Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Biden Had a Chance to Say the Right Thing on the Uvalde Shooting - but He Didn't

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden delivered remarks on the shooting on Tuesday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. At least 21 have died at the hands of the shooter, including 18 children and one teacher. The shooter has been identified as 18-year-old Salvador Ramos. A border patrol agent was shot responding to the incident. He was just trying to help out; there was no immigration nexus to the matter. Ramos allegedly shot his grandmother earlier in the day, drove to the school, and began shooting up the school.

Biden ordered the flags on the White House to be flown at half-mast as a “mark of respect for the victims of senseless acts of violence.”

“I had hoped….I wouldn’t have to do this again,” Biden said, noting that the parents will never be the same.

To lose a child is like losing a piece of your soul, he said, it’s never quite the same. “The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” He asked the nation to pray for the parents and families. He managed not to talk about his son, although it sounded like it was almost going to go there. But had he stopped there it would have been good — a comforting leader, showing empathy for the pain of the families.

But with just those brief remarks, he then moved on to his attack on guns and his push for gun control.

“When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby,” Biden ranted, almost immediately politicizing the deaths of the children. “When in God’s name are we going to do what we know needs to be done?”

What law would have stopped this, when he doesn’t even know what the facts are yet? The gun lobby has nothing to do with this shooting. And it’s about the evil and/or mental health of the shooter.

“I am sick and tired of it. We have to act,” he demanded. Biden said when he passed the assault weapons law, such crimes went down. That was a lie; there is no such evidence.

We have no evidence of what type of weapons were used, yet but Biden claimed that Ramos had gone into a store and bought two assault weapons. It’s unconscionable that he should be saying such things. But Biden doesn’t seem to care about sticking to the facts that we know at this point. He is the same man who lied — during remarks to the Buffalo mass shooting victims — about a Dallas mass shooting being about white supremacy when it was allegedly committed by a black man.

Then in Tuesday’s speech, he screamed about assault weapons, claiming deer aren’t running through the woods with kevlar on, in an insane comment.

Biden lied saying it doesn’t happen in other countries — he must have missed the cartel shooting 11 people to death in Mexico, also on Tuesday.

He doesn not know what law has been violated or any facts, so he can’t know what law would have stopped this, if any.

He then repeated the “broken-hearted and crushed in spirit” remark again.

What Biden should have done, even just for a day, is think about the parents and the families of the victims. That’s where the focus should be, instead of on trying to yet again push for his political agenda. Just take a moment out to truly care about the people who have just gone from us instead of politics.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- May 25


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

If Biden Won’t Counter China, There’s No Point Committing To The Defense Of Taiwan

Defending Taiwan from China means reversing three decades 
of strategic incoherence and waging a cold war on Beijing.

President Biden’s off-script declaration during his recent Tokyo visit that the United States would intervene militarily if China tried to take Taiwan by force represents a major change in U.S. foreign policy, no matter how much Biden’s White House handlers try to spin it as yet another instance of the president merely “misspeaking.”

Biden was not misspeaking, he was articulating what the American people, along with the rest of the world, must now understand U.S. policy to be vis-à-vis Taiwan and China. A promise to intervene with U.S. forces amounts to a guarantee of Taiwanese independence and a break with America’s longstanding “strategic ambiguity” on Taiwan, including U.S. acceptance of the “one China” policy, whereby the United States acknowledges Beijing’s claims to Taiwan.

In his muddled Tokyo comments, Biden tried to have it both ways, threatening to intervene while also claiming to accept the “one China” policy. But the bell can’t be un-rung. Beijing will almost certainly take Biden at his word, which means we need to reckon with the reality that we are not prepared to intervene militarily in Taiwan, and that a major reason for this unpreparedness is longstanding U.S. strategic incoherence about China that has enabled its rise and left us dangerously weakened.

Setting aside that this is an absolutely insane way to conduct foreign policy, maybe we have a chance now to reverse course. For decades, we have sold U.S. arms to Taiwan to aid its defense while pursuing economic and trade policies that enriched and empowered the People’s Republic of China. Both major political parties, at the behest of corporate interests, have allowed U.S. firms to hand technology to the PRC in exchange for access to its markets. The strategic importance of these technology transfers is hard to overstate. It has been one of the driving forces of China’s meteoritic rise.

