Wednesday, June 8, 2022

California Man Intercepted One Block from Justice Kavanaugh Home, Tells Police He Wanted to Kill Brett Kavanaugh

Everything about this story is suspicious.  A California man travels all the way to Maryland only to be intercepted by unnamed police at 1:50am, and then admits he was intent on killing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh because he was angry about the possibility of SCOTUS overturning Roe -v- Wade.  Uh huh.

The first indicator something is sketchy is the WaPo with the breaking news. The second indicator is Peter Strzoks BFF journalist Devlin Barrett with the story.  Assuming the U.S. Marshals office still holds some credibility, the Occam’ Razor of the sourcing would indicate it’s the FBI delivering the information to the Washington Post.

WASHINGTON – A California man carrying at least one weapon near Brett M. Kavanaugh’s Maryland home has been taken into custody by police after telling officers he wanted to kill the Supreme Court justice, according to people familiar with the investigation.

The man, described as being in his mid-20s, was found to be carrying at least one weapon and burglary tools, these people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. Police were apparently notified that the person might pose a threat to the justice, but it was not immediately clear who provided the initial tip, these people said. The man apparently did not make it onto Kavanaugh’s property in Montgomery County but was stopped on a nearby street, these people said.

Two people familiar with the investigation said the initial evidence indicates that the man was angry about the leaked draft of an opinion by the Supreme Court signaling that the court is preparing to overturn Roe. v. Wade, the 49-year-old decision that guaranteed the constitutional right to have an abortion. He was also angry over a recent spate of mass shootings, these people said.

The man was arrested at about 1:50 a.m. today, Supreme Court spokeswoman Patricia McCabe said in a statement.

“The man was armed and made threats against Justice Kavanaugh,” McCabe said. “He was transported to Montgomery County Police 2nd District.” (read more)

Looks to me like someone wants to keep the Supreme Court abortion story in the mind of the electorate.  Perhaps the political benefit was wearing off, so they needed to restir the pot.   Regardless of what is behind the story, things are certainly not as they appear at face value.

Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious…

Womanhood on Trial

Perhaps if Western society thought a little bit more in terms of what we do and not in terms of what we so narcissitically feel, we would be in a different place.

In the second installment of the “Back to the Future” trilogy, Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) is taken aback by Marty McFly’s (Michael J. Fox) selfish and corrupt reasons for wanting to time travel. Bad things could happen if the time machine gets into the wrong hands, he insists. Exasperated, Doc tells Marty that all this time hopping needs to stop. “The time traveling is just too dangerous,” he explains, “Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe: Women!”

In former times people understood, without taking offense, that the great mystery surrounding women had something to do with their interior lives in relation to men, who were trying to understand them in order to, well . . . get them. Courting has changed, to say the least, but up till today people did not find in that a reason to question the biological reality of simply being a woman. 

In 1985, who could have suspected that we would be at a point in our society where we found ourselves arguing with a rather small minority of people about whether men have penises and women have vaginas. But, to use a formulation popular on Twitter, “here we are.”

In a new documentary directed by Justin Folk, “What is a Woman?” Daily Wirecolumnist Matt Walsh explores this question by interviewing an array of experts. The documentary, which is also produced by the Daily Wire, often takes a comical approach to answering the question, and this is especially seen in Walsh’s personality when he interviews proponents of transgenderism. Most of the time, they don’t appear to be aware of his irony and sarcasm, which makes the situation even more humorous, but also odd. (One wonders how they agreed to appear in such a production.) Walsh remains highly restrained in his questioning, however, and genuinely wonders at the tenets and conclusions that transgender ideology demands. 

“What is a Woman?” covers many subtopics within the main subject. Walsh interviews Patrick Grzanka, a professor of gender studies, and attempts to get an answer to the question. But academic and circular logic continuously evades the, er, “straight” answer. Walsh is dismissed as transphobic for even asking such a question. In this case, Walsh and Grzanka are operating in different intellectual universes. Walsh deals with obvious, physical reality, whereas Grzanka relies on ideology and theory. His academic vocabulary has nothing to do with the regular, non-jargon-laden speech of ordinary people, and thus the conversation quickly comes to a halt. 

