Thursday, June 16, 2022

Joey B’s ‘Top Gun’ Advisor

Hunter Biden has been revealed to be the president’s top advisor. So what kind of advice can we surmise the son is passing along to the father? And will it fly?

Now we know. 

The cat is out of the bag. Both Joe and Hunter admitted it—the guy with the “laptop from Hell” is not only the smartest and most respected man the president knows but he is also his top advisor. He deserves much of the credit for where we now find ourselves. He bragged he is literally a “god in his father’s eyes.” Listen for yourself here.

Hunter Biden, in other words, is Joe’s “Top Gun.” Move over Maverick, Tom Cruise is nobody. The real co-pilot is crackhead, porn-addicted, Navy reject, and blow artist—the one and only, Hunter Biden. 

Yes, he is the one, we now have it on record: advising, counseling and doing all the heavy policy prescriptions for this very legitimate, 81-million vote-getting, totally failed  “president.” Joe Biden, the man with a 29 percent favorable performance rating, is going to get (to use an Obamaesque term) “shellacked” in the midterms. He can now blame it, not on Trump or Putin, or dubious, unreliable supply chains, but on his only surviving-stellar advisor son. Who knew? 

The cognitive mess some people believe is president of the United States and leader of the free world is getting his best advice from his “brilliant“ and “accomplished” son, the one who should be indicted and sent to prison; the one who never thought he had to register under FARA laws representing foreign interests; the one who lied on his firearms application; the one who refused to pay child support; the one who with and for the Biden crime family took in well over $50 million dollars in an access and pay-to-play scheme that makes the Clinton’s look like novices and small fries. 

As investigative journalist Miranda Devine put it at the New York Post, “as our aged president appears to be slipping cognitively, as well as slipping literally on the stairs of Air Force One, the whole world is wondering who ­really is in charge at the White House.”

But there is another alarming prospect: the “smartest man” Joe Biden knows, his son, the crack addict-turned-blowpipe artist Hunter Biden, was caught on a recording bragging that his father “would do anything he tells him to do politically.” Friends of Hunter now confess he discusses the finer points of Ukraine and foreign policy and other matters of state around the dinner table with his father on his regular weekend visits home to Delaware or Camp David.

Maybe this is why Slow Joe goes home to Delaware every weekend. He urgently needs to rest and consort with his insightful and genius advisor outside of the beltway and the terrible noise and internal conflicts of the big White House. He must take copious notes and put them on all those three-by-five cards he earnestly tries to read.

This explains a lot. If the brain trust is one Hunter Biden, what advice is he actually imparting to the dull, lackluster, and free-falling president? What does he actually tell him? Surely, Joe must be absorbing it all. After all, it does come from his most trusted source inside the notorious kleptocratic crime family.

We can only surmise what he is advising, so here it goes . . .

On Ukraine: Since Hunter knows the turf and corruption so well, from the inside-out and outside-in, from Burisma to the bank and back, Hunter tells Joe at first there will be no invasion from the east. So, do nothing. Just wait. He wanted the fourth-most corrupt country in the world to remain as it was so he might continue to benefit from it. Once bad man Putin did the act, Hunter said, don’t hurt the oligarchs too much, especially the ones who paid me (us). 

And that oil and gas, since the Germans and others need it to survive? Don’t harm them too much, either. Yes, they paid us, too. Now he thinks maybe he can jack up the U.S. defense industries who are, after all, the only ones truly benefitting from his father’s $40 billion plus of aid to the heroic Biden crony, Volodomyr Zelenskyy. He should get a percentage. Actually, let’s just say, 10 percent and call it a day. War pays, so Hunter gets a cut off the top. What benefits the Biden’s, benefits the whole United States, it is that simple. Right?

On Russia: Vladimir Putin may well be evil and deserves to be ousted. He might even use tactical nukes on us. But Russians are not all bad. The former Moscow mayor and his wife (the Baturinas), who are Putin’s lackeys, did wire $3.5 millionfor protection and to get the NordStream2 pipeline approved, so don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are also former Soviet states that have paid Hunter from Central Asia to Asia proper and we don’t want to affect that all-important money pipeline—past and future. Sanctions on our clients are a bad idea and will blow back on us. Business development after all is key to any and all Biden policy.