We have allowed strategic supply chains to be routed through China, making Americans reliant on Chinese manufacturers and producers for everything from surgical masks and pharmaceuticals (as we discovered in the early days of Covid) to the precious metals we need to power our digital technology. We have allowed large swaths of our manufacturing base to be uprooted and relocated to China, bringing economic ruin to entire U.S. communities for the sake of cheap, Chinese-made consumer goods.

All of this is to say we have done almost everything we can over the last 25 years to transform communist China into a great power, even as it has become painfully clear that Beijing is not just a U.S. competitor but a dangerous foe. (As if to underscore this strategic incoherence, in the same press conference that Biden threatened to intervene with U.S. forces should China invade Taiwan, he also said tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on certain Chinese goods might be lifted.)

The PRC has long pursued an irredentist foreign policy in the Asia Pacific that seeks Chinese hegemony over the entire region, including undisputed control over Taiwan. Indeed, PRC rule over Taiwan remains the official policy of the Chinese Communist Party, which is one reason China’s Foreign Ministry responded with undisguised outrage over Biden’s comments, saying China “has no room for compromise and concession” on Taiwan and “will take firm action to safeguard its sovereignty and security interests.”

The upshot is that if we’re serious about defending Taiwan, if we believe that a free and independent Taiwan is a vital U.S. interest (which it is, unlike Ukraine), then we need to act like it. It’s not enough to commit to Taiwan’s defense, which we have rendered ourselves incapable of guaranteeing. We need to recognize that we are in a cold war with China, admit that enabling its rise was a huge mistake, and accept that if we don’t change course immediately we will be unable to ensure Taiwan endures as a free and independent nation.

At the very least, that should begin with uncoupling our strategic supply chains from China. It should likewise include telling U.S. corporations they can no longer hand technology to Beijing, and if that means they lose access to Chinese markets, so be it. If they don’t like that, they can go ahead and reorganize as Chinese companies and immediately get cut off from U.S. financial markets. It should also mean bringing back key manufacturing industries to the United States, or at least to the western hemisphere.

Whatever the mix of policies, the era of strategic incoherence over China needs to end. China is undoubtedly a malign force in world affairs. The PRC is unquestionably an evil empire opposed to freedom, and especially opposed to American-style democracy. These things have been true for a long time, and for a long time our elites have pretended otherwise, happy to enrich themselves fron China’s rise while cynically committing to Taiwan’s defense.

Now that Biden has committed us, however haphazardly, to Taiwan’s defense, we need to take it seriously and accept all that it entails — if not for Taiwan’s sake, then for our own.

Most Don’t Know it Was Andrew Weissmann Who Publicly Released the Carter Page FISA Application, Even Fewer Know Why

This has been one of the odd aspects to the special counsel investigation deployed under the nameplate of Robert Mueller.   However, with the trial of Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann bringing more curious minds to the backstories, here is one that few people understand.

You will remember the massive media debate in early 2018 about the FISA application deployed against former short-time Trump campaign aide Carter Page.  The DOJ, at the time under the control of the Mueller special counsel for all things Trump-Russia related, wouldn’t let congress see the FISA application. Devin Nunes complained to House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Eventually a deal was struck and two members from the House Intelligence committee (democrats and republicans) and two members from the House Judiciary Committee, were allowed to go to Main Justice and read the FISA application, but not copy it.  Four congressmen were allowed to go read and take notes. Trey Gowdy and John Ratcliffe represented the two republicans, and their notes formed the basis for what later was called “The Nunes Memo.”

The Democrats were not happy with the claims in the Nunes memo, and subsequently HPSCI ranking member Adam Schiff wrote the democrat version.

Both of those sets of memos then needed to be declassified, more delays, before they could be made public.  For weeks and weeks, the Nunes -vs- Schiff memos were debated by both sides, with each saying their version was the truth and the other party’s version was spin and/or false.   All of this was happening in January, February and March 2018.

Then, later in the summer, something really weird happened.  Main Justice completely reversed position on keeping the FISA application secret, and for the first time in U.S. history a top secret classified Title-1 FISA application was released to the public (with redactions).

People were so filled with curiosity about the Carter Page FISA application that few, heck, almost no one, stopped to ask why it was released?  Why the sudden secrecy reversal by the DOJ?

The FISA application was made public under the auspices of a Freedom of Information Act request from the media.   However, if you were intellectually honest and curious that justification never made any sense.  If there was ever a document easy to keep hidden from the public, a Title-1 top secret, classified, FISA application was that document.  No FOIA lawsuit was ever going to penetrate that firewall, it was simply too easy for the government to keep hidden.

