Sunday, March 27, 2022

Google Ministry of Information Announces Zero Tolerance Policy Against Any Information That Does Not Support NATO War Against Russia

Comrade citizens, after success with the Ministry of Information controlling efforts surrounding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and public health vaccinations, The Division of Correct Thinking has announced they will also not tolerate any information against their war efforts in Ukraine.


All good global citizens will appreciate the Ministry’s effort to protect you from bad Russian influences.  Only the approved truth must remain visible to combat any Russian efforts to influence our thinking.   The only horrors approved for review must be approved by the compliance division within the Google Ministry of Information.

Comrade citizens, as our experience with COVID and the heroic vaccination program has shown us, the Ministry always looks out for our physical and mental health.  The inherent dangers of wrong thoughts could lead to misplaced sympathies, lack of necessary motivation and questions about the altruism within the Ministry for Peace.  Further guidance continues….

Comrades, we must also be on guard for dissident agent provocateurs who may surface with unapproved information.  The Ministry anticipates subversive efforts against the health of our state that may involve messages from non-reliable sources.  The state fact-checking operations have been activated to level red status in anticipation of this problem.

Help do your part.  If you are concerned you may have been influenced by any information that could potentially be defined as friendly toward the Russian government, you must help deprogram your wrong thoughts by watching replays of Rocky IV or Red Dawn.  These are historically accurate documentaries, provided by brilliant Hollywood research teams, and they outline prior efforts of the Russian government to attack our nation.

Any comrade citizen who wishes to donate their monthly chocolate or gasoline ration to the brave Ukranian people should contact their local re-education office using the Tik Tok code: GOOD CITIZEN.

You may also text your good citizenship status to 1-800-YesWeCan, and you will receive a link to download a QR code providing you access to the full YouTube library of approved reference material.  In the approved library, you will find quality content highlighting the glorious efforts of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the patriotic resistance of the Ukrainian military.

The Ministry of Information thanks you for your good citizenship as we battle against Vladimir Putin’s inflation and gas prices.

Christian Patriot News, On the Fringe, and more-March 27


Counting down the days until Saturday! (got a very, very special thread coming that day, you'll all love it!). Here's tonight's news:

Of Boiling and Jumping Frogs

Our rulers think they have anesthetized those portions of the population they have not simply bought off. They might find that there is quite a lot of jump left in the frog yet.

It’s said that if you toss a frog into a pot of hot water it will instantly jump out. If, however, you toss it into a pot of cold water and then very gradually increase the heat to the boiling point, the frog will linger languidly in the increasingly hot bath as it is slowly cooked alive. 

Despotic politicians who also abhor the fuss of public unrest have long noted the application of this apologue to human affairs. In early March 2020, if Anthony Fauci had said that we were about to shut down the economy for two years, force people to wear paper masks, “socially distance,” and forcibly prevent people from going to church, or visiting their dying friends and relatives, there might well have been a revolt. 

But that isn’t how it happened. Fauci and the health police got everything they wanted, they destroyed thousands of middle-class businesses, enriched the entitled class, and, more generally, made fools and peons of us all. But they did it slowly. “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” Remember that? Remember when, early on, Fauci said that it would be fine for young, healthy people to go on a cruise? Remember when he pooh-poohed the effectiveness of masks

Whatever else they demonstrated, the regime’s COVID policies, and the public’s response to those policies, showed that entire populations could be herded and shorn like sheep. All you needed was a public health pretext—not a genuine emergency, mind you, just a pretext—and battalions of aspiring Gauleiters willing to enforce the rules and, bang, instant and prolonged hysteria. 

Like a well masticated stick of chewing gum, COVID has lost its savor. New gambits must be devised to cow the public. “Climate change” and green energy are hardy perennials, but the economic devastation wrought by their advocates has stripped the sheen off those baubels of elite, virtue-signaling. 

Economics may not be a science, exactly, but you do not have to be Milton Friedman to understand that if you shut down large swathes of your own energy industry while printing trillions of dollars in so-called “stimulus” money, the result will be sharply rising prices and runaway inflation. Which is exactly what we have, courtesy of Joe Biden and his bureaucratic minders. 

Just a few weeks ago the water was still tepid. Then Vladimir Putin handed Biden a large gift. He invaded Ukraine. Suddenly, every failure could be blamed on Putin, on Russia, on someone or something other than the senile incompetents running the United States. 

