Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Keeping the Lights On

If the U.S. power grid is taken off line for weeks or months, people will die. Many people.

For most of human history, to attack an enemy required placing yourself in danger as well.

Soldiers met soldiers on the battlefield. Archers were vulnerable to return volleys. Artillery to artillery. Air strikes to flak from ground forces, or to direct dog fights.

As the tech of war advanced, sooner or later one side’s new advantage would end up empowering the other side as well, all the way up to strategic missile nuclear threats and the development of missile defense systems in the latter part of the 20th century.

When, for a while, a hegemon does arise, so too do asymmetric responses. 

Arab forces took advantage of prolonged droughts in the seventh century to seize control of north Africa from Imperial Rome. (And then promptly destroyed the vital irrigation systems that Rome had built to sustain agriculture there.) Small bands of 18th century colonials turned the tables on disciplined battalions of British troops, disappearing into the woods, until General Washington assembled enough of a rag-tag army to cross the Delaware and erode away the crown’s investment in suppressing liberties in North America. 

History is rife with other examples. But what happens when hegemony is based not solely on military power or its overt use, but on broader economic, social, and technology factors?

Actually, hegemony pretty much always is so based. 

Rome’s power derived not only from its military legions but also from the roads, bridges, and water distribution systems it built in far-flung territories it conquered, and for the promise that some could attain Roman citizenship. Britain’s mid-18th century power was based on its maritime presence, which in turn facilitated trade. In both cases, this geographically distributed influence was made possible by some degree of representative government that distinguished it from its rivals. 

Hegemony can be lost. Often it’s eroded away by the spread of enabling technology to others. Houthis were given drones by Iran, who copied U.S. and other equipment they captured. Cell phones facilitate guerilla organization. Internet technologies—including those used to fake videos or hack databases—migrate to other countries and to underground groups.

Keep in mind that the Internet along with the Global Positioning Satellite system were originally Defense Department technologies developed for military purposes. Similarly,  the tech for cell phone systems was built on Defense Department work in flexible battlefield packet radio networks. What becomes commercialized spreads—not only the devices themselves, but the underlying tech and related skills.

But tech migration alone doesn’t account for the collapse of hegemony. Social erosion in the form of an increasingly dissolute elite class was a major problem for Imperial Rome and had begun to seriously infect the pre-Revolutionary British aristocracy as well. Behind both was a fatal complacency that assumed the power they enjoyed was not really in danger of competition or of unraveling.

As the mid-18th century British elites came to realize, their maritime-based power was vulnerable due to its lack of real-time communications methods and to the cost of moving large numbers of troops and arms to an increasingly angry North American population. That anger in turn sprang from the refusal of the British Crown and Parliament to extend the rights of citizenship to the colonials while demanding obedience and taxes from them nonetheless.

So the British ended up withdrawing in the face of the American Revolution. Then the Industrial Revolution that got its start in Britain once again refreshed their economic and geopolitical reach for over  a century. That same Industrial Revolution also empowered the resource-rich but struggling United States, fueled as well by an influx of new migrants with trades skills.

Eventually, after more than a century and a massively bloody civil war, the United States emerged from World War I as a new international presence, from World War II as a superpower, and after the collapse of the USSR arguably as a hegemon.

For a while.

The Danger to Our Grid

What tech can create, however, it can also destroy. What it enables it can erode. And today’s digital tech is uniquely qualified to enable asymmetrical attacks on the United States—attacks at a distance that do not endanger the attackers, that can be difficult to trace back to their source, and that can wreak devastation across major regions and the country as a whole in a very brief time.

Widespread devastation is possible when systems that are central to daily functioning can be disrupted or destroyed. So it’s important that we realize the significant danger we face right now with regard to power generation and distribution.

In late 2016 and again in 2017, Russian hackers took down the power grid in major parts of Ukraine during the cold of winter. In 2018, U.S. officials acknowledged that Russian hackers had penetrated multiple key utilities. A few months later the Wall Street Journal reported that the penetration went all the way down to grid control rooms, with access privileges sufficient to shut down power generation across each one.

