Monday, February 14, 2022

The People's Convoy to begin on Feb 23


Announced tonight on Newsmax. Video down below:

Party Privilege

The special privileges afforded to lefties - Dems flaunting the mask mandates they ruthlessly impose on children, Whoopi getting a two-week paid vacation for vicious on-air bigotry - are a key part of how totalitarian ideologies work. Party membership must have benefits.

These privileges must be flaunted. It is vital for the public to see that carrying a Party card confers special treatment and extraordinary benefits. Everyone must understand that the rules are different for Party members. Vulgar displays are sometimes needed to drive this home.

Totalitarianism is the politicization of everything. It's exhausting for the people who must live under its ever-growing, ever-changing rules. This is by design. An exhausted populace, worn down by perpetual fear of saying or doing the Wrong Thing, is easier to control.

But the totalitarian system must be managed by a ruling Party whose card-carrying members are immunized against the shifting maze of rules and taboos in which the public is trapped. The Ruling Class must walk above the maze in order to control the rats running within.

As a political party grows more totalitarian, its elites scoff at the notion of "leading by example." They regard the notion as frankly absurd. THEY need reliable energy, dependable transportation, armed protection, and the other things YOU must do without. THEY don't need masks.

Totalitarian elites would laugh out loud if told they should do all of the things they demand of the Little People, to lead by example. They would roar with mirth if told they should disarm their guards to prove they're serious about gun control, or rely solely on electric cars.

This is partly because the elites have no intention of suffering the way they intend for you to suffer, and party because their ego and ideology tell them Special People like themselves deserve special privileges - they're better than you, so OF COURSE they live better.

But it's also because totalitarianism can only thrive if there is a single ruling Party, and membership in that Party must confer privileges. Even the Little People must be taught to view the lowest echelon of Party members as special and privileged, living by different rules.

This is how the ruling totalitarian party recruits members. Look at every totalitarian party in history - from WW2 fascists, to modern China, to the Democrat Party in America - and you can see this dynamic in play. Join the Party and the rules are different for you.

Smart totalitarians understand there will always be sources of power and wealth that are not directly controlled by even the largest government, unless you embrace pure communism and degenerate into primitive savagery and starvation. Advanced societies inevitably create wealth.

In order to control the power and wealth that exists beyond State control, totalitarians use Party membership as a way to bring rich and influential people into the political fold. It becomes unthinkable for any rich or famous person to resist joining the Party.

The Party is the nimbus of influence and control that extends far beyond the State. The Party puts private capital and influence at the disposal of political elites, so they can wield power far beyond what is granted by law. You can see many examples of this in America today.

If you want all these rich, talented, influential people to join the Party, you must constantly send the message that Party membership has incredible perks - like insurance against Cancel Culture, and special exemptions from silly political superstitions like masking. 

X22, And we Know, and more-Feb 14 (with a surprise gift included)


Intense day. And boy do I have I real surprise for all of you!

It's been known that The Network of Frequent Incompetence (CBS) SOMETIMES does something nice. Well, they did something really nice for me today. They made a series of short videos on Instagram with screencaptures for various shows, and guess who they actually included for NCIS LA?

It's right here (just got posted on Twitter):

United States Truckers Support Group Makes Trip to Canadian Border With Supplies



This past weekend Convoy To Save America (CTSA), a new group formed to peacefully support the Canadian truckers and the Canadian people, sent two convoys to the U.S.-Canadian border at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo, NY. CTSA brought supplies for the Canadian truckers and peacefully assembled with other groups from around New York to support the convoys, protest the lockdowns, and celebrate freedom.

On both Saturday and Sunday there was a 13-mile “slow roll” convoy that started in Tonawanda, NY, drove into Buffalo past government buildings, and ended at Pat Sole Park in Buffalo across from the Peace Bridge. At the park were spirited rallies with speakers, music, and cries of “We will not comply!”

The Peace Bridge is an international border which is normally one of Canada-U.S.’s most trafficked border crossings. Due to diversions of traffic to the Peace Bridge from the blocked Ambassador Bridge at Detroit, the Peace Bridge had experienced backups for two days prior to the weekend events. By Saturday, the Peace Bridge was closed to all traffic, preventing supporters from marching to the bridge’s Canadian border.

The Convoy To Save America was founded by Denby Melisha Morgan, a Tennessee mother of seven, with the goal of standing with Canada and providing material and rallying support. Sponsors that have stepped up to help the Tennessee-based group succeed with its goals include Teachers For ChoiceNew York Freedom Rally, Families Are Essential, Rolling Patriots, The Constitutional Coalition of New York, and Americans For Justice.

Also involved was For the Love of Family- Reunification for All, which is comprised of groups of bi-national families who have been fighting for open borders for nearly two years. Families continue to be separated by federal policies by the Biden and Trudeau regimes who maintain a closed land border for unvaccinated families and cumbersome restrictions and testing to enter Canada.

