Friday, April 8, 2022

Two Not Guilty Verdicts and Two Jury Deadlocked Outcomes in Trial of Four Men Accused of Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

While we have not followed the case as closely as some, the original framework of the federal case against men accused in the kidnapping plot of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer seemed seriously sketchy from the outset.  When it was revealed that twelve FBI operatives were involved in the plot {LINK}, well, it looked like a classic entrapment case.

Six total suspects were arrested of the group of 18 total plotters.  Twelve of the eighteen were feds.  Two men took a plea deal for lesser charges leaving four men to stand trial.

After four weeks of testimony, the jury was given the ability to consider an entrapment defense. Four days of deliberations have resulted in a not guilty verdict for two of the suspects and a hung jury on two more.

MICHIGAN – A federal jury didn’t find four men suspected of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer guilty Friday.  

Brandon Caserta, 34, of Canton, and Daniel Harris, 24, of Lake Orion, were found not guilty of conspiring to kidnap, a potential life offense.  The jury was hung on conspiracy charges against Barry Croft Jr., 46, of Bear, Delaware, Adam Fox, 38, of Wyoming. 

Harris and Caserta were additionally found not guilty on additional weapons charges and will be released from detention. […] The U.S. Attorney’s Office could retry Fox and Croft, who remain jailed, on their unresolved counts. (more)

Julie Kelly followed the case closely, and she posts the following article [SEE HERE]

(AmGreatness) – […] A roster of FBI agents and experts took the stand during the three-week trial, which was temporarily delayed due to one participant’s COVID diagnosis; Dan Chappel, the lead informant and government’s star witness known as “Big Dan,” explained how he brought the makeshift group of alleged “militia” members together after he was hired by the FBI in March 2020. Chappel created encrypted chat groups and organized excursions for field training and surveillance of Whitmer’s cottage. (He, along with other FBI informants, posed as leaders of two “militia” groups, at least one of which was created by the FBI.)

For his work over a six-month period, Chappel, a truck driver for a U.S. Postal Service subcontractor, was compensated at least $60,000 by the FBI in cash and gifts such as a new laptop, tires, and a smart watch.

Prosecutors mostly relied on conversations secretly recorded by FBI assets as evidence of wrongdoing; two men charged in the same indictment had pleaded guilty and testified for the government in exchange for lighter prison sentences. (read more)

Ken Bensinger, from Buzzfeed News, covered the trial extensively, and he has a lengthy outline showing just how sketchy the case was; including the extreme lengths the federal prosecutors took to stop the defense from presenting the most damning evidence of the federal involvement [SEE HERE].

(BUZZFEED) – Despite the government’s extraordinary efforts to muzzle the defense, a jury in Grand Rapids federal court on Friday acquitted two men on charges including conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The jury was unable to reach a verdict on the other two who had been charged.

As a result, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta are now free men, while Adam Fox and Barry Croft return to jail and await a decision by the Justice Department on whether to try them a second time.

The outcome of the trial is a stunning rebuke to the prosecution, which at times appeared to view the case — one of the most prominent domestic terror investigations in a generation — as a slam dunk. The split verdict calls into question the Justice Department’s strategy, and beyond that, its entire approach to combating domestic extremism. Defense attorneys in the case, along with observers from across the political spectrum, have argued the FBI’s efforts to make the case, which involved at least a dozen confidential informants, went beyond legitimate law enforcement and into outright entrapment.

It may also leave the two defendants who chose to plead guilty and testify for the government, Ty Garbin and Kaleb Franks, wondering whether they made the right choice. (read more)

From the outset in October 2020, everything around the “plot to kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer seemed sketchy, almost silly.   The goofy similarities and suspicions were familiar to those who remembered the sketchy October 2018 “mail bombing plot” that involved Cesar Sayoc.

It just didn’t seem coincidental that both 2018 and 2020 FBI exploits involved weird frameworks, odd suspects and obviously both operations just happened to culminate in October of an election year… Surprise!

Add to that suspicion all that was known about the FBI’s intense political motivations found in their activities over the past several years, including the sketchy attempt to frame candidate Donald Trump for a vast Russian election conspiracy, coordinated with the opposing candidate, Hillary Clinton, and well, suspicious cats were increasingly suspicious of the FBI engineered mess.