The FISA application was released over the weekend on July 21st and 22nd, 2018, a Saturday and Sunday.

Everyone quickly rushed to read the national security search warrant. Heck, no one in the public had ever seen one before.  The FISA application confirmed the details of a Trump campaign official under a year of extensive surveillance and search authority; but again, few stood back and asked why it was being released.   Here’s the background.

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensten gave testimony to the Senate in June of 2020 {LINK}.  Within Rosenstein’s election year and little covered testimony, he revealed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his main deputy Andrew Weissmann were completely in charge of Main Justice at the DOJ during the time the special counsel investigation was happening.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions was recused, and DAG Rosenstein was in charge of how much power and authority Mueller and Weissmann’s team held in the DOJ.

Rosenstein testified the special counsel had full control over everything and anything related to Trump-Russia, including the Carter Page FISA application the special counsel had re-submitted for the third renewal on June 29, 2017.

Anything that remotely touched the Trump-Russia investigation was completely and unilaterally controlled by Mueller and Weissmann, including any ancillary investigation that would come as an outcome from anything to do with Trump-Russia (the SSCI leak by James Wolfe is one example).

Rosenstein also testified he deferred everything to Mueller/Weissmann and never challenged any of their requests for expanded investigative scope or authority.  Rosenstein felt the special counsel was in charge, and anything they wanted – they got.  As Deputy AG Rosenstein said all the special counsel operations were part of their investigative authority, and he felt he had no place in questioning, challenging or refusing anything related to their investigative authority.

Mueller/Weissmann had full control.

That June 2020 testimony was the final piece of the puzzle as to who authorized the release of the Carter Page FISA application to the public.  It was Andrew Weissmann; but why?

In the background of June and July 2018, unbeknownst to the public at the time, Inspector General Michael Horowitz had just discovered that FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith fabricated an email, which was used as part of the FISA application.  The CIA told Clinesmith that Carter Page was working for them.  Clinesmith doctored the email and told the FBI and DOJ that Carter Page was NOT working for the CIA.  The exact opposite of the CIA statement to him.  If the truth was known about Page working for the CIA, the DOJ would never have been able to get the second renewal of the FISA application in April 2017.

The INSD office of the Inspector General discovered the Clinesmith material lie, but at the time in June 2018 no one else knew.  However, internally the Weissmann special counsel knew exactly what IG Horowitz discovered.  Now they had a problem.  The special counsel had renewed the application using the Clinesmith lie in June 2017.

If the search warrant application was based on fraud, the search warrant could be invalidated by the same court that authorized it.  That would be a problem because the legal cases against Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn, along with the investigations of Michael Flynn Jr., George Papadopoulos and Walid Phares were all based on evidence obtained by the fraudulently constructed search warrant.

The Weissmann special counsel had a fruit of the poisonous tree problem on their hands.  When the FISA court (FISC) finds out about the results of the IG report, which will include the fabrication by Kevin Clinesmith, the FISC could revoke and invalidate the authority of the Title-1 search warrant.  If the FISC did that, all of the evidence against Manafort and Flynn would disappear, and they would have to drop any investigative path that came from the exploitation of an unlawful warrant.

The search warrant was already getting massive scrutiny from congress and the public.  People quickly discovered the FBI had used the Steele Dossier as the ‘Woods file’ underpinning the application.  People were finding out the Steele Dossier was based on fictitious and debunked information the FBI knew about in January and February of 2017, even before the second and third renewals.

On July 12th, 2018, the Weissmann special counsel jumped into action and drafted a letter to the FISC saying despite recent information from congressional investigations, the predicate for probable cause still existed (see below). This letter was written to the FISC, filed quietly, and never shared with DAG Rosenstein or congress.  It was a very big lie from the Weissmann special counsel.  [NOTE, only the FISA court knew this letter existed until 2020.]

[NOTE, only the FISC knew this letter existed until 2020.  When the FISC saw the IG report and the details about Kevin Clinesmith the FISC demanded the DOJ send a copy of that July 2018 letter to congress for oversight and accountability – SEE HERE]  Weissmann lied to the FISC to protect his criminal cases which were at a very important stage in mid 2018.  By the time the FISC found out about the Clinesmith fabrications in late 2019 it was too late.  The fraudulent search warrant had been made public, the cases that used the warrant authority were over and the special counsel had concluded.  The FISC demanded that congress be notified, and Bill Barr did as the FISC requested… he told congress.  Congress did nothing.

