Sunday, June 12, 2022

The ‘Get Trump’ Show

It is never the pretext—putative Russian collusion or protests at the Capitol—that is at issue but rather the ontological unacceptability of Trump and all he stands for.

Perhaps the best comment I saw in the hours leading up to the opening performance of Washington’s latest entertainment, the January 6 committee’s “Get Trump” show, was in the Babylon Bee. The Bee promised that Miley Cyrus would be performing at halftime. Alas, our new paper of record was pulling our leg. Miley was nowhere to be seen. It was only Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), the show’s emcee, and his substitute for Vanna White, soon-to-be-former Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.). 

That was a disappointment. But at least the Bee was accurate in its description of the show’s basic plot line. “The January 6 Committee said,” the Bee reported, that “the opening ceremony of the hearing will include previously unseen video footage of the Capitol riots, followed by a ritual burning of Trump in effigy.” The burning happened off stage, it is true, but I am told that the snazzy television producer the committee engaged to produce the show provided some aromatherapy for the audience inside the Capitol.  

Discussions are underway with Gwyneth Paltrow to provide a scratch-and-sniff option for home viewers in season two so no one need miss the ritual aspects of this sacrificial reenactment.  

The Democrats went all-out with this entertainment. I cannot, however, pronounce it an unqualified success. Nor did the public, which mostly reacted with a yawn. (The ratings, many outlets reported, were “dismal.”) No surprise there. For one thing, as certain carping critics have noted, this entertainment is really only an updated rebranding of that earlier Democrat-sponsored farce “The Robert Mueller Show,” starring Robert Mueller and co-starring James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok, with cameo appearances by Michael Sussmann, Glenn Simpson, and George Papadopoulos, among others. 

Some nasty commentators said that that long-running show should have been called “Waiting for Godot” because of its pretension and surreal lack of incident. The story centered around Donald Trump’s supposed “collusion” with Russia. But there was no collusion to be had, not for a lack of trying on the part of the Democrats. The expensively produced burlesque quickly became box-office poison and had to be canceled about halfway through its third season. 

The January 6 Committee has taken up where the Mueller show left off. The great difficulty for both shows is their utterly incredible premises. Donald Trump did not “collude” with Russia or kowtow to Vladimir Putin. With every passing month we know with greater clarity that that entire $34 million entertainment was cooked up by Hillary Clinton and her agents. Which is why former Attorney General Bill Barr, no friend of Donald Trump, just opined on Glenn Beck’s podcast that Clinton might be guilty of sedition in her covert attack on Trump. 

“I thought we were heading into a constitutional crisis,” Barr said, adding, “whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice. It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office.” 

Acknowledging that the charge would be difficult to prove, he nevertheless said that he believed that Clinton’s machinations were “seditious,” a fancy word for treasonous. What Clinton aided and abetted with the whole Russian Collusion Delusion, Barr observed, “was a gross injustice, and it hurt the United States in many ways, including what we’re seeing in Ukraine these days. It distorted our foreign policy.” 

And what was the outcome or upshot of all that? Ask Michael Sussmann, who was recently acquitted from the charge of lying to the FBI, or Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who altered an email—i.e., he forged evidence—and, in so doing, helped get a FISA warrant on Carter Page approved. Clinesmith got a little slap on his wrist and has just had his law license restored. It’s good to be a member of a protected species.  

It’s the same with the January 6 jamboree. The whole raison d’être of the January 6 committee is to show that Donald Trump colluded with various nefarious forces—in this week’s episode, it’s the paramilitary group called the Proud Boys—to stage a “coup” and “overturn” the 2020 election. The problem is that the unruly protest at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was neither an “insurrection” nor an attempted coup. It was, as Tucker Carlson said at the time, a protest that “got out of hand, and besides Trump didn’t even know who or what the Proud Boys were until after the event.” 

Now, opinions about the character of what actually happened on January 6 can legitimately vary. Honest observers can be distraught about the event and condemn it as a “riot.” I agree with Julie Kelly and Darren Beattie that the entire episode was to a very large extent stage-managed by government actors and that most of the roughly 800 people who have been arrested are political prisoners guilty of nothing more than walking around the Capitol that day. 

The January 6 committee announced that it would be airing never-before-seen video footage from the event. In the abstract, that is a good idea, since there are some 14,000 hours of footage, very little of which has been made public. But in the event, what the committee showed was edited in a misleading way. For example, Donald Trump urged the people attending his “stop the steal” rally to proceed “peacefully and patriotically” to Capitol to make their views heard. The video aired at the Capitol omitted that critical qualification. 

