunt reply: “What the fuck.” 

A third House Republican granted anonymity to speak candidly about Spartz said she has a reputation for elbowing her way into briefings and meetings for committees she doesn’t belong to, like the Foreign Affairs panel, where multiple members have tried to address her comments behind closed doors.

These top Republicans are too cowardly to make such arguments in public — as Politico notes, “none of them want to publicly rebuke a colleague over Ukraine . . . as the Russian attack itself becomes more politically thorny within the GOP.” But they’re willing to actively undermine her in the mainstream media, so long as it’s on the condition of anonymity. And the attacks themselves are completely devoid of content: There’s no explanation for why Spartz’s concerns are wrong, save for vague aspersions about being “not sure her facts are accurate.” Instead, the basis of the broadside is that Spartz — by asking what, precisely, the billions of American taxpayer dollars are actually funding in Ukraine — is not being “helpful to what we’re trying to do.” In other words: “Shut up,” they explained.

Truth is the first casualty of war. If Spartz is wrong, her colleagues should explain why — and preferably not via anonymous quotes used for smear pieces in the pages of the mainstream media. What, exactly, is so unreasonable about the congresswoman’s position? She’s obviously not operating from a place of ignorance — she has traveled to Ukraine six times since the outset of the war and, unlike her unnamed Republican critics, actually lived there for the first 22 years of her life. At the very least, the rationale she gave in her statement to Politico merits serious engagement: “Growing up in Ukraine and visiting six times since the war started, I have a comprehensive understanding of the situation on the ground. The stakes are too high to be reactive without deliberation — as intended for our institution.”

Why is she wrong? The anonymous House Republicans don’t appear to have a real answer. If they did, maybe they’d actually have the courage to say so publicly.

Sri Lanka Is Just The First To Topple In Globalists’ Green Energy House Of Cards

Riots, famines, societal collapse, and cultural invasion — the globalist agenda has created the perfect storm for national instability.

For a year, the Biden administration told Americans inflation wasn’t real. Then it was “transitory.” Then it was “sticky.” Then inflation was miraculously “real” but perfectly expected as a result of Covid-19 workplace lockdowns. Then it was an unfortunate but “necessary cost” for patriotic Americans to pay in defense of Ukraine against Russian aggression. Now inflation has risen to an annual rate of 9.1 percent, the highest in more than 40 years.

Tucker Carlson has been outlining how Joe Biden’s Green New Deal energy policies — not Russia’s war in Ukraine or Covid-19’s economic fallout — are directly responsible for our current economic crisis. In following the World Economic Forum’s Build Back Better socialist blueprint for transitioning the economy from one relying on the hydrocarbon energies of oil, coal, and natural gas to one based on insufficient supplies of wind and solar energies, manufacturing and transportation costs have skyrocketed.

Add to this destabilizing energy shift the WEF and Green New Deal’s concerted efforts to shift the global food supply from one based on high-yield, fertilizer-intensive crop farming and traditional cattle and poultry production to a new “sustainable” diet of insects and lab-grown synthetic meats, and it is clear that the Build Back Better agenda touches every part of an individual’s daily life. In one fell swoop, Davos devotees are attempting to overhaul both the energy sources undergirding the global economy and the energy sources that fuel every human being.

One of the principal effects of this forced paradigm shift in energy and food production is today’s runaway inflation. If the supplies of relatively inexpensive sources of hydrocarbon energy are reduced on the global market, then everything dependent on hydrocarbon energy increases in price. From the operational overhead required to keep commodity and manufacturing plants running to the international shipping and transcontinental transport costs required to move finished products across the world, everything becomes more expensive.

At each stage of the process of extracting raw materials, producing a product for market, and putting that product in a consumer’s home, rising “green” energy costs cascade to create skyrocketing inflation. Likewise, when agricultural and livestock farming are heavily regulated in accordance with Green New Deal “climate change” goals, then not only does food become more expensive, it also becomes more scarce. Inflation and food insecurity are the natural results.

The Great Reset, however, is not occurring in a vacuum. Unsuspecting citizens may be the guinea pigs forced to endure the World Economic Forum’s agenda, but they do not lack agency of their own. Hunger and loss of savings tend to fracture societies, and not surprisingly, chaos and carnage are now on the rise.

In Sri Lanka, the costs of food and fuel have gotten so high that the island country has nearly collapsed. The president has fled, the prime minister has promised to resign, the socialist nation is in a state of emergency, and fed-up citizens have taken over much of the capital. It is the starkest warning yet to the Build Back Better zealots how devastating for ordinary citizens their forced experiment in social engineering has become.

