Thursday, June 30, 2022

Colleges Are Ethnically Cleansing America’s White Kulaks

In the days and weeks after George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose, America’s universities proudly proclaimed an imminent “racial reckoning” on campus. “Diversity,” understood in a very specific way, became the top objective. Harvard’s university press published books on how to eliminate schools that were “too white.” Activists demanded the abolition of “white supremacist” standardized tests, and dozens of schools swiftly complied.

Two years have passed. Last fall, American colleges welcomed their first 100% post-George Floyd classes, and the results are clear: At one elite school after another, ordinary white Americans are being treated as academia’s “undesirables” and are slowly being cleansed out.

On June 13, University of Chicago freshman Daniel Schmidt posted a Twitter thread that quickly went viral. The thread described the class profile of the school he was attending.

Shortly after his thread, Schmidt appeared on Fox News to repeat his story.

It is a fascinating personal account. Schmidt’s claims about wealth and sexual orientation are hard to measure, though a (non-randomized) 2015 campus climate survey found only 76 percent of men, and 68 percent of women, identified as exclusively heterosexual at UChicago. But Schmidt’s claims about race certainly can be measured. Do the facts bear out his story? Are ordinary middle-class, middle-American, heterosexual whites vanishing from the University of Chicago? There’s a lot of evidence they are.

The University of Chicago avoids saying how many whites attend — nobody wants that information — but in 2019 its freshman class was 22 percent Asian, 10 percent black, and 16 percent Hispanic. Two years later, much had changed. The freshman class of 2021 was the first one whose entire application cycle took place after the great “racial reckoning” of 2020. And sure enough, its numbers shifted greatly from just two years before. This time around, 27 percent of freshmen were Asian, 10 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic.

It’s unclear whether these figures include or exclude international students, and there also aren’t precise figures for multiracial students or the handful of American Indians and Pacific Islanders who must attend the school. But the shift is so dramatic it still tells a clear story: UChicago’s white percentage has dropped roughly eight percentage points in just two years, from about 52 percent to 44 percent. 

America’s demographics are changing rapidly, but they aren’t changing that rapidly. Whites are still an absolute majority of public high school graduates (and both private high schools and homeschooling are whiter than public schools). From 2019 two 2021, the composition of public high school graduates changed from 53.2 percent white to 52.0 percent, a drop of just 1.2 percent. UChicago’s two year shift was more than six times the actual rate of change nationwide.

UChicago isn’t alone: All across America, two years into the media-announced “racial reckoning” of America, top universities are squeezing out white Americans for the sake of admitting others from more preferred racial categories. 

Last week A New Radical Centrism, a dissident Twitter account, highlighted that at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, supposedly only 19 percent of the most recent class are Caucasian.

Johns Hopkins directly confirms the figures in its statistics.

Strip out the 15% international students (which are typically treated as ‘null’ for race purposes), and whites are just 22.4% of JHU’s domestic undergraduate class, less than half their share of the country’s actual high school graduate population. Even in Maryland, whites are about 40% of public high school seniors.

But perhaps JHU has always been shunned by white students? Not so. The class of 2021, just four years ago, was 50% whiter.

At MIT, the fall of 2019 class was 42% white.

Just two years later, America’s other three major racial categories were all steady or higher, but whites were down five percentage points.

Look around and the same pattern is unfolding over and over:

The pattern is consistent: At one elite school after another whites are already a minority, and their numbers are falling faster than mere demographic change would predict.

All of this would be perfectly defensible, of course, if it simply reflected the outcome of a fair admissions process. But it doesn’t. Even before 2020, America’s university admissions have been nakedly discriminatory based on race. Data uncovered by the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard case shows that whites have the second-lowest admissions rate at Harvard, despite having the second-best academic profiles behind Asians, who also face discrimination.

Harvard admission rate by academic decile

Harvard’s admissions percentages, with and without racial discrimination

White students already faced discrimination in college admissions before 2020. But over the past two years, this discrimination seems to have ramped up. 

What is going on? It is impossible to know the exact mechanisms without university’s private internal documents, but it’s easy to think of a plausible hypothesis. The 2020 “racial reckoning” has produced more pressure than ever to maximize “diversity.” Over the past two years, using Covid and equity as excuses, the vast majority of American colleges have made their admissions” test-optional,” no longer requiring objective measures like the SAT or ACT from applicants. At the University of California, admissions officials aren’t even allowed to consider the scores of applicants who did take tests.