The first CTSA convoy left New York City on Friday, February 11, stopping at Scranton, PA; Elmira, NY; and Mount Morris, NY to pick up supplies from supporters wanting to donate to the truckers. The second convoy left Mount Juliet, TN just east of Nashville on Saturday, February 12, and picked up convoy supporters and supplies at Lebanon Junction, KY; Fort Mitchell, KY; Seville, OH; and Erie, PA.

Morgan said, “It was so exciting that we actually were boots-on-the-ground support for Canada’s freedom fighters. They have been such a personal inspiration to me that I galvanized everyone I know to get on board and support them.”  She added, “Our two convoys brought a variety of supplies to the border that the Canadians specifically recommended to bring such as hand warmers, water, snacks, gas cards, hats, washer fluid, gloves, and blankets.”

Convoy leaving Tonawanda, New York for the Canadian-US Border.

In New York, the CTSA convoy was paid visits at their Manhattan Pennsylvania Station departure point separately by policemen from both the Port Authority and the New York Police Department. Assumingly, they were checking up to make sure they were not going to have a mini-Ottawa on their hands. En route, the team received a phone call from the sheriff of Elmira wanting to get a handle on the group and ensure there were no problems with traffic. There was minimal police presence on the ground at the two peaceful Buffalo rallies. Overall, the police were polite and unobtrusive.

Randy Ireland, co-Founder of Americans For Justice, said, “We are in a fight for the survival of the U.S. Constitution with mandates and medical freedom being only one of several prominent issues facing America today. It is time to unite all Americans around the Constitution and confront major issues head-on collectively as WE THE PEOPLE—exactly as the Truckers for Freedom in Canada are doing!”

It could not be confirmed at this time, but one of the local rally organizers informed the CTSA team that New York Governor Kathy Hochul had established a command control center in Buffalo and was in Buffalo herself the weekend of the rally.

Donations are still needed to support Convoy To Save America’s efforts to help the Canadian truckers.  Go to

Joe Biden, Alchemist? ~ VDH

He is a delusional medievalist who does his best 
to turn golden policies into dross.

Medieval alchemists sought to turn base metals into precious metals like gold. The more the alchemists bumped into the reality that gold was an element, the more desperately they sought to find fantastic ways to fabricate the rare element out of nothing. 

Joe Biden operates on the same alchemist principles. He tries to turn his record of dross into golden success. And the more he fails, the more zealously he embraces his next new fantasy. Meanwhile,  the midterm reckoning approaches. 

Printing money, talking up low interest rates, disincentivizing work, subsidizing inactivity, and being unprepared that a pent-up, locked down, constipated economy of the past two years would eventually break out—all that resulted in January’s 7.5 percent annualized inflation rate. Unlike Joe Biden, even a child knows that too much demand and liquidity and too few available goods and services cause prices to rise. The rate of inflation is increasing at an annualized rate not seen in 40 years. And the jump already follows a prior 2021 annual rate of 6.8 percent. The prices of gas, food, and houses—the stuff of life—are collectively rising far higher than just 7.5 percent. 

At first, the Biden Administration attempted to turn this inflationary dross into gold. Price hikes, we were assured, were all just the worries of an elite. 

Second, inflation was merely “temporary” and “transitory,” as the rebooted system got rid of its glitches. 

Third, higher costs were good because they meant higher wages for workers (their real wages have been declining at a rate of one to two percent on an annualized basis). 

Fourth, inflation was an indicator of a “robust” Biden economy.  

Fifth, why not blame the prior “Trump economy” for the disaster of “modern monetary theory”?

Sixth, inflation was unavoidable, given the shortage of computer chips, of tankers, of . . . fill in the blank. 

Biden is hunting for the same magic excuses to fabricate a golden spin on crime. After demagoguing the police, contextualizing the 2020 riots, and supporting openly or quietly the Soros district attorney revolution, crime has exploded. Carjackings, smash-and-grab robberies, and violent assaults come to American screens each morning on social media and the news despite the denials of the Biden filters. 

Rather than address the crime wave, the FBI prefers to harrass after parents at school board meetings, to fixate on mythical “white supremacist” conspiracies, or to retrieve lost property of the wayward Biden offspring. 

Murder is at all-time highs in 12 major cities. And the response of the alchemists? 

One, crime is not that bad if  we lump together white-collar nonviolent crime with violent crime. Then, presto, “crime” rates are stable (as if your accountant who gets caught taking too many improper deductions is likely to carjack your Honda or take a sledgehammer to the local jeweler’s display cases).  

Two, “COVID-19” caused lawlessness—not the end of law-enforcement deterrence. 

Third, Biden and his administration were only sorta, kinda, maybe, perhaps once upon a time supportive of defunding the police, but of course, certainly, surely never active promoters.  

Turn to the Afghanistan disaster, the worst humiliation of the U.S. military since the 1975 flight from Saigon. We were first told the “generals did it.” That is, Joe Biden was never properly apprised of the dangers of his scram. Once Biden’s polls dipped below 40 percent, the top brass mysteriously began coming out of the woodwork and blaming Biden—as if to say “We are not taking the rap for a now failed president.” 