In the Netherlands, farmers protesting government plans to regulate their livelihoods out of existence and seize their farms have fought back by blocking main thoroughfares with their tractors and keeping supermarket shelves relatively bare. Already, similar protests have popped up in Italy, Poland, and Germany.

Castro-loving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have succeeded in using the iron fists of government force and bank account seizures to dismantle Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy protests against experimental vaccine mandates earlier this year, but the current spate of public demonstrations against historic food and fuel costs show few signs of being similarly squashed.

While Germany prepares to restrict home heating at night and ration hot water, some industry leaders are already warning that “social peace is in great danger.” If tempers are running hot today, they are certain to go nuclear in the near future, as French and German leaders have warned their populations to “prepare for a total cut-off of Russian gas” that promises to exacerbate business bankruptcies and extend personal economic ruin. Only adding to the uncertainty of this approaching cataclysm, Europe’s border forces are reportedly “bracing” for “waves” of hungry illegal immigrants heading their way during what is inarguably transforming into a global food crisis.

Riots, famines, societal collapse, and cultural invasion — the globalists’ Great Reset agenda has created the perfect storm of economic insecurity and national instability.

All of this leads to an important question: If this Build Back Better project to demolish and reconstruct the West’s economic foundations ends up blowing up right in the globalists’ faces, what will they do next?

In Sri Lanka, the president hightailed it out of town and headed for paradise in the nearby Maldives. If Europe descends into conflict or outright rebellion, however, where will the World Economic Forum’s leaders hide? Is there someplace left in the world still unscathed from the predictable consequences of their disastrous actions?

Joe Biden Hits Another Milestone of Pure Ineptitude

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden continues to play approval limbo, and just when you might have thought things couldn’t get worse, they have.

CNN has released its new survey, one which has traditionally been kinder to Biden than other polls. Yet, it shows the president with the lowest approval at this point in a presidency in the survey’s history. He’s now even dipped below Donald Trump, who was in the depths of the farcical Mueller investigation at this point in his term.

Being lower than Jimmy Carter in 1978 is quite the feat, but Biden is just the man to pull it off. Despite not having to deal with essentially any unfair outside pressures (such as the Mueller investigation or the Iran hostage situation), the current president has managed to screw things up all by himself. He’s taken a recovering economy and turned in straight quarters of negative growth (also called a recession). He’s caused inflation to explode with his big spending boondoggles. He’s even screwed up every foreign policy move he’s made, from Afghanistan to his recent trip to Saudi Arabia.

It’s been one self-imposed failure after another, and Americans are not letting him off the hook.

It sure looks like that plan to focus on abortion and climate change has backfired big time. Who could have possibly predicted that (raises hand)? Voters don’t want a president who is trying to fight a progressive revolution for the likes of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They want a president who delivers a good economy and the ability to advance. Very few Americans base their political views solely on abortion access until birth. Even fewer care about hysterical climate change proclamations. This isn’t complicated, though Biden has done his best to make it so.

Moving on to other parts of the poll, the demographic breakdowns offer no hope to the president either.

For some reason, African-Americans, who have been hit hard by Biden’s blunders, still approve of him at a 57 percent rate (a really bad rate for Democrats historically), but Hispanics tell a far different story. They only approve of the president at a 38 percent rate with a whopping 60 percent disapproval. Those are historically bad numbers, and they portend a continued shift of Hispanics toward Republicans headed into the mid-terms.

Heck, Biden is now even underwater with white college graduates, though I believe white college-educated women still give him a positive approval rating because there’s just no hope for liberal wine moms.

The moral of the story is that Biden is in trouble. He’s not just a bad president, he’s a historically bad president. There’s no reason to believe he turns it around either. He can shuffle staff, which is likely to happen after November, but Biden is still Biden. That means failure is inevitable, and the pain will continue.

Battle Lines Being Drawn – Mike Pence Endorses Karrin Robson in Arizona, President Trump Endorses Kari Lake, Dueling Campaign Events Friday

While the ranks of the MAGA rebel alliance continue to grow, it is obvious how the UniParty empire is striking back. On the presidential side of Republican politics, the Wall Street crowd are positioning their candidates:

The open-border GOPe crowd (Koch Inc.) have already put Kristi Noem into play with a book release and well financed marketing team. The foreign policy interventionist GOPe crowd (AIPAC lobby) are funding Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo respectively.  The GOPe white wine spritzer crowd (inside donor class) are funding the explorations of Mike Pence.  And the GOPe Wall Street hedge funds (political insurance experts and short sellers) are betting other people’s money on Ron DeSantis.

