Thursday, June 23, 2022

They’re Not After Me, They’re After You

No one is standing in the gate to protect us 
from this growing tidal wave of hate.

In December 2019, on the day the House Democrats voted to impeach him, President Trump tweeted: “They’re not after me they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

To his critics it was just another wild and crazy, over-the-top, fearmongering, divisive, irresponsible—need I go on?—tweet.

But Trump was only reiterating what Hillary Clinton had already told the nation during her 2016 presidential campaign, when she said that Donald Trump and his “basket of deplorables” were a threat to American democracy.

Joe Biden’s inaugural address fanned the flame of hatred ignited by Clinton, targeting half of the country as the “enemy” by declaring that the “rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism” was a looming threat the country “must confront” and “defeat.”

Over the course of the ensuing months, shackling those who had “stormed the Capitol” and committed an “insurrection,” became indistinguishable from condemning those who were “committing murder” by questioning governmental COVID policies such as lockdowns, masking, and the mandated injection of millions with an experimental mRNA gene therapy concocted by greedy and corrupt drug companies.

In an October 2021 CNN town hall meeting, Biden mocked vaccine skeptics with an exaggerated impersonation,  saying: “I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID.”

Through repeated use of such rhetoric, anti-vaxxers and the insurrectionists became one and the same. All the vitriol that had been heaped on Trump was turned on them.

This led to Biden’s sanctimonious and outrageous 2021 Christmas wish for the unvaccinated:

“We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated—for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.”

Biden has yet to apologize for what he said, and he never will. By this point, the deplorables had been so demonized that they deserved death—and it was just too bad it hadn’t happened.

Articles such as this one in Wired, pushed the narrative by comparing the people they describe as white nationalists to “pathogens spread from host to host.” Here are some highlights:

  • [Deplorables] are “strains” “move like viruses, are highly contagious, and replicate quickly and clumsily.”
  • They are like parasitic infections—like tapeworms.
  • Their views are better described as a cancer because they are coming from “within” and “homegrown.”
  • Of course they warn of mutations.
  • It is like a birth defect.
  • White nationalism lives “in every cell of the American project,” not just in the “low-class and uneducated.” 
  • It is also considered “chimeric” and a “rare class of diseases where malignant cells can be transmitted between people.” 
  • The problem is so rampant it threatens the species with extinction.

Of course, in the time of COVID hysteria, the solution was obvious: All the places where the cancer resides must be identified, the article contended “addressing the vulnerabilities in the American immune system, and cutting off the communication channels that serve as a bloodstream (e.g., social media) for white nationalism to further propagate, causing disseminated destruction.”


The Biden administration has already outlined formal plans for improved surveillance of emerging infectious disease in response to Covid-19. A similar process to address domestic terrorism could just as easily be activated.

“Insurrectionist” and “anti-vaxxers” were effectively thrown into the white nationalists’ deplorable pot. It didn’t even matter if they were black. When Larry Elder dared to run against Gavin Newsom for California governor, he was tarred as “The Black Face of White Supremacy.

In March 2021, Jen Psaki identified the “Disinformation Dozen,” 12 prominent people, including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola, who she said were responsible for 65 percent of anti-vaccine content circulating on major social media networking sites, according to an analysis of popular anti-vaccine content on Facebook and Twitter.

Anti-vaccine doctor Simone Gold, both an emergency room doctor and Stanford-educated lawyer, was sentenced to prison  this month for her part in the “storming of the Capitol.” As a founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, a group critical of the mRNA vaccines, and an outspoken free speech advocate, she is being made an example of so that other doctors will think twice before daring to ask questions like she did.

Maine doctor Meryl J. Nass had her medical license suspended and, chillingly, was ordered to submit to a psychological evaluation for dispensing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to COVID patients and for speaking publicly about it.

Like Gold, Nass had a stellar reputation, as is evident from her bio:

I have given 6 Congressional testimonies and testified for legislatures in Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, Colorado and New Brunswick, Canada on bioterrorism, Gulf War syndrome and vaccine safety/vaccine mandates. I have consulted for the World Bank, the Government Accountability Office, the Cuban Ministry of Health and the US Director of National Intelligence regarding the prevention, investigation and mitigation of chemical and biological warfare and pandemics. I was the first person in the world to investigate an outbreak and prove it was due to biological warfare, publishing the results in 1992.