The vulnerabilities are well-known. Various initiatives were formed to address them, starting with a series of reports from the combined National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. A public/private consortium was formed. And on and on.

Cyber penetration is not the only threat to the power grid, however. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a nuclear detonation high in the atmosphere could fry not only all the chips in our cars, PCs, and phones but also in the Internet routing computers used to control the various power grids we depend upon. 

An official EMP commission tried for several years to spur hardening of key equipment and systems. You can read the last report of the group, decommissioned in 2019, for yourself. 

In an interview that year, report author Peter Vincent Pry warned that Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and others were interested in the potential for combined cyber, EMP, and direct attacks on the U.S. power grid.

This new warfare uses cyber viruses, hacking, physical attacks, non-nuclear EMP weapons, and a nuclear EMP attack against electric grids and critical infrastructures. It renders modern armies, navies, and air forces obsolete. It paves the way for asymmetric warfare by small nations and terrorists.

How bad would such an attack be? The report estimates that 90 percent of the population would die from starvation, disease, and societal collapse.

Under the Biden Administration, solar power generation is a key priority despite its low generation efficiency and its dependence on rare minerals whose control, in many cases, has fallen into the hands of the Chinese. The administration is eagerly rebuilding long-neglected power production and distribution in Puerto Rico while throttling U.S. oil and gas extraction. 

What it is not doing is addressing the vulnerabilities of the mainland American grid or promoting nuclear generation using modern, much safer technologies.

If the grid is taken off line for weeks or months, people will die. Many people.

Hospitals will run out of emergency petrochemical-based backup systems. Food supplies will be interrupted. Sanitation and water supplies will be in danger as well—which will lead rather quickly to major disease spread. The economy will crash in the absence of both electricity and of the communications systems that depend on it. 

And if that happens as a result of one or more EMP blasts too high up to melt Los Angeles and Silicon Valley but close enough to destroy the semiconductor chips in crop harvesting equipment, cell phones, and Internet communications, along with all transportation throughout California, the number of dead Americans will be staggering.

Which is why recent evidence that Russia and China are each rapidly maturing advanced hypersonic missile capabilities has badly shaken key Defense Department leaders. While they were busy adjusting troop physical fitness tests for gender equity, our rivals have been focusing their attention on key attack capabilities that have the potential for asymmetric devastation of our country.

There is no simple, quick fix we could apply even if we could somehow overcome Beltway turf battles (or corruption in the families of key officials). This is a really serious infrastructure vulnerability that will take time, investment, and determination to remedy.

But since even really bad weather or a solar Carrington Event could bring the grid down for a while, you might want to build some household and community resilience. Prepare for two to four weeks without power, if you’re able.

And consider a discussion with your members of Congress about national priorities.

Viral Video, Freedom Will Win if Canadians Stand Together

The message here is right over the target. {Direct Rumble Link} Make it viral.

Every institution and agency are aligned against freedom, but they are the few – we are THE MANY.

They may control and twist the legacy and corporate media, but we are no longer reliant upon them to see what is happening, and what is happening is beautiful.   WATCH:

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.

The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

~ John Stuart Mill

The Media Is Distorting Republican Censure of Cheney, Kinzinger


Article by Ronna McDaniel, Chairperson of the RNC

The Media Is Distorting Republican Censure of Cheney, Kinzinger

If corporate news media wants to know why Americans don’t trust it anymore, they should look no further than the shameful, outrageous, and patently false coverage of the resolution adopted by the RNC to censure Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

Let me be abundantly clear: as Chairman of the RNC, I have repeatedly condemned the violence that occurred at the Capitol on January 6th and do so again today. On January 6, 2021 , the members of the RNC released a statement that read, “These violent scenes we have witnessed do not represent acts of patriotism, but an attack on our country and its founding principles.” I tweeted that the violence was “shameful” and condemned it in the strongest possible terms. 

The events of that day are deeply personal to me and our team as the FBI found a bomb outside of RNC headquarters that afternoon, and I will never forget what it felt like to know that my staff was in immediate danger. Violence has no place in our political discourse, period, and those who engaged in violence on January 6th and committed crimes should be held accountable with due process by the appropriate law enforcement authorities and prosecutors.