Gas prices at eye-watering levels? Blame it on Putin, even though it was Biden’s decision to shutter large sectors of the American energy industry that got that ball rolling. 

It did not take Biden long to go from suggesting that a “minor incursion” from Russia into Ukraine would be acceptable to hopping on to the neocon chest-beating wagon. The great thing about events (“the crisis” according to every TV news story) in Ukraine is that it can be wheeled out to explain away every failure as well as prep the populace for future depredations. “The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia,” Biden eagerly acknowledged. “It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.” 

You can say that again. People were just absorbing the news about rising energy costs and inflation when they were hit with a term that, just yesterday, seemed almost quaint in the developed world: “food shortages.” One day Jen Psaki assured reporters “we’re not expecting a food shortage here at home.” Then her boss corrected her: “With regard to food shortage, yes, we did talk about food shortages, and it’s going to be real,” he said

The Jacuzzi’s getting a little warm, isn’t it? And if our rulers can destroy the economy and make us more dependent by sanctioning Russia (which also, as Biden admitted, means sanctioning ourselves), just think what they would be able to do should they actually contrive to go to war with Russia. Expect not only greater economic hardship but also a sharp increase in social control, censorship, and intolerance. 

So far, Biden has kept some distance from the warmongers in the regime media. But I wonder if his resolve is faltering. Just the other day, speaking to members of the 82nd Airborne Division in Poland, the mask seemed to slip a bit. “You’re going to see when you’re there,” he said (emphasis mine), “you’re going to see women, young people, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank, saying, ‘I’m not leaving.’” Softening us up for boots on the ground? 

The White House quickly walked that back. (Is there a new department in the White House press office dedicated exclusively to reformulating what the president and vice-president say for public consumption?) By “when you’re there,” a White House spokesman said, the president did not mean to imply that he was preparing to send them to Ukraine. 

It was the same with his speech in Poland on Friday. He stated explicitly that Vladimir Putin could not remain in power. “For God’s sake,” he said, “this man cannot remain in power.” Fighting words, what? Wars have been started over less inflammatory language. 

But then the White House emitted some mollifying “updates.” “The president’s point,” you see, “was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.”

I wonder if Putin got that memo.

Maybe he did. 

But maybe not; what then, since Biden is also depending on Putin to help broker the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran

It is difficult to plumb the depths of cynicism that fires the Biden Administration’s motions with respect to Ukraine. On the one hand, we are being invited to join in a grandiose morality play in which the great white-hatted forces of the West talk endlessly about peace and democracy while waging or at least fomenting war. On the other hand, the war drums drown out the cries of ordinary people, those millions of people Hillary Clinton and her ilk dismiss as “deplorable,” who acknowledge Putin’s crimes but also acknowledge Ukraine’s deep corruption and totalitarian leanings and wonder why we are strangling ourselves to intervene in that battle.

The ostensible reason, of course, is to export truth, justice, and the American way, and to teach that bully Putin a lesson. The real reason, I suspect, is to consolidate power at home while attempting to fire up the war-profit machine abroad. So far, Americans have gritted their teeth and taken it. I am not sure, however, that those with their fingers on the knobs of the burner have been sufficiently careful about how quickly they are raising the temperature. Things can get out of hand very quickly, and I am not just talking about military showdowns. 

When average families can no longer pay their rent or mortgage, gas up their car, or even put food on the table, all bets are off. Our rulers think they have anesthetized those portions of the population they have not simply bought off. They might find that there is quite a lot of jump left in the frog yet. If so, they may be the ones in hot water.

How the Left Is Using Ukraine to Discredit Trump and ‘America First’

America First means keeping America out of unnecessary wars promoted by the liberal elite for nation-building in which we have no strategic interests.

Desperate to change the subject from how Joe Biden’s weak leadership and incoherent foreign policy set the stage for Vladimir Putin’s brutal war against Ukraine, many on the Left and in the mainstream media have resorted to a familiar tactic: Find a way to blame this crisis on President Trump—even though he has been out of office for 14 months. 

The first attempt by liberals, like Washington Post editorial writer Eugene Robinson and former National Security Council staff member and Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Fiona Hill, was to claim that Trump’s national security policies, especially concerning Russia and NATO, emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine. 

