Sunday, May 22, 2022

Beat the Censors

The perfectly named Disinformation Governance Board is “on pause,” and Nina Jankowicz is out of a government job. But the entire noxious idea endures.

I sympathize with Nina Jankowicz. I really do. Until a few days ago, the 33-year-old disinformationist had a plum job as executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s now-“paused” Disinformation Governance Board. 

What a great gig! Governing disinformation! In America! It’s every little girl’s dream come true. 

And so, to have it snatched away . . . so quickly and so cruelly . . .  what a shame. 

How could such a calamity have befallen someone who, by many accounts, is a “renowned expert” in her chosen field? As Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Postreports, Jankowicz was “a victim of coordinated online attacks” from the nebulous yet omnipotent Right and the target of a “textbook disinformation campaign.” 

What an irony!­ The disinfo czarina got disinfo’d

Or did she? A Millennial who has lived the vast majority of her life online, Jankowicz’s pronunciamientos on Twitter and elsewhere, defenders such as Lorenz say, were taken “out of context.” 

Did Jankowicz dismiss the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story as a “Trump campaign product”? Well, sure. But the context was a hotly contested presidential election that she wanted Donald Trump to lose. And now that the New York Times and the Washington Post concede the controversial laptop was, in fact, Hunter Biden’s? Let’s talk about something else, like the “insurrection,” instead.

Did Jankowicz say that verified Twitter users should be allowed to “edit” other users’ tweets? Yes—to “add context,” of course. 

Jankowicz leaned heavily on context in her post-resignation appearance on MSNBC on Wednesday. “To say that I am just a partisan actor was taken wildly out of context,” she told “All In” host Chris Hayes. Right. She’s also a singer. See! Context!

Fighting Disinformation—Or Peddling It?

 It wasn’t just that the self-described “Mary Poppins of disinformation” is another cringeworthy Millennial clown—we’re stuck with them, alas. Jankowicz’s role running the new disinformation board was met with strenuous objections, many from civil liberties and human rights groups, not just from “the Right.” Her critics raised serious questions about her qualifications, her past work with the Ukrainian government, her thinking, her ideology, and the scope of her work with DHS. Though she and her family received death threats—which is obviously beyond the pale—the overarching response online and in print was part of a civilpublic discussion about whether the job she was hired to do should even exist. 

Out of that discussion emerged two inescapable conclusions: Jankowicz is herself a peddler of partisan mis- and disinformation—the very thing she was hired to combat—and a Disinformation Governance Board where largely nameless, faceless bureaucrats decide what is “fact” and what is not has no place in an ostensibly free society.

In her tweets, cable news appearances, and her book on information warfare, Jankowicz reflexively assumes the Democratic Party line. January 6 was an “insurrection.” A group of Michigan men “planned to kidnap the Governor of Michigan”—a plot since exposed as a government entrapment exercise. Hunter Biden’s lucrative deal with Burisma in Ukraine might have looked like “corrupt activity,” but that’s only because Americans “do not have the time or volition to understand the details of Ukraine’s anti-corruption reforms since 2014”—and also, don’t forget, some of Donald Trump’s allies allegedly made dirty money in Ukraine, too. 

But it’s her own work for Ukraine that deserved greater scrutiny. As a 2016-2017 Fulbright Clinton Public Policy Fellow, Jankowicz worked for StopFake, a U.S.- and George Soros-funded “anti-disinformation” group in Ukraine and a Facebook “fact-checking partner.” Arguably, StopFake is a pro-Ukraine propaganda organ. In 2017, Jankowicz hosted a StopFake video lauding the efforts of Ukraine’s “volunteer battalions,” which have a well-enumerated history of alleged war crimes. The most notorious, Azov, is an explicitly neo-Nazi outfit. 

Jankowicz has not explained her work with StopFake. Now that she has resigned from the Disinformation Governance Board, she won’t have to.

Taylor Lorenz, a partisan in her own right, cites “experts” to paint the loud dissent directed toward Jankowicz and the board as “right-wing disinformation” that “regularly follow[s] the same playbook.” (This just in: The left-wing Nation magazine is now part of the “right-wing disinformation machine.”) 