There will likely be other fish, but for now that’s the inside crew being financially fed by those who run the Republican Club.  Inside the death star, Decepticon Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOPe beltway control agents have contracted for the 2024 reupholstery of the club’s leather chairs, and the mahogany table is being refinished to remove scratches from the crystal brandy glasses that were slammed and shattered in prior bouts of UniParty frustration.

From the perspective of Republican club control, the MAGA rebellion must be crushed at all costs. Control over the mid-term outcome, which may include the intentional losing of key races in order to ensure full retention of club control, now heads into the championship rounds.  Mike Pence will lead the current fight in the battleground of Arizona, where the republican club cannot –and will not– permit the MAGA rebellion to interfere with their larger responsibility for open-borders and cheap labor migration.

There are trillions at stake. [Please note my emphasis below]

Washinton Post – PHOENIX — Former vice president Mike Pence is endorsing Arizona gubernatorial candidate Karrin Taylor Robson, a developer who has long been involved in Republican politics, instead of former president Donald Trump’s chosen candidate, Kari Lake.

[…]  The endorsement illustrates the division in the party between Trump supporters who value loyalty to him over all else and those who want to move on from endlessly litigating the 2020 election, including those who are grateful that Pence and other Republicans blocked Trump’s attempts to overturn the results. Trump and Pence, who are each thinking about running for president in 2024, both plan to be in Arizona on Friday to campaign for their chosen candidates ahead of an Aug. 2 primary.

Pence called Taylor Robson “the best choice for Arizona’s future” in a statement provided to The Washington Post.” (more)

Well, obviously, because all the best republicans provide advanced notice of intent to The Washington Post.  [[ insert massive eyeroll here ]]

Successful republican club politics always involves the illusion of choice.

Republican party candidates, those funded by the various mechanisms that eventually all lead back to Wall Street and the multinational banking and finance interests of the professional donor class, are more akin to Russian matryoshka nesting dolls.   Remove the top of one doll and the doll underneath is an exact duplicate, only smaller.  Keep removing them and eventually you get to the least visible doll, the one easiest to control, which is the one that all others are created to hide.

Pence is the biggest and most visible DeceptiCon in the republican club’s matryoshka operation.

I suspect Noem and/or DeSantis will be the doll we will find after all the other club masks fall.

Gavin Newsom Reveals the Hilariously Dumb Reason He's Targeting Ron DeSantis

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Gavin Newsom began a one-sided feud recently with Ron DeSantis after dropping an ad buy in Florida proclaiming California the real bastion of “freedom” in the country. I say one-sided because DeSantis has taken the “I don’t even think about you at all” approach to the situation, continuing to focus on scoring wins in his state while Newsom flails wildly, attempting to position himself for a 2024 run.

The California governor hasn’t taken the hint that DeSantis just isn’t that into him, though. Newsom lashed out again in an interview the FOX LA anchor Elex Michaelson, calling the Florida governor a “bully” and shouting “Who the hell are you?” while trying to wax poetic about people who “look” and “love” differently.

Now, Newsom has revealed the reason for his obsession, and it’s absolutely hilarious, both because of how absurd it is and because of the fact that the California governor apparently has no critical thinking skills.

This has shades of Newsom playing low-rent Joe Biden, constantly bringing up Charlottesville as his motivation for entering the presidential arena. Except, in this case, Newsom’s reason is pathetically weak. He’s mad that DeSantis threatened fines against the organization that runs the Special Olympics because they were trying to impose a COVID vaccine mandate that ran up against state law? That’s the best this gel-headed wonder could come up with to make himself seem principled and tough?

It’s absurd in that Newsom’s reason is such small tea that it provides zero justification for the governor of a state over 2000 miles away to meddle in Florida. Even if DeSantis had viciously targeted the Special Olympics in some unfair way, that’s what Newsom thinks will make him a national hero?

Of course, that’s not what DeSantis did, and Newsom’s lack of critical thinking ability is apparent in his criticism. The organization that runs the Special Olympics was attempting to exclude deserving athletes based on whether they had gotten the COVID vaccine. The problem with that is two-fold. One, the vaccine doesn’t stop spreading, which made the mandate completely pointless and purely political. Two, some children who participate in the Special Olympics have conditions that don’t allow them to get the vaccine.

