Monday, June 20, 2022

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- June 20


Slow day, here's a pic of 1 of the greatest NCIS LA eps of Season 6:

Here's tonight's news:

So, Why, Exactly, Should We Vote Republican?

Are Republicans going to launch investigative committees, hearings, and tribunals to get to the bottom of this disgraceful—this scandalous—period in our nation’s history?

We must keep fighting the good fight!

This is the most important election in our lifetime!

We may have just one chance left to save our country!

We must defeat the Left!

We must make America great again!

There is no reader of this column who can possibly be unfamiliar with any of these lines. All Republican voters are accustomed to hearing them incessantly from Republican politicians and their conservative media apologists.

The problem is that voters and Big Conservative media consumers have been hearing these melodramatic assertions for so long that they may have forgotten, if they ever realized this in the first place, that they all boil down to a single categorical imperative:

Vote Republican.

To “fight” is to . . . vote Republican.

“The most important election in our lifetime” is one with respect to which it is necessary to . . . vote Republican.  

To “save our country” is to . . . vote Republican.

To “defeat the Left” is to . . . vote Republican.

To make America great again is to . . . vote Republican.

Now, I implore the average GOP voter to consult the record of these media influencers and Republican politicians who have been issuing these prescriptions for decades. While some elections have indeed made a difference in the short term, GOP politicians and their boosters in the conservative media never say anything remotely like:

Vote the Democrats out this November, for while the Republicans won’t be able to affect any lasting changes even if they control both chambers of Congress and the presidency, they will be able to temporarily stop the Democrats from doing some [unspecified] bad things and do some [unspecified] good things, and the Republican president will be able to pass some executive orders [that, admittedly, could and most definitely will be reversed at the first moment by the next Democratic POTUS].

Or this:

Vote Republican, but don’t blame them when they fail to fulfill their promises, for they are up against a very powerful and hostile partisan media, plenty of “RINOs,” and an entrenched bureaucracy (a “deep state”) that promises to both deny them the credit that they deserve for whatever [transient, marginal]successes they achieve and ensure that nothing approximating the platform on which they’ve campaigned ever materializes.

And they most certainly won’t say:

You must get out there and vote—even though whatever efforts we may have made toward ensuring that your vote isn’t nullified by the corrupt may not prove successful.

GOP voters don’t have to take my word for any of this. All that they have to do is simply reflect for a brief moment and honestly ask themselves whether there’s a single syllable that I’ve written that isn’t true.

How exactly is voting Republican a matter of “fighting the Left,” or “fighting for the heart and soul of America?” Notice that GOP politicians and conservative media personalities are always glaringly vague on this point. They just treat as axiomatic that a vote for a Republican is a vote to retard the advances of the Left. In point of fact, however, we know nothing could be further from reality.

Even now, with a red tsunami forecasted for November, not a single Republican or Big Conservative media scribbler or talking head is so much as hinting at what Republicans plan on doing when they regain Congress (let alone how they plan on doing it). Nor are they saying what they surely will say if and when this forecast comes to fruition, that while they have the Congress locked up, they don’t yet have the presidency, so it’s unrealistic for their constituents to expect for them to do all that much (I’m not prophetic, it’s just that I’m old enough to have seen this movie on more than one occasion).

As of this moment, if not for the media reminding us that Republican politicians still exist, we could be forgiven for thinking that there is no Republican Party in America (if, that is, the GOP were the viable alternative to the Democrats that it is made out to be). Think about it:

For over two years, the world was brought to a standstill as national economies were wrecked, global supply chains destroyed, and the lives of countless men, women—and, yes, children—ruined in every conceivable way in the name of combatting a virus. Constitutional liberties were indefinitely revoked and all of those “little platoons,” as Burke referred to the civic organizations and communities that shield individuals from the state and invest their lives with meaning, were systematically and systemically undermined.

Republicans not only did nothing to prevent these crimes against humanity—they were complicit in fueling the narrative that made this destruction possible. Now that the Democrats recognize that COVID is no longer good business, they’re moving on from the incalculable harm that they’ve inflicted upon the planet’s population via this unprecedented power grab to do more harm under the pretext of other causes. And Republicans and conservative pundits seem just fine with this.