“Attacking faceless institutions is difficult, so a figurehead (almost always a woman or person of color) is found to serve as its face. Whether that person has actual power within that institution is often immaterial,” Lorenz writes. “By discrediting those made to represent institutions they seek to bring down, they discredit the institution itself.”

Although Lorenz’s characterizations are debatable at best, on one point she is correct: It was essential to “discredit the institution” because the institution should not exist.

Our Censorship Problem

The entire disinformation flap has embarrassed the Biden Administration, which went out of its way to distance itself from the censorship board. How do we know it was a censorship board? Because of the vehemence of official denials. “Neither Nina Jankowicz nor the board have anything to do with the censorship or removing content from anywhere,” Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Wednesday.

To be fair, Jankowicz, in the 2021 paperback edition of her book, How to Lose the Information War, never endorses outright censorship. That would have been stupid. Instead, she discusses the need for government to build “information guardrails.” Just as government regulation of automobile safety gave us seatbelts, airbags, and crumple zones, the argument goes, government regulation of social media would give users “unified rules of the road” in online discourse. 

The trouble, obviously, is when the government defines the parameters of that discourse. 

Jankowicz acknowledges as much. “How can any administration that intends to protect free speech censor the authentic opinions of its own citizens?” she asks. “Given what we know about the limited efficacy of fact-checking and the impossibly high levels of distrust toward institutions,” she continues, “how should a government, a newspaper, a social media platform, or a niece or nephew concerned for their crazy, conspiracy-loving uncle, approach attempts to inject discourse with a shot of truth?” 

Her answer in the book revolves around securing election systems (just not the way Republicans propose), clamping down on foreign malefactors, and expanding “media literacy” programs. 

“We should want our citizens to have the tools they need to navigate the fast-flowing rivers of information they encounter every day,” she writes. “We should want them to participate in the democratic process—but do it with facts, not fakes.”

The problem is, the government is not a disinterested party. Government is in the information business. It’s also in the disinformation business. Governments lie all the time. Then they lie about lying. Sometimes they lie to advance the national interest. And sometimes, they lie to cover up mistakes and crimes. 

Answering a skeptical reporter’s question about the likelihood of a Russian “false-flag” operation ahead of the invasion of Ukraine, State Department spokesman Ned Price replied indignantly: “If you doubt the credibility of the U.S. government, of the British government, of other governments and want to, you know, find solace in the information that the Russians are putting out, that is for you to do.” 

People’s memories may be short, but Afghanistan wasn’t that long ago. Neither was Iraq. Or, for that matter, Vietnam.

A responsible press would never take official pronouncements at face value. Yet, with certain exceptions, that’s exactly where the press and social media find themselves today

Who Are You Gonna Believe?

In the earliest days of the COVID-19 crisis, White House medical adviser Anthony Fauci believed he needed to lie to the public in 2020 about the efficacy of masks. Fauci later explained he lied to ensure that first-responders would have the personal protective equipment they needed. 

Fauci has lied dozens of times, perhaps with the very best of intentions, or perhaps to cover his own rear. But the fact is, social media platforms have used Fauci’s official lies to stifle unofficial objections to pandemic policies and suppress content that later turned out to be 100 percent true.

Our corporate press made much of Donald Trump’s lies, exaggerations, and misstatements. By one popular account, Trump’s “untruths” topped 30,573 over the course of his four years in office. 

So Trump’s lies threaten to unravel the fabric of democracy, but Fauci’s lies keep democracy properly stitched up? Trump’s lies are malicious, and Fauci’s lies noble? Is that the standard now? Or is it better to say that one faction doesn’t believe a word the spokesmen for the other faction says, and vice versa? 

Back to Hunter Biden’s laptop for a moment. Recall that the New York Post in October 2020 had published an exclusive report detailing some of the contents of a laptop supposedly abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop. The laptop’s hard drive reportedly included emails and text messages to and from Hunter Biden, discussing foreign business deals and alleged drug-fueled dalliances with prostitutes. 

Just days after the Post article appeared, Politico on October 19 published a story headlined, “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.” Since most people only read and share headlines, the implication was clear: The Post story is bogus. The experts say so. Onward!  