But the awful events of that day do not justify Cheney or Kinzinger enabling a partisan committee whose real purpose seems to be helping Democrats’ electoral prospects at the cost of potentially ruining innocent people’s lives. From the outset, the committee has lacked the legitimacy of past independent, bipartisan efforts investigating events of national importance. For starters, Republican leadership was not allowed to freely appoint a single Republican to the committee.  Instead, Cheney and Kinzinger were hand-picked by Nancy Pelosi.

The January 6 Committee predictably has now vastly exceeded its original purpose and morphed into something else entirely, investigating Republicans who had nothing to do with January 6 for the apparent offense of being Republican. Under the Committee’s approach, almost anything related to the 2020 election is within the scope of its jurisdiction, to include harassing citizens who were not even in Washington, DC that day.

Nancy Pelosi’s committee – which the New York Times says “is employing techniques more common in criminal cases than in congressional inquiries” – has no authority to pursue criminal charges, is not respecting the rights of private citizens and has disregarded due process and checks and balances. Last month, reports showed that 90 percent of the committee’s subpoenas have been delivered to people who weren’t even at the Capitol on January 6th. That is political posturing, not pursuing justice. Even an individual on trial has the right to face a jury of his peers, but those being called in front of the committee are faced with a hostile kangaroo court that reached a conclusion long before even asking a question.

This includes individuals like one of the RNC’s members who was subpoenaed because, weeks before January 6th, she served as an alternate elector pending the outcome of ongoing lawsuits – an action with clear legal precedent whichDemocrats themselves have done in the past. Now she could face costly legal bills even though she was nowhere near the Capitol on January 6th and had nothing to do with the violence that occurred.

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are cheapening the events of January 6th by participating in Nancy Pelosi’s partisan committee. The Senate has already completed one investigation into January 6th, and there are multiple ongoing active law enforcement investigations into what happened that day. These are the correct avenues for investigation. 

I firmly believe we are the big tent party, and that disagreement amongst Republicans is welcome and can make us stronger. But what Cheney and Kinzinger are engaged in goes much further than any policy disagreement.  These two have permitted their party affiliation to be weaponized to allow the Democrats gross overreach and abuse of power. In short, they never should have agreed to be part of a committee where Republicans were denied representation. 

As I have repeatedly stated, violence is not legitimate political discourse – whether in the U.S. Capitol or in Democrat-run cities across the country – and neither is abusing Congress’ investigatory powers for political gain. Media outlets pretending that the RNC believes otherwise are doing so in bad faith, and their lies should be called out for the cheap political stunts they are.

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X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-Feb 9


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

This Invasion Is Brought to You by . . . Western Environmentalists

Environmentalists are, intentionally or not, in collusion with Vladimir Putin to undermine America and the West.

For more than 40 years, the environmentalist movement has been warning that global warming is the result of mankind’s burning of fossil fuels and poses an “existential threat” to human and other biological life.

This is one of the many grandiose lies the Left uses to reshape, if not destroy, Western civilization. Other grandiose lies used to achieve that result include America being systemically racist; that violent crime is the result of racism and poverty; men give birth; sex and gender are “nonbinary”; and that former President Donald Trump was a Russian asset.

It should now be obvious that the “Greens,” the environmentalist movement—not global warming—poses an existential threat to humanity. For the first time since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, the world faces the possibility of a nuclear war. Russia is explicitly threatening use of nuclear weapons should the West come to the defense of Ukraine and has put its military on nuclear alert. Given the possibility that Russian President Vladimir Putin is deranged, the threat is far more real than it was in 1962 when Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union. Putin believes he embodies Russia (just as Hitler believed he embodied Germany). Khrushchev did not believe he embodied Russia.

Were it not for the green movement, Putin would not have been confident that he could get away with invading Ukraine. During Trump’s presidency, and due to his policies, the United States became independent of foreign oil for the first time. Within months of assuming power, the Democratic Party, an extension of the environmentalist movement, forced America to revert to dependence on foreign oil, including Russian oil. Beholden to the environmentalists, candidate Joe Biden made promise after promise to curtail oil and gas production: no new fracking on government land, no drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, and shutting down the Keystone pipeline.