Canadian doctor Daniel Nagase was banned by Alberta Health Services (AHS) from working in hospitals for the crime of treating patients with ivermectin. Nagase expressed that there is something malicious is going on” and urged people to “see the bigger picture.”

As Nagase said in an impassioned speech: “We must remember the people of the past and the people of today. History repeats itself. Nuremberg will happen again. We must remember.”

Joe Rogan was raked over the coals by the press and forced to apologize for past use of racial language and for spreading “misinformation” because he interviewed Dr. Robert Maloneone of the inventors of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents.

You’d think the Biden Administration would value Malone’s expertise. Surely, as one of the world’s most qualified individuals on the safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines, he should have been part of a team advising the government from the very beginning. Instead, he had no alternative but to share his views on a podcast that was then attacked for promoting mis- and disinformation and peddling “alt-right propaganda.”

It isn’t necessary to agree with any of these dissenting doctors, to see the problem with canceling them. You may disagree with them but also recognize they all deserve to be heard. How else can anyone make an informed conclusion? At least we can breathe a sigh of relief that the Senate failed to pass the Domestic Terrorism Prevention bill, which according to the Ron Paul Institutewould have “taken cancel culture a step further and all but outlawed unpopular opinions. This act [would] empower intelligence, law enforcement, and even military wings of the American ruling class to crack down on individuals adhering to certain belief systems and ideologies.”

But that is only the beginning of the fight. In California, A.B. 2098 identifies doctors as among the most “dangerous propagators of inaccurate information” and the Federation of State Medical Boards warns they risk losing their licenses.

Republican State Senator Melissa Melendez criticized the bill:

It’s ironic the majority party will try to silence Joe Rogan or interfere with doctors and their patients but won’t reprimand their own governor for breaking his own rules. It’s clear these bills illustrate the moral superiority they want to have over the common people who, to them, just don’t get it. We know the majority party wants to control every aspect of your life and silence its doubters. It’s measures like these that make that message abundantly clear.

What’s next?

Just as Trump warned, it’s us. Parents are being slandered as domestic terrorists by the Biden Administration for daring to speak out at public school board meetings against critical race theory, masking, and dosing their children with “vaccines” they don’t need.

In May, New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul warned, “The truth is the most serious threat we face as a nation is from within. It’s not from the Russians. It’s not from people elsewhere. It’s white supremacism. It’s white nationalism.” And in case you are still missing the point, “white supremacism” and “white nationalism” by their definition is nothing more than political opinions that differ from those of the dominant Left narrative they support. 

If we knew a little bit more about how communism worked, we’d understand immediately what her statement means.

Perry Link, an emeritus professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University who specializes in modern Chinese literature and Chinese language, recounts show Chinese writer Wu Zuxiang explained to him that to find truth in Communist Party pronouncements, you have to read them “upside down.”

If a newspaper says, ‘the Party has made great strides against corruption in Henan,’ then you know that corruption has recently been especially bad in Henan. If you read about the heroic rescue of eight miners somewhere, you can guess that a mine collapse might have killed hundreds who aren’t mentioned. Read upside-down, there is a sense in which the official press never lies. It cannot lie. It has to tell you what the party wants you to believe, and if you can figure out the party’s motive—which always exists—then you have a sense of the truth.

We can certainly apply this technique when we seek to figure out the conflicting messages they send our way.

Whatever else you might think of Trump, he didn’t talk “upside down.”

When he said, “They’re not after me they’re after you,” that was straight talk.

No one is standing in the gate to protect us from this growing tidal wave of hate. It is up to us to protect ourselves and our children by speaking up before it is too late.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- June 23


Friendly advice: Not everything is as bad as TV news sources try to make it look. If listening to talking heads on TV has gotten to be too much and causing you to fear for the future in a lot of ways, turn them off, look around you, and ask yourself: Is everything really, REALLY has bad as these particular individuals keep saying it is? Is your life really in as bad of a position as the talking heads are trying to make it look?