Walsh also interviews gender confirmation surgeon, Dr. Marci Bowers (who is also a transsexual). The doctor deems a biological definition woman an antiquated concept. It’s a “dinosaur” that’s already extinct and we need to embrace that just because you have a penis, it doesn’t follow that you’re a man. 

Bowers is proud of the number of people assisted in gender transformation surgery but when Walsh brings up that there are many cases of people regretting their decision (as well as having grave physical problems), Bowers dismisses him, insisting that the number is very small. 

Not only is this statement incorrect, it also reveals something about the doctor’s position: Bowers is willing to sacrifice the lives of those who end up regretting the decision to “transition” to press on with surgeries for others. It is essentially a utilitarian view. 

The question of children and transgenderism has become prominent and controversial because many parents are taking their children’s confusion about gender as a green light to offer them puberty blockers and even finalize the process with the surgery. Walsh interviews Michelle Forcier, a pediatrician who apparently is so concerned with children that she’s “helping” them by doling out puberty blockers, which have been found to affect children’s bones and result in osteoporosis, a criticism she evades. She apparently has not considered the mental aftereffects of taking hormones (which cannot be reversed) or tampering with organs. 

The damage is grave. Walsh speaks with Scott (Kellie) Newgent, a woman who transitioned into a man. Newgent not only regrets her decision but has started an organization, Trevoices, that helps people find their way out of this physical and metaphysical mess. Newgent talks to Walsh not only about her own mental problems following the surgery but also speaks frankly about the dangerous (and inevitable) physical problems, which are too often taken lightly or completely ignored. 

There are two interviews that stand out the most when it comes to superb and intelligent analysis of our current predicament. One is with Dr. Miriam Grossman, a psychiatrist who works with people who suffer from gender dysphoria. Grossman is completely against sex reassignment surgery, even though she affirms the “nightmare” in which people with gender dysphoria are trapped. They need help out of their nightmare, not methods to enable a condition that is threatening their lives. 

Grossman also makes an excellent and vital point about the origins of the transgender movement, namely the work of sexologist, Alfred Kinsey, whose reputation as a sex experimenter is known. Kinsey’s bizarre and unethical ways of gathering data on human sexuality make Wilhem Reich look normal by way of comparison. According to Kinsey, society needs to be free of all norms when it comes to sex. But it turns out most of his research had a single source: one male pedophile. 

Another important man in this disturbing enterprise Grossman mentions is surgeon John Money, who used twin boys for his own set of transgender and pedophiliac experiments. Later in adulthood, the brothers died: one by drug overdose, the other by suicide. 

Another interview that deserves attention is with Jordan Peterson, who makes a crucial point about sexuality and identity. He deems the word “gender” utterly useless, and instead talks about masculine and feminine aspects of both men and women. This is not a matter of gender but of “personality” and “temperament,” Peterson states. I wish Walsh had engaged more with this idea because Peterson correctly asserts that men and women can have masculine and feminine temperaments that often don’t correspond to their male or female sex. Just because a girl is a tomboy, it does not follow that this girl needs to take puberty blockers or have a surgery to become a boy. 

With “What is a Woman?” Folk and Walsh straddle the line between exploring the question at a deeper, intellectual level and a mainstream exploration of the topic that involves everyone. In this documentary, people will discover more about transgender ideology, not only as theoretical construct but, most importantly, in its physical manifestation. Often, Walsh plays the role of a comical devil’s advocate in certain interviews that would have been served better if he had handled them with the appropriate seriousness, especially when the subject of the interview is someone with whom he agrees. But this is a minor criticism. Overall, Folk and Walsh bring the several aspects of the transgender ideology and movement into one convenient place, and this is an excellent start to any further exploration and discussion.

Although it is not mentioned in the documentary, my own view of  transgender ideology is that it is fundamentally an anti-procreative movement. Naturally, it attacks and negates family structure, and seeks to topple reality. The problem comes down to two things: utilitarianism and relativism. We are living under the dictatorship of both. 

