Thursday, June 2, 2022

Diversity Is Our Strength, You Christo-Fascist!

Does anyone who doesn’t live in a gated community or who can’t afford private security guards really believe that diversity is a virtue?

Following the leak of the draft Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on abortion, first-year Yale Law School student Shyamala Ramakrishna referred to members of the Federalist Society as “Christo-fascists.”

The Washington Free Beacon added nonchalantly, “Some of her classmates were less moderate.” You might agree. The Free Beacon quoted another first-year student, Melisa Olgun, as saying: “Neither the constitution nor the courts—nor the f—ing illusion of ‘democracy’—are going to save us. How can we possibly expect a document, drafted by wealthy, white, landowning men, to protect those who face marginalization that is the direct result of the very actions of the founders?”

It is not known from under which rock those Yale law students emerged (or who let them matriculate), but you can be reasonably sure they subscribe to the mantra, endlessly repeated by the most dishonest woman ever to foul the American political scene, “Diversity is our strength.” 

Saying “diversity is our strength” is no longer the way to win friends and influence people in Europe, whose history with that experiment bears examining and remembering. 

A 2015 attack by immigrants in Sweden would, according to the Washington Post, prove to be “one of the most scandalous in recent Swedish history.” A mother and son, both Swedes, “died from their stab wounds. The two suspects, [Abraham] Ukbagabir and a fellow Eritrean named Yohannes Mahari” were arrested for murder. Was anyone surprised?

According to Reuters, “the number of people in Sweden born abroad has doubled in the last two decades to 2 million, or a fifth of the population.” One study reports that Arabic is now the second most popular language in Sweden. 

It is generally agreed that Sweden’s attempt to integrate the vast numbers of immigrants it has taken in over the past two decades has failed miserably, and that that has led to parallel societies and gang violence.

Bloomberg News reported in 2018 that “anti-immigrant parties have long linked Muslim immigration to crime, but verifiable data to support their arguments have been scarce, not least because police services and statistical agencies have been reluctant to track this aspect of criminality so as not to increase tension in societies.” And that was even before the woke Left started riding the range. 

“Research done in the Netherlands, which has a large Moroccan population, has at times shown a connection between the immigrants’ home culture and their propensity to violence,” the Bloomberg report continues.

Hmm. Does that mean different cultures produce people with different ideas about how one should . . . behave in a “civilized” society? Or even what a “civilized society” really is?


How many of those people from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia would you want living near you?

An opinion poll in Germany a few years ago showed that 55 percent of those polled thought that Muslims were a burden on the economy. One has to wonder what the other 45 percent thought—and why. Maybe they’re the people who don’t have to mix with immigrants. In a moment of candor in 2010, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said German multiculturalism had “utterly failed.” Has much improved in the 12 years since? 

Can a society have an infinite variety of “peoples” in it? Can America survive if it becomes a diverse society? Is there something special about America? About American democracy? Immigrants like the Syrians in Sweden may never (or certainly not soon) become a fifth of the U.S. population, but they could easily become a fifth, or enough, of your town, to produce, for your town, the problems that are plaguing Europe. 

John Jay wrote in Federalist 2 of “one united people—a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government.” 

Does anyone who doesn’t live in a gated community or who can’t afford private security guards really believe that diversity is our strength? 

Probably not—and not because they don’t believe in allowing some “strangers” into our midst, but because they want to keep America . . . America, and that means letting in only those people who understand and accept our traditions. 

Why, after all, do people come to America, governed by (or if not really governed by at least inspired by) “a document, drafted by wealthy, white, landowning men, to protect those who face marginalization that is the direct result of the very actions of the founders”? 

Perhaps because whatever its imperfections may seem to be, America’s system of government beats all the other systems on offer. America’s system is, still—but for how long?—a beacon of Western Civilization, which is at its heart a Christian civilization. 

Diversity is not our strength, as people who call us “Christo-fascists” make abundantly clear.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- June 2nd


Good day to sleep in. Here's tonight's news:

Trumpology ~ VDH

The path to the 2024 presidential election will be shaped entirely by how things look for Donald Trump in the wake of the 2022 midterms.

Donald Trump has signaled he will announce his presidential intentions after the November midterm elections. Yet his record of endorsements is quite mixed. By the sheer numbers of winning primary candidates his stamp of approval is impressive, but in a few of the most important races, not so much. 