But Politico’s story was a bit more nuanced than the categorical headline suggested. Here’s the lead paragraph:

More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’ 

And how did they know? Turns out, they didn’t. 

While the letter’s signatories presented no new evidence, they said their national security experience had made them ‘deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case’ and cited several elements of the story that suggested the Kremlin’s hand at work.

In other words, it was speculation. A hunch. The “experts”—all of whom, incidentally, opposed Donald Trump’s reelection—didn’t have solid information. But that’s exactly how it was reported—and repeated uncritically by Nina Jankowicz, among others.

The fight, therefore, is about who controls information and how to make sense of facts that do not always conform to a particular set of narratives. A Disinformation Governance Board should not exist because it lacks the competence to do the job. More importantly, it lacks the trust of at least half the country to do the job impartially and without obvious political bias. I would no sooner welcome a disinformation board under an administration I favor than under one I oppose. 

For the moment, the disinformation board is in a state of suspended animation. But don’t believe for a moment that it won’t be back in some form. 

“We’re going to need another Nina down the road,” an anonymous Homeland Security staffer told Taylor Lorenz. “Anyone who takes that position is going to be vulnerable to a disinformation campaign or attack.” 

And criticism and questioning, too, don’t forget. For as long as those things remain legal, anyway.

On the Fringe and And we Know- May 22

It's finally Season Finale night!! I'll be posting a very important NCIS LA mini review of it tomorrow morning. Will it be a celebration post, or a 'I feel like the biggest fool ever, please comfort me' post? Fingers crossed that all my instincts are being right about this being a celebration post!!

Here's tonight's news:

Signs and Portents: Elon Musk’s Growing Political Maturity

The Left’s misery continues to Elongate.

A few weeks ago, Exxon announced that it was banning the display of Pride and BLM flags at its headquarters in Houston. There was a ripple of unhappiness, but nothing was burned down, the media attention was muted, and the world went about its business as before. 

Across the country, school board elections are tossing out woke ideologues and partisans of critical race theory and replacing what amounts to gay pornographyin the curriculum with more wholesome fare. The Biden Administration keeps running into roadblocks, most recently a judicial order halting its efforts to rescind Title 42, a Trump-era emergency order that turned away would-be immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. A few days ago, Biden’s absurd Disinformation Governance Board was shuttered and its pathetic director, Nina Jankowicz, sucked back into the memory hole whence she came. 

On Friday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robbie Mook, testified that, what do you know, his former boss knew all about and in fact approved the spurious efforts to frame Donald Trump as a Russian asset, contrary to what she and her handlers have said ever since before Hunter Biden took his laptop to be repaired. 

Then there is Elon Musk. I have long been a fan of this Rocket Man, notwithstanding his mantras about “sustainable transport” and other sops from the green agenda. Hitherto, my enthusiasm was for his technological prowess, his hard work, and his amazing products. Now I find myself applauding his political savvy and efforts on behalf of free speech. Princeton University and other one-party bastions of conformity and self-congratulation should ponder Musk’s central observation about free speech: “When it’s someone you don’t like saying something you don’t like, that’s when it actually matters.”

The world was stunned last month when Musk first took a 9.2 percent share in Twitter and then announced that he intended to buy the company outright. The anguished skirling of the Twitterati, alarmed that a platform advertised as promoting free expression might be forced to live up to its mission statement, was music to the ears of the unwoke who could hear the clock ticking on this enemy of consecutive thought and political maturity. 

We haven’t heard the last of them. Just as Musk predicted, his promise to restore free speech to Twitter—even, dear God in heaven, to the extent of welcoming back Donald Trump to the platform—sent them right around the bend. And Musk compounded his tort by admitting that he did not believe Twitter’s declaration that “5 percent or less” of its apparent users were bots or spam. 

And the hits just keep on coming. Not only is Musk looking into the question of Twitter’s candor. He is also likely to decrease his offering price when he figures out just how many users are fake. If, he said in a recent interview, you were contemplating buying a house and the owner told you 5 percent of its structure had termites, that would be one thing. But if it turned out that 80 or 90 percent of the structure were infested, that would be something else entirely. 

