Monday, March 7, 2022

Mark Steyn Wraps Up the Weekend in News from Ukraine and NATO

If you unplugged for any part of the last 72 hours, GBN News Host Mark Steyn will catch you up as he wraps up a weekend of NATO news surrounding Ukraine, Russia and jibberin’ Joe Biden.  WATCH:

15 Days to Flatten the Invasion

They’re deploying the same “We’re in this together” “it’s our patriotic duty” rah-rah bullshit that they tried on us during the pandemic.

Out: 15 Days to Flatten the Curve
In: 15 Days to Flatten the Invasion

In my ongoing sociological study of War in the Social Media Age, I’m detecting a familiar theme.

Politicians, the news media, and washed-up celebrities are once again demanding that we Americans who are already suffering under the bungled government response to a pandemic must suffer some more in the name of stopping the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

First it was our patriotic duty to lose our jobs and our businesses, wear a mask in public, and take a vaccine whether we wanted to or not.

Now it is our patriotic duty to pay even more to heat our homes, fill our gas tanks, and feed our families.

This tweet from has-been Star Trek actor George Takei sums up the latest talking point perfectly:

Takei tweet 15 days to flatten the invasion

While I agree that we should not be purchasing oil from Russia, the purpose of sanctions is to punish Russia, not to further punish the American people.

Joe Biden has already sanctioned US energy production which is why we were already paying far more for gas and home heating long before Russia invaded Ukraine.

But see, here’s the thing that bugs me about Takei’s tweet.

He assumes he can deploy the same “We’re in this together” “it’s our patriotic duty” rah-rah bullshit that they tried on us during the pandemic.

They told us it’s just for 15 days. Just give us 15 days to flatten the curve – 15 days to slow the spread. We’re all in this together!

It wasn’t 15 days.

And, as we quickly learned, we sure as hell weren’t all in it together.

The people who exploited our patriotism to crush our economy and destroy the working class once again want to exploit our patriotism to crush our economy and destroy the working class.

Maybe George Takei can afford to pay more at the pump and grocery store. But not everybody is a wealthy, albeit has-been, celebrity.

And the fact is, WE don’t need to pay more.

If Joe Biden lifted the sanctions he placed on the US Energy Sector, we could once again be the energy-independent nation and a net exporter of gas and oil that we were before Joe Biden meandered into the White House.

In short, we could block the import of Russian oil and gas without being punished.

Not only would it be a win/win; it would be patriotic.

But this administration is so obsessed with pursuing magical energy alternatives that don’t exist in the quantity necessary to power a first-world nation to even entertain the idea of lifting Biden’s sanctions on US energy.

So this is the talking point we get instead: It’s our patriotic duty to once again destroy our economy before we even recover from the last time they destroyed it.

Gas prices were already significantly higher before Russia invaded Ukraine. And in the last week, they skyrocketed.

Wednesday, as I took my car out to my mechanic, the gas station near my house had regular unleaded for $3.89 a gallon. Friday, when I drove my car home from the mechanic, that had jumped to $4.11 a gallon. Twenty-two cents in two days.

On Saturday, I paid $4.19 a gallon. And since I only had $20 in my wallet, I couldn’t even put in five friggin’ gallons.

It is our patriotic duty to lift restrictions on US energy production and put America first.

And by doing that, we can return to being a net exporter of energy and Europe will not have to rely on Russian oil and gas either.

So it isn’t just a win/win; it’s a win/win/win.

Last week, House Republicans introduced a bill to boost domestic oil and gas production, as well as reauthorize the Keystone Pipeline.

Democrats killed the bill.

“Patriotism” isn’t the point.

The pain is the point.

The punishment is the point.

And to be lectured about “patriotism” from people who hate this country so much they’re willing to destroy it is a wee bit insulting.

Impeach Biden

It wouldn’t be tit-for-tat. Republicans can justify an impeachment based on a host of this administration’s policies that cleary violate the Constitution.

Within MAGA circles, talk is turning increasingly to impeaching Joe Biden after the midterm elections—assuming, of course, the Republicans retake the House of Representatives (which appears likely). Unfortunately, actual removal would require 60 votes in the Senate. Even under the most favorable scenario, it’s unlikely the GOP will pick up more than four Senate seats. 

Nonetheless, with the strong likelihood the Republicans will take control of the House, impeaching Biden looks viable. Why? Well, for the same reason a Democrat-controlled House impeached Donald Trump—twice. 