The purpose of going test-optional is clear-cut and frequently stated by the people advocating such policies: admit fewer whites and more non-whites who have relatively lower scores:

The pandemic forced a pause on colleges requiring standardized testing, long the gold standard for admissions in the U.S. As Covid-19 restrictions ease, widespread mandatory reliance on the ACT and SAT entrance exams isn’t springing back as quickly. One reason is that schools anticipate more Covid disruptions and want to provide predictability to applicants. Another is concern over large race-related gaps in SAT scores, which have been blamed for unequal educational opportunity for non-White students.


Meanwhile, the Students for Fair Admissions lawsuits against Harvard and UNC are still alive, and scheduled to go before the Supreme Court this winter. Those lawsuits have embarrassed America’s elite schools and exposed their widespread anti-Asian discrimination. It’s possible that, to sway the Supreme Court away from banning racial discrimination in admissions altogether, schools may be easing up on their de facto quotas on Asian students. It probably doesn’t hurt that there’s also a media forcememe about a surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, allegedly caused by Donald Trump, even though the crimes themselves are mysteriously concentrated in Democratic urban centers and obviously overwhelmingly committed by blacks.

So more Asians are being admitted, and there’s pressure for more blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians to be admitted too. But if those groups are going to grow, another group has to take the hit. Fortunately for America’s admissions gatekeepers, the decision is easy: just crush the kulaks.

As Revolver wrote late last year:

The modern American regime is built on explicit, institutionalized hostility to the people who most resemble the great Americans of the past. It is anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-rural, and anti-middle class. The more of these traits a person has, the more worthy of hate they become. The more the Globalist American Empire decays and squanders the inheritance it was given, the more bile and hatred it directs against those who symbolize what came before.

The white American middle class has become America’s kulaks — blamed for every problem, vilified for every success, and deserving of every punishment. Their destruction has become a fundamental goal of American political life.

READ THE REST… Are You Ready to Be an American Kulak?

Ordinary white Americans are the only group it is acceptable to have underrepresented in American life. And so, underrepresented they will be.

And yet, hope still remains. Perhaps the shift does not only reflect the increasingly anti-white attitudes of America’s college administrators. It may also be that American parents are heeding the advice of Revolver, and refusing to play by the rules of a rigged system.

After all, America’s repulsive racial spoils system actually runs on the honor system. This honor system is why Elizabeth Warren was able to parlay bogus family lore about “high cheekbones” into an Ivy League professorship.  Sure, an entirely white person trying to claim black identity might raise an eyebrow. But Hispanic identity? Please. The entire identity is a fabrication of the Census Bureau. There is no genetic test that can tell whether a person is “Hispanic.” Japanese from Peru, Germans from Chile, and Mixtecs from Oaxaca all qualify. There is absolutely no authoritative database of who is a real Hispanic and who isn’t.

For families willing to take a risk, the opportunity is right there: Get ahead by faking a minority identity. Already, this generation’s Shaun Kings and Ben Jealouses are getting a leg up by presenting as the heirs of American slaves, and 100% European teens are writing bogus essays about their beloved abuelas who left Argentina at age 5. In comparison to that, fabricating a racial identity outright is actually more noble, because it directly undermines an evil system rather than perpetuating it.

If you are a white American high schooler, or the parent of one, then America’s academic cartel despises you. You’re the kind of person they will always want less of, and will always tweak the rules to harm and exclude you. Defrauding them in return isn’t merely justified. It is a moral necessity.

A hero has died: Dr. Zev Zelenko Passes Away After Long Battle with Cancer



Dr. Zev Zelenko, a board-certified Family Physician who saved thousands of lives during the COVID pandemic, passed away on Thursday after a long battle with cancer.

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Wednesday, Dr. Zelenko has been battling a serious case of progressive cancer for some time. In a recent video, he announced that a tumor had been found on his heart’s upper right ventricle, with a blood clot sitting above the tumor.

In 2020 Dr. Zelenko developed a protocol that included prophylaxis, early intervention, and treatment of high-risk patients with COVID-19.  His treatment plan included zinc, low-dose hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin.  It is known as, “The Zelenko Protocol.”

His protocol reportedly had a 99% success rate with high-risk patients.

Dr. Zelenko claimed his regimen was “a gift from God in response to tyranny.”

Dr. Zev Zelenko discussed his situation from a hospital bed earlier this month.

Our prayers are with Dr. Zelenko, his family and friends at this time.

America’s Frontline Doctors posted Dr. Zelenko’s obituary today.

Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, the man who discovered and implemented the treatment for Covid-19 that over the past two years has been responsible for saving millions of lives worldwide, has passed away after a long battle with cancer. He was 48.