Putin got the message.

So, thanks to environmentalists, not only is America once again dependent on foreign oil, Germany is dependent on Russian oil. Angela Merkel, another in a long line of foolish Germans, even shut down Germany’s nuclear reactors — which the greens in Germany applauded. They applauded it — despite the fact that nuclear energy is the only viable non-carbon energy that can sustain a country — because the environmentalist movement is not nearly as interested in the environment as it is in restructuring society. The environmentalist movement is as interested in protecting the environment as the communist movement was in protecting workers or the defund-the-police movement is in protecting blacks.

The Democrats came into power in 2021. The average closing price of oil in 2020 was $39.68 a barrel; the closing price of oil in 2019 was $56.99 a barrel. As of this writing, it is $138 a barrel. The extremely high price of energy—a direct result of the environmentalist policies of the Democratic Party and the liberal and Left parties in Europe—is one of the two primary reasons for the ever-increasing rate of inflation. (The other reason is the result of another Democratic Party policy: the printing of trillions of dollars.)

Serious inflation leads to very bad things. The Nazis did not come to power because of their antisemitism or even because of the Versailles Treaty as much as they did because of the terrible inflation under the Weimar Republic.

And any day now, the Biden administration will announce an agreement with Iran that will enable Iran to take in billions of dollars for its oil. Yet another victory for Biden, the Democrats, and the environmentalists. This agreement, brokered—incredibly—by Russian diplomats, will enable Iran to sponsor worldwide terror, resuscitate Iran’s economy, and continue its quest for nuclear bombs.

But none of this matters to Biden, the Democratic Party, the New York Times, or any other left-wing institution—so strong is the grip of the environmentalist cult and so influential are the uber-wealthy environmentalists who support the Left. They would rather see Ukraine destroyed, the potential for a nuclear war, and the decimation of the world economy than allow fracking, drilling, or even an oil pipeline between Canada and the United States.

Concern for the environment is a good thing, but the environmentalist movement is not.

Environmentalists use the environment to create a social revolution just as communists used workers to create a social revolution.

Its activists are fanatics.

Its consequences are nihilism.

Environmentalists are, intentionally or not, in collusion with Putin to undermine America and the West.

Brave Students Across Washington State Protest Masks in Schools



Brave high school students across Washington state protested masks in schools on Wednesday.

The high school students said they were tired of being kicked out of class for refusing to wear a mask.

“We’re done wearing masks,” the students said as they walked out of class and into the parking lot at Washougal High School.


Students at Washougal High School are holding the line.


Students at Union High School are done with masks too.

“When you speak up for your freedoms, you’re going to be heard. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the parking lot or inside the school,” one of the students said to TPUSA’s Katie Daviscourt.


Students at Hockinson entered their school without their masks and Admin kicked them out.


God bless these kids.

Hat tip: The Post Millennial


The talk of sanctions and crushing defeats from Antony Blinken and Joe Biden has an air of unreality, like Baghdad Bob’s claims of the Iraqi Army’s victories during the U.S. assault on Iraq in 2003.

Because of increasing specialization, most of today’s top government officials have spent their entire lives in government service. They lack the gentleman-amateur chops of a Dean Acheson or the business background of someone like Donald Trump. The results are not encouraging. 

One thing you learn in business is that bluffing is dangerous. It’s easier to make promises than to keep them, and that often it’s better to be ambiguous, to say nothing, or, if necessary, to communicate only in private. 

A good counterexample would be Barack Obama with his infamous “red line” in Syria. He said the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons against civilians would cross a red line resulting in serious consequences and retaliation. Yet when Bashar al Assad allegedly approved the use of chemical weapons against a rebel civilian enclave, Obama did nothing. 

Setting aside the merits and demerits of our Syria policy, this is just bad business. It is the type of thing a coddled academic with no real life experience would think is a great idea, but something an ordinary real estate agent, bar manager, or car salesman knows is a bad idea. Threats box in the speaker and are only as effective as his perceived ability and willingness to back them up.