Then we learned that the logistics of the scamper were actually brilliant—so much so that no other country could ever approximate such a well-prepped getaway. It was as if the United States now leads the world’s militaries in the art of flight. 

Next we learned that all the pertinent U.S. and loyalist Afghan personnel were safely evacuated—except they were not. Apparently, that lie was predicated on the assumption the end was so humiliating that no American would wish to revisit August 2021, or to even again hear the word “Afghanistan.”

Finally, we were assured—no surprise—that Biden was just continuing the Trump planned escape. 

In the end, the truth emerged. Biden had demanded a big 20th anniversary remembrance of 9/11 by giving a “big” speech that he alone had ended the Afghan war. And so, he had to get everybody home in time for his self-congratulatory triumph

Perhaps the greatest Biden catastrophe was turning an energy independent, oil and gas exporting nation into a dependent importer again. Worse, Biden even begged the once roundly trashed Saudis and the supposedly demonic Vladimir Putin to please pump more oil. 

To explain doubling gas prices, we were told initially, of course, that “COVID-19 did it.” 

Or we were lectured that canceling pipelines, yanking new federal oil and gas leases, making Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge off limits to energy exploration, jawboning banks to restrict loans to energy companies, and scolding frackers were all part of a new “balanced” plan to “address climate change” (e.g., the repackaging of Obama Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s ossified plan of getting the cost of gasoline up to proper “European levels”). 

Then the alchemists tried new formulas of blaming oil companies and corporations (most of whose CEOS are woke) for “price gouging.” 

Next we learned that the satanic OPEC was up to its old anti-American tricks, as if it had not been previously neutered for a time with the gush of U.S. gas and oil on the market between 2017 and early 2021. 

Competing with this failure was the Biden failure at the border. Distilling this mess was even trickier, because most of Biden’s supporters believe that he successfully turned a secure border into a golden open one. So again, Biden was the proverbial alchemist who insisted that his own pig iron policies actually created a 24-karat border, albeit unperceivable to ordinary Americans. 

Most Americans polled expressed their horror at the idea of nearly 2 million pouring across the border—illegally, without means of support, unvaccinated and untested in a time of pandemic, without English or skills, cutting ahead of patiently waiting legal applicants, unvetted with no idea how many had criminal records. All that required more of Biden’s alchemy to turn that dross into glitter. 

As a result, we were told that apprehensions for a time were up (e.g., if you let in millions and detain only a small fraction, that tiny number can still exceed the sum of detentions during times of a secure border with almost no illegal crossings.) 

Then we were told it was the fault of Mexico and Central America—as if for the first time in history they dared to export human capital to rein in $60 billion in annual remittances. 

Next we were assured there was no problem, given Kamala Harris was our “border czar.” And when criticized after she confessed that she had not been to the border, she scoffed that she had never been to Europe either. So, no big deal. And now in her inaugural visit to Europe, Harris is advising our NATO allies how best to sync European and American efforts to deter Putin. 

Then we were told that our border patrollers mercilessly whip the innocent from their stallions, the logical dividend of trying to patrol the ossified notion of a border in the first place. Except that turned out to be untrue as the “whips,” we later discovered, were just reins. 

Finally, there was the COVID-19 challenge. Remember the context. After attempting for political purposes during the 2020 campaign to question the efficacy and safety of the Trump Operation Warp Speed vaccinations, Biden and Harris upon inauguration claimed them as their own. 

They continued their earlier misinformation that the former president was responsible for 100 percent of COVID deaths during his presidency. And they did so because they were assured that the now plagiarized vaccination programs (Biden and Harris were both vaccinated shortly after being elected) would simply end the pandemic. Biden being Biden, he then foolishly boasted that he would not so much end the lockdowns, as end the virus itself. 

Then Delta and Omicron hit. They synced with record unpopularity for a president’s first year and previewed a Democratic wipeout in the 2022 midterms. 

In reaction, Biden then swore that Trump had left him no vaccinations at all when Biden took office! It was also Trump who had ruined Biden’s attempts to get cheap and available tests out. It was the bogeyman Trump who further hampered the appearance of safe and inexpensive therapeutics to treat the disease. Trump was urging Americans to drink bleach we were told! 

To no avail. On Biden’s watch, Omicron infected the thrice-vaxxed. 

Its infectiousness hit even the masked and locked down. 

Those with naturally acquired immunity had as good, if not better, immunity than the vaxxed. 

In other words, much of the Fauci “follow the science” orthodoxy was revealed as irrelevant if not simply anti-science. 

With the midterms on the horizon, and millions of American asking why their children were still unschooled, why those outdoors were still wearing masks, why public officials  who railed the most about the need for masks were caught unmasked, and why the federal government was still firing soldiers and federal workers with naturally acquired immunity, Biden began to furiously alchemize again. 

Now his party abruptly announces, “We will live with COVID rather than live-in fear of it.” Masks are now becoming passé. Lockdowns, if not already ignored, are easing. 

Biden is announcing victory. Joe beat the now-waning Omicron. 

No matter that more have died during his tenure than Trump’s, both collectively and per diem. 

