Saturday, June 11, 2022

Watch: MTG Interviews Journalist With Hours of Compelling Video Evidence Who Is Being Ignored by Jan 6 Committee

Marjorie Taylor Greene is on a mission to get the truth out about what really happened on January 6th at the US Capitol.

Right now, the American people are being subjected to some of the most highly politicized propaganda we’ve ever seen in this country.

Over one year later, the left and many establishment politicians on the right and their media cohorts are twisting the events of January 6th in an effort to hurt President Trump and his supporters, and provide cover for Joe Biden’s domestic and international failures.

The entire committee and hearings are a political sham.

And one independent journalist by the name of Tayler Hansen, who was there on that fateful day, can prove it.

Tayler has hours of incredible footage from January 6th, from the moment when folks entered the Capitol, to the murder of Ashli Babbitt, but the committee hasn’t even contacted him to review his evidence.


Because it doesn’t suit their “insurrection narrative.”

You can watch the video below:

Here is the entire interview on Youtube.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- June 11 (and some sweet nostalgia included)


Before I get along to tonight's news, got some extra sweet nostalgia to brighten up your weekend:

🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Yes, all gifs are from 'Waiting from the Moon'.

My only reason for wanting there to be a Densi baby on NCIS LA was because I wanted a scene like the gifs above. ❤❤❤ And since that's obviously not gonna happen now, guess you can say this is the closest I'll get to that scene. And, that definitely means a lot to me these days, especially given all my other Hetty related wishes that I'm not sure I'll ever get to see outside of fanfic. :))))

Now to tonight's news:

The Biggest Threat to the Second Amendment? RINOs

Americans are craving genuine leadership. They won’t get that with weak-kneed Republicans who are looking for openings to compromise with the Democrats on our constitutional rights.

Americans witnessed an unspeakable tragedy last month. In Uvalde, Texas, a small town barely an hour from the U.S.-Mexico border, 19 schoolchildren and two teachers were executed by a madman. While most of us will never fully understand the pain and suffering of the victims, their families, and the people of the town of Uvalde, they deserve our prayers and support in what should be a moment of national unity. 

But instead, as if by clockwork, radical anti-gun Democrats and RINO Republicans immediately began exploiting the deaths of these children and the pain felt by their families for cynical political gain. Their goal: to punish you and me for the work of a lunatic by eliminating our Second Amendment and confiscating our guns.

Usually, it’s the typical cast of characters who attempt to strip Americans of our constitutional rights: Democrats like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. But this time, instead of standing firm against the slimy hands of Washington’s most politically shameless, unprincipled Republicans are also rallying to support a new national gun control regime, with the potential for a renewed federal assault weapons ban, more unconstitutional background checks, and a national red flag law.

Among the worst of these RINOs is U.S. Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey. Smith is so radically anti-Second Amendment that he has co-sponsored legislation with Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to limit gun ownership among law-abiding Americans. Smith’s disdain for the Second Amendment is so pronounced that he’s earned failing grades from the NRA and is endorsed by the major gun-control PACs.

But this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone familiar with Smith, whose 42-year congressional career is awash in anti-conservative, anti-America First, pro-RINO-Republicanism. Smith has repeatedly voted to restrict our Second Amendment rights, supports amnesty and DACA, voted “yes” for critical race theory, supported a federal vaccine database, and voted with Liz Cheney and Pelosi to certify the 2020 election and advance the partisan January 6 Commission. 

For a supposed Republican, that record is a disaster. Following Smith’s infamous vote last year to pass Biden’s Green New Deal non-infrastructure bill, President Trump himself called for a primary challenger to remove Smith from office. “You will have my backing,” he said.

Since then, the hammer has come down hard on Smith, who is fighting for his political life as he faces his first formidable primary challenger in decades in America First Republican Mike Crispi. Smith’s flailing popularity was on display this weekend as he met an icy reception along the Memorial Day parade route in Howell, New Jersey, a key Republican stronghold in the district. Meanwhile, Smith’s approval ratings are in the tank. The Crispi campaign says their new internal polling shows Crispi surging into the lead in the wake of endorsements by Wendy Rogers, Kari Lake, Rudy Giuliani, and Lt. General Michael Flynn. 

On his radio show this week, Giuliani described Smith as a “traitor to his party” and an “Ultra-RINO.” But it’s been radio silence from Trump, who has yet to give his “backing” with the primary only one week away and as the tone-deaf Smith pushes his radical gun control bill in the wake of a gruesome national tragedy. 

