Monday, March 28, 2022

Biden Cheat Sheet Shows How Team Behind White House Intended to Control His Cleanup

When Joe Biden appeared before the press corps today, the intent was to clean up the mess he created in his trip to NATO this past weekend.

When Biden makes policy statements and reads from the teleprompter, Joe Biden usually doesn’t answer questions.  Today was different.  Today, it was obvious the White House communication team needed Biden to clean up his NATO statements.

The evidence for that is very clear, as someone was able to capture a picture of the talking points that were prepared for him to read.  One pre-printed response even reads, “I was not articulating a change in policy.”

(New York Post) –  President Joe Biden once again referred to a printed cheat sheet as he doubled down on his unscripted weekend claim that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.”

On Monday Biden, 79, told reporters he made “no apologies” for his remarks — made off the cuff and not part of his prepared speech in a nationally televised address from Poland Saturday — and did not view it as a provocation to Russia.

“It’s more an aspiration than anything. He shouldn’t be in power. There’s no  — I mean, people like this shouldn’t be ruling countries, but they do. The fact is they do, but it doesn’t mean I can’t express my outrage about it.”

His comments closely aligned with notes printed on a small piece of paper that he was photographed holding in his left hand as he spoke that began as follows (read more):

No one has yet provided a good explanation as to why the Biden administration has a stage set of the White House in a studio across the street from the real White House.

The specifics of this Potemkin administrations are opaque, but everyone knows that it’s not Joe Biden making policy or executing these communication points. Biden is a puppet, that is not in question. The majority of his administration staff are from the Obama terms in office; that too is not in question.

The people who were behind Obama appear to be the same people pushing this Biden agenda.

Americans Deserve Better

The solution to the Ukraine mess is not sending jets and establishing no-fly zones that guarantee our participation in a devastating worldwide war. 
The solution is the negotiating table and peace.

Due to decades of “progressive” policies forced upon the West, we live in a “global” economy that has made countries dependent on one another. But that shouldn’t mean America, the most powerful and still the greatest nation on the planet, needs to operate at the mercy of others. Unfortunately, because Joe Biden ended our energy independence when he came into office, we find ourselves vulnerable to the whims of Vladimir Putin.

You wouldn’t know that from the way Washington elites talk. They’re so eager to start a full-blown war with Russia, you can see them salivating. It might be profitable for the military-industrial complex and convenient for Democrats who have plenty of failures to hide, but any escalation of hostilities with Putin can only end in disaster, furthering loss of life in Ukraine.

Globalists like it when everyone relies on everyone else, because codependent countries are more easily controlled countries. They also like it because it enables corruption in unaccountable, far-flung places. Now Biden—together, I’m sorry to say, with many of my Republican colleagues—seems desperate to protect one of his bases of self-enrichment, Ukraine. But Biden and our compromised Washington institutions and politicians do so at the risk of a nuclear world war.

Remember when we were told that “the adults” were back in charge? Sorry to be blunt, but these are the same “adults” who have been screwing up (and us) on the world stage for generations. They’re the same adults who took out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. Of course, Joe Biden said “NATO got it right” after Gaddafi’s execution. But the reality was Middle Eastern chaos and the resurgence of slave markets in which human beings are sold for $40 or less. 

Libya was a catastrophe, just like everything else the supposed adults in the room have done. They encouraged the Arab spring, which replaced one group of tyrants with another. They are responsible for the emergence of ISIS. And while these elite buffoons in the State Department and the Democratic Party remain delusional enough to believe that they can outwit and outmaneuver Xi Jinping and Putin and Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman, we all know the truth. They’re dysfunctional, corrupt idiots. 

America deserves better. America deserves true adults back in charge—responsible statesmen who put America first. But today, the same people who wrecked the world—and who stole the last presidential election—are desperately trying to provoke Vladimir Putin and back him into a corner. It’s as though they are secretly wishing for him to press the nuclear button his finger hovers over. 