To repeat, an historically unprecedented exercise of power occurred in 2020—the country was, essentially, interned—and to judge from the silence of Republicans, the latter are perfectly comfortable with the prospect of Anthony Fauci retiring and traipsing off into the sunset in 2024.

This is an outrage. It is an outrage that the highest paid of our country’s nearly 3 million federal employees should escape punishment for the war against humanity that he waged, and it is an outrage that a single Republican should expect a single vote in the absence of guaranteeing that Fauci will be held accountable for his crimes.

If Republicans regain control of the government, will the brave men and women who have been attacked and censored finally have their voices restored via a series of nationally televised tribunals before which Fauci, Frances Collins, Robert Reich, Rochelle Walensky, and every and any other perpetrator of the COVID lockdown fraud will stand to answer for their crimes? Will Republicans expose the COVID madness for what it is, so as to guarantee that no one in the future will even think about hatching anything like it again?

Unless and until Republicans make a “contract” with Americans in which they not only pledge to have these tribunals, but outline how they will ensure that they happen and that all of the networks air them, not a single Republican deserves a single vote. The party of “limited government” had its moment of truth in March of 2020 and it failed abysmally. This could be an opportunity to go some distance toward redeeming itself. That it won’t seize the opportunity is a foregone conclusion that speaks volumes.

Beginning in May of 2020, just as small business owners were trying to recover from the pain inflicted upon them by the ruling class which forced them to close in the name of “the pandemic,” domestic terrorists, encouraged at every turn by the members of that same ruling class, visited violence upon hundreds of American cities in orgies of lawlessness. They caused billions of dollars in damages as they vandalized, torched, and looted buildings large and small. Innocents were injured, beaten and bludgeoned—some to death.

Law-abiding citizens, Americans who just wanted to reopen their businesses so as to pay the bills and feed their families, were being fined, harassed, and arrested because they failed to exercise “social distancing.” Meanwhile, the same politicians and police officers who persecuted them were literally marching in the streets and “taking a knee” before hundreds and thousands of angry people, including the rioters inspired by protesters. A huge middle finger was given by the demonstrators, the rioters, and the members of the political and media classes alike to all of the COVID protocols and the law-abiding citizens who were expected to observe them.

This was the real insurrection. This was real domestic terror.

Are Republicans, assuming they regain power, going to launch investigative committees, hearings, and tribunals to get to the bottom of this disgraceful, this scandalous, period in our nation’s history? Are they going to kick ass and take names?

Unless and until they guarantee that they will and outline how they plan on accomplishing this, they deserve not a single vote.

We could continue endlessly in this same repetitive vein. Why is it that the identity of the person who leaked the Supreme Court document indicating the overturning of Roe v. Wade still hasn’t been revealed? Will Republicans, assuming they regain power, make sure that the leaker, along with those gathered outside of justices’ homes for the express purpose of threatening them and their families, are exposed as the “threats to Our Democracy™” and “insurrectionists” that they are and punished accordingly?

Why has nothing like any of the above happened—including when the Republicans were still in charge during Trump’s term?

The questions listed here are rhetorical. We know that Republicans aren’t going to do any of these things, and the Big Conservative media personalities who routinely carry their water aren’t going to demand that they do so either.

For Republicans to “make America great again,” to genuinely “defeat the Left,” to “restore the heart and soul of the country,” they’re going to have to “fundamentally transform” what currently exists. This, in turn, is going to require, to put it mildly, a radical overhauling of the government-media-education machine that has been in place for a long time. House cleaning on a massive scale is going to have to commence on day one.

Unless and until Republicans pledge to do just this, and to outline how they are going to do just this, they deserve not a single vote, for nothing will change: The vast, “deep state,” bureaucracy and the hostile, ubiquitous, corporate media under its control will persist, and so the excuses Republicans have always had in the past for failing to fulfill their promises will remain the excuses to which they will have to return in the future.

So, why, again, should we vote Republican?