If you look to better news sources, you can see that just because 1 person keeps saying that something is bad, it doesn't mean that it will last forever, or that it's really as bad as it seems. Just about everything you hear on TV is just repeated fear mongering now.

Another reason (if I'm just repeating myself, well. I can't always remember everything I say) why I do these daily articles, is to let you know that despite what most media sources say, there IS a light at the end of this long tunnel! A light where true justice will prevail at the end, and where we will all get to live amazing lives as we are meant to live them! Whether or not you choose to believe that is up to you. But another good question to ask would be: Would all these 'terrible' things, real or not, be happening if there wasn't a chance for the good guys to win?

Some more good advice would be: Celebrate every win we get, no matter how small or pointless it may look. Even a small win is better then none. (Something that I've been forced to come to terms with when it comes to NCIS LA.). Whether it be a landmark SCOTUS case going in our favor, or a Trump endorsed candidate winning a primary, a win is always a positive thing!

Now, on to tonight's news:

Why the Left Will Cut Biden Loose ~ VDH

Republican pundits and conservative activists are debating whether they can win in 2024 with the successful Trump agenda, but without the controversial Donald Trump as their nominee.  

The Democrats have a similar, but far more serious dilemma with Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2024.  

Unlike the Trump Administration’s successful four years, Biden’s tenure has been an utter disaster. There are no policy offsets to the personal liabilities and unpopularity of Biden himself. 

Biden’s liabilities transcend his physical infirmities, his advanced age, and his seeming geometric rather than arithmetic rate of mental decline. 

Biden, moreover, proves daily that he is not a nice guy. His excesses, past and present, are precisely those the Left considers mortal sins. 

Walking back Biden’s absurdities has become the nonstop, tiresome task of many on the Left. As they face a midterm disaster in November, many no longer see any compensating reasons not to drop Biden.  

When the Republicans take the House of Representatives in 2022 there will be nonstop investigations of Hunter Biden’s alleged tax avoidances, his possibly illegal work as an unregistered foreign agent, and Joe Biden’s untaxed compensation he received from the Biden lobbying consortium. 

Consider also Biden’s nastiness.

During the 2020 campaign he personally attacked a young co-ed as a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” and a stocky questioner was reduced to “fat.” 

Unlike Trump’s art of the deal, exaggerations, and distortions, Biden says things that are not simply untrue, but abjectly preposterous—such as the United States currently has a lower inflation rate than major European industrial powers. 

In Biden world, there were no COVID vaccinations until he took the oath of office. Vladimir Putin, or the oil companies, or the refiners, or Donald Trump are responsible for the historic crippling gasoline price hikes he caused by canceling drilling and pipeline projects. 

Biden claims his negative-growth, hyperinflating economy is not disastrous but strong. 

He serially lies that he drove a semi-truck. He has not been to the Middle East 38 times. He never received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. Nor was he a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania. 

The MAGA movement is not the “most extreme political organization in American history.” 

In other words, Joe Biden reveals the same fantasies and plagiarism that ended his 1988 and 2008 presidential campaigns. 

On matters of race and sexuality, Biden is the epitome of that for which the Left, supposedly, has zero tolerance. Biden was infamous for damning with praise candidate Barack Obama as the first “clean” and “articulate” African American presidential candidate. 

In a fake patois, Biden once warned an audience of black professionals that Mitt Romney would “put y’all back in chains.” 

During the 2020 campaign, candidate Biden derided a black journalist as a “junkie” and lambasted a radio host and his audience with the claim “you ain’t black” if they didn’t support his candidacy. 

Spinning racialist fables like Biden’s “Corn Pop” stories would brand any conservative politician as a racist. As president, Biden still uses the term “negro,” and he called an African American advisor “boy.” 

On disturbing matters of sexuality, Biden is even more coarse. 

After the Justice Brett Kavanaugh hearings, the nation was lectured that “women must be believed.” But it was the Left who attacked former Biden aide Tara Reade who surfaced in 2016 to accuse then Senator Biden, her former boss, of sexually assaulting her. 

Biden himself had a creepy history of invading the private space of young women—inappropriately kissing them, hugging and squeezing them, and smelling and blowing into their hair and ears. 

Finally, Biden was forced to apologize—sort of—by claiming he belonged to an earlier generation when such aggression was simply normal behavior. It was not then or now. 