On China: The Chinese Communist Party is, in fact, good. They are really our friends and best business partners. Just ask Tony Bobulinski. I am still fully invested with them and they gave us (me and you, Dad, aka The Big Guy) lots of trinkets besides all that cash. I do love diamonds. We must get rid of all those Trump tariffs immediately and kowtow as they demand. So, what if it looks demeaning? Look at all my photos on the laptop, they aren’t all pretty or upstanding. Don’t be so embarrassed! If they want Taiwan, what is the loss? It is Chinese anyway. 

Xi Jinping is ascending, so we should tie our horses to his wagon and give him just about whatever he wants. They have loads of money. America last, China first. And all those Confucius Institutes in America are not such a bad thing. The Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania is an example of just how generous the Chinese truly are. Besides that, our friends in the NBA like LeBron James work for them.

On the Economy: Inflation isn’t so bad. Other countries have it worse. It is transitory and except for the cost of drugs, legal and illegal, the American people can afford it. Free crack pipes will help in that regard. We can lie about the numbers—liars figure all the time. Blame the mess on any and everything else and it won’t stick to us. More stimulus and money printing will be a beneficial thing. As long as there is a good supply of crack and hookers, America will probably survive. Look, struggling folks can possibly take up painting or other similar crafts and earn a decent living. 

Dad, you may need to get a whole new cabinet soon as they drift off. But this idea about buying all electric cars (EVs) is surely a winner. As you say, we have to end all fossil fuels. Be more woke! Green new deal objectives should be supreme, since we only have 10 years to live according to your preferred scientists, anyhow. We can’t tell the public that electric cars use energy, though. I have a Tesla and a Porsche even though this loony crank, Musk is shooting his mouth off too much and sounds like a Trumper more and more. Can’t we ban him somehow from buying Twitter? The last thing we want is a media and tech monopoly that is from one party. Oh sorry, I mean, that is what we have and we want to keep it that way. Embrace Zuck, he will pay to steal more elections for us.

On the Border: Our now obvious plan to change the makeup of America and import 20-30 million new Democratic voters seems to be finally working, except some Hispanics are against us. Still, most of them labor under the table for a pittance, which is what we need in this neo-feudal society, controlled by a uniparty we are trying to build. In California we already have it! The Mexican cartels will pay us more, much more, and all those women and kids trafficked as sex slaves do lead to a lot of pleasure, at least for some of us who are Johns. More drugs and more sex—hell, what is wrong with that formula? It could be our new Democrat tagline. Works every time, not just for Epstein, Bill C. and company.

On Taxes: Taxes are overrated. Why do powerful people need to pay them, anyway? I got a Hollywood maven to pay what I still owed, so maybe we all can do the same. Give me a break and get the IRS out of our pockets. The way to do that is to hire thousands more agents and put their boots on the necks of the little guys and small businesses. They don’t vote for us. Face it, the progressive titans of this world don’t pay taxes, abide by the law, follow mask mandates, or DUI laws. Those are for smelly Walmart Republicans, the little people, what Hillary rightly called, the “basket of deplorables.“ But you should keep using the Scranton line and act like someone from the working class, some people in the press still buy it.

On Supply Chains—We need to break these bottlenecks and get Mayor Pete more involved, if only he would stop with his obsessive posting about his same-sex husband thing. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Pride needs to be expanded to trans, drag queens, bestiality, strippers (except for the ones who get us locked in paternity suits), and pole dancers. But we should probably come out against cannibalism. Pete knows where the fentanyl comes from and why it is so necessary. We need fewer bridges to nowhere and infrastructure NIMBY projects and more attention to purer drugs and many more suppliers to drive the price of coke down. It has just gotten out of hand but thankfully, it is no longer policed.

On Crime—Criminals are not bad people and most need to be rehabilitated and given a second, third, or 100th chance. Just look at me. I came around and yet I still admit to lapses. The focus should not be on victims but on society’s various ills. These are the true culprits. The Soros DA’s should be defended, not abused or recalled. One-party blue cities and states are our long-term goal and we are doing pretty well on that front. Defund the police but call it “reimagining policing” instead, do away with bail, and put more of these enterprising guys and gangs back on the streets. 

