Sunday, April 10, 2022

As Expected, Le Pen and Macron Head to a Runoff in French Election – Polling Shows Them Even After Primary

As expected, in the France election no candidate achieved 50% of the vote.  That sets up a runoff election fifteen days from now to determine who will be the next president.  Reuters Article Here – Guardian/MSM Article Here

In the primary race the final results are not yet announced; however, current President Emmanuel Macron has approximately 28% of the vote, and challenger Marine Le Pen has around 24% of the vote.  No other candidate was close enough to change the top two outcome.

In the head-to-head matchup, the race is essentially tied, well within the margin of polling error (as above).  Interestingly, Le Pen has flipped the 18-to-34-year age bracket and now holds majority support in the younger voting bloc.  Perhaps, due to young French citizens feeling the outcomes of the professional political left thirsting for unilateral power during COVID.

There was around a 65% voter turnout according to most early analysts.  The general election is essentially a coin toss based on the current polling.  The final vote to determine the winner will take place April 24th.  It will be a very closely watched event by leaders around the world.  A Le Pen victory would be seismic in the world of politics, akin to Trump’s victory in 2016, and that outcome is a strong possibility.

The professional political left are apoplectic.

(BBC Opinion) –  Estimations from round one show how tactical voting rewrote the electoral map.

Voters gathered into three broad camps: Macron, the far-right and the far-left. In the last days of campaigning, many people who were considering other candidates finally decided that they would rather back a frontrunner.

There was thus a big transfer of votes from Éric Zemmour – the hard-right nationalist pundit – to the camp of Marine Le Pen. Some right-wingers in the conservative Republicans party may have done the same.

On the left, voters decided that neither the Socialist Anne Hidalgo nor the Green Yannick Jadot could ever make it into round two. So they shifted massively to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, simply to keep a leftist in the race. This despite many Socialists and Greens actively disliking the man.

And in the centre, many who would normally have chosen the Republicans’ Valérie Pécresse will have plumped instead for the incumbent. Why? Because they were genuinely afraid that Le Pen and/or Mélenchon were coming up too strong from behind.

The result means two things.

One is the utter devastation facing France’s two traditional parties of government since 1958 – the conservative right, and the socialist left. This was a process started by Macron five years ago, but now comprehensively complete.

Both parties’ candidates – and certainly the Socialists’ Anne Hidalgo – may have failed to reach the 5% threshold, which allows them to claim back election costs. The price tag will be millions of euros, but worse is the ignominy. We can expect serious internal ructions.

Macron has so engineered it that the divide in French politics is now definitively the one that he sought: between his own “realistic centrism” and “openness to the world” and the “extremism” of his opponents. The “nationalist extremism” of Le Pen and the “utopian extremism” of Mélenchon. (read more)

Nationalism -vs- Globalism

During his pandemic response, Macron went totally overboard.  He was the first one to announce (July 2021) that a vaccine passport would be needed in order to shop, drink, eat at restaurants, travel or worship.  Many other western, fascist totalitarian dictators, the new democracy leaders, followed soon thereafter.  Macron’s ideological fiats may come back to haunt him. We can hope.  The French people were not happy with this unilateral decision, and it showed people how quickly some leaders will become dictators.

President Macron took that dictatorship even one step further in January of this year, and this is likely the biggest problem for him right now.  In January he announced that any unvaccinated person was “irresponsible” and therefore “no longer a citizen.”

Macron told Le Parisien that he had decided to act against the non-vaccinated, by “limiting as much as possible their access to social life activity”.  “The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do so, to the bitter end. That’s the strategy,” the head of state said. “When my freedom comes to threaten that of other people, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen.” 

“I am not going to put them in prison, I am not going to forcibly vaccinate them,” Macron went on. “Therefore you have to say to them: from January 15 you can no longer go to a restaurant, you can no longer go for a drink, you can no longer go for a coffee, you can no longer go to the theatre, you can no longer go to the cinema,” the president said.  (read more)

That extremist approach is the opening Marine Le Pen now has in front of her – to expose Emmanuel Macron as the installed, WEF approved, multicultural economic globalist everyone knows him to be.

