Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Joe Biden Talks Dead Dogs and Moonshots in Speech That Would Make Corn Pop Proud

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden gave a speech today prior to making his comments on the Ukraine situation, and you can probably guess how that went. While addressing county-level leaders at the Washington Hilton about various issues, the president launched into a story about putting a dead dog on a woman’s porch to spite her.

Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.

Am I actually upset by the fact that Biden may or may not have put a dead dog on a woman’s porch to get back at her for demanding he do his job as a then county commissioner? Nah, not in the least. Rather, I just find the entire thing ridiculous. Biden is a first-class bull excrement artist, and I’d bet a lot of money that this story is completely made up. File it right alongside his tale of an infamous encounter with a black man named Corn Pop at the city pool.

It’s all the typical nonsense we’ve come to expect from the president. Though, if he were trying to illustrate everything that’s wrong with overpaid government officials, that story did a good job of that.

Regardless, there were more serious occurrences during the speech, such as Biden once again forgetting what administration he served under as vice president.

I’ve lost count of how many times he’s gotten confused when trying to recall Barack Obama’s name over the last two years. It remains an incredibly weird thing to witness, and it says a lot about Biden’s mental acuity. Senility commonly comes with old age, and the president has that in spades. Still, it’s concerning to know this guy is the leader of the free world. You’d hope those constant four-day weekends would have him sharper, but I digress.

In that same clip, Biden also tried to take credit for curing cancer, before cancer has been cured.

As I’ve written before, I find the politicization of that to be gross. The president has done nothing of actual value to help find a cure for cancer. Recently, he revealed his “cancer moonshot,” and all it included was a “cancer cabinet,” which translates to a bunch of do-nothings getting taxpayer dollars to serve as a stand-in for actually doing something. It’s like appointing Kamala Harris as “border czar.” We all know it’s meaningless, and at some point, it becomes exploitative to try to take credit for the unfinished work others have been doing for decades in the field of cancer research.

Of course, we can’t end an article on a Biden speech without pointing out the lies that were told. Here’s one example.

It is an indisputable fact that the Build Back Better bill would add to the deficit. It is also a fact that it would raise taxes on everyone, not just those making above $400,000. Yet, Biden has no fear in repeating those falsehoods for the umpteenth time because who’s going to fact-check him? The Washington Post? CNN? They’ve got right-wing memes to dig into. Clearly, that leaves no time to worry about the president telling easily disprovable lies.

Biden also claimed the child tax credit existed when he was a child. In reality, it was enacted during the 1990s. Such memory failures are a dime a dozen with this president, though. In the end, it is what it is, but it’s all newsworthy nonetheless.

A Biden Reader

The Delaware Democrat challenges reporters to 
“go back and read what I said.” Challenge accepted.

“Well, you’re being a wise guy with me a little bit, and I understand that’s your job.” 

That was Joe Biden in a response to Lester Holt on Thursday night. As the NBC News anchor noted, inflation had surged 7.5 percent from January 2021 to January 2022. Back in July, Holt recalled, Biden said “no serious economist” believed unchecked inflation was on the way. Biden added that “our experts believe” the price increases were “expected to be temporary.” 

During his January 19 press conference, Biden fielded a question about his speech on “voting rights” and his suggestion that those who opposed the Democrats’ bill in Congress can be compared to Bull Connor. Biden told the reporter to “go back and read what I said.” As it turns out, that is good advice on other subjects Joe Biden has addressed.

Last December, Biden said that during the Six-Day War, Golda Meir “invited me to come over because I was going to be the liaison between [her] and the Egyptians about the Suez.” Biden said “I sat in front of her desk,” and Golda “gave me every detail.” Trouble is, the Six-Day War was in 1967, when Joe Biden was still in law school. So despite what he said, Joe Biden did not serve as a liaison for Golda Meir and the Egyptians. 

In Afghanistan, Biden hired the Taliban for security and a terrorist bomb claimed 13 American lives. Biden stranded Americans and left behind millions in high-tech military gear. Reporters can go back and read where Biden called the withdrawal an “extraordinary success.”

During a debate in 2020, Biden said Hitler “in fact invaded Europe,” as though the Nazi dictator had somehow been based in Greenland or Morocco. Biden added “the rest of Europe” but that was also inaccurate. Hitler and Stalin both invaded Poland in September of 1939. In 1940, Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway, but not neutral Sweden, which supplied Hitler with iron ore for the Nazi war machine. 