Stealing from, harming and attacking Republicans (all whites) is—I know we can’t say it aloud—not such a horrible thing. It works for our voter strategy as well. Divide and conquer, as I say. That “unifier” thing was B.S. and we both knew it, even if it sounded good at the time. BLM and CRT are the best things since MBNA paid us handsomely to keep interest rates high on credit cards. We can’t cave into these domestic terrorists. White supremacy is the biggest threat to the land and the FBI knows it—or we can argue they do. The January 6 conspiracy is right now the best bet we have going to win in November, and to keep Trump from attempting another coup. But, just in case, I recommend we start selling pardons very soon. We can make millions from that racket.

Roger that Dad, over and out, your “Top Gun” policy wonk and forever dependent son, who I remind you, paid all your bills. And remember, we definitely need to keep that harsh Florida governor fellow out of the race in ’24, lest he put both of us in striped suits and behind bars.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- June 16


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

First American Mercenary Contractors Captured in Ukraine by Russian Military

A contracted mercenary has no legal recognition or protection as a prisoner of war.  Two American mercenary soldiers have been captured by Russian forces and now present a rather unique issue for the Biden administration.   The traditional end result for captured mercenaries is execution; however, Russian President Vladimir Putin may not want to hang these two State Dept. conscripts.

(Via Telegraph) – Two former US servicemen have been captured during fighting with Russian forces in Ukraine, The Telegraph has been told. The pair were taken prisoner during a fierce battle outside the north-east city of Kharkiv last week, according to comrades who were fighting alongside them.

Alexander Drueke, 39, and Andy Huynh, 27, had been serving as volunteers with a regular Ukrainian army unit. They are believed to be the first US servicemen to end up as Russian prisoners of war. They join a growing number of Western military volunteers captured by Russian forces, including at least two Britons.

Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner have already been told they face the death penalty as “mercenaries”. The capture of the two Americans will be diplomatically sensitive as the Kremlin may seek to use it as proof that America is becoming directly involved in the war. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, is likely to demand significant concessions to release them. (read more)

What the January 6 Committee Might Have Been ~ VDH

A real committee would also investigate the other, far larger and more lethal riots on iconic federal property months earlier.

Congress should investigate fully the January 6 riot at the Capitol—and similar recent riots at iconic federal sites.

But unfortunately, it never will. Why not?

The current committee is not bipartisan. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) forbade Republican nominees traditionally selected by the House minority leader to serve on the committee. 

No speaker had ever before rejected the minority party’s nominees to a select House committee. 

Pelosi’s own cynical criteria for Republican participation were twofold: Any willing minority Republican members had to have voted to impeach Donald Trump while having no realistic chance of being reelected in 2022. 

Of some 210 Republican House members, that left just Representatives Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) who were willing and able to fit Pelosi’s profile. 

A real investigation would have ignited argumentation, cross-examination, and disagreements— the sort of give-and-take for which congressional committees are famous. 

In contrast, the January 6 show trial features no dissenting views. Its subtext was right out of the Soviet minister of Internal Affairs Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria’s credo: “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. 

If Donald Trump was not considering a third run for the presidency, would the committee even have existed?

Its slick Hollywood-produced optics demonstrate that the committee has no interest in inconvenient facts. Why did a Capitol officer lethally shoot a petite unarmed woman entering a Capitol window? And why was the officer’s identity and, indeed all information about his record, withheld from the public? 

Why did the committee not investigate whether large numbers of FBI agents and informants were ubiquitous among the crowd? After all, progressive New York Times reporter Matthew Rosenberg who was there January 6, claimed, “There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol.”

About his own journalistic colleagues advancing a psychodramatic “insurrection” narrative, Rosenberg scoffed, “They were making too big a deal. They were making [Jan. 6] some organized thing that it wasn’t.”

A real committee would also investigate why there were lots of warnings that a large crowd would assemble, but apparently little government follow-up to ensure security, should rogue elements turn violent. 

A real committee would learn why the government and media insisted that officer Brian Sicknick was killed by Trump supporters—even when it was known he died of natural causes. 

None of the questions will be answered because none will be asked because the committee’s role is not inquiry but confirmation of a useful narrative.

A real committee would also investigate the other, far larger and more lethal riots on iconic federal property months earlier.

On May 31, 2020, for example, violent demonstrators tried to rush the White House grounds. Rioters sought to burn down the nearby historic St. John’s Episcopal Church. 

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser mysteriously did not send police to reinforce overwhelmed Secret Service agents who at moments seemed unable to keep the mob from the White House itself. 