The Democrats used the impeachment process to persuade millions of middle-of-the-road and independent voters that Trump had done something terribly wrong. Of course, the Democrats’ two impeachment efforts were frivolous and did not comport with the constitutional requirements for impeachment, but no matter. They used it to sow doubt in the minds of low-information voters and there’s little doubt the narrative broke off some previous Trump voters. 

So the precedent is firmly established, thanks to Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, et al. But the Republicans don’t need to ground an impeachment effort in petty allegations that amount to little more than policy differences. The Republicans could justify an impeachment based on a host of Biden policies that violate the Constitution and are clearly impeachable offenses. The GOP has a duty and an obligation to hold Biden accountable. 

But there is no rush. Impeachment hearings should last as long as necessary—say, six months or so—so that every American will know about Biden Administration’s unprecedented assault on our constitutional rights in time for 2024. Impeachment needs to be used as an educational tool to inform undecided and low-information voters about the real criminal nature of the Biden regime. 

Under the Constitution, impeachable offenses include treason, bribery, and “high crimes and misdemeanors.” The last phrase is generally thought to mean “an abuse of public trust” such as violating the Constitution and endangering our national security. As Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) points out, there are “multiple grounds” to impeach Biden. Here are a few: 

Refusing to enforce federal immigration laws. “Probably the most compelling is the utter lawlessness [by] President Biden to enforce the border,” Cruz said recently. “His decision to just defy immigration laws. That’s probably the strongest grounds right now for impeachment.” 

Refusing to enforce federal immigration law has allowed nearly 2 million people to enter the country, including terrorists and criminals, who are clearly a threat to the American people. This can certainly be defined as treason as such policies give aid and comfort to our enemies. It could also be defined as a “high crimes and misdemeanors” since allowing certain people to break laws and not others, violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. 

Moreover, the Biden Administration is funding private organizations that assist illegals, helping them to defy deportation laws. Lastly, Biden’s effort to covertly move illegal aliens to various states using funds designated for COVID tests surely violates the intent of the law. 

Abandoning Americans in Afghanistan. The Biden Administration’s actions in Afghanistan resulted in a disastrous withdrawal that prioritized the evacuation of military personnel before citizens. This occurred even though Biden’s State Department was warned well in advance of the impending invasion. Moreover, Biden officials have impeded private efforts to rescue Americans. If abandoning American citizens and leaving them to fight for survival under the brutal Taliban regime isn’t a “high crime,” nothing is.  

Reentering the Iranian nuclear deal. Biden’s decision to reenter the Iranian nuclear deal and remove sanctions on the terrorist-supporting country will only encourage its development of a nuclear weapon. Moreover, Biden has blocked a slew of congressional investigations into these talks, which indicates Biden is hiding the substance of these discussions. Clearly, this is a threat to our national security and this reckless action by Biden can also be considered treason.

Lying about Hunter Biden’s corrupt deals. Joe Biden said repeatedly he had nothing to do with his son’s corrupt deals but we now know he was lying. Hunter Biden’s partner, Tony Bobulinski, has said Joe Biden was involved with the deals and numerous documents and Hunter’s laptop appear to back up his claims. 

It is now clear that Joe Biden profited by allowing his son to use his position as vice president to secure deals that enriched both of them; they even shared bank accounts. Peter Schweizer’s book, Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Windocuments how the Biden family has received $31 million from individuals connected to Chinese intelligence. This compromising activity with enemies of the United States could be considered treason and perhaps bribery as well. 

Weaponizing and politicizing the COVID epidemic. While the Supreme Court has struck down Biden’s vaccination mandate on private businesses, he knew such a mandate was illegal in the first place. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed this, saying mandates are “not the role of the federal government.” Nonetheless, he eventually implemented the unconstitutional mandate on private business costing thousands of Americans their jobs. 

Moreover, many of Biden’s agencies—including the Pentagon—have refused to honor religious exemptions to the vaccine, thereby violating the First Amendment. Tens of thousands of military personnel will soon be dismissed as a result, greatly jeopardizing America’s national security. 

Incredibly, the Biden Administration is now creating a database of Americans who have asked for this exemption. Why? To harass them? Lastly, Biden’s directive to use race in the treatment of COVID is clearly unconstitutional and violates federal civil rights laws. 

Urging Big Tech to constrict freedom of speech. Biden publicly called for Big Tech to “deal with the misinformation and disinformation that’s on your shows. It has to stop.” Of course, he’s referring to conservative criticism of his policies, such as information that demonstrates the ineffectiveness of his COVID policies and stories that expose the massive fraud that occurred in the 2020 election. He even urged Spotify to censor Joe Rogan. Is Biden’s contempt for the First Amendment impeachable? Of course.