At this point, transgenderism isn’t merely a cultural phenomenon because it has reached another stage: tampering with the physical bodies and minds of human beings. We must start taking it seriously because this is a bioethical problem.

This is a Western problem, too. Walsh travels to Africa and meets with the Masai. When he explains to them what transgenderism is, they are confused and they burst out laughing. “What is a woman?” Walsh asks. The answer may be surprising to the current warped, Western mind because it doesn’t deal with any narcissistic feelings. The Masai speak about men and women in terms of duties

Perhaps if Western society thought a little bit more in terms of what we do and not in terms of what we so narcissitically feel, we would be in a different place. Be that as it may, we have before us a society straight out of Brave New World that is obsessed with starting from zero in every sphere of life, and so we have to continue fighting to preserve any rational order of things. 

SGT Report and On the Fringe- June 8


I hate not being able to sleep because of whatever reason. Here's tonight's news:

Because the AR-15 Can Deter a Mob

Americans deserve the chance to protect themselves from rampaging mobs and the government itself if tyranny arises.

I felt my stomach drop. My barber had just reported to me the news that a Kansas City Police officer had shot and killed a pregnant black woman who was unarmed and in handcuffs, following a routine traffic stop. “That’s murder,” I whispered in my shocked response. Immediately, my mind flashed back to scenes from Kenosha, Wisconsin—during which terrified residents put up signs supporting Black Lives Matter to plead for safety from the mob of arsonists. Would Kansas City soon descend into a similar chaos?

As I listened to the barber’s account, I also caught the 5:00 news on television. Could there have been two different police shootings? No, the case was just so badly distorted through misinformation that it was hard to recognize. 

To begin with, it turned out that before the shooting, Loenna Hale came to the attention of police as a passenger riding in a recently carjacked vehicle. It was not a routine traffic stop as the rumor suggested. Police produced a video still of Hale holding a pistol. She was not unarmed as the rumor maintained. Law enforcement claimed she turned to take aim at police before they fired at her. She was not in handcuffs when they fired as the rumor held. She survived the incident (in contradiction of the rumor) and was later released on bail. 

Oh, and it turns out she wasn’t pregnant.

Like the false rumors surrounding the incident that touched off the Kenosha riots, almost everything in the original rumor was carefully fabricated to incite the maximum rage in those who heard it. This wasn’t simple or innocent miscommunication. Every altered detail made the fiction more provocative. And activists seeking to raise money in response to the shooting continue to broadcast uncensored falsehoods on social media. 

In Kenosha, rumors were promulgated holding that police shot and killed an unarmed black man in front of his children. In fact, “Blake was shot four times in the back and three times in the side . . . as he brandished a curved-blade knife while attempting to kidnap his children in a vehicle he was attempting to steal from his ex-girlfriend, Laquisha Booker, whom he had allegedly sexually assaulted just three months before.” 

Thankfully, the Kansas City Mayor and the prosecutor acted courageously and quickly to credibly dispel the outrageous rumors about the shooting. Both Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker and Mayor Quinton Lucas deserve recognition and commendation for courage. Both are Democrats. Republicans can only envy their civic courage. Most cities are not as blessed by such conscientious leadership, no matter which party dominates.

We know from our experience in 2020 that legacy and social media will happily spread any rumor, no matter how vile, to stir up more unrest and division or, ideally, another riot. In spite of all of the pious proclamations from our tech overlords about their concern for our safety, we all know that’s garbage. Social media failed to flag or react in a timely way to warnings on their platforms posted about both the Buffalo and the recent Uvalde, Texas shootings. 

Now to the point. This is not a piece about dealing with misinformation. Official efforts to combat “misinformation” are laughably political and partisan. This is about gun control. Why do Americans need AR-15s with a high capacity magazine? Because too often, mobs inflamed by planted rumors are allowed (even encouraged) to rampage through American communities. Ask Kyle Rittenhouse. The AR-15 is a jury-approved tool of self-defense against a mob of attackers. 

Mobs like these don’t materialize in a vacuum. Tyrants, dating back to the Romans, have employed mobs to influence politics. MussoliniMaoHitler, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran, all developed an “on and off” switch for their street goons. And no, it’s not different when the mob is inflamed by social justice concerns. Every mob since before the Romans claims to be fighting for justice of some kind. 