FBI Kidnapping Caper Was Flagrant Election Interference

The only people pushing to do something big before Election Day resided in the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, D.C.

On October 8, 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced shocking news: federal authorities had arrested several men for conspiring to kidnap and possibly kill her before Election Day. After indulging in a moment of self-pity, Whitmer quickly pinned the blame on President Trump, a man with whom Whitmer had engaged in a very public feud throughout 2020 over pandemic-related lockdowns.

Trump, Whitmer claimed, fueled the rage of alleged white supremacists and right-wing militias responsible for the dastardly abduction plot. “When our leaders meet with, encourage, or fraternize with domestic terrorists, they legitimze their actions,” Whitmer said in a televised speech. “And they are complicit.”

Earlier that day, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, also a Democrat, and officials from the U.S. Department of Justice detailed the charges in a separate press conference. “Last night, the FBI and Michigan State Police arrested six individuals charged in a criminal complaint with conspiring to kidnap the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer,” explained Andrew Birge, assistant U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan. The defendants, Birge claimed, plotted to kidnap Whitmer from her vacation cottage “before the November election.”

His office took the lead in prosecuting the six defendants, who also faced weapons of mass destruction charges.

Exactly 18 months to the day, Birge’s prosecutors suffered a humiliating defeat in a Grand Rapids courtroom after a jury acquitted two of the men and deadlocked on the guilt of two others. (Two defendants pleaded guilty and testified for the government during the three-week trial). Despite endless resources and favorable rulings by the judge overseeing the case, the government failed to secure a single conviction in what the Justice Department considered one of its largest domestic terror investigations ever.

Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta, after a year and a half in prison, went home to their families on Friday night; Adam Fox, the alleged ringleader, and Barry Croft, Jr. remain incarcerated while Birge’s office prepares to retry the men—a fool’s errand, as they didn’t know each other prior to the FBI’s involvement in the faux plot and live almost 1,000 miles apart. (Croft resides in Delaware.) It’s a desperate attempt to save face, regardless of the lives and the principles of justice at stake.

Not only were jurors unpersuaded by Birge’s prosecutors, the jury instead seemed to believe defense attorneys’ arguments that their clients were entrapped by the FBI. At least a dozen FBI undercover agents and informants, working out of numerous FBI field offices across the eastern half of the country and at the direction of supervising agents, concocted and funded the sting operation. Dan Chappel, the main informant compensated at least $60,000 by the FBI for “bringing people together,” as his FBI handler ordered him, took the stand to explain his role. But his testimony was lackluster and ultimately did not convince the jury the men were guilty.

The Justice Department and FBI have lots of explaining to do—so, too, does Andrew Birge. Hundreds of hours of secret recordings and thousands of texts fail to prove what Birge said in his initial press conference: there was no evidence to support his claim that the defendants wanted to “kidnap” Whitmer before Election Day. After all, if no kidnapping conspiracy or legitimate threat existed, no deadline existed, either.

The only people pushing to do something big before Election Day resided in the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, D.C..

In a redux of the 2016 Trump-Russia collusion farce designed to sabotage Trump before Election Day, the FBI used its powerful resources to again interfere in a presidential election to help the Democratic nominee for president. News of the arrests made national headlines for days; Joe Biden made the most of the political gift to his campaign. “There is a throughline from President Trump’s dog whistles and tolerance of hate, vengeance, and lawlessness to plots such as this one,” Biden said in a statement released on October 8, 2020. “He is giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country.”

At a campaign stop with Kamala Harris in Arizona later that day, Biden blastedTrump for his alleged coddling of “white supremacists” and accused the president of “breath[ing] oxygen to those who are filled with hate and danger.” A week later, in an unhinged tirade at another campaign event in Michigan, Biden continued to blame Trump. “All President Trump does is fan the flames of hatred and division in this country!” Biden screamed from the stage. “What the hell’s the matter with this guy? When the president tweeted ‘Liberate Michigan, Liberate Michigan,’ that’s the call that was heard. That was the dog whistle.”

