Saturday, March 26, 2022

Proving Vladimir Putin Correct, Joe Biden Demands Regime Change in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has long accused NATO and the collective west of trying to interfere in the nations of their adversaries. Using the recent examples of Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Syria, specifically Putin has said the United States wants to overthrow the elected leader of Russia.

Until today the western governments have denied this allegation. However, in his rambling and inarticulate speech in Poland today Joe Biden stated of Vladimir Putin “for God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” a direct call for the regime change the same Biden administration has denied.

Expect a clean-up effort in 3,… 2,… WATCH:

Overall, it was clear the people behind the Biden administration were attempting to use the background of a grand speech in Poland to reset the failing administration of Joe Biden.  However, they failed miserably.  [Transcript forthcoming]

It was yet another “democracy -vs- autocracy” narrative effort by the people trying to prop up Joe Biden.


How the ‘Trump Won’ Movement Will Be Vindicated

The coming election cycles are shaping up to vindicate the die-hards who refused to be gaslighted under the most daunting of circumstances.

Imagine if, following the disputed 2016 presidential election, the recently sworn-in President Donald Trump had sicced his Justice Department, hand-in-hand with allies in Congress and state governments throughout the country, after his Democratic political opponents who maintained that his election was the work of Russian interference. 

Although the claim that Trump was a Russian asset was laughably false, and the subsequent investigation into those spurious claims damaged the federal government’s credibility in immense and perhaps irreparable ways domestically and internationally, applying criminal penalties to the promulgation of that theory would have been wrong, anti-American, and contrary to the First Amendment. In keeping with his stalwart defense of American values, President Trump made no directive to the Justice Department to pursue criminal charges against these Democrats. 

Similarly, his Republican predecessor allowed Democrats to freely “challenge an election”: Democrats had previously contested the 2000 election by claiming that George W. Bush was “selected, not elected” as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bush v. Gore. A smaller minority contested Bush’s reelection in 2004, alleging irregularities in Ohio and elsewhere. 

Reasonable concerns deserve a good-faith examination, not prosecution and persecution. But that is not what the sitting regime has offered when examining the 2020 election and its aftermath. Joe Biden’s goal (and that of his underlings) is to harass and silence politicians, journalists, dissidents, and political donors. Unfortunately, these tactics are working. 

Biden has been persecuting political opponents his entire time in office, and he has made me one of his latest targets. 

Right now, the January 6 Commission is persecuting and punishing individuals who signed on to an alternate slate of delegates the month after the election. This was when millions of Americans still disputed the election and many questions about the integrity of the results remained unresolved. The January 6 Commission has failed to unearth any serious conspiracy or significant wrongdoing during its witch-hunt, so they are looking for someone to blame. 

The people who signed the alternate slate and fought for voter integrity performed their civic duty considering all of the abnormalities, irregularities, and outright criminal behavior that occurred during the election. This move may have been controversial and a shot-in-the-dark attempt to overturn the election, but, if it was not tactically sound, it was morally and ethically sound considering the incredible amount of fraud that occurred.

Despite the media’s insistence that the 2020 election was anything but corrupt, the voting systems in every jurisdiction of the United States are designed to render them incapable of being thoroughly reviewed by any independent third party. The system cannot be audited and requires putting blind faith in “experts” who build and run these systems. 

Time and continuing analysis of circumstantial evidence have proven initial concerns and suspicions on the election results to be correct. An upcoming documentary, “2000 Mules,” produced by Dinesh D’Souza and Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, presents concrete evidence of a coordinated nationwide campaign whereby ballot harvesters were paid to deliver ballots without any identification to drop-boxes funded by billionaires who run corporations staffed with left-wing ideologues. Mail-in ballot rules were ignored and disregarded under the pretense of COVID-19, which opened the 2020 election to an enormous amount of potential fraud. 

The concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election were never investigated and certainly never settled. The only response from the powers-that-be seems to be canceling, de-platforming, persecuting, and prosecuting loyal Americans who seek answers to inconvenient questions. Prosecuting and jailing dissenters isn’t just un-American; it’s also terribly unpersuasive. 