Recall that Kamala Harris rather conspicuously pledged to “stand by” Kenosha rioters and helped raise money for Minneapolis rioters who burned down an entire police facility. Biden excused the Kenosha riots on the grounds of “the original sin in this country . . . slavery, and all the vestigages of it.” One should not hold one’s breath for help from the Biden Administration if one’s city descends into chaos.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey and Kyle Rittenhouse have demonstrated that the AR-15 with a conspicuous high-capacity magazine is the appropriate tool to deter a mob (in the case of the McCloskeys) and may be wielded as a legitimate instrument of self-defense (in the case of Rittenhouse). And, as I pointed out in 2020, 

Americans can also see that powerful rifles are turning up in the possession of violent rioters and looters. In this video, one can clearly see Raz Simone, then a noted leader within Seattle’s ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,’ handing out an expensive, tricked-out AR-15 to a complete stranger. Simone somehow went from an Airbnb host to a Tesla-driving, arsenal-distributing mogul in the space of a few weeks. As shown in this video, a militant left-wing militia group called NFAC . . . staged an armed protest in Kentucky during which an accidental discharge wounded three people.

Unfortunately, we live at a time when social and legacy media help agitators spread lies to incite mob violence. And for a variety of reasons, one may not be able to count on law enforcement to engage a violent threat. Once the threat materializes, it’s possible that the police will “maintain a perimeter” while “waiting for equipment and backup,” while people continue to die. Jurisdictions governed by the Left have been particularly brazen about selective protection based on politics. The University of California recently was forced to settle a lawsuit charging that UC Berkeley withheld security and protection from conservative speakers. 

Americans deserve the chance to protect themselves from rampaging mobs and (God forbid) the government itself if tyranny arises. And they should not take for granted that their Republican representatives will stand firm to protect these rights. 

Things are different now. Gun confiscators are willing to weather the backlash of moderate gun owners to achieve their greater objectives. Indeed, the hopeless condition of their midterm prospects leaves them with little to lose. It’s in the air. The NRA is bankrupt and compromised. Anti-gun forces (not all of them Democrats) control Congress and the White House. And before you count on the Supreme Court, remember the mob now knows where each of the conservative justices live. The Second Amendment has never been in greater peril.

Jan. 6 Committee Races Against Time To Stop Donald Trump In 2024

With televised hearings beginning this week, the Jan. 6 Committee is rushing to smear the GOP and influence the next presidential election.

The clock is ticking on the House of Representatives’ Jan. 6 Committee, and they know it. Each day brings the country closer to the November midterms and the likelihood of a crushing Republican victory that will not only shift power in the House but end the committee.

That’s the context for the committee’s first televised hearings, which are set to begin in prime time on June 9. The committee’s television show has an obvious purpose: to restore Democrats’ waning hopes for holding control of Congress in November by an attempt to make the Capitol riot a permanent feature of American politics.

But even if the Biden administration’s disastrous conduct in office and raging inflation make that impossible, Democrats are looking beyond the midterms and hoping to somehow ensure that former President Donald Trump and as many other Republicans as they can smear as “insurrectionists” are disqualified or discredited, to help their party win in 2024.

Selling a Conspiracy Theory with Broad Implications

Their goal is to convince Americans that what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, was truly an “insurrection” comparable to the Civil War, rather than merely a disorganized and ultimately pointless riot involving a relatively small fraction of the people who had gathered in Washington to protest the 2020 election results. But it’s not only that. With their tall tale about insurrection, the Democrats and their two turncoat Republican collaborators Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) are trying to sell the country a conspiracy theory with broader implications.

The conspiracy is that the riot was plotted by the Trump White House in collaboration with a wide array of Republican officeholders, conservative commentators, and activists who were seeking to pull off nothing less than a coup d’état in which the government would be unlawfully seized by denying the presidency to Joe Biden.

This effort will involve using what they hauled in with the massive fishing expedition conducted by the committee in the last year, which included more than 1,000 interviews and more than 100,000 documents, emails and texts from a wide variety of persons, most of whom had nothing to do with the riot that was the ostensible purpose of the investigation.