Biden’s life experience has done little more than Obama’s to prepare him for the moment. While he has been bloviating in the U.S. Senate since the 1970s, he has not covered himself with glory. His contributions to foreign policy typically have revealed him to be thoughtless and unsophisticated, opposing the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, among other things, while supporting the Iraq War

In the ongoing war of words with Russia, Blinken and Biden are carrying on as if it’s 1995 and the U.S. military commands automatic respect as the technologically superior adversary with the undisputed ability to dominate. Biden has threatened Russia with a “disaster,” and Blinken said there would be “a swift, united response to further Russian aggression.” But what exactly backs up all this tough talk? 

Today the United States has about 65,000 troops deployed to Europe, down from a Cold War peak of over 300,000. The rest of NATO, minus some of the newer members, have shrunk their militaries considerably since the Cold War. Germany has only 180,000 men in its military, down from a Cold War level of 500,000. The UK went from 300,000 during the Cold War to only 150,000. Russia, by contrast, is adjacent to NATO territory and has military personnel numbering nearly 1 million. 

NATO is at odds with itself over this spectacle, with the Germans in particular wanting to cool things down and continue to do business with the Russians. Even the Ukrainians, whom we are ostensibly trying to assist, have warned that America’s bellicose rhetoric is hurting them and making things worse. 

If things come to blows and remain conventional, it is not so obvious we would win. As noted, we do not have a very large military, and comparatively little of it is in Europe. We recently lost two long wars in the Middle East, as well. The course of those conflicts wore out equipment and cultivated skills and instilled habits directed against a completely different kind of enemy, fighting a different kind of war. 

Finally, we have an electoral system, and there is no strong consensus or will to fight among the American people. Even at the height of the Cold War, the consensus for containment did not sustain the American commitment in Vietnam. It would doubtless unravel in a high casualty conflict over Ukraine.

Far from being easier than the recent counterinsurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, a war with Russia would be more difficult. Unlike the Taliban, Russia has electronic countermeasures, sophisticated drone and air defense capabilities, lots of artillery, and a serviceable air force. It has improved and upgraded its conventional forces considerably, while the United States remains bogged down by its flawed, overly bureaucratic, and slow-as-molasses procurement regime and the self-imposed weaknesses from political correctness

In other words, the talk of sanctions and crushing defeats from Blinken and Biden has an air of unreality, like Baghdad Bob’s claims of the Iraqi Army’s victories during the American assault on Iraq in 2003. There seems little likelihood that NATO could militarily defeat Russian forces if they invade Ukraine, and the Russians surely know this.

The biggest problem with the Biden Administration is that it is full of theories and ideas and a sense of America’s important role in the world, but very few of those ideas have been tested against reality. Like the harebrained schemes to shut down the economy to “flatten the curve” or “cash for clunkers,” the authors of these ideas have little real world experience where they are accountable for results. That is, they lack a record of success (and equally instructive, failure) to inform their decision-making. They write books and articles, give speeches, have exquisite and superficially persuasive models, but they lack the diverse life experience of a George H. W. Bush or James Baker or, for that matter, Vladimir Putin.

This kind of “rule by experts” has become pervasive. A similarly “book smart” crew persuaded George W. Bush to go for broke in Iraq, on the theory that it would create a “reverse domino effect” and ignite a passion for liberal democracy in the Middle East. That, needless to say, did not happen.

Tony Blinken is prominent in the current Ukraine crisis. He has a golden résumé and served in previous administrations, but he is the author of no successes or warnings of note. He supported the Iraq War and later took credit for the Syria policy, which succeeded only in creating a refugee crisis and the conditions in which ISIS thrived. 

More recently, it has been revealed that he had much to do with the disastrous and disorderly retreat of American diplomatic assets from Afghanistan, only asking for registration of Afghans working for the Americans the day before Kabul fell. 

In other words, none of the actual decisions Blinken and Biden were responsible for suggest great judgment. Yet, here we are. 

