Thursday, February 24, 2022

The People's Convoy Day 2



The American truckers are gearing up for a massive protest in Washington DC in opposition to tyrannical COVID mandates.

Similar to the truckers in Ottawa, the US Convoy plans to disrupt traffic in DC over the coming days/weeks, beginning around the time of Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address that’s scheduled on March first. Thousands of protesters are expected to arrive for the demonstration, with several groups departing from across the country daily – one of which has already reached the Nation’s Capital.

On Thursday, one of the largest groups that’s making its way to Washington – The Peoples Convoy – nearly doubled in size for the second day in a row as it made its way across Arizona.

After departing from California yesterday, the convoy is now well over 100 vehicles strong – and growing fast.

Just take a look at the crowd that welcomed the convoy when they reached Kingman, Arizona to rest on Wednesday night.


By morning, the convoy was ready to hit the road again.

Independent journalist Brendan Gutenschwager, who is embedded with the convoy, provided some great aerial footage of the scene before they rolled out.


Crowds gathered along highway overpasses across the state, greeting the convoy with cheers as they passed through Arizona.

A group of Arizona firefighters even brought out their trucks and set up a massive American flag to show their support of the convoy.


Take a look:

The convoy called it a day and made camp for the night when it reached Lupton, AZ.

Next stop, Glenbrook, Texas!

In addition to the ‘pick-ups’ in Arizona, trucks from Florida and Oregon also joined their fellow Americans on the journey to pay Biden a visit in the Nation’s Capital.


Here they come! Honk Honk!

X22, On the Fringe, and more-Feb 24


I hate being played for an optimistic bone head while everyone else gets to live in Densi heaven:

Here's tonight's news:

Between Compliance and Civil Disobedience

Not up for street action? Get busy fighting in the trenches.

Do you consider yourself politically active? Ten years ago, that likely would have meant reading the news, voting in local elections, or volunteering to support policy initiatives or candidates. Now, it often means taking to the streets—on foot or in an 18-wheeler—to demand immediate change. 

Backward though it may seem, civil disobedience and regular unrest have now become central to our polity. This is a symptom of a breach of trust from the top down, so it’s admirable when people protest and resist. But sometimes the people whose policies we protest declare any resistance to be “unauthorized.” Before you know it, being politically active can put you on the wrong side of the law. 

This happened recently when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada invoked the Emergencies Act to outlaw the ongoing trucker protest against his government’s vaccine mandates. Last year, average Americans faced similar sanctions when the National School Board Association and the Department of Justice colluded to brand concerned parents domestic terrorists. The peaceful protestors arrested on the streets of Ottawa and the families in Fairfax who faced intimidation from the federal government are icons of courage. 

Understandably, not everyone—even the politically active—is ready to stand on the front lines of our new and more dangerous culture war. This is especially true for parents and senior citizens who don’t want to put themselves in harm’s way. 

We can’t vote our way out of our current predicament, but that doesn’t mean civic engagement is fruitless. All Americans have the ability and the duty to use the legal tools our forebears gave us to fight back against corrupt, petty tyrants. 

Intelligence gathering is the key to victory, and American citizens benefit from some of the world’s strongest open-source transparency laws. The only trouble is they’re rarely used by the average American. You don’t have to be a trained attorney investigating a high-profile case like the Russiagate spying scandal in order to file an open records request. You have all you need to uncover conflicts of interest and financial mismanagement. You can stop crooked ideologues from “failing up” into an agency, state legislature, university, or any other institution. 

Why aren’t you? 

From federal agency secretaries to local school board members, every taxpayer-funded email, budget proposal, and lunch receipt that originates from the bureaucracy is subject to taxpayers’ review. You don’t need “experts” to handle your civic duty—you yourself must hold our leaders accountable. Read the statutes and court decisions that set the standards of behavior for your elected and appointed representatives, then submit well-crafted open records requests to ensure those laws are followed. When government cronyism protects the corrupt, we must crowdsource the enforcement of the law and force self-dealing bureaucrats out. 

This is smart populism: one well-placed FOIA request can do more than a huge rally. 

The citizen gadfly role is especially suitable for retired Americans with the time to invest. Instead of posting opinions online, senior citizens should become local heroes, like Kirk Allen and John Kraft of southern Illinois. Rather than resign themselves to living in the most corrupt state in the country, these two military veterans made a hobby out of pursuing those who try to use public service for their own gain. Since 2011, their open records requests, lawsuits, journalism, and even citizens’ arrests have driven 732 government officials out of office, elicited court rulings against illegal COVID mandates, and recouped millions in taxpayer dollars. Now they train thousands of others to do the same.