Our government under Joe Biden is handing power to Putin while recklessly destroying America. Putin isn’t nearly as wounded by Western sanctions as Biden’s propaganda arms like CNN and the New York Times would have you believe. He can still sell his oil to China and India—with the added bonus that these transactions now occur in yuan, rupees, and rubles. Never before has there been a president so inept and hopeless that his toothless saber-rattling threatened to kill off the petrodollar and collapse the U.S. economy.

And never before has there been a president so callously indifferent to human suffering. Biden’s deliberate prolonging of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is already fostering famines in Africa. Cameroon is experiencing wheat shortages, since Ukraine and Russia are both major exporters of grain. Less than a third of the usual volume of bread is available in many places. People are going to die—and all because Biden wants war. For the sake of the world’s poor, we must end this conflict now. 

It won’t be easy. The Biden crime family has corrupt business dealings in Ukraine going back decades. But we cannot allow them to hide these crimes by fueling a war that will cover up the evidence. After all, who will be able to investigate revelations from Hunter’s laptop when Kyev is a smoldering crater? If you think that’s too cynical or implausible, well, I’m sorry. You just haven’t been paying attention.

Who will be able to afford food when Russia, the source of 50 percent of the world’s fertilizer, won’t sell to us, thanks to Biden’s masochistic sanctions? Because it’s not just the Third World that will suffer. Americans are staring down the barrel of food shortages, exponentially inflated prices, and who knows what further nightmares. It’s getting worse with every day that passes.

The solution to this mess is not sending jets and establishing no-fly zones that guarantee our participation in a devastating worldwide war. The solution is the negotiating table and peace. 

No one in my district wants to fund Biden’s war. They want lower gas prices, a secure southern border, and transgendered men in women’s clothes and polyester wigs out of their daughter’s dressing rooms. The elites are trying to channel two years’ worth of bitter frustration from the American people at Russia. But American anger doesn’t belong there. 

We should be angry with the people who muzzled our children, wrecked our economy, and forced us to take a vaccine with unknown future side effects. And we should be angry, most of all, with the Biden crime family and their shameless attempts to cover up decades of corruption by leaving Ukraine in ruins. I can’t believe so few of my colleagues in the House have the courage to say so. They don’t have long to wake up.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-March 28


Long day, every current NCIS LA writer including that repulsive showrunner needs to be fired since they have no idea what the show is about anymore, and I just want to see Hetty come home and forget that this imposter Season never happened.

Here's tonight's news:

The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left ~ VDH

When ideologues demand power but cannot achieve it politically because they are cruel ideologues, expect more of their insanity to follow.

"Madness! Madness . . . madness!"

The Bridge on the River Kwai

With that exclamation, director David Lean ended his epic film about a dutiful but vainglorious British officer who sought to display to his Japanese captors superior British discipline and morale in a prisoner of war camp. As proof of British engineering superiority, he pursues his agendas by ordering his POWs to build for their Japanese captors a strategic bridge that otherwise they could not have built—only to try to destroy the efforts of fellow Allied soldiers sent to blow-up his masterpiece. For the delusional ideologue, reality must never intrude.

So it is now. When the rock of green and woke ideology hits the hard place of reality, sheer madness always results.

The world prices of oil and natural gas are skyrocketing. At the time of a major war in Ukraine, the Western democracies have framed the conflict as existential, with a Russia/Mordor on the attack against a declining West/Gondor. 

A subtext of the struggle is that the world’s illiberal regimes—fossil-fuel exporting Russia, Venezuela, Iran, and the various Middle Eastern autocracies—are getting richer by the day while destroying Mother Earth, as noble gas and oil importing green Western nations can scarcely afford to drive or heat their homes. 

Normally, the mad Left would not object terribly to the ensuing fuel price hikes. Remember, Joe Biden bragged on the campaign trail that he would end fossil fuels during his tenure. 