This raises the question: How is it that President Trump, the man who bucked the Washington establishment against all odds to win the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions of Americans and returned our country to a path of greatness and prosperity, is paralyzed in one of the clearest primaries in America? 

Look no further than House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). It’s no secret McCarthy is in line to be speaker should Republicans regain control of the House in November’s midterm elections. The minority leader also endorsed Smith for reelection earlier this year and is said to be working hand-in-glove with allies of former New Jersey governor and prospective 2024 Trump challenger Chris Christie to protect Smith from the full power of Trump’s endorsement of any primary opponent. 

If true, the president has a serious problem. Republican voters can’t stand RINOs like McCarthy and Smith. If this rumor is true, it could severely damage Trump’s credibility. If President Trump wants to return to the White House, he needs to stop listening to the Washington Swamp creatures working behind his back to sabotage him and get back to business. Otherwise, he could begin losing bits of his core MAGA support, and we all know President Trump hates even the perception of weakness. 

Americans are craving genuine leadership. They aren’t getting that with Biden, who is leaning full-bore into his gun-grabbing agenda. They won’t get that with weak-kneed Republicans who are looking for openings to compromise with the Democrats on our constitutional rights.

The J6 Inquisition Is An Obvious Soviet-Style Show Trial

As during Communist control of Soviet Russia, the Jan. 6 Committee’s purpose is to prop up a dying, corrupt regime.

The House Select Committee on Jan. 6 launched the public phase of its proceedings Thursday night in a prime-time hearing with all the fanfare of a Soviet show trial, complete with production assistance from a former president of ABC News.

Just as the communists gathered in Moscow between 1936 and 1938 to purge their political opponents in public show trials, nine members of the lower chamber filed into the Cannon House Office Building to demonize their political opponents as domestic enemies.

“I’m from a part of the country where people justify the actions of slavery, Ku Klux Klan, and lynching,” Chairman Bennie Thompson of Mississippi said in his opening. “I’m reminded of that dark history as I hear voices today try and justify the actions of the insurrectionists on January 6th, 2021.”

Thompson went on the brand today’s political opposition as modern-day Confederates and “domestic enemies of the Constitution,” cloaking his own authoritarian admonishment under the moral righteousness of preserving American democracy.

“The world is watching what we do here,” Thompson said. “America has long been expected to be shining city on the hill, a beacon of hope and freedom, a model for others when we are at our best.”

The hearing, however, possessed all the signature hallmarks of the infamous Moscow Trials nearly 100 years ago, in which opponents to Joseph Stalin’s regime were hauled before the public and charged with treason and sedition. And those who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 are far from the only targets of the witch hunt spearheaded by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney and Rep. Thompson.

Legitimate political opposition on Thursday was absent from the hearings. No counternarrative was allowed by the regime, which barred the opposing party’s selected representatives as every cable network except Fox News carried the programming live. Members conducting the show trial accused their opponents of conspiracy to topple the U.S. government, just as the Soviets accused Old Bolshevik leaders of plans to terminate Stalin. Never mind that American institutions held on Jan. 6, and the federal government came nowhere close to collapse when congressional proceedings were interrupted.

The trials in Moscow culminated in the “Great Purge” of dissidents to the incumbent regime, with defendants given death sentences. The Jan. 6 proceedings are aimed at the ultimate purge of former President Donald Trump and his supporters, albeit through societal exile and jail sentences as opposed to execution. According to whistleblowers in the FBI, a purge within the federal law enforcement agency has already begun.

On Tuesday, Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray detailing allegations of multiple whistleblowers who reported they were terminated for their dissident (conservative) views from the agency.

“[He is a] decorated Iraqi War veteran being run out of the FBI,” Jordan said on Fox News Tuesday night of one whistleblower. “His allegiance to the country is being questioned because he had the gall to say something that offended the FBI leadership about the Jan. 6 investigation.”

The other [individual] is also having the same thing happen to them simply because, on an anonymous questionnaire, they said something that the leadership disagreed with them about Jan. 6.

Six in total have come forward, Jordan told Fox News’s Laura Ingraham.