Weaponizing the FBI and the Justice Department against parents. We now know that Biden’s secretary of education, Miguel Cardona, initiated this effort by urging the National School Board Association to send a letter to the Biden White House demanding they use the Department of Justice to harass parents who object to critical race theory and other woke policies in public schools. The Justice Department responded by characterizing parents as potential “domestic terrorists” and sought to use the anti-terrorism PATRIOT Act to investigate them. This is nothing short of a full-scale attack on the constitutional rights of American citizens to assemble and speak freely and petition their government for redress of grievances. 

Violating the rights of January 6 protestors. In its overly zealous prosecution of the Capitol protesters, Biden’s Justice Department has violated their constitutional rights on many fronts. The Justice Department is prosecuting people for crimes that weren’t committedarresting people who never entered the Capitol and have held many citizens in jail for over a year without trial, a gross violation of the Sixth Amendment, which guarantees citizens a speedy trial. And yet the Justice Department refused to investigate, let alone charge Michael Byrd, the reckless Capitol Police lieutenant who shot and killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt in apparent violation of procedure and protocol.

The way to make impeachment hearings effective will be to make them personal.

The illegal OSHA mandate charge could feature Americans fired from their jobs for refusing the jab. The Afghan debacle could be explained by bringing in people to testify whose family members were left behind. Americans living near the border could testify about the impact of Biden’s illegal policies upon the rule and law and constitutional experts can explain how such policies violate federal immigration laws. 

Aaron Babbitt could testify about how his wife was murdered and how he has worked tirelessly to hold the crooked cop responsible. Families of January 6 protesters could describe how their loved ones have been beaten in filthy jail cells while their habeas corpus rights have been trashed. And on and on. 

The media would have a fit but they will have a hard time ignoring such testimony, especially since news organizations like Fox, Newsmax, and One America News would almost certainly cover the hearings live, gavel to gavel. 

The first half of Biden’s term has done more damage to America than any administration in history and all Americans need to know how and why. The MAGA movement needs to grill every GOP congressional candidate this year as to whether they will support the impeachment of Joe Biden. If they won’t, then questions need to be raised about the suitability of the candidate. 

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-March 7th


Busy day. Here's tonight's news:

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Here’s Your ‘Red Pill’ Moment for the Russia-Ukraine War

Here's Your 'Red Pill' Moment for the Russia-Ukraine War

Here's Your 'Red Pill' Moment for the Russia-Ukraine War

Source: Russian Presidential Press Service and Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP

It's time for your red pill. Something smells rotten in Ukraine. The story is rotten, rancid, hinky; the story just doesn't add up.

President Joe Biden and the media desperately want you to believe Russia is the bad guy and Ukraine is a little angel. They want you to fall in love with underdog Ukraine. They want you to support America getting involved on behalf of Ukraine.

To get your support, they need the media to sell you a bill of goods. But it just doesn't add up. First, Biden is the one who funded Russia's invasion. Biden killed our pipelines, killed coal and banned drilling, which made us dependent on Russian oil -- which made Russia filthy rich and arrogant. Biden paid for this war.

Second, if Russian President Vladimir Putin is the "bad guy," if Russia is evil, why is Biden continuing to buy billions of dollars of oil from Russia every day? Does this make sense?

Unless it's pure "commie theatre."

Connect the dots. Biden is a feeble, feckless old puppet with dementia. George Soros pulls Biden's strings. Soros is on the side of Ukraine. Soros recently said the whole world must support Ukraine. It's been reported Soros funded Volodymyr Zelenskyy and then installed him as president of Ukraine -- one of the most corrupt nations on the earth.

Keep in mind, evil billionaire Soros is obsessed with hatred for America. He desperately wants to destroy our country. Soros has funded the invasion of our borders. He helps pay for illegal aliens (many of them criminals, MS-13 gang members and murderers) to enter America.

Soros also funded and elected all the horrible, communist district attorneys across America. Soros' DAs are hellbent on destroying America. They have turned our big cities into killing zones where murderers run free without even posting bail while law-abiding citizens are stripped of guns and persecuted for defending themselves.

Soros has paid for the destruction of America. Soros is one of the most evil enemies in our history. If Soros funded the leaders of Ukraine and put them in power, this has to be a trap. Ukraine must be a "bad guy."

Now we come to the mainstream fake news media.

Has the media ever told the truth in the seven years since former President Donald Trump came down that escalator? It's been nonstop lies, fraud and propaganda. The media tells you any lie that advances the cause of Democrats, Soros and the destruction of America.

