Friday, March 11, 2022

Tucker Carlson Outlines Biden Strategy to Blame Russia for Outcomes of White House Economic Policy

Tucker Carlson used his monologue tonight to give a big picture review of how the white house is using the Ukraine-Russia conflict to hide the economic outcomes created by their policy.

Massive inflation on basic necessities, combined with rising gas, fuel and energy costs are crippling the working-class.  The White House is now using the Russia-Ukraine conflict as an excuse to hide their responsibility.   It’s an accurate outline. WATCH:

Klaus Schwab’s Tower of Babel

The European Union and Davos-style globalism is saturating the globe on all continents. It pretends to make the world a better place. It does no such thing.

The Tower of Babel was real. The structure, reaching far into the skies, was built in the land of Shinar, in ancient Babylon. It was constructed some years after the Deluge, or what is commonly called Noah’s flood.

Globalists in the European projectespecially at Davos, in Switzerland, and in the U.S. Democratic Partyhave been building their own modern-day tower for many decades. Their punishment of Europe has been Biblical in scale, and now they want to expand it worldwide. Joe Biden and his advisors are fully on board with the project of bringing it full-scale to America.

Today that Tower of Babel is the World Economic Forum, the European Union, and other globalist organizations. Tomorrow, it will expand and include one-world government, currency, and media.

The original tower broke God’s covenant and his commandmentsunifying people in sin. Similarly, Davos’ Babel is rapidly becoming the gate through which Hell itself spills onto the continent and spreads its tentacles to places like Canada, Australia, and even the United States.

This warning has been ignored by the Eurocrats in Brussels and Strasbourgthey speak of building a European empire, with sons and daughters drafted into a European Army going off to die for the socialist Chancellor of Germany. Klaus Schwab, in Kungian fashion, preaches a “global ethic” that does away with diverse faith traditions handed down over the centuries. In America, Biden sacrifices our hard-won sovereignty in everything he touchesfrom healthcare to homeland security to green new deals. 

In truth, such actions represent the sinful pride of mankind and an act of ultimate hubris—wanting to reach the heavens—where persons in the elite cadre could become like gods themselves.

Historically, Babel has been explained as an attempt to comprehend the existence of so many diverse languagesan allegorical myth.

To prevent the wrath of God, Davosians, like Americans, must keep faith in the system the Lord gave them. The sacred canopy and laws of an ordered universe were not meant to be sacrificed for some socialist, earthly one-world political goal.

Towering over the nations of Europe, Brussels promotes nothing like a healthy culture. The elites of Davos favor instead a universalist anti-culture, a sinful attempt to standardize every nation into sameness and socialism. They seek to reset the present system with a trans-human ideology of an expert illuminati, headed by a Dr. Evil-like character, one Klaus Schwab.

And who is this Schwab character?

He is the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum. Schwab was born in Ravensberg, Germany in 1938 and before migrating to become Swiss neutrals, his family was involved with the Nazis and young Schwab was a member of the Nazi Youth. Schwab’s economic forum on management started in 1971 and was transformed into an international foundation with global ambitions over the decades. There is no transparency so there is no record of its doings, budget, or tentacles. With Schwab as its dictatorial, maniacal leader, the organization has become the hub of all globalism, elite domination, and what is termed, the “Great Reset.” 

The Flemish master Pieter Brueghel’s influential portrayal of the scene at Babel was based on the Colosseum in Rome, while later conical depictions of the tower (as depicted in Doré’s illustration) resemble much later Muslim towers observed by 19th-century explorers, notably the Minaret of Samarra.

The Law of Europewhimsical, unenforceable, and ill-advisedis no substitute for Holy Writ. Nor are the tyrannical mandates in Canada and the feeble attempts by the Biden Administration to reign in the citizens of America. Davos’ edicts of wokeism, green nonsense, and one-world globalism have no basis in reality and cannot be allowed to come to fruition. (The composer Anton Rubinstein wrote a powerful opera based on the very same story, called “Der Thurm zu Babel.”)

It was on account of this sin, the same as that in the original Garden of Eden, that God divided humans and made them speak foreign tongues, whereby they could not understand each other, they could no longer communicate and conspire to set themselves up over Him.