Meanwhile, the Jan. 6 Committee’s prime targets have included prominent members of the prior administration, just as Stalin’s deputies prosecuted leaders of the old regime. On Friday, former Trump Trade Advisor Peter Navarro was taken by the FBI in handcuffs and charged with crimes stemming from the committee’s work. On Thursday morning, hours before the Jan. 6 Committee’s prime-time show trial, lead Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley was arrested by the same agency.

Of the more than 100 subpoenas issued by the Select Committee ostensibly established to probe the Capitol riot, less than 10 percent, according to a Federalist analysis, have targeted individuals directly involved in the chaos. The rest have gone after Americans who committed the now-apparent crime of holding a peaceful demonstration at the White House and espoused unacceptable views in the eyes of the incumbent regime.

Last 30 Seconds with El-Erian

Mohamed El-Erian, Allianz and Gramercy advisor, is one of the least dishonest people amid the Wall Street propaganda crowd.  Although due to peer pressure, he still tends to couch his economic analysis behind the CNBC screen of pretending not to know things.   [On a personal level, I bet this guy is 80% cash right now.]

This interview is generally not that impressive.  However, at the very end of this segment talking about inflation, what El-Erian says about the first 10 days of June is 100% and he’s the first person to say it. But he won’t repeat it.  WATCH (Prompted):

He’s looking at the same data set we are.  Watch closely when the May Producer Price Index (PPI) is released (origination, intermediate and final demand to wholesalers), we will see how the inflation costs are continuing to accumulate in the supply chain for all goods and leaking over into the vulnerable service sector now.

Here's How You Know the January 6th Committee Has Nothing

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

I was lucky enough to have other things to do last night which prohibited me from watching the latest installment in the Democrat obsession with January 6th, and yeah, I’m including Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger in that group now.

The January 6th committee held a primetime hearing, garnering complete buy-in for the stunt from all the networks and cable stations except Fox News, and it didn’t take long for the clips to start coming out. What transpired was a political show trial that would make Stalin blush.

Of course, one can have their opinion of January 6th, and that opinion can include it being a terrible event that should be roundly condemned. What happened was profoundly stupid and harmful. It doesn’t matter what a person believes about the 2020 election. Being an idiot isn’t a political strategy and running one’s head into a woodchipper accomplishes nothing, even if it wasn’t a “coup.”

But that has little to do with this sham committee. It is now June 2022, and the condemnations have been done to death. Republicans, especially those that had absolutely nothing to do with January 6th, are not bound by an oath to keep hyperventilating over it for all of eternity. And more to the point, the most obvious takeaway from last night’s hearing was that this committee has nothing to actually offer.

Take Liz Cheney’s opening statement for example. It was widely lauded as an exercise in truth-telling, but what did she actually say? The answer is not much.

Speeches about how terrible and no-good the orange man is are not new. They offer nothing to the conversation and they do nothing to advance the Democrat narrative regarding January 6th. Note the vast generalities used by Cheney. Trump “summoned” and “assembled” the mob, but what exactly does that indicate? Yes, there was a peaceful protest over a mile away, and to be fair to the Wyoming representative, the former president did tell them to go to the Capitol. But did he tell them to go inside? Did he tell them to fight with the police? Did he tell them to commit “insurrection” via some kind of unarmed “coup?”

Cheney never quite gets there, and she doesn’t get there because the answer to all those questions is: “No.” Thus, she’s left with the vague charge that he “lit the flame.” Whether that’s actually true or not is an open question given he pointedly told people to remain peaceful, yet it’s not even that relevant.

Why? Because even if we connect several dots and assume that Trump saying the election was stolen motivated those people to enter the Capitol, that’s still not in any way a direct call to violence. Are we going to criminalize political speech now? Is the legality of such speech now dictated by what other parties choose to do with it? The crime of incitement has real, statutory standards, and none of what Trump said comes close to meeting them.

Then there was this from Cheney, which is just a dead giveaway.

The committee playing that clip of Barr saying what he’s been saying for a year and a half is a good indication on its own. That’s why they led with? We already know that Barr doesn’t believe there was sufficient evidence of fraud to have overturned the election. But I digress, back to Cheney, notice the softening of expectations. The “investigation is still ongoing” she says, which is just another way of saying they don’t have a smoking gun but want to drag this out into perpetuity, or at least through the November election.

Then there was stuff like this from Bennie Thompson.