How much worse can it get for the entrenched forces of conformity? A lot worse. On top of everything else, Musk has just announced that he had moved from being a moderate Democrat to being a moderate Republican. “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God: did you hear that, Mabel?”

“I’ve just switched from moderate D to moderate R,” he tweeted, “as I think many independent voters have done.” Salt-in-the-wound time: “We will know the magnitude of this trend in November. I think it’s big.” Me too. 

Or perhaps I should say #MeToo. Musk predicted that attacks against him would escalate once his changed political feelings were made public. “In the past I voted Democrat,” he wrote on May 18, “because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold.” I liked that this was followed by a popcorn emoji. And indeed the dirty tricks are flowing in from all sides, the latest being an allegation by a flight attendant that Musk acted inappropriately back in 2016. The charge will not go anywhere—Musk is robust in fighting false charges—but perhaps it will fulfill one longstanding wish. “If there’s ever a scandal about me,” he tweeted in March 2021, “*please* call it Elongate.” Let’s do it!

The story of Elon Musk’s growing political maturity is not a one-off or an individual data point. It is part of a process, a gathering sea change. What we are seeing is not so much a pendulum swinging back from the extremism of identity politics as the eruption throughout society of contrary fires. Elon Musk’s coming of age is a sign or portent of a larger shift in the sensibility of our time. The shift won’t happen all at once, and there will be hold-outs and reversals, but what we are witnessing is a sort of spiritual reveille, an awakening from wokeness. The extent of that awakening will not, as Musk said, be evident until the November election. Indeed, I predict that it won’t be fully evident until the 2024 election when (further prediction) Donald Trump wins yet again, this time beyond the margin of fraud and dissimulation. Let’s see if I am right.

It Sure Looks Like Joe Biden Is Trying to Purposely Destroy the Country

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The last several weeks in the United States have been a wild ride. Everything that could go wrong, short of a full-blown apocalyptic situation, has gone wrong. The stock market is currently in the midst of a collapse, with the Dow Jones losing nearly 5,000 points over the last 30 days. Inflation clocked in at 8.3% for April, representing another crushing blow to Americans. Of course, gas prices continue to break milestones on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, the border crisis is completely out of control, with the only somewhat positive news being that a court blocked the Biden administration’s push to lift Title 42, which could take the already record, overwhelming numbers to double what we are currently seeing. But even past that, things you don’t normally think about are occurring, such as the massive wildfire currently engulfing parts of New Mexico.

With all that in mind, you’d expect the current administration to be scrambling to fix things, or at the very least, soften the blow. Instead, it sure seems like Biden is purposely trying to destroy the country.

For example, in the midst of exploding gas prices and a diesel shortage, which exacerbates inflation because products have to be transported, the administration decided to cancel more oil and gas leases.

The Biden administration says it is canceling three oil and gas lease sales scheduled in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska, removing millions of acres from possible drilling as U.S. gas prices reach record highs.

Again, in the middle of record gas and diesel prices, which are helping to make already out of control inflation even worse, the Biden administration is canceling leases, almost certainly as part of its delusional, green-energy strategy.

Where does that leave you? It leaves you suffering, and if Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s recent testimony is any indication, they don’t care one bit. Go buy an electric car, they continue to scream, even as they aren’t available and the costs for them are astronomical. Need a truck and want a Ford Lightning? The waitlist extends into 2024.

Moving past the economic issues, Biden and his handlers continue to fight tooth and nail to completely destroy the border, and that’s assuming they haven’t already completed the task. The Border Patrol is essentially ineffective at this point, with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing a month. Facilities are full, local cities have no resources to help, and deportations are happening at a painstakingly slow rate compared to the overall influx. And what’s Biden doing? He’s still fighting to lift Title 42, which as I noted above, only remains in place because Republican-led states have won battles in court.

Lastly, just to make things even more absurd, the US Forestry Service has decided to halt all prescribed burns, the chief tool the government has to stop wildfires. You know, because that worked out so well for California over the last decade.

If the Biden administration were actually purposely trying to destroy the country, what would they be doing differently? That’s a question everyone should ask themselves at this point. At every turn, on every issue, the president and his team are moving to do exactly the opposite of what has to happen to help, and they are doing so with blatant arrogance.