Un-American: Air Travel in the US Descends Into Chaos

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Over ten thousand flights were canceled across the nation this weekend, leaving frustrated, desperate passengers stranded in airports thousands of miles from their homes. Ten thousand flights. It’s almost too many to comprehend.

If you read my travel-hell story from Thursday night, you’ll know that I was one of those passengers, and that after my flight was canceled, I was forced to get a rental car (at my expense) and drive 12 hours through the night to get my minor children, who were being let out of camp. My kids could go get a COVID vaccine, a tattoo, and probably an abortion too, but the one thing they would not be allowed to do is check into a hotel room without an adult present.

Today (Sunday), it would seem that we’re victims of double jeopardy: our flight to Los Angeles was summarily canceled, and we have no way of getting back today. The airline’s best offer is two days hence.

It’s one thing to drive from NYC to Savannah, and quite another to drive from Savannah to California (35 hours). We’ve managed to score seats on another carrier, but they didn’t come cheap.

On Thursday, JetBlue and other carriers laughably claimed that they were canceling the flights because of weather. This was garbage, as the weather where we were (NY) was perfect. Why would they do this? If they can claim it was the weather, they don’t have to pay for your meals, your hotel—anything. (Yes, there were some scattered thunderstorms across the nation. Hardly enough to cancel 10,000 flights.)

Thankfully, for my second canceled flight in three days, they’re admitting other issues besides the weather, and so the potential of a reimbursed hotel room glimmers in the distance.

These cancellations come at a heavy price, however. The hotel we had prepaid for Friday night is not letting us off the hook, and we’ve had to pay for a rental car for several days, in addition to extra hotel stays and meal costs. All in all, the unbudgeted costs will certainly run into the thousands.

Many people caught in this mess are really hurting. “I closed my business for several days to take my son on his first trip,” a guy says to me. “I’ve lost thousands of dollars, and we aren’t on vacation, and now I’ve got to come up with more money just to find a place to stay tonight.” Next to him, a woman cries.

How does this keep happening in America, over and over? (By the way, things were no less of a disaster over Memorial Day weekend.)

Mostly it’s due to staffing shortages: pilots, crew, and air control. This is partly due to the fact that the Biden Administration mandated vaccines for pilots and other personnel, many of whom either quit or were fired for refusing. Guess what, Joe; you need pilots to fly planes.

From Business Insider:

Like many industries, staff shortages were a long-running problem before the pandemic but the pandemic made it much worse as airlines were forced to furlough or let go of workers in the thousands.

But no worries, our Boy Wonder, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, is here to save the day. He hadn’t shown much interest in the subject until his own flight got canceled Friday, and he was forced to drive from DC to NYC—an entire four hours. (There’s something comical about our Transpo Sec getting his flight canceled, I’m just saying.)

What is Buttigieg’s solution? Punish the airlines!

Pending airlines’ performance over the Fourth of July, the Department of Transportation could choose to take enforcement action if consumer-protection standards are not met, Buttigieg told AP.

He’s saying that he will fine airlines if they don’t hire more people. But where are these magical people, Pete? He also urged that airlines go under a “stress test” to see how they perform. I would argue that Memorial Day weekend and this weekend were stress tests, and the system utterly failed.

As usual, the Biden Administration is quick to pass around the blame: it’s the weather, it’s COVID, it’s Putin. Somehow, it’s probably Trump’s fault, too.

The fact remains, yet another mess is happening under this administration’s watch. It’s simply not the same America we’re all used to.

Congresswoman Elect, Mayra Flores Discusses Main Issues Impacting South Texas Latino Voters That Led to Her Victory

Congresswoman-elect Mayra Flores, R-Texas, appeared on ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ with Maria Bartiromo to discuss how she was able to flip a 100-year democrat seat to her republican side due to Biden’s economic policy in combination with the cultural craziness that has infected the democrat party.  WATCH:

NEC Director Deese Explains Biden Inflation Solution, Raise Taxes, Take Over Drug Prices and Subsidize Energy Costs for Poor Americans

NEC Director Brian Deese delivers a consistent blend of words, claimed to be economic policy, that make absolutely no sense.  Deese is almost as bad at parse tongue gibberish as Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris, but not quite up to their level.   Many will think Deese is uniquely unqualified. However, if you accept that Deese job is to be the distracting front man -spewing nonsense platitudes while others detonate the economic explosives- then he is being successful.