What a bombshell, right? I mean, it’s so stunning that it shouldn’t be hard at all to provide direct proof that Trump or anyone in his orbit told the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to fight with cops and enter the Capitol. Yet, that evidence never came last night, and it’s not going to come over the next several days. Because again, this committee has nothing. Rather, it exists to vomit out a bunch of unconnected dots in the hopes of pushing a disproven narrative.

There was no organized, pre-planned insurrection on January 6th. There was a protest where several hundred people splintered off and did a bad thing, and they are paying dearly for it. Donald Trump, as much as one may hate him, did not order or even insinuate an order for people to enter the Capitol. In fact, he did the opposite. All the rest of the pomp and circumstance about Trump associates talking about challenging certification is not illegal. How do I know? Because Jamie Raskin and Bennie Thompson, both members of the January 6th committee, have previously challenged the certification of presidential elections.

This committee is a farce. Listen closely and you won’t hear anything at all. It’s a waste of time, rehashing what we already know in dramatic fashion in the vain hope that people will forget they are paying $5 a gallon for gas and $12 for a pack of bacon. It’s not going to work.

May Inflation Higher Than all Expectations at 8.6% - Energy, Gasoline, Food Prices Continue Climbing

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics has released the May inflation report [DATA HERE] showing a 1.0% increase in the month of May, bringing the rate of inflation to 8.6 percent.  The highest rate of inflation in over 40 years.

This month of inflation data is particularly important because it cycles through the May 2021 calendar comparison from last year when the first wave of massive inflation first triggered.  The current year-over-year 8.6% rate of inflation now lands atop twelve months of massive increases in prices.

The data clearly shows how energy costs are the dominant factor hitting every aspect of consumer purchasing.  Gasoline increased 4.1% for the month, 48.7% year-over-year.  Fuel Oil increased 16.9% in May, 106.7% year over year.

The energy sector is crushing the ability of consumers to spend on anything else.   Real wages declined in May 0.6% as paychecks are being eaten up by massive inflation.  On an annual basis wages have declined by 4% year-over-year [BLS DATA].

Unfortunately, there is no forward optimism for any change in energy policy from the Joe Biden White House, that means energy costs will continue skyrocketing as the ideologues in control of the administration push their climate change Green New Deal policies.

Additionally, we still have the third wave of massive food price increases to look forward to later in the summer as the big increases in field costs start to reach the supermarket.  Those food store increases will average around 20 to 30% more than current.

Table-2 gives you a great breakdown of the price increases in specific sectors within each of the larger categories.  [SEE HERE] Eggs increased 5% in May, that’s a 60% annualized rate of inflation for eggs, which are already 32% more than last year.  Chicken is exceeding 30% inflation and growing.

A CNBC media report is below, as Wall Street laments the Fed response. However, the Fed cannot do anything to stop this inflation because what’s needed is a total reversal of U.S. energy policy.

[CNBC] – ““It’s hard to look at May’s inflation data and not be disappointed,” said Morning Consult’s chief economist, John Leer. “We’re just not yet seeing any signs that we’re in the clear.”

Some of the biggest increases came in airfares (up 12.6% on the month), used cars and trucks (1.8%), and dairy products (2.9%). The vehicle costs had been considered a bellwether of the inflation surge and had been falling for the past three months, so the increase is a potentially ominous sign, as used vehicle prices are now up 16.1% over the past year. New vehicle prices rose 1% in May.

Friday’s numbers dented hopes that inflation may have peaked and adds to fears that the U.S. economy is nearing a recession.

The inflation report comes with the Federal Reserve in the early stages of a rate-hiking campaign to slow growth and bring down prices. May’s report likely solidifies the likelihood of multiple 50 basis point interest rate increases ahead.

“Obviously, nothing is good in this report,” said Julian Brigden, president of MI2 Partners, a global macroeconomic research firm. “There is nothing in there that’s going to give the Fed any cheer. … I struggle to see how the Fed can back off.”

With 75 basis points of interest rate rises already under its belt, markets widely expect the Fed to continue tightening policy through the year and possibly into 2023. The central bank’s benchmark short-term borrowing rate is currently anchored around 0.75% -1% and is expected to rise to 2.75%-3% by the end of the year, according to CME Group estimates. (read more)

We are in an abusive relationship with government…

Proud Boys 'Bombshells' From January 6th Committee Are Both Hilarious and Revealing

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Happy January 6th week, not to be confused with the last January 6th week that occurred earlier in the year. The committee that has tasked itself with “investigating” the much talked about unrest at the Capitol Building following the 2020 election held its first primetime hearing on Thursday night.