No matter that on key matters of testing and therapeutics, he did little to nothing. 

No matter that Biden tore the country apart by demonizing the unvaccinated as yokel Trump supporters, all but deserving whatever they got from COVID. 

No matter that Omicron’s infectiousness naturally wanes not due to Joe Biden, but because it has already infected tens of millions, and been blunted or rendered less lethal by tens of millions more with natural or acquired immunity. 

Just as old Joe, once high on vaccinations, announced that he was soon to beat COVID and we would by over it by July 2021, so too new Joe has announced the end of Omicron—as if this insidiously human-engineered pathogen won’t mutate yet again, and prompt a return of failed containment policies. 

Perhaps “alchemist” is not quite the right word for Joe Biden. After all, he worked not with dross in his attempt to make gold. Rather he started with inherited golden policies on the economy, energy, the border, and foreign affairs and turned them into dross. 

Is Biden then really the “anti-Alchemist,” a delusional medievalist who does his best to turn gold into base metals?

Federal Judge Blocks Ridiculous, Key Component of Biden 'Climate Change' Scheme

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

“Climate Change.” Let’s kick this sucker off with a trip down Global Warming Memory Lane, shall we?

  •  Al Gore ridiculously predicted in 2009: “The North Pole will be ice-free in the summer by 2013 because of man-made global warming.”
  • The first United Nations environment director claimed half a century ago that we had just 10 years left, and the then-head of the IPCC insisted in 2007 that we had just five years left.
  • The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in August 2021 released its latest climate report, leading Secretary-General António Guterres to histrionically call the findings a “code red for humanity,” and that “we can only avert catastrophe by acting in the next couple of months.”
  • And this, from noted climatologist and all-around knower of everything, Socialist Barbie™ Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-LOON), in January 2019: “We’re like… the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”

I don’t know whether or not “the world is gonna end” in “like” now, nine years or not. But I do know if you fact-check the crap above AOC’s ridiculous alarmist nonsense, you’ll find it’s all, yeah, crap. 

This brings us to Mumbling Joe Biden™ and his “vaunted” Climate Change Initiative.

Specifically, a United States District Court judge on Friday blocked Biden’s January 2021 executive order that ridiculously factored in the mostly-contrived “social cost” of carbon emissions when creating rules regulating pollution, as reported by Fox News.

So what is the “social cost” of the “existential threat to mankind,” you ask?  Let’s go to the inimitable Stanford economics professor, Marshall Burke for the answer:

The social cost of carbon is the single most important number for thinking about climate change. When we emit a ton of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it sticks around for a while and causes warming, affecting human outcomes. The social cost of carbon is the total damage that an additional ton of CO2 has on outcomes, converted into dollars.

Given the left’s strict adherence to all things science — except when they ignore science in deference to their political narrative (see: “all-things COVID”) — does the above explanation of “social cost” sound like exact science to you? Me, neither.

Anyway, Judge James Cain sided with Republican attorneys general from energy-producing states who rightly claimed Biden’s handlers’ attempt to raise the cost estimate of carbon emissions (catch that?) threatened to drive up energy costs while decreasing state revenues from energy production.

The judge issued an injunction that bars the administration from using the higher cost estimate, which puts a dollar value on damages caused by every additional ton of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. Needless to say, the wise among us know exactly what happens to every “excess” tax dollar fleeced from hardworking Americans by the Democrat Party in one form or another: wealth redistribution.

Cain’s ruling stated, as transcribed by Fox:

Plaintiff States have sufficiently identified the kinds of harms to support injunctive relief.

Moreover, the Court finds that the Plaintiff States have made a clear showing of an injury-in-fact, and that such injury ‘cannot be undone through monetary remedies.

The Court agrees that the public interest and balance of equities weigh heavily in favor of granting a preliminary injunction.

“Injury-in-fact,” as defined by the Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute:

The plaintiff must have suffered an “injury in fact,” meaning that the injury is of a legally protected interest which is (a) concrete and particularized and (b) actual or imminent.

There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct brought before the court.

It must be likely, rather than speculative, that a favorable decision by the court will redress the injury.

In other words, Joe, nice try — but no cigar.

Biden and his handlers were unavailable for immediate comment.

The bottom line:

The quintessential question: Is “climate change” real? Of course.

Earth’s climate has undergone changes — many or most of them cyclical — from its origin. Ice ages have come, ices ages have gone. And come, and gone, again. Other examples abound. Is “man” responsible for any changes to the world’s climate? Sure. But to what degree? And have any of those changes been permanent? Not to mention, cataclysmic, “existential threat to our times” stuff?

Remember the Deepwater Horizon? On April 20, 2010, the oil drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, operating in the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico, exploded and sank, resulting in the death of 11 workers on the rig and the largest spill of oil in the history of marine oil drilling operations. The climate loons hysterically told us that marine and plant life in the Gulf of Mexico would all but cease to exist.

Now, 12 years later, how did those “Armageddon-like predictions turn out?

Google it. As if you don’t already know the answer.