Other incidents across the country—a judge ruling Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson broke the law by flooding unsolicited mail-in ballots to households before the election; suspicious ballots being counted after the floor was cleared of poll watchers unlawfully in Georgia; poll challengers denied the right to inspect ballots in Pennsylvania; election officials in Arizona refusing to comply with subpoenas demanding the investigation of vote-counting machines; the illegal use of privately funded drop boxes in Wisconsin—point to the existence of a sophisticated fraud blueprint affected by elite actors on Election Day. In fact, Time magazine even bragged about the election conspiracy against Trump, calling it election “fortification” in a piece of spin that would make Edward Bernays blush. 

The Orwellian aftermath of the election shows the gargantuan magnitude of a criminal operation that, sadly, achieved its intended aim. Whistleblower testimony in the form of sworn affidavits was suppressed. Those who did speak out were demonized and threatened. Courts were too cowardly to try controversial cases, knowing they would suffer the full burden of the establishment if they considered the evidence. 

Even now, stories that should be national news—such as the indictment of a Michigan elections supervisor for felony ballot tampering—are wholly buried in news cycles, even among ostensibly right-wing outlets. 

The same lying media and their leftist ideologue elites who brought you the Russia collusion hoax and the Ukraine phone call hoax, who have been wrong about everything for at least two generations, now want to demonize the majority of independents and Republican voters as potential terrorists because they believe for good reason that there was systemic voter fraud in the 2020 election. Reasonable concerns and documented witnesses deserve a good-faith investigation and examination, not politically motivated prosecution and persecution. What we have experienced since 2020 is perhaps the most diabolical cover-up in American political history. 

While the “Trump Won” movement undoubtedly has been overzealous and—in its patriotic exuberance—perhaps has run with information that has been less than credible at times, history will nevertheless remember them fondly. They were the individuals brave enough to stand up against the odds, defy the ubiquitous information warfare propaganda, and withstand ostracism from friends and family for refusing to let the truth be memory-holed. 

Even though the 2020 presidential election was taken from the people, the stars are aligning for American patriots to avenge what happened in the midterm elections this year and then again in 2024. 

Democrats are growing desperate because they ruined the Trump economy in less than a year. Biden’s approval ratings are nearing all-time historic lows. The experts now admit that COVID-19 lockdown policies saved no one while destroying the economy and causing fundamental social damage, including skyrocketing teen suicide. COVID-19 case totals spiked to new record highs under Biden. Inflation is spiraling out of control. Terrorists are partying it up in Afghanistan. Democrats are pushing prosecutions of their political opponents to deflect from their many failures. They feel their control slipping away. The coming election cycles are shaping up to vindicate the die-hards who refused to be gaslighted under the most daunting of circumstances.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-March 26


Enjoy tonight's Georgia rally! While you're waiting, here's a big dose of important podcasts:

The West Is All Bark, No Bite

The performance of his troops notwithstanding, Putin’s war has become cheaper and is funded by those who directly or indirectly dismantled Western Europe’s hydrocarbon infrastructure.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has revealed a great deal. The West can bark but seems to have lost most of its teeth.

The Western alliance, whatever that means, is strong on talk but feeble in deed.

And, as the Good Book reminds us, “by their deeds you shall know them.”

We have wagged our collective finger at the Russian bear with gusto, threatening her with enforced hibernation as winter turns to spring.

From their high pulpit of righteousness, the leaders of the civilized world decried the invasion at the top of their lungs, announced sanctions in lockstep but imposed them with extreme reluctance. In doing so, they exposed the brittle nature of their own ethical standards.

While our leaders sang all summer long to the soul-breaking and arrhythmic tunes of general wokery, working on the assumption that the international climate would remain clement forevermore, Russia focused on a core concept: Humanity needs raw materials above all else.

By invading Ukraine, Russia changed the seasons. 

Caught uncovered, the West shrunk to the United States and the United Kingdom, with Canada playing, through Justin Trudeau, a slightly embarrassing cameo.

We imposed sanctions. Terrible sanctions, which would cripple Russia for years to come, we warned.

Indeed, 141 countries voted against Russia at the United Nations only a few weeks ago.

Quite rightly, they demanded an end to Russian “aggression against Ukraine” and demanded “the immediate and complete withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukrainian territory.”

However, a very telling 39 countries either abstained or sided with Russia. These included China, India, and Pakistan to name but a few.