In 1940 Hitler invaded France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, but not Spain or Portugal. Hitler did not “invade Europe” but you can go back and read where Joe Biden said that he did. 

Communist China invaded and occupied Tibet way back in the 1950s, and now menaces Taiwan and U.S. allies in the Pacific. That regime maintains concentration camps where inmates perform forced labor. The Chinese Communist Party allows no freedom of speech and no political opposition. Yet for Joe Biden, the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks,” and not even competition for the United States. 

By contrast, Biden told a Michigan autoworker “you’re full of shit,” when he challenged Biden’s policy on the Second Amendment. You can go back and read it.

During the 2020 campaign Biden also told African Americans “you ain’t black,” if they failed to support him. For many African Americans, it was a revelation, and Vice President Biden had a curious take on the victims of the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. 

On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, Texas, U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan gunned down 13 unarmed American soldiers and wounded more than 40 others. The victims included Staff Sgt. Amy Sue Krueger, 29, shot in the chest; Lt. Col. Juanita L. Warman, 55, shot in the abdomen; and Pfc. Francheska Velez, 21, shot in the chest. Velez was pregnant and pleaded for the life of her baby, who was never counted among the victims. The wounded included Staff Sergeant Alonzo M. Lunsford, Jr., an African American. Hasan shot Sgt. Lunsford seven times, once in the head. 

“Jill and I join the President and Michelle in expressing our sympathies to the families of the brave soldiers who fell today,” Vice President Joe Biden said.  “We are all praying for those who were wounded and hoping for their full and speedy recovery.  Our thoughts and prayers are also with the entire Fort Hood community as they deal with this senseless tragedy.” 

As they go back and read Joe Biden’s statement, Americans can see that the Delaware Democrat named not a single murder victim. In similar style, the vice president gave no hint that terrorism, racism, murder, or even gun violence had been in play. The American soldiers, including the three women, simply “fell” in a senseless tragedy. Biden also failed to name the murderer and issue a call for justice. Go back and read it, and also check out what Vice President Biden said back in 2010.

“Although I and my colleagues behind me revere the Senate, Robert C. Byrd elevated the Senate,” said Vice President Joe Biden in the memorial service for Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), a former Ku Klux Klan community organizer who denounced African Americans as “race mongrels.” 

In 1967, Senator Byrd voted against the confirmation of Thurgood Marshall, the first African American nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1991, then-Senator Biden joined the former Ku Klucker in voting against African American Clarence Thomas. Nearly 20 years later, Biden was still looking up to Byrd, the man who “elevated” the Senate. 

On October 24,  2020, Biden said, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” On November 7, 2020, Biden said, “Once again, America’s bent the arc of the moral universe more toward justice. Kamala, Doug, like it or not, you’re family. You become an honorary Biden, there’s no way out.” 

All those who “worked the polls,” Biden said, “deserve a special thanks from the entire nation.” Though a “proud Democrat,” Biden said,  “I’ll work as hard for those who didn’t vote for me as those who did. Let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end here and now.”

More recently, Peter Doocy of Fox News asked Biden about inflation, a concern to many Americans. Unaware of a hot mic, Biden called Doocy a “stupid son of a bitch.” Like the charge that the autoworker was “full of shit,” that is not an argument.  On the other hand, such statements do have meaning. 

According to Freud, in the mental process of projection, people attribute to others what is in their own minds. For that dynamic, the Delaware Democrat offers endless possibilities. On voter fraud, World War II, terrorist mass murder, the Six-Day War, or surging inflation, simply “go back and read what I said.”

X22, James Red Pills America, and more-Feb 15


Another eventful day. Here's tonight's news:

The NCIS franchise is going International


Around this time last year, NCIS Hawaii was announced to be in development. And today, almost like clockwork, ANOTHER entry has been announced to be in development!

Official details down below from Deadline: 

NCIS: Sydney, which is slated for 2023, marks the first time one of CBS Studios’ global drama franchises is getting an international spinoff. The series, which will be filmed in Sydney, will feature local stories and Australian actors and producers, led by one of the most decorated alums of the NCIS franchise, NCIS: Los Angeles creator and former NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles executive producer/showrunner Shane Brennan who now lives in his native Australia. His exact capacity is TBD. NCIS: Sydney is being developed specifically for Paramount+ Australia as one of its first original series; it could also play in other territories, including U.S., as ViacomCBS’ streamer expands worldwide.