Freedom Convoy 2022 heads to Jerusalem


DEVELOPING NOW: Per the video down below from Telegram, the freedom convoy has arrived in Jerusalem.

More details to come when I can find an article from a trusted source.

Sunday Talks, Neil Oliver – Save The Kids

Neil Oliver has a very specific monologue this week for the audience as he talks about the impact of COVID-19 mandates and dictates on the kids.

As Oliver rightly points out, when history reviews the events of the recent past it will not reflect well.  Our children have been brutalized mentally and physically by COVID-19 rules, mandates and regulations.  Many will be impacted forever.

Then again, if the larger goal of government is to create a fearful generation, with an outlook of blind compliance to regime dictates within a global governing system… well, from that perspective, their evil decisions make sense. WATCH:

How a Potential Russia v. Ukraine War of 2022 Parallels the Germany v. Poland War of 1939


Article by Ned Barnett in The American Thinker

How a Potential Russia v. Ukraine War of 2022 Parallels the Germany v. Poland War of 1939

Joe Biden is clearly not a student of recent history. Most specifically, he needs to revisit the lessons learned from the start of the Second World War in Europe. 

If he doesn’t wake up and smell the coffee, he may be as guilty of starting the Third World War as was British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, the leading advocate of the “appeasement” of Germany’s militaristic supreme leader. The parallels between 1939 and 2022 are stunning, and if we fail to learn from recent history, we absolutely will be forced to re-live it.

On Sept. 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland without provocation, merely because it coincided with Germany’s strategic effort to restore its pre-Versailles territorial boundaries.  With more bravado than military capability, three days later, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany, acting in defense of Poland.  However, having done so, France and Great Britain then did exactly … nothing.  They didn’t start a second front along the Franco-German border.  They didn’t even launch an aerial assault that could easily flown over borders.  They knew that Poland wasn’t strategic to their needs, and despite their moral angst, Poland wasn’t worth the loss of lives by the western Allies.

Despite their seeming invincibility, Germany was still re-arming after their rejection of the Versailles Treaty four years earlier. Their army wasn’t prepared to stand against either kind of attack from the Allies.  Essentially all of Germany’s vaunted Wehrmacht (the army) including its powerful Panzer force, and again, literally all of its rightly-feared Luftwaffe (air force), were involved in Poland, unable to defend the “West Wall.”  The Army that invaded France in 1940, or the Soviets in 1941, did not yet exist.

In 1939 – not largely recognized then, or now – France and Britain had a potentially dominant superiority over Germany’s armed forces.  France not only had the largest land army on earth in 1939, it also had the largest armored force, with tanks in many ways superior to Germany’s best.  Great Britain, while not fielding a larger army – though what they had was a tight army of long-service regulars – was perhaps the most professional army on earth in 1939. In addition, Britain had pioneered armored warfare, and had hundreds of tanks equal or superior to the best Germany had to offer.  Both western countries also had air forces that, when combined, were stronger than the Luftwaffe.  The best aircraft of those two allies were as good as the best the Luftwaffe could field.  Most obviously, the Supermarine Spitfire, the Hawker Hurricane and the French Dewoitine D.520 were all the equal to the vaunted Messerschmitt Bf-109.

While Great Britain and France felt they were doing the right and moral thing by standing by their titular ally Poland, they had no intention of actually committing armed forces to aid in Poland’s defense, something they certainly could have done.  Even a “mobilization” of their extensive reserve forces would have so intimidated Germany – such a potential threat would have been seen as very real – as to force that nation’s leaders to recall their invasion and defend their vulnerable western border with France.  But neither France nor Great Britain had any real “skin in the game.”  For all the hype and propaganda, at some level they knew Poland wasn’t worth the life of a single French or British soldier.

They had no strategic national interests inherent in defending Poland. Stopping Germany before things got out of hand seemed like a good idea at the time, but for nine months after Poland fell, France and Britain fought what the Germans called the “Sitzkrieg,” and what the Brits called “Phony War.”  Basically, the two sides – Allies and Axis – exchanged insults over the long border between Germany and the Western allies, while the Wehrmacht moved their entire army from its eastern borders to the West Wall.

So what does all of this have to do with Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, and Ukraine?  Unfortunately, a great deal.  First, the United States has no pressing strategic interest in Ukraine. Back in 2014, the Russian Federation seized Eastern Ukraine and the Crimea.  America under President Obama (and, presumably, Vice President Biden) denounced these moves, and even instituted a few sanctions which didn’t do much. However, the Obama/Biden administration never pretended that we had any strategic interests worth shedding American blood over. That was a savvy “Realpolitik” move – it may have felt unpalatable for those who support liberty and democracy, but it recognized that we were not the world’s policemen.  There were compelling strategic reasons to have strong – or at least stable – relations with nuclear-armed Russia. But there were few defensible reasons to militarily defend Ukraine from limited Russian aggression.

If all we do is send Kamala Harris to Ukraine and perhaps Russia to pour oil on troubled waters, then that is Realpolitik, 2022 edition.  But that doesn’t seem to be what Biden means with all his saber-rattling.