Now after seven years of lies and propaganda, suddenly you trust the media? You believe this one time they're telling the truth? This one time they have America's best interests at heart? Even though (pure coincidence) Soros is on the same side as the media. They're all one big happy family on the side of Ukraine.

I'll tell what I think.

No. 1: I think this war is a WMD: a weapon of mass distraction to get your mind off the disasters Biden has created at home, including open borders, massive inflation, vaccine mandates crippling the economy, the worst crime wave in history, the worst retreat in U.S. military history from Afghanistan and $6-per-gallon gas.

No. 2: This is pure "wag-the-dog" theatre to save Biden from the worst polls in modern history. Instead of hating Biden, they want you to hate Putin.

No. 3: This is all part of Soros and Klaus Schwab's "Great Reset." They want to make us all obedient serfs and slaves. They need World War III as a distraction while they destroy America and capitalism and take your freedoms away.

Here's my conclusion. I'm not "for" Russia. I'll never be a fan of Putin. He's out for only himself and a new dominant Russian empire. I'm not telling you to take Russia's side. They are "bad guys."

But I know if Soros is behind Ukraine, then Ukraine is also a "bad guy." If Soros wants us involved, I know this war is not in America's best interest. I know the media is feeding us a load of lies and propaganda -- under Soros' direction.

Like Trump, I have only one dog in this hunt. I'm ONLY for 

"America First." This war is nonsense. It doesn't involve us. We should not be sending billions of dollars in aid or sending billions in military weapons to Ukraine. I don't want this to turn into WWIII. I don't want my kids or your kids dying over Ukraine. We need to stay a million miles away from this conflict.

This isn't war, it's commie theatre. It's a WMD: weapon of mass distraction. Don't believe a thing you read or see coming from the fake news media.

Take your red pill and just say "NO" to this wag-the-dog moment.

Vladimir Putin, the Latest of the Failed Irredentists ~ VDH

In response to Putin’s irredentist schemes, the surreal Left has alternately appeased him and angrily denounced the critics of their appeasement.

Irredentism—the romance of reclaiming “unredeemed” old lands—is a symptom of messianic presidents and premiers, and national paranoia and insecurity. Leaders demagogue about the recovery of ancient territories that previously had weakened the nation’s imperial grandeur and power. 

Supposedly long-scattered and oppressed peoples with common linguistic, religious, and cultural affinities are recombined—usually by violently overthrowing their contemporary governments and forcing them into a new ethnic super state. Yet irredentism is often a one-way street. Supposedly homeless expatriates—the Greeks of Constantinople, Italians in Malta, Germans in the Sudetenland, Serbs in Bosnia, and Russians in Ukraine—are said to be even more zealous nationalists than their kindred in the motherland. But just as often the territory to be reunited in a grand imperial scheme can be more reluctant than the would-be uniter. 

Early 20th-century Greek romantics fancied resurrecting the old Μεγάλη Ιδέαor “Great Idea.” That was the dreamy recreation of a panhellenic Eastern Mediterranean. The New Byzantium was to be ringed by Greek-speakers in the motherland, Asia Minor, the Aegean Islands, Cyprus, and northern Egypt.  

Yet, like most irredentists, the Greeks never had the manpower or material wherewithal to reestablish such a modern Byzantine Empire. The restored 15th century image rested entirely on the opportunistic implosion of the Ottoman Empire, the 1918 defeat of the Central Powers, especially in Asia Minor, the Middle East, and the Balkans, the international chaos following World War I—and the pledges of the victorious allies. 

But soon a new Turkish secular government emerged to undermine the quixotic Greek effort. The Great Idea’s British sponsors betrayed the project. It ended tragically with thousands of stranded Greeks savagely butchered throughout Asian Minor.


Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini had wilder dreams in the 1920s and ’30s of recreating the Roman Empire. In his irredentist fantasies, anywhere Italian was spoken—or where Latin once had been—there would follow the new Italian empire. Mussolini discounted the wide-scale poverty in southern Italy and Sicily and endlessly harangued about the fetters of British Suez and Gibraltar that unfairly had boxed in the new Rome.

Mussolini’s Mare Nostrum—“Our Sea”—would at least remake the Mediterranean into an Italian lake. A reborn Rome would be flanked by an Italian-speaking southern Europe, an Italian North and East Africa, an Italian Aegean, and an Italian Dalmatia and Balkans. 

Mussolini could only achieve his dreams through a host of “ifs”—if France and Britain appeased him, if their Mediterranean navies disappeared or would not fight, if Nazi Germany threatened Mussolini’s common enemies, if the so-called international community, like the League of Nations, failed to deter him, and if ultimately Germany won World War II. 