Deese appeared for two interviews, one on Fox News Sunday {SEE HERE} and on on CBS {SEE FULL INTERVIEW HERE}. Fox News (Shannon Bream) attempted zero pushback on Deese ridiculous claims.  CBS (Margaret Brennan) at least pushed back a little harder.  However, we must accept both media outlets are advancing the same corporate agenda by playing the pretend game with Deese appearances.

Deese used the word “transition” eleven times in both interviews in relationship to the economy.   Deese was never asked what this actual “transition” is that he speaks so often about.  At certain trigger points Deese gets down to political nonsense when he says what the Biden team is doing to combat inflation.  He brings up three legislative priorities that he claims will lower consumer costs: (1) raise taxes; (2) federal takeover of all Rx prices; and (3) subsidize energy prices for low-income Americans.   That’s the plan; at least that’s what his unserious word assemblies are intended to claim as a plan, and he’s sticking to it while the media nods along.  WATCH:

FYI, the Brian Deese economic plan is also the Larry Summers economic plan as outlined on Meet the Press {SEE HERE}.  At this point the entire DC system, including both democrat and republican wings of the UniParty vulture, are in alignment to fundamentally change the U.S. economy, justified via climate change, and kick start their carbon trading platform.    There is no entity in/around Washington DC trying to stop the economic collapse caused by energy policy.

Yellen Insists US Is Not Crashing Headlong Into a Recession, Experts and Reality Disagree

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

On Sunday’s “This Week” program, Biden administration Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen continued to try to put a positive spin on the president’s poor economic track record. But the most stunning piece of twirling was this: she refuses to say the U.S. is falling headlong into a recession.

It isn’t hard to find economic experts who say that’s just plain wrong–that the reality of recession is staring everyone right in the face. Here’s former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers telling Chuck Todd exactly that, over on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” Sunday:

The Hill:

“Look, nothing is certain and all economic forecasts have uncertainty. My best guess is that a recession is ahead,” Summers told moderator Chuck Todd during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” “I base that on the fact that we haven’t had a situation like the present with inflation above 4 percent and unemployment beyond 4 percent without a recession following within a year or two.”

As my colleague Streiff shared late last week, the administration was saved from its own folly, it appears, on a shelved scheme to send out gas rebate card to millions of Americans’ mailboxes.

That wrongheadedness hasn’t abated, as Yellen’s remarks on Sunday make clear. She reveals one thing the administration is signalling it wants to do to “help” inflation–and it could be a potential, national security disaster. She floats the notion that Biden will end the Trump administration’s tariffs against China.

I call it “wrongheaded,” but that doesn’t begin to describe how bad this shortsighted move would be. You likely aren’t surprised, though. Now, will it ease the inflation pinch on Americans? Possibly. And that’s all that’s being weighed here by the progressives running this White House.

The real damage Americans see happening to our once-vibrant economy is just as brutal for the left as the poll numbers we’ve reported about the midterms. The numbers just don’t lie. Democrats are looking down the barrel of a massive bloodletting of their base support, and dismal prospects come 2024. At this point, they might reckon they have nothing to lose here.

View of Cleveland Fed Reserve Bank President Shows Massive Economic Disconnect in Causation

Loretta Mester is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and appeared on CBS Face the Nation to give her opinion/analysis of the US. economic condition.  The disconnect in her viewpoint is alarming and should signal to everyone how the Federal Reserve Board, just like every institution of government, has become a political agency.

In her mind Ms. Mester appears to believe what she is saying, but the disconnect between her view of our status and the reality on Main Street is alarming.  In this interview Mester says emphatically that current inflation is being driven by consumer demand that is outpacing supply.  Not only is this view of inflation origination wrong, and has been wrong for well over a year, it is dangerous.