The disaster that is the Biden Administration has been a godsend for Trump. Had Biden simply plagiarized the successful Trump agenda, there would have followed no border disaster, no energy crisis, no hyperinflation, and no disastrous flight from Afghanistan. 

Had Biden followed through on his “unity” rhetoric, he could have lorded over Trump’s successful record as his own, while contrasting his Uncle-Joe ecumenicalism with supposed Trump’s polarization. 

Of course, serious people knew from the start that was utterly impossible. A cognitively challenged Biden was a captive of ideologues. Thus, he was bound to pursue an extremist agenda that could only end as it now has—in disaster and record low polls. 

Still, how ironic that the Biden catastrophe revived a Trump candidacy. Biden likely will cause the Democrats to lose Congress. His pick of a dismal Kamala Harris as vice president has likely ensured, for now, fewer viable Democratic presidential candidates in 2024. 

So, will Trump run? 

Some logic might dictate that Trump not try a second campaign. He would be 79. The recent record of doddering septuagenarian and octogenarian politicians—Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein—has warned Americans that one’s late 70s certainly are not, as the Baby Boomer generation may try to hype, the “new 50s.” 

In addition, Trump’s old and new business ventures would take further and greater hits. 

His family would again be targeted and unfairly maligned. 

An otherwise nihilist progressive and media agenda would reawaken solely to destroy Donald Trump—not his policies against which the Left has offered nothing of substance. 

The Trump MAGA legacy is now largely institutionalized. 

All Republican candidates will run on secure borders, energy independence, deregulation, Jacksonian foreign policy, a populist, middle-class, nationalism, and deterrence against China—albeit with much-needed new emphasis on destructive deficit spending. 

Candidates like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) are all close with or have worked for Trump and would, more or less, carry through the Trump agenda. 

The Trump record itself between 2017 and 2021 would be assessed more positively, especially in comparison to what preceded and followed it, and with Trump in retirement. 

On the other hand, in 2016 the Republican field was also hailed as a dream team. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was acclaimed as the hands-on pro who ran a purple state, battling successfully public-employee unions and left-wing monied special interests. 

We know how that field ended. 

Trump supporters would counter that a wiser Trump would hit the ground running. He would likely not recruit disloyal outliers or Republican Party apparatchiks. 

Much less would he trust the ossified hierarchy of the FBI, CIA, DIA, CDC, NIH, or any of the other alphabetic, deep-state soups. 

The Trump base would add that a non-Trump Trump candidate would never endure, much less brawl against, left-wing madness. They would claim that avoiding cul-de-sac spats while doubling down on the Trump agenda sounds nice—in the fashion that, theoretically, there could be sunshine without the sun. 

In the end, none of the above considerations will likely matter.

Instead, the outcome of the midterms will tell a lot. A clear but not overwhelming Republican win will likely discourage Trump and empower his critics. 

But a historic blowout will spur Trump. In the end, even if most Republicans would prefer he not run, they will likely vote for him over the hard-left alternative. 

As for the Democratic landscape, it will not be the case that Joe Biden may choose to run. He will not run because the decision will not be his. 

Even if he manages to last another two years in office, Democratic grandees know his cognitive faculties are eroding rapidly. They read polls and know what his non compos mentis optics have done to their party. 

These same interests are just as terrified of Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Those two believe that the Biden disaster was not due to his embrace of hard socialism, but to his insufficient embrace of socialism.

Given the poverty of alternatives, all sorts of names will arise, from Mike Bloomberg-like billionaires and Michelle Obama to most of those dismal 2020 primary retreads. 

In the end, a Republican nominee can win who convincingly promises a secure border, a pathway to a balanced budget, energy independence, a crackdown on crime, and a strong, nonpolitical military with a commitment to missile defense. 

And the nominee would have to do all that neither with gratuitous insults nor playing by wishy-washy Marquess of Queensberry rules against those whose toxic agendas here and abroad have created the present disaster.

White House: Joe Biden Doesn’t Believe In Making Schools More Secure

The same president inaugurated under the watchful eye of thousands of National Guard troops and behind the protection of barricades and fences now dismisses the idea of securing schools because it doesn’t fit his gun-grabbing goals.

The White House admitted on Tuesday that President Joe Biden has no interest in “hardening schools” against potential attacks from people like the school shooter in Uvalde, Texas.