No. This isn't a joke.

How do I feel about this? Well, it already sounds better then Hawaii because the 7 Seasons that Shane was in charge of NCIS LA were the show's greatest.

Am I about to get sucked into this entry as well given how terrible Hawaii was? It'll depend on if I'll have a way to watch it.

I'll keep an eye on it for the time being.

Why We Care About the Canadian Truckers

And what it means for America's future.

By signaling he will invoke the Emergencies Act, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week will try to convince his cabinet of his intention to regain control of his national capital and put down the weeks-long revolt of Canada’s working class. 

Demanding an end to the state’s Covid tyranny, these tens of thousands of truckers arrived from the mountains and the plains and from the suburbs. They were joined on their routes by cheering Canadians on street corners and on highways, bundled up in heavy winter coats and carrying signs. 

Once they arrived in Ottawa, they packed the streets with their vehicles, and transformed the capital city into a festival of freedom, with political speeches, dancing and a massive show of solidarity with people of all backgrounds rebelling against ineffective Covid mandates, masks and lockdowns. 

As another show of their determination and power, truckers and their supporters had, for a time, sealed access to the Ambassador Bridge linking Ontario to Michigan, the transit point of a quarter of trade between the United States and Canada. Tucker Carlson–who’s been an invaluable American voice on the protests–called it, correctly, the most successful peaceful human rights protest in a generation.

As the Ottawa police failed to disperse the truckers and their supporters, the media pressured a pathetic-looking Trudeau–who’d fled the city to hide in a still-undisclosed location–to crack down on the Freedom Convoy. The Emergencies Act would be a major escalation, allowing the government to take a degree of power reserved for wartime or for serious emergencies and disasters. 

Trudeau himself, together with state-controlled (or elite-sympathetic) media, tried to prepare the ground for this unprecedented move by slandering the Freedom Convoy and its supporters for weeks as racists, white supremacists and fascists. 

As nobody has been able to point to violence committed by the truckers or their supporters, the media beclowned itself with unhinged agitprop like, “The parallels between the ‘Freedom Convoy’ and domestic violence” in the Ottawa Citizen. “A refrain we’re seeing from convoy participants and supporters is that this protest is 'non-violent,’” writes Kaitlin Geiger-Bardswich of  Women’s Shelters Canada. “That song and dance is all too familiar to the many women across the country who have experienced domestic abuse.”

Clearly, these people are taking it all very badly. For the transnational elite class, the explosion of patriotism in the Freedom Convoy has been shocking and terrifying. After decades of mass immigration and soft, managerial socialism, they’d thought they’d succeeded in emptying the contents of the old Canadian identity completely. 

For these people, Canada was nothing more or less than the state itself, and the massive constellation of nonprofits, media outlets, tech companies, NGOs, and government contractors who shared the same concerns, prejudices and fashionable opinions. By the time the Truedeau government came around, they could barely answer the question, “what is Canada?” without gauzy platitudes designed to not alienate any possible interest group. 

Suddenly, though, the protests revealed people standing in the bitter cold, waving maple leaf flags and–finally–taking to heart the national anthem’s exhortation to God to, “keep our land glorious and free.” The protests dislodged a patriotism in the nearly invisible part of Canada that had, apparently, been dormant for decades. No wonder Trudeau referred to these people as a “fringe minority”; they hadn’t been visible in any metropolitan centers or bougie ski villages. 

“These Truckers want to overthrow the government,” they bleat on television, invoking the specter of January 6th “insurrectionists” in America in order to justify whatever coming violent, severe and punitive measures they can come up with to stop the peaceful protests. Of course, overthrowing the government means something far different–and pretty unremarkable–in a parliamentary system. Or, at least, it should for Canadian audiences. 

Why Canadian politicians and broadcasters are using this kind of language is an indication of how closely tied this class is with their American counterparts; they can only understand themselves in one way: as fierce guardians of an enlightened, scientifically-run bureaucratic state that works for them and punishes their hateful, bigoted enemies.

