Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Why Are Women Unhappy?

Happier homes might make us happier people.

A little over a decade ago, two researchers at Wharton published a paper showing that, despite women’s increasing work and educational opportunities, their self-reported happiness was in steady decline. Back in 1970, women were on average happier than men; they are now less happy than men.

Broadly, since 1970, everyone has gotten more miserable. But the decline in women’s overall happiness has outpaced men’s, and the happiness curve inverted sometime in the early 1990s. The paper also documents increasing anxiety and neuroticism, as well as decreasing social cohesion among women.

The researchers couldn’t come up with a good explanation for their observations. The best they could venture was that women might be measuring happiness differently than they used to—happiness in the home has become happiness in the home and at work, and the latter is (inexplicably) harder to achieve.

The august periodical Vox has rehashed the Wharton paper in a recent article, which, rather than relying on the traditional paragraph form, presents its arguments as a lengthy comic strip. (Not a joke; the article is a cartoon.) In addition to parroting the explanation offered by the original paper, the author-cartoonist suggests women are unhappier today because they’re more aware of “persisting limitations” imposed on them by men.

I am not a scientist (nor am I a cartoonist). But I was taught at an early age that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one when all other things are equal. And, since neither the authors of the original paper nor more recent commentators have been willing to discuss the simplest explanation, I am going to offer it here, as nothing more than a hypothesis to be considered:

Maybe women don’t want to fill traditionally male roles. Is it conceivable (or is it inconceivable) that women have traditionally lived a certain way and derived happiness from certain things not because they were weak and forced into it by men, but because that is what they actually preferred? 

For 50 years, if we date this phenomenon from the sexual revolution, women have had a continusously increasing share of traditionally male opportunity—and responsibility—and an increasing share of unhappiness has come with it. Correlation does not prove causation, but it would be foolish (or, I think, cowardly) to suggest this correlation is not only meaningless but undiscussable.

Here’s the thing: Work isn’t fun. It isn’t supposed to be fun. It’s work. And—this will surprise many feminists—traditionally, men have not worked because they loved toiling away their days or because it made them feel empowered and justified their existence. Men worked to support a family; it was the family that justified their existence and made the work worthwhile. It gave men a reason to leave the house every morning and, crucially, it gave them something to come back to every night.

Feminists implicitly admit this when they talk constantly about the need for greater female representation among the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, but never complain about the gender ratios of garbage men (or perhaps we should call them “garbage people”). Apparently not all jobs are worthy feminist battlegrounds. Yet my experience suggests the average garbage man is more likely to be a good and decent fellow than the average Fortune 500 CEO.

Contrary to what feminists seem to believe, traditional women have made ample contributions to society. It turns out that managing a household is difficult and even all-consuming. It’s hard work. And I don’t see why one must demean those women who thought it was a noble undertaking to raise a happy family and make sure that the husband had a warm and welcoming home waiting for him at day’s end. Now that women increasingly have stopped doing that job, now that no one is doing it, it’s  obvious just how important the work actually was. 

As an added bonus, two incomes have become necessary where formerly one sufficed. So children see their parents less, both husband and wife are exhausted at the end of the day, and then they get to split the housework (another complete job in itself) which now gets done grudgingly because it’s treated as an afterthought. Each spouse now works a job-and-a-half for a lower standard of living. And we struggle to explain why happiness is declining.

If you are a woman—or man—for whom career means more than anything else, have at it. Knock yourself out. I myself am one of those idiot-men who works because he needs to and not because it’s such fun. In my traditional, evil, sexist frame of mind, I want to stake my sense of achievement on something deeper than my own career. 

I would like to have a family for whom I can work. That would mean more to me than the dollars or the job titles I’m likely to earn.

And I know perfectly well that, if I found a woman willing to fill the role of a traditional wife, she would have a much harder job than mine. So it’s not as though I expect every woman to be willing to do housework instead of office work. All I suggest is that we, as a society, should stop telling women that housework is demeaning and that it’s wrong for them to do it. It should be up to the individual woman. I personally would value a good housewife ten million times more than a good office-worker: Anyone can work in an office, but I don’t think just anyone can manage a household. And it’s possible—just possible—that happy homes might make us happier people.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-April 20


Pro tips for dealing with a sore throat and stuffy nose: Rub Vicks Vapo cream all over your neck, it not only helps, but it also smells good. For the nose, use Sinux Severe nose spray. I used that this morning, and pow! Was able to breathe!