However, going back to that critical time in 2018, there was also another issue surrounding the FISA application that also surfaced mid-summer providing a second reason to make the FISA application public.

An indictment of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) Security Director James Wolfe was unsealed in the DC court {June 7, 2018, LINK}.  James Wolfe was busted for leaking information to journalists from the Senate Intelligence Committee, one of those leaks was the Carter Page FISA application, which Wolfe leaked to Ali Watkins on March 17, 2017, a year earlier.

Wolfe was going to face a criminal trial for charges related to the leaking of that FISA application.  Again, this was problematic for the special counsel because that leak was part of the reason why the special counsel was appointed.

On March 17, 2017, SSCI Vice-Chairman Mark Warner wanted a special counsel appointed.  There was a debate about whether President Trump was under an investigation of any sort.  Senator Warner’s motive for the special counsel was exactly because he knew the DC machinery needed to throw a bag over all of the corrupt targeting of Donald Trump; a special counsel could do that, and be weaponized to continue the attacks.

Senator Mark Warner told SSCI Security Director James Wolfe to leak the FISA application on March 17, 2017.  Three days later, March 20, 2017, FBI Director James Comey first admitted publicly, while testifying to congress, that President Trump was under investigation since July of the previous year (2016).  The timing of the two events was not accidental.  Warner and Comey both wanted a special counsel investigation put into place for the same reason.  Both needed a cover-up operation.

Fast forward to the end of December 2017 and James Wolfe is busted for the FISA application leak.   The investigative evidence against Wolfe had to flow through the special counsel, before it could be given to a grand jury, because the special counsel had control over anything that touched Trump-Russia and that included their FISA application.

Between January and late April, the Special Counsel went to work diffusing the damage within the Wolfe evidence files (but that’s for another story).  In May the now diminished evidence file was given back to the DC U.S. Attorney and a grand jury was seated May 3, 2018.   The indictment was unsealed June 7th.

After lying to the FISA court about a justified predicate still existing, July 12,2018, FISA Andrew Weissmann made the FISA application public on the weekend of July 22, 2018, for two reasons:

(1) To protect the predicate of his search warrant authority; and by extension preserve the cases he created using it; and by extension avoid the fruit of the poisonous tree issue by diluting the need or the FISC to invalidate the Title-1 search warrant.

(2) To render moot and remove the most explosive element of the criminal case against James Wolfe.

It was the special counsel, specifically Andrew Weissmann, who released the FISA application to the public.

Few people knew that.

Even fewer knew why.

Now you do.

The gateway to expose the corrupt DOJ and FBI officials does not lie at the end of the path where you find Hillary Clinton, Perkins Coie, Fusion-GPS or any of their cohorts and corrupt political/media allies.  Following that trail leads to obfuscation, ‘mistakes were made’ justification and institutional preservation.

Instead, the gateway to expose the corrupt DOJ and FBI officials, lies at the end of the path walked by the Mueller Weissmann special counsel.

Follow that trail and you walk right in the front doors of Main Justice and the Washington DC FBI offices.

New Biden Team Shake-up Causing Turmoil in White House

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

When Karine Jean-Pierre was promoted and replaced the outgoing Jen Psaki in the White House Press Secretary position, the first thing we heard was that she was a “historic” first — first black gay woman in the position.

Then her first week didn’t go very well. Perhaps it was a question of nerves in a new position, but she frequently seemed at sea trying to answer questions. She hadn’t seemed to have that issue during the infrequent occasions when she stood in for Psaki in the past.

Suddenly, we started hearing reports about a new shake-up in the Communications department at the White House — that John Kirby, the Pentagon spox, who had been considered for the Press Secretary job was going to be brought in, in a communications role, and saying that he would be doing some briefings.

Then it seemed like the White House couldn’t even define what Kirby’s position at the White House was supposed to be because they couldn’t say for 24 hours whether he’d be working at the National Security Council or the press office, or even how often he was supposed to be doing briefings.

Not surprisingly, “several White House officials and insiders told West Wing Playbook that they felt the move put a damper on Jean-Pierre’s first week, and undercut her credibility.”

“There are people in the White House who feel that the timing of Kirby’s hiring demonstrates that White House leadership believes that the first African American White House press secretary needs ‘adult supervision,’” one Democratic source familiar with dynamics in the White House and on Capitol Hill told West Wing Playbook, calling the move “demeaning,” and “insulting.”