Conservative political philosopher Michael Oakeshott surveyed at great length historic variations of the Tower of Babel story in different cultures and produced a modern retelling of his own in his important 1983 book, On History.  

In his retelling, Oakeshott expressed disdain for human willingness to sacrifice individuality, culture, and quality of life for what he called, “grand collective projects.”

He attributed this behavior to a fascination with novelty, persistent dissatisfaction, greed, and lack of self-reflection and self-governance.

Oakeshott, of course, was prescient and entirely correct.

Today, the new Tower of Babel is the EU and all of its related Davos globalism. It is saturating the globe on all continents. It pretends to make the world a better place. It does no such thing.

This is the prevailing ideology of global elites and the institutions and machinery they deploy to make themselves gods—to maintain control over humanity.

Setting aside all tradition, all past custom, often rewriting history, and most notably, eradicating the nation-state and religions, these globalists and the crony capitalists and socialists who fund them and all their doings, seek one thing: the power to control.

Zbigniew Brzeziński, a Davosian if ever there was one, former national security advisor to President Carterput it in his own book, Between Two Ages, America’s Role in the Technotronic Era: “The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen.”

Reread that and you have the doctrine of globalism in a few short sentences. 

Here is the same edict in the recent words of the real Wizard of Oz, Klaus Schwab, “I believe that, if managed well, the Fourth Industrial Revolution can bring a new cultural renaissance, which will make us feel part of something much larger than ourselves: a true global civilization.” 

Hating the common man and woman, while elevating their own self-righteousness and power, the global elite at places from Davos to Bilderberg and from the UN to the EU, and especially in the mainstream media and the deep state, want to end life as we know it—in the “little platoons” as Burke called them.

As shown above, they abhor freedom, family, and especially faith.

They want one huge psychobabble and one world government controlled by them and their unelected pawns in the administrative state. 

The conservative worldview is founded in the dignity of persons, subsidiarity of institutions, and their flourishing in freedom, while globalism entails a worldview of domination.

This new order of globalism would be neither democratic nor representative; it would be what Oakeshott himself termed an “enterprise” association—a unitary Leviathan.

It bears mentioning that Leviathan, a mythical sea-monster whose defeat precedes civilization, is syncretic with Ouroboros, the snake that ate its own tailwhich fits the bureaucratic state perfectly.

Like the Tower of Babel, today’s acts of global arrogance run contrary to the very nature and metaphysical definition of man. Defeating it will allow the flourishing of sovereign nations again and the restoration of religious practice, family life, and meaningful existence. 

It sounds lofty, even perhaps sometimes falsely ideal to bring people together and facilitate some far-reaching, new, so-called do-good international order. Often couched as “social justice,” globalism in fact provides no justice at all.

It is always attempting to bring heaven to earth, an impossible feat. Immanentizing the eschaton always ends in human suffering and death.

Never learning, it is the same sin over and over again.

Nimrod’s tower fell, as did Alexander’s, Cyrus’, Attila’s, Napoleon’s, Hitler’s, Stalin’s, and Mao’s.

They all fall.

The EU is next. Davos will inevitably follow.


Because such global geopolitical projects, even when buttressed with so-called “noble” reasons, are utter and sheer vanities.

They are not noble at all.

So too, Schwabian globalism itself must and will inevitably fall.

X22, And we Know, and more-March 11


Evening. Here's tonight's news: 

Link to my big NCIS LA article from this morning:

Was the U.S. Making Biological Weapons in Ukraine?

Ukraine may be a place where Western governments outsourced other activities that were too dangerous or too illegal to conduct at home.

For a long time, Western companies have conducted much of their “dirty work” in other countries. Places like Mexico, Nigeria, and China have been popular because they are comparatively lax on worker safety, environmental protection, and transparency. Older readers may recall how Shell’s oil exploration in Nigeria and the conditions of the maquiladoras in Juarez used to be a common complaint of leftist activists, but you don’t hear much about “sweatshops” anymore. 

Private companies know that the United States and Western Europe have strict laws and minimal corruption; it could destroy a company’s reputation and financials if it were to do the things at home that it does rather freely abroad. By contrast, when something is really important or really sensitive, it only makes sense to do it at home, where it can be done right and to the highest standards. 