Before he considers sending troops to the vast steppes, Joe Biden should consider another history lesson.  When Napoleon and his La Grande Armée invaded Czarist Russia in 1812, it wasn’t primarily the Czar’s Imperial Army that ultimately defeated him – it was Russia’s rightly-feared “General Winter.”  Russian soldiers were used to living and fighting in Arctic conditions, allowing the Czar’s army to shred La Grande Armée in a horrific retreat across the vast frozen steppe.

Napoleon – “the Little Corporal” – rode into Russia with more than 600,000 soldiers under his command. He swiftly captured Moscow, thinking that would mean the fall of Imperial Russia. Mistake number one.  Soon, with Moscow burning behind him, Napoleon’s Grande Armée was forced into a disastrous winter retreat. That magnificent Army – the best in Europe – was whittled down to a pathetic 10,000 frozen soldiers along its way back to France. 

A century later, in 1941, Germany’s own “Little Corporal” ordered his Wehrmacht to invade Russia with an army of more than three million men. They almost reached Moscow before they were stopped by a heroic “last stand” of Soviet workers sent to the front with no training, but with winter clothes and weapons designed to work well in northern Russia in winter. Eighty years later, those results still speak for themselves.

Fast forward to 2022.  We face an almost a direct carbon copy of 1939, except Russia has “become Germany” while Ukraine has “become Poland.”  The Russian Federation lost most of its European lands with the collapse of the Iron Curtain thirty years ago, and like Germany in the wake of the punitive Versailles Treaty, Russia wants to restore what was once mostly ruled by the Czar, and later all by the Politburo.  On the sidelines, the United States is in the same relative position that France and Great Britain held in 1939.  They felt morally inclined to help the underdog – Poland in ’39, but were unwilling to offer actual military force to deter Germany.  They didn’t even send their equivalent of Kamala Harris.  Today, Biden seems to feel that same moral imperative to help Ukraine, though he is willing to unleash Kamala.  Yet just as the Western Allies had neither a strategic imperative nor moral will to actively fight Germany just to help Poland, America has neither the strategic imperative nor – despite Biden’s insistence – the moral will to help Ukraine to fight Russia. 

Russia came on hard times with the fall of the Soviet Union. However, they still have a nuclear arsenal that is at least equal to that of the U.S.  They still maintain the first strike capability to destroy the U.S. – or, for that matter, Western Europe.  It is never wise to pick a fight with an Army that may not be able to beat you on a battlefield, but who – at the push of a bright red button – have the ability to wipe your country off the face of the Earth, dozens of times over.

Then there’s Russia’s vaunted General Winter.  Winter in the steppes of Russia and Ukraine lasts until the first of May, and no army has ever been able to defeat Russia in a winter war – except, of course, Finland in ’39, but only because they were even better at winter war than the Soviet Union.

So what’s the bottom line?  If we posture without intent, as did France and Great Britain in 1939, we look weak without in any way deterring what seems – at least to Biden – is likely to come.  No country in the West seem willing to shed their own blood in Ukraine’s defense – nor should they.

If we recognize that the West has no compelling security interest in maintaining Ukraine’s borders, the aftermath of a Russian take-over is likely to strengthen and reinvigorate NATO. That Grand Alliance has been looking for a raison d’etre ever since the Soviets fell thirty years ago.  While we in the U.S. may have forgotten the lessons of 1939, it’s a fair bet that our NATO allies have those harsh lessons engraved on their souls. 

Joe Biden has a lot to learn from 1939. Somehow, I don’t think sending Kamala Harris to resolve this is the lesson he needs to learn. 


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Ukraine’s UIA airline says insurance firms end its cover in Ukrainian airspace


February 14, 2022

KYIV (Reuters) – Ukraine International Airlines, the country’s biggest carrier, said on Monday it had received official notification from insurers terminating cover of aircraft for its flights in Ukrainian airspace, amid escalating tension with Russia.

“UIA is making efforts and is constantly negotiating with insurance companies, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the state aviation administration and hopes for mutual understanding,” it said in the statement.  

They Never Stop: 'Leading Scientists' Warn New COVID Variants Could Cause 'Far Higher Number of Deaths'

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of “The Neverending Story: COVID-Style”

“Shockingly,” as fears of the rational among us continue to subside over the yuugely-overhyped Omicron variant — not that we were all that fearful in the first place — “leading UK scientists” are now warning that new COVID strains could be “much more dangerous and cause far higher numbers of deaths and cases of serious illness than Omicron.” Joe Biden was last seen furiously nodding in agreement.

Yep, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson prepares to lift the final COVID restrictions in England, next week, as reported by The Guardian, “leading UK scientists” are (no doubt frantically) once again ringing the never-ending COVID alarm bells about crap that hasn’t even happened. 

David Nabarro, a special envoy on COVID-19 for the World Health Organization — same WHO with which Donald Trump cut ties over COVID hysteria — piled it high and deep during an interview with The Guardian.

There will be more variants after Omicron and if they are more transmissible they will dominate. In addition, they may cause different patterns of illness, in other words, they may turn out to be more lethal or have more long-term consequences.