The giddy New York Times later crowed, “Trump shrinks back.” Was the Times preening that the president was a coward for retreating from a righteous mob? 

As a precaution, the Secret Service removed the president and first family to a safe underground bunker.

Such riots near or at the White House continued for much of the fall, before mysteriously tapering off in the last weeks before the election. 

Less than three weeks after the violent Washington riot, Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris seemed to incite the continuing violent protests, “They’re not going to stop . . . This is a movement . . . they’re not going to let up. And they should not, and we should not.” 

Note that Harris’ cheerleading was joined by a host of prominent left-wing luminaries who contextualized the violence. The “1619 Project” architect Nikole Hannah-Jones boasted, “Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.” 

Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo pontificated, “And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.”

Note that the 2020 summer rioting, arson, and looting continued for nearly four months. Its toll resulted in over 35 dead, some 1,500 police officers injured, around 14,000 arrests, and between $1-2 billion in property damage. 

The violence was often aimed at iconic government buildings, from courthouses to police precincts. There were never any federal investigations to determine why state, local, and federal officials allowed the destruction to continue. 

Why were the vast majority of those arrested simply released by authorities? 

And how had antifa and BLM radicals orchestrated the violence using social media? What was the role of prominent elected officials in either condoning or encouraging the violence or communicating with the ring leaders?A truly bipartisan House select committee dedicated to ending all violence directed at the White House, the Capitol, or federal courthouses might have been useful in probing this dark period in American history. 

And that is precisely why there was no such committee.

Hispanic Voters Blew up Democrat Dreams of a 'Permanent Majority' on Tuesday Night

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Last night’s election results, both in special elections and in the primaries, were an absolutely damning indictment of the Democrat Party. As my colleague Cameron Arcand reported, Texas’ 34th District, which had a D+14 result in the House in 2020, elected Republican Mayra Flores without even having to go to a runoff.

That was the big story of the night because it represented a sea change in the Rio Grande Valley, with TX34 having voted a Democrat into the House for the last one hundred years until Tuesday night. Further, things weren’t even close, with Flores defeating Democrat Dan Sanchez by seven points.

Sean Trende shared some internals showing just how shocking the result was.

Looking at the bigger picture, I think the identity-based hope of Democrats that they could still garner a permanent majority because of Hispanic population growth blew up on Tuesday night. With the black population stagnant (largely due to left-wing support of abortion), Democrats have, for decades, insisted that increased Hispanic immigration would fulfill their “demographics as destiny” dreams. They wrote books about it, made countless cable news hits asserting it, and drew districts to ensure they packed in Hispanic voters in order to deliver Democrat victories.

That strategy is now a complete failure, and pretty soon, you could be seeing Republicans winning a majority of the Hispanic vote in presidential elections. That’s how big the shift was, not just last night, but over the last year. Who could have guessed that lumping Hispanics into a vague victim group, calling them “Latinx,” and instituting policies that destroy their livelihoods wouldn’t earn their support?

Democrats miscalculated by trying to treat Hispanics the same as black voters. Neither demographic is a singular demographic. The experiences, cultures, and priorities of Hispanics, for instance, vary wildly depending on their family history. Democrats wanted to treat them all like children who support illegal immigration (they don’t) and that care more about social justice issues than inflation. That was a huge mistake, and it’s one that can’t be undone.

The damage is done for Democrats as they appear more and more out of touch with Hispanic voters who tend to lean more socially and economically conservative. The Mitt Romneys of the world, i.e. those that so alienated Hispanics, are irrelevant in the GOP now. Further, lots of Hispanics are being nominated as candidates in Republican primaries. The ball is rolling downhill now, and it only picks up more speed from here.

And while Democrats might technically be able to regain ground, there’s nothing that leads me to believe they will make the necessary cultural, rhetorical, and economic changes to do so. Is Nancy Pelosi going to stop using the word “Latinx?” Is Joe Biden going to stop crushing the oil industry, which is a huge job provider for Hispanics? Of course, they aren’t. They are so married to their radical base that they are going to go down in flames, not even attempting to change course.

Republicans should send them a thank-you letter.

Beer could be good for men's gut microbes, new study suggests


Lager beer can improve gut health in men, according to a new study.

When consumed in moderation it can improve gut microbiota, which plays a role in digestion, according to the American Chemical Society's Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.  