So, Mussolini sequentially grabbed Ethiopia, expanded out from his Libyan colonies, invaded Egypt, Albania, and Greece—until finally Britain and America destroyed Mussolini and his fascist fantasies.

Adolf Hitler was the 20th century’s most ambitious and most barbaric irredentist. He came to power by screaming about a drawn-and-quartered German Reich, carved up by the Versailles Treaty, with millions of German speakers and lands scattered and lost to his native Austria, to Poland, to France, and to Czechoslovakia. In Hitler’s mind, these were all “unredeemed” lands that he alone in his genius would reclaim for the German Volk. He even included the ancient Volga Germans in the distant domains of the Soviet Union as legitimate claimants on a new Third Reich. 

Unlike Italy, Hitler had the military, the economy, and the population for a brief moment to bully his way into reclaiming almost every German-speaking minority in Europe and blowing up the borders of the continent. Finally, Hitler engulfed the world in a war that cost 70 million dead, by invading all of Europe, the Soviet Union, North Africa and encouraging Japan to do the same in Asia and the Pacific. By 1941, the expanded Third Reich numbered over 80 million Germans. It had obliterated Poland and Czechoslovakia. And Berlin ruled over an area larger in population and territory than the current European Union. Only Britain was left to be destroyed. 

But in truth Germany had already overreached, drunk on easy victories and blind to the resources and manpower of his new enemies, the Soviet Union, and the United States. By 1944, the United States alone had produced a military larger than all the Axis militaries combined, a GDP larger than those of all the combatants, friend and foe put together, and a navy larger than all the aggregate navies of the world.

When the wreckage of the war cleared, Hitler’s dream was a satanic irony, as millions of Germans were dead, and millions more expelled from once annexed nations and forced to walk back into a vastly shrunken Germany. 

With the 1990s breakup of the former Yugoslavia, Serbian strongman Slobodan Milošević dreamed of a new Greater Serbia. He sought to force neighboring Montenegro, Northern Albania, Bosnia, and Herzegovina into a new version of the 14th century Serbian Empire. Serbia’s near decade-long modern Balkan Wars cost 140,000 dead, earned global denunciation of Serbia, made Milošević a hated pariah, and ended with the independence of all his would-be new conquests.

A Woke West?

Putin is history’s most recent and first nuclear irredentist. He believes any group of Russian speakers anywhere, or former residents of imperial Russia or the Soviet Union, or Russian orthodox worshipers, all belong to Putin’s new Russian Empire. Even if Russian speakers are independent or happy as minorities in other countries, Putin has a grandiose plan toforce them into his new mother Russia. 

Only that way can a huge new Russia of 270-300 million people, with a vast area comparable to the old Soviet Union, become again a player on the superpower stage to rival China and the United States.  

In Putin’s mind, he has already forced Georgia, Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine back into the Russian fold. Many of the old Soviet Republics are already his de facto satellites or puppets. If he can get back all of Ukraine, the crown jewel of the old Soviet Union and Mother Russia—41 million people, 230,000 square miles of territory, the best farmland in Europe, rich in oil and minerals—Putin feels he would achieve his irredentist goal. The remaining few lost Russian territories then will either be easily absorbed, or their puppet governments will obey Russian orders. Then, he believes, the former Warsaw Pact nations, in terror, will supposedly shed their NATO alliance or at least become no-fly-zones. 

Putin may have initially underestimated the Ukrainian heroic resistance. He foolishly discounted any chance of NATO defiance. He had no idea how much the supposedly decadent West still controls the levers and wheels of the international financial and commercial system now directed at Russia. He was clueless that new weapons such as cheap drone planes and improved model Javelins and Stingers put into the hands of relative amateur shooters could allow them to blow up multimillion-dollar tanks, and huge trucks full of soldiers—all with a good chance of the shooter escaping with his life, and the destruction videoed for global social media consumption. 

Now shamed by prior inaction, emboldened by the unexpected Ukrainian resistance, and egged on by the Churchillian emergence of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, European Union countries like Germany have suddenly all but apologized for their former appeasement, nihilist cutbacks of oil and gas production, and virtual disarmament. 

In the United States, the public is ebullient at the scenes of defiant Ukrainians and hopeful that Putin has at last met his irredentist Waterloo. The point is not that Putin is stopped for good but that in theory he could be stopped. And that is something, given the odds against the Ukrainians and the declinist postmodern West. 