If Newsom had gotten his way, those athletes would have been left out in the cold in order to make some corporate overlords feel better about themselves. DeSantis wasn’t going to stand by and let that happen. He enforced the law, the mandate was dropped, and everyone who was supposed to attend got to attend. As he’s done the entire pandemic, DeSantis put the well-being of children first, not the deranged rantings of politicians.

So to recap, Newsom believes DeSantis is a bad Florida man because he allowed more people to participate in the Special Olympics instead of giving into useless virtue signaling over the COVID vaccine. If that’s his message for 2024, good luck with that.

The Long March to Nowhere


Article by A. Welderson in The American Thinker

The Long March to Nowhere

The original Long March refers to a maneuver, a retreat actually, by the communist Chinese during their revolution in the 1930s.  The March was a grueling affair.  It lasted over a year.  Ninety percent of the troops which started were winnowed away before the end.  Mao cemented his control of the party in the process.

Socialists and communists have used the Long March as a metaphor ever since to inspire monumental efforts for the cause.  One of those who employed the image was a German communist, Rudi Dutschke, who proposed a Long March Through the Institutions.  He envisioned laying the foundation for an eventual communist revolution in the West by slowly gaining control of the institutions of the capitalist world; political, cultural and educational.  Once the time was ripe, the revolution would be ignited and steered from these citadels of power. 

Sound familiar? This strategy has been implemented over the past few decades, and somebody must’ve judged the time ripe.  Because, it sure looks like a revolution has been kicked off around here.  Except that the Red Guards aren’t just roaming bands of fanatical students.  If you’re suspected of harboring incorrect thoughts, let alone voicing them, the mob howling for your blood draws numbers from the media, corporate HR, congress, as well as academia. 

On the surface, this sounds like a good strategy.  Woke corporations have a stranglehold on the financial well-being of the people.  The lapdog media shelters the public from all but the proper narrative, which changes as needed.  Activist academicians indoctrinate the children, teaching them what to think, not how to think.  And, the two-tiered “justice” system imposes arbitrary enforcement of byzantine laws on the ignorant masses, while the anointed do pretty much what they want.

I think that describes the current situation accurately.  The Leftists have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.  Through patience and persistence, they have gained control of all of the institutions, and implemented their Utopian blueprint upon our society.  That’s where the abject, miserable failure of the project becomes embarrassingly obvious.

Dutschke and his comrades came up with his long march strategy in desperation.  The workers of the world were never going to rise up and overthrow their oppressors.  Life under the capitalist thumb proved just too good for the masses to opt for global revolution.  Sure, the Soviet Union, China, and a constellation of satellites bowed down to Marx in the twentieth century.  But no sane person wanted to live in those s***holes.  The Marxists had to build walls around their workers’ paradise to keep the inmates from defecting en masse

The long march through our institutions was a stealth campaign to slowly acclimate us to being serfs again.  The reasoning was that once it was time to drop the masks the people would be used to the new world order.  This is a very European point of view.  As I understand it, the elites of Europe have never held a positive view of the common man.  To them, the little people should be grateful to have someone to tell them what to do.

I won’t comment on the European common man, or how deeply his faith in cultural institutions runs.  I do know a thing or two about Americans, however.  For several hundred years now we’ve been crossing oceans and braving primordial wildernesses, all to escape from people who thought they could run our lives better than us.  As a result, Americans harbor a healthy skepticism of intrusive government and an intolerance for useless, broken institutions.

An institution is a tool with which to address a social need.  Schools should teach.  Companies should turn a profit.  Government agencies should be primarily concerned with the activity stated in their name (Commerce, Health, Defense, etc...).  And so on. 

The Left has a nasty habit of tool abuse.  Any organization that progressives infest is inevitably subverted to advance their agenda, to the detriment of its official purpose.  And so, schools preachCompanies insult their customers.  The Commerce Department destroys industries.  The CDC actively makes people sick.  The Department of Defense punishes soldiers who don’t bow to the ideological flavor of the month. Which lately involves cross-dressing.

This is the societal equivalent of using a spirit level to pound nails, or a screwdriver as a prybar.  Perhaps these tools will do those jobs, poorly, but you will risk damaging them in the process.  The spirit level may break.  The screw driver will eventually bend, and its blade chip.  An unfortunate situation should one need to build on the level or drive screws.