“I know there’s been conversation about hardening schools. That is not something that he believes in,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a press briefing.

You heard that right. Instead of investing in security resources for the nation’s taxpayer-funded schools, training staff, and even arming teachers to defend themselves against shooters like the 18-year-old gunman who took the lives of 21 people last week, Biden is more focused on passing legislation or issuing executive orders aimed at slowly restricting Americans’ right to own guns. That’s why Democrats have repeatedly rejected legislation designed to fund and codify security overhauls in U.S. public schools.

Reports about what happened at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde are still muddled thanks to contradicting information given by local law enforcement. Recent statements from Texas State Police, however, suggest that the teacher who was originally believed to have propped a back door open with a rock, the same back door that was eventually utilized by the shooter to enter the school, did close the door, but it did not lock properly.

A school building with adequate security infrastructure wouldn’t fail to lock doors. As a matter of fact, it would have a heavily monitored single point of entry. A teacher with adequate training against external threats would know never to prop a door open in the first place. An armed teacher or security guard might have been able to take down the armed suspect instead of waiting nearly an hour for a Border Patrol tactical unit to breach the school and kill the shooter.

According to the White House, however, implementing processes to address those issues is not on the table. Instead, Jean-Pierre said Biden “believes that we should be able to give our teachers the resources to be able to do the job that they’re meant to do at schools.”

Joe Biden Lines up the Fall Guy for His Inflation Failures

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden has lined up a fall guy for his inflation failures. Or maybe “fall gal” is the proper terminology? I wouldn’t want to misgender anyone.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently appeared in an interview, taking the distinct honor of being the first person in the Biden administration to admit they were “wrong” about inflation. Yellen laid out a litany of excuses, claiming she couldn’t have foreseen what was coming.

How true is that? We’ll discuss that in a moment, but first, here’s the clip.

Yellen goes so far as to admit that inflation is being driven by high gas prices and food costs, a sharp departure from the insulting narrative pushed by Biden himself that inflation is mostly about used car prices. She blames those woes on “unanticipated and large shocks to the economy,” including the supply chain, which is overseen by do-nothing Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Yellen also failed to blame Vladimir Putin, which may earn her a rebuke from inside the White House given that Russia is their excuse for everything.

Still, is it true that these “unanticipated and large shocks to the economy” were truly unanticipated? The simple answer is no, that’s not true at all. In fact, Larry Summers, former top Obama economic advisor, put out several warnings prior to the passage of the American Rescue Plan that the $2 trillion spending package would dump far too much “free” money into an already overheating economy.

Larry Summers, a top economic adviser to former President Obama, blasted the $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package signed by President Biden earlier this month as the “least responsible” economic policy in 40 years.

Speaking on Bloomberg Television’s “Wall Street Week” on Friday, Summers outlined his predictions for the economy in light of the relief package.

“I think this is the least responsible macroeconomic policy we’ve had in the last 40 years,” Summers said.

Summers has been proven right many times over since he made those comments over a year ago. The American Rescue Plan did spike inflation, serving as the single biggest driver of the current crisis. And for what? So people could stay home from work a few extra months, schools could get billions of dollars they didn’t need, and special interests could be paid off? Was any of that worth all the extra cash you are now spending just to live your life?

In other words, Yellen claiming that the administration couldn’t have seen what was coming is blatantly false. That’s what makes the actions taken all the worse. They knew what was going to happen, but they saw an opportunity to “transform” the economy and took it. Never mind all the people that have been hurt and continue to be hurt along the way.

And while Yellen’s admission is welcomed, it’s also deeply cynical. While Yellen is the person overseeing the distribution of the money, it was Biden who signed the massive, idiotic spending bill. He is the one ultimately responsible here, but Yellen knows she can take the fall without any consequences. It’s yet more evidence of how deeply partisan she is.

Unfortunately, what’s done is done, and extremely late admissions of failure do nothing for those who have lost their shirt over the last year. Biden steered the economy off a cliff, and stagflation is here. The only way out is a whole lot of pain.

Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre Get Signals Crossed on Baby Formula Crisis in Staggering Show of Incompetence

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

We’ve written often about how President Joe Biden relies so heavily on his handlers to play clean-up when he screws up in public, even though a new report claims it angers him when they rush to “clarify” his gaffes, flubs, and in some cases dangerous declarations.

But what happens when not even Biden’s handlers can explain away statements that indeed make him not only look bad but also disturbingly out of touch with the issues facing average Americans every day?