Yes, I'm doing better today, sore throat is almost gone. Just a bit tired all day. Here's tonight's news:

Why Violence Is An Inevitable Outcome Of Critical Race Theory

For true believers of critical race theory, America is too 
steeped in racial oppression to be changed from within. 
Destruction is the only alternative.

Our nation has been rocked by at least two significant acts of domestic terrorism in a five-month span. Last week, Frank James opened fire in a New York City subway, injuring 23 people. In November, Darrell Brooks drove his SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing 6 people and injuring 60 others.

Both perpetrators are black, which is a bit unusual given that mass shootings have historically been perpetrated by white men. More significantly, both Brooks and James had expressed radical views on social media advocating violence towards whites in the lead-up to their attacks, strongly suggesting race relations were a key motive for their acts of violence. (Naturally, the mainstream media has neglected to find out if it was indeed their motivation).

Ditto for Quintez Brown, a Black Lives Matter activist who was charged with the attempted assassination of Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg in February, and Micah Johnson, who killed five Dallas police officers in 2016. Meanwhile, public perceptions about the state of race relations in the country have plummeted.

These anecdotes, particularly during increasing dissemination of critical race theory (CRT), suggest CRT has been a detriment to racial progress rather than a force for good. The harmful impacts of CRT on race relations are unsurprising when considering several of its basic tenets.

CRT Teaches America Is Racist

The New York Times Magazine’s “1619 Project,” the brainchild of Nikole Hannah-Jones, expresses a historical view in which America’s true founding was in 1619, the year African slaves were first brought to the United States. American history is thus viewed and analyzed through a lens of anti-black racism.

For example, Hannah-Jones controversially asserts that the Revolutionary War was primarily fought to preserve slavery, argues that the U.S. Constitution was meticulously crafted to establish a “slavocracy,” and criticizes Abraham Lincoln’s approach to the issue of slavery and race. Similarly, a report last June from our very own National Archives argued that America’s founding documents are steeped in “systemic racism.”

Philadelphia-based attorney and radio host Michael Coard perhaps best sums up the CRT view of American history, as he decried the Fourth of July as “a celebration of kidnapping, transporting/buying/selling human beings, separating families, torture, whippings, rapes, castrations, lynchings and enslavement.” The conclusion, then, is that the history of slavery persists, impacting all aspects of American life to this very day.

CRT Teaches American Government Is Racist

The Constitution remains the law of the land, and if you believe that the Constitution is racist, then it follows that the American system of government, which is based on the Constitution, is also racist. This is a core argument of CRT: American institutions, including the Electoral College, the Senate, and the Second Amendment have all recently been attacked as systemically racist to justify their abolition.

In the words of The Nation’s Elie Mystal,“[t]he Constitution is kind of trash… It was written by slavers and colonists, and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn’t ask anybody who looked like me what they thought about the Constitution.”

Allegations of widespread government-sanctioned suppression of minority voters also continue to persist. Therefore, according to CRT, minorities are forced to live in a system designed to oppress them, and the system is too flawed to allow for any reform internally.

CRT: Non-Whites Can't Succeed Within the System

Perhaps most important to CRT and “wokeness” is the tenet that you cannot truly be successful as a minority in America. This was most clearly illustrated in a July 2020 display at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, which accredited several objective measures of successful behavior (e.g. hard work, planning for the future, delayed gratification, the scientific method) as part of “White Culture.”

Minorities who achieve wealth and/or educational success in the United States are openly attacked as exhibiting “white characteristics” or “acting white.” Successful African-Americans who don’t adhere to every woke political or social stereotype are quickly dismissed as “cornball brothers,” “oreos,” or “Uncle Toms.”

Thus, success for minorities in America is not taken as evidence of racial progress, but as a sign of conformity with “white” values and a betrayal of racial identity.

That Leaves Violence as the Only Option

If you wholeheartedly believe in those three statements, violence inevitably becomes your only option for progress. You live in an oppressive society, with built-in systems of oppression that prevent you from altering that society, and have no way to be successful within the system while staying true to yourself. Your only alternative is to destroy that system.

That is the thought process that Brooks and James expressed. “White people and Black people should not have any contact with each other,” James argued. A June 2020 tweet by Brooks was even more direct: “[W]hen we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it…the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD.”