For anyone paying attention to politics since 2016, all this seems unremarkable–proceeding along the most important current fault lines in American domestic politics, even if they are somewhat misunderstood: the working class vs the laptop class; social media vs corporate media; messy freedom vs ordered security.

And so, far south of that northern border, American conservatives have been glued to social media, thrilling to the heroic defiance of the Canadian Truckers and their supporters. As we cheer this freedom movement in Canada, we look for similar signs of defiance and resolve in our fellow countrymen. Why not us? Where are our guys? Will it be left to our terminally nice Canadian neighbors to stand up? 

Of course, it’s not surprising that we care so much, and that the story has riveted us. Canada is our nearby and friendly neighbor; it isn’t a world and a thousand years of culture away, like Afghanistan. And unlike Ukraine and Russia–old, weird civilizations with so much experience with past traumas, tyrannies, and famines–Canadians are really like us, if only more famously mild-mannered. 

Even more, however, the drama of Canada’s Freedom Convoy points toward the direction of future global conflicts, and America’s place in them.

I often used to say that, “Democrats don’t have foreign enemies; they have foreigners who remind them of domestic enemies.” But maybe this formulation is outdated; it’s now true for Republicans, too. In the category of non-state actors, the defiant, freedom-loving Canadian Truckers have taken their place as right-wing folk heroes. Unsurprisingly, they’re considerably less bloody than past left-wing foreign folk heroes, like Palestinian or Sanenista rebels. 

I’ve written for years about the growing partisanship in America, and the unbridgeable ideological divide that will, at some point, result in the collapse of the United States or–if we’re very lucky–a National Divorce. One of the symptoms or manifestations of this divide is in foreign affairs: as we no longer have a single, American narrative about the countries or foreign movements we dislike or support, there’s no coherent foreign policy that’s possible.

Of course, this disagreement about the other is born from the shattered consensus about the kind of country we are, or even the kind of civilization we are.

Americans on the Right have grown to realize that the routine maintenance of America’s national interests, traditionally understood, do little but bolster the hold the elite, woke, laptop class have on the government and the nation’s society at large. The priorities of this class–embodied by ceaseless military propaganda about trans rights, “white supremacy,” diversity, equity and inclusion–seem to have swallowed the old understanding of national interests whole. 

“This is America now,” the woke Biden administration might proclaim and, looking around the culture and corporate media, it’s hard to conclude that that appraisal isn’t largely true.

Why They’re So Afraid of the Truckers

When real labor awakens to the true parasitic nature of the Left, 
the whole system comes crashing down.

“Nonetheless we will still need to react—and by that I mean react concretely—to the stunts of hooligan elements now active in Poland, whom the government has not taken any measures to combat. . . . What’s going on there now is they’re defacing the monuments of our soldiers . . . they’re insulting the Soviet Union in every possible manner . . . In other words, they’re mocking us,” Soviet Politburo member Nikolai Tikhonov exclaimed during a September 1981 debate over how to respond to the strikes and headline-grabbing protests by the Polish union, Solidarity. 

Another Politburo member suggested using the media to smear the independent Polish union to win the public relations battle: “Both in ‘Pravda’ and in other newspapers we must organize statements of this sort.” 

Another warned that the workers’ revolt might spread—thus challenging the legitimacy of a system that appropriated the industrial worker’s hammer crossed with the agricultural worker’s scythe. “Solidarity has decided not to confine itself solely to Poland. It is attempting to impose its subversive ideas on neighboring states and to interfere in their internal affairs.” He added a smear familiar to today’s ears, “This is just what fascists do in creating brigades of stormtroopers.”

The Soviet leaders faulted inadequate indoctrination decrying, “The lack of training in Marxist-Leninist sciences in secondary school is taking its toll. With regard to the mass media, their current status does not correspond to what is needed. The Party is taking steps to restore order and reestablish control. But even that will still leave things far from normal . . . Ideological erosion stemming from the decline of Party-educational work among the masses, and the neglect of this work in the mass media, define the current situation in Poland.” 

Then, like now, academics and media were a tool of first resort to suppress and smear political opposition.

In September of 1981, the Soviet Union seemed an uncrackable monolith. On its frontiers stood a NATO force that would last only a few weeks were a conventional war to break out. The Soviets could rely upon apologists in Western academia and the media to amplify their propaganda and stifle voices demanding freedom. Yet the opposition of a labor union to Soviet Communism powerfully undermined its claim to legitimacy. The very symbol of that communism—the intersection of a hammer and sickle—implicitly claimed the entire Soviet system was just one large pro-worker’s union. We remember that Solidarity was the exception to the general rule that the central political authority controlled all unions in the Soviet Empire. We are reminded of that when we see modern American Unions paradoxically support open borders-style immigration and slavishly support the Democratic agenda.

In 1981, the future prime minister of Canada had not yet turned 10 years old and was not yet designated Canada’s “sexiest man alive.” Yet there are clues that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau might have heard and absorbed Soviet anti-Solidarity propaganda. In response to the 2022 truckers’ convoy, Trudeau plagiarized the Soviets, claiming, “We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonour [sic] the memory of our veterans.”

The media, perhaps responding to a Soviet-style call to “organize statements of this sort,” wrote, “Images shared on social media during the weekend showed protesters waving flags with swastikas on them, as well as U.S. Confederate flagswhich civil rights groups say is a symbol of white supremacy.” 

Claims linking the Canadian truckers’ convoy to Nazis appeared in the GuardianVoxNPR, the AtlanticBBC, the (ironically-named) IndependentNBCReuters, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and many more. Each of those 10 sources contains a line similar to this, “The truckers have been joined by various groups, including some displaying Nazi symbols and damaging public monuments.” None contained one picture or video to support the smear.

The smears remind us of the recent effort to associate the Republican candidate for governor in Virginia with fascists. In that incident, anti-Republican activists, including the Lincoln Project, donned costumes to pose as racist supporters of the candidate. We’re also reminded of the recent criminal conviction of Jussie Smollett for staging a fake hate crime to smear Trump supporters. We’re also reminded of the many successful lawsuits by Nick Sandmann who the media falsely accused of hate crimes. A more responsible media would have provided proof before coordinating yet another smear against a political movement. 

In 1981, the Soviets seemed invincible. Yet their power was fragile, vulnerable to a single fissure of courage that started in Poland. That crack lengthened and spread until the entire system crumbled. It must have seemed impossible to defeat an ideology that controlled every institution—the press, the education system, the military, etc. Yet, without firing a shot, a courageous protest in Poland did just that. 

The Soviet Union, like modern leftism today, appropriates and exploits the struggle of ordinary people while simultaneously making things worse for them. Their soft hands and arrogance set them apart from their supposed clients in the “real world.” Their only skill is to feast upon the fruits of other people’s labor. When real labor awakens to the true parasitic nature of the Left, the whole system comes crashing down.

No wonder they’re so afraid.

Another Hallmark favorite bails ship for GAC Family


I told you all it wouldn't be too much longer before I heard of another big deal being signed! 😊 Source: https://deadline.com/2022/02/jessica-lowndes-multi-picture-deal-with-gac-family-write-produce-direct-projects-1234932168/

Multi-hyphenate Jessica Lowndes has signed a four-picture deal to star in, write, direct and executive produce original films for GAC Family.

The announcement follows the weekend premiere of Harmony From The Heart, in which Lowndes starred with Jesse Metcalfe. She also wrote the original screenplay and executive produced the film.

Lowndes is also the latest Hallmark Channel alum to sign a deal with GAC Family, which is run by Bill Abbott, former CEO of Crown Media Family Networks, parent of Hallmark Channel. Abbott has been bringing in established Hallmark Channel talent he worked with while running the network. Lowndes joins fellow Hallmark Channel vets including Jen Lilley, Danica McKellar and Trevor Donovan, all of whom have signed multi-picture deals with GAC Family. Additionally, When Calls the Heart alums Lori Loughlin and Daniel Lissing reunited for the return of spinoff When Hope Calls on GAC Family.

Harmony From The Heart marks the sixth film Lowndes has EP’d and her second produced script as a writer. She also performs several of the film’s original songs, which she wrote and produced, “11:11” with Grammy-nominated and Platinum-selling singer-songwriter and producer Zyra, alongside music producers Aaron Edwards (Miley Cyrus, Elohim, Lucy Hale) and Corey Walles. Edwards and Walles produced a majority of the music for the film.