Even busy parents must join the fight to protect their children. Pandemic school lockdowns and public health mandates have galvanized moms and dads to expose corrupt municipal leaders, keep their local school boards in check, and run for local office themselves. Parents can follow the lead of Christopher Rufo, for example, who organizes resistance against critical race theory in school curricula. He has led thousands of parents to local victories across the country, including ending a program in North Carolina last month that taught white inferiority to disabled preschoolers. 

As citizens of the greatest country on earth, we haven’t fully tapped the other weapons at our disposal to resist tyranny. We need to think locally. Most state legislators, for example, don’t have their heads in the clouds of national politics. They can accomplish much, even against hostile governors, using tactics like budget negotiations, supermajorities, and constitutional amendments.

Other officeholders, including judges, district attorneys, and sheriffs, are much easier to elect or hold accountable than members of Congress or mayors. They have the power to strike down, not enforce, and otherwise impede unlawful and immoral mandates. George Soros and his Super PACs target these local offices heavily. We should too. These local public servants will become the front line against growing anarcho-tyranny, the selective persecution of law-abiding citizens while crime runs rampant.

Americans who want to be politically active in such troubled times must recognize our power and start using it tactically. Citizens must drive petty tyrants out of their undeserved positions of authority, reestablish American values in our schools and police departments, and install state and local officials with integrity and fortitude. We all appreciate those who take to the streets, but if you can’t join in, don’t just throw up your hands. The American system offers many ways to redress our grievances.

Tucker Carlson Receives Some Vindication After Harsh Criticism of His Putin Commentary

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

As my colleague Brandon Morse reported, harsh criticism followed Tucker Carlson’s commentary on Vladimir Putin and Russia Tuesday night.

Carlson, never one to fall in line, asked his audience to consider why they are being asked to hate Putin and treat him as a priority when so many other major issues pose a threat to the everyday lives of Americans. The suggestion was not that one should love or even like Putin, but that it’s acceptable to simply not care about him. Still, that led to an outcry of condemnation, essentially accusing Carlson of being a traitor. For a moment, it felt like 2004 again.

Yet, a new AP-NORC poll offers some vindication for the Fox News host, showing that only 26 percent of Americans favor the United States playing a major role in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

As Carlson pointed out in his monologue, the people who would be leading such a fight, economically or militarily, have shown themselves to be completely inept and corrupt. Thus, it’s not surprising at all that the vast majority of Americans want no part in bearing the cost of another costly, foreign policy adventure.

And to be clear, Americans aren’t just worried about the costs related to a possible military action. Energy prices have already been skyrocketing, putting a huge crunch on the poor and middle-class. Few are prepared to drain their bank accounts further to defend the sovereignty of Ukraine’s Donbas region. Yet, that’s exactly what the White House is asking them to do, and this poll shows that to be a wildly unpopular position.

What will the response to that unpopularity be? Well, you can expect the way-too-online crowd to insist that only a rube wouldn’t believe Putin is a priority worth sacrificing one’s personal savings over, but I’m not sure how effective that will be in persuading the masses. That’s not even to say I agree with everything Carlson had to say. I do think countering Russia’s aggression (and China’s aggression, even more so) is a worthy pursuit, though not that it should be the nation’s primary one.

Yet, that should come via policies that actually make sense, and little of what we are being told right now makes sense. It did not make sense to cancel Keystone XL while greenlighting Nordstream 2. It did not make sense to lift sanctions on Russian officials without getting anything in return. Those asinine decisions led to where we are today, but the leaders who made them now want Americans to sacrifice more for their incompetence without even explaining why it’s necessary?

That’s just not going to fly. This poll shows that, and it also serves as a reminder that Twitter remains not real life.

To the Leftwing Propaganda Media and NeverTrump: You Installed This Dying-Brained Weakling in the White House. Stop Trying to Shift Blame to "The Right" By Claiming We're Responsible for Biden's -- and Your -- Failures.


You're transparently attempting to shift blame from Biden and yourselves for supporting him to people who have zero influence over this.

Fuck You. 

The media and NeverTrump foisted a weak, frail, brain-damaged leftist who has been wrong about every single foreign policy question of the last 40 years on us. Unsurprisingly, he failed in Afghanistan, and now has failed in Ukraine.