The latest controversies whirl around the British tabloid Daily Mail’s publication of the diary of Biden’s own daughter. 

From the Mail’s lurid reporting, Ashley Biden seems to suggest that she showered with her father at an age when “showers w/ my dad (probably [were] not appropriate).” And she seemed to connect Biden familial inappropriateness with her regret over being “hyper-sexualized [at] a young age.”  

When Donald Trump was accused by porn star Stormy Daniels of a consensual tryst or was caught on old Access Hollywood tape crudely boasting about touching inappropriately female admirers, the resulting uproar nearly derailed the Trump 2016 campaign. 

The point is not just the asymmetrical treatment that has shielded Biden’s cognitive decline, his rude outbursts, his outrageous racialist slurs, and bizarre sexual aggressiveness. 

Instead, the Left now fears Biden’s terrible polls and a worse record—and the resulting damage he is doing to the Democratic Party. 

In such a losing political context, Democrats will soon find no further reason to cover for Biden’s own serial abhorrent personal behavior on matters of financial probity, sex, race, and truthfulness. 

No wonder they are growing desperate to find ways to cut him loose—without making Kamala Harris his successor.

The Buzz Cut: Joe Biden’s ‘Dereliction of Duty’

The Buzz Cut
by Buzz Patterson for RedState

When I was tapped to accompany President Bill Clinton and carry the “nuclear football,” which contains the top-secret codes (among other things) the president needs in case of nuclear war, I was proud and grateful. As a career Air Force officer and pilot, I’d literally served around the globe, operating in and out of sixty-nine countries, and I’d flown combat missions in Grenada, the Persian Gulf, Rwanda, Somalia, Haiti, and Bosnia. I was honored to assume this new and awesome responsibility.

But my experiences in the Clinton White House turned my gratitude and awe into shock, revulsion, and sorrow as I saw first-hand the careless and utterly selfish way in which Clinton and his administration ran our country. It wasn’t “nation first,” it was “politics first” — and our military and our national security suffered. So retired, and out of uniform, I wrote “Dereliction of Duty,” documenting our former president’s contempt for the military, his indifference to important issues except insofar as they served his own political or personal purposes, and his failure to accept his responsibilities as our commander in chief.

I walked out of the Clinton White House on my last day in the spring of 1998. I had personal experience with Clinton’s many missteps on several fronts militarily, including our failure to remove Osama Bin Laden prior to that terrorist’s attack on US soil on 9/11 and the very palpable disdain military members had for their “commander.” There’s an inviolable tenet in the military and everybody gets it – you can’t demand respect; you have to earn it. In my personal case, I was renewed and “re-bluing,” heading back to my service as a pilot and a commander. I was privileged to serve as a commander at the United States Air Force Academy where I could lead aspiring young officer candidates. After retirement, I penned my first book as a clarion call to all Americans. When we vote for a president, we vote for a military leader. We’d failed miserably with Bill Clinton.

Now, tragically, I see history repeating itself in the presidency of Joe Biden. Only this time, the misconduct of Biden and his woke cronies in the Pentagon have led to the disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan directly leading to Americans needlessly dying and the delivery of millions of dollars of American military weapons to the Taliban, our enemy. Concurrently, the Biden administration is also playing dangerous games with social engineering in our forces (prioritizing “equity” over “capability”), positing notions that the greatest threat globally to our troops is climate change and sending millions of dollars of U.S. military arms and equipment to Ukraine which is likely buying cover for his and his son’s financial involvement. Our stature on the world stage is appropriately cast as our leader falling upstairs and falling off bikes. Our nation cannot abide fools in leadership, yet here we are again.

From my point of view as a military veteran and analyst, it seems the unifying theme of Democrat presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and now Biden, is a consistent underestimating of foreign policy dangers and an undermining of military capabilities for purely political reasons. Military units rely on meritocracy and adding value to capabilities and logistics. As with previous Democrat presidents, that tenet isn’t trending with Biden.