Obama’s soon-to-be Energy Secretary Steven Chu said during the 2008 campaign he wished to see American gas prices match those in Europe (i.e. $9-10 a gallon). And then President Obama himself did not disagree. He meekly added that such increases should be “gradual.” He had also warned that his cap-and-trade initiatives would necessarily “skyrocket” electricity prices—without suggesting that his off-guard brag was even a gaffe of unexpectedly telling the truth. 

So green orthodoxy dictates that the highest possible fossil fuel prices are good. Unaffordability will hasten the end of gas and oil, ensuring currently subsidized but uneconomical green energy as the only remaining alternative. 

But like most leftist top-down agendas, the details and consequences are usually hidden. After all, green wokeism usually exempts the lifestyles of its elite advocates. The Obamas currently are building a most un-green luxury Hawaiian beach mansion (their third such estate). And Al “Earth in the Balance” Gore got rich selling his failed cable outlet to a carbon-fueled Al Jazeera. 

Nonetheless exorbitant gas and heating prices are toxic politically to the middle class. Worse yet for the Left, we are currently in a Biden-created inflationary spiral, in the middle of a savage Ukrainian war, and facing a catastrophic Democratic wipeout in the upcoming November midterms. 

The result of green theory meeting cruel reality is sheer madness. As a good green, Joe Biden in one of his first acts sought to cancel the critical EastMed pipeline that is planned to feed over 10 billion cubic meters per year of natural gas into southern Europe. That clean burning fuel would enhance the suppliers, our allies Greece, Cyprus, and Israel. 

Yet Biden also dropped all sanctions against the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 pipeline, enriching Vladimir Putin with profits from global exports. Biden talked a good game, Corn Pop-style, to Putin—but acted in ways throughout 2021 that would appease Russia until it subsequently invaded Ukraine. 

What other than sheer madness is the logic of helping enemies like Putin and hurting our Mediterranean allies? 

When Biden entered office, the United States was the largest gas and oil producer in the world. Yet he immediately began jawboning the oil and gas industry about their fated doom on the horizon, pressuring lending agencies not to aid the American frackers, canceling pipelines, ending ANWR, and stopping all new federal gas and oil leases. 

So Biden achieved his goal of higher prices and less U.S. production. But now politics wars with green dogmatism. And madness once again ensues. As a result, Biden has variously in the past months begged, but been rebuffed by Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela to help out the Democratic cause by pumping their filthy, smelly, hot gas and oil, all of which we too have in abundance, but are too clean and too noble to tap. Finally, after trying to destroy the U.S. natural gas industry, he is on his knees begging it to export American supplies to fuel-starved green Europe—that has also mostly outlawed fracking.

Here in California, Governor Gavin Newsom has gone mad. He reigns over the most expensive gas and diesel prices in the history of the United States, at over $6 and $7 a gallon respectively in most parts of the state. 

Californians suffer under the highest gas taxes in the nation and are shutting down nuclear plants. They seek reductions in clean burning natural gas generators at a time of drought when hydroelectric production is constrained. 

So what does Newsom do? To fuel his state, and keep a shrinking middle class sustainable, does he tap California’s huge gas and oil reserves? They are the seventh largest of the 50 states and might bring down prices in a state that consumes more fossil fuels than any state but Texas.

No, that would be green heresy. So instead Newsom has proposed spending $11 billion in subsidies to drivers—at $400 per registered vehicle—so that the state’s drivers can buy more smelly, dirty gasoline and diesel fuel that they otherwise would not at the prohibitive, but secretly desirable, $6-7 a gallon price.

Post-reset Democratic orthodoxy now says Putin and the Russians are evil. That narrative fueled the Russian collusion hoax, the Alfa-Bank hoax, and the Hunter Biden Russian disinformation hoax. 