Her first collaboration with GAC Family was Executive Producing and starring in Autumn Romance the first original film to air on the network. Lowndes recently Executive Produced and starred in the original film Angel Falls Christmas, which premiered on GAC Family in November 2021.

In 2015, Lowndes starred alongside Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig in Lifetime’s A Deadly Adoption. In the past few years she has starred in over 10 projects with Lifetime and Hallmark, many of which included original songs she wrote and performed for the projects. She wrote the screenplay for Over the Moon in Love and co-wrote/performed the hit song “Paradise” for the film which hit #1 on iTunes Singer/Songwriter charts. She also starred in the 2021 film Mix Up in the Mediterreanean for Hallmark Channel. Her duet “Alive,” which she performed with her co-star Jeremy Jordan for the film, cracked the top 15 on iTunes last year.

Lowndes is best known for her depiction of drug-addicted teen Adrianna on the CW’s 90210. Originally written as a 3-episode arc, the character quickly became a series regular and a central character on 90210 for five seasons.

Lowndes has self-released over 20 original songs and her single, Silicone in Stereo reached #11 on the Billboard charts in both the U.S. and Canada.

The GAC deal was negotiated by Aperture Entertainment and Sloane, Offer, Weber & Dern. Lowndes is also repped by Deb Dillstone and A3 Artists Agency.

Reasons to Criticize Biden’s Intelligence on Russia

Overestimating the risk is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The Biden Administration spent nearly a year distributing intelligence about Russian military deployments, before warning all Americans to leave Ukraine. It claims February 16 as the likeliest date for a Russian invasion. But Ukraine itself denies that an invasion is imminent. Ukrainians go about their normal business, hit the ski slopes on weekends, and protest that they’re not leaving.

How to explain the differing U.S. and Ukrainian postures?

The xenophobic assumption is that the Ukrainians don’t know any better. But Ukraine has the best human intelligence on its own borders. The United States has the best technical intelligence, such as imagery, signals intercepts, and hacks. Technical intelligence can easily prove military deployments, but human intelligence proves intent.  

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already proven aggressive, expansionist intentions in Ukraine. In 2014, Russia invaded Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk, and Kharkiv, in response to Kyiv’s pro-Western revolution. Putin is an opportunist. Just because he wants more of Ukraine given the opportunity, doesn’t mean that he is intent on invading when the Biden Administration says so. 

More importantly, the Biden Administration’s frequent claims that invasion is “imminent” are self-fulfilling prophecies. Biden is desensitizing everybody to the shock of yet another aggressive war in Europe. The more desensitized we are to Putin’s wars, the less risky they are for Putin.

An apologist, Daniel Baer, has just opined that the Biden Administration’s steady drip-drip of sensational claims is actually a clever strategy to put Russia on the verbal defensive. But Baer is really the one on the defensive: he was one of Barack Obama’s appointees to Europe in 2014. At the time, the Obama Administration was frozen in intelligence failure and policy indecision.

The Biden Administration seems to think that the lesson from 2014 is that it should spew public claims about secret intelligence. But the Biden Administration has been caught spinning bad intelligence too frequently for it to be taken on trust.

In August 2021, the U.S. intelligence community failed to reach a consensus about the origins of COVID-19, despite a presidential directive for a community-wide reassessment. Meanwhile, Afghanistan collapsed before Biden’s scheduled withdrawal. Biden blamed the estimates. The intelligence community leaked estimates that predicted collapse. But they were still off by weeks to months. A U.S. drone subsequently killed an Afghani aid worker and his family, whom the Biden Administration touted as the controller of the Islamic State suicide bomber who had killed 13 American military personnel at Kabul airport.

In February 2022, the normally loyal American media questioned the administration’s claim that the Islamic State’s leader in Syria blew up himself and his family, rather than be taken by U.S. Special Operators. The Biden Administration slapped down journalists’ requests for evidence of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi’s alleged familicide.

In the same week, the Biden Administration claimed that Russia had filmed a fictional crime by fictional Ukrainian troops as a pretext to war. Ned Price, the State Department’s spokesman (and a former CIA officer), briefed journalists about “declassified intelligence,” then refused to produce it. During an impatient rebuttal, he unguardedly revealed that the community is not “confident” enough to release this intelligence.