Not good, when it looks like you’re bringing in the white guy because you think he’ll help the situation. But as we saw during the Afghanistan debacle, Kirby was a horror. He and the Biden Administration still haven’t been held to account for lying about the number of Americans that they left behind in Afghanistan.

Then on top of that, the White House also announced that they were bringing in Anita Dunn, a long-time advisor to Biden and communications specialist, to be a “special adviser.” According to Politico, that resulted in “frustration” from some Democratic lawmakers, “an inclusion that, for them, left an impression that Jean-Pierre needed oversight.” Again, not a good look.

Dunn is the genius who — with the Center for American Progress Action Fund — spent six months to come up with the term “ultra MAGA” to try to tar Republicans, which the right turned on them as they did with “deplorable” when Hillary Clinton pulled that out.

As Hot Air’s John Sexton pointed out:

You may remember Dunn as the Obama era White House communications director who once praised Mao Zedong. But she’s now part of a revolving door of communications staffers who go back and forth between the Biden administration and SKDK the firm where Dunn works (she’s the D in the name). In March, when Dunn was on her second stint with the current White House the Post published a chart showing some of the connections.

As Sexton notes, with her various positions, she’s managed to avoid disclosure and ethics rules.

Let’s also not forget about Dunn counseled Harvey Weinstein, as well. Have I said “not a good look,” yet?

An Epidemic of Sexual Assaults of Children in Public Schools Has Been Flying Under the Radar

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Public schools are quickly becoming even more problematic for America’s children. Not only are progressives desperately trying to use the classroom to indoctrinate kids into their radical ideas on race, sexuality, and gender identity, but now it has been reported that students have become increasingly vulnerable to sexual abuse.

There has been a disturbing uptick in the number of students being sexually assaulted by teachers and other staff members. In 2022 so far, at least 135 teachers and teachers’ aides have been arrested for various child sex-related offenses, ranging from possession of child pornography to child rape.

Fox News Digital reported:

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital looked at local news stories week by week featuring arrests of teachers and teachers’ aides on child sex-related crimes in school districts across the country. Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher.

The analysis found that at least 135 teachers and teachers’ aides have been arrested in 41 states between January 1 and May 13, which works out to about an arrest a day on average.

The report continued:

The vast majority of the arrested educators were men.

Of the 135 arrests, at least 102, or 76%, involved alleged crimes against students.

The 135 educators included 117 teachers, 11 teachers’ aides and seven substitute teachers.

Several of the arrests involved some particularly appalling charges. “On April 11, police in California charged Anthony James Phillips, a 61-year-old former teacher at Cupertino Middle School in Sunnyvale, with aggravated sexual assault of a child, forcible penetration with a foreign object, and forcible penetration with a foreign object upon a child,” according to Fox.

Another teacher named Anessa Paige Gower in Richmond, California, was charged with 29 counts of child molestation on April 8. The report notes:

Gower is accused of sexually abusing seven students between 2021-2022 when she was a teacher at Making Waves, with allegations including forcible sodomy of minors and sharing sexually graphic photos over online platforms. She is due back in court on June 2.

William Landon Smith, a 31-year-old science teacher in Fayetteville, North Carolina, was arrested and charged with 27 counts of first-degree sexual exploitation of a minor, 28 counts of indecent liberties with a student, and one count of using or installing a photographic imaging device to “arouse gratify sexual desire,” according to Fox. He is also accused of inappropriately communicating with children through social media apps.

Unfortunately, there has not been much in the way of investigation when it comes to sexual abuse against minors in public schools. Erika Sanzi, director of outreach for Parents Defending Education (PDE) told Fox that almost 10 percent of students are abused by teachers at some point in their school career.

“Educator sexual abuse is a major problem that largely gets ignored because it’s so uncomfortable to talk about,” she said in a written statement. “While a very small fraction of educators and school employees prey on the children in their care, one bad actor can do damage to many students.”

Sanzi explained:

The last federally commissioned study on the issue was in 2004, pre-smart phone and those who study the issue closely say that the problem has been exacerbated by the ease of communication that a smart phone provides.

We need to get much more honest about the problem, study it again and ensure that we have policies and laws in place that protect children. It is currently legal in Massachusetts and Rhode Island for teachers and other adults in positions of authority to have sexual relationships with students once they turn 14. After a 5-year effort, RI finally appears poised to change that this year.

Sanzi was talking about a bill in Rhode Island that would outlaw teachers or other adults in authority from having sexual relations with a minor under 18 years old.