By the time FBI Director Chris Wray was questioned about the content of Sayoc’s Acme “mail bombs”, and he said they were comprised of: “energetic material that can become combustible when subjected to heat or friction,” yes, it could have been anything from matchsticks to coffee cream, well, eyes were rolling.  When the DOJ then sealed the evidence against Sayoc and all court documents behind the shroud of super-duper national security secrecy, the FBI political motives again seemed transparent.

That’s the backdrop two years later for the FBI’s vast Michigan militia plot to kidnap Whitmer…. and the side-eye from anyone who has ever paid attention to these matters.  Apparently, the results of the jury deliberations highlight the same likely federal intentions.

Yes, we live in rather remarkable times.

The Government Owns You

Corporations don’t pay taxes; you do. 

Let’s imagine you’re buying a new car (and we’ll have to imagine, because no one can afford one right now). In most states you pay sales tax—some states charge a luxury tax as well.  On average, only 94 percent of the dollars you spend will actually go toward the car, with the remainder paid to the government. Mind you, you won’t be able to drive the car anywhere until you pay the government a further fee to register it. 

And of course, the dealer has marked up the car over his wholesale cost so he can make money. Don’t be fooled when you see that a typical markup is between 2 percent and 5 percent—that’s the markup over the suggested retail price, not the dealer cost. The actual markup may be 25-45 percent over the manufacturer’s price. 

The markup is so substantial because the dealer’s operating costs eat up most of his profit:  Among other things, he has to pay a 21 percent corporate income tax on everything he earns. He also had to pay sales tax when he bought the car from the manufacturer. If he leases the dealership building, the price of his lease includes the property tax paid by the building’s owner. The cost of his employees includes the benefits he is required to give them, and it also includes the income tax his employees will pay—since their real salaries are only what’s left after they pay their taxes. All these costs are passed onto the consumer. Some of the costs represent real added value—the dealer helped you find the car, let you test-drive it, and warranties its quality. But about half of the markup—let’s say 15 percent of a 30 percent markup—is going to pay one or another form of taxes. 

So we’re down to just over 80 percent of the dollars you spent going toward the actual car or value you received, with the rest going to the government. 

The price charged by the manufacturer includes shipping the car to the dealer—and included in that cost is the tax paid on fuel, the tax paid by the employees of the shipping company, the cost of registering their own trucks, and the tax paid by the shipping company itself, just as in the case of the dealer. And the manufacturer is paying taxes in the same way—paying corporate tax, paying for the tax its employees will pay, and—crucially—paying sales tax on every component it receives to be put into the car: Every contractor making sub-assembles for the car (say, making the gauges or video screens or brake calipers or tires) is also having to charge for the costs incurred through corporate taxes and employee’s income taxes, and is in turn paying sales tax on the materials bought to make the sub-assemblies. All those costs get passed along to you. 

Imagine the cumulative effect of 10 or a dozen stages of a manufacturing process where the government takes five or 10 percent at each stage

The point of this exercise isn’t to arrive at an exact number. It’s to understand how taxes inflate the cost of everything you buy. You may well groan when you pay your tax bill and the government leaves you with 70 or 60 or 50 cents for every dollar you earned. But they’re also diluting the buying power of that remaining percentage by taxing the process of sale and manufacture, and that’s the real rip-off. The true costs are hidden. Corporations don’t pay taxes; you do. 

The government then further dilutes the value of your money by printing new money. So how much buying power do you really end up with for every dollar you earned with your work? Forty cents or 30? It might be less than 20 cents. 

This suggests we are not a free people, except in a very limited sense. We are indentured servants of the government. Slaves, if you like. We may choose what we do for a living, but the vast majority of our life’s work is not our own. It is stolen from us by a professional governing class who use our money to buy the votes that keep them in power. They also use our money to build themselves lavish homes, travel in chauffeur-driven cars and fly on private planes. We go to the office every day to pay for our congressman’s fancy health plan or his trip to the Davos summit on wealth redistribution. We get to keep the money we made on Friday: Monday through Thursday we’re just paying down the lease the government has on our lives. 

Suppose you save up a lifetime of Fridays and want to pass the savings on to your children?  The government will take a chunk of that, too. 

Under the circumstances, it’s hard not to think of anything you might see in the news as just part of the circus designed to keep your mind off the bottom line. Because what would happen if we all took a moment to think about what’s really going on here? There was a time when we had revolutions over this sort of thing.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-April 8th


Main question I'm asking myself today: How, much more, BS from 1 single cop show can I possibly handle before I get what I want?????! And another question: What has really been the point behind this entire Season? Like, have the writers always been this dumb? Or is this all just another paycheck day for them?