What ultimately discredits the Biden Administration’s intelligence is the indecisiveness of America’s response. If the United States knew that Putin was intent on war, the administration should have reconciled its policies and forces back in November, when it warned of 100,000 Russian troops on Ukraine’s border—or back in April, when it expressed alarm about Russian military exercises on the same border. 

For months, the Biden Administration has described an invasion as “imminent.” Nevertheless, only in the last couple of weeks has the State Department evacuated diplomatic personnel and transferred military personnel to Ukraine’s neighbors. These movements, by the way, won’t complete until after the supposed optimum date for Russian invasion, which is Wednesday.

To be fair, Putin’s intentions are unusually difficult to estimate. Putin is deploying forces on bare steppes for every satellite to see, but capabilities do not prove intent. In November, anonymous intelligence officials leaked their community’s assessment that either Putin hadn’t yet decided what to do, or had kept his decision to a tight circle. (Years ago, his regime took to recording certain correspondence on electric typewriters that cannot be hacked.) On January 26, Biden said, in one of his rare unscripted comments, “I don’t even think his people know for certain what he will do.”

Overestimating the risk prepares the public for bad news. If Putin were to invade Ukraine, Biden could say, “I told you so.” Then he is less likely to be criticized for ignorance or unreadiness. Indeed, this might have been the root motivation for the Biden Administration to overestimate the risk all along.  

No Government Can Make as Many Mistakes and Errors About COVID as Ours Did; It Requires Intent

streiff reporting for RedState 

A little earlier today, my colleague Nick Arama posted on a Washington Post editorial about the futility of mask mandates (see WaPo Finally Says It: ‘Mask Mandates Didn’t Make Much of a Difference Anyway’). If this sounds a little strange given the fights raging across the nation, and the so-called Western world, about mask mandates, it should. In fact, it should seem strange even by the standards of the Washington Post editorial section that published the story.

How does the Washington Post story fit in here?

The hallmark of the so-called public health information associated with COVID, going back to the earliest days of the “pandemic,” professed a certainty with which we were all obliged to go along on pain of public ridicule.

For instance, look at the early models for disease spread. These have now proven to be so wildly inaccurate that they don’t merit the term “guesses,” much less that of “models.” Note that the purveyors of those “models” have suffered no professional or financial or penal (yes, I think Neil Ferguson and everyone on his team should be serving life-without-parole in a forced labor camp above the Arctic Circle) consequences, their models are still quoted, and we are still supposed to take them seriously.

A quick look back and we soon have an extensive list of things that were fed to us as “facts” and have since been proven wrong. For instance:

Masks. We’ve been told to wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, wear two masks, wear masks when walking through restaurants but not when sitting. COVID guru Dr. Anthony Fauci pooh-poohed and then demanded we all wear masks without any change in the scientific data. Even now we have the dichotomy of school districts requiring masking while going to a school sporting event is mask-free.

Deep-cleaning. Remember when we were pestered to ensure we washed all the stuff we bought at the store and stores closing early to “deep-clean” the facilities. Bogus. Every last bit of it was not only bogus at the time, it was known to be bogus when it was required of us.

Asymptomatic spread is rare. Now we’re told that the spread of the virus by people who are asymptomatic is common. Is it?

The vaccine will protect you. That statement has now been modified to mean that the vaccine will give you some limited protection from the virus. In the process, the very definition of “vaccine” has been changed. Never fear, the Ministry of Truth is hard at work to make you forget that.

Social distancing. Stores across the country had stripes on the floor six feet apart to identify how close we could be to other people. To date, no evidence has been produced to substantiate that six feet is anything other than an arbitrary number (Six-Foot Social Distancing Is on the Way out, but How We Got There in the First Place Is the Real Story).

Super-spreader events. We were warned about them. None have been identified to date (As the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Begins the Same Tired People Make the Same Tired Apocalyptic Claims That It Is a ‘Superspreader’ Event). Last year’s Super Bowl was not one (Super Bowl Was Not a ‘Superspreader’ Event, Creating a Sad in the Pandemic Porn Industry), this year’s Super Bowl won’t be one, either.

This is just a partial list. I’m sure you can come up with a lot more.

What makes this all more curious is that the windsock constancy of the information is married with a deliberate attempt to quash competing or even neutral information.