But what if sealing a new “Iran Deal” is critical before the midterms to show something—anything—of substance after a string of Biden foreign policy disasters? In other words, which agenda reveals the greatest clout: Biden’s demonization of Putin as a “killer,” “bully,” “war-criminal,” and “butcher” or positioning Putin as the suddenly needed Iranian Deal 2.0 fixer? 

That is a tough call between Joe’s foreign policy “accomplishments” and Putin slaughtering Ukrainians. But in the end, nonetheless, we have asked the Russians to adjudicate a new Iran deal that almost certainly will pave the way to an Iranian-fossil-fueled nuke. 

Remember that Obama in 2012 invited the Russians into the Middle East after a 40-year hiatus. Biden will trump that disaster by ensuring Putin becomes the nuclear protector of the old Obama vision of a Persian-Iran-Shiite-Syrian-Lebanon-Hezbollah-Axis from Tehran to the Mediterranean—likely to be protected by nuclear Russia as an apparent counterweight to U.S. allies in the Gulf and Israel.

Enraging Contradictions 

The southern border since late January 2021, for all intents and purposes, has ceased to exist. That is unless we are talking about Cuban and Russian refugees who seem to the Left to be too politically independent to embrace as victim constituents needing left-wing permanent government patronage. 

Yet the midterms loom. One of the most unpopular of Joe Biden’s initiatives is his welcoming of nearly 2 million impoverished, unvaccinated, unaudited, and untested illegal immigrants to cross the southern border. By any fair measure, Biden deliberately violated his oath of office by failing to enforce U.S. immigration laws. Political agendas outweighed his own promises to uphold the sanctity of federal law.

Yet he fears polls. Of all the Biden failures, the southern border and illegal immigration seem to infuriate Americans of all persuasions the most. 

So what to do? Spring is here. Warmer weather ushers in a huge new influx. Over 140,000 illegal immigrants entered in a cold February alone—at an annualized rate of nearly 1.7 million that will likely soar even higher over the summer.

The collapsing world economy and stagflation will send record numbers northward. They will simply walk illegally into U.S. sovereign territory anywhere the detested Trump wall remains (intentionally) unfinished. 

Homeland “Security” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has shackled the border patrol and destroyed its morale, turning a once effective border deterrence force into agents of their own humiliation as they watch thousands simply walk past them. 

Adding insult to injury, Biden—in the fashion of his rush-to-judgment support of the faker Jussie Smollett—was quick to condemn his own federal employees as mounted criminals who “whipped” illegal aliens from their horses. 

There was clear evidence that the agents were trying to block entry, did not whip any illegal alien, and were using long reins to maneuver panicking horses. No matter: Biden shot off the cuff with, “I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.”

Mayorkas then piled on against “those people” as weaponizing their horses.

So how is that circle squared? On the one hand, Biden must encourage more illegal aliens from the south, but he also must alter the optics of such a summertime flood of illegal immigrants on the eve of the midterms. 

Or in starker terms, how does one galvanize a border patrol that the president had promised will pay for their purported sins when he temporarily needs such good team players to pose as orderly accommodators of the new influx for a few months?

Answer? Mayorkas is calling for an emergency “DHS Volunteer Force” that will provide the appearance of “order” to an otherwise riotous mob-like scene at the border.

Stranger still, the Left is demanding an end to a “Title 42” provision—the public health order during the COVID-19 pandemic that allowed for a quicker deportation of illegal aliens right at the border. 

Yet, at the same time, federal health officials and many in the administration are warning that COVID-19 is not over. With his accustomed gloom and doom, Dr. Anthony Fauci warns that the new variants of the Omicron wave may threaten to send us into yet another cycle of pandemic social distancing, masking, and quarantining. 

Who wins this left-wing agenda war—the Faucites who want permanent COVID-19 emergency powers, or the coalition of the La Raza-istas, the hard Left, and labor-hungry employers who want millions more of illegal aliens—when their shared open border agendas spell catastrophe in seven months at the polls?