This is what makes the Russian and Chinese allegations about U.S. biological weapons facilities in Ukraine so peculiar. At first, it all sounded like internet “schizo posting.” It seemed highly unlikely that significant American resources would be devoted to such research, particularly in unstable Ukraine. On the flip side, the military and the CIA have conducted some of their dirty work overseas, including the controversial “black sites” and “renditioning” programs during the War on Terror. 

While I do not know exactly what happened, I do know a liar when I see one, and U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland manifested the telltale signs of deception at a Senate hearing on Tuesday. When asked by Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) if Ukraine has “chemical or biological weapons,” Nuland never answered yes or no, but instead, speaking slowly and uncomfortably, said that Ukraine merely has “biological research facilities.” This appeared to rattle Rubio, who had to move fast to blame any potential problems with these labs, including any release of their contents, on the Russians. Off the hook for her earlier admission, Nuland enthusiastically agreed. 

There is a huge contradiction of saying, on the one hand, that these are just harmless research labs, and, at the same time, if Russian forces somehow released the contents of these labs it would be a major disaster.

Why in the world is the Department of Defense operating biological labs in Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter? Presumably, the Pentagon’s only interest in this subject is to make weapons or weapon countermeasures. It may well be the latter, as these programs are long-standing. The U.S. government even funded former Soviet labs in Russia in order to secure potentially dangerous source materials. But the publicly stated fear of these labs’ takeover makes the benign explanation less believable. 

We know that anthrax and smallpox and other pathogens can do a lot of harm, either on purpose or incidentally, and probably should be subject to the highest standards. Even if everything is on the up and up, why take the risk of conducting such research in Ukraine? And, if it is too risky to do within our borders, why allow it in other countries with even less rigor when it comes to safety? 

Consider the provenance of COVID-19, which wreaked havoc on the entire world. It almost certainly came from a lab leak in Wuhan, China, with the lab in question being funded by none other than Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health, through the intermediary company, EcoHealth Alliance. These facts were suppressed as COVID emerged; instead, we were given lurid stories about wet markets, with alternatives dismissed as “disinformation” through highly coordinated messaging by public health officials, social media executives, and the mainstream media. A similar campaign is underway to dismiss any questions about the labs in Ukraine.

The 20 or so Pentagon-funded labs in Ukraine are stranger than the Wuhan “gain of function” research. For starters, biological weapons have been banned since 1975. We don’t have them, and we don’t use them . . . at least we are not supposed to

Second, even before the war broke out, Ukraine was a poorly governed country, whose culture included the arrest of opposition figures, political murders, and massive theft by individuals across the political spectrum. As Hunter Biden has demonstrated, money sloshing around Ukraine can splash on American companies, the children of American politicians, grifters of all kinds, and benefit essentially everyone but the Ukrainian people themselves. None of this is consistent with safety for sensitive biological research.

Even if Ukraine has great potential, the United States was funding this potentially dangerous research while Ukraine was burdened by all the aforementioned aspects of its post-Soviet life, plus a hot war with separatists in its East. I should think a similar facility would not be opened in Iraq or Libya, but anything is possible when the government is involved. 

Finally, when Joe Biden was saying for months that Russia would invade Ukraine and possibly use a false flag, why did no one think to shut down and evacuate these labs if they’re filled with such dangerous materials? While the Ukrainians may have been restrained by pride and wishful thinking about a Russian invasion, why did no one in the Pentagon or State Department make this priority known? These are, after all, considered to be weapons of mass destruction. 

If you search for “biological threat reduction programs” the first thing that comes up is a link to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. Not only is this odd, but the links to the various documents describing the funding projects for a dozen or more Ukrainian labs are now dead, although an intrepid Bulgarian weapons researcher has made some of these documents available

The same playbook of crying “conspiracy theories” and “disinformation” used to suppress difficult questions about the origins of COVID is now being used to defend Pentagon biological research activities in Ukraine. True congressional and media oversight would ask, how much money went to these labs? For what purpose did the Department of Defense fund this research? Why did this all take place in Ukraine of all places? Who is supervising these programs to ensure safety and financial accountability?

While there are many pressing issues at the moment—high gas prices, high crime, and serious risks to our national security—it is also relevant what the United States may have done to endanger the people in the region and potentially the entire world. As with political opposition research, Ukraine may be a place where Western governments outsourced other activities that were too dangerous or too illegal to conduct at home. 