Looking at the list, most of the Asian continental landmass, representing close to half of the world’s population, refrained from lambasting their brethren to the north.

Only a couple of weeks ago, China said of Russia that “the friendship between the two peoples is ironclad.”

Wang Yi, the Middle Kingdom’s foreign secretary, added that the Beijing-Moscow axis was “one of the most crucial bilateral relationships in the world.”

We did find the usual reprobates siding with Russia during the U.N. vote,including Belarus, North Korea, and Syria.

In a case as seemingly black and white as the invasion of a sovereign state, however, we should have expected more enthusiasm from the international community of nations.

We haven’t. And that should give us food for thought.

What is perhaps even more striking is that a notable list of countries who voted against Russia at the beginning of the month did so with little enthusiasm.

Saudi Arabia and Israel are two examples worthy of deeper examination.

Closer to home, however, we find Germany and France equivocating.

First, Germany: Sanctions on Russia? Absolutely. So long as they exclude oil, gas, and coal.

So said Olaf Scholz, Germany’s lionized chancellor, and Robert Halbeck, a Green and vice-chancellor.

Under relentless pressure from the millenarian German Green Party, this European manufacturing behemoth dismantled her entire nuclear energy sector over a decade, turned her back on France (her supposed EU “partner”), and ran headlong into Russia’s embrace—for the climate.

Judging them by their actions, the Greens pushed their agenda for the sake of political expediency.

Now there is no hiding behind platitudes. Germany’s need for energy is existential. When the chips came down, she fell squarely on Russia’s side.

To muddy the waters a little, she protested publicly—too much it seems—and voted against her Eastern energy dealer, all the while sending hard currency back Vladimir Putin’s way and directly funding his war machine.

In the real world, deeds matter, not words.

Second, France: Close to 90 percent of the largest blue-chip companies listed on the French stock exchange remain active in Russia. Some, like Leroy Merlin, are even expanding as competitors are leaving the market.

In addition, while Emmanuel Macron reportedly found the time to dress up as a Village People version of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ahead of the forthcoming French presidential election, presumably in support of the beleaguered nation, he saw no contradiction in giving Renault both his and the French government’s blessing to continue operating in Russia.

Further, with over $25 billion of exposure, French banks are among the largest lenders in Russia, data from the Bank of International Settlement show.

France’s position, however, goes beyond keeping her business toe in Russia. She is also seemingly using the crisis to gain market share in the field of agriculture and other raw materials. The country is the political head of the European Union. As such, and against all counsel for reform, France has fought tooth and nail over decades to keep her farming and fishing population subsidized by more credulous members, such as the United Kingdomone of many reasons why the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU in 2016.

The invasion of Ukraine is playing havoc with commodities in which France is a direct competitor, including wheat and food oils.

Russia now controls close to three-quarters of global sunflower oil exports. France is a large grapeseed oil producer.

With one major agricultural competitor under military occupation and facing devastation, Macron is looking across Asia, beyond Russia, to Indonesia and Malaysia, at ways to prevent competing oil products from reaching European shelves.

Indeed, Macron, sitting with France on the rotating seat of the European presidency, is pushing for “climate tariffs on Malaysian palm oil products. France seems to be using an international emergency to consolidate one of her key sectors.

These facts are becoming too obvious to ignore and perhaps too embarrassing to contemplate.

The money markets, as perceptive as ever, are telling us that the sanctimony has been a lukewarm success at best.

While the ruble dropped 80 percent of its value against the dollar between mid-February and the first week of March, the Russian currency bounced back to recover three-quarters of its value from the early March trough.

It still leaves the ruble close to one-third below its mid-February value. That, however, is a boon for Putin. His exports have hitherto been priced in hard currencies while his expenditures are all in one he controls.

The performance of his troops notwithstanding, Putin’s war has become cheaper and is funded by those who directly or indirectly dismantled Western Europe’s hydrocarbon infrastructure, hoping against hope that an alternative would materialize.

And when none was truly available, the dangerous ideologues, who unfortunately clog all the arteries of our decision-making system, decided to plow on regardless and to sacrifice our future and energy security on the altar of their misplaced moral conviction.

Think You Know What A Woman Is?

Think You Know What A Woman Is? 