In truth, Ukraine is vastly outnumbered, out equipped, and outmanned. It was armed by the West far too late. It should have received tens of thousands of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles months ago. Last summer, the United States should have increased daily oil and gas output, not cut it back. The EastMed pipeline into Italy should have had the full support of the Biden Administration. Joe Biden should have stopped with the gratuitous “killer” and “bully” Corn Pop rhetoric, spoken softly, and instead upped targeted defense spending and stopped the commissariatization of the Pentagon. Ukraine should have kept out of U.S. politics and impeachment psychodramas—and especially kept clear of the toxic Biden family grifting syndicate. 

But for now, all those “shoulds” and “coulds” must be considered after Putin is stopped. He believes he can and will eventually swallow Ukraine, regardless of the costs in Russian blood and treasure or the barbaric killing of innocent Ukrainian civilians. He has pivoted from the failed “easy” Georgia-Crimea model to the messy Chechnya fallback plan—and thus is going medieval in Ukraine.  

Worse still, Putin thinks he still can win ugly—maybe even the uglier the better. Then months from now a supposedly galvanized West will fear him even more and remember even less the fate of Ukraine. He assumes Europeans will pivot back and only recall that by hook or crook the Napoleonic Putin had swallowed Ukraine—and in the future could do the same anywhere he wished in his neighborhood.

 The leaders of the European Union and NATO are now giving Churchillian speeches. They promise to retract their prior green nihilism. They pledge to pump oil and extract more natural gas. They claim they are through with the appeasing Nord Stream 2 pipeline. They say they will now welcome a Greek-Cypriot-Israeli EastMed pipeline into southern Europe. They soar in rhetoric about a new NATO armed to the teeth by Europeans, shocked by the fate of Ukraine.  

Let us pray this is all true. 

Quieter with a Bigger Stick 

Yet Putin, our century’s first irredentist, smiles at all this. He is not yet deterred even by catastrophic financial losses inflicted by the sanctions of the Western world. He ignores his military casualties and the brutal savagery he inflicts on others. He rants about using nuclear weapons and spreading ruin worldwide to any who defy him. He attacks nuclear power plants. 

In other words, he is a typical 20th-century irredentist.

Remember, all of these irredentists of the last 100 years have failed—and imploded in suicidal fashion. History suggests that Putin will not find a happy solution either. The West woke up and discovered that Europe and the United States are slowly learning a new paradigm to check aggressions like Putin’s: crippling new global financial and commercial sanctions; a new confidence in sophisticated asymmetrical weapons that can nullify tanks, planes, and helicopters; a new attitude that the United States and Europe can remain closer than they had thought; and a new ability to inflict international psychological and cultural ostracism that can range from the loss of oligarchic yachts to the use of ATMs.

China is watching the fate of Ukraine. If it is crushed and Putin reasserts his power abroad, then Beijing sees a pathway to absorbing what would be left of a much smaller Taiwan. But if a larger Ukraine survives and Putin is permanently crippled, then Xi Jinping may worry that the Taiwanese could fight like Ukrainians, that China might be sanctioned and ostracized like Russia, that new deadly weapons will be airdropped into Taiwan. He may recall that unlike Russia and Ukraine there is a sea between China and Taiwan—and that a moonscaped Taiwan would not be worth the cost that Putin may pay for Ukraine.

Finally, despite U.S. lethargy last autumn, Putin can still at this 11th hour be stymied without a U.S. “no-fly zone,” without sending American A-10 Warthogs to Ukraine, and without using NATO “volunteers.” 

How surreal the Left has become. From Hillary Clinton’s 2009 “reset” to Barack Obama’s hot mic buffoonery, to blankets for Ukraine  and applause for Biden’s recent request that Russia pump more oil and hack only approved U.S. companies and institutions, the Left repeatedly has appeased Putin. Yet now the Left accuses its critics of pro-Putin pacifist sympathies! It is almost as if after spending a decade ensuring a Russian invasion of Ukraine and refusing to pump more oil and gas, the schizophrenic Left now wishes to risk a pre-midterm nuclear showdown.

It would be far wiser to quietly send far more weapons, to produce far more oil, to enact far more sanctions—and to stop the loud assassination and NATO interventionist tough talk.

Wokeness on Energy Is Weakness

Biden’s energy policy is bankrupting the country 
and making us a paper tiger abroad.

As Joe Biden’s approval numbers sink further into the sewer, the only thing he’s building back better is 1970s-style inflation. Up until Biden, most polls usually named Jimmy Carter as one of the weakest and most inept presidents we’ve ever had. That was until Biden showed up and said, “Hold my beer!” Which you have to know has brought so much joy to Carter. Heck, he probably has a set of “Let’s go Brandon!” PJs that he wears every night as he thanks God for the gift of Biden. 