Nabarro unsurprisingly urged authorities to continue to plan for the possibility that there will be surges in numbers of people who “fall victim to” future variants and need hospital care as a result.

It would be prudent to encourage people to protect themselves and others consistently. An approach that does not do this would be a gamble with potentially severe consequences.

I cannot see any upsides to such a gamble. The pandemic has a long way to go and – as is the case since it started – people and their leaders will influence its long-term impact through actions they take now.

The COVID Gnome Anthony Fauci was last seen nodding furiously in agreement.

However, even the Guardian article included statements from scientists who don’t necessarily agree with the above Dr. Doom. Among the skeptics is epidemiologist Professor Mark Woolhouse, of Edinburgh University.

The Omicron variant did not come from the Delta variant. It came from a completely different part of the virus’s family tree. And since we don’t know where in the virus’s family tree a new variant is going to come from, we cannot know how pathogenic it might be. It could be less pathogenic but it could, just as easily, be more pathogenic.

That was a “fair and balanced” scientific opinion. With the operative words being since we don’t know and we cannot know. Compare and contrast Professor Woolhouse’s comments with those of Nabarro. With the never-ending warnings of Anthony Fauci. And with the pablum of Joe “Winter of Severe Illness and Death” Biden.

Reasonably intelligent people are not stupid. And after more than two years, the majority of reasonably intelligent people are over the ridiculous hype, unfounded scare tactics, and ever-changing stories from Fauci & Co. Not to mention the OCD obsession of Biden and his one-trick-pony, never-ending “get vaccinated” rhetoric.

Stop it. Be honest. Present facts and don’t get out over your agenda-driven, COVID skis.

Reasonable, intelligent people generally make reasonable decisions. I realize I’m mostly “spitting” into the fan, here, but enough is enough.

Incidentally, as much as I love to beat on the COVID Gnome Fauci, the “infectious and emerging diseases expert” actually suggested last week that the “full-blown” COVID pandemic is almost over in the U.S. Yeah. While Fauci’s epiphany was months behind reality, it marked (at least a temporary)  turning point for the COVID hood ornament of the Democrat Party.

Here’s Tony, as transcribed by The New York Post:

As we get out of the full-blown pandemic phase, which we are certainly heading out of, these decisions will increasingly be made on a local level rather than centrally decided or mandated. There will also be more people making their own decisions on how they want to deal with the virus.

Not to nitpick or whatever, but you don’t suppose Tony’s revelation has anything to do with the number of times Biden’s draconian unconstitutional COVID edicts have been slapped down in the courts, do you? Just a thought.

Following Fauci’s apparent COVID awakening, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky did a quick “clean-up in aisle F,” warning (gullible) Americans not to get ahead of themselves. Via the NY Post:

Our hospitalizations are still high, our death rates are still high, so as we…are encouraged by the current trends, we are not there yet.

At this time we continue to recommend masking in areas of high and substantial transmission, that’s much of the country right now in public, indoor settings.

So, where are we? It depends on who we listen to. Hasn’t it always?

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, Fauci’s remarks appear to be on-point. Moreover, every state in the country is now reporting declining or stablizing numbers of COVID cases.

But man, “they” gave it their best, didn’t they? And when Omicron turned out to be zero — compared to the initial hype spread by the COVID “hype-spreaders” from day one, that is. The end was in sight. Even for those like Anthony Fauci who did their damnedest to hold out as long as they could without really looking like idiots.

Meanwhile, one-trick-pony Biden remains the hardest hit.

Biden’s Popularity is Sinking Like the Titanic


Unpopular? THAT'S an understatement.


Article by Brian C. Joondeph in The American Thinker

Biden’s Popularity is Sinking Like the Titanic

President Job Biden is beginning his second year in office. Just over a year ago when he was elected, or selected, tears of joy flowed in blue cities. Political experts, like Taylor Swift expressed, “Quiet, cautious elation and relief.” ABC News, a major player in the Biden campaign, proclaimed through their own tears of joy, “A new day of hope for America.”

Is the rest of America thrilled that Biden is in the White House? Was such optimism due Biden’s election, or was this just a sense of relief that the tweeting orange man was on his way out the door?

Joe Biden was never a force of intellect, statesmanship, or wisdom, during his decades in the U.S. Senate, eight years as vice president, or his first year in the Oval Office. A recent example is how Biden, who now wants a black female on the U.S. Supreme Court, blocked the first black woman nominee to the court, Janice Rogers Brown in 2003, an inconvenient fact the corporate media and Biden’s dwindling supporters choose to gloss over.

Even his predecessor and teammate for eight years, President Barack Obama, famously noted, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” As we look at the landscape today, Obama’s words are prophetic.

Domestically we have inflation hitting a 40-year high, which along with rising unemployment, is reminding older Americans of a blast from the past called the misery index, a relic of the Jimmy Carter presidency. Our southern border is wide open to anyone and everyone from around the world, along with rising crime, homelessness, and squalor in American cities.

Biden promised to “Beat COVID,” yet more Americans died of COVID in 2021, during Biden’s presidency, compared to 2020 when Trump was in the White House. Foreign affairs are faring no better.

Biden’s Afghanistan surrender to the Taliban, a force we have been fighting for 20 years, left China smiling as we left billions of dollars of weapons and infrastructure behind, along with many Americans which the media are incurious about. Biden is sending mixed messages to Ukraine and Russia, leaving Putin a pathway to gobble up more territory and fracture a feckless NATO.

America at home is in a civil war, pitting Americans against each other based on everything from skin color to vaccination status to mask wearing, destroying families and friendships in the process. But as America slides toward the edge of the cliff, it is not just Joe and the Democrats falling, but the entire country and much of the world, given the importance of the Office of the President of the United States.

Rasmussen Reports is one of the leading and most accurate pollsters, surveying not simply whoever answers the phone or responds to an internet poll, but likely voters, those individuals who express their opinions at the ballot box, potentially making course corrections through elections.

Their Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, compares the total approval of Presidents Trump and Biden at identical points in their respective presidencies. On Feb. 10, Biden’s total approval was 43% compared to Trump exactly four years ago at 49%, a significant 6-point difference. Biden generally polled better than Trump until late summer 2021, when after the Afghanistan debacle, buyer’s remorse slapped many Biden voters

Approval numbers can be fickle and influenced by other factors. Four years ago during Trump’s presidency, things were definitely better. COVID didn’t exist, the economy was strong, and Trump was keeping our foreign adversaries – Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran - in check. By comparison, Biden strives to be an anti-Trump president, doing the opposite of Trump, regardless of necessity or consequences, a “cutting off your nose to spite your face” approach to governance.

Pollsters could also ask if the country is heading in the right or wrong direction. Rasmussen recently asked that question. By a two to one margin, likely voters believe the nation is heading in the wrong direction, 64% wrong versus 30% right direction.

Voters have turned off the Biden presidency after only one year, based on another Rasmussen survey seeking opinions on the best and worst presidents in recent history. Voters, only a quarter of the way through Biden’s first term, have their answer. They found, “54% of Likely U.S. voters think Biden will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in American history. Only 15% believe Biden will rank in history as one of America’s best presidents.”

How many of those 15% are members of teachers’ unions or the Washington D.C. press corps? We know which group NeverTrump Rep Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) falls into. He recently told a CNN host that, “Trump was the worst president the United States of America ever had.”

Talk about being out of touch with America. It is no wonder Kinzinger has chosen to not run for reelection, instead perhaps hoping for a gig at CNN or MSNBC, an echo chamber where he will feel far more comfortable.

Trump scored much better than Biden in the best and worst presidents survey, “41% think Trump will be remembered as one of America’s best presidents, compared to 43% who believe Trump will rank as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.” This an even split between best and worst for Trump whereas Biden was viewed as worst by an almost four to one margin. Say it ain’t so, Joe.

Another Rasmussen survey sums this all up, finding 60% of Americans believing that Biden’s first year was somewhat or very unsuccessful, 50% in the latter category.

For those who are skeptical of Rasmussen surveys, take instead the latest Quinnipiac University survey measuring Biden’s job approval at only 35 percent. The lowest number they ever had for Trump, who consistently had over 90 percent negative media coverage, was 33 percent approval. Biden’s media coverage has been overwhelmingly positive, and he is at Trump’s approval level.

The Real Clear Politics average of national surveys found Biden’s job approval dropping below 40 percent for the first time last week. As the New York Post observes, “The abysmal rating comes as the White House continues to grapple with soaring inflation and rising gas prices, the COVID-19 pandemic and surging crime in big cities.” None of which are showing any signs of improvement either.

Finally Pew Research Center confirms Joe’s sinking fortunes with a poll that found: “Overall, 20% of American adults say Biden will be a successful president, while roughly twice that share (43%) say he will be unsuccessful.”

As the midterm elections approach, with a potential Democrat bloodbath putting Republicans in control of both houses of Congress and essentially neutering Biden’s floundering agenda, how will this sinking ship be raised from the ocean depths? Perhaps some new crisis, as in a war, cyberattack, or another coronavirus variant to lock down the country and create new election rules and procedures for “public safety.”

For those who voted for Biden because Trump annoyed them, congratulations. Hope they are all getting what they wanted, pleased with a disaster, rather than an effective and competent loudmouth in the Oval Office.

Meanwhile Biden’s second year as president is off to a horrific start, and in retrospect this may be his high point. Expect a further decline as inflation, crime, and chaos crawl out of the swamp, eager to drag Biden and the rest of the country into a socioeconomic sinkhole. It may take a decade for America to climb out, adding further carnage to a country already beaten down by two years of COVID restrictions which did “more harm than good” and left America in a genuine state of malaise.

Elections have consequences and those who voted for Biden, offended by Trump’s demeanor and behavior, can now pat themselves on the back for their “principles” while Biden is sinking like the Titanic, dragging the country with him into the depths national decline and despair. 

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