Other omissions include the bodies of Ashli Babbitt, the air force veteran who was shot point blank without warning by Capitol police Lt. Michael Byrd, later exonerated in the killing, and Rosanne Boyland, the woman who was gassed, beaten while unconscious by the police, and who later died

In an essay about philosophical idealism, the philosopher David Stove remarks that “all sane use of language requires that we never relax our grip on the tautology that when we speak of kangaroos, it is kangaroos of which we speak.” His point is that idealists like Bishop Berkeley, by urging us to replace actual kangaroos with our idea of kangaroos, start us down the garden path to crippling irrationality. Something similar can be said about the January 6 committee. Their PR suggests that they are aiming to get to the truth about what happened that day and who was responsible. But “a picture holds them captive.” What they are really trying to do is lay the blame for the day’s events at the doorstep of Donald Trump in order—and this is the key point—to prevent him from running in 2024.  

They half admit this. As a piece in The Wall Street Journal put it, the House committee “made clear in its first hearing that its main goal is showing Donald Trump was to blame for the attack on the Capitol, raising the question of what legal or political consequences the former president might face at the end of the probe.” Being hanged, drawn, and quartered was not explicitly mentioned. But neither was it excluded. 

Just as sanity requires that we hold fast to empirical reality and insist that when we talk about trees, kangaroos, tables, etc., it is those real things we are talking about, not “phenomenal” transcripts, so it is critical that when the subject is Donald Trump versus the regime we hold fast to the reality that it is never the pretext—putative Russian collusion or protests at the Capitol—that is at issue but rather the ontological unacceptability of Trump and all he stands for. That is the key. 

Donald Trump wouldn’t put it that way, of course, but he understood and articulated an important corollary. “They’re not after me,” he said after being impeached for the first time, “they’re after you. I’m just in the way.” Bear it in mind.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- June 12


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

Neil Oliver Stays Focused, the Questions We are Not Allowed to Ask

In his monologue this week Neil Oliver hits the target so perfectly he deserves extra appreciation.  You see, like many – including us, Oliver refuses to just let the two years of COVID madness disappear in the ether as if it didn’t exist, simply because the elites now find the questioning a little too uncomfy.

For two years they shoved their intolerant fingers in our faces, destroyed lives and livelihoods, made ridiculous demands in order to sustain their own fear, threatened our children, destroyed the economy, used COVID as an excuse to destroy families and steal an election, attempted to force us to kneel at the altar of their mask wearing and never-ending vaccine crap… and we’re just supposed to what, forgive them?  Fat chance…. WE NEED a reckoning.  WATCH:

[Transcript] – The question is this: are we stupid? Or are we just being treated as if we’re stupid? How long will they keep trying to tell us 2+2=5, when so many of us can see that the answer is 4.

Spanish newspaper El Mundo, and other news agencies, reported last week that Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant Pharma Mar was among 2,200 Spanish elites and celebs, investigated by police for allegedly paying thousands of Euros to be injected with a saline solution – salt water – instead of any of the Covid vaccines and so had their names added, falsely, to the National Immunization registry.

This alone is a brewing scandal of note. That a company president involved in researching Covid vaccines allegedly, and at the very least, did not feel it necessary or important to get vaccinated should make us ask another question:

Did that big pharma boss think or have reasons to believe that the vaccines were unsafe, perchance? Hey, Jose – why go to all the trouble and expense of dodging the jab, when everyone else in the world is being told, by your lot and the rest, that it’s safe and that, you know, no one’s safe until everyone’s jabbed – what’s the problem, Jose? I for one would like to know the answer to that question. Maybe, while we’re on the subject, we might pause and wonder who else among the great and the good may have chosen to dodge the bullet and take the saline instead.

Daily Mail online carried a headline on the 8th of June: Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome – as doctors seek answers through a new national register.

This is SADS – an acronym that stands for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – and according to the Royal Australian College of GPs, it occurs most commonly in people under 40. This is properly scary; I don’t mind telling you. Healthy young people are going to their beds of an evening and not waking up ever again, or otherwise going about their everyday business and dropping dead, for no identifiable medical reason.

The best anyone in the health professions can apparently do is describe it as mysterious, baffling even, that there are people under 40 dropping in their traces for no known cause. At the same time, around the world, there have been reports of many hundreds of sports men and women dying suddenly and unexpectedly in the past year – super fit individuals uniquely focussed on their own health – keeling over dead, often on the field of play.