Fact is, this country is now being “led” by a man who absolutely will go down as one of the worst presidents in our history. In just over a year, Biden has brought inflation roaring back to levels not seen in 40 years, has destroyed our southern border as millions of illegal aliens, along with Chinese fentanyl, flood the country, and now we have been involved in two major international debacles with Afghanistan and Ukraine. The list could go on, but perhaps that’s too depressing. 

Rest assured, however, it’s not going to get better. Biden is like the anti-Midas, turning everything he touches into crap.

With every opportunity to make the right decision, Biden and his administration choose the most asinine choice possible, leading one to ask, “Is this a clown show led by an imbecile? Or do you just completely hate this country?” 

Answer: both.

Consider his actions on the energy front, which is part and parcel of the inflation disaster: they’re so committed to the hoax and woke religion of man made global warming and shutting down fossil fuels that they sacrificed our energy independence on its altar. Crude oil more than doubled under Biden before war broke out in Ukraine, and natural gas had risen 74 percent before the Russians invaded. Now with the crisis in Ukraine we’re seeing oil approaching $120 per barrel. None of this had to happen, mind you, especially since under Donald Trump the United States had become a net exporter of energy.

But Biden wasted no time enacting his idiotic policies. On day one of his administration he shut down the Keystone pipeline, put thousands of people out of work, crippled our self-sufficient energy production, and made us reliant on purchasing absurd quantities of oil from countries that despise us.  
He is Example A of how quickly things can go wrong with terrible leadership. 

With America now importing 595,000 barrels of Russian oil a day—that adds up to more than $1 billion a month we’re paying Russia—the fact is our terrible energy policy is helping finance Putin’s invasion. If you want to really know how bad it is, consider that in 2021 alone it’s estimated that European nations, most of which are NATO members, paid Russia $100 billion for oil and gas. So the infantile Left has weakened the United States and Europe in the face of Putin’s energy dominance and strengthened his hand by pumping up his coffers with oil and gas money. The environmentalist wackos and weak-kneed political “leaders” are absolutely responsible for what are now being described as war crimes in Ukraine.

Back on the home front, Americans were already feeling the soaring oil prices at the pump thanks to Biden’s moronic energy policies. Now with Ukraine, if the trends remain the same, we’ll be looking at $5-per-gallon prices on average for regular unleaded gasoline at stations across the country, which of course increases the costs of production, food, and so forth.

But Biden’s response to this? The imbecile actually pitched his climate change bill as anti-inflation at the State of the Union, claiming it will save American families $500 a year . . . by 2030. Mind you, the American people’s increase in cost of living right now is $385 per month, or over $4,600 per year.

I know many will be shocked to learn that Biden’s “solution” is a lie. Germany tried this. It committed to renewables and  becoming carbon “net zero” by 2045 and is going to spend nearly $600 billion when all is said and done. For all of that, the German people now get to pay twice as much for electricity as they did before the foolish plan was implemented. 

Oh, and to put a fine point on the utter failure of Germany’s plan, it still needs to import 55 percent of its natural gas from—wait for it—Russia. A sober-minded person might understandably look at this asinine behavior and say, “Ya’ll have lost your damn minds.” And that person would be absolutely correct. 

In a rational worldand we are not living in onewe would address this problem immediately by reopening the Keystone pipeline and exploring additional options for drilling, fracking, and nuclear energy within the United States. Energy independence leads not only to cheaper costs for consumers and thousands of jobs for Americans, it strengthens our national security and allows us to free Europe from Putin’s leverage by offering additional energy options.

In the short term, however, prepare for pain as you watch your bank account drain from the weekly trip to the grocery store and gas pump. And then hope and pray adults are soon back in political power and Grandpa Dementia and his band of clowns are sent into retirement in 2024.

Another Foreign Policy Catastrophe in the Works?

Another Foreign Policy Catastrophe in the Works? Iran Deal Reportedly Close

Another Foreign Policy Catastrophe in the Works? Iran Deal Reportedly Close

In the midst of war in Ukraine, another foreign policy catastrophe under President Joe Biden's watch may be brewing. A Fox News report from Friday cited a European diplomat in sharing a deal to restore the Iran nuclear agreement from 2015 would be revived within days. This comes after Iran's chief negotiator told reporters on Thursday that a deal would be done within 24-48 hours. As if this weren't bad enough, Russia is still involved in the deal, after having just invaded Ukraine last week. 