The media and NeverTrump obviously do not want to admit their own responsibility for this -- why start now? -- so they're proposing an alternate villain: You.

True, Biden is the "President" and therefore has all of the diplomatic and military power and responsibility for preventing the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

But the media and NeverTrump are proposing: Isn't the real responsibility for this Yours? Because you... aren't rooting hard enough for Ukraine?

That's literally the gist of their argument. That's what AllahPundit's arguing. That's what Ben Domenech argued on FoxNews last night -- sure, the candidate we supported for President failed catastrophically, as everyone could reasonably predict. 

But the real problem is everyone on "The Right" for not waving their little plastic flags hard enough cheerleading the US.

The old saying is that to win a war, you need manpower, firepower, willpower, and staying power.

But the Keyboard Warriors have never served in the military. All they do is watch war on TV.

So they have concepted watching war on TV as a critical part of the war effort.

They've added "spectating power" to the list of powers needed to win a war.

What possible fuck could it matter what Tucker Carlson says about Putin? Or whether or not "The Right" cares sufficiently about this?

Do you really believe, Ben, that Putin is making his decisions based upon the Viewer Interest Level of the American TV Cable News Audience?

By the way, John McCain and the McCain family (including yourself) supported Joe Biden for President. You put this miserable, weak, frail mass of corruption in the White House. 

Again, this is just an attempt to shift the blame from Biden -- and yourself, and your family -- to "the Right," which opposed Biden.

Stop claiming that Tucker Carlson is responsible for what you did.

Please explain to me how Tucker Carlson joining in the Coordinated Neocon/Neoliberal TV Pundit Messaging Campaign is going to change anything in Ukraine.

Explain to me how scrunching down my brow to look Concerned on TV is going to make up for the fact that our Russia containment policy is down to Russiagate hoaxer and criminal Jake Sullivan.

Is that my fault? Is that the fault of people "on the right?"

Or is that your fault?

Let me tell you something about your adulterous, corrupt father-in-law, Ben: John McCain was forever yammering about spreading American freedoms to everywhere except America, where he found them too dangerous. 

After all, if we're allowed to debate or even discuss American foreign policy, that would undermine our war effort (and in McCain's view, American's foreign policy is always, at its best, a war effort), and we cannot allow anything to undermine our war effort.

So we're not allowed to discuss our foreign policy or our wars during periods of war, which is... forever.

OUT: Politics stops at the water's edge

IN: Politics also stops within the water's edge, Traitor

And Ben Domenech now picks up the mantle from his diseased, dishonorable hellbound father-in-law and starts claiming that anyone who dares question whatever War Product (TM) the neocons and the National Security State-aligned neoliberals have decided to sell us this week is spitting in the face of Ronald Reagan's ghost.

It's all our fault. It's our fault for "not taking this seriously enough."

For not "caring" enough.

We're well past "sternly written letters" here now -- now, it's not even sternly written letters that shape the course of war and peace.

Now it's just people sitting at home, watching TV intently, and "caring" enough about the pictures they're seeing.

And "the Right," the people in the media have decided, just don't care enough about the current programming they're trying to get people to watch.

Which is in turn making Putin invade Ukraine.

So it's the fault of people on the Right for the invasion.

And not the Biden Administration.

Is it the fault of people "on the right" that we have this walking, talking Bart Simpson Book Report leading our Peace Summit in Europe?

Or would you say the blame lies more with the leftwing media and their NeverTrump co-conspirators?

Is it Trump's fault that Biden undid Trump's Nord Stream 2 pipleline sanctions -- which he is only now, post-invasion, reinstating, while claiming, impossibly, that this does not constitute a "shift"?

Is that Trump's fault? Is that Trump supporters' fault?

Or is that your fault, which you're straining to shift to Trump and Trump supporters?

By the way, was it Trump who took donations from Nord Stream 2's top lobbyist?

No, it was one time Democrat Presidential candidate and Trump impeachment show trial manager Eric Swallwell.

Right now the leftwing Biden Media, including NeverTrump, is claiming that this is all Trump's fault, and "the Right's" fault, for "not taking Putin seriously."


We're the ones who didn't take Putin seriously?

How about you, when you put this rictus-grinning vegetable in the White House and told us that he would fix everything?

Was that our fault? Or was that your fault again?

Who put this ludicrous four hundred pound pile of comorbidities and anti-white racism in charge of our military, and expected the world to tremble?