In the study 19 men were divided into two groups who drank a 330ml bottle of either alcoholic or non-alcoholic lager with dinner for four weeks.

At the end of the test period, both groups had greater bacterial diversity in their gut microbiome and showed improvements in their intestinal health.

Professor Ana Faria of the University Lisbon, one of the authors of the study, said: "One beer per day, with or without alcohol, can be used as a strategy to improve our microbiota, as part of a well-balanced diet.

"But we need to be careful with the results so that we don't pass the message that the more the better."

The men in the study were aged between 23 and 58 and they were randomly divided into two groups.


They were asked to not change their physical activity or their dietary habits.

By the end of the experiment faecal sample showed the men had a greater range of bacteria in their gut.

Studies have shown when more types of bacteria are present, people have a lower chance of developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Beer contains polyphenols and microorganisms that can impact the variety of microbes in the human gut.

A previous study showed that when men and women consumed non-alcoholic lager beer for 30 days, their gut microbiome diversity increased.

Even With The Media Tossing Her Softballs, Biden Press Secretary Can’t Get The Bat Off Her Shoulder

There’s really no other way to say it: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is really bad at her job.

You’d think every Biden White House press conference would be a home run because, despite the president being largely incoherent, the press corps is exceedingly friendly to Democrats. Nonetheless, there are no home runs for President Joe Biden’s new press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. It seems everything she says is a swing and a miss.

That’s been the case since Jean-Pierre inherited her post from her predecessor Jen Psaki, who left the White House spin team for the one over at MSNBC. But Monday was particularly bad for Jean-Pierre, who stuttered, lied, and fumbled her way through her massive binder to avoid saying what anyone with eyes knows: Everything is a disaster.

Perhaps most disastrous is the state of the American economy, and when Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked about it, a flustered Jean-Pierre parroted the tired “Putin price hike” defense.

She took the lie one step further and even said we’re seeing a “historic economic boom” thanks to the so-called American Rescue Plan.

“Didn’t it also lead to historic inflation?” Doocy asked, to which Jean-Pierre unconvincingly insisted, “No.”

Inflation has gotten so bad, even CNN has been forced to acknowledge it, however amicably. On Monday, Don Lemon asked Jean-Pierre whether “the Biden administration bear[s] some responsibility” for inflation, saying economists conclude that the American Rescue Plan did contribute to the spike.

“It has put us in a place where we can actually put us in a place where the American people feel can actually, we can take on inflation,” babbled Jean-Pierre in response. “In order to take this on, we’ve got to have, to be in a good historic economic place, which is where we are right now.”

Jean-Pierre also snapped at Lemon for asking about Biden’s “stamina, physically and mentally” to run again in 2024, just taken aback that Don would ask such a thing: “Don, you’re asking me this question! Oh my gosh! He’s the president of the United States!”

It’s not just the economic crisis and the president’s fitness tripping up the press secretary, either. On Monday, Jean-Pierre flipped through her mega-binder for more than 20 seconds before saying “I don’t have anything new” on the dire baby formula shortage that’s left infants across the country hospitalized.

The same day, in a large word salad about how the “Department of DOJ” prevented the murder of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the press secretary lied that “the president has [condemned]” the assassination attempt. Fact-check: As the Dobbs v. Jackson decision that would put pro-lifers on the starting line of the abortion fight by overturning Roe v. Wade looms, Biden hasn’t said a single word about the attempt to intimidate the court by taking a sitting justice’s life.

One could maybe empathize with a press secretary tasked with taking on a hostile and lying press — such as, say, I don’t know, anyone speaking for the Trump administration — but that’s not what’s happening here. The corporate media lapdogs love Democrats.

That’s why they ask questions like whether migrants are flooding the border because Biden is just too “moral” and “decent.” It’s why they frame Biden’s economic performance as “unmatched … if it weren’t for inflation.” It’s why they say Biden’s banal, left-wing talking points are “soothing” and praise him for restoring the “unique pastoral role of the presidency.”

Especially in front of this fawning media backdrop, there’s really no other way to say it: Jean-Pierre is really bad at her job.

CNN Puts Inflation into a Political Context

The people controlling policy behind the Biden administration do not care about polling or political consequence.  Biden is the one-term disposable tool for their collective effort to fundamentally change the United States.  They have a singular focus on pushing the most destructive and consequential Green New Deal policy regardless of collateral damage.  For them, using Joe Biden is a one-way ticket.