Specifically, in the past two years under Biden, cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) have been forced to watch a Black Lives Matter video upon arrival, Critical Race Theory is being taught in the curriculums at West Point and USAFA, and cadets who refused to take the COVID vaccine for religious purposes have been expelled or lost their commission (some in the final month of their senior year). Navy SEALs and Air Force pilots are grounded or discharged for the same reason. This week, the U.S. Navy released a “training” video explaining how to prioritize and properly utilize “gender pronouns” and an Air Force recruiting post on Twitter showed the troops running, not with an American flag but with the LGBTQ flag waving high. Notably missing, are training videos and recruiting tweets centered on being an American fighting man and woman with an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States.

Under Biden, the U.S. military is on a collision course with reality. Continued insistence on subjugating American lethality to woke policies by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and General Mark Milley, will lead to more American deaths, failed excursions internationally, and continued drops in esprit de corps and morale. It’s a deadly formula and we’re again, on our way to defeat.

America Won’t Survive If Only The Left Is Playing To Win

As a result of weak-kneed Republicans, America has declined into the vapid and increasingly Godless state we find her in today.

It didn’t take long after the shooting in Uvalde, Texas for America’s neo-Marxist left to reignite their full-fledged assault on the Second Amendment.

Before the victims’ families could even lay their loved ones to rest, calls were being made by some of the country’s most notable Democrats to bar and confiscate certain types of firearms from the American public. Look no further than President Joe Biden, who, in addition to advocating for a ban on rifles like the AR-15, has repeatedly stated that the constitutional rights of Americans are “not absolute.”

“They said a .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out — may be able to get it and save the life. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body,” he said last month. “So, the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection, hunting … Remember, the Constitution was never absolute.”

Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Ed Markey took his remarks a step further, arguing that his party should pack the Supreme Court in order to “ensure that when [Democrats] put gun safety laws on the books they are not overrid[den].”

Despite the glaringly obvious intentions to disarm the American citizenry through any means necessary, Senate Republican leadership was more than happy to jump in bed with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his merry band of dystopian Democrats to negotiate a “compromise” on gun control legislation. Released on Tuesday, the bill provides increased funding to state mental health resources, as well as funding for states to implement red flag laws.

As previously noted by Federalist Senior Editor David Harsanyi, red flag laws are ripe for abuse, with authorities in states like California and Maryland able to “confiscate weapons merely on the strength of an uncorroborated allegation by family members, coworkers, law enforcement officers, or others without any kind of genuine due process.”

Senate Republicans have since faced well-deserved backlash from conservative voters since the framework’s release, with Texas Sen. John Cornyn—who spearheaded the negotiations with Democrats—getting booed off the stage at the Texas GOP convention on Friday. In an attack on his own base, Cornyn proceeded to retweet a journalist that quoted the Texas senator as having referred to the upset crowd (many of whom likely voted for him in 2020) as a “mob.”

Surrender is a Republican Tradition

You’d think that with recent special election victories and polls indicating a red tsunami in the midterm elections, Republicans would be politically savvy enough to outright reject Democrats’ assault on Americans’ constitutional liberties. Such commonsense thinking, however, has always been absent from GOP leadership, who have routinely caved to the left on nearly every major policy issue and worked to stab their base in the back.

Take, for instance, the subject of immigration. In March of last year, when illegal immigration along the U.S. southern border was beginning to skyrocket, a group of congressional Republicans led by South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham and Florida Rep. Maria Salazar proposed legislation that would’ve provided a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens living in the country. As reported by Breitbart News, the plan would have provided “green cards to illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and gives work visas to the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens in the U.S.”

“Specifically, the amnesty — dubbed the ‘Dignity Proposal’ — would give legal resident status to anywhere from 1.5 to 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for DACA. Eventually, these illegal aliens can apply for green cards and obtain American citizenship,” the Breitbart report reads.

Immigration is hardly the only issue where Republicans have ceded ground to Democrats. In recent years, the GOP has been complicit in helping Democrats raise the debt ceiling, fund the moronic Covid-19 lockdowns, and confirm Biden’s radical, left-wing judicial nominees to the federal bench at a rate not seen since the presidency of Ronald Reagan.

Rather than put up a fight for their voters, many congressional Republicans have instead fallen in line with Democrats, thus helping the latter advance their neo-Marxist agenda and bid to exert greater control over the American populace.