Born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1973, Zev’s family immigrated the United States in 1977 and settled in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York.

He attended Hofstra University where he earned with a B.S. in chemistry with high honors. He then went on to the Buffalo School of Medicine where he earned his M.D. in 2000.

Zev had a family medical practice in Monroe, New York in 2020 during the onset of what would become the Covid-19 pandemic. As a physician who masterfully combined the skills of both critical thinking and the scientific method, and who shaped their application out of his love for both God and patients, Zev was not content to sit back and wait for politicians or public health officials to settle upon a prescribed treatment path. People were dying. He began searching almost immediately for a method of treatment.

Aided by initiative, good fortune, and from his account divine intervention, he discovered such a treatment in combining Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc, azithromycin, and other various drugs, especially steroids, and creating what has come to be known as the “Zelenko protocol.” The key to the protocol was very early intervention to treat the virus inside the cellular level before it could break loose and develop into a full-blown respiratory disease.

Up to the time of his death, Zev had overseen the treatment of approximately 7,500 patients using his protocol and experienced only three patient deaths. The use of the Zelenko protocol has spread worldwide.

Read the rest here.

X22, And we Know, and more- Jun 30


If you really want to see me 'geek out' on something, ya may want to check out my new Flashback Friday article tomorrow morning! 😁 Here's tonight's news:

The Cry-Baby Leftist Mind ~ VDH

How odd that leftists are destroying the very customs and traditions whose loss will come back to haunt them when Democrats lose the Congress in November.

Modern progressives assume moral and intellectual authority. 

Consequently, their supposedly superior ends naturally justify almost any means necessary to achieve them. 

Among the elite, the Democrats’ “blue-wall” states were once considered a testament to the wisdom of the Electoral College. When that wall crumbled in 2016 to Trump, the Electoral College suddenly was blasted as a relic of our anti-democratic founders. 

The nine-person Supreme Court was once beloved. On issues like abortion, school prayer, same-sex marriage, pornography, and Miranda rights, the Left cheered the Court as it made the law and ignored legislatures and presidents. 

Republican Court picks—Harry Blackmun, William Brennan, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O’Connor, Lewis Powell, John Roberts, David Souter, John Paul Stevens, Potter Stewart, and Earl Warren—would often flip leftward. How could they not be swayed by the greater brilliance of their liberal colleagues? 

From affirmative action to Roe v. Wade to Obamacare, apostate Republican justices for a half-century greenlighted legislating from the bench. 

In response, was there any serious right-wing talk of packing the court with six additional justices to slow down its overreaching left-wing majority—or of a mob massing at the home of a left-wing justice? Certainly not.

But now? 

Suddenly a narrow constructionist majority has returned matters of abortion to the states. And the once-beloved Court is being slandered by leftist insurrectionists as illegitimate. 

Every sort of once unthinkable attack on the courts is now permissible. 

Confidential draft opinions are leaked illegally. A senior senator threatens justices by name at the doors of the Court. The homes of justices are surrounded by heckling protestors. And the very life of a justice is threatened by a would-be assassin close to his home. 

Consider also the Senate filibuster. Barack Obama not long ago ranted that it was racist and a 180-year-old relic. 

Obama’s logic was infantile. When Democrats were in the Senate minority, he was giddy that the filibuster could slow down the Republican majority. Indeed, while a senator, Obama himself filibustered the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. 

When Democrats were in the majority, however, a pouting Obama blasted the filibuster as a racist, Jim Crow roadblock.

Can the January 6 committee issue some universal declaration that defeated candidates should not question the integrity of an election, much less call for it to be ignored? 

Apparently not. In 2016, a defeated Hillary Clinton claimed the winner Donald Trump was illegitimate—this from the architect of the entire Russian collusion hoax.

Clinton then trumped her own inflammatory rhetoric by urging Joe Biden not to accept the 2020 tally of the balloting if he lost. 

Former President Jimmy Carter agreed that Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election and Trump was thus illegitimate.  

Hollywood actors appeared in commercials, insurrectionary style, urging Republican electors to renounce their constitutional duties and instead elect Hillary Clinton. 

On racial matters, the Left is most intellectually bankrupt. 

During the recent confirmation hearings of African American nominee to the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, the Left alleged that tough questioners were racists and sexists for “bullying” Jackson. 

Yet she got the kid-glove treatment compared to the character assassinations of past conservative nominees. Brett Kavanaugh was smeared as a teenaged rapist and targeted by former Democratic media heartthrob Michael Avenatti, now an imprisoned felon. 