And why am I asking all this when I know no one will answer me because I'm probably the only one on here who watches this? Because I need something to talk about. And because I'm naive.

Here's tonight's news:

Massive truckers rally in LA, California this Sunday



There will be a massive national “Defeat The Mandates” rally this weekend in Los Angeles, California.

Truckers from around the country will converge with the masses for a six hour event at Grand Park in Los Angeles, California.

If you want a spine chill and you are a freedom lover, see the incredibly inspiring promo video for the event here:

If love freedom, you are not alone!

Firefighters, law enforcement, federal workers, labor, artists, schoolteachers, doctors, nurses, celebrities, musicians and thousands of California residents and citizens from around the country will raise their voices this weekend with the message: Do not comply!

See flyer below for Sunday’s event and share.

The “Defeat The Mandates” March in Washington DC back in November was attended by tens of thousands. These rallies have enjoyed the support of celebrities like Joe Rogan, who spoke of it on his popular podcast. Basketball hero Kyrie Irving (who refused to be vaccinated) mentioned the rally on his Instagram story.

If the first rally in Washington DC this past January is any indicator, this rally promises to be epic, with top notch speakers, production value, and musical talent.

Frustration from Los Angeles residents and parents has reached a boiling point as Los Angeles Unified School District continues to enforce the indoor mask-wearing mandate at campuses with no end date despite being lifted at most other schools statewide.

This frustration is reflected across the United States as the nation still reels from the unprecedented Covid restrictions and vaccine mandates that rocked the world over the past year and a half.

“It is far from over,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “The Covid narrative and the vaccine hysteria is only on pause until after the coming November elections. DO NOT BE FOOLED. Elected officials, namely Democrats, have realized they pissed off the voters to the point that they can lose their jobs.  The sneaky traitors are now are reeling back their hideous mandates. Anyone with street smarts knows they will attempt to resume these mandates/lockdowns if their positions are re-secured in November elections. We must vote these monsters out and never forget what they put through as a nation. They think if they give us a few months we will forget, but we will not forget.”

Photo from the first “Defeat the Mandates” Rally in Washington DC this past January.

As California Governor Gavin Newsom’s incredible unpopularity with his constituents forced him to ease up on mask restrictions for the time being, eight highly controversial, draconian bills are being pushed in the State House by Democratic legislators. They include:

  • SB 871 – would require all children 0-17 to get the COVID -19 vaccine to attend childcare or school potentially without FDA approval. That bill also takes away any personal or religious belief exemptions,
  • SB 866 – would allow kids 12-17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent, 
  • SB 1464 – would force law enforcement officials to enforce public health orders, 
  • AB 2098 – would reclassify the sharing of COVID-19 “misinformation” by doctors and surgeons as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary actions; and 
  • AB 1993 – would require all CA employers to require the COVID-19 Vaccine to work in the state, including independent contractors. And big penalties for companies who do not enforce it.

“One party rule in action,” said Ryan. “This is what happens when you have one party running the four branches of government. The fourth branch is the Fake News Media. It amounts to complete and utter tyranny and crimes against humanity.”

The crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial at the first historical “Defeat The Mandates” Rally in Washington DC this past January.

According to the official Press Release for The Defeat The Mandates Rally :

Vaccine Safety, especially amongst children, has been a serious cause for concern for doctors worldwide and is another driving force behind the festival.  In fact, the Global Covid Summit comprised of more than 17,000 physicians and medical scientists worldwide,  signed a declaration publicly declaring that healthy children should not be vaccinated for Covid-19.

More Americans face growing censorship and risk losing their jobs and being de-platformed on social media for voicing their personal opinions that run counter to the ever-changing “Washington, DC narrative.”  Many feel that the discrimination, from restaurants to hotels to local businesses, is un-American.

Dr. Malone addresses the massive crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial at the first “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington DC this past January.

 Objective: To End the Covid Mandates

·     No to Vaccine Mandates 

·     No to Vaccine Passports 

·     No to Forcing Covid-19 Vaccination on Children 

·     No to Censorship 

·     Yes, to Informed Consent 

·     Yes, to Natural Immunity 

·     Yes, to doctors and patients making decisions without interference

Among the prestigious speakers will be Robert Malone, MD, an original co-creator of the MRNA vaccine, who has spoken out publicly about the dire effects of the vaccines and Aaron Kheriaty, MD, a professor at UCI School of Medicine and director of the Medical Ethics Program at UCI Health was fired for challenging the University of California – Irvine (UCI) vaccine mandate.