Weak Republicans Are Complicit in America’s Downfall

Whether it’s our politics or our culture, many conservatives often wonder how America could’ve reached the point where multi-trillion spending packages and choosing your sex have become normalized. What ever happened to that shining city on the hill that Reagan talked about? How has the left taken so much ground in such a short period of time?

The simple fact is that when only one side is playing to advance their values and ideology using the current framework, society tends to devolve pretty quickly. As a result of weak-kneed Republicans who have refused to fight for the ideals that have defined our country for generations, America has declined into the vapid and increasingly Godless state we find her in today.

Unlike President Bill Clinton, who declared that “the era of big government is over” after his party experienced tremendous losses in the 1994 midterms, don’t expect today’s Democrat Party to recant or move to the center on any major political or cultural issue when they get annihilated at the ballot box this November. For the left, election losses are seen as mere temporary setbacks. Democrats know that at the end of the day, the likelihood that Republicans will utilize any congressional majorities to advance or promote a pro-freedom agenda and reverse actions taken by their party is slim to none.

If conservatives wish to reverse this trend, it is incumbent upon voters to either consistently pressure elected Republicans into advancing our principles or throw them out of office if they don’t. Any form of complacency will only continue this vicious cycle, wherein Democrats slowly destroy the country while Republicans just sit and watch.

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Admits It Is Not Russia That Created U.S. Inflation, It Is Joe Biden Policy

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell admitted the obvious in his senate testimony today when asked about U.S. inflation.  However, his testimony directly contradicts the White House claims.

Senator Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), member of the Senate Banking Committee, walked through the inflation timeline and asked Chairman Powell about the cause of the escalated inflation in 2021.  Powell admitted the massive rise in inflation had nothing to do with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. WATCH (02:16 Prompted):

The DNC’s Veep Outlet Store – Steep Discounts Every Day!

Good grief. How embarrassing.

Prices may be skyrocketing everywhere else, but you can save big bucks every day at the DNC’s Veep Outlet Store!

Huge discounts on all irregular or damaged products currently in stock!

Pay a fraction of what you would in department stores!

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Steep discounts on photos with VP Kamala Harris!

Why pay $15,000 to get a picture with Kamala when here at the Veep Outlet Store you can get the same picture at the low-low price of $5,000?!

No other store gives you that kind of discount!

But here at the DNC’s Veep Outlet Store, we sell only irregular or slightly damaged Veeps and we pass the savings on to you!

The DNC’s Veep Outlet Store is also featuring out-of-season pricing on other irregular stock including classic products from the Walter Mondale collection and the Joe Biden collection*!

And you won’t believe the discounts we have in store for you on the entire DNC line of Lloyd Bentsen products that we accidentally bought too much of in 1988 when we thought Dukakis was going to win.

This week only, buy two Bentsen products and we’ll throw in any overly-confident over-order item from the 2016 Tim Kaine collection ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

Don’t miss the savings waiting for you at the DNC’s Veep Outlet Store!

Some restrictions apply.
*The talking Biden doll isn’t technically irregular. It’s supposed to speak gibberish.

Okay, I thought that up in the shower this morning at three, so there’s a strong possibility I’m the only one who found that funny.

Yesterday, reporter Tara Palmeri of Puck News tweeted that after the DNC failed to sell enough tickets for donors to pose for a photo with Vice President Kamala Harris, the “Women’s Leadership Forum” fundraiser scheduled for May had to be postponed until June. This time, to sweeten the pot, the DNC has slashed the price for a photo from $15,000 a pop to only $5,000 in hopes of attracting more suckers takers.

So while consumer prices continue to rise at a staggering pace, the DNC had to offer a deep 60% discount just to get people to agree to pose with the deeply unpopular Kamala Harris.

I admit, when I saw Palmeri’s tweet, I laughed so hard, I nearly coughed up a lung.

Talk about ending up with egg on her face. This must be eating Kamala alive.

Remember when The Hill reported back in September that the Democrats believed Kamala Harris was going to be their “secret weapon” in the Midterms?

The Hill wrote at the time:

Harris’s allies believe she will play a significant role, both by fundraising and participating in campaign rallies.

That was then…

Now? Kamala Harris is collecting dust on the discount rack at the DNC’s Veep Outlet Store.