Did we learn anything new and noteworthy? The answer to that is not really. Instead, as expected, figures like Liz Cheney gave speeches about how terrible Donald Trump is while rehashing the same claims we’ve been hearing for a year and a half. I kept waiting for the ball to be moved forward, and it just kept sitting there.

One exchange was especially hilarious, and it involved the left’s favorite bogeymen, the “Proud Boys.”

If you can’t watch the clip, you are missing out. The Proud Boy member being questioned is asked by Bennie Thompson whether a larger crowd started to gather after their group walked down the steps toward the Peace Circle. His response? That they went for tacos, and the way he says it makes the clip.

Well, no, first of all we round to the back and down the steps, and we took some photographs on the east side of the capitol, and then we went for lunch…we went for tacos.

Absolutely scintillating stuff. This is what we are here for. To learn that the Proud Boys went for tacos on January 6th. Case closed, insurrection proved. Throw these guys in jail. What a roaring success for the Democrats.

Jokes aside, the committee claims the Proud Boys did much worse. Jake Tapper took to Twitter last night after the hearing ended to drop this supposed “bombshell,” and I think it’s actually pretty revealing. Just not in the way Thompson and Tapper believe.

TAPPER: But you know what, I wonder about the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers. You convincingly made the case that Trump was good for their membership. And you convincingly made the case that they were there, they thought, because Trump them to be there to undermine the election and to stop the electoral count vote — the electoral vote count.

Are there going to be witnesses that describe actual conversations between these extremist groups and anyone in Trump’s orbit?


TAPPER: There will be?

THOMPSON: Yes. Obviously, you have to go to the hearing, but we have a number of witnesses who come forward that people have not talked to before, that will document a lot of what was going on in the Trump orbit while all of this was occurring.

TAPPER: So, it’s not just happenstance that they were there? That they were encouraged directly by people around.

The insinuation is clear here. Thompson wants you to connect the dots and believe that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers colluded with the White House to plan January 6th. But is that what actually happened?

You’d think a seasoned reporter like Tapper would ask some obvious follow-ups in regards to Thompson’s assertion. For example, did the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers receive instructions from anyone in Trump’s orbit to enter the Capitol Building? Were they told to fight with the police? Did any of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers in question (i.e. those in contact with people in Trump’s “orbit”) actually even enter the Capitol? Did they commit any crimes?

Instead of getting any answers, Tapper just demurs like a giggling schoolboy and moves right along, seeming to accept the premise that Thompson is pushing. But that premise has no evidence as of yet. It does not matter whether any Proud Boys talked to Trump associates. This is still ostensibly a free country, after all. What matters is what was said, whether any of it provides proof January 6th was orchestrated, and whether the president was in the loop.

That Thompson stays so vague is the tell that these conversations they have transcripts of are going to lead to nowhere, which is the running theme of the January 6th committee. The goal here isn’t to provide hard evidence of a “coup.” It’s to throw a ton of stuff against the wall in hopes people start to connect dots that aren’t actually connected. This is about pushing a narrative, not the truth.

What would it take for the White House to commit treason?


Article by Deane Waldman in The American Thinker

What would it take for the White House to commit treason?

It seems inconceivable that the Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government could be guilty of treason.  It is even difficult to write the words.  Yet the White House's latest plans indicate that it is conspiring with a foreign entity against the best interest of the American people with intent to subvert our representative form of government.

A number of prior actions by the Biden administration directly harmed rather than helped the U.S.  These injurious executive decisions include suppression of domestic oil and natural gas production (note current gas prices); opening the southern border to a massive wave of illegal immigration, deadly drugs, and human-trafficking; fabricating a COVID scam that destroyed public trust in Washington; mandates that nullified the Bill of Rights; printing trillions of fiat dollars; abrogation of rule of law causing the current crime wave; and promotion of anti-white racism CRT (Critical Race Theory).

While all these actions hurt the American people and are frankly anti-American, they do not satisfy the definition of treason: "betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."  But what the White House is currently planning behind closed doors may be a different story.