Other notable speakers include comedian Jimmy Dore, former 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan, and Los Angeles based Amy Bohn of PERK (Protection of Education Rights of Kids. Musical acts include the hit band, Hi Rez (video) and Grammy-nominated Joseph Arthur, who lost his band, manager, and booking agent within a two-month period due to his stance on the COVID-19 vaccine.

NOTABLE EMCEES/SPEAKERS: Kevin Jenkins – CEO of Urban Global Health Alliance; Dicky Barrett – former Announcer at Jimmy Kimmel Live (fired for refusing to get vaccinated); Craig Pasta Jardula – co-host of “The Convo Couch”; Lara Logan – former “60 Minutes” correspondent

Heroic firefighters that lost their jobs due to non-compliance with the vaccine mandates speak to the crowd at the first “Defeat the Mandates” March in Washington DC this past January.

MAIN STAGE SPEAKERS: Del Bigtree – CEO of ICan (Informed Consent Action Network), host of The HighWire Radio show; Dr. Robert Malone – one of the original creators of the MRNA vaccine; Dr. Aaron Kheriaty – fired for challenging mandates at the University of California – Irvine; Dr. Bob Sears – Renowned Californian Pediatrician; Dr. Ryan Cole – Pathologist & Co-founder of Global Covid Summit; Tara Thornton / Denise Aguilar – Founders of Freedom Angels; Brian Brase & Mike Landis  – The People’s Convoy – Freedom Fighter Trucker; Senator Brian Dahle – California State Senator (R); Amy Bohn – CEO of PERK (Protection of Educational Rights); Dr. Shannon Kroner – Executive Director Freedom of Religion – United Solutions; Max Blumenthal – journalist and Editor of the;Tramell Thompson – Founder of Progressive Action & New York City’s Transit & Labor leader; Marcus Thornton – Feds for Medical Freedom; Captain Sherry Walker & Danielle Runyan – Airline Employees for Health; Kimberly Overton – Founder of Nurse Freedom Network; Tyler Fischer – Comedian Activist; Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik & Dr. Flavio Cadegiani– Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance; Dr. Richard Urso – Co-founder of Global Covid Summit; Stephanie Locricchio, Alix Meyer, Denise Young – Children’s Health Defense; Jimmy Dore – Comedian Activist; First Responders Team – John Knox & Josh Sattley (LA Fire Fighters for Freedom), Johnathan Weise (LA Police Freedom Group); Michael McMahon (RollCall4Freedom); Alix Meyer & Denise Young – Children’s Defense Fund; Lt Col. Theresa Long -Army Surgeon; Dr. Paul Alexander – Chief Scientific Officer, The Unity Project; Kim Iversen – Host of the popular Kim Iversen Show; Rabbi Michael Barclay – Spiritual leader, Author; Pastor Rob McCoy – Godspeak Calvary Chapel – SoCal; Mikki Willis – Filmmaker, “Pandemic” documentary; Dr. Ben Tapper – Chiropractor from Omaha, Nebraska; Lucia Sinatra – Founder of “No College Mandates”; Cara Castronuova – Newsmax Reporter, Investigative Journalist “The Gateway Pundit”, Champion Boxer; Dr. Christina Parks – PHD in Cellular and Molecular Biology; Rizza Islam – Author, International speaker, Minister of Islam

MUSIC PERFORMERS: Hi Rez – Jimmy Levy – Joseph Arthur – Five Times August – Sonic Universe- Grant Ellman

*Media Opportunities, Pre-Event & On-Site (upon request).


MEDIA CONTACTS: Pre-Event and On-Site Press:Dawna Shuman Cell: 818.632.3296;,Trevor FitzGibbon- Cell: 704-775-0487;

There Is Something Very Troublesome About the Western Govt, Post-COVID, Rules-Based Order

While the western media quickly jumped from the COVID crisis to the Ukraine crisis, in the background of current events there is a lot of activity amid western government that does not look very democratic.

The word ‘autocracy‘, with all its variants, has been used a lot frequently by western government politicians as they attack the ideology of Russia, China and essentially every national leader who does not join their “rules-based order” club.  There is so much linguistic repetition from the same western leadership, it’s impossible not to see this autocracy narrative as some form of talking point that stemmed from some G7 or NATO collaboration meeting.