The media portrayed Whitmer as a victim of Trump’s bullying—and Whitmer fully embraced the role. In a Washington Post op-ed published on October 9, 2020, Whitmer accused Trump of encouraging “domestic terrorists.” When a sympathetic Chuck Todd interviewed Whitmer on “Meet the Press” several days later and asked how she was personally coping with the pretend threat against her, Whitmer condemned the president for continuing to criticize her lockdown policies “after a plot to kidnap, put me on trial and execute me,” was uncovered. She again accused Trump of inciting “domestic terrorism,” a claim she repeated during an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on October 21, 2020.

Journalists and commentators played their parts, resulting in nonstop negative coverage for the president related to the plot. Trump walked out of an interviewwith “60 Minutes” host Lesley Stahl in late October 2020 after she hounded the president for his comments about the Michigan governor. And none other than disgraced FBI-chief-turned-CNN-contributor Andrew McCabe, an inside promoter of the Russian collusion hoax while at the FBI in 2016 and 2017, said Trump was responsible for “fomenting this kind of unrest, this sort of division, this sort of violence.”

But the FBI’s interference in the 2020 election was far more flagrant and effective than what the agency attempted in 2016. Wall-to-wall headlines blaming Trump for the Whitmer plot coincided with early voting across the country, including an unprecedented volume of mail-in ballots. It’s impossible to know how the coverage, including Whitmer’s nonstop publicity tour and Biden’s campaign temper tantrums on the subject, influenced voters in swing states such as her own. 

How could it not?

Without suffering any consequences for propagating the Russiagate hoax, the FBI clearly felt emboldened in 2020 to accelerate its election interference chicanery. And if there are no consequences for this egregious operation, Americans can be sure the FBI will try it again soon—like this November.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-April 10


So here's how my early evening went: I spent 3 hours posting red carpet pics of all 3 casts to 2 NCIS franchise source blogs that I work on, and here's what I got: There was no Hetty info whatsoever, just a bunch of self thanking and talking about tonight's latest racist episode.

I wasted my evening. And these idiots wasted an interview feeling so 'proud' about how much they're loving their work, even though the writing direction is destroying what made this show so amazing.


Here's tonight's news:

Sullivan: Intel indicates plan from ‘highest levels’ of Russian government to target civilians


  Disagree with their agenda? This is what happens.

Article by Rachel Scully in The Hill

Sullivan: Intel indicates plan from ‘highest levels’ of Russian government to target civilians

National security advisor Jake Sullivan said U.S. intelligence discovered that “there was a plan from the highest levels of the Russian government to target” civilians in Ukraine.

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” Sullivan told host Jon Karl that the “horrifying” images of mass casualties in Ukraine were “downright shocking,” but they were “not surprising.” He said U.S. intelligence presented the information before the war began.

“We, in fact, before the war began, declassified intelligence and presented it indicating that there was a plan from the highest levels of the Russian government to target civilians who oppose the invasion, to cause violence against them,” he said. “To organize efforts to brutalize them in order to try to terrorize the population and subjugate it.

“So this was something that was planned.”



Sullivan noted that frustration among Russian soldiers or troops may also contribute to violence against civilians, as they believed they would have a “glorious victory.”

“I think there certainly are cases where individual soldiers or individual units got frustrated because the Ukrainians were beating them back,” he said. “They had been told they were going to have a glorious victory and just ride into Kyiv without any opposition with the Ukrainians welcoming them. And when that didn’t happen, I do think some of these units engaged in these acts of brutality, these atrocities, these war crimes even without direction from above.”

However, Sullivan emphasized that the overall blame is on the Russian government.

“But make no mistake, the larger issue of broad-scale war crimes and atrocities in Ukraine lies at the feet of the Kremlin and lies at the feet of the Russian president,” he said. 