Of course, the leaders of the CRT movement who craft these beliefs and pass them on to others clearly don’t believe their own teachings. Prominent CRT figures such as Ibram KendiPatrisse Cullors, and Robin DiAngelo have achieved tremendous financial and professional success within the very systems they rail against. They are able to live in upscale neighborhoods and run in social circles that are far removed from the violence and poverty that plague many minority neighborhoods.

The corporate, educational, and entertainment institutions that score public relationship points by peddling CRT propaganda are similarly largely insulated from the harm that their teachings cause. Unfortunately for passengers on the New York subway and parade-goers in Waukesha, some people believe in CRT wholeheartedly, and thus embrace violence as the ultimate solution to systemic racism.

Joe Biden Exposes His Own Mask Hypocrisy After Bumbling Through Various Lies About Inflation

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden appeared in New Hampshire on Tuesday, costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars so he could give a short speech in which he repeated numerous falsehoods and generally insulted the intelligence of every American watching (which, to be fair, wasn’t many).

On the bright side, the president’s typical goofiness didn’t devolve into his usual bout of senility, so whatever cocktail they gave him must have worked. Still, I believe the content of his speech is actually more important than dunking on the fact that Biden isn’t all there.

For example, onlookers were treated to the repetition of two highly misleading statements that completely abscond from the pain Americans are feeling in their wallets as inflation continues to explode.

To be sure, Vladimir Putin, whatever one may think of the Russian dictator, is not responsible for the current inflationary boom the United States is suffering under. In March of 2022, inflation hit an astronomical 8.5 percent. Do you know what it was in January of 2022, long before anything Putin did had any effect on world markets? It was at 7.5 percent, nearly four times the normal rate. If you look at the trend line, inflation has been steadily rising since the moment Joe Biden was inaugurated. To keep asserting that what the nation is currently suffering with is “Putin’s Price Hike” is a grotesque lie, made worse by the fact that the president keeps repeating it.

If only we had an industry of “fact-checkers” to correct such falsehoods, but I digress, the talking point on used cars is equally stupid. Yes, used cars have made up a good chunk of the country’s inflationary woes, but on what planet is it viable to discount that as if it doesn’t matter? Does Joe Biden think that working-class Americans don’t need used cars? It is disingenuous to start “not counting” certain aspects of the inflation rate in order to present a false narrative that things aren’t as bad as they are. The White House has continually tried to do that with gas prices as well, but again, people need gas. It all counts.

Moving on, Biden then exposed his own hypocrisy regarding masks by going into the crowd and kissing an old lady. Keep in mind, this is just a day after Jen Psaki, speaking for the president, lambasted a judicial ruling that ended the federal mask mandate on planes and trains.

So if you are keeping score, your two-year-old needs to wear a mask while aboard a giant HEPA filter that produces essentially zero spread of COVID-19. Yet, a nearly 80-year-old geriatric like Biden can walk into a crowd of equally vulnerable people and start smooching old ladies, and it’s just fine. But to make matters even more ridiculous, just hours earlier, Biden was wearing a mask…outside.

Do the president and his handlers really not see how contradictory their messaging is? Do they not see how foolish it looks when they try to gaslight people on inflation and mask-wearing? Apparently, they don’t because there’s no shift on the horizon even as Biden’s approval numbers compete with a colonoscopy.

The fundamental problem for the White House is that it is operating as if America is a monarchy, ruled by kings and queens that can do what they want as they force their will down on the mere normals. What do you think the average person thinks when they see Biden making out with old ladies while demanding you wear a mask to go to the gym? What do you think the average person thinks when the administration tells them that paying 20 percent more for groceries isn’t so bad because of used cars and Vladimir Putin? I’ll tell you what they think: They think their intelligence is being insulted. And in the end, that will be the undoing of the Democrat Party for at least the next decade. The damage goes that deep.

Germany to Stop Russian Oil Imports by Year End


Germany will cut off Russian oil imports by the end of 2022, a move that comes as European leaders discuss new energy sanctions against Russian oil over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, reports The National Review.

“I therefore say here clearly and unequivocally yes, Germany is also completely phasing out Russian energy imports,” German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Wednesday after a meeting with representatives from the Baltic states.  

“We will halve oil by the summer and will be at zero by the end of the year, and then gas will follow, in a joint European roadmap, because our joint exit, the complete exit of the European Union, is our common strength,” she added.  