This criticism didn’t make sense since Putin ordered invasions of neighboring states during three of the last four presidencies, but none while President Trump was in office. All of these invasions—Georgia during the George W. Bush Administration in 2008, Ukraine during the Obama Administration in 2014, and Ukraine now during the Biden Administration—occurred when there was a global perception of American weakness and lack of resolve. 

There’s no question the world sees weakness and lack of resolve in the Biden presidency after the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and a year of confusing and unserious national security policies focused on climate change and wokeness in the U.S. military. 

This clearly wasn’t the case during the Trump presidency. Love him or hate him, America’s adversaries viewed Donald Trump’s approach to foreign policy as strong and decisive and knew he was prepared to use military force when appropriate to defend U.S. security interests. 

President Trump also had a tougher Russia policy than either Barack Obama or Joe Biden. This included sending lethal military aid to Ukraine, something the Obama Administration refused to do. President Trump successfully pressed NATO members to meet their defense spending commitments, which made NATO a much stronger organization at the end of the Trump presidency than it was under the Obama Administration. 

President Trump imposed over 270 sanctions on Russia, including sanctions in response to the poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter in the U.K. with a chemical weapon in 2018, and for Russia’s unsuccessful meddling in the 2016 presidential election.  

Trump also imposed sanctions in 2019 on the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany—which Biden waived in May 2021. 

Having failed to make a convincing case that President Trump is responsible for the Ukraine crisis, some on the Left, including NBC reporters Peter Nicholas, Jonathan Allen, and Allan Smith and CNN reporter Julian Zelizer, have turned to arguing that the Ukraine conflict discredits Trump’s “America First” approach to national security by mislabeling it as isolationist or antagonistic to U.S. allies and the United Nations. They also contend those who believe in an America First approach to U.S. national security do not want to help the Ukrainian people or stand up to Russia. 

Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Today’s America First movement, which the America First Policy Institute proudly represents, is clearly not isolationist. We favor a strong U.S. defense and the prudent use of U.S. military force. 

America First calls for using military force only when America’s strategic interests are at stake and when there is a clear plan for success. This means the United States must not go to war with Russia over the Ukraine crisis, a conflict that could easily go nuclear, but should provide military aid to Ukraine so it can defend itself. 

America First does not mean “America alone,” nor does it mean ignoring alliances and international organizations. But it means the United States will not let other nations determine U.S. foreign policy. As the world’s last remaining superpower, America must sometimes act on its own to defend its interests and not wait for permission from the United Nations or other multinational organizations.  

The main reason liberal critics hate America First is that it is a philosophy that places everyday Americans ahead of beltway insiders and rejects the establishment thinking of the Left. Under an America First approach to domestic and foreign policy, policymakers give priority to the interests of our country, the American people, and the U.S. economy over the failed ideas and initiatives of the liberal elite. America First also prioritizes being respected over being liked on the international stage. 

This approach guided the Trump Administration’s decisions to reject the Paris Climate Accord, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, and the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was improved under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. 

America First also means keeping America out of unnecessary wars promoted by the liberal elite for nation-building in which America has no strategic interests. It is the reason Donald Trump was the first president since Dwight Eisenhower not to get the United States into a new war. 

The Ukraine crisis is a direct result of American weakness under the incoherent foreign policy of Joe Biden. And it also stems from Biden’s decision to subordinate U.S. national security decision-making to Europe and the United Nations. The American people know this and won’t be fooled by recent attempts by liberal pundits and reporters to somehow blame President Trump for Biden’s foreign policy catastrophes or misrepresent the America First approach to national security as unsuccessful or isolationist.

Neil Oliver Emphasizes – Once You See the Weaponized Political Corruption, You Cannot Unsee It

In his weekly monologue [Transcript HERE], Neil Oliver takes the stories we have outlined on these pages over the past week and weaves them into a comprehensive context.  Once you see the manipulation and lies from government, you can never unsee them.

However, the opposite is also true; once you see the truth, you can never not see it – and that sets up a very specific situation.  Once you know the truth about a series of events or issues, you can easily see the people who pretend not to know it.

I think the reason I like Oliver is because he uses metaphors and analogies in his monologues to connect issues to a picture of what they really mean.  I try to do the same in writing.  Oliver takes the recent information and shows how it is all connected.  From COVID madness to the western govt lies, that drive us toward war with Russia, it’s all connected; and we can see it. WATCH:

[Transcript] – “If you didn’t laugh, you’d cry – so sometimes the only thing to do is laugh. These are difficult times, made more difficult by the manufactured fear and lies we are force fed around the clock.