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Things Are Looking Very Scary in Shanghai

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Shanghai is an amazing city. Because it was once an international city, it has always been a bit more cosmopolitan than some other Chinese cities. It’s known for being a financial hub and its food. When I was there, I recall fondly what great sheng jian bao (like a fried soup dumpling) they had at Yang’s Fried Dumpling. It’s one of the area’s great contributions to food.

Why do I talk about what great food they have?

Because of the Chinese government, that city that can be such a delight has now become a hell hole for its people, with the implementation of zero-COVID lockdowns in response to an Omicron outbreak. People are desperate for food, medicine, and medical care. Riots are even breaking out — a huge thing that shows you just how desperate people are; rioters can face severe punishment in repressive China.

People aren’t getting the food that was supposed to be distributed by the government; supermarkets are shut down. People stormed the community gate in one complex, demanding action, and police responded.

One Shanghai resident is so desperate, that he blasts the Communist government and tells them to come and get him — because he can’t take it anymore.

Some children are being separated from their parents if they or the parents get sick, and people are understandably furious over that.

In the images, a series of hospital cribs, each holding several young children, appeared to be parked in the hallway of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center in the city’s Jinshan district. A video showed several of the children crying.

The images and video could not be independently verified, but in a statement, the health center said they were real and did not deny that parents with Covid were being separated from their children.

Some people died at the Donghai elderly care center, after the staff was removed by the government because some came down with COVID.

They brought in temporary help who didn’t have medical training.

Jared Nelson, a lawyer operating in China, is there and has a detailed thread about the lockdown and what they are going through; it’s worth a read, as he notes no one is allowed out.

What adds to the insanity of this all is this is in response to Omicron, one of the mildest variants. We made it through, even with Joe Biden claiming it would be a “winter of severe illness and death.” Who knows how many people are dying because of the lockdown and the response, and not the virus? We will never get an honest count. The suffering here is immeasurable, far more than what Omicron would have elicited.

But this is what happens when you treat your citizens like slaves

WATCH: Student Who Pantsed Brian Stelter Goes on Tucker — and Does It Again

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The University of Chicago recently held a conference on “disinformation” in media, and laughably, it included some of the chief purveyors of such in the news. That included CNN’s Brian Stelter, who spent his segment railing against Fox News, essentially accusing the network of being a threat to democracy.

But as RedState reported, a man named Christopher Phillips of the Chicago Thinker stood up and pressed Stelter on his own network’s tattered reputation as a reliable source of information. Some examples he provided were CNN’s dismissal of Hunter Biden’s laptop, its defamation of Nick Sandmann, and its obsession with the Russian collusion hoax.

In response, Stelter decided to…say that CNN helped an injured Fox News cameraman in Ukraine? Yeah, I didn’t get it either, but I guess when you’ve got no good answer, you just start stammering.

On Friday evening, Phillips appeared on Tucker Carlson where he proceeded to embarrass Stelter again. In doing so, I think he brought up the key point when dealing with these liberal news networks.

I’m going to get to what Phillips said in a moment, but first, can we just give credit to the guy who writes the chyrons for Tucker’s show? Over the course of a few minutes, we see Creepy Stelter: Pointing out CNN Disinformation Is a “Right-Wing Narrative” and Groveling Eunuch: Student Confronts Stelter About CNN Disinformation. You have to respect that dude’s game, and he’s made Tucker’s already dry sense of humor even funnier.

Moving on, though; if you listen to the three-minute exchange, there’s one thing that Phillips says that stands out to me, and that’s the lack of contrition at CNN. It’d be one thing if the leftwing radicals there came out and said “yeah, we’ve made some mistakes, but we do our best to correct them.” Instead, they just continually double down, with Stelter being one of the worst at leaning into absurdity. Worse, the hosts on the network attempt to claim the moral high ground on the decimation of information, when they are some of the worst offenders of spreading fake stories — not by mistake, but in order to push a partisan narrative.