These contradictions that lead to insanity enrage Americans. They believe the fiascos of 2021-2022 were almost a case study how to destroy a great nation economically, materially, culturally, socially, politically, and militarily in just 14 months. 

Yet madness is predictable when the unchecked left-wing’s demand for limitless and endless power collides with a hated, but unremorseful ideological agenda utterly divorced from reality. Put simply, when ideologues demand power but cannot maintain it politically because they are cruel ideologues that destroy what they touch, expect more of their insanity to follow.

Fake Capitalism Is a Primary Enemy Today

The U.S. economy is not a bastion of market freedom but is in fact rife with collusion between government and those businesses most unscrupulous in playing the game.

Socialism is rightly feared as a critical danger to human freedom and flourishing. There is, however, an underappreciated and equally grave menace to free enterprise today: fake capitalism.

Fake capitalism results when a vast array of government policies channel economic activity into small numbers of large, powerful companies.

Contrary to what one might think, governments can control these big companies more easily than a rabble of smaller firms, which are necessarily more interested in pleasing customers than in catering to politicians.

Even worse, fake capitalism disguises government control of the economy and makes people think free markets are inherently corrupt, thus priming the public to cede even more power to government.

Consider a few examples of how governments substitute fake capitalism for the real thing.

The U.S. housing market is pumped up by loans the federal government forces banks to give borrowers who cannot afford them, in order to pay home prices inflated by funny money printed by the U.S. Federal Reserve. That is not a natural economic condition. It is fake capitalism.

Consumer markets over-expanded by government income-transfer payments (which reassign money from investors to consumers without first producing goods and services), along with an inflated money supply, are not natural or free. They are elements of fake capitalism.

The price mechanism in market capitalism distributes resources to the most productive uses. But equity markets grossly distorted by “quantitative easing” of the money supply and countless federal regulations on businesses cause misallocated resources and wealth. Again, fake capitalism.

The monetary expansion, lockdowns, massive amounts of government money sent to individuals and businesses, vaccine mandates, and other restrictions on economic activity in response to COVID-19 created a huge labor shortage and trashed the supply chain. More fake capitalism.

Tax advantages and low borrowing costs thanks to near-zero interest rates encourage companies to buy up their smaller competitors and concentrate power in diminishing numbers of large, multinational corporations, a process that has accelerated since the Great Recession. This, too, is fake capitalism.

Trade agreements running to hundreds of pages are not free trade. They are extensive government management of trade, with enormous gifts to favored parties. They are fake capitalism.

Climate deals that do not restrict the world’s biggest carbon-dioxide emitters effectively transfer money from hardworking Americans to oligarchs in other countries. Fake capitalism.

Energy markets distorted by government mandates that suppress drilling, automobile fuel use, electricity generation, and all other aspects of supply and demand make already-wealthy people big winners and the ordinary American household big losers. Fake capitalism.

These and countless other manifestations of fake capitalism undermine support for the real thing.

Capitalism, after all, is just a term describing what people do by nature: create things and trade with one another. Fake capitalism corrupts the system by imposing government management and characterizing the result as the inevitable, destructive, ill-intentioned outcome of freedom—the opposite of real capitalism.

The big companies created by fake capitalism are not mainly concerned with maximizing profits for their shareholders by producing goods and services people most desire. Their real interest is in ensuring the continuity of their management teams and guaranteed profits through government contracts and obstruction of potential competitors.

Owing their power and even their continued existence to the government, such firms must do the government’s bidding when called upon. Fake capitalist businesses followed the government on lockdowns and vaccine and mask mandates, and they’ve eagerly embraced environment, social, and governance (ESG) policies, an anti-family sexual agenda, race-baiting employee training, inane climate change rules, and other big-government decrees that directly contradict the interests and opinions of their employees, shareholders, and customers.

Fake capitalism does not work for you. It works with and for the government to push you deeper and deeper into subservience to a network of elites who think alike, act alike, and benefit from each other’s power grabs.