The only thing that makes sense is that they see the electoral writing on the wall, with a red wave coming in 2022 and re-election in 2024 slipping away as well. With their fate quickly becoming settled, they are rushing to “transform” every aspect of the country they can before they lose power. That’s bad enough in a macro sense, but what makes it worse is that you, the individual, get to take the punch to the face so they can accomplish their partisan wants. It’s a grotesque scene.

Ukraine blocked from speedy entrance to EU by France and Germany

Ukraine’s hopes of a speedy entrance into the European Union were just as quickly dashed on Thursday after both France and Germany blocked the war-torn country’s bid to join.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz addressed his government Thursday and said that while he supported Ukraine in its struggle against Russia, there are “no shortcuts” to membership, reports Newsweek.

“There are no shortcuts on the way to the EU,” Scholz said to the German parliament.

“The accession process is not a matter of a few months or years.” 

Scholz argued that allowing Ukraine to expedite the process would be unfair to other countries that would like to attain membership.

French President Emmanuel Macron agreed with the German head-of-state, adding that Ukraine’s path to becoming a full member could take “decades.”

“We all know perfectly well that the process to allow [Ukraine] to join would take several years indeed, probably several decades,” President Emmanuel Macron said.

“That is the truth, unless we decide to lower the standards for accession. And rethink the unity of our Europe.”

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky made the initial appeal for EU membership during a speech to the European Council on March 25, 2022.

Macron suggested Ukraine could be a part of a “parallel European community” — a concept that he has promoted since his re-election.

Chancellor Scholz has also been pushing for the EU to start a reconstruction fund for Ukraine, saying they “must start laying the ground for a solidarity fund financed by contributions from the EU and its partners.”

The European Commission is expected to publish its formal opinion on Ukrainian membership by the end of June.

NPR Lays Down the Law, to the Delight of Masked Snitches

Alex Parker reporting for RedState 

If there are two things everyone looks for in a job, it’s being forced to wear a faux-medical mask all day and working within a snitching culture.

But if I’m wrong, NPR may be hosting some unhappy employees.

As relayed by The Washington Free Beacon, taxpayer-funded National Public Radio is serious about its continued mask mandate.

The Free Beacon has obtained an in-house memo which reportedly reads, “We have asked on-site supervisors to remind staff of the masking requirements when needed.”

The missive goes on — if my interpretation is correct — to indicate that the notion of necessary masking is complete nonsense:

Masking is still required, unless recording alone in a studio, working alone in an office with the doors closed, or actively eating or drinking. (And ‘actively’ does not mean occasionally drinking from a water bottle).

Have germs agreed not to spread if someone has a plate of food in front of them? Does opening one’s spit-covered pie hole make for increased transmission-proofing?

I’d assume not, since germs aren’t likely so generous, plates are a social construct, and mouths are mucusy.

Even so, governments the nation over have taken a similar stand — masks must be worn, masks are non-negotiable…unless the waitress has brought your breadbasket.

But if the above nullifies the foundational argument for masking — NPR’s move is bold indeed.

And it gets bolder; per the Beacon:

Employees at NPR’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., built in 2013 for a total cost of $200 million, were advised as to how to peacefully confront a delinquent colleague in the workplace. “If you notice someone has forgotten their mask, you might tell them, ‘Hey, you forgot your mask.’ It’s actually helping the person to be reminded,” the memo reads. “Nobody is intentionally trying to evade the rule. And if you are reminded to wear your mask, say, ‘Thank you!'”

Americans are turning against one another, and institutions are at times encouraging it:

In schools across the country, “Bias Response” teams are looking into “problematic” behavior by students. In particular, speech is being policed:

University Orders Adherence to Preferred Pronouns and Made-Up Monikers, Threatens ‘Action’ Regardless of ‘Intent’

Syr-Accuse: University Will Now Punish Students Who Witness ‘Bias-Motivated’ Behavior and Don’t Take Action

Congressmen Put University in the Hot Seat Over Its Suspension of Medical Student Questioning ‘Microaggressions’

Report: Three Middle Schoolers Have Been Charged With Sexual Harassment for Not Using ‘They/Them’ Pronouns

Back to NPR, there’s more than one way to report a coworker for not wearing a mask that is absolutely medically necessary — except when something’s making your germ-infested mouth water, in which case it’s absolutely medically unnecessary.