Conflating Legal Battle with Mob

To make this stick, this show will be aimed at pretending that two different things are actually the same. They need to conflate a mob that had broken away from a rally in which citizens had exercised their right to protest with something entirely different. And they must use their research and the broad nature of their accusations as a way to pretend that all of this was part of a master plan for a coup.

The promise of “revelations” and “proof” of this mythical insurrection conspiracy from House Democrats and Cheney ring hollow. They are reminiscent of the same breathless claims of evidence to back up the Russian collusion hoax that were similarly put forward from 2017 through 2019. That conspiracy theory was not only debunked but ultimately shown to be a plot that amounted to an attempted coup on the part of the Hillary Clinton campaign and its collaborators — either witting or unwitting — at the FBI.

But the committee’s work over the past year betrayed the futile nature of the search for smoking guns that would prove Trump and other Republicans orchestrated the riot or were actually involved in a coup, rather than simply exploring the rapidly vanishing options for challenging the 2020 results. By casting their net so wide and seeking to subpoena a broad cast of characters who had nothing to do with the riot — including, in an unprecedented act, Republican members of Congress — they gave away the game.

A Witch Hunt

It takes a gigantic leap of bad faith to assume that pro-Trump Republicans and the White House were consciously engaged in treasonous activity as they vainly sought for mechanisms that might allow them to continue litigating charges of election irregularities. The committee has been conducting what can only be termed a witch hunt in the spirit of the worst of the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s, in which the goal is to smear political opponents under the pretense of an investigation in their involvement in a conspiracy.

The point of the effort — and the reason House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in another move with no precedent in congressional history, refused to allow Republicans to pick their own representatives on the committee, with Cheney lying about being the ranking minority member — is that the effort is transparently political rather than a legitimate inquiry into a riot that was televised live and about which there is no mystery.

But while the hearings have little chance of overshadowing inflation as an election issue, Democrats think it could help push Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice into seeking indictments against Trump and as many other Republicans as he dares, so as to take the man and the party that is beating Biden and any other Democrat in head-to-head polls about 2024.

There might be some Republicans who think Garland would be doing them a favor by a legal maneuver that would theoretically allow the GOP to nominate someone like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis or others who might have an even easier path to the White House than Trump would.

Pretense of Purpose on Election Integrity

But there should be no doubt that flogging Republicans about the insurrection is not about finding putative solutions to avoid future post-election controversies, as some on the left are pretending with the committee debating proposals such as abolishing the Electoral College or other Democratic wish list items to nationalize elections.

The only reason for the committee’s work is to get an early start on re-litigating the 2024 election even before it happens by claiming that Trump and Republicans are plotting to steal it, in much the same manner as it is blaming them for the mythical insurrection. The legal case for criminalizing the act of questioning the 2020 results is nonexistent, but that won’t deter those who are determined to sell the country on the legitimacy of a political witch hunt.

The Jan. 6 Committee television show will be, like the Russia collusion hoax before it, itself an illegitimate attempt to sidestep the democratic process and ensure that Trump and other Republicans will be sufficiently hobbled by unfair charges so as to alter the outcome in 2024. Even if public opinion outside of deep blue enclaves won’t buy it, they have a not unreasonable hope that it will be just the thing to push Garland into a banana republic-style effort to jail Biden’s competition.

Biden Cabinet Members Admit There is Nothing More That Can Be Done to Lower Gas Prices

It looks like the Biden administration has quit pretending about their energy policy. Joe Biden’s Commence Secretary Gina Raimondo and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen both threw in the towel on gas prices today saying, “there isn’t very much more to be done.”

The high gas prices are an intended feature of the climate change ideologues controlling U.S. energy policy. WATCH (44 secs):

Janet Yellen soundbite below.

Joe Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen conceded that President Joe Biden has already done “everything” he can on gas prices, during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the budget.  WATCH (36 secs):

Joe Biden Is Not A Victim. He Is The Aggressor

This is the case with all of our biggest problems:
 Joe Biden isn’t ‘faced’ with them. He created them.