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Jordan Schachtel @ @JordanSchachtel

Our secretary of defense is a fat idiot who travels around with a face shield on and recently purged our best warriors to accommodate a biosafety regime.

Russia knows this.

Our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a fat idiot who cries about "white rage" and informs the Chinese government of our intentions.

Russia knows this.

The President of the United States is a cognitively compromised con artist who isn't in control of anything.

Russia knows this.

Who are the people encouraging Putin, again? Who is it who installed a regime which is encouraging our enemies with provocative weakness?

Is that "the Right"?

Or is that the leftwing propaganda organs and their NeverTrump neocon grifter allies?

This is transparently an effort to shift blame from Biden -- and from yourselves -- on to others.

Biden failed, but do you know who The Real Villains Are? All the people who "Stabbed Ukraine in the Back" by not watching news segments about Ukraine hard enough (as Jennifer Griffin ranted).

I also don't understand why I have to wave my little plastic flag at all -- can't all the big strong men of NeverTrump just go over there and whoop up on Russia, given that they're all in the military? Oh wait, my error, not a single one of them every even considered serving in the military. 

Thus, their belief that "patriotism" and a sort of honorary military service consists of bloviating about matters of war on TV, and hectoring people that they're not taking the latest televised war programming seriously enough.

Also wrapped up in this is the Eternal Neocon Treason Meme, that if we don't all put dissent or debate aside and present a "united front" -- a united front dictated by the neocons, of course, in favor of whatever War Product (TM) they're pushing this week -- then we're "sabotaging the war effort" and "indistinguishable from the enemy."

Yeah... about that: Go fuck yourselves in the heart with a knife. You don't get to decide that we're now going to war and also, no one gets to even debate that, because that would undermine the war you've decided we're going to have.

Also, we're not even involved in a war. We are spectators to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. No one is under any illusions that any American troops will be sent to Ukraine; we are talking, at most, about "severe" sanctions.

So the neocons and the neoliberal National Security State allies have now decided that even in cases where America is not engaged in war, but merely debating sanctioning a foreign country for the invasion of a third country, there can be no debate or dissent, for that would encourage our enemies in the war we're not in and undermine our efforts in the war we're not fighting.

The neocons and neoliberals never run out of reasons why any speech they disagree with must be stigmatized, punished, and censored, do they?

I don't support Trump's or Tucker's NATO skepticism. (Though... NATO is starting to convince me!) 

But what I see is the claim that we can never debate NATO's role in the future, or how much NATO members should be expected to pay for their own defense, because anytime we debate these things, we "encourage Russia" and "undermine the (illusion of) solidarity in NATO."

So, again, we can never debate something the neoliberals and neocons have decided on. They set the policy 40 years ago, and they've decided it's Too Dangerous to ever even discuss it again, so their preferred policy will be the Eternal Policy, forever. 

Again, isn't it terribly convenient for them that to even question their policies turns out to be such a dangerous thing that we must never dare it, and must instead just do whatever they tell us forever and ever and ever?

Is anyone else getting a little tired of this perpetual hustle?

And isn't it amusing that the one thing that we can all do to "fight Putin" is to... support the candidate the lefwing propaganda media and NeverTrump supported.

We can all "get behind" Biden and really root for him to beat Putin, somehow.

Or at least stop suggesting that the "President" is at all responsible for what happens under the "President's" watch.

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Well anything I can do to help "The War Effort," David.

Gives the game away right there, doesn't it? All this bullshit about "supporting the war effort" is just the latest neocon/neoliberal hustle for supporting their leftwing politicians.

Again, it's just so very convenient for the neocon/neoliberal alliance that controls the government that the Most Patriotic Thing We Can Do is support our leftwing political masters without question or quibble.

They don't make arguments for their positions; they just make arguments about why it would be too dangerous to have any arguments about their positions. 

And why you're a traitor for even wanting to have an argument about their positions.

Final point: Remember -- none of this is Biden's fault, or the left's fault. Or NeverTrump's fault, which is really just the left.

This is "the Right's" fault.

You just aren't waving those little plastic flags hard enough, fellas.

And so now, this is what happens to you:

BOOM, Trudeau Reversal Motive Surfaces – Canadian Banking Association Approved by WEF To Lead the Digital ID Creation

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.  A promotional video from the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) helps to neatly connect all the dots about why the Canadian government made such a quick reversal in their bank asset seizures in the last 24 hours {Go Deep}.  And yes, as we suspected, it was almost certainly contact from the World Economic Forum to Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that triggered the change in position.