As Rich Edson and Adam Shaw noted in their Fox News report:

As for the question of Russian diplomats negotiating in Vienna during a European flight embargo on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, the diplomat told Fox that there can always be exceptions for diplomats. 

With Russia’s involvement in the deal, it raises the possibility of financial benefit for Moscow in a new deal, like payments to take Iranian uranium. The diplomat told Fox that the West will find a way to enable the deal, and says the concerns are "nothing that can’t be overcome." 

The State Department did not comment when asked whether the Biden administration has concerns about needing Russia’s cooperation or having to carve out sanctions to enable to agreement. 

The United States left the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in May 2018, under then President Donald Trump. Negotiations have seen been in place for the United States to reenter under the Biden administration. 

Writing for The Wall Street Journal on Saturday, Lauren Norman explained that Russia is inserting itself into the deal to make "Fresh demands," which could "derail" the talks. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday made demands for written guarantees that sanctions due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine won't prevent Russia from trading with Tehran under a revived pack. 

A subsequent Fox News report from Marisa Schultz references Republican concerns about Russia's role in the deal. Congress has largely been left out of the discussion, which has led to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spearheading an effort of members vowing to block the deal if Biden doesn't get Senate approval. 

Last month, before Russia invaded Ukraine, Sen. Cruz and others sent a letter to President Biden promising to make good on such a move, shared by Sen. John Kennedy's (R-LA) office.

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) also spoke to Fox News Digital about his many concerns:

"Russia should not be at any table with us right now," Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., told Fox News Digital, adding that he's "very concerned" about a new deal. "They're committing egregious acts of terrorism and murder in a free democracy in Ukraine, in Europe right now." 


Congressional Republicans say they haven't been consulted about any deal the Biden administration is negotiating with the help of the Russians. They are pushing for any new agreement to be reviewed by Congress. 

The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed in 2015 with bipartisan support requires the administration to submit any deal to Congress for review within five days of it being reached.

A group of 33 Republican senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, already pledged last month to do everything in their power to block a new nuclear deal if President Biden doesn't get Senate approval. 

In addition to Russia's involvement in the Iran nuclear deal, Fitzpatrick said that the Iranian government "does not operate in good faith" and the U.S. doesn't even enforce existing agreements. 

Fitzpatrick, who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was referring to the 1994 agreement where Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons after the fall of the Soviet Union in exchange for commitments from Russia and the West to respect Ukraine's sovereignty.  

"Does anybody think that if Ukraine were the third-largest holder of nuclear weapons that Russia would be invading them right now?" Fitzpatrick said. "Of course not. They gave them up based on our word, based on the commitment that the United States, the UK gave to Ukraine and to Kazakhstan as well.  

Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX) has tweeted out concerns over the deal, as has former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley who has continuously criticized the deal. Ambassador Haley warned that this especially "would be a monumental mistake and the worst possible message to Iran, Russia, and all of America's enemies."

Writing for National Review Online earlier on Saturday, Andrew C. McCarthy wrote that "Russia and Iran Taunt Biden in Humiliating Revival of Nuclear Deal." 

"Putin is now delighting in Biden’s self-made predicament: Incredibly, the U.S. president has put himself in the position of needing not one but three banes of U.S. security — Russia, Iran, and the JCPOA. And for Putin it gets even better," he wrote. McCarthy also concluded by calling the deal "a perfect storm of American amateur hour and embarrassment. And what an inexcusable blow to American national security."

The Biden administration is seemingly failing on taking more concrete action with Russia. In addition to being slow to sanctions, despite pleadings from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to impose them sooner, the United States under Biden is hesitant to stop importing oil from Russia.

This is despite a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday showing that 80 percent of Americans are in favor of such a ban on Russian oil, from all sides of the political aisle.

Even Democratic members have gotten involved in introducing bipartisan legislation as the Biden administration fails to act. On Thursday, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced the Ban Russian Energy Imports Act in the U.S. Senate. Companion legislation is forthcoming from Reps. Fitzpatrick and Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) in the U.S. House of Representatives.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has even signaled support forbanning Russian imports as well.

On Friday, Sen. Cruz introduced the Energy Freedom Act, which will secure such energy independence by making energy projects and pipelines far easier.

"These policies have poured billions of dollars into countries such as Russia and Iran, which use those funds to attack our allies and undermine the national security of America," Cruz said about the Biden administration. President Biden has imposed more restrictions on U.S. oil companies than he has on Russian oil. With Iran, he has looked the other way as the regime busted through sanctions and raised their exports to more than one million barrels per day for the first time in almost three years."