Inflation has been driven by spending (dollar devaluation & artificial stimulus), and by massive input changes in the supply side which are predominately being caused by energy policy.  Our U.S. inflation is a self-inflicted supply side wound.  Inflation was not caused by demand side pressure, other than from the injection of COVID cash into consumer spending – which hid the natural contraction that was going to take place in Q2, Q3 and Q4 2021.  WATCH:

Ms. Mester says the Fed will watch the month-to-month inflation change, to determine monetary policy success.  Given the nature of the Biden energy policy, that type of success definition is inherently political.  It’s akin to saying, as the victim’s bones and muscles get used to the constant blows during the beating, the severity of the pain will be less than the initial shock… therefore, the continued beating is less damaging to the victim.   Madness.

Former Guerrilla Member Petro Wins Colombia's Presidential Election


Far-left former guerrilla member Gustavo Petro, who went to jail on arms charges while he was part of Colombia's violent M-19 militia, was declared the winner in Colombia's presidential election.

His victory Sunday is seen by many Venezuelans, Cubans, and Nicaraguans in the U.S. as the beginning of a dark future for the South American nation.

"What we are writing at this moment is history, a new history for Colombia, for Latin America, for the world," said Petro during his victory speech.

His rosey outlook was not shared by all. "Very dismayed by the results in Colombia. Petro is a thief, a terrorist and a Marxist, an apologist for Castro and Chavez. From congress we will be monitoring your actions to ensure the rights and freedoms of Colombians. God protect my Colombian brothers!" tweeted Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, R-Fla.  

Venezuela's far-left socialist leader Nicolas Maduro tweeted: "I congratulate Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez for their historic victory in the presidential elections in Colombia. The will of the Colombian people, who came out to defend the path of democracy and peace, was heard. New times are in sight for this sister country."

"I express my most fraternal congratulations to Gustavo Petro @petrogustavo for his election as president of Colombia in a historic popular victory. We reiterate willingness to advance in the development of bilateral relations for the well-being of our peoples," tweeted Cuba's communist leader Miguel Diaz-Canel.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also congratulated Petro via Twitter: "Congratulations to the Colombian people for exercising their right to vote and reaffirming the strength of their democracy. We look forward to continuing our strong partnership with President-Elect @petrogustavo and building a more democratic and equitable hemisphere."   

Speculation mounts that the Pope is about to RESIGN as Francis postpones Africa trip and announces unusual meeting of cardinals


Pope Francis has fuelled speculation that he could resign after postponing a trip to Africa and announcing an unusual meeting of cardinals. 

Hobbled by pain in his knee and forced to use a wheelchair in recent weeks, the 85-year-old pontiff postponed a July trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan last week.

He also announced an unusual decision to hold a consistory to name new cardinals during a Vatican vacation month and arranged meetings to ensure his reforms stay intact.  

The extraordinary consistory will be held on August 27, a slow summer month at the Catholic headquarters, to create 21 new cardinals - 16 of whom will be under the age of 80, thereby eligible to elect his successor in a future conclave.   

Adam Schiff Claims 'Evidence' of Trump Election Fraud Before Playing a Familiar Game

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Adam Schiff is back on cable news proclaiming damning evidence against Donald Trump. This time, it’s not about now-debunked Russian collusion. Rather, it’s about January 6th and the idea that the former president was part of a conspiracy to illegally attempt to overturn the election.

While appearing with Martha Raddatz on CNN, a second home for Schiff since the early days of the Trump administration, the California congressman asserted that he “has evidence” that the former president actively participated in a January 6th scheme to produce fake electors.

There are several things to consider here, not the least of which is whether anything Schiff is talking about is even illegal. Obviously, there’s a long history of politicians challenging elections in the United States. After all, two current members of the January 6th committee challenged the certification of the 2004 and 2016 elections, respectively. In this case, there was talk of producing an “alternate” slate of electors who would not cast their votes for Biden, despite the results in their states.

Ironically, the idea that a state’s electors could ignore the election results and vote their “conscience” was pioneered by Democrats in 2016, with the suggestion that Trump could be denied the White House. Now, the same people who didn’t have a problem entertaining that scheme want to pretend it’s some massive conspiracy for Trump associates to talk about it four years later.

The point is simply that even if Schiff were telling the truth that Trump was part of the discussions, that doesn’t actually add up to much. None of what is being mentioned was executed. In the days after the election, lots of harebrained ideas were batted around. The legality of those ideas, as Schiff mentions, was challenged by Trump’s lawyers and they didn’t happen. So, what exactly are we even talking about here except Democrats again pushing a political narrative–that doesn’t actually add up to the criminal narrative they swear they have evidence for?

And getting back to the claim of evidence, watch the clip until the end and you’ll see Schiff play a familiar game. When Raddatz challenges him to reveal what he’s talking about, the congressman quickly hides behind the claim that he doesn’t “want to get ahead of the hearings.” We’ve all heard this song and dance before. It’s exactly what Schiff said during the Russian collusion nonsense, as he constantly teased “evidence” that never arrived.

Lastly, the idea that the January 6th committee has hard evidence against Trump, proving he participated in an illegal conspiracy, and that such evidence has managed to not leak, is so improbable as to be essentially impossible. Every random thing that even sort of hints at implicating the former president has made its way into the press. But in this one instance, the committee is suddenly locked down tight? As Joe Biden would mumble, come on, man.

In short, Schiff is a psychopathic liar. This is a man who has zero credibility, and the more he makes promises, the more you can expect him not to deliver. That CNN continues to treat him as a reliable source is laughable, and offers more proof of how much of a dumpster fire that news network is.

Jan. 6 Committee Ignores Clear Evidence Of Mass Illegal Voting, Systematically Broken Election Laws


Article by Margot Cleveland in The Federalist

Jan. 6 Committee Ignores Clear Evidence Of Mass Illegal Voting, Systematically Broken Election Laws

 The Jan. 6 Committee completely sidestepped the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and more.


In its attempt to blame former President Donald Trump for the crimes committed on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, House Democrats have spent the week focused on Trump’s unsupported claims of widespread election fraud. The Jan. 6 select committee and the legacy media outlets promoting the show trial completely ignore, however, the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and the constitutionally deficient execution of the November 2020 election—including issues Trump challenged following the election.

Georgia provides a peach of an example. President Biden won Georgia and the state’s 16 electoral votes by a margin of 11,779 individual votes, but before the state certified the results of the November 2020 election, Trump challenged the outcome, raising several issues both in and out of court. Trump hammered accusations of fraud in Fulton County, claiming counterfeit ballots secreted in suitcases and vote-flipping by Dominion Voting Systems gave Biden the victory. But Trump also contested the Georgia results based on evidence indicating that tens of thousands of illegal votes were improperly counted.

While Trump’s legal team argued illegal votes in some 30-plus categories were improperly included in the final election tally, violations of Section 21-2-218 of the Georgia election code alone closed the gap between the two presidential candidates. That section provides that state “residents must vote in the county in which they reside, unless they changed their residence within 30 days of the election” and “outside of the 30-day grace period, if people vote in a county in which they no longer reside, ‘their vote in that county would be illegal.’”

Shortly after the November general election, Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc. and an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues, compared voting records obtained from the Georgia secretary of state’s office with the National Change of Address (NCOA) database. After excluding individuals who moved within 30 days of the general election, Davis “identified nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another, but then voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved.”

Trump highlighted this evidence during a telephone conversation with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. His election lawyers, he said, noted from that data they “have actually hard numbers” of tens of thousands of votes that were counted illegally, and that with the margin of victory less than 12,000, “that in and of itself is sufficient to change the results or place the outcome in doubt.”

The lawyers explained that they “would like to sit down with your office . . . if you are able to establish that our numbers are not accurate, then fine.” While the secretary of state’s representative indicated he was “happy to get with our lawyers and we’ll set that up,” Cleta Mitchell, one of Trump’s election lawyers, told The Federalist that meeting never happened.