There are issues that must be addressed with the utmost seriousness. But, as I say, sometimes you just have to laugh.

The way our leaders and their attendants are going about things – not just recently but for months and years now – reminds me of the behaviour of very young children, toddlers really. Sometimes a toddler will screw his eyes shut in the belief that since he can’t see you, it must follow that you can’t see him.

If our leaders weren’t applying this strategy in times where decisions make the difference between life and death, their antics would only be hilarious.

Peek-a-boo, presidents and prime ministers.

They spent two years on lockdowns – spraying money around like white foam in an ‘90s nightclub – all the while lavishing multi-million-pound contracts on friends and acquaintances, thinking we wouldn’t notice all the new millionaires, generating unimaginable, unthinkable mountains of radioactive debt that will be glowing red hot for generations to come. We saw you.

They ignored the alarm calls from all manner of reasonable people – from economists of the highest professional standing to just members of the public armed with no more than the experience of running their own households and bank accounts – and piled the debt mountains higher and higher. Some of us told them it was a disaster waiting to happen, and they told us we were cranks and conspiracy theorists who didn’t understand how money and economies work.

And what are they doing now? In the short term, they are attempting to launder the consequences of their lockdown idiocy through the tragedy in Ukraine. A shameful sleight of hand. The spiking cost of energy, inflation, the threat of shortages of food and all manner of necessities – apparently had nothing to do with the financial incontinence of the past two years, nothing at all to do with shutting down economies around the developed world. All of it, we are supposed to accept, now, is down to Putin’s hellish invasion of Ukraine.

Like that toddler screwing his eyes shut to make the approaching adult disappear, our leaders seem genuinely to think we can’t see them, can’t see what they’re doing, all that they’ve done these years past. Either that, of course, or they just don’t care that we can see them, because our seeing and knowing no longer matters – not when they think they’ve got us where they want us.

If you didn’t laugh, you might cry.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s wife, Akshata Murthy, is a shareholder in her billionaire father’s IT and consultancy business Infosys, with a personal stake worth hundreds of millions of pounds. Infosys continues to do business in Moscow.

In the past two years alone the chancellor’s wife has apparently been enriched by nearly 12 million pounds of dividends from Infosys.

Mr Sunak has urged businesses to sever their ties to Russia – the better to strangle Mr Putin’s ability to wage war. This advice apparently does not apply to people in Mr Sunak’s own home. Exactly how stupid, and/or blind, does Mr Sunak think we are?

Mr Sunak is also among those of our leaders and senior politicians on both sides of the House of Commons who either genuinely do not know what a woman is – which is to say, an adult human female – or else cannot bring themselves to say as much when asked to define a woman. Here’s a starter for ten: if you’re a living human being, you were grown inside a woman.

This inability or self-preserving refusal to stand up with and for women – a little over half the population of the country – would be laughable, hilarious if it didn’t have tragic consequences, leading as it does to the erasure of women as the living, breathing reality that they are.

For me it’s increasingly hard to avoid drawing the conclusion that our leaders and their little wizards are laughing at us. I say it is high time we pointed out that they are the joke.

Remember when they said the Covid vaccines were a hundred per cent effective at stopping a person catching Covid, spreading Covid? Remember when they said those vaccines were absolutely safe for everyone from toddlers to centenarians? Remember when they said we had to wear masks when standing and walking inside a restaurant, but not when seated? Remember when they said we had to keep our distance from each other, even from loved ones?

Now we can take refugees of war into our homes. This is a fine and noble act, of course it is, but why could we not invite our loved ones into our homes then, if it is safe to welcome strangers from thousands of miles away now? A person might be tempted to think it was a fiction all along, a nonsense circulated to make us behave.

That question is, anyway, redundant, because Covid no longer matters, apparently. Not as far as I can see. Covid is yesterday’s cause of fear, and therefore no longer required – not now that there’s a war on. It seems safe to predict that once the war is over, the next thing to fear, and for which sacrifices will have to be made upon the public altar, will be along as promptly as an efficiently run bus. My money’s on Lockdown for the Climate. The outriders for that stunt are already there, of course, with yet more calls to work from home rather than driving into work, and leaving the car parked all day Sunday – for the good of the planet.