We found the answer out on Wednesday when both Biden and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre were asked in separate instances about the White House timeline for who knew what and when about the baby formula crisis.

For several weeks now, we’ve been told by senior White House comms officials from then-press secretary Jen Psaki as well to then-deputy press secretary Jean-Pierre that Biden was on top of the matter since the White House allegedly first learned about the shortage (February), though Psaki conveniently stopped short at the time of giving a definitive timeline for when Biden himself specifically learned about it.

But during a virtual meeting Wednesday with baby formula manufacturers, Biden point-blank admitted he was not made aware of the issues until “sometime in early April”:

President Joe Biden said Wednesday he wasn’t alerted that the nation faced a looming shortage of baby formula until April, though executives of baby formula manufacturers said they sounded the alarm to retailers two months earlier.


After the 50-minute meeting, Biden repeated, “I don’t think anyone anticipated the impact of the shutdown of Abbott facility,” minutes after manufacturers said they anticipated a shortage.

“They did, but I didn’t,” Biden said, adding that he wasn’t made aware of the problem until early April. “We did everything in our power from that point on. That’s all I can tell you right now. And we’re going to continue to do it together.”


Jean-Pierre was asked during the daily press briefing sometime during or after Biden’s meeting about his remarks, and it was obvious that she was caught off-guard by Biden’s answer. She tried instead to spin Biden’s admittedly belated response to the crisis as a “whole of government approach,” and at one point talked about how Biden just has a lot on his plate right now, so let’s not be too hard on him, you know?:

Are you freakin’ kidding me? This is the best they’ve got?

This is a major issue that obviously impacts millions of families and the health of their children, and contra to their blame games and claims to have been on top of it since February, the Biden White House was largely MIA until well after it reached crisis levels, even though manufacturers had been raising the issue for months.

Officials at the highest levels of government need to answer for this, and the best way for voters to do it will be at the ballot box come November. In fact, the level of incompetence on display by this administration on this issue is so mind-blowing that it wouldn’t surprise me if the Republican gains in the House and Senate come fall reach historic levels. It’s really just that bad – and sadly there appears to be no end in sight. I mean, you know it’s gotten bad for Biden when not even his paid handlers can get him out of jams of his own making.

George HW Biden

Biden’s pivot to the economy is transparently dishonest.

Unless you’re my age or older, you probably don’t remember when George HW Bush ran for reelection in 1992.

Who can blame you if you don’t remember? It was 30 years ago.

George HW Bush, like our current first-term president, was a former Vice President who spent a large segment of his life in Washington DC.

And like our current president, George HW Bush wasn’t exactly known for having his finger on the pulse of the electorate.

After a New Hampshire town hall in 1992, President Bush discussed with the press how he thought it went. He summed up his performance by saying, “Message: I care.”

Listen, if you have to tell us “Message: I care,” chances are, you don’t care.

Bush’s “Message: I care” was as inauthentic as Bill Clinton’s “I feel your pain.”

Well, here we are 30 years later and George HW Biden is planning to shift his focus to the economy. And by that, this White House means, they’re going to try and find the perfect narrative to send the message that Biden cares.

No doubt, old Joe will also feel our pain.

Message: I care.

Who does this woman think Joe Biden is anyway?

George HW Biden has been a Washington politician for almost half a century.

He has no idea “what it feels like” to get your electric bill in the mail and cringe at the thought of opening the envelope.

He doesn’t know “what it feels like” to see his grocery bill rise week after week as everything from meat to eggs to bread gets more and more expensive.

He doesn’t know “what it feels like” to drive from store to store desperately hunting for baby formula.

And he sure as hell doesn’t know “what it feels like” spending hundreds of dollars just to fill up his gas tank every week so he can get to and from work.

He has no idea what any of this feels like.

Biden’s pivot to the economy amounts to saying “Message: I care” while finding ways to pass the blame off onto anyone but himself.

George HW Biden kicked off his “Message: I Care” tour by “writing” a ghostwritten column in the Wall Street Journal that blamed the 40-year high inflation and record gas prices on Vladimir Putin and the Republicans in Congress.

Biden’s pivot to the economy is to pretend that, just like all of us, he is a victim of circumstances outside of his control.

But he isn’t.

He is the cause of all of it.

The White House “plan” to address inflation and skyrocketing consumer prices amounts to doubling down on the same ridiculous agenda it has been pursuing for the last 17 months – the very agenda that got us into this mess in the first place.

The only difference will be in the “messaging,” finding just the right word or phrase to better convey “Message: I care.”

But since coming up with the “messaging” will probably be done by the same people who thought “Putin’s Price Hike,” “Ultra MAGA,” and “Build Back Better” were all winners, it’s unlikely the “messaging” they land on will raise Biden’s approval number by even one single digit.

And don’t doubt me on this. Biden isn’t pivoting toward the economy to find a solution to the problems he caused. He’s pivoting toward the economy hoping like hell to find a solution to his cratering approval rating and the Democrat wipeout it will cause in November.

Michael Avenatti Gets 4 Years in Prison for Defrauding Stormy Daniels


Michael Avenatti, the brash California lawyer who once took on then-President Donald Trump, was sentenced Thursday to four years in prison for defrauding his best-known former client, the porn actress Stormy Daniels.

A federal jury had convicted Avenatti in February of wire fraud and aggravated identity after a two-week trial, agreeing with prosecutors that he embezzled nearly $300,000 in book proceeds intended for Daniels.

U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman imposed the sentence in federal court in Manhattan.

Avenatti, 51, had already been serving a 2½-year sentence stemming from his 2020 conviction for trying to extort millions of dollars from Nike Inc.  

Eighteen months of the Daniels sentence will run concurrent with the Nike sentence, meaning Avenatti faces a combined five years in prison.

"I have destroyed my career, my relationships, and my reputation," Avenatti told Furman before being sentenced in the Daniels case.

Prosecutors had recommended Avenatti receive a "substantial" prison term, including a mandatory two-year term for identity theft. 

Avenatti, who represented himself, proposed a three-year sentence in the Daniels case, with one year running concurrent with his Nike sentence.

He wore beige prison garb and blue sneakers to the sentencing, after Furman rejected his request he be allowed to wear a suit.

Avenatti became a household name thanks to cable television appearances while representing Daniels in lawsuits against Trump.

Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford, received $130,000 from Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, in exchange for remaining quiet before the 2016 presidential election about sexual encounters she says she had with Trump, which he has denied.  

Avenatti freed Daniels from her nondisclosure agreement with Trump.

But his career unraveled in 2019 when he was criminally charged in New York in the Nike case, and in California with stealing millions of dollars from five other clients.

The California case is ongoing following a mistrial last August.

Daniels testified that Avenatti "betrayed" her by diverting money to an account he controlled without telling her.

During cross-examination, Avenatti tried to undermine Daniels' credibility by focusing on her interest in paranormal activity. Daniels, who is producing the TV project "Spooky Babes," said she could speak with the dead.  

Pelosi Says House to Consider Assault Weapons Ban Soon


Article by Luca Cacciatore in NewsMax

Pelosi Says House to Consider Assault Weapons Ban Soon


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told a crowd Wednesday in her hometown of San Francisco that the lower chamber will propose legislation banning so-called assault weapons in the coming weeks, The Hill reported.

Speaking at an event regarding gun violence prevention, Pelosi, D-Calif., said a bill tackling certain types of rifles would come after the House considers red flag laws — measures designed to keep weapons from potentially violent people.

On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee is also preparing to field a slate of anti-gun bills. Among them are proposals to prohibit high-capacity magazines and raise the minimum purchasing age for certain rifles.

''And then, as we get through those, we will be having a hearing and marking up the assault weapon ban,'' the Democratic leader said. ''So, we just are trying to hit it every possible way.''

The news comes amid a flurry of gun control pushes following the mass shooting last week at a Uvalde, Texas, elementary school that left 19 children and two teachers dead. Ten days before the attack, another shooting in a Buffalo, New York, supermarket left 10 dead.

Since then, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced legislation aimed to ''freeze'' the ability to ''buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere'' in his country.

Duke University law professor Joseph Blocher told Newsweek on Tuesday that a ban as extensive as Canada's in the U.S. would be unlikely under the confines of the Second Amendment.

''The Supreme Court has been clear that the Second Amendment protects the fundamental right to have a handgun in the home for self-defense,'' Blocher told the outlet. ''So, even if handgun prohibition were politically feasible, the courts will strike it down.'' 


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Article by Stacey Lennox in PJMedia


Get Ready for $1 Per Egg: USDA Forecast Predicts Highest Food Inflation Since 1980


The topic of inflation is in the news nearly every day and is now the top concern among voters in most polls. Things are likely to get even worse.

Most Americans are familiar with the all items Consumer Price Index (CPI). This metric is based on changes for all consumer goods and services. However, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service measures the changes to retail food prices only. The agency’s May Food Price Outlook should add to voter concerns.

While the all items CPI for April was 8.3%, food alone increased by 9.4%, according to the USDA. Food consumed at home also increased more than the price of food away from home. Grocery store and supermarket purchases rose 10.8% year over year in April. The USDA’s forecast for May predicts the cost of food will increase again and significantly by fall.

All of the crises the Biden administration created are converging and could cause food insecurity for the first time in the living memories of many Americans. Biden’s “Not in My Backyard” energy policy halted domestic fossil fuel production while he still begs some of the worst regimes in the world to drill more oil. That leads to higher fuel costs with or without Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. And higher fuel costs impact farm operations and all forms of transportation.

Putin’s adventurism has caused fertilizer prices to skyrocket. Nearly all of the input costs of growing and harvesting the food and then getting it to the shelf in your store are rising the same way the price at the gas pump is.

Issues beyond the control of the administration are compounding the problems it has caused. For example, a highly pathogenic avian flu has affected approximately 38 million chickens. The price of eggs increased 10.3% in April. The UDSA predicts an increase between 19.5% and 20.5% year over year in 2022. That could mean $1.00 an egg. Poultry prices will rise as much as 9.5%.

Fish and seafood are rising rapidly too. The prices in April were 11.9% over the same month in April of 2021. Dairy consumption is up, and prices followed the trend with a 2.4% increase in April alone. Predictions for both categories were revised upward to 7-8% for 2022. Other proteins are getting more expensive too:

Prices for other meats had the largest increase within the “meats” category—2.2 percent—in April 2022. In 2022, pork prices are predicted to increase between 6.0 and 7.0 percent and other meat prices are predicted to increase between 9.0 and 10.0 percent. The aggregate categories of meats, poultry, and fish are predicted to increase between 7.0 and 8.0 percent, and meats are predicted to increase between 6.5 and 7.5 percent in 2022.

The USDA report goes on to provide predicted 2022 price increases for several prepared and commodity food categories:

Following large price increases in January–April 2022, forecast ranges for fats and oils, fresh fruits, cereal and bakery products, nonalcoholic beverages, and other foods have been adjusted upward. In 2022 compared with 2021, fats and oil prices are predicted to increase between 10.0 and 11.0 percent in 2022; fresh fruit prices between 8.5 and 9.5 percent; cereal and bakery product prices between 7.0 and 8.0 percent; nonalcoholic beverage prices between 7.0 and 8.0 percent; and other food prices between 7.5 and 8.5 percent.

All of the predictions in the May report from the USDA are subject to upward revision. The current projections are the highest increases since the last year of the Carter administration. In 1980, the price of food increased by 8.59%. Since then, 2.95% is the average annual inflation for food. This year we see a similar rise for some types of food in a single month.

Perhaps that is why the Biden administration is desperately trying to deflect from the economy to other issues heading into the 2020 midterms. President Jimmy Carter only won five states as the incumbent who had presided over runaway inflation. Polls indicate President Biden’s unpopularity will significantly affect down-ballot races in the midterms. Comments like this from Biden do not help. He added food prices at the end of his remarks on fuel:




Americans are also not buying the Biden administration narrative that the price increases are Vladimir Putin’s fault. According to a new poll from Convention of States Action in partnership with the Trafalgar Group, 60% of likely 2022 election voters believe President Biden’s policies and spending are the primary reason for rising inflation. This result includes 87.9% of Republican voters and 61.1% of independent voters.

These voters will be reminded of the rising costs and increasing shortages every time they go shopping. A significant majority also know whom they blame for the problem. “Despite being told every day that Putin is responsible for virtually anything they’re not happy with–from inflation to baby formula to gas prices–a sizable majority of voters clearly believe it is President Biden and the Democrats, and not Moscow, who are responsible,” said Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States Action. “The failure of Biden’s Administration to take simple, common-sense steps to bring Americans relief is both cruel and indefensible.”

The USDA’s monthly report indicates it may feel more cruel and indefensible before voters cast their ballots in November. 


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