Here at home we have had updated information campaigns about how important it is to be aware of the incidence of heart attacks and strokes. It has been deemed appropriate to remind us as well that heart attacks are not unknown in children. It’s almost as if we’re not to be unduly alarmed by the sight of passers-by dropping to their knees and clutching at their chests. Elsewhere there is a poster campaign about a rise in the number of cases of shingles. The small print on the posters mentions shingles may strike people with lowered immune systems. Fancy that.

Deaths have been attributed by coroners to the Covid vaccines. The numbers are disputed, but people have died on account of the jabs. That much at least is undeniable. Around the world there are millions of cases of alleged adverse reactions to the jabs – lives severely compromised in some cases. I won’t get into the numbers, because those are always disputed too – but the facts remain. People are dying.

The elephant in the room here is the Covid-19 vaccines – and again I make no apology at all about banging on about this topic week after week. The push to move on, to leave all talk of Covid and pandemic behind us, is palpable and, I would say, downright sinister. I am nowhere near ready to move on – not while there is still so much we do not know, so much we are not allowed to say, think and ask.

We are told all about Covid 19 – and all manner of ways in which it might affect health long after a person has recovered from the initial infection. But as well as the pandemic, the other momentous arrival among us – indeed in just the past year and a half – is the biggest mass vaccination campaign in the history of the world – vaccination with products that had emergency approval, but in my opinion are experimental and for which no long-term data is available – on account of their being brand new and just out of the box.

Billions of people around the world have submitted to the procedure. In a coercive and bullying atmosphere created by politicians and the media, that was mandatory in feel, if not in fact, unknown and unknowable numbers of people did so simply to keep their jobs, to get on a plane and go on holiday or to a gig – and yet in the midst of one report after another of otherwise unexplained sudden deaths in the past 18 months or so, the only emergent variable, the only new thing in the world that we are not allowed to discuss, absolutely not allowed to discuss far less point accusatory fingers at, is the mass vaccination programme.

Again, I ask the question I posed at the top of this piece – are we stupid? Or are we just being treated as if we’re stupid? Which is it?

We are certainly living, as the old Chinese curse has it, in interesting times. I for one cannot remember such a deluge of apparently unconnected events and bad news, all of it creating and maintaining a relentless anxiety and sense of impending doom. Pandemic … mass lockdowns … insistence on a climate crisis … fuel shortages … hikes in the price of fuel, energy, this, that and everything else … threat of global famine … war in Europe and no end in sight … talk of nuclear weapons and war … unconstrained illegal immigration … inflation … rising interest rates … unsustainable national debt … quantitative easing gone out of control like a runaway train … and all the while that lot is ticking over, sudden inexplicable deaths among the young and fit which we are not supposed to talk about it – or, at least, not openly and in a way that takes account of all emergent and contributory factors of interest.

Most recently we have had the advent of Monkeypox. A disease identified in African countries decades ago is, apparently, suddenly spreading around the world. More than 360 cases have already been identified in the UK. Monkeypox is routinely mentioned in the same breath as smallpox, that terrifying ghost from the all too recent past.

For a while there, the official word was that 99 percent of those cases of monkeypox were in men who had had sex with other men – and that the infection was passed only by close and prolonged physical contact. Now, however, the Centre for Disease Control in the US has said monkeypox may be airborne, like our old friend Covid-19 – and that the wearing of masks might be a good idea again, just to be on the safe side, you might say.

It’s a basic question but – what on earth is going on here?

Billionaire computer salesman Bill Gates and his cronies in matters of world health run simulations of pandemics caused by, say, let’s stick a wet finger above our heads to test the air … coronavirus and, oh, I don’t know … monkeypox – and then within months those simulations are followed by actual outbreaks of … coronavirus and monkey pox. Never mind software, that Gates chap really ought to branch out into crystal balls because the one he’s been using apparently works a treat.

And all the time, a constant background noise carries the message that the powers that be actually care about our health, along with the rest of our wellbeing. Last week brought the news as well of a proposed rise in the age when a person might buy cigarettes. That’s a good one, isn’t it – hard to argue that such a move is about anything other than saving us from ourselves. Except you could also justifiably point out that this is working towards prohibition, just another brick in the wall of controlled lives. That decision is not yours to make, little human, it is ours.

I was with my family in central London a couple of weeks ago and we couldn’t help but start counting the recently installed, gaudily coloured shop fronts that hadn’t been there the last time we walked those streets together. Willie Wonka style – offering all manner of sweets. I say we started counting but we lost track before the end – they seemed to be everywhere. I’m no health expert, as I freely declare, but those cathedrals to candies look to me like Type 2 Diabetes on a stick, to say the least. Consume your sugar sensibly, I’m sure those purveyors say in the small print on their products. Don’t smoke kids, suck this instead.