Germany’s employers and unions on Monday joined together in opposing an immediate European Union ban on natural gas imports from Russia, saying such a move would lead to factory shutdowns and the loss of jobs in the bloc’s largest economy.

“A rapid gas embargo would lead to loss of production, shutdowns, a further de-industrialization and the long-term loss of work positions in Germany,” said Rainer Dulger, chairman of the BDA employer’s group, and Reiner Hoffmann, chairman of the DGB trade union confederation, in a joint statement Monday on Germany’s dpa news agency.  

Ukraine leaders say revenues from Russia’s energy exports are financing Moscow’s war and must be ended.

That won’t be easy to do. The EU’s 27 nations get around 40% of their natural gas and around 25% of their oil from Russia. Natural gas would be the most difficult do without, energy analysts say, since most of it comes by pipeline from Russia, while supplies of liquefied gas, which can be transported by ship, are limited amid strong demand worldwide.

Germany on April 7 banned Russian coal imports beginning in August and in February suspended the approval process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in response to Russia’s invasion.    

The Shots Have Failed, So Let’s Amp Up Global Vaccination Rates!

African countries have done well during the pandemic without high rates of vaccination. The Biden regime won’t stand for that.

The White House on Monday announced a second global COVID-19 summit to discuss how to bolster vaccination rates internationally, despite data from around the world showing the mRNA and adenovirus-vector vaccines do not stop the spread of the virus, and appear to be associated with a higher rate of non-COVID deaths.

In a joint statement with Belize, Germany, Indonesia, and Senegal, the White House said the purpose of the summit, which is scheduled to be held virtually on May 12, will be to “redouble our collective efforts to end the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future health threats.”

“The emergence and spread of new variants, like Omicron, have reinforced the need for a strategy aimed at controlling Covid-19 worldwide. Together, we can mitigate the impact of Covid-19 and protect those at the highest risk with vaccinations, testing, and treatments,” the statement said. “We know we must prepare now to build, sustain, and finance the global capacity we need, not only for emerging Covid-19 variants, but also future health crises.”

The summit originally was scheduled for March but was pushed to April after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and because the administration was still working with Congress to secure funding “for millions of people in low- and middle-income countries,” Politico reported. The event was reportedly postponed again on April 5 after Congress voted down the $19 billion in additional funding USAID requested to support its efforts to ramp up vaccination rates in 11 low-income African countries through the end of the year.

This push to vaccinate low-income African countries makes little sense in the face of data that show unvaccinated African countries doing much better with COVID than heavily vaccinated countries.

For instance, in “low-income” Nigeria (population 206 million), only 6.5 percent of the population is fully vaccinated, yet the country has had only 3,143 COVID deaths compared to 987,000 deaths in the heavily vaccinated United States. In Cameroon (population 26.55 million), only 1,927 people have died of the virus. Low COVID fatality rates, in fact, are typical throughout Africa, even though rates of infection have been high.

A recent WHO study found that true infections in Africa were 97 percent greater than initially recorded, which means that 65 percent of the entire continent has already been infected. The authors of the study estimated that the infection rate had reached 76 percent in West Africa by the end of the third quarter of 2021, before Omicron hit.

“Despite repeated warnings from WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus that the coronavirus would devastate Africa, the continent has been among the least affected by the pandemic,” the Associated Press couldn’t help but notice.

To explain the disparity, the WHO pointed out that Africans tend to have fewer comorbidities than people in other nations. 

In its new analysis, WHO said the milder COVID-19 cases seen in Africa were attributable in part to the continent’s much smaller proportion of people with underlying risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

Another factor could be the antiparasitic and antiviral drug Ivermectin. Mortality was significantly lower in African countries that participated in an intensive campaign for Ivermectin use to to control onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness.

New Zealand (population 5 million) was doing similarly well for the first two years of the pandemic amid draconian lockdown policies. But things changed for the island nation after its mass vaccination campaign, as noted by The Blaze‘s Daniel Horowitz: 

According to the NZ ministry of health, every age bracket has achieved higher than a 90% vaccination rate except for those ages 5-11. Also, more than half of all adults, especially those in vulnerable categories, have boosters.

Thus, New Zealand lived out the COVID bio-state dream. The population fully locked down until three doses were available. Thus, they should be experiencing no COVID, and certainly no COVID deaths, right? Well, in fact, New Zealand experienced nearly all of its deaths precisely after all of this was accomplished in March 2022! And with the mildest of variants!