Other options for ratting out maskless coworkers include telling human resources supervisors who will confront the offender themselves or sharing “an anonymous concern via the EthicsPoint system,” a not-at-all-totalitarian-sounding name for a workplace snitching platform.

If you ask me, the Beacon goes on to be a little harsh toward NPR. I place this in the arena of “unlikely”:

The network is best known for giving out tote bags in exchange for donations from listeners, who are almost exclusively comprised of Subaru owners with graduate degrees, private equity spouses, environmental terrorists, and irredeemable nerds who have a portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsburg above their toilets.

By contrast, NPR only deals in the realm of “all likelihood”:

Devin Nunes Reacts to Court Testimony that Hillary Clinton Approved Pushing Trump-Russia Collusion Fraud to Media

At least in the DC sphere, Devin Nunes was one of the first politicians to point out that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was behind a coordinated effort to manufacture the Trump-Russia collusion story as an election strategy.

Yesterday, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, testifying in the Sussmann trial, admitted that part of the effort involved creating and pushing the false Alfa-Bank story, where data servers in Trump Tower were communicating with Russia and the Trump campaign.  Mook admitted to having discussions with the campaign leadership about pushing the fraudulent story, and Hillary Clinton approving the strategy.

While none of the statements/admissions by Robby Mook was new information for readers here, Devin Nunes reacts to the first public admission by the Clinton campaign manager. {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH:

Bill Maher Weighs in on Elon Becoming a Republican — It's Bad News for Dems

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

“Real Time” host Bill Maher has been a fan of Elon Musk taking over Twitter because he also is a proponent of free speech, and he sees preserving free speech on the platform as a good thing.

But although Maher has been calling out the Democrats for a lot of their craziness and he seems to have been red-pilled on a lot of topics, he isn’t ready yet to make the move that Musk has made to becoming a Republican.

Musk terms it “moderate,” but he’s also now made it apparent that he’s willing to call them out on their crazy and he’s willing to stand behind it. He also is predicting that others are going to be joining him on the Republican side in voting in November. He said he couldn’t vote with the Democrats because they have become the “party of division and hate.” Then he predicted, “Now watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold.”

The following day, Business Insider ran a story about an old sexual allegation against him, which Musk denied. The S&P 500 ESG Index also dropped Tesla from its list of woke companies. Musk is now stocking up on “hardcore” lawyers for Tesla to deal with anything that may be dropped on the company.

Maher said that he couldn’t vote for Republicans because the party “doesn’t believe in the emergency of climate change or democracy.” So, it still shows he has a way to go, although his classical liberalism — which is now much closer to conservatism — is helping him. He isn’t going as far as Elon. Yet. But what he said was essentially Elon’s switch is a big “red flag” for the Democrats.

From Fox News:

“Elon Musk this week — I’m a big fan in many ways, but when he says, ‘Now I’m going to vote Republican,’ I’ve got to part company there. C’mon, Elon,” Maher exclaimed. “I can’t go there with him because of what I just said, because of where the big issues are, but it’s troubling to me that a guy like that who said, ‘I voted mostly Democrat for the longest time and now I’m switching.’ I mean, I’m not going to say is a stupid man… So the fact that he can be taken over by the Republicans, what does that tell you about the Democrats? What do they have to do to stop that from happening?”

It isn’t just the Twitter takeover that moved Musk to the right; before that, he moved Tesla to Texas because of Democratic regulations which aren’t friendly to business, as Adam Carolla pointed out to Maher. So, it’s all kinds of negative things that Americans from billionaires to folks who don’t have a lot of money are seeing about the Democrats, and they aren’t liking it.

Former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile tried to suggest there wasn’t such a move of people fleeing from the Democrats. But, that’s part of the problem right there — if they don’t even understand the issues and deny that the movement is even happening, how can they begin to address it?

“Well, there may not be a movement because there is a bit of an exodus,” Maher pushed back. “I mean, people leave this state and move to Texas. That happens. Look at the polls for what’s gonna happen in November. People are voting more Republican in November. The Democrats are going to get their a—- kicked.”