It does not seem coincidental the new catch phrases of “autocracy” vs “rules-based order” surfaced at the tail end of the COVID crisis, when Build Back Better shifted from a talking point into an actual set of western legislative constructs  perhaps intended to codify the emergency powers those same officials deployed.

What kind of democracy, or rules-based order mindset, was the European Commission carrying when they decried the overwhelming national election in Hungary?  Surely if the EU wanted to celebrate democracy, they would cheer for the high voter turnout that reelected Prime Minister Viktor Orban, yet they did exactly the opposite.  Apparently, some democracies are more valued than others.

At the same time the EU is clutching pearls over the results in Hungary, another western ally, Canada, is codifying the government’s emergency act power to seize property without due process.  As we are directed to be distracted by everything Zelenskyy, it might be worth noting that Ontario Bill 100 is about to permanently change the rules of permitted political protest. You can read about Bill 100 here and watch the economic debate here.

Essentially, Bill 100 gives the Canadian government the power to seize your home, finances, bank accounts and assets if you take part in any form of protest that would create economic harm to any loosely defined entity.  Protest at the border, lose your house; at least that’s the threat they are about to make into a law.

It seems rather incredulous to me that securing a corporate financial interest would override the concerning possibility of forever losing liberty and freedom for the individual citizen. However, in this new post-COVID ‘rules-based order’, that’s the official justification from the Canadian government.  Slippery slope and all that accepted, this Ontario Bill 100 is a few slides beyond the slippery.

Similar actions are taking place in New Zealand and Australia, where codifying the emergency powers of public health officials post-COVID rules, is at the forefront of their legislative and constitutional reform efforts.

Creating new era ‘rules-based democracy’ stuff is filling up the business end of western government attention in Europe, North America and the land down under.

But it’s not just Europe, Canada, New Zealand and Australia doing this.  In the United States we have a combination of new restrictions on liberty and freedom around emergency health issues in combination with J6 “threat to democracy” outcomes being created.  The J6 committee is looking at Trump supporters the way the EU commission is looking at Hungarian citizens.

Add it all up, and this new version of western democracy doesn’t look like it is based on the same principles the older version, the non-rules-based version, was using.

These new “rules of democracy” are also being overlaid by new rules for discussing democracy as found in the guidelines from the tech overlords.

Google just recently announced, in the era post-COVID, they will no longer tolerate content that “makes claims that are demonstrably false and could significantly undermine participation or trust in an electoral or democratic process.

So, if you are to speak against the new “rules of democracy”, or the legislation that is going through the “democratic process” in the EU, NZ, AU, Canada or the United States, you can be targeted by the online Google wrong-think police.  Isn’t that convenient considering the effort to codify the totalitarian tendencies of the new “western democracies.”

If you speak against the newer version of the ‘rules-based order‘, the leaders of western democracies will enjoy protection from the internet police.  A rebellious sort, as defined by a person who still thinks independently, might say that sounds almost autocratic or something.

There was always a concern that any political leader who granted themselves extreme powers, under the pretense of the pandemic threat, would never want to relinquish that scale of control over their citizens.  Indeed, it can be argued we are seeing those concerns come to fruition with supportive action from ruling elites in the various parliamentary and congressional offices.

A wise fellow of steward-minded disposition stated today that if U.S. government officials were genuinely concerned about the welfare of Americans, they would immediately be holding legislative sessions to ramp up energy production, cut through regulatory hurdles, lower gasoline prices, seal our borders and prepare our national food stocks for a concerning global food shortage.

Perhaps, just perhaps, if a legislative body was truly representative of the citizens, they would be using a few billion taxpayer dollars to purchase or offset fertilizer costs, help farmers with diesel fuel prices and work earnestly to insure full harvests this year.

Alas, the only nation worthy of such financial consideration is a tenuously manipulated -by them- country called Ukraine.

These new western democracy rules certainly appear to be rules of priority for the few, and not rules that would be a priority for the many.   Perhaps that’s the whole point.  Maybe that’s the bigger picture.

As it appears by action and consequence, this new western, post-COVID, ‘rules-based order’ is focused exclusively on providing benefit for the self-described elites.

I wonder what will happen if the many just don’t comply?…… Or have the autocrats thought about that with the open border bonanza coming May 23rd?