Yet, that could all be changing very soon. CNN is under new ownership, and the network’s now-largest shareholder is not a fan of Stelter’s schtick. In fact, John Malone went so far as to call the supposed media journalist a “cancer” and noted he hosts a “failing show.” One wouldn’t imagine that qualifies as an endorsement at this point, and Malone has a history of making his investments pay off. As it stands, CNN continues to languish following the mess Jeff Zucker left behind.

So while Stelter gets to go to “disinformation” conferences and throw barbs at Fox News, the right-leaning network may end up with the last laugh in the end. No one will shed a tear in that event.

The COVID Schemes Cost Billions, but the Aftermath Costs Are Worse Than Money

Neil Oliver takes a look at the economics of COVID and how government intervention and spending has crushed the working class.  However, it is not the financial aspects that carry the worst debt in the aftermath, there is a human cost that can never be repaid or recreated.  WATCH:

{TRANSCRIPT} – There are debts that can be repaid and debts that can’t. During the time of Covid, vast piles of money were conjured into being by the government, borrowed as if by magic from the distant future. Unimaginable quantities of that funny money were wasted – spent on PPE that didn’t work or that wasn’t needed and is now yet more plastic heaped into landfills or otherwise littering the landscape and seascape. Millions went on the Nightingale hospitals that were never used. Around 37 billion pounds – ten percent of a total of 370 billion pounds set aside for Bounce Back Loans and the Eat Out to Help Out scheme – were lost to fraudsters. £37 billion pounds.”

“Lost to fraud and gone for good. Whatever the final figure for the theft, that money has simply been written off as irrecoverable. Taxpayers will foot the bill for it all eventually of course – along with paying back the rest of the trillions sprayed around with abandon by a government of headless chickens.

Furlough schemes paid billions more to employers so they could pay and thereby retain staff sent home to months of lockdowns during which the economy ground to a halt. All that debt has to be repaid too, by taxpayers. Hundreds of thousands of people, at least – many of them self-employed, did not qualify for any help at all while simultaneously being barred from going to work to try and earn livings for themselves and their families. To add insult to injury, those who received nothing, many who thereby lost everything – who had their noses pressed up against the outside of a window showing a financial feast to which they were not even invited – still have to put their hands in empty pockets to pay for help enjoyed by others but denied to them.

Those debts – including sums squandered, sums exploited by friends of those in power – will eventually have to be repaid, you might reasonably assume, one way or another, even if the sums concerned are so eye-wateringly huge those accounts will be glowing red for decades. It’s only money, you might say. You might say that if you’ve never gone without.

But then there are the other debts. Other debts that can’t be repaid and will never be repaid. Many and determined were the voices that warned and kept warning month after month that society was being undone by lockdown and the masking of faces.

The isolation and, perhaps worst of all, the incessant fear deliberately whipped up by government nudge units and pushed day after day until too many souls didn’t know which way was up, and still don’t. All of it was deliberately inflicted upon millions of people, some of them the most vulnerable – the poor, the elderly, children.

There were warnings of inevitable damage to mental health, to physical health – and so it has come to pass. The NHS has acknowledged what it has described as a “second pandemic” of depression, anxiety, psychosis and eating disorders.

So overwhelmed are specialists they are “bouncing back” many of those in need of help to the GPs who referred them – even those most at risk from suicide, self-harm and starvation. Doctors have warned people will simply die of conditions that must only be left untreated.

And then there are the children, and yet more debts that cannot be repaid. An Ofsted report says face masks and lockdowns have left a generation of our youngest children struggling to crawl, walk, talk, dress themselves, make friends – even to go to the toilet unaided.

Children that are two years old now spent their whole lives in a locked down, masked up world. Many of those of the poorest families spent weeks and months in homes with no outside spaces, stuck in rooms watching screens of one sort or another. The same report revealed children were mimicking the voices of cartoon characters after long hours spent watching and listening to nothing else.

The authors noted, in the simplest terms, that youngsters had missed out on: “stories, singing and having conversations.”

Babies born and raised in masked worlds are: “struggling to respond to facial expressions … particularly anxious and not used to seeing different faces.”