Fox’s report is alarming enough. But the reality is that the trend of educators sexually abusing children in public schools has been occurring longer than most would think. Indeed, incidents involving these crimes have surged drastically, despite there being scant reporting on the matter.

The Washington Post published a report in 2020 detailing the rise of sex crimes against minors occurring in public schools. Between 2015 and 2018, there was a sharp uptick in reports of sexual assaults at elementary, middle, and high schools. The Civil Rights Data Collection compiled information from “surveys of every public school, charter school and juvenile justice facility in the nation” according to WaPo. “The Education Department found that reports of sexual violence at schools rose from about 9,600 in the 2015-2016 school year to nearly 15,000 in the 2017-2018 school year. That’s an increase of more than 50 percent.”

You read that right.

There was a 50 percent increase in sex crimes against students in public schools between 2016 and 2018.

One of the reasons why there is so little reporting on this matter could be because there are so few studies measuring exactly how often these assaults are taking place. But there can be no doubt that kids being sent to public learning institutions are becoming more vulnerable to sexual assault from educators and other staff members.

As this problem gains more exposure, it will probably be yet another factor pushing parents to seek out other educational alternatives for their children. For many, private schools – and even homeschooling – might become even more attractive options. But for the children whose parents cannot pull them out of public schools, this will remain an issue if something isn’t done. Perhaps this will become another issue that they take to their school board meetings.

Operation Drop in the Bucket

Biden brags about having to beg our 
European allies for humanitarian aid.

On Sunday, the White House couldn’t stop boasting about its first “airlift” for Operation Fly Formula, bragging about 70,000 pounds of European baby formula flown from Germany to the United States that amounts to a drop in the bucket considering how much baby formula America needs right about now.

Operation Fly Formula. My guess is the same brain trust that thought Ultra MAGA was a winner came up with that stupid name.

Operation Drop in the Bucket is more accurate.

Though, Operation Photo-Op works too.

This is the baby formula version of Joe releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. That too was a drop in the bucket.

Sure, it gave the impression that this feckless White House was “doing something,” but what it’s doing will barely make a dent.

Optics matter to these people, but they are tremendously bad at it.

And whatever genius thought Operation Drop in the Bucket would be an optics success didn’t think it through at all.

Remember when Joe Biden bragged that electing him president meant “America is back?”

Oh, sure you do! He said it all the time.

Yes, sir. With old Joe in the White House, America will be respected by our allies again.

Our allies are used to providing humanitarian support for war-torn countries and impoverished nations. But this is the United States of America we’re talking about. Less than two years under the bungling Biden administration and our allies are having to provide humanitarian support to keep American babies from starving to death.

How much respect do you think our allies have for a so-called “superpower” that has to beg them to supply it with baby formula?

What an optics nightmare.

And yet, those idiots in the White House can’t stop bragging about this.

They even produced a slick, spiffy video complete with music to promote America’s need for humanitarian assistance.

As Jesse Kelly said on Twitter Sunday:

”The government causing a baby formula bottleneck with ridiculous regulations and then causing a baby formula shortage with incompetence and then acting like a hero for flying in baby formula is the most government thing in the history of government things.”

The baby formula shortage has been going on for months now. The FDA could’ve lifted its restrictions on the import of foreign-made baby formula the very day it forced Abbott’s Michigan plant to shut down.

But no!

This government didn’t do one single thing to prevent the inevitable shortage closing that plant was going to cause.

Now, nearly five months later, this administration wants a pat on the back for flying what amounts to a drop in the bucket?

They can go straight to hell.

But Biden’s embarrassing airlift is par for the course for this incompetent administration.

In fact, Biden’s entire presidency can be summed up in the optics of Operation Drop in the Bucket.

They cause a problem then do nothing, do nothing, do nothing. Then when people notice how little they’ve done, someone in the White House screams, “Quick! Look busy!” And they come up with something at the last second that, in the grand scheme of things, will do very little to alleviate the problem they caused. And because these guys are complete idiots, they choose something they think will offer them winning optics, only to end up with optics that send the wrong message. But because they’re retarded, rather than hang their heads in shame, the people in this White House produce slick videos promoting their idiotic scheme.

You have to admit. For most people, fucking up this royally would take a great deal of sweat, toil, and trouble.

But the Biden administration can royally fuck up without breaking a sweat.

I’d be embarrassed for them if we weren’t the ones who had to pay the price for all their fuck-ups.