When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced they would use the Emergency Act declaration to target the financial support systems, banks and accounts of the people who were protesting against COVID mandates, they not only undermined the integrity of the Canadian banking system – but they also inadvertently stuck a wrench into the plans of the World Economic Forum and the collaborative use of the Canadian Bankers Association to create a digital id.

Against the backdrop of the Canadian government action, WATCH THIS VIDEO:

If the Canadian government can arbitrarily block citizen access to their banking institution without any due process, what does that say about the system the Canadian Banking Association (CBA) was putting into place as part of their Digital ID network?

If the CBA digital identity were in place, the same people targeted by Trudeau’s use of the Emergency Act would have their entire identity blocked by the same government measures.  The realization of the issue, reflected by a severe undermining of faith in the banking system, is a dramatic problem for those working to create and promote the Digital ID.

It is not coincidental the financial targeting mechanism deployed by Trudeau/Freeland, the Canadian banking system, is the same system being used to create the digital identity.  As a result of the government targeting bank accounts, Finance Minister Freeland just created a reference point for those who would argue against allowing the creation of a comprehensive digital identity.

The motive for the World Economic Forum and Canadian Bankers Association to immediately reach out to Trudeau and Freeland and tell them to back off their plan is crystal clear.  THAT is almost certainly why Freeland appeared so admonished, shocked and incapable of getting her footing yesterday {Go Deep}, and why the Canadian government simultaneously informed Parliament they were unfreezing the bank accounts.

However, this undermined confidence and faith in the banking system cannot be restored quickly.  The toothpaste cannot be put back into the tube. The horse has left the barn.  This is now a moment for damage control by the Canadian government. That is why Justin Trudeau just dropped the declaration of the Emergency Act.

It all makes sense now.  All of it.

Indeed, the government leaders who take their instructions from the multinational corporations in charge of the World Economic Forum, which is to say almost all of them, are so entrenched in their need to use COVID-19 as the pry bar for the Build Back Better agenda, they simply cannot let it go.

Without COVID-19, they can’t keep the vaccination push.  Without the vaccination push, they can’t keep the vaccine passport process in place.  Without the vaccination passport registration process to track and monitor human behavior, the governing authorities cannot fulfill the mission of a comprehensive digital identity and social credit tracking system.  Indeed, everything they seek is contingent upon keeping the premise of COVID-19 alive.

It is not accidental the World Economic Forum is at the epicenter of this

As we previously noted, the architects of the Build Back Better society (WEF) are guiding various governments on ways to create efficient registration and compliance systems, i.e. ways that permit citizens to prove their vaccinated and compliant status.  As these discussions are taking place, it is prudent to pause and think very carefully, wisely.

We all know, as we are reading this, under the guise of enhancing our safety, the U.S. Federal Government is in discussions with the medical community, multinational corporations and employers of citizens to create a more efficient process for you to register your vaccine compliance.

We know their conversation under the terminology of a COVID Passport.  The current goal is to make a system for us to show and prove our authorized work status, which, as you know, is based on your obedience to a mandated vaccine.

Beta tests are being conducted in various nations, each with different perspectives and constitutional limitations, based on pesky archaic rules and laws that govern freedom.

For the western, or for lack of a better word ‘democratic‘ outlook, Australia, New Zealand, France and Europe are leading the way with their technological system of vaccination check points and registered state/national vaccination status tied to your registration identification.

New York City joined the vaccine checkpoint process, as their city now requires the vaccine to enter all private businesses.  Los Angeles soon followed.

The Australian electronic checkpoints are essentially gateways where QR codes are being scanned from the cell phones of the compliant vaccinated citizen. Yes comrades, there’s an app for that.

Currently, the vaccine status scans are registered by happy compliance workers, greeters at the entry to the business or venue. Indeed, the Walmart greeter has a new gadget to scan your phone prior to allowing you custody of a shopping cart.

In restaurants, the host or hostess has a similar compliance scanner to check you in prior to seating or a reservation confirmation.

It’s simple and fun. You pull up your QR code on your cell phone (aka portable transponder and registration device), using the registration app, and your phone is scanned delivering a green check response to confirm your correct vaccination status and authorized entry.

The Australian government, at both a federal and state level, is working closely with Big Tech companies (thirsting for the national contract) to evaluate the best universal process that can be deployed nationwide.