Currently, loud mobs of affluent, young white women have been circling the home of African American Justice Clarence Thomas—just one of five court justices who voted to let the states decide the status of abortion. 

Thomas did not write the majority opinion that overturned Roe v. Wade—but then again, leftists have a toxic fixation with blacks who do not appreciate their condescension. 

In the left-wing mind, the buffoonish Capitol riot on January 6 was an “insurrection.” 

Yet the much larger May 31, 2020, riot that sought to storm the White House grounds and sent the president into a bunker was the sort of mob violence that “was not going to stop” in the words of now Vice President Kamala Harris. 

The recent pro-abortion mob assault on the Arizona state senate, the Left insists, was an apparent cry of the heart. 

What would the Left do if after 2022 midterms a Republican-majority Congress emulated its own infantile tantrums? 

Imagine new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) tearing up a Joe Biden State of Union address on live television. 

How about the House impeaching Joe Biden twice, even as a private citizen in 2025? 

Envision a 22-month, $40-million investigation of the entire Biden quid pro quo, corrupt family syndicate? 

What if McCarthy booted left-wing congressional representatives from key select committees? 

And what if conservatives showed up screaming at the gates of one of Barack Obama’s three mansions? 

How odd that leftists are destroying the very customs and traditions whose loss will come back to haunt them when the Democrats lose the Congress in November. 

Cry-baby tantrums won’t win over the public. These nonstop puerile meltdowns have turned off most Americans who tire of whiny narcissistic hypocrites.

Thanks To Leftist Corruption, U.S. Military Recruiting Is In Total Freefall

The military is facing its most severe staffing crisis since the advent of the all-volunteer force in 1973.

Amid the first conventional war in Europe since 1945 and China’s massive military buildup — including nuclear weapons — the U.S. military is experiencing a dangerous drop in its warfighting capability. The U.S. Army, the largest service, has only reached 40 percent of its recruiting goal with just more than three months remaining in the fiscal year.

This military decay will continue under President Joe Biden’s disastrous anti-leadership and likely will take many years of concerted effort to reverse. Further, combined with the chaotic defeat in Afghanistan, America’s ability to deter its enemies from taking hostile action is at a low not seen since the late 1970s, making a major war far more likely.  

There are three growing signs of trouble: an alarming collapse in recruiting, a profoundly unserious national security leadership, and weakness in the military supply chain and procurement.

Recruiting Collapse

The military is facing its most severe staffing crisis since the advent of the all-volunteer force in 1973. In March, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced it would reduce its active-duty end strength by 0.2 percent to a little more than 2.1 million. Pentagon comptroller Michael McCord assured us that it’s “not about making the force bigger. We’re looking at making the force more capable.” But only three months later, word broke that every branch in the military is having trouble meeting its recruiting goals.

As a result of its massive recruiting shortfalls, the U.S. Army has lowered its standards, dropping requirements for recruits to have a high school diploma or GED to enlist, while relaxing tattoo restrictions to allow tattoos on hands and neck without a waiver. These two decisions will result in a less capable force with troublesome discipline issues. The Army is even offering enlistment contracts as short as two years — barely enough time to learn the basics of modern warfare.

The DoD is even reviewing more than 250 disqualifications for service, such as asthma and ADHD. With only 23 percent of Americans ages 17-24 qualified to serve in uniform without a waiver and just 9 percent of those eligible to serve even interested — the lowest since the Iraq War troop surge in 2007 — something has to give, with some experts suggesting that a draft might be needed again. Fears over not being able to meet uniformed staffing levels might have informed the seven Republican members of the Senate Armed Services Committee who voted to require women to register for a military draft in June. 

Biden’s defense officials may hope money solves the problem, but they’d be better advised to look in the mirror instead. When you openly accuse the military of being rightwing and harboring white supremacists, insist on schooling them in transgender pronoun usage, and then force them to get vaccinated for a Covid-19 virus that’s less threatening than the flu for the young and healthy military demographic, you shouldn’t be shocked that they don’t want to enlist under a leadership they neither trust nor admire.

To doublecheck that the economy wasn’t the overriding reason why recruiting is failing, I spoke with a friend who leads a large police academy in Texas. He said the classes are full of new recruits (although in Chicago, Oregon, and Washington State, areas where police are under attack, things are different). He even noted an influx of police coming into Texas from other states to escape Covid-19 vaccination requirements for public safety employees.

Profoundly Unserious Leadership

There are multiple warning flags that our civilian and senior military leadership are majoring in the minors while ignoring warfighting at our collective peril. Whether it’s the aforementioned policies or claiming climate change is an existential threat, our national security apparatus appears intent on losing its first engagement with a revanchist People’s Republic of China.