We are not well in the West, and in all manner of ways. Off the coast of North America, scientists are finding the fish full of anti-depressants, thanks to the amount of those drugs entering the water supply via the urine of millions of medicated people. Here at home in Britain other scientists find fish spontaneously changing sex on account of how much estrogen is making its way into the water supply from women taking the contraceptive pill. Sperm counts are falling in British men at the same time, leading to falling fertility, but best we don’t bother our pretty little heads about that either.

When you think about it, we are being walked into the eye of a perfect storm.

More and more people are dropping down dead, of no known cause whatever, and fewer babies are being conceived and born. That, my friends, is the road to nowhere.” (LINK)

Sorry, forgiveness is for the next generation…. 

We need to destroy those who carried out this abuse.

Our parents were forced to die alone in isolation while we were forbidden from holding their hand or being with them.  Thousands never had the opportunity to say goodbye.

We know exactly what the covenant of marriage is all about; and it has nothing to do with being forced to stand outside hospitals, screaming in unbearable choking anguish, while our wives and husbands took their last breaths…. ALONE!

You want forgiveness for that?

F-YOU, I do not even remotely possess that capacity.

I refuse to give any “coming to the right side” credit to the vile, intolerant, hate-filled and insane leftists who demanded all the totalitarian bulls**t they now accept as futile nonsense.  I don’t care who is now apologizing, they should be shunned, mocked and cast into the pit of irrelevance.

The high-minded, reach-across-the-aisle crew can continue bleating philosophically about how we must grow our ranks by accepting the newly found recalcitrance of those who have carried out this nonsense.  However, the constant granting of benefit to those who abuse us is the epitome of battered conservative syndrome.

Professional apologists for the right wing of the UniParty can keep trying to make the vulture a better sandwich in the hopes that eventually it will stop abusing us.  Meanwhile, prudent people, those slow to anger but resolute upon arrival, accept the leftists and Democrats for who they are, toxic abusers intent on destroying the liberty and freedom the aisle-reachers claim to cherish.

The professional political left would like nothing more than their victims to be comfortable forgiving them for their openly hostile attacks. Within that dynamic, the abuser is free to repeat the cycle, and make no mistake – they will repeat the cycle, eventually.

Actions have consequences.  We are not fast to the sentiment of hate; we know the damage that sensibility can create within oneself.  However, eventually, reluctantly, decisions are reached.

Those who perpetrated these two years of hell need to be held to account, and unfortunately, this type of accountability is so severe in consequence there can be no quarter provided or terms which might provide even the most remote possibility of a reoccurrence.

It is uncomfortable to accept that our response needs to be of such severity that our children will be witness to a visible anger they did not know their parents were capable of.  But witness they must if we are to ensure these vile and intolerant leftist creatures are destroyed forever.

I would rather provide the opportunity for my children to forgive me, than to see them forever living in a hopeless land of totalitarianism where freedom and liberty have been dispatched from their lives.  At least in the former their choice is possible.

The professional political left must be destroyed with extreme prejudice.

We’ve watched them ridiculing us, the riots, and the lack of support for laws, or their enforcement. We’ve been absorbing all that.

We’ve been exposed to violence upon us by both paid and volunteer operatives of a corrupt political system.  We know these things; the media trying to hide it doesn’t change our level of information.

We are not necessarily hateful.  This is a sentiment beyond hate, it is far more purposeful.

We literally watched in 2012 as the Democrat party thrice denied God during their convention.  The doors to evil enterprise opened by official party proclamation and request.  Now we are seeing the consequence.

We notice the liars, even from a great distance – seemingly invisible to the mob.  We still held open the door for the riot goer. Mannerly.

We’ve watched our borders being intentionally unsecured.  We’ve watched Islamic Terrorists slaughter Americans as our politicians proclaim their uncertainty of motive.

We know exactly who they are, and why they are doing it. We do not need to stand around discussing it.

We’re clear eyed.

You see, this sensibility does not want to exist, it is forced to exist in otherwise unwilling hosts – we also refuse to be destabilized by it.  Transgender bathrooms are more important than border security.

Illicit trade schemes, employment and the standard of living in Vietnam and Southeast Asia are more important to Wall Street and DC lobbyists, than the financial security of Youngstown Ohio.  We get it. We understand. We didn’t create that reality; we are simply responding to it.