The only remedy is to break these bonds between big government and big business. That process must be fostered by a widespread awareness that the U.S. economy today is not a bastion of market freedom but is in fact rife with collusion between government and those businesses most unscrupulous in playing the game. To start restoring what little is left of our freedoms, we must replace fake capitalism with the real thing. 

Senate Intel Chairman Discusses U.S. Effort to Control Cryptocurrency and Russia Sanction Evasion

Senator Mark Warner is a notoriously corrupt Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, one of the central pillars of the Fourth Branch of Government.  In this interview, Warner discusses the “grey area” of cyber-attacks and how any downstream consequence that imperils U.S. lives can be used as a justification by NATO to engage the Article-5 trigger and consider any Russian intrusion an attack against NATO allies.

Example: Russia shuts down the Ukraine power grid that is also connected to Poland. As a direct consequence, a traffic signal or infrastructure malfunction occurs, and a U.S. military convoy has an accident.  A U.S. servicemember is injured or killed.  [Or any other non-kinetic action that creates a kinetic consequence.] Does NATO then have justification to attack Russia?  Warner is previewing a scenario the Fourth Branch hopes to exploit.

Additionally, within the interview [05:44 prompted], Senator Warner outlines the western approach toward Russia using cryptocurrency as a method to evade sanctions.  Notably, Warner outlines that U.S. intelligence/U.S. Govt has control over U.S-based crypto exchanges and they are working with ‘partners’ in the financial sector to mitigate the use of crypto exchanges by non-U.S. actors.  WATCH: 

All your banking are belong to us.

The conversation is about Russia, for now.  However, as noted by the Canada example recently, it’s a short hop from Russia to those who are defined as ‘domestic threats.’

Cucked Priss of No-Hair

A song, by Believe it!

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

Now this is the story all about how

my wife got flip-turned upside-down,

and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there,

I'll tell you how I became the cuck of a clown with no hair.

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

In Best Motion Picture, worn and dazed

on the playground is where she met most of her baes,

Chillin' out, maxin' & sexin' all fools

and all wettin' her cue-ball outside of the pool,

When a couple of guys they were up for what's good,

started goin' double in her nether-hood,

I caught just one little sight and I got so scared,

and said, "I'm married to a THOTy slut who ain't got no hair".

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

I begged and pleaded with her day after day

but she packed my suitcase then got in bed with Ray,

She blew me a kiss and said, "My last name is Pinkett",

I put on my walk-man and said "I might as well kick it!"

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

Worst class, yo this is sad,

Drinkin' all-a my tears out of a champagne glass,

Is this what the people with no hair livin' like?

Hmmmmmmmmm... This might be alright.

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

But wait, I fear I'm prissy,

Boo-hoos and all that,

Is this the type of place that a cuck can watch at?

I really hope so, I'll see when they get here,

I hope they're prepared...

for my wife with no hair!

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫


The joke landed and when it went south,

There was Chris Rock standin' there with her name in'is mouth

I ain't tryin' to get arrested yet I just got here,

I slapped with the quickness of lightnin', disappeared!

I shouted at the cad because the camera was near,

My license plate says "CUCK" and I watch through the mirr-,

If anything I could say this slap was unfair

but I though, "Nah forget it, this ho has no hair!"

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

I, stepped, up to the stage about 7 er 8, 

and I yelled to the viewers "Yo homes, shine a lot here!"

Looked at my cuckdom, I was finally there,

To sit on my throne the Cucked Puss of No-Hair.

♪ ♫  ♪ ♫  ♪ ♫

Zelenskyy Slams Macron, France: 'They Are Afraid of Russia'


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ripped into France and President Emmanuel Macron for not providing Ukraine military support because they're "afraid of Russia."

Zelenskyy spoke critically of Macron and discussed other Western leaders in an interview with The Economist published Sunday.

"They are afraid of Russia. And that's it," Zelenskyy told the weekly after being asked why Macron and France had not been willing to supply tanks to Ukraine.   