Even today’s extended 1 million barrels per day peacetime drawdown of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is aimed at the threat to Biden’s approval rating rather than the potential loss of our ability to import oil during a crisis. As of June 24, the reserve stood at 497.9 million barrels, the lowest since 1985, eight years after the program’s start. That’s a 59-day supply of imports.

The over-hyped fear of a military overrun with right-wing extremists is especially maddening as Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin initiated a military-wide standdown and struggle session on the premise of false reports from CNN and NPR. These outlets claimed that the ranks of those arrested in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot were doubly overrepresented by veterans. The claim, based on three math errors, was off by about 100 percent — meaning that the share of veterans among those arrested was exactly what one would expect from any random group of American adults who were almost 90 percent men.

At the time, retired Adm. John Kirby, then Austin’s spokesman, now communications chief for the National Security Council in the White House, darkly warned, “There may be cultural issues we have to deal with here.” Cultural issues? Tennessee Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen said the quiet part out loud when he worried that the National Guard soldiers sent to secure the Capitol in a symbolic show of force in 2021 were “predominantly more conservative” than Americans.

Military Procurement Weaknesses

The U.S. military supply chain has become increasingly reliant on the import of key items, such as computer chips. America makes 10 percent of the world’s computer chips with 75 percent of global production in East Asia and some 90 percent of the most advanced chips made in Taiwan.

Every Javelin missile launched in Ukraine at invading Russian forces uses a Javelin missile Command Launch Unit (CLU), and every CLU has more than 250 computer chips in it. As of mid-April, Ukraine received some 5,500 Javelin systems — CLU and missile — with reports that the United States has supplied 7,000 missiles so far, about one-third of its stockpile.

Javelin orders take 32 months to deliver, and in recent years, the United States has been buying only 1,000 Javelins per year with a maximum production rate of 6,480 per year. But the semiconductor-using industry typically has less than five days of chips on hand and it will likely take a year or more to reach the maximum production rate — assuming the chips will be available.

Unlike Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a land war in which American supplies of anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missile, and artillery, have been sent in large numbers, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would mostly involve the Navy and Air Force. Unfortunately, naval ship building and drydock repair is a glaring weak spot in our national security. America now builds fewer than 10 vessels for oceangoing trade every year — China builds more than 1,000.

In military shipbuilding, America strains to build more than four combat vessels per year. The U.S. Navy used to operate 13 shipyards — it has five now, with 14 new construction shipyards (commercial and government) lost since 1970. The U.S. Navy had 298 battle force ships in April (including the U.S.S. Constitution, built in 1797) and about another 190 support and reserve ships. Meanwhile, China has 350 warships and that number is climbing quickly.

My own decision to enlist the military in 1983 was motivated by President Ronald Reagan and his call to defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War. In 2007, I retired as a lieutenant colonel. If I were 20 today, there’d be zero chance I’d enlist to serve under a group of people whom I thought hated me and despised my political views — and who would use my time in military service as a cross between a reeducation camp and an armed international social service agency.

Farm Bureau Estimates July 4th Food Basket Costs 17 Percent More in 2022

The U.S. Farm Bureau posts their calculated cost of the July 4th holiday food basket each year.  This year the Farm Bureau is estimating a cost of $69.68 for ten people, that is an increase of 17% from 2021. [DATA HERE]


I’m not sure we could feed ten people for less than $70, but that’s the estimate from the Farm Bureau which aligns with the Consumer Price Index.  Full data below.

(Farm Bureau) – […] Data for this year’s survey was collected by 176 volunteer shoppers across the country and in Puerto Rico, including Farm Bureau members and others.

Individual Prices, AFBF 2022 Summer Cookout

2 pounds of ground beef, $11.12 (+36%)

2 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts, $8.99 (+33%)

32 ounces of pork & beans, $2.53 (+33%)

3 pounds of center cut pork chops, $15.26 (+31%)

2.5 quarts of fresh-squeezed lemonade, $4.43 (+22%)

2.5 pounds of homemade potato salad, $3.27 (+19%)

8 hamburger buns, $1.93 (+16%)

Half-gallon of vanilla ice cream, $5.16 (+10%)

13-ounce bag of chocolate chip cookies, $4.31 (+7%)

2 pints of strawberries, $4.44 (-16%)

1 pound of sliced cheese, $3.53 (-13%)

16-ounce bag of potato chips, $4.71 (-4%)

DATA Source