USA Today Says 'Science' Should Make You Think Again

Chuck Burton

More and more people are catching on every day: the simplest way to explode the entire transgender fantasy that the social media giants are trying to force us to accept is to ask, “What is a woman?” The answer has been obvious to all human beings since the dawn of time, but those who would have us believe that men can be women and women can be men can’t give a biological answer, as that is what they’re trying to subvert, and any other answer they give founders on biology. And so USA Today, trying to shore up Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s disastrous claim not to be able to define what a woman is since she is not a biologist, has proclaimed in a Thursday article that according to the Left’s great god, “Science,” there is “no simple answer” to the question of what is a woman.

Predictably, the article is a big load of hooey, or as Leftists like to call it (and indeed, as it is called in this very USA Today article), “nuance.” One of the representatives of “Science” who is quoted is Rebecca Jordan-Young, who is identified as “a scientist and gender studies scholar at Barnard College.” When you’re getting hooey straight from Barnard College, you know it’s the finest stuff available: the Left’s latest pet idea, all neatly wrapped up with a patina of intellectual respectability, the appearance of dispassionate thought, and the dismissal of the obvious with the claim that the reality is far more complicated than the simple-minded layman can understand.

Rebecca Jordan-Young knows more than you do: she knows that the simple and obvious biological answer is the wrong one: “Jordan-Young said she sees Jackson’s answer, particularly the second half, reflecting the necessity of nuance. While traditional notions of sex and gender suggest a simple binary –  if you are born with a penis, you are male and identify as a man and if you are born with a vagina, you are female and identify as a woman –  the reality, gender experts say, is more complex. ‘There isn’t one single ‘biological’ answer to the definition of a woman. There’s not even a singular biological answer to the question of ‘what is a female,’ Jordan-Young said.”

Actually, there was a single biological answer to the definition of a woman, and a singular biological answer to the question of what is a female, until it became fashionable on the Left to pretend that those answers were not clear, or were changeable. Those answers are still there for anyone who wants them, but USA Today, as a reliable organ of the Leftist establishment, is doing its best to obscure them and thereby prop up two of the Left’s sagging narratives: first, that Ketanji Brown Jackson is qualified to be a justice of the Supreme Court, and second, that gender is fluid and subject to change at will.

This USA Today piece is actually just one example of what the Left does to us all the time. Biden’s war on the domestic oil industry didn’t cause gas prices to skyrocket; these are “Putin’s price hikes.” There is no crisis at the border. The economy is booming, and job numbers are increasing. You can file these claims and others with “war is peace,” “freedom is slavery,” and “ignorance is strength,” the three Big Lies that the totalitarian regime in Orwell’s 1984 forced upon its people.

As Daniel Greenfield has pointed out1984 also features Obrien, the sinister government torturer, forcing Winston Smith, who has been imprisoned after beginning to think for himself and question the official lies, to affirm that 2 + 2 equals 5 if the government declares it so. This could, however, never happen in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Here, if you dare to think that men are men and women are women, and that this is an immutable biological fact such that one can never become the other, you won’t get tortured. All that will happen is that you’ll be banned from Twitter and declared “transphobic” and probably “racist” for good measure (just because everything is racist nowadays), and shunned in all polite company. You may lose your job. You may be held up for public ridicule. But we do not live in a totalitarian state! You will not be tortured!

USA Today is playing the role of Obrien, demanding that we Winston Smiths break with reality and agree that 2 + 2 equals 5. We must hold firm, our eyes clear, seeing what is and what isn’t, no matter what they threaten us with.

Judge Jackson: A Big Win for the Radical Left

Judge Jackson: A Big Win for the Radical Left

What a Senate confirmation for Supreme Court Justice will mean.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden’s pick to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court, spent two days during her Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing ducking questions posed by Senate Republican members of the committee. The Republicans were not probing into Judge Jackson’s personal life, as Democratic senators had done so disgracefully in trying to take down Justices Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh during their confirmation circuses. The Republican members of the Judiciary Committee asked Judge Jackson questions relevant to where she would be coming from as a Supreme Court justice.

The fact that Judge Jackson is the first black woman nominated for a seat on the Supreme Court does not immunize her from being asked tough questions about her judicial record and the cases she worked on as a defense attorney. Yet Senators Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and other Republican members of the Judiciary Committee were labeled racists for doing just that.