“We had tried for weeks to get the secretary of state to sit down with us to review the data,” Mitchell said, noting that Raffensperger just kept saying the Trump campaign’s data was wrong and, “We said, ‘Show us, then, where it is wrong.’”

But instead of meeting, according to Mitchell, the day after their call with the secretary of state’s office, lawyers sent Trump’s legal team “a very nasty letter saying they wouldn’t give us any data until we dismissed all pending litigation.” Then, after Trump’s team dismissed the lawsuit following Senate candidate Kelly Loeffler’s withdrawal of her objections to the Georgia electors and asked for the promised meeting to review the data, the secretary of state’s office withdrew the offer, Mitchell told The Federalist.

While Trump’s legal team was unable to either present their evidence in court or secure a meeting with the Georgia secretary of state’s office to compare the data, Davis continued to pursue out-of-county illegal voting. Last year, Davis told The Federalist that in May 2021, he obtained an updated voter database from the secretary of state’s office and compared that data to the NCOA information he had processed in November.

As I reported at the time: “When Davis ran the data, he found that, of the approximately 35,000 Georgians who indicated they had moved from one county to another county more than 30 days before the November general election, as of May, more than 10,300 had updated their voter registration information, providing the secretary of state the exact address they had previously provided to the USPS. Those same 10,000-plus individuals all also cast ballots in the county in which they had previously lived.”

Davis’s follow-up analysis provided solid evidence that there were enough votes cast illegally in a county in which the citizens no longer resided to equal the margin separating Trump and Biden. And that was but one category of illegal votes identified by Trump’s legal team.

Mitchell, now a senior legal fellow at the Conservative Partnership Institute, told The Federalist that in addition to the individuals who moved out of a county more than 30 days before the election and then voted illegally in their prior county, Trump’s legal team identified an additional 30-plus categories of illegal votes that were wrongly included in the certified totals.

“We never were able to present our evidence to the court, however, because the chief judge of Fulton County, Chris Brasher, failed to appoint a judge eligible to hear the election contest for a month,” Mitchell said.

None of those 30-plus categories involved the Dominion Voting System, claims of counterfeit votes, or ballot harvesting, but concerned specific violations of the Georgia election code. And those numbers far exceeded Biden’s 11,779-vote margin of victory.

Yet the January 6 Committee and their cohorts in the press cast all the challenges to the November 2020 tabulations as crazy conspiracy theories of fraud peddled by Trump to steal the election.

The same anti-Trump media lied about Trump’s telephone call with Raffensperger, falsely telling the country that Trump had “pressured the Georgia Secretary of State’s chief investigator Frances Watson” to “find the fraud,” promising that she would soon be a “national hero.” But two months later, when the transcript of the call was released, it became clear that Trump was speaking of establishing there were 11,780 illegal votes from the various categories identified by his lawyers.

“The fact is we had already found many more illegal votes than the margin (11,779),” Mitchell told The Federalist, “We didn’t need to ‘find’ anything.” “We already knew which votes were illegal and had been included in the certified total,” the election lawyer said, stressing that, under Georgia law, if the “evidence established that there are more illegal or irregular votes than the margin of victory, the remedy is a new election.”

Last July, the secretary of state’s office confirmed to The Federalist that its “investigation into the approximately 35,000 residents who moved from one county to another more than 30 days before the election remain[ed] ongoing.” But follow-up outreaches to Raffensperger and key members of his staff inquiring on the status of the investigation went unanswered.

Meanwhile, the Jan. 6 Committee continues to spin challenges to the November 2020 election as concerning nothing but nonsensical claims of voter fraud. With the corrupt media’s cooperation, the vast majority of Americans may never learn of the systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and the disparate treatment of voters in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, the latter seen most clearly with the infiltration of funding from Mark Zuckerberg to targeted Democratic-heavy populations.

Heck, it’s unlikely most members of Congress know of these systemic problems with our electoral system. But with midterms around the corner and Democrats likely facing a bloodbath, don’t be surprised if left-leaning politicians and their friends in the press discover substantial problems in about five months’ time.

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