Deliberate intent and prudence ensure we avoid failure. The course is thoughtful vigilance; it is a strategy devoid of emotion. The professional political media can call us anything they want; it really doesn’t matter…. we’re far beyond the place where labels matter.

Foolishness and betrayal of our nation have served to reveal dangers within our present condition. Misplaced corrective action, regardless of intent, is neither safe nor wise.  Trust me, the middle of America, and we are not describing a region here, is both SAFE and WISE.

When the well attired lady leaves the checkout line carrying steaks and shrimp using an EBT card, dinner options we cannot ourselves entertain, the door is still held open; yet, notations necessarily embed.  These acceptances are never erased.  We understand.

When the U.S. flag lies gleefully undefended, it is not laying unnoticed. When the stars and stripes are controversial, yet a foreign flag is honored or celebrated – they may not realize it, but we are paying attention.

When millionaire football players kneel down rather than honor our fallen soldiers and stand proud of our country, we see that.  When the FBI sends more agents to investigate a NASCAR garage door than to defend teenage girls in the act of being raped by an Olympic doctor, we are noticing.

When a school community cannot openly pray, it does not mean the prayerful were absent.  When a school board tries to silence the voice of the parents, the kitchen table conversation modifies accordingly.

When a liar and manipulator seem to win an election, the underlying irreconcilable outcomes do not pass without observation. Many Americans, far more than the minority would like to admit, know the difference between truth, lies and political agendas.

Perhaps the political left will discover that we perceive their deception the way a long-term battered spouse absorbs the blow in the hours prior to the pre-planned exit; with purpose.

A shield, or cry of micro-aggression will provide no benefit, nor quarter. Delicate sensibilities are dispatched like a feather in a hurricane.

Americans are still tolerant and patient people, the most compassionate and generous people in the history of all mankind, but we are also very purposeful.  They could have stopped with us, but they did not.  Instead, the intolerant democrats came for our children.

You see Mr/Ms Democrat Biden Supporter, when pushed far enough, hard decisions are reached…

And you have pushed us much, much further than simply ‘far enough‘.

Tucker Carlson Is All of Us in Latest Take-Down of Biden's America

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Sometimes Tucker Carlson just hits all the right notes, and he did so on Friday evening as he lambasted the January 6th committee, while also tying it into just how much of a disaster Biden’s America is.

The Fox News host opened by noting that his show didn’t carry the supposedly “blockbuster” hearings live. Why? Because they are nothing but political propaganda meant to divert the attention of the public to things that ultimately hold little to no value.

This is one of those times I suggest you watch the entire thing, even if it is a little long.

“The effect was North Korean,” Carlson explained, noting that nothing like this has ever happened. He’s right — in that it is completely unprecedented for every major broadcast and cable news channel (sans Fox News) to hand over its airwaves in primetime, uninterrupted, to a partisan House committee. That the committee’s operation is so blatantly undemocratic, misrepresenting facts in order to target political opponents and not allowing the other side any rebuttal, only makes matters worse.

Yet, that’s exactly what happened and will happen again on Monday night. For hours on end, Pelosi got her campaign commercial followed by yet more hours of uncritical “analysis” from leftwing media mouthpieces.

What weren’t those channels talking about while that was going on? As Carlson points out, all the actual news that affects normal Americans. Inflation hit another 40-year high, rising to 8.6 percent in May. The price of fuel skyrocketing has caused the price of everything else to rise, and all Biden has done is blame others. Further, and I didn’t realize this until Carlson brought it up, the president has ordered yet more ethanol to be blended into the gasoline supply.

What’s that mean? It means less corn for food production, and that doesn’t just affect the corn products on your kitchen table. Corn is a feed, thus meat prices, egg prices, and milk prices are skyrocketing. Ethanol is also bad for the environment because it takes the production of dozens of pounds of corn to produce one gallon of the stuff. So in the midst of food shortage, Biden decided now was a good time to force more “renewable” ethanol on gasoline producers, culminating in another insane, self-destructive move. It’s almost as if Biden wants to make food and gas prices go up, right?

The media doesn’t want to talk about any of that, though. Instead, they spent all of Friday evening obsessing over January 6th, which occurred a year-and-a-half ago, and which has been litigated and investigated to death. They want you to believe “our democracy” is under “threat,” instead of caring about the problems staring you in the face.

Carlson continued to press the absurdity undergirding his monologue, moving to the fact that we could be on the verge of war with Russia and China, and the State Department is focusing on “equity.”