Tchaikovsky Is Canceled

Tchaikovsky Is Canceled

The Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra scrubbed the famed composer from an upcoming program, calling his music "inappropriate at this time."


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(Illustration: Lex Villena; Wikimedia Commons)

In light of Russia's invasion into Ukraine, many westerners are understandably doing their level best to distance themselves from President Vladimir Putin and those loyal to him. But some of those gestures look increasingly like performance art.

The latest utterly pointless sanction is the Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra's announcement that it would remove music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the Russian composer, from its all-Tchaikovsky concert, calling it "inappropriate at this time." In the last week, conductor Valery Gergiev and superstar soprano Anna Netrebko have also lost engagements and artistic affiliations due to their cozy ties to the Russian president.

Nationality and prodigious talent aside, Tchaikovsky shares little else with Gergiev and Netrebko. The latter two are alive and beneficiaries of an autocrat's favoritism; Tchaikovsky died over a century ago.

The composer is an inappropriate scapegoat for another reason: He was one of the first and only Russian composers to eschew Russian nationalism and endear his music to the West, becoming what many historians would consider one of the few bridges between Russian and European artistry.

He also loved Ukraine.

There was plenty of political and public pressure to take the opposite route. Tchaikovsky's primary contemporaries were a group of Russian composers nicknamed "The Five"—Mily Balakirev, César Cui, Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, and Alexander Borodin—who dedicated their musical lives to constructing a distinctly Russian-nationalist style. Tchaikovsky was the odd composer out. Having been educated at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory, where Western European influences were heavy, he inserted themes from Russian folk tunes but imbued his music with the operatic and balletic lyricism more characteristic to the works of his neighbors.

Perhaps more importantly, his disposition for an international musical style informed the ways in which he shared it with the world. In an era when many Russian composers siloed themselves off from the globe, Tchaikovsky sought to be a part of it; during a three-month tour in 1888, he became the first Russian composer to personally unveil his music to Western Europe. It was on that trip that he met Brahms, the German composer, whose music he disliked and whose popularity he chalked up to a nationalistic sort of fan-girling. Their exchange is an instructive window into how Tchaikovsky wanted his music to be received. It couldn't stand on identity. It just needed to be good.

That left him on the outskirts—an allegory for his life, in some sense, which was marred with depressive episodes as well as inner torment over his homosexuality (the latter of which, I'll add, would not make him very popular in Putin's Russia). At odds with some of the nationalist cultural elite, he gave the premiere of his opera Eugene Onegin to a group of students as opposed to a grand Russian theater. And when Rimsky-Korsakov of "the Five" had an about-face and took a job at the Western-influenced Saint Petersburg Conservatory—seen in some corners as a betrayal of sorts—it was Tchaikovsky who supported him.

Those who agree with the Cardiff Philharmonic's decision to deprogram Tchaikovsky may note that one of the selections on the program was his 1812 Overture, a 15-minute piece celebrating the defeat of Napolean Bonaparte's attempted Russian invasion. The piece is inappropriate given the circumstances, the thinking goes. Such comparisons fall a bit flat when looking at the historical context: The piece does not commemorate Russia as the aggressor but rather as a country successfully fending off a foreign invader; as such, it has been embraced by the West and is familiar to many American audiences during 4th of July celebrations. There are lessons to be learned there.

Even still, the objection hardly necessitates scrubbing Tchaikovsky in his entirety solely because of where he was born. That's especially true in light of what was supposed to be the program's main course: his Symphony No. 2, which, in a sort of cosmic irony, is built around…three Ukrainian folk songs.

For those familiar with Tchaikovsky, that likely won't come as a shock. The composer spent several months a year in Ukraine and had close family ties to the region; his paternal grandfather was born there. "I found the peace of mind here that I had unsuccessfully sought in Moscow and Petersburg," he once wrote, ever the outsider.

Even in death, it appears Tchaikovsky will continue to play that part, the anti-nationalist again ostracized—this time by the people who purport to agree with the core of what he stood for. In a time where some are unable to differentiate between supporting Putin and being Russian, when theaters and embassies are vandalized and defaced solely because of their flag, it's not necessarily a surprise. But that doesn't make it less of a shame.