That’s the bottom line. Democrats still want to hide their heads in the sand about what’s coming. But, it is coming.

Hunter Biden Advisers Trying to Sling Some Spin With a New Twist on the Laptop

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We’ve been covering the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop for a couple of years now and all the underlying stories that have come out from the emails. Some of the liberal media has finally caught up to some of the things that we have been reporting on for so long. The New York Times started the march toward reality for the liberal media in March, acknowledging the laptop was real. Others have jumped on board since.

That’s why it’s funny that at this point, suddenly, Hunter Biden’s ‘team of advisers’ now are trying to cast doubt on the validity of the laptop.

We reported how Kevin Morris — an entertainment lawyer who has represented the creators of “South Park” — had paid off Hunter’s delinquent taxes and was helping fund his lifestyle, according to the NY Post. According to CBS News, Morris was working on a documentary about Hunter, and Hunter engaged him as an “attorney and trusted adviser” to investigate how his laptop became public and events that have happened since the laptop became public.

A source from Hunter Biden’s team of advisers told CBS News the laptop now in their possession may be the key to determining if anything was altered or added to that second laptop discovered at a Delaware repair shop — or to the other hard drives that have journeyed through multiple sets of hands,

“We have the Rosetta Stone,” the adviser said.

“They can send us theirs and we’ll see what they have,” the adviser said, referring to news outlets and various critics of Hunter Biden who have copies of the laptop contents that first went public in the New York Post during the 2020 presidential campaign. “They should be the ones with the burden of proof in this nasty circus.”

What they seem to be talking about is that there was a laptop that Hunter left with his therapist.

The laptop was in the Newburyport, Massachusetts, office of Dr. Keith Ablow, when the office was raided by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, an action unrelated to Biden. But his laptop was also taken by the DEA. A source close to Ablow confirmed this to CBS News and said Ablow then sought to have the laptop returned to Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden’s legal team is claiming that the laptop the computer repair guy, John Paul Mac, turned over to the FBI isn’t the same laptop. So? Who said it was? No one. So, I’m not sure what that argument proves, even if it were true.

Even CBS News didn’t sound like they were buying this effort at spinning.

The effort appears to be aimed at blunting the impact of an ongoing federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax records and business dealings by sowing doubts about that computer, which made headlines in 2020.

Their story notes that Hunter Biden’s team hasn’t produced any evidence that there have been any alterations to the drives that have leaked.

Plus, Isaac said that he turned over the original to the FBI; so, the FBI has the original drive. If they think they can blunt what the FBI has, it’s not going to work.

Moreover, Hunter hasn’t denied that it was his laptop all this time. Indeed, he admitted that it could very well be his laptop in an interview in April 2021. Hunter has never denied dropping it off at the computer repair shop. So seriously, guys, it’s a little too late to try to spin it as not his — or that you have some magical evidence to dispute it at this point. Points for gall for trying this tack at this point. But it isn’t going to change the facts or get him out of his legal difficulty.

Putin 'Blackmailing the World,' Threatening Famine


Article by Jack Gournell in NewsMax

Putin 'Blackmailing the World,' Threatening Famine

Russian President Vladimir Putin's blockade of Ukrainian ports is crippling the world's food production, as crops stocked in shipping containers remain unmoved.

The crops, which will rot if not transported out of the ports soon, count as the daily bread for many of the world's poorer nations.

According to The Telegraph, Ala Stoyanova, deputy governor of the Ukrainian city of Odesa, believes Putin is using the blockade to threaten world famine — the likely outcome of which would bring about a refugee crisis in some sub-Saharan African countries that depend on the crops for sustenance.

"It is his aim, I think, to make these poor countries starve from hunger without this grain," she said. "When he blocks our ports, by this means he is blackmailing the world."

"You already have a refugee crisis in Europe with people fleeing there from this war in Ukraine," she continued. "You may now get a refugee crisis from hunger in third countries too."

The warnings from the deputy governor were echoed by Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey.

Speaking about a Russian blockade triggering a world famine, Bailey said, "That is a major worry, and it is not just a major worry for this country, it is a major worry for the developing world as well. Sorry for being apocalyptic, but that is a major concern." 

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