Lastly, the Fox News host got to his major point, which is answering the question of why the federal government would be doing everything except helping bring inflation down while trying to make you not pay attention to it. The answer? The debt is so large that the only way out of the bubble we’ve built is, you guessed it, to inflate the currency. That way, you end up with more dollars to pay off past debts even if those dollars hold less current purchasing power.

Get it? You get to pay an extra month’s salary this year in inflation so the White House can brag about “lowering” the deficit on the backs of you going broke. As Carlson proclaims at the end of his segment, it’s all one big scam, and we are the suckers.

The Biggest Winner In Biden’s Solar Panel Charade Is Communist China

Even if it means granting the communist Chinese government economic alleviation, Biden is willing to throw his own countrymen under the bus in pursuit of his nonexistent, 100 percent renewable energy utopia.

Since assuming the presidency last year, Joe Biden has been a tremendous gift to the communist Chinese government. Whether it’s repeatedly fumbling the ball on Taiwan or shutting down a Department of Justice initiative aimed at identifying and preventing spying activities by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Biden’s administration has been at the forefront of empowering an increasingly aggressive China that seeks to replace the United States as a regional and global hegemon.

On Monday, Biden decided to add another item to his ever-expanding list of policies that strengthen the CCP, with the Democrat president declaring an emergency under the Tariff Act of 1930 that exempts “certain solar cells and modules” originating from several Southeast Asian countries from new tariffs for the next two years.

“In recent years, the vast majority of solar modules installed in the United States were imported, with those from Southeast Asia making up approximately three-quarters of imported modules in 2020,” the emergency declaration reads. “Recently, however, the United States has been unable to import solar modules in sufficient quantities to ensure solar capacity additions necessary to achieve our climate and clean energy goals, ensure electricity grid resource adequacy, and help combat rising energy prices.”

“This acute shortage of solar modules and module components has abruptly put at risk near-term solar capacity additions that could otherwise have the potential to help ensure the sufficiency of electricity generation to meet customer demand,” it added.

While the declaration and Biden’s subsequent abuse of the Defense Production Act to boost domestic solar panel production will undoubtedly evoke cheers from climate alarmists, the emergency order simultaneously undercuts a significant ongoing investigation by the Commerce Department “into whether Chinese companies are circumventing existing tariffs on Chinese imports to the U.S. by setting up shop in [Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia] to finish products whose life begins in China.”

Required by law, the investigation was first launched on April 1 at the behest of Auxin Solar, a U.S.-based solar module manufacturer that alleges Beijing conducts such actions as a means to “avoid the U.S. tariffs” by claiming that the components weren’t manufactured in China.

While Biden’s emergency declaration doesn’t halt the investigation outright, it does allow for CCP-connected businesses to go unpunished for skirting existing tariffs. As reported by NBC News, “Biden’s move Monday effectively takes the issue off the table for two years by ensuring no new solar tariffs on the Southeast Asian countries regardless of what the investigation determines.”

“Assistant Commerce Secretary Lisa Wang said that if the investigation finds new tariffs are in order, they’d kick in after the two-year period,” the NBC News report reads.

Axium CEO Mamun Rashid was quick to blast Biden over the emergency declaration, saying in a statement that the president “is significantly interfering in Commerce’s quasi-judicial process.”

“By taking this unprecedented — and potentially illegal — action, he has opened the door wide for Chinese-funded special interests to defeat the fair application of US trade law,” Rashid said.

The Monday announcement from Biden came a day after Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo revealed that the administration is considering a reduction of tariffs on various Chinese goods “in an effort to combat record-high inflation in the U.S.”

“We are looking at it. In fact, the president has asked us on his team to analyze that,” Raimondo said. “And so we are in the process of doing that for him and he will have to make that decision.”

Under Biden, China Wins and America Loses

Rather than boosting U.S. domestic production of oil and liquified natural gas as a means to lower rising energy costs and provide the country with a reliable source of efficient energy, Biden has instead opted to put the craven demands of radical climate alarmists above the general well-being of the American public. Even if it means granting the communist Chinese government, whose members have committed some of the most heinous human rights abuses in world history, economic alleviation, Biden is willing to throw his own countrymen under the bus in pursuit of his nonexistent, 100 percent renewable energy utopia.

While China’s state-owned solar manufacturers will flourish under Biden’s energy policies, U.S. fossil fuel producers and the American people will continue to suffer under the leadership of a confused, senile man, whose short presidency has completely destroyed the energy independence and sustainability of the United States.