White House Talking Points Burn After Latest Eye-Watering Inflation Numbers

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

On Wednesday, the White House’s Jen Psaki trotted out a new talking point to try to obfuscate from the crushing inflation hitting Americans. In doing so, she asserted that inflationary measures were actually going down, which would be news to those still paying exorbitant prices for groceries and gas, among many other common consumer items.

What the press secretary was doing was a too-clever-by-half sleight of hand. Yes, the rate of growth in inflation from month to month had somehow slowed (specifically last December and January), though it’s still far higher than normal levels. But as I noted in my counter to her comments, the overall inflation rate continues to skyrocket.

And skyrocket it did for the month of February. The new inflation numbers have been released, and they clock in at an eye-watering 7.9 percent. That’s good for a 40-year-high and a new record for the Biden administration.

What does that number look like translated to the goods that Americans buy the most? It looks like an absolute house of horrors. In fact, that 7.9% number is incredibly misleading.

I don’t know about you, but I buy a lot of meat, gasoline, and utilities, and I’d guess so do most other Americans. That means the real inflation rate, as in what price hikes impact people the most, is somewhere closer to 20-30 percent.  What an absolute disaster.

These numbers also put to bed Psaki’s new spin. The month-to-month inflation rate rose to 0.8 percent from 0.6 percent January to February. In other words, no, the rate of growth is not going down, and any attempt to assert that is disinformation.

As to the Biden administration, they are going to solve this problem by shoving through another $1.5 trillion spending bill in the next few days. So get ready for the inflationary measures to spike even higher. There is no end in sight because our leaders won’t allow there to be an end in sight.

War In Ukraine Is The WEF’s Doorway To Global Technocracy

War In Ukraine Is The WEF’s Doorway To Global Technocracy

Don’t be fooled by the deluge of propaganda stating the war is between Russia and Ukraine. Rather, it is a war between Technocracy and the rest of the world. As the nation state model of government dissolves, it will be replaced by leaders of the corporate world, central bank oligarchs and private financial institutions.

During the breakdown of the global supply chain, the financial and currency systems will also break down, allowing central banks emergency powers to replace currencies with a system of digital currencies. Digital currencies require digital identity. Digital identity will enable Universal Basic Income and rationing of all necessities of life. Governments will bow, Technocracy will take over and the Great Reset will be complete.

Also don’t be fooled by any humanitarian concern among any circles of global technocrats. The lives of millions will be snuffed out as necessary casualties to drive home their campaign of global conquest. ⁃ TN Editor

Welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: war.

While the pandemic acclimatised the world to lockdowns, normalised the acceptance of experimental medications, precipitated the greatest transfer of wealth to corporations by decimating SMEs and adjusted the muscle memory of workforce operations in preparation for a cybernetic future, an additional vector was required to accelerate the economic collapse before nations can ‘Build Back Better.’

I present below several ways in which the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the next catalyst for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, facilitated by an interconnected web of global stakeholders and a diffuse network of public-private partnerships.

1. The war between Russia and Ukraine is already causing unprecedented disruption to global supply chains, exacerbating fuel shortages and inducing chronic levels of inflation.

As geopolitical tensions morph into a protracted conflict between NATO and the Sino-Russia axis, a second contraction may plunge the economy into stagflation.

In the years ahead, the combination of subpar growth and runaway inflation will force a global economic underclass into micro-work contracts and low-wage jobs in an emerging gig economy.

Another recession will compound global resource thirst, narrow the scope for self-sufficiency and significantly increase dependence on government subsidies.

With the immiseration of a significant portion of the world’s labour force looming on the horizon, this may well be a prelude to the introduction of a Universal Basic Income, leading to a highly stratified neo-feudal order.

Therefore, the World Economic Forum’s ominous prediction that we will ‘own nothing and be happy’ by 2030 seems to be unfolding with horrifying rapidity.

2. The war’s economic fallout will lead to a dramatic downsizing of the global workforce.

The architects of the Great Reset have anticipated this trend for a number of years and will exploit this economic turbulence by propelling the role of disruptive technologies to meet global challenges and fundamentally alter traditional business patterns to keep pace with rapid changes in technology.