That said, none of the current political officeholders within the Democrat apparatus are going to escape the blast radius from this chaos.  CNN runs a segment asking the question, how bad is the damage going to be from the Joe Biden economic policy?  WATCH (90 secs):

Media Now Falsely Claim Biden Admin Underestimated Negative U.S. Economic Impact from Russian Sanctions

I am tired and weary of the bullshit from every side of the political continuum -particularly the professionally republican idiots- that continue to hide the reality of the situation.  We are adults, let us talk honestly in the framework of reality; that will allow prudent preparation for the massive crisis we are about to experience.

When the tenant realizes they have a leaking fish tank, they realize they are going to be financially responsible for the water damage.  The tenant concocts a plan to avoid responsibility. The tenant intentionally loosens a pipe in the bathroom creating water damage, thereby hiding the fish tank leak.

The owner is now on the hook for the repair. The tenant escapes liability.

The people behind Joe Biden knew their radical transformation of energy policy was going to create massive economic damage.

The people behind Biden used the opportunity of the Ukraine-Russia conflict to trigger economic sanctions they knew would worsen the global inflation damage they were creating through energy policy.

Economic sanctions against Russia were as used as the broken pipe in the bathroom to hide the energy policy fish tank leak.  All of the media discussing the situation are now pretending not to know this.  The conservative pundits are a combination of pretending and too stupid to actually see what is happening.

BLOOMBERG – […] There’s no sign that administration officials feel their sanctions policy was a mistake or that they want to dial back the pressure. If anything, officials have said a key US goal is to ensure Russia can’t do to other nations what it has done in Ukraine. 

But the collateral damage from the sanctions has been wider than expected. 

When the invasion began, the Biden administration believed that if penalties exempted food and energy, the impact on inflation at home would be minimal. Since then, energy and food have become key drivers of the highest US inflation rates in 40 years, a huge political liability for President Joe Biden and the Democratic party heading into November’s mid-term elections. 

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said that she “was wrong” in believing last year that inflationary pressures would pass. One of the results that she’s now seeing is related to the spike in prices due to unexpected self-sanctioning, according to one person familiar with her thinking.

So while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has urged US businesses to cease operations in Russia, telling a joint session of Congress that the Russian market was “flooded with our blood,’’ the Biden administration has been encouraging some commerce, including for agriculture, medicine and telecommunications. For instance, the US government is quietly encouraging agricultural and shipping companies to buy and carry more Russian fertilizer, according to people familiar with the efforts, as sanctions fears have led to a sharp drop in supplies, pressuring food costs. (read more)

Bloomberg is running this article as a distraction, directly implying the Biden administration did not realize how much additional damage the sanctions against Russia would create.  There are many articles of a similar nature by multiple outlets.  All of them are designed to ignore the reality of the situation.

We are rapidly assembling data now that will allow us to give CTH readers a real-world estimate of just how damaging things are going to be.

Tracking raw materials, supply chain costs, distribution limits, advanced and sequential purchase orders, as well as inbound costs associated with the supply chain for essential goods and services, we are nearing enough data to make a prediction.

In the fall of 2021 CTH was able to provide a 100-day countdown window to the first major wave of inflationary impacts.  Purchase orders cycling in net terms of 30, 60, 90 or 180 days allowed us to see the increases in product costs that were aggregating in the supply chain.  Readers watched in real time as those weeks and months passed giving us the exact outcome we expected.

While we still need a little more data to make the best possible prediction for the next 120-day forecast, I am relatively certain we can give an advanced estimate today.

A current shopping cart of traditional staple items at the supermarket (full basket) is roughly $300 representing about a $75 increase in price since early January 2022.   The $300 typical basket is essentially enough product to create 10 days of multiple purpose meals for the average family (4 people).

Using that $300 basket as the new baseline, I can predict the next wave of price increases will drive that single basket cost to $500 by late fall.  This is the scale of inbound inflation that is going to arrive at approximately the same time as the mid-term election.

As you can tell, the next wave of price increases is significantly larger than the two that preceded it.  The $300 shopping cart is going to cost around $500 when all of the increased costs are fully matriculated in the retail supply chain.  This is the scale of food store inflation you should be preparing for now.  Offsetting this cost increase is the challenge you should be considering right now.

More details will follow, but the final numbers are going to be close to this scale.