The May 12 summit, the White House statement said, will focus on several areas and “place an emphasis on supporting locally-led solutions to both immediate and long-term challenges.”

But the verdict on the worldwide mass vaccination campaign is in already.

COVID rates have soared since Biden convened the first global COVID-19 summit in September, as the Delta and Omicron variants proved to be impervious to the vaccines.

And the data in country after country show huge increases in COVID cases where most people are fully vaccinated, along with unacceptable levels of vaccine injuries and deaths. 

The shots have failed.

So naturally, the Biden regime is repeating and reinforcing its global mass vaccination agenda.

The White House called on “world leaders, members of civil society, non-governmental organizations, philanthropists, and the private sector to make new commitments and bring solutions to vaccinate the world, save lives now, and build better health security—for everyone, everywhere.”

At the top of the list of solutions is “getting shots into arms.”

Video of Kamala Harris Using Child-Like Tone on Vandenberg Space Force Is 50 Shades of Surreal

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

Back in October, what could arguably be considered a contender for the most cringe-inducing video of 2021 featuring Vice President Kamala Harris was released, showing her in front of young children and putting on a NASA-endorsed performance as chair of the National Space Council, talking excitedly in a cutesy tone about space exploration and science in a way that made her sound more like an animated side character from a Disney movie than it did the VPOTUS.

More embarrassing was the revelation that some of the children in the clip were actually child actors who auditioned for their spots in the video.

The video backfired spectacularly, and as I noted at the time it was a failed attempt by the Biden White House to make Harris appear to be authentic, something she’s struggled with throughout her political career according to current and former staffers.

But anyone who thought the days of Harris’ speaking in a child-like tone were over after that embarrassing clip went viral got a rude awakening Tuesday when segments of her Monday visit to California’s Vandenberg Space Force Base began popping up on Twitter.

According to the Santa Maria Times, Harris spoke “on the importance of the U.S. mission in space and announced new norms for the international community in space.” Unfortunately, during her speech she was also heard talking in the same tone she used in the NASA clip, not to children – but to some 200 or so members of the U.S. military:

I think everyone here recognizes how extraordinary space is. Whether it is satellites that orbit the Earth, humans that land on the Moon, or telescopes that peer into the furthest reaches of the universe, space is exciting. It spurs our imaginations, and it forces us to ask big questions.

The transcript doesn’t do it justice. Watch the moment below, which is juxtaposed alongside the disastrous one from October, to get the full effect:

I’ve said this over and over again and I know I’m not the only one to have said so, but it just needs to be repeated for the record: Kamala Harris is just not good at what she does. Period. Whether it’s being put in charge of getting to the “root causes” of the border crisis, being sent overseas to emphasize the United States’ support for “peace” in Europe, speaking on behalf of the administration during interviews, or being given an honorary chairmanship with the National Space Council.

Interestingly enough, it appears some in the White House are finally beginning to get how Harris is more of a hindrance than a help to her party. As reported by Politico, she’s been sent off to small towns in red states in recent weeks as part of a supposed campaign by the Biden Team to make sure rural America doesn’t feel “left behind” by the administration.

But as my colleague streiff observed, these trips in actuality are likely designed “to create a space for her to play at being a national leader without any of the risk or authority that goes with such a position” because she’s become too much of a liability for them otherwise.

Sadly for the White House, those trips won’t be able to hide the long list of failures Harris has accumulated in the 15 months since she was sworn in, not to mention all the flubs, gaffes, and awkward moments in the limelight which actually rival her boss. In other words, the White House can try to bury Harris’ dismal record and speeches to date, but they can’t hide from them.

7 Ways To Cope Now That You Can't Force People Around You To Wear Masks

The mask mandates have ended and life is returning to normal (unless you don't fly and live in the half of the country that has been normal for two years). It can be difficult, though, to suddenly see all those triggering human faces after the government coddled you and fed your psychotic delusion and fear for the last two years. Here are seven ways to cope:

1. Close your eyes and imagine everyone is wearing a full hazmat suit. - It's a neat little trick that actually works.

2. Scream at the sky. - This is a well-known coping mechanism. It works especially well if you record your scream onto your TikTok account.