Like the pandemic, disaster preparedness in the age of conflict will rest significantly on the willingness to embrace specific technological innovations in the public and private spheres so that future generations can supply the labour demands of the Great Reset.

A recurring theme in Klaus Schwab’s Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is that groundbreaking technological and scientific innovations will no longer be relegated to the physical world around us but become extensions of ourselves.

He emphasises the primacy of emerging technologies in a next generation workforce and highlights the urgency to push ahead with plans to digitise several aspects of the global labour force through scalable technology based solutions.

Those spearheading the Great Reset seek to manage geopolitical risk by creating new markets which revolve around digital innovations, e-strategies, telepresence labour, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies.

The breakneck speed in which AI technologies are being deployed suggest that the optimization of such technologies will initially bear on traditional industries and professions which offer a safety net for hundreds of millions of workers, such as farming, retail, catering, manufacturing and the courier industries.

However, automation in the form of robots, smart software and machine learning will not be limited to jobs which are routine, repetitive and predictable.

AI systems are on the verge of wholesale automation of various white collar jobs, particularly in areas which involve information processing and pattern recognition such as accounting, HR and middle management positions.

Although anticipating future employment trends is no easy task, it’s safe to say that the combined threat of pandemics and wars means the labour force is on the brink of an unprecedented reshuffle with technology reshaping logistics, potentially threatening hundreds of millions of blue and white collar jobs, resulting in the greatest and fastest displacement of jobs in history and foreshadowing a labour market shift which was previously inconceivable.

While it has long been anticipated that the increased use of technology in the private sector would result in massive job losses, pandemic lockdowns and the coming disruption caused by a war will speed up this process, and many companies will be left with no other option but to lay off staff and replace them with creative technological solutions merely for the survival of their businesses.

In other words, many of the jobs which will be lost in the years ahead were already moving towards redundancy and are unlikely to be recovered once the dust is settled.

3. The war has significantly reduced Europe’s reliance on the Russian energy sector and reinforced the centrality of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ‘net zero‘ emissions which lies at the heart of the Great Reset.

Policymakers marching lockstep with the Great Reset have capitalised on the tough sanctions against Russia by accelerating the shift towards ‘green’ energy and reiterating the importance of decarbonisation as part of the ‘fight against climate change’.

However, it would be very short-sighted to assume that the Great Reset is ultimately geared towards the equitable distribution of ‘green’ hydrogen and carbon-neutral synthetic fuels replacing petrol & diesel.

While UN SDGs are crucial to post-pandemic recovery, more importantly, they are fundamental to the makeover of shareholder capitalism which is now being vaunted by the Davos elites as ‘stakeholder capitalism’.

In economic terms, this refers to a system where governments are no longer the final arbiters of state policies as unelected private corporations become the de facto trustees of society, taking on the direct responsibility to address the world’s social, economic and environmental challenges through macroeconomic cooperation and a multi-stakeholder model of global governance.

Under such an economic construct, asset holding conglomerates can redirect the flow of global capital by aligning investments with the UN’s SDGs and configuring them as Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) compliant so that new international markets can be built on the disaster and misery of potentially hundreds of millions of people reeling from the economic collapse caused by war.

Therefore, the war offers a huge impetus for the governments pushing the reset to actively pursue energy independence, shape markets towards ‘green and inclusive growth’ and eventually move populations towards a cap-and-trade system, otherwise known as a carbon credit economy.

This will centralise power in the hands of stakeholder capitalists under the benevolent guise of reinventing capitalism through fairer and greener means, using deceptive slogans like ‘Build Back Better’ without sacrificing the perpetual growth imperative of capitalism.

4. Food shortages created by the war will offer a major boon to the synthetic biology industry as the convergence of digital technologies with materials science and biology will radically transform the agricultural sector and encourage the adoption of plant-based and lab-grown alternatives on a global scale.

Russia and Ukraine are both bread baskets of the world and critical shortages in grains, fertilisers, vegetable oils and essential foodstuffs will catapult the importance of biotechnology to food security and sustainability and give birth to several imitation meat start-ups similar to ‘Impossible Foods’ which was co-funded by Bill Gates.