A spate of news articles came out in recent days hilariously attempting to do two things for Joe Biden. The first is to paint his dumpster presidency as though he’s a victim of circumstance rather than the rotting root of all of our nation’s woes.

Politico’s version on Sunday went like this: “President Joe Biden and his aides have grown increasingly frustrated by their inability to turn the tide against a cascade of challenges threatening to overwhelm the administration.” The story also declared that, “In crisis after crisis, the White House has found itself either limited or helpless in its efforts to combat the forces pummeling them”

Similarly, an online article by NBC News last week said Biden is “Faced with a worsening political predicament.” Biden is not “faced” with a “predicament” and there is not a “cascade of challenged” that’s “threatening” his administration. Biden is the predicament. He is the challenge.

It’s not a matter of chance that the southern border continues to be crushed by all of Latin America’s destitute. It’s because Biden and his trusty sidekick Kamala Harris allow it. They invite it.

There were 234,000 illegal border crossings in April, the latest month for which government data is available. That’s more than any other month of Biden’s presidency. It’s 55,000 more than April of the previous year and it’s more than triple the amount of crossing that took place in the final month of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Watching those numbers climb, Biden’s team decided it was as good a time as any to lift the Covid rule that allowed for the expedited expulsion of illegal migrants.

It’s by no sad stroke of luck that under Biden the cost of gas has doubled and Americans have to take out a second mortgage to buy a week of groceries. It’s the $2 trillion in welfare (sometimes referred to as “Covid relief”) Biden and Congressional Democrats shoved into an economy that was already at a simmer. Steve Rattner, an economist who worked in the Obama administration, when Biden was vice president, said all of that money would “go down in history as an extraordinary policy mistake.”

This is the case with all of our biggest problems. Biden isn’t “faced” with them. He created them.

The second thing these news articles do is try to make it look like Biden and his aides are aware of the calamity and are in some way productively strategizing the best ways to address it.

Here’s how the Washington Post did it on May 31: “President Biden [has] complained for weeks to aides that his administration was not doing enough to publicly explain the fastest price increases in roughly four decades.” The story referred to “new activity,” a “flurry of activity,” and, a “flurry of moves” by the White House, which amounted to some officials writing op-eds and appearing on TV news programs.

That Politico piece said the “plan” is now to “put Biden on the road to highlight progress being made.”

NBC illustrated how deadly earnest Biden is in noting that he’s “pressing aides for a more compelling message and a sharper strategy,” and mentioned that he’s “bristling at how they’ve tried to stifle the plain-speaking persona that has long been one of his most potent assets.”

Don’t worry, FOLKS. Biden knows just how bad it is out there for you FOLKS. He’s pressing and bristling, FOLKS.

If it weren’t for the fact that moms aren’t able to find baby formula in Biden’s barren economy, this would be funny. But that’s another one of those real problems Biden faces created.

Hang tight. The White House is about to put Biden on the road.

Steve Bannon Strikes Back Hard in Fight Against Contempt of Congress Charges

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Steve Bannon, who helped usher Donald Trump to power during the 2016 election, is currently facing two charges of contempt of Congress. Bannon, who has been targeted by the January 6th committee, refused to testify and to produce documents. Joe Biden’s DOJ eventually moved forward with prosecution after the committee recommended charges.

That stands in stark contrast to the treatment of Eric Holder and Louise Lerner, both of which were held in contempt of Congress by majority votes in the House during the Obama administration. Neither was ever actually charged with a crime because the justice system is so clearly two-tiered.

Bannon isn’t going down without a fight, though. According to CNN, he and his team have now issued subpoenas for multiple Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer.

Steve Bannon, set to go to trial next month for defying a congressional subpoena, has subpoenaed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and members of the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection as he builds his defense…

…Last week, Bannon’s legal team subpoenaed 16 lawmakers and congressional staffers to testify at the July trial and produce documents, according to one of Bannon’s attorneys and copies of the subpoenas provided to CNN. The subpoenas were aimed at all nine members of the select committee, three committee staffers and General Counsel for the House of Representatives Douglas Letter. Bannon also subpoenaed House Democratic leadership, including Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Rep. Jim Clyburn.