The government and its social media lackeys have spent an extraordinary amount of energy suppressing “misinformation” about the virus even though much of the “misinformation” has been proven correct. In fact, we now know that the “scientists” leading the national COVID response, primarily NIH Director Francis Collins and NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, coordinated a campaign to discredit and professionally malign accomplished scientists who disagreed with the direction the US government was going.

The “with” versus “from” dodge. From the very beginning, public health officials have taken heroic efforts to ensure that no one can conduct an independent analysis of what is going on with the “pandemic.” The central feature of this is the deliberate obscuring of the numbers of people who have died or been hospitalized “with” COVID that is, they meet the flabby federal guidelines for classifying a case as COVID or “from” COVID, meaning that COVID was the proximate cause of death or hospitalization. This has resulted in deaths from gangland shootings, car accidents, and drug overdoses being classified as “from” COVID. The current reimbursement scheme for hospitals encourages to classify patients as having COVID because they are compensated at a higher rate for regular and ICU admissions “with” COVID. This all serves to make it virtually impossible to independently verify the severity of the “pandemic” because the best data to evaluate the “pandemic” do not portray the direct impact of the disease.

This leads us to one of two explanations. Either we are ruled by f***ing idiots, and, as you know, I’m open to that argument (PODCAST: Moore to the Point With Susie Moore – Ep. 5 – Conversation With Streiff on Elite Incompetence), or we are seeing a concerted effort by our self-declared elites to eliminate all public resistance to doing what they are told.

If you’ve followed my writing on this subject, you know that I’ve long contended that there are two things at work in the “pandemic” response. The first is that the aggrandizement of power by a voracious bureaucracy. The bureaucracy has tried, successfully in many places, to create a “public health” exception to the US Constitution. The exception is aimed primarily at the First Amendment but it has expanded to include acting as a shadow legislature to impose rules and penalties for non-compliance without legislative action.

The second purpose is population control. It is in the service of the second objective that I contend the non-stop dissemination of false, contradictory, and misleading information by the government, a la 1984, works. The people making these policies, in my view, don’t really care if they are effective or not. They only care that you obey them. From this standpoint, Fauci’s no-mask-one-mask-two-mask tap dance is much more effective than a firm science-based policy (i.e. masks are dumb) proclaimed on Day One. It forces his loyalists to forfeit any semblance of intellectual coherence to support his pronouncements.

The vaccine announcements fall into the same category. Only a year ago, we were told by the government that a vaccine would enable us to get back to normal. That, obviously, has not happened. In fact, we are now looking at being required to take booster shots, in some cases three or four times a year, to maintain even the current definition of vaccination efficacy. The people who mindlessly crowed the “one vaccine” message have now morphed, shamelessly, to mouth the “booster” message.

Bottom line: I am more inclined to believe the self-anointed elites are evil than stupid. A small number of mistakes and minor dishonesty is the price you pay for dealing with people. Massive, uncorrected mistakes, frequently contradicted within a few weeks by the same agency and without any semblance of apology and explanation coupled with the harnessing of government and social media to suppress information speaks of something much more sinister and premeditated. Taken together, the actions by that part of the government making public health policy over the past two years gives one the right to ask that if they were focused on destroying liberty rather than saving lives what would they have done differently?

These happenings over the past two years bring to mind George Orwell’s prescient novel 1984.

One of the key plotlines in 1984 is that the government routinely changes facts and compels the population to go along with the changed facts or face punishment. At one point, the government holds a mandatory 15 days to slow the spread rally where the crowd is informed in quick succession that Oceania is no longer at war with Eurasia. The new enemy is Eastasia and Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. The government’s philosophy was, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

The production of contradictory information is not seen as a fault by the government of Big Brother, rather it is a means of exerting social control. Internalizing and believing what the government said was required if you were to live a life free from punishment.

We’re seeing a page ripped out of 1984 and applied to our society. Once they’ve signed on to repeating the government mantra du jour and bullying family members, associates, and random strangers (or, in Canda, Australia, and most of Europe, reporting them to law enforcement) to force compliance there is no going back.  Their lack of integrity and principles is reinforced and rewarded by government propaganda and by fewer restrictions on their lives. They have become modern-day Kapos and Sonderkommandos. They have become the regime’s enforcers and informers amplifying the reach and power of the government into every home, school, business, and relationship.