One can therefore expect more government regulation to usher a dramatic overhaul to industrial food production and cultivation, ultimately benefiting agribusiness and biotech investors, since food systems will be redesigned through emerging technologies to grow ‘sustainable’ proteins and CRISPR gene-edited patented crops.

5. Russia’s exclusion from SWIFT (The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) foreshadows an economic reset which will generate precisely the kind of blowback necessary for corralling large swathes of the global population into a technocratic control grid.

As several economists have opined, weaponizing SWIFT, CHIPS (The Clearing House Interbank Payments System) and the US Dollar against Russia will only spur geopolitical rivals like China to accelerate the process of de-dollarisation.

The main benefactor of economic sanctions against Russia appears to be China which can reshape the Eurasian market by encouraging member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and BRICS to bypass the SWIFT ecosystem and settle cross-border international payments in the Digital Yuan.

While the demand for cryptocurrencies will see a massive spike, this is likely to encourage many governments to increasingly regulate the sector through public blockchains and enforce a multilateral ban on decentralised cryptocurrencies.

The shift to crypto could be the dress rehearsal to eventually expedite plans for programmable money overseen by a federal regulator, leading to the greater accretion of power in the hands of a powerful global technocracy and thus sealing our enslavement to financial institutions.

I believe this war will bring currencies to parity, therefore heralding a new Bretton Woods moment which promises to transform the operation of international banking and macroeconomic cooperation through the future adoption of central bank digital currencies.

6. This war marks a major inflection point in the globalist aspiration for a new international rules based order anchored in Eurasia.

As the ‘father of geopolitics’ Halford Mackinder opined over a century ago, the rise of every global hegemon in the past 500 years has been possible because of dominance over Eurasia. Similarly, their decline has been associated with losing control over that pivotal landmass.

This causal connection between geography and power has not gone unnoticed by the global network of stakeholders representing the WEF, many of whom have anticipated the transition to a multipolar era and return to great power competition amid America’s receding political and economic influence and a pressing need for what technocrats call smart globalisation.

While America tries desperately to cling to its superpower status, China’s economic ascent and Russia’s regional ambitions threaten to upend the strategic axial points of Eurasia (Western Europe and Asia Pacific).

The region in which America previously enjoyed uncontested hegemony is no longer impervious to cracks and we may be witnessing a changing of the guard which dramatically alters the calculus of global force projection.

Although China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has the potential to unify the world-island (Asia, Africa and Europe) and cause a tectonic shift in the locus of global power, the recent invasion of Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences for China-Europe rail freight.

The Ukrainian President Zelensky claimed that Ukraine could function as the BRI’s gateway to Europe. Therefore, we cannot ignore China’s huge stake in the recent tensions over Ukraine, nor can we ignore NATO’s underlying ambition to check China’s rise in the region by limiting the sale of Ukrainian assets to China and doing everything in its capacity to thwart The Modern Silk Road.

As sanctions push Russia towards consolidating bilateral ties with China and fully integrating with the BRI, a Pan-Eurasian trading bloc may be the realignment which forces a shared governance of the global commons and a reset to the age of US exceptionalism.

7. With speculation mounting over the war’s long term impact on bilateral trade flows between China and Europe, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will catapult Israel – a leading advocate of the Great Reset – to even greater international prominence.

Israel is a highly attractive BRI market for China and the CCP is acutely aware of Israel’s importance as a strategic outpost connecting the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea through the Gulf of Suez.

Furthermore, the Chinese government has for many years acknowledged the primacy of Israel as a global technology hub and capitalised on Israel’s innovation capabilities to help meet its own strategic challenges.

Therefore, Naftali Bennet’s mediation between Moscow and Kiev is likely to factor the instrumental role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in expanding both China and Israel’s regional and global strategic footprint.

Israel’s status as among the leading tech hubs of the future and gateway connecting Europe and the Middle East is inextricably tied to the web of physical infrastructures, such as roads, railways, ports and energy pipelines which China has been building over the past decade.

Already a powerhouse in auto-technologies, robotics and cybersecurity, Israel aspires to be the central nation in the millennial Kingdom and the country’s tech startups are predicted to play a key role in the fourth industrial revolution.

Strengthening its evolving relationship with China amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis could help propel Israel into a regional hegemon par excellence with a large share of centralised economic and technological power converging in Jerusalem.

As Israel embarks on efforts to diversify its export markets and investments away from the United States, it begs an important question.

Is Israel in the formative stages of outsourcing its security interests away from the US and hedging its bets on the Sino-Russia axis?

8. It is now common knowledge that Digital IDs are a central plank in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda and are to be streamlined across industries, supply chains and markets as a way of advancing the UN 2030 SDGs and delivering individualised and integrated services in future smart cities.

Many have cottoned on to how such a platform can be used to usher in a global system of technocratic population control and compliance by incorporating humanity into a new corporate value chain where citizens are mined as data commodities for ESG investors and human capital bond markets and assigned a social and climate score based on how well they measure up against the UN SDGs.

This seamless verification of people and connected devices in smart environments can only take place once our biometrics, health records, finances, education transcripts, consumer habits, carbon footprint and the entire sum of human experiences is stored on an interoperable database to determine our conformity with the UN SDGs, thus forcing a monumental change to our social contract.

Vaccine passports were initially touted by public-private partnerships as an entry point for Digital IDs. Now that such a logic has run its course, how might the present geopolitical tensions contribute to scaling what is the key node in a new digital ecosystem?

Ukraine has traditionally been called Europe’s bread basket and alongside Russia, both nations are major global suppliers of staple grains. Therefore, the war has all the makings of a black swan for commodities and inflation.

With an economy teetering on the brink of collapse due to a global supply crunch, I believe the resulting economic tremors will trigger wartime emergencies across the world and the public will be told to brace themselves for rationing.

Once this takes place, the multilateral adoption of Digital IDs which interface with Central Bank Digital Currencies can be touted as the solution to efficiently manage and distribute household rations under an unprecedented state of emergency and exception.

The Bank of England has already floated the prospect of programmable cash which can only be spent on essentials or goods which an employer or government deem sensible.

Once the issuer is granted control over how it is spent by the recipient, it will become nigh impossible to function adequately without a Digital ID, which will be required to receive food parcels and obtain a basic means of subsistence. Think UBI (Universal Basic Income).

If food inflation continues on an upward trajectory with no signs of abating, governments may institute price controls in the form of rationing and ration entries could be logged on blockchain ledgers on the Digital ID to track our carbon footprint and consumptive habits during a national emergency.

9. Europe is directly in the line of fire once a hybrid war between NATO and the Sino-Russia axis is underway.

It would be remiss to ignore the clear and present danger posed by a cyber attack on banks and critical infrastructure or even a tentative and tactical nuclear exchange with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

I can’t see how any warring party will not be limited by the doctrine of mutually assured destruction so a thermonuclear fallout is unlikely.

However, the use of remote access technologies to erase system memory from the SWIFT banking apparatus or Cross-Border Interbank Payment System can potentially render much of the international economy non-operational and send the dollar into a tailspin.

If an event of such cataclysmic proportions was to occur, it will undoubtedly lead to increasing demands to overhaul cyber security.

The fallout from such an event could very well establish a new global security protocol according to which citizens must possess a Digital ID as a necessary national security measure.

One can imagine how accessing the internet or public services in the aftermath of a nationwide cyber attack may require citizens to use a Digital ID to authenticate that their online activities and transactions are from a legitimate and non-malicious source.

There are few coincidences in politics.

10. The economic implications of this war will be so disastrous that governments and the public sector will require a significant injection of private capital to address the financing shortfall.

This will effectively render the traditional separation of powers between central banking institutions and governments obsolete, as the former will be positioned to disproportionately influence the fiscal trajectory of nation states, whose sovereignty will be hollowed out by the wholesale capture of governments by the central banks and hedge funds.

Therefore, the nation state model is gradually being upended by a global technocracy, consisting of an unelected consortium of leaders of industry, central banking oligarchs and private financial institutions, most of which are predominantly non-state corporate actors attempting to restructure global governance and enlist themselves in the global decision-making process.

Therefore, the future of international relations and the social, economic and political transformation which the world is presently undergoing in light of the pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflict will not be decided through multilateralism and elected representatives of sovereign states.

Rather, it will be decided through a network of multi-stakeholder partnerships which are motivated by the politics of expediency and not accountable to any electorate or beholden to any state and for whom concepts like sovereignty and international law are meaningless.

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