Republicans asked perfectly legitimate questions to better understand Judge Jackson’s judicial philosophy, the rationale behind the lenient criminal sentences she handed down as a federal district court judge, and her work as a defense attorney for Guantanamo Bay detainees. They also wanted to hear Judge Jackson’s views on a key issue that affects the institutional legitimacy of the Supreme Court – progressive proposals to pack the Court.

Judge Jackson refused several times to provide her views on court packing. Whether to increase the number of Supreme Court justices from the present nine members is a policy question, as Judge Jackson said. However, packing the Court at the whim of the partisan majority du jour is also a question that goes to the heart of preserving the legitimacy of the Supreme Court as an independent judiciary. Even the liberals Justice Breyer, for whom Judge Jackson clerked, and Justice Ginsberg said that increasing the number of justices was a bad idea, an opinion they expressed while they were serving on the Supreme Court.

Judge Jackson did not want to offend her progressive left supporters by going on record opposing one of the progressive left’s key agenda items.

Judge Jackson also did not want to alienate her transgender activist supporters by answering Senator Marsha Blackburn’s question on whether she could define the word “woman.” The judge did not want to touch that hot potato.

“I can’t,” Jackson replied. “You can’t?” Senator Blackburn asked. “Not in this context. I’m not a biologist,” Judge Jackson said.

At least, Judge Jackson was willing to acknowledge that there is a possible biological component in defining what constitutes a “woman.”  But as Senator Blackburn later tweeted, “It’s a major red flag that a Supreme Court nominee backed by the far-left refuses to define the word ‘woman.’”

Judge Jackson tried to portray herself as approaching the cases she decides with “impartiality” and by “staying in my lane.” Judge Jackson even sounded like the late Justice Antonin Scalia when she said at one point that her decisional methodology requires her to examine the text of the Constitution and of statutes as written. She claimed that it’s “appropriate to look at the original intent, the original public meaning of the words when one is trying to assess” cases. But Judge Jackson’s judicial record belies her words. She is the poster child for judicial activism - legislating from the bench.

For example, Judge Jackson ignored Congress’s plain words granting the Homeland Security Secretary with “sole and unreviewable discretion” to expeditiously deport illegal immigrants who were in the United States for less than two years. She decided that the Trump administration had acted arbitrarily with “no evident consideration of the considerable downsides of adopting a policy that, in many respects, could significantly impact people’s everyday lives in many substantial, tangible, and foreseeable ways.”  

Judge Jackson stepped way out of her judicial lane. She substituted her policy preference for the clear policy decision of Congress. Judge Jackson felt that it was important for the Homeland Security Secretary to take into account the impact of potential deportations on the everyday lives of the affected illegal immigrants. But that was not what Congress decided. It had vested sole and unreviewable authority for certain expedited removals of illegal immigrants with an executive branch agency.

Judge Jackson brushed aside the applicable statutory language. She then extended the reach of her judicial activism far beyond her own district court’s jurisdiction by issuing a nationwide injunction against enforcing the Trump administration’s “expedited removal” procedure.

Judge Jackson bowed to the wishes of the progressive plaintiffs that included the American Civil Liberties Union. Her ruling was overruled by a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, including judges appointed by former Presidents Obama and Carter.

Judge Jackson also pleased the ‘soft on criminals’ crowd with her light sentences, especially for child pornographers. In tense exchanges with Senators Cruz, Lindsey, and Hawley, the judge was pressed on why she issued for more lenient sentences for child pornographers than those recommended by the sentencing guidelines or even the case prosecutors.

In one egregious case, a 19-year-old man had pleaded guilty to downloading and trading images and movies of child sexual abuse, including of boys under the age of 13. The prosecutor recommended a sentence of two years. The probation officer recommended 18 months. Judge Jackson decided to sentence the man to only 3 months in prison, followed by supervised release.  

Judge Jackson tried to explain away her failure to follow Congress’s clear policy choice to have judges impose harsher sentences for child pornographers based on the number of images found in the possession of a defendant. She said that Congress’s legislative policy on enhanced sentences was outdated in the age of the Internet. The Internet, she declared, had made it much easier for individuals to amass vast troves of child pornography images than in the days when snail mail was the main channel for distributing and receiving such images.

Judge Jackson expressed concern that defendants caught with thousands of child pornography images on their computers could be subject to harsher sentences based on their online possession of large numbers of images. “You can be doing this for 15 minutes, and all of a sudden you are looking at 30, 40, 50 years in prison,” Judge Jackson said. “Good, absolutely good,” Senator Lindsey replied.

In any event, once again Judge Jackson stepped way out of her judicial lane. If Congress’s law dealing with enhanced sentencing for individuals caught with large numbers of child pornography images is outdated in the computer and Internet era, it is up to Congress – not a judicial activist like Judge Jackson – to change the law.

It’s worth noting that Justice Breyer, who Judge Jackson would be replacing, has sometimes been relatively tough on criminal justice matters. He sided at times, for example, with government authorities on search and seizure and sentencing.

If Judge Jackson is confirmed, as expected, leftists will have a far more reliable ally in their fights against law enforcement and incarceration. She foreshadowed during a speech back in 2015 that she thought critical race theory was relevant to sentencing, a perspective she tried to play down during her confirmation hearing.

During her days as a public defender and in private practice, Jackson defended Guantanamo detainees. She explained that it is a "core constitutional value" for even those accused of the most heinous crimes to have legal representation. But Jackson’s defense of the Guantanamo defenders is not the issue. What’s troubling is that Jackson chose to align herself with radical Left opponents of the war on terror in the rhetoric she used in a legal brief challenging the indefinite detention of alleged terrorists deemed enemy combatants.

The brief accused former President George W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld of engaging in acts in their official capacity that "constitute war crimes and/or crimes against humanity" in violation of the Geneva Conventions. That is music to the ears of the far Left.  

Judge Jackson made no major gaffes during her confirmation hearing and appears to be on her way to Senate confirmation. The leftist groups that have supported her nomination such as Demand Justice, MoveOn, Indivisible, Justice Democrats, and Demos could not be happier.

Biden Just Stuck His Foot Straight in His Mouth in a Way That Could Set off WWIII

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden arrived in Poland on Friday to meet with the Polish president. While there, he also met with the U.S. military members who are stationed there as part of the NATO defense of Poland. He met with some of the 82nd Airborne. Some of what he said during the visit was very concerning and is likely to excite all kinds of comments. Biden frequently says embarrassing things and it’s bad. But this time, what he said is even worse and could blow back on us big time.

First, let’s deal with what I would term the “normal” bad embarrassing stuff from Biden.

When he was talking about his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, he referred to him as “Secretary of State.”

Um, Joe, they’re not the same position, there is a difference. He’s had trouble with Austin’s name in the past, just calling him “General.”

Then there was the typical Biden exaggeration where he makes his experience more than it is, claiming he’d visited Afghanistan and Iraq more than he had.

He then tells the 82nd Airborne: “Don’t jump.”

It was a tired and weird joke the first 52 times he’s said it. But it’s sort of incumbent upon the 82nd Airborne to “jump” — it’s what they do.

But here’s the bad thing he said that could blow back on us big time and he needs to explain what the heck he is talking about here. He appeared to tell the members of the 82nd Airborne what they could expect when they arrived in Ukraine. What?

“You’re going to see when you’re there — some of you have been there — you’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle, in the front of a damn tank saying ‘I’m not leaving,'” Biden declared.

So they’re going to Ukraine and some have already been there? Or where else is he talking where they would be sent with people standing in front of tanks? Big problem. Biden has previously said he would not be sending any troops to Ukraine because it could set off World War III.

Andrew Feinberg of the Independent caught Biden’s comments and asked the White House what was going on. He didn’t include the “some of you have already been there” comment that the video captures.

The White House tried to clean it up, claiming he had been clear that we were not sending troops.

Then why did he say what he said? Biden is anything but clear. He’s just a mess. And what is he talking about with the “Some of you have already been there” comment? Did Joe reveal something he shouldn’t have? Or is he just being a mess yet again? He had loose lips yesterday when he leaked he would be visiting Ukrainian refugees at the border and someplace else. That endangers his safety

Now you know Russia is going to interpret his comments as us having troops in Ukraine and that’s not a good thing if you’re trying not to kick off World War III. So once again, Joe has stuck his foot in it big time but in an extremely dangerous way.