CNN found a legal “expert” to comment on the move, and he supposes that it’ll be hard for Bannon to compel the testimony of the Congressional members because of the Speech and Debate clause. Whether that’s actually true, I’m not sure, and I won’t claim to have an answer. Obviously, mainstream media outlets can find “experts” to tell them anything they want to hear.

Still, given that Bannon’s defense will likely rest on whether Pelosi and Hoyer followed proper procedure in setting up the committee, this might be a situation where they may be forced to appear. The subject at hand isn’t about anything the congressional members in question said. Rather, it’s about whether Bannon can be held in contempt of a committee that may be illegal as currently constituted.

For my part, I think this entire thing is a joke. Contempt of Congress is never enforced, but suddenly, because it’s a Trump associate, the DOJ is going to go hard? That strikes me as blatantly political, and as I noted earlier, it’s more evidence that the justice system is two-tiered. If you are a Democrat and an elite, you can do essentially anything you want. If you are a Republican, you’ll not only get charged in situations no one else would be charged but you’ll likely be found guilty because of the DC jury pool (a city that voted 92.5 percent for Joe Biden).

Do we really want a system where political leanings dictate whether you’ll end up spending thousands of dollars in court defending yourself? Or worse, whether you end up in jail? Unfortunately, far too many on the left are comfortable with that, being so sure that the alligator won’t eat them. Perhaps they are right, but one day Republicans will be back in charge. When that happens, payback needs to be swift.

Democrats Admit the Real Reason for the Sham January 6th Committee

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

While most Americans are concerned with paying $5 a gallon for gasoline and the savings-busting inflation currently plaguing the economy, Democrats have a singular focus: January 6th.

The now 17-month-old event continues to stoke the imaginations of journalists and leftwing partisans everywhere, not because they truly believe the threat to the country was real (a few hundred rioters weren’t overthrowing the government), but because they have nothing else to run on going into November’s mid-terms. January 6th is their Hail Mary. It’s all they’ve got left, and without it, Joe Biden’s disasters domestically and internationally stand alone in the consciousness of the American people.

The New York Times actually penned a piece admitting as much, noting that the committee is hoping to “recast” the mid-term election.

Of course, a normal person would be asking exactly what “role in the attack” the Times is asserting Republicans held. Even if one buys into the nonsense that Donald Trump was somehow coordinating and in control of those who entered the Capitol, that does not constitute “Republicans” in terms of the mid-terms, which is the framing given. It only constitutes Donald Trump.

Still, as has been shown thus far many times over, there is clearly no actual evidence Trump knew what was going to happen nor that he helped plan it in some way. Rather, the committee is spending its time trying to make people think it has connected dots that are still five dots apart. For example, their chief bit of “evidence” appears to be an internal memo floated by Trump surrogates debating what would be legal to do in regards to the certification of the election.

But objecting to the certification of an election is not illegal, nor does it show a conspiracy to violently overthrow the government. How do I know? Because Rep. Jamie Raskin, a member of the January 6th committee, objected to the certification of the 2016 election.

The January 6th committee is full of hypocrites, and nothing about it is seeking to find some important truth. Rather, its existence is purely about politics and delivering Democrats their wildest dreams regarding how elections are conducted. Raskin admitted that on Monday as he stumped to abolish the Electoral College.

That’s the quiet part being said out loud, providing the best evidence yet that the January 6th committee is a partisan sham. Not only is the committee looking to get rid of the Electoral College, but its members are also trying to use its “findings” to bolster the case for the federalization of elections, a Democrat goal that failed to garner even 50 votes in the Senate earlier in Biden’s tenure. They see the institution of universal mail-in balloting, the abolition of voter-ID, and other provisions like same-day registration as delivering a permanent Democrat majority.

That is what this is really all about, and while it may be a cynical effort, I’m also convinced it’s one that won’t work. No matter how much the press tells them they should, the American people just don’t care about January 6th. They’ve got real problems to deal with, and indulging the pampered fantasies of the Washington class isn’t a priority.