3. Play The Sims 4 and manage other people's lives like you're an all-powerful god to your heart's content. - Now you can drown people by surrounding their swimming pools with an impenetrable wall of potted plants. You're in charge here!

4. Upgrade to 3 or 4 masks, or just roll around in a giant hamster ball. - Keep upping the number of masks you wear, but if that's not enough, go the hamster ball route.

5. Get your pilot's license and start your own airline. - aIrLiNeS aRe PrIvAtE cOmPaNiEs ThEy CaN dO wHaT tHeY wAnT!

6. Just remember, we're all in this together. - It's just for a little while. It's a small sacrifice to make. If it saves one toddler from a speech impediment it's all worth it.

7. Never go outside again. - Curl up in a ball and live out the rest of your days in the corner of your home, completely safe from COVID.

Too Dangerous to Allow Elon Musk Control Over So Much Data Says Washington Post

The latest developments in the effort to purchase the unsustainable magic coffee shop are quite revealing.

According to the New York Post, “Musk himself is willing to invest between $10 billion and $15 billion of his own cash to take Twitter private, two sources close to the situation said. That’s up from the current 9.1% stake in the company he revealed on April 4, which is worth about $3.4 billion.”

However, more revealing about the overall issue are the comments from the PR firm of the U.S. Intelligence Community, The Washington Post:

(WaPo) […] “Putting so much power in the hands of one company is bad enough, but putting it in the hands of one person, as is largely the case with Facebook shareholder Mark Zuckerberg and would be the case if Twitter were owned by Musk, would be incompatible with democracy.” 

“There are simply no checks and balances from any internal or external force,” … “It would leave Musk, like Zuckerberg, with an amount of assembled data about people and the ability to use it to manipulate them “that cannot be compared to anything that has ever existed, and allows intervention into the integrity of individual behavior and also the integrity of collective behavior.” (read more)

People are starting to catch on to the reality that costs for data processing on many social media platforms (the free coffee), exceeds the ability of the platform to generate revenue.  People are starting to understand that behind the scenes of the Big Tech consortium, there is something else, some other operational construct and mechanism, that subsidizes & facilitates their existence.

It is very revealing how the intelligence apparatus of the United States had no issue with Twitter data and influence, until the potential for private ownership, perhaps uncontrolled private ownership, surfaced.  Do not be naïve in pretending not to know how The Washington Post represents the interests of the intelligence apparatus.

In the long arc of history, I truly believe we will discover the inflection moment for the merge of U.S. Deep State (intel community) and U.S. Social Media, will be identified in the early moments of the Arab Spring of 2010/2011.  That was when Facebook and Twitter became tools for the State Dept operation in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, Bahrain and beyond.  That was the beta-test of synergy.

“Arab Social Media Report by the Dubai School of Government give empirical heft to the conventional wisdom that Facebook and Twitter abetted if not enabled the historic region-wide uprisings of early 2011.” (LINK)

It was from that original, albeit misguided and manipulative partnership, when the actual details about how to create the social surveillance state was first tested.   Everything after those events more than a decade ago, has been this rapidly evolving blend of social media technology and the capacity of the U.S. intelligence apparatus to create and fund the underlying structures.

Daily, we see numerous examples of the ideological control that surfaces as a direct result of this public-private partnership, the closed-conversations between deep government interests (the Fourth Branch) and social media companies which are dependent on the subsidized technology for them to exist.

Perhaps 2022 represents the first time the commonsense of the American electorate begins to recognize the fallacy of the ‘free coffee’ business model.  Personally, I am very optimistic people will soon recognize what many have suspected for a long time.

Ultimately the question becomes, how far will the U.S. Fourth Branch of Government go to stop people from understanding?

Marc Andreessen believes Govt and Big Tech will double, triple and quadruple down to keep their public-private partnership, the backbone of the Free Coffee Shop, hidden.  I cannot say I disagree, because ultimately it is still only the minority of people who understand the stakes.  However, on the upside, the number of people who are starting to understand it, is growing almost exponentially thanks to Elon Musk.

(Source Link)

This is one of those situations where we should all welcome being called ‘conspiracy theorists’, because no matter how big the crowd is that refuses to believe it, ultimately the impossible business model of Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop will reveal everything.

That’s why the public-private partnership must stop Elon Musk.  As the Washington Post noted, this level of revelation “cannot be compared to anything that has ever existed.”

“Very shadowy” indeed.