War in Ukraine is not the only cause of the mess we’re in, but it will bite us all soon enough. I can tell you something to fear soon, and that may already be unavoidable, and that’s a shortage of food, if not for us then for millions of others. Russia and Ukraine grow 30 percent of the world’s wheat and 20 percent of the world’s corn.

Developing countries already face shortages on account of sanctions. The developed world might have tried to compensate for the short fall – grown more food elsewhere – except for the double whammy provided by the West’s dependence on Russia as a key source of fertilizer. Western sanctions on Russia’s exports of potash, ammonia and urea, along with other nutrients needed for fertile soil, threatens the growth of wheat, corn, rice and soy around the world.

The price of fertilizer is spiking. Fewer fields may be planted, meaning smaller harvests. And that’s on top of the dizzying hikes in the price of diesel. By the other end of the year, farmers may not even be able to afford the fuel necessary to bring in their crops. As the cost of commodities continues to rise in the months ahead, as hunger bites, there can only be more unrest and suffering to come.

Of course, those comedians running our country insist we don’t need carbon fuels anymore, anyway – all that filthy, dirty gas and oil. And yet European countries have bought 19 billion dollars’ worth of Russian oil and gas since the 24th of February alone. We see you. Out of one side of their faces they talk about the need for sanctions to throttle Mr Putin and his henchmen, the need for us all to make sacrifices. Out of the other side of their faces they say, “Thank you, kindly, Mr Putin, for keeping the lights on.”

The upshot of it all is that Mr Putin’s war is paying for itself. He’s even demanding the bills be paid in Russian Roubles instead of American Dollars. Other currencies are on the rise for dealing in crude oil, so that the sun may be setting on the petro-dollar after all this time.

There’s tragic comedy all over the place. Once you see it, as they say, you can’t not see it.

Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum talk about happy plebs owning nothing – while the richest of the rich hoover up everything of value in the world. I think I know who’s planning to be happiest. They plan to take away our money as well and replace it with food stamps – what they call Central Bank Digital Currency. Once that’s in place, it’s up to the banks what you spend, when you spend, what you spend it on, and where. If the bank has reason to think you shouldn’t buy that bottle of wine, or book that train ticket, then you won’t be able to.

Then there’s the little things, like French president Emmanuel Macron.

Ukrainian president Volodimyr Zelensky appeared on tv in a workman-like green t-shirt and khakis and, quick as flash, Mr Macron had shed his bespoke suits and sent someone to buy some jeans and a hoodie from the boy’s section of his local haberdashery. Then he had a photographer follow him around at work all day, looking butch and mean. Such antics, such pantomime designed to attract attention to self, while real women and real children are dying, is nothing less than pitiful.

Misinformation and manipulation of the truth has been going on for years now. In 2016 the Clinton campaign said Donald Trump had colluded with Russia in order to secure his election.

The FBI duly investigated and found nothing – and yet the story of Mr Trump buddying up to the Russians persisted throughout his presidency courtesy of the Democrat-fawning MSM in the States. This week, Mr Trump announced he was taking legal action against the Clintons and their allies.

Before the 2020 election the NY Post broke the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop – the one left in a Delaware repair shop allegedly containing emails linking Biden junior to bungs of money from a Shanghai-based company linked to China. It’s claimed there was mention of 10 percent of the profits for, “the big guy”. Hunter was already in receipt of 50k dollars a month from a Ukrainian energy company for doing … well no one is quite sure what Hunter was doing.

And what did the compliant US media do? They rubbished the report. Big Tech shut down the NY Post’s Twitter account and banned anyone from sharing the story. More than 50 US security “experts” stood up to say it was all Russian disinformation.

And guess what – the story about Hunter’s laptop and those emails? Last week the NY Times admitted the emails had been verified.

The technocrats of Silicon Valley just didn’t think American voters should know such things in the run up to an election that their man Joe Biden simply had to win. They call such tactics the Noble Lie. They’re lying, but it’s for our own good. But as I say, once you see it, you can’t not see it.

The truth came out about how Trump had not colluded with the Russians. The truth came out about Hunter Biden’s laptop. The truth came out about the Wuhan lab leak. The truth is coming out about vaccine safety and efficacy.

What are they telling us this week, that will be overtaken by the truth, sooner or later?

The truth seems to be moving faster and faster.

As I say, if you didn’t laugh at their audacity – at their seeming conviction that we can’t see them – you’d have to cry.

So laugh, I say, but pay attention to the truth. There’s more truth every day. And the truth, as they say, will set us free. (LINK)