France's top military officer earlier this month said his country was providing military equipment to Ukraine but didn't provide details on what kinds of weapons, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Zelenskyy spoke more respectfully of the United States and Great Britain.  

"To be honest, [British Prime Minister Boris] Johnson is the leader who is helping most," Zelenskyy told The Economist. "Britain is definitely on our side. They are not trying to balance. Britain doesn't see an alternative solution to the situation.  

"Britain wants Ukraine to win and Russia to lose, but I'm not ready to say whether Britain wants the war to take too long or not."

Zelenskyy said the complexities of U.S. politics sometimes have caused delays in providing support, though he added that President Joe Biden increasingly has become engaged.

Commenting on Germany, Zelenskyy said Chancellor Olaf Scholz's country was waiting and trying to find a balance regarding how to handle the war.

"They have a long relationship with Russia and they are looking at the situation through the prism of the economy," Zelenskyy said. "They can help, if there is pressure on them domestically to do so, and they can stop when they see what they have done is sufficient."  

Zelenskyy also expressed frustration with the nature of sanctions, which are designed to punish Russia for past actions rather than to prevent it from going further.  

"The first thing is to put yourselves in our place and act pre-emptively," Zelenskyy told The Economist. "We are hearing that the decision depends on whether Russia launches a chemical attack on us. This is not the right approach. We are not guinea pigs." 

Ukraine is in its second month defending itself against Russian President Vladimir Putin's unprovoked attack.

Zelenskyy divided NATO countries into five groups:  

  • Countries that "don't mind a long war because it would mean exhausting Russia, even if this means the demise of Ukraine and comes at the cost of Ukrainian lives."

  • Countries that want a quick end to the fighting because "Russia's market is a big one [and] their economies are suffering." They would like Russia to keep certain markets.

  • Countries that "recognize Nazism in Russia" and want Ukraine to prevail.

  • Countries, smaller and liberal, that "want the war to end quickly at any cost, because they think people come first."

  • Countries that are embarrassed and want peace ASAP because they are "the offices of the Russian Federation in Europe."  

    As for Putin, Zelenskyy said the Russian leader has no pity for Ukraine.

    "I don't think he visualizes in his own mind the same Ukraine we see," Zelenskyy told The Economist. "He sees Ukraine as a part of his world, his worldview, but that doesn't correspond with what's happened over the last 30 years. I don't think Putin has been [in] a bunker for two weeks or six months, but for more like two decades."  

    Zelenskyy also told The Economist what victory would look like for Ukraine.

    "Victory is being able to save as many lives as possible … because without this nothing would make sense," he said. "Our land is important, yes; but ultimately, it's just territory."    

NBC Poll: Biden to Blame for Inflation, 60% Disapprove of Handling of Economy, 71% No Confidence in Biden Foreign Policy

Even NBC’s Chuck Todd was forced to admit Joe Biden’s polled domestic support keeps getting worse.  His approval rating is now the worst in their polling.

The Poll Data is AVAILABLE HERE.  Somehow NBC found enough people to show 33 percent of Americans approve of the president’s handling of the economy, compared with 60 percent who disapprove.  “Overall, NBC News puts Biden’s approval at 40 percent, which is a record-low for that network’s survey, compared with 55 percent disapproval.” (article link).

[Poll Data Here]

The White House was hoping that all the planning that went into yesterday’s grand speech in Poland would help reset the Biden problem.  Those hopes collapsed when the muttering nutter rambled through 20 minutes of incoherent jibberish only to encapsulate the speech with the call for Russian regime change at the end, “for God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

Also, don’t believe the nonsense about those being ‘off-the-cuff‘, or ‘ad-libbed ‘ remarks either.  They were written into the teleprompter, and he read them (go look). White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain is trying to cover up his own ineptitude by claiming his boss ad-libbed those statements.  He didn’t.