Stories, singing, playing, talking, seeing faces, after being fed and held in loving arms, these are among the most fundamental necessities of childhood. Tens of thousands of years ago our ancestors knew it mattered to tell their children stories, to sing them songs, so that all that had been learned by the ancestors would not be forgotten and the tribe would remain closely bound by the sharing of it all.

That some stories and songs have come down to us from a time beyond the reach of memory is testament to how much they were deemed to matter. Behaviour that was possible and essential around campfires in worlds separated from our own by ice ages, was thrown away by ours. What is lost or denied at the beginning of a life, is not necessarily obtained or regained later.

That an Ofsted report should find such basic life experience knowingly denied to millions of our youngest is appalling, unforgivable and shaming. This is nothing less than neglect – wholesale neglect by society of the most precious and vulnerable resource we have. All of it was avoidable and should have been avoided.

The decision to lock down and to enforce mask wearing was, I say, utterly wrong. And yet, this week, when questioned by this channel, prime minister Boris Johnson said he would not rule out applying lockdowns again in the future.

Obviously, to vow never to lock down again would be a tacit admission by him that they were the wrong move all along – and no modern, self-preserving PM would ever be so honest – but there we are … the lockdowns that did so much needless damage, caused so much unforgivable harm, remain on the table.

There will inevitably be those that say children are resilient – and so they are, thank goodness. But just because children are resilient doesn’t mean we should stress test them to destruction. And make no mistake – some of the ground lost already will never be recovered by many. Our debt to them will remain always unpaid.

Children now are growing up in a world very different to the one most of us remember. To take but one example: online, on social media, are images, videos and posts all pushing the same message – that changing your gender is the cure for all manner of problems.

Crowdfunders raise money to help children bypass the NHS and obtain puberty blocking drugs from private sources, and to pay for private operations to remove breasts, or to construct them, or to reshape genitals, or to remove internal anatomy including the womb. No one can honestly claim to know the long-term consequences of taking such steps.

This is another epidemic.

Between 2014 and 2015 there were around 700 referrals each year to the Gender Identity Service at London’s Tavistock clinic. That number rose to around 2,600 each year between 2019 and 2020.

That more and more children are unhappy, at the existential level, and reporting feeling uncomfortable with the sexual identity they were born with, is undeniable and poses all manner of questions in urgent need of answers. It is almost as though Gender Dysphoria had mutated to become as airborne as Covid ever was.

There is also, anyway, a growing preoccupation with the sexuality of children – all children. In Scotland and Wales, government surveys ask children as young as 13 about their “sex lives”, enquiring about what age they were when they first had sex, how long it has been since they last had sex.

Those are not even the most intrusive or intimate of the questions in those surveys. If I had been asked questions like those, by relative strangers, when I was 13, my explicit instructions from my parents were to run for home.

The incessant, relentless push to spend more and more time talking to children about sex and gender means I personally find it hard not to conclude that we are, as a society, being increasingly familiarised with the thought of sexually active children. Why would that be? To what end? For whose benefit? Certainly not necessarily the benefit of children who are, anyway, below the legal age of consent.

Life is short. Childhood is shorter still and, judging by what schools and other manifestations of officialdom want to talk to them about, have them think about, getting shorter every day.

Psychologists have known for years that children must be socialised by the age of four. If they have not become by then children able to take up their place in society – through mixing and playing with their peers and being supervised by responsible adults, whose faces they can see, whose mouths they can watch forming words, and all the rest of it – then at the most fundamental level they never will.

More and more it feels like the needs of children are being set aside and overlooked – sacrificed to ensure the wellbeing, comfort or objectives of their elders. Childhood itself is under attack, sullied by earlier and earlier confrontation with, and initiation into, the ways of adults.

During the time of Covid, the needs of children were put last. Education compromised or abandoned altogether. Play reduced to an afterthought, contact with family and friends forbidden. We could argue all day about the threat posed to children by the vaccines. Undeniable harm however has been done by two years of the mass psychosis of their elders.

More has been taken from children than might ever be measured. That debt will never be repaid.” (LINK)