The WHO is an agency of the United Nations founded in 1948 with 51 U.N. countries as signatories, including the U.S.  The WHO seeks the "attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health."  Its constitution clearly defines its limited advisory function as follows: "governments [not the WHO] have responsibility for the health of their peoples."  Article 1 in the constitution impels WHO to "assist governments" and "provide necessary aid ... upon request."

In 2016, with the failure of WHO advisories to stop an Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the WHO changed its role from passive guidance to active, controlling participation in public health matters wherever it chose.

When COVID began to spread, the WHO repeatedly distorted, spun, and fabricated medical data and suppressed any information that might dispute the Big Lie: the false claim that COVID is a global existential threat when, in fact, it is merely a new flu.  The WHO director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia, refuses to investigate the source of COVID, though such research is a primary function of the WHO.

On March 24, 2022, the WHO released a Concept note titled "Strengthening the Global Architecture for Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience."  The WHO plans to take an active role across all national lines for "population interventions ... clinical care ... countermeasures & supplies ... emergency operations. ... Governance [by the WHO] to bring greater coherence ... Financing [for the WHO] that is predictable and adequate [as determined by WHO to be assessed from signatory nations.]"

These powers that the WHO wants to take on contravene its own constitutional limitations.

Reports have surfaced that the Biden administration intends to commit the United States of America covertly to the Concept note described above.  Strictly speaking, the plan will be couched as amendments to the United Nations' 2005 International Health Regulations, to which the U.S. is already a signatory.

In effect, the WHO could declare a health emergency and take over any country's health care system, and even travel, viz., requiring WHO-approved (vaccine) passports.  The WHO would be able to mandate whatever restrictions it chooses, viz., lockdowns and even quarantine camps, reminiscent of the World War II internment camps for Japanese-Americans.  With the proposed amendments in force in the U.S., the WHO and thus a hostile United Nations could ignore our Bill of Rights and impose quasi-martial law.  

By agreeing to the WHO amendments, the president of the United States would transfer U.S. sovereignty and control of the daily lives of all Americans to a foreign non-governmental organization.  American citizens would have no say or recourse if the president were to break his oath to "defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

None of Biden's prior executive orders or coercive acts, egregious though they all were, rose to the level of treason.  But signing U.S. agreement to the WHO amendments?  That is new and dangerous territory. 


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Sriracha shortage is coming as producer halts production over supply crisis


Sriracha, the famous hot sauce, will soon be unavailable to customers in the United States due supply shortages. 

Chilli peppers, the main ingredient, are hard to come by. According to Bloomberg, the Southern California-based Huy Fong Inc. confirmed that its Sriracha products, including Hot Chilli Sauce, Chili Garlic, and Sambal Oelek, will be suspended for the summer. 

Writing in an email to its customers, the company described the chili pepper shortage as “severe,” blaming the climate for the low yield from its farms in California, New Mexico and Mexico. The company says that weather conditions were affecting the quality of the peppers and worsening the already dire shortage. 

Huy Fong Inc. said all orders submitted after April 19 would be fulfilled after Labor Day.  



“Unfortunately, this is out of our control and without this essential ingredient we are unable to produce any of our products,” the company stated. “We understand this may cause issues. However, during this time we will not accept any new orders to be placed before September as we will not have enough inventory to fulfill your order.” 

The shortage of Sriracha comes as the United States grapples with supply chain shortages. Since last fall, numerous industries have struggled with low availability of key resources, with buyers complaining of shortages in the automotive industry, computer parts, and more recently baby formula. 

Huy Fong Inc. told Axios that it hopes to resume production in the fall.   

The situation has been made more dire by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Together, both Russia and Ukraine combined produce around 12% of the world’s calories, and 30% of the world’s traded wheat, according to National Geographic. 

The United Nations warned on Wednesday that an estimated 1.6 billion people in 94 countries are already exposed to one dimension of the crisis. Currently, 1.2 billion people are said to be living in perfect-storm countries which are severely vulnerable to all three dimensions of the food, energy and finance crisis. 

“Three months into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we face a new reality,” said UN chief Antonio Guterres. “For those on the ground, every day brings new bloodshed and suffering.  And for people around the world, the war is threatening to unleash an unprecedented wave of hunger and destitution, leaving social and economic chaos in its wake.”

Much like the United States, Mexico is currently going through a drought, causing numerous agricultural bottlenecks. In addition to shortages caused by the drought, a shortage of fertilizer also threatens to disrupt food supply chains, with its expenses rising by 90% from last year as of this February.