As noted by all six Premiers in the states down under, hardware (scanners) and software (registration) systems are all being tested to find the most comprehensive/convenient portable units to settle upon. Meanwhile in the U.S., cities like Los Angeles and New York await the beta test conclusion before deploying their own version of the same process.

In Europe, they are also testing their vaccine checkpoint and registration processes known as the EU “Green Pass.”

The “Green Pass” is a similar technological system that gives a vaccinated and registered citizen access to all the venues and locations previously locked down while the COVID-19 virus was being mitigated. What would have been called a “vast right-wing conspiracy theory” 24 months ago, is now a COVID passport process well underway.

As with all things in our rapid technological era, you do not have to squint to see the horizon and accept that eventually this process will automate, and there will be a gadget or scanning gateway automatically granting you access without a person needing to stand there and scan each cell phone QR code individually.

The automated process just makes sense. You are well aware your cell phone already transmits an electronic beacon enabling your Uber or Lyft driver access to your location at the push of a touchscreen button, another convenient app on your phone. So, why wouldn’t the gateways just accept this same recognizable transmission as registration of your vaccine compliant arrival at the coffee shop?

The automated version is far easier and way cooler than having to reach into your pocket or purse and pulling up that pesky QR code on the screen. Smiles everyone, the partnership between Big Tech and Big Government is always there to make your transit more streamline and seamless. Heck, you won’t even notice the electronic receiver mounted at the entry. Give it a few weeks and you won’t remember the reason you were laughing at Alex Jones any more than you remember why you are taking off your shoes at the airport.

However, as this process is created, it is worth considering that you are being quietly changed from an individual person to a product. Some are starting to worry in the beta test:

[…] “you must become an object with attributes sitting in a database. Instead of roaming around anonymously making all sorts of transactions without the government’s knowledge, Australians find themselves passing through ‘gates’. …

All product-based systems have these gates to control the flow of stock and weed out errors. It is how computers see things. The more gates, the more clarity.

You are updating the government like a parcel pings Australia Post on its way to a customer. If a fault is found, automatic alerts are issued, and you are stopped from proceeding. In New South Wales, this comes in the form of a big red ‘X’ on the myGov vaccine passport app (if you managed to link your Medicare account without smashing the phone to bits).

Gate-keeping systems have been adapted from retail and transformed into human-based crowd solutions to micromanage millions of lives with the same ruthless efficiency as barcodes tracking stock. There is no nuance or humanity in this soulless digital age. Barcodes are binary. Good – bad. Citizen or dissident.

Even if you have all the required government attributes to pass through the gates – two vaccines, six boosters, and a lifelong subscription to Microsoft – something could go wrong. If your data fails the scan, you’ll slip into digital purgatory and become an error message. (read more)

It could be problematic if your status fails to register correctly, or if the system identifies some form of alternate lifestyle non-compliance that will block you from entry. Then again, that’s what beta tests are for, working out all these techno bugs and stuff. Not to worry…. move along….

Then again… “For those in the privileged class allowed to shop, take note of Covid signs which encourage cashless transactions under the guise of ‘health’. Messaging around cards being ‘safer’ will increase until the Treasury tries to remove cash entirely, almost certainly with public approval.”

Wait, now we are squinting at that familiar image on the horizon because we know those who control things have been talking about a cashless society for quite a while.

We also know that data is considered a major commodity all by itself. Why do you think every system you encounter in the modern era requires your phone number even when you are not registering for anything. It, meaning you, us, are all getting linked into this modern registration system that is defining our status. We also know that system operators buy and sell our registered status amid various retail and technology systems.

Yeah, that opaque shadow is getting a little clearer now.

Perhaps you attempt to purchase dog food and get denied entry into Pet Smart because you didn’t renew the car registration.  Or perhaps you are blocked from entry because you forgot to change the oil on the leased vehicle you drive, and Toyota has this weird agreement with some retail consortium.   You head to the oil change place that conveniently pops up in the citizen compliance App –it’s only two blocks away– they clear the alert after they do the oil change, and you are gateway compliant again.

Missed your booster shot? We’re sorry citizen, your bank account is frozen until your compliance is restored… please proceed to the nearest vaccination office as displayed conveniently on your cell phone screen to open access to all further gates (checkpoints)…. tap to continue!

Vote for the wrong candidate?  Attend, or donate to, a trucker protest?

Yes, it seemed transparently obvious where this was heading, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just awakened the masses: