Friday, February 11, 2022

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Warns Russia Invasion Threat is Immediate, Possibly During Olympics

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan gave a press conference today again emphasizing that an attack on Ukraine was likely.  Sullivan also recommended that all U.S. citizens in Ukraine depart within the next 24 to 48 hours.  However, for reference, the White House has been making this “imminent” claim for over a month.

When pushed by media for how these determinations were made, Sullivan reiterated his position that “it’s not his responsibility to convince anyone.”   Overall, the entire situation still looks like a manufactured White House distraction from domestic criticism.

Russia has previously scheduled military exercises in the region.  This could be cover for Russia for the increased military presence prior to a cross border incursion, or the exercises could be the justification, or cover story for the White House to pretend that an invasion into Ukraine is likely.  The latter seems most likely.

Regardless of all of it, the White House has not made a case for why Americans should be worried about what happens between Russia and Ukraine, other than to say the financial interests of a lot of people and groups in Washington DC are connected to U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine.

WASHINGTON –  National security adviser Jake Sullivan warned Friday that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could come before the conclusion of the Winter Olympics on Feb. 20, but he did not say whether U.S. officials had determined whether Russian President Vladimir Putin had made a final decision on a course of action.

“As we’ve said before, we are in the window when an invasion could begin at any time, should Vladimir Putin decide to order it,” Sullivan said at a White House news briefing. “I will not comment on the details of our intelligence information, but I do want to be clear: It could begin during the Olympics, despite a lot of speculation that it would only happen after the Olympics.”

[…]  Sullivan also urged Americans still in Ukraine to depart the country within the next two days, saying President Joe Biden would not send troops into harm’s way to evacuate U.S. citizens who could have left the Eastern European country when they had the chance.

“We want to be crystal clear on this point: Any American in Ukraine should leave as soon as possible and, in any event, in the next 24 to 48 hours,” Sullivan said, adding: “If you stay, you are assuming risk with no guarantee that there will be any other opportunity to leave and no prospect of a U.S. military evacuation in the event of a Russian invasion.”

Sullivan went on to describe, seemingly for the first time, what the opening campaign of a Russian invasion would look like in Ukraine. Such an attack “is likely to begin with aerial bombing and missile attacks that could obviously kill civilians without regard to their nationality,” he said. (read more)

Why should the U.S. care about Ukraine?

The honest answer from the White House would be…  The Biden and Obama administration are doing all this stuff in Ukraine, for Ukraine and under the auspices of protecting Ukraine, because a whole bunch of people from both political parties in/around the DC beltway – along with their families – receive massive amounts of personal financial wealth from the DC laundering operation of foreign aid money in/around Ukraine.

That’s the real answer, and NATO members also know that American politicians enrich themselves and their families through the laundry of foreign aid to their own bank accounts.

If Ukraine President Zelensky does not allow himself to be a proxy for the United States in Europe, the people who control U.S. policy will create a war with Russia to get rid of him.  Biden is really a stammering stupid doofus and tool of the deep state, who isn’t strong enough to battle his own corrupt policy team; and Biden Inc, which includes his entire family, is paid by the DC manipulators to shut-up and just read.

Zelensky has to pretend like Joe Biden represents the U.S. interests, while knowing Biden doesn’t really have any control over U.S. policy.

The war mongering crew deep in the U.S. government are in control.  The Fourth Branch of the U.S. government and the national security apparatus are in full operational control over the dynamic.  Zelensky is stuck between Russia and the U.S. Deep State.  Quite frankly, he’d be better off embracing Vladimir Putin and coming to terms.

However, the problem is Zelensky doesn’t want to end up being Ukraine to Russia like North Korea is to China.

If Zelensky refuses to allow U.S. interference in his country, then the U.S. system (writ large) will withdraw any support or assistance for Ukraine, and Russia will absorb his country quickly.   That’s the unfortunate dynamic.

Zelensky wants to stop being a hostage to the West by joining NATO.  However, Russia will not allow a formal NATO relationship.

It’s a mess.

At the White House press briefing, President Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told the press it’s “not my job…to convince any of you of anything.”

The Real Pandemic Is the Fascist Left

The majority of Americans have come to accept COVID is endemic, that it will be part of everyday life long into the future, and that it's time to get back to normal.

The real pandemic in this country is one of growing fascism from our so-called political Left.

The far-Left Democratic Party doesn’t care about your essential freedoms—from speech and the free flow of ideas to freedom of assembly—particularly when those freedoms stand in the way of their pursuit of power. 

This is the party, after all, who opposed Abraham Lincoln and stood in the way of integration well into the 1960s. Where Democratic hatred of freedom has become glaringly apparent in recent times is with their obsession with COVID vaccine mandates and mask mandates, most especially for school-aged children. This “pandemic” has exposed what is truly afoot here, fascist authoritarianism at its most potent and dangerous.

And why not? After all, Joe Biden and his son clearly have felt comfortable accepting money and favors from businesses in China and other authoritarian nations around the globe, so why shouldn’t Biden bring this unique brand of fascism home?

What’s also become clear is that the little fascists on the Left would like to punish all who dare to exercise their freedom and refuse to comply with their unscientific mandates. 

Rasmussen report recently revealed that many Democrats even support fines, home confinement, and prison sentences for not complying with their ever-changing, anti-science COVID restrictions, regulations, and mandates. Specifically, 75 percent of Democrats want Biden’s vaccine mandate for companies with over 100 employees, 55 percent support fines for unvaccinated people, and 48 percent were in favor of jail sentences. In fact, 29 percent of Democrats say they support taking children away from parents who refused to get them vaccinated.

That’s right: if there were no restraints, no consequences at all, and they could get away with it, roughly half of the Democratic Party would send you to jail for not complying with the arbitrary rules which might or might not change next week. 

Fully a third of that party wants to have children taken away from parents who refuse to inject them with a highly experimental, questionable “therapeutic” shot that, as Israel has discovered, won’t even prevent people from getting the virus even after four doses. 

In a rational world, where common sense prevails, most of the American people would be deeply concerned with these fascist tendencies from one of the two major parties in this country. Instead, the corporate propagandists and bureaucrats from D.C. to various states want to gaslight people that it’s the people standing up for their freedoms who are the dangerous ones.

Take Virginia, for example. Despite study upon study showing the efficacy of masks against the virus is minimal, even if worn correctly, the Loudoun County school district is still insisting on mask mandates, fighting Governor Glenn Youngkin’s executive order to make masks optional. In fact, as of last week, woke Loudoun County—where school board members tried to shut down parents opposed to critical race theory in the curriculum—is currently suspending students who refuse to wear masks. 

There is no science, data, or facts supporting any mask mandate for students, which means this is no longer about trying to stop the spread of a not-so-deadly disease for children. This is about abusing children and power and the money they’ve been entrusted with because they can. 

Sadly, too many principals and school staff here in Loudoun are complying with the abuse, either because they buy into whatever flimsy justification there might be or because they lack the courage to say no. And let’s be honest: courage hasn’t exactly been contagious in the county. Despite many expressing their private opposition to mask mandates for their children, in public they meekly comply.

But things are about to change. 

Some parents (including yours truly) here in Loudoun have decided to fight, to let their children be suspended, and to pursue legal recourse because at some point the madness has to stop. 

What makes this all the more amazing is that while school districts like Loudoun County are fighting tooth and nail for their power to abuse children, blue states around the country are making plans to drop school mask mandates altogether. Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Oregon have all set timelines within the next few weeks to get rid of mask mandates in schools.

Perhaps they are seeing what Loudoun’s leaders refuse to see, that the Left will suffer devastating political losses this year, just as they did in Virginia in the fall, if they continue to fight against parents. European countries and blue states alike have realized the jig is up: People are finished with arbitrary mandates that have nothing to do with science. 

The majority of Americans have come to accept that COVID is endemic, that it will be part of everyday life long into the future, and that it’s time to get back to normal. We can only hope that Loudoun County and others like it that are fighting a return to normalcy will be beaten into submission and freedom as common sense wins out. Once that is achieved we can then turn our attention towards eradicating the real pandemic of fascists among us and making sure they never come anywhere near political power for a very long time, from school boards to Congress.

It's Always Nice To Have Some Vindication

 Anyone with an invested retirement account should take a few minutes to view this, I say that because I took a lot of flack out on the blog-o-sphere after posting a story to one of the sites concerning Trump's investments that I had originally posted here.  Inside that opinion I pointed out that chances were likely that Trump was part of the status quo given his investments with Black Rock. I noted that Black Rock makes demands upon corporations and individuals within those corporations to prove they are moving toward the agenda's of inclusion, equity, equality and climate change or face being called to task to explain themselves. If warnings were not heeded these corporations and individuals would face being censured by Black Rock, proxied, voted against and even blacklisted from the investment firm. In other words when you see Coke going woke it isn't because Coke wanted to go woke it's because the likes of Black Rock, Vanguard and Fidelity are demanding it.

Despite providing links directly to the pages of the Black Rock site detailing their expectations, then having to go copy, paste it in black and white I was repeatedly told I was suffering from delusions. Well last night on Tucker Carlson's show I got some vindication. Tucker had on Vivek Ramaswamy, a tech analysis during a segment called The Corporate Hypocrisy of Black Rock and Larry Fink, Vivek told Tucker that what is unfolding from Black Rock is the defining scam of our time. He reiterated the same points I made in my post plus what I have been warning about on other blog sites concerning Black Rock and China opening up their markets to foreign investors. He told Tucker CEO's are made to toll the mark or face being voted out, proxied, docked pay, even fired. What he told him next should, as I have explained on many blog platforms the last few weeks, make the hair stand up on the heads of any individuals who retirement funds are being invested.

Vivek doesn't detail the subject matter that brought about the change of heart on China's part of allowing foreign investment, which was the impeding collapse of Evergrande. In an eleventh hour reprieve China announced that they'd make the default payment on Evergrande to keep the company from bankruptcy but that they'd also start to allow investments by foreign entities into China's markets. Essentially what this means is that any individual, company or corporation who have investments in Black Rock retirement accounts that Black Rock can take that money and invest it in China. The latter part of that is what Vivek highlighted as this being the defining scam of our time. Black Rock by doing China's bidding can not only use the money you have invested with them to demand an agenda you more than likely are not privy to but take your money to essentially shore up China's economy.

Yesterday Evergrande announced it had enough financing to build six hundred thousand new apartments within the next year. This they believe will shore their finances up. Now I am not saying as it was not noted where this money came from that it came directly from Black Rock investors. It sure does though make you wonder where a company who has already overbuilt, who are unable to unload current inventory, who on the verge of bankruptcy finds enough money to build more of that to which there is no demand and feels compelled to forecast this will put them back on top. I think Vevek is right, this could be the defining scam of our time. I would highly recommend anyone take a few minutes to watch the interview, you may actually want to make inquiries of exactly who and where your retirement money is being invested. The interview is toward the end of the show, about 36:00 minutes in on Thursday Feb. 10th show.  

Links can  be found in the article on my blog:  

hive  .blog/deepdives  /@sunlit7/it-s-always-nice-to-have-some-vindication

or by checking out the links below:

hive. blog/ deepdives/ @sunlit7/ishare-too-a-series-of-trumps-deceptions-1

Foxnews. com /shows/tucker-carlson-tonight

X22, On the Fringe, and more-Feb 11


Happy weekend! Here's tonight's news:

French government mobilizes thousands of police officers, heavy vehicles to prevent convoy


The French government has mobilized thousands of police officers, armored personnel carriers, and water cannon trucks in Paris to prevent convoys of motorists from converging on the capital to protest COVID-19 restrictions and mandates.

Entry checkpoints were set up at toll points on all major arteries into the city, while police set up riot-control barriers in the city centre ahead of planned rallies that protesters aim to converge upon over the weekend.

On Thursday, Paris police stated that protesters are banned from entering the city between Feb. 11–14, citing the risk of public disorder. The statement also included a possible fine of up to 4,500, the suspension of drivers licenses and up to two years in prison.

The “Freedom Convoy” in Paris is inspired by the demonstrations that first started in Canada almost two weeks ago, with drivers from numerous cities across the country converging outside Paris on Friday, where they reportedly seek to defy a police order not to enter the city.  

Reuters reports:

"We've been going around in circles for three years," said pensioner Jean-Marie Azais, part of a "Convoie de Liberte" headed to the capital from the southwest, in reference to France's anti-COVID strategy.

"We saw the Canadians and said to ourselves, 'It's awesome, what they're doing.' In eight days, boom, something was sparked."

As the evening rush hour got under way, police began checking drivers' documents at various entry points into the city centre. More than 7,000 officers will be mobilised over the next 72 hours. 


According to the publication, French protesters used social media platforms to organize the protest, providing suggestions on how to bypass the police, including using heavy-lifting vehicles to dismantle roadblocks into the city.

"We have always safeguarded the right to protest ... but we need harmony and we need a lot of collective goodwill," stated President Emmanuel Macron on Friday, urging calm among the protesters


However, his subordinate and prime minister, Jean Castex denounced the protest, stating that they had no right to paralyze the capital city with their vehicles.

Reuters reports that Macron’s denouncement of vaccine refusers was supported by at least 80% of the population, but that “public irritation over COVID restrictions including a widely enforced vaccine pass has already triggered waves of demonstrations is growing”

The “Freedom Convoy” demonstration in France is reminiscent of the “Yellow Vest” protests, which took place for several months over diesel taxes, and “deep-seated anger outside big cities at the high cost of living and a disconnected urban elite,” Reuters reported, noting that spiraling energy costs and soaring inflation have once again provoked the French population into expressing their discontent with the French government. 

W3P, We Have a Problem

Attention all admins and loyal readers

W3P is being censored by Google.

If you're tied into the website like me, you may have noticed some emails from Google, which owns Blogger, the program used to host articles.

Resulting in pages like these:

The long as short of it is this: Google is censoring content that goes against democrat narratives. Google is censoring on behalf of the government, which is a violation of our 1st Amendment rights.

One of the most negatively affected contributors on here is TUF Girl. I had emails stating that many of her daily updates/recaps have been de-published.

The emails state that our articles are being flagged or reported.

I think we know which type of visitors are doing this.

So what are we going to do about this?

Share your thoughts below, please.

Believe it!

Why Ideology is the Ancient Enemy of Civilization ~ VDH

In such ideological dystopias, eventually even the shelves empty, the currency becomes worthless, and the nation regresses into poverty and chaos. 
Is that the future we await?

What ultimately destroyed the evil empires of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were bankrupt dogmas. Crackpot ideology destroyed free expression. It ruined meritocracy and ensured unequal application of the laws—and so paved the way for far worse.

The Nazi idea of a superior Aryan race adjudicated everything from physics to tank design. Soviet commissars did the same, subordinating rational thought to communist agendas.

Zealots in both systems infiltrated the universities and schools to institutionalize indoctrination. 

Wokeism, while not yet as lethal, is similar. Racial wokeism posits that the race and gender of the vice president and the next Supreme Court justice subordinate all other considerations.

But will the current vice president and next Supreme Court justice commensurately select their own future surgeons, or their upcoming airline pilots, on the same predetermined race and sex criteria?

What—other than ideology—explains why rejecting nominations of African American judge Janice Rogers Brown in 2003 and 2005 was not racist and sexist, but blocking Joe Biden’s upcoming nomination of a preselected African American female would be?

Why were most Antifa and Black Lives Matter criminals who looted, destroyed, and assaulted during the 120 days of summer 2020 not charged, much less tried? Why, in contrast, were the January 6 rioters or the current Canadian truckers treated disproportionately harshly by the media?

Had the same rioters on January 6 been waving pride flags and BLM banners, would some of them have been sitting for a year in solitary confinement and still uncharged? 

Had the criminal protestors and looters of summer 2020 been wearing red MAGA hats, would they also have mostly gotten off without charges? 

What would have happened had conservative demonstrators cut out a police-free “MAGA Zone” in Seattle rather than the exempted Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone? Would police have similarly left it alone, and the media similarly romanticized such illegality?

One of the reasons the COVID-19 lockdown and mask policies lost public confidence was their utter corruption by ideology. 

When thousands in June 2020 brazenly defied quarantines—and yet were excused by over 1,000 healthcare professionals claiming that woke agendas justified violating quarantine laws—then millions of Americans concluded government policy was as much about identity politics as saving lives.

Which politicians in 2020 trashed the vaccine programs and declared they would likely not get inoculations—if they were endorsed by then-President Trump?

If Trump is demonized as a destroyer of election legitimacy, what then are we to say of the beatified Stacey Abrams? She lost the Georgia gubernatorial race by more than 50,000 votes. Yet for years, she has maintained the voting was rigged and the elected governor is illegitimate. 

In 2000, who challenged for weeks the vote count, despite numerous public and private audits confirming George W. Bush’s popular vote victory in Florida? 

Who in 2004-2005—for only the second time in history—challenged in Congress the Electoral College vote? In whose party were the 31 House members and one senator who forced a congressional vote in a failed effort to overturn the election?

Who in 2016 ran ads for weeks after the election, beseeching the chosen electors to violate their constitutional duties, ignore their state vote tallies, and instead vote for Hillary Clinton? 

And who in 2016 claimed her victorious opponent was elected president illegitimately? Who bragged she was joining the “resistance” to undermine his presidency? Who advised Joe Biden in 2020 not to accept the election result if he lost? 

If conservative zealots were ransacking American stores, carjacking innocents in the major cities, and spiking murder rates to historical highs, would the Biden Administration be mobilizing law enforcement to ensure arrests, prosecutions, and incarceration? Would current city and county prosecutors continue to turn a blind eye?

If anti-communist Cubans by the millions were illegally crashing the southern border, would they be welcomed in as are those from Mexico and Central Americans?

If, by 2024, a Republican president enjoys a Republican Congress, what would be the reaction to conservatives who advocated ending the filibuster? Ensuring a national voting law requiring IDs at all the polls? Voting to increase the Supreme Court to 15 justices to guarantee at least six new nominations for the Republican-controlled presidency and Congress?

When ideology in places like Castroite Cuba, the old Soviet Union, and Venezuela warped the application of the law, destroyed the role of merit in assessing qualifications, silenced speech, and unequally applied the law, then society unwound. 

In such ideological dystopias, eventually even the shelves empty, the currency becomes worthless, and the nation regresses into poverty and chaos. Is that the future we await?

Scarier still, ideology ensures that such chaos is heralded as success. Critics are demonized and hounded. And the obsequious state media assures the public that things are going just great.

Keep losing, Hallmark! GAC Family saves the Kitten Bowl


GAC Media has acquired and renamed the Kitten Bowl, once a Hallmark Channel staple, Variety can exclusively reveal. The new special, set to premiere on Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023, will be titled “Great American Rescue Bowl.”

“The plight of animal homelessness continues to be pervasive throughout the country, so being able to televise a proven difference maker in helping pets find their forever homes was an easy decision,” says GAC Media CEO Bill Abbott. “We’re incredibly proud to welcome ‘Great American Rescue Bowl’ to GAC Family and are excited about this massive, fan-favorite event being an annual anchor to the network’s pet-centric programming.”

“Great American Rescue Bowl” will showcase kittens, puppies, cats and dogs, available for adoption at shelters all over the country.

The Kitten Bowl facilitated more than 75,000 shelter pet adoptions since its 2014 debut and always partnered with North Shore Animal League America.

“I couldn’t be more excited that ‘Great American Rescue Bowl’ is coming to GAC Family,” Beth Stern, foster parent and national spokesperson for North Shore Animal League America, says. “Hundreds of shelters across the country have participated throughout the years and tens of thousands of animals have been adopted as a result of these special events. I look forward to continuing the rich tradition of representing our kitten players and saving lives.”

Joanne Yohannan, senior vice president of operations at North Shore Animal League America, adds, “We are thrilled that ‘Great American Rescue Bowl’ and bowl watch parties will be returning in 2023. Sharing stories of our lifesaving work and highlighting the beautiful, homeless animals available for adoption in shelters across the country is such a meaningful way to save lives and helps us continue our mission to rescue, nurture, adopt and educate.”

Abbott, former CEO of Hallmark’s parent company, Crown Media, exited in 2020 after 11 years and acquired GAC Media the following year. On Monday, Feb. 9, Variety confirmed that Abbott was meeting with his team to find a way to bring back the annual event.

GAC Media will share further “Great American Rescue Bowl” details at a later date, including adoption event info and a schedule of official GAC “Great American Rescue Bowl” parties.

 (Suck it Hallmark! 🤣🤣)

What Does the Corporate Media Mean When They Say ‘There’s No Evidence of Voter Fraud?’

When one candidate “wins” 3 swing states by fewer than 50,000 votes, with serious problems verifying hundreds of thousands of those votes, that is not evidence of a free & fair election.

Anyone with half an ounce of integrity knows the manner in which the 2020 election was conducted was neither free nor fair. Never before in our nation’s history did we have a presidential election with so many safety measures that were deliberately ignored or willfully removed. And never have we had an election with so much early voting, and mail-in voting.

All of this was made possible by drastic and unconstitutional rule changes implemented illegally by Democratic secretaries of state at the 11th hour, including the expanded use of mail-in ballots, unsupervised drop boxes, and ballot harvesting.

Yet the propagandists in the corporate media have remained silent about all of it, and have shown zero interest in exploring what may actually have occurred. Donald Trump is out of office. That’s all they care about. 

As soon as Joe Biden was declared the winner by the Associated Press, CNN, and other news outlets, we were all told to shut up and accept the results. And even worse, to this day, anyone who questions the legitimacy of the election is considered a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist who wants to overthrow “Our Democracy™.”

But as we continue to learn more about what actually happened, it is becoming evident that the corrupt establishment media is more desperate to ensure that the truth is not revealed under any circumstances.

Here are some facts.

In the last election, 66.7 percent of the eligible voting population supposedly cast a ballot, resulting in the highest voter turnout in 120 years. By contrast, only 59.7 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots in the 2016 election.

The nearly 160 million votes cast also marked a 20 million vote increase from the 2016 election when roughly 139 million citizens cast their ballots.

No one in the legacy media seems to think it’s remarkable that 20 million more people suddenly decided to vote as compared to just four years earlier.

The last presidential election with a turnout as high as 2020 was in 1900 when (73.7 percent) of eligible voters participated. To this day, the highest voter turnout ever recorded was during the highly controversial 1876 election between Samuel Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes in which 82.6 percent of eligible voters supposedly participated.

That’s not to say that every single election with a high turnout is evidence of fraud, but one would think such a drastic increase in voter turnout would at least warrant extra scrutiny.

Not only was the voter participation unusually high in 2020, with 159,633,396 total votes recorded, but 64.1 percent of the electorate, or 101,453,111 people supposedly voted before Election Day. And a total of 65,642,049 people were reported to have voted via mail-in balloting prior to Election Day.

When was the last time 101 million people voted before Election Day, including more than 65 million people by mail-in-votes? The answer is never.

Let’s look at the results of three crucial swing states.

Trump supposedly “lost” Arizona by just 10,457 votes, Georgia by 11,779, and Wisconsin by 20,682, meaning he “lost” those three states by a mere 42,921 votes. Had he won all three, the Electoral College would have been tied at 269. In that scenario, the vote then would have gone to the House of Representatives, where each state, (not each representative) has one vote. Republicans controlled 26 states, and therefore Trump most likely would have been declared the winner.

Of course we know that didn’t happen, so instead we’re left to examine what subsequent audits and investigations have revealed.

Here are some more facts to consider.

Last fall, significant irregularities were uncovered in the results of a forensic audit of Maricopa County, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of the votes in the state of Arizona.

Some of the key findings of the audit revealed that there were 49,718 questionable votes, including 23,344 mail-in ballots that were accepted from individuals who no longer live at the address where their ballots were sent.

The report also found that 9,041 more ballots were returned by voters than received. In other words, nearly 10,000 more ballots were “returned” to be counted than ballots that were sent out. There were also 5,295 voters who were found to have voted in multiple counties.

In the Peach State, 600,000 ballots supposedly were placed in an estimated 300 unsupervised drop boxes, where they were then supposed to be picked up and properly documented by election workers.

Yet state and county election officials have failed to produce a paper trail, or even chain of custody records, for more than 355,000 still-unaccounted-for ballots.

The good news is an investigation is currently underway to try to determine from where, exactly, these ballots came. Apparently now that he’s up for reelection, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is finally interested in uncovering what really happened.

The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections in December convened a hearing in which it was revealed that approximately 3.3 million people out of the state’s 3.5 million active voters, or 93.7 percent,  supposedly voted in the 2020 election. Even the corrupt election of 1876 did not have a voter participation rate that high.

The hearing also determined that of the 957,977 people who were supposedly registered as new voters in Wisconsin in 2020, 45,665 of them registered with driver’s licenses that did not match DMV records. There were also 157,000 voters who had duplicate registration numbers, and the Wisconsin voter rolls were found to have had over 120,000 active voters who were listed as registered to vote for more than 100 years.  That’s a lot of voters who served in World War I.

This is by no means a complete list of all the irregularities that occurred, including in several other swing states where election laws were illegally changed, including in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The simple fact is, it is intellectually dishonest to say there was no evidence of voter fraud, or voter irregularities in the 2020 election. When one candidate “wins” three swing states by fewer than 50,000 votes, and it turns out there were serious problems with verifying the authenticity of hundreds of thousands of ballots in those states, that is not evidence of a free and fair election.

Unless we figure out what exactly happened, why it happened and how to fix it going forward, then the American people will never have confidence in our elections again.

Liz Cheney Called Electoral Objections Unconstitutional And Then Sided With Democrats Who’d Done It For Years

In 2017, Democrats objected to more states attempting to certify their electoral votes than Republicans did last year.

In their final phone conversation before rivalries emerged, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney called political ally-turned-primary challenger Harriet Hageman to weigh the consequences of demanding that President Donald Trump concede the election.

In Cheney’s recounting of the call in The New York Times on Wednesday, the incumbent congresswoman, who had just captured her third term at the time of the call, told Hageman it was unconstitutional to cast objections over the electoral votes of other states.

“And she said that she warned of setting a precedent that would allow Democrats in Congress to decide the legality of Wyoming’s electoral votes,” the Times reported.

Except the precedent had already been set by Cheney’s own allies on the Jan. 6 Committee.

In 2017, Democrats objected to more states attempting to certify their electoral votes than Republicans did last year. Democrat Reps. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, Pramila Jayapal of Washington, Raul Grijalva of Arizona, Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters of California, and Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who was an impeachment manager and now serves alongside Cheney on the House probe to criminalize such conduct, each objected to Trump’s 2016 victory, citing Russian interference and alleged voter suppression.

Democrats then embarked on a four-year campaign to achieve the top item on their policy agenda of impeachment with made-up narratives of Trump-Russian collusion, allegedly illegal Ukrainian interference, and “incitement of insurrection” as the finale with Cheney’s support.

“I will fight every day until he is impeached,” Waters cried out in Washington three months after Trump’s inauguration, which she boycotted in protest.

Democrats also objected to electoral certification in 2005 and 2001 following George W. Bush’s two victories.

Cheney told the Times she was bewildered to find that Hageman didn’t share the view that Republicans were unable to raise the same concerns over election integrity that Democrats did in the last three out of five contests.

“I was surprised that she seemed not to be exactly where I was on the issue,” Cheney told the paper as she mingled with reporters instead of “crazy” constituents. “I thought she would have been.”Hageman told the paper she made clear to Cheney that Republicans were able to invoke the same procedural rules as Democrats over the prior two decades.

“I just said, ‘I think that there were some legitimate questions, and we have every right to ask them,’” Hageman told the Times. “This is America. We get to ask questions.”

The two are now competing for the state’s sole seat in the lower chamber, while Cheney, the incumbent at-large lawmaker, escalates her attacks on Trump and his supporters in her state, which Trump won by a wider margin than anywhere else in the country a year and a half ago.

Hageman, a land-use attorney and former longtime political confidante of Cheney’s, launched her own campaign for the House with Trump’s endorsement late last summer.

“When she ran for Congress the first time, she asked me to introduce her at the Republican state convention,” Hageman told supporters at a campaign kickoff in Cheyenne. “Had I known what she would do five years later and side with Nancy Pelosi and the radical left, I would have never answered her first phone call.”

Hageman told The Federalist immediately after the speech that it was Cheney’s crusade to punish Republican voters for raising questions over the election’s outcome, which featured historic turnout in the form of mail-in ballots, that ultimately severed their relationship.

“She called me and said that there were no election irregularities, that President Biden was the legitimate president, that Donald Trump needed to concede. And I said that I believed that there were issues that needed to be looked at,” Hageman told The Federalist in September. “That was probably the end of our relationship. I haven’t spoken with her since then.”