Americans, being practical people, will sooner or later question the wisdom of supporting or retaining useless tools, or institutions.  Some we will abandon and replace.  Disney and the Democratic Party are two that come to mind.  Some, we will try to repair.  For instance, Elon Musk currently has Twitter clamped in the vice and is yanking hard to try and bend it back to some semblance of its true purpose.  We’ll see how that works out.

What led the Left down this path of creeping control through corrupting institutions is arrogance.  Beyond their faith that we need control is the assumption that we secretly welcome control.  Actually, they need to be in control, of everything, in order to feel useful.  The SJWs’ sense of worth is not really any of my concern, except that they feel compelled to compel me into their fantasies. 

A key component of those fantasies is the delusion that we will recognize the wisdom of the world socialists impose upon us, once it is in place.  America in 2022 is closer to that fever dream than ever before, and it is no exaggeration to describe the current situation as closer to a third world, banana republic than any sane person would ever want to approach.  It is immensely encouraging that a clear majority of Americans are awake to the situation, and will enforce a course correction come November.  Assuming the 2022 elections are anywhere close to honest, not really a safe assumption these days.

The Left’s undoing is that they are always headed to the same place, no matter how many times history proves what a bad spot that is.  The Soviet Union, communist China, Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia’s killing fields, the Warsaw Pact, North Korea, or Biden’s vision for America are all just different addresses in the same blighted neighborhood.  This time around the Marxists tried waiting long enough for the memory of past disasters to fade before slipping the nightmare in through the back door. 

In the nineteenth century, Samuel Butler wrote a satirical novel about an imaginary utopia called Erewhon.  The title is an anagram for “nowhere,” a not-so-subtle commentary on the advisability of chasing Utopias.  The Leftists did not listen, and they never will.  When the Left marches, loudly and proudly or silently and deceitfully, they travel the same road.  Their latest long march has again led nowhere.  Shame on us if we foolishly follow them.




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Kamala Harris Gives a Mind-Numbing Lesson on 'Assault Weapons' and 'Venn Diagrams'

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Kamala Harris recently got rid of another speech writer, but if her latest public appearance is any indication, the next one she hires isn’t going to help much. The vice president spoke on a White House live stream on Monday about assault weapons, abortion, and Venn diagrams, doing her best to make no sense as she spanned each topic.

On assault weapons, Harris spit out a word salad about their “purposeful” design that will have gun owners rolling their eyes.

I have no idea why Democrats think this is a good talking point. Were “assault weapons” designed to kill (even accepting the label as appropriate here)? Of course, they were. Do you know what other guns were designed to kill? All of them. Literally, all of them. The idea that a .223 chambered AR-15 is some maniacal invention of death in comparison to a .308 hunting rifle or a 9mm handgun is just silly. All guns are lethal and all must be respected and used responsibly.

Even still, the modern “assault weapon” was not designed simply to kill a lot of people “quickly.” It was designed to have low recoil, be accurate, and carry enough rounds so that you don’t get caught with your pants down. An AR-15 isn’t a military-grade, belt-fed M249 spraying nearly a thousand rounds a minute. Harris shows her ignorance on the subject every time she opens her mouth.

Moving on, Harris also delves into the mystery of Venn diagrams.

How is this woman not the most popular politician in the country? It’s a real mystery.

But I digress, I won’t belabor the cringe because Harris then made an argument that I think is worthy of rebuke. She attempted to connect the pro-life position on abortion to slavery.

Democrats say a lot of stupid things on the topic of abortion, but acting as if not wanting to kill babies somehow equates pro-life Americans to slaveholders is ghoulish. It’s taking reality and standing it on its head. It is the left that makes the argument that they have the right to arbitrarily deny personhood and rights to their fellow human beings in the womb. Do you know who else thought that way? That would be slaveholders.

Pro-lifers are modern-day abolitionists seeking to protect the right to life of all people. Harris and her ilk are the ones snuffing out lives for convenience and politics. If anyone should be compared to slaveholders, it’s them.

Broadening back out, Harris continues to be an awful politician. That she consistently runs below Joe Biden, who is riding in the high 30s for average approval rating, is both funny and pathetic. Even with the media that constantly defends her and a base that loves her, Harris is just inauthentic, unlikable, and bad at her job. No new speechwriter is going to hide that, and unless she’s going to get a personality transplant sometime soon, her chances in 2024 look dim.