The one thing that cannot be easily spun, ignored, or wished away is reality. And reality is the yawning gap between what the United States is trying to do in Ukraine and its ability to control events. This gap will be revealed in spades if the Russians call Biden’s bluff. Then, instead of a regional war between third parties, the Russians will succeed also in destroying U.S. credibility, even though that credibility is quite relevant for our national security more generally. All of this could have been avoided by a prudent silence and a more diplomatic diplomacy that actually conformed to our abilities. 

Holy See shares concerns over rising antisemitism in Europe


Echoing growing concerns over the rise of antisemitism across Europe and beyond, the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe highlights the need to stem online hate speech and the importance of education to prevent violence.

By Lisa Zengarini

The Holy See reiterated on Tuesday its concerns over rising anti-Semitic violence and attitudes in European countries, calling on member States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to ensure the protection of Jewish communities from attacks, but also to prevent these crimes.

Speaking in Warsaw at a conference on combating anti-Semitism in the OSCE region, the Vatican Permanent Observer to the Organization highlighted the need to acknowledge that – despite many commitments adopted and activities carried out by OSCE states - no European member is immune to the scourge.  

Anti-Semitism exacerbated by COVID-19 crisis

Msgr Janusz Urbańczyk noted that the fact that attacks are perpetrated when the Jewish community gathers in the synagogue to pray “make them particularly heinous”.

He then called attention to the sentiments and attitudes that are behind these attacks, noting that “anti-Semitic attitude has been exacerbated during the current pandemic crisis through the spreading, especially on-line, of conspiracy theories and trivialization of the Holocaust”, to which young people are particularly exposed.

Freedom of religion and security

Highlighting the “structural” link between protecting freedom of religion and security and stability in the OSCE region, Msgr Urbańczyk recalled that its member States have “a common duty not only to guarantee the protection of Jewish communities (as well as of all religious communities) from attacks, but also to prevent ex ante these crimes.”  

Stemming online hate speech

Regarding prevention, the Vatican Observer said a specific attention should be paid to the role of the Internet service providers and social networking services, remarking that social media platforms have increased the spread of anti-Semitic hate speech and misinformation on an unprecedented scale.  

“In this context freedom of expression, as every human right, comes with responsibilities that cannot be ignored. If the same rights that people have offline are to be protected online, the corresponding duties and responsibilities that people have offline must be demanded online as well.”

The importance of education

The Vatican Observer went on to stress the need for a “proper educational approach” to stem anti-Semitism and discrimination effectively and sustainably.

“Ignorance, prejudices and stereotypes contribute to anti-Semitism in our societies; education can build a bulwark against them by making our society and in particular children and young people – aware of the common responsibility to protect the human dignity of persons and peoples.” 




He remarked that education, especially at school “plays an important role in the promotion of religious freedom and non-discrimination”, echoing Pope Francis’ words that education “is one of the most effective ways of making our world and history more human.”

He further noted, in this regard, that “interaction between students who belong to different religions  is in itself a great help in understanding the unity of humankind”.    

American Civil Liberties Union Files a Lawsuit to Stop Allowing Civil Liberties in Virginia

It’s not the apex of institutional hypocrisy, rather it’s the unmasking of political ideology.  The ACLU is filing a lawsuit today in Virginia demanding that mask mandates against parents and student civil liberties be reinstated.

The ACLU wants the Virginia mask mandate reinstituted.  The ACLU does not want parents and students to have a choice on whether to wear a mask.

The Washington Post headline is akin to folding the universe upon itself and looking back through the mirror: “ACLU challenges Youngkin order mandating choice on school masks.

The civil liberties organization is arguing against allowing civil liberties.

(Washington Post) – […] The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Charlottesville on Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia; the ACLU is involved in similar cases in Iowa and South Carolina. The plaintiffs represent 11 students with conditions that include cancer, cystic fibrosis, asthma, Down syndrome and diabetes that make covid-19 more dangerous.

“Universal mask use may be necessary to protect some children,” the plaintiffs write. “For many of these children, Governor Youngkin has effectively barred the schoolhouse door.”

Eden Heilman, legal director for the ACLU of Virginia, said parents from across the state reached out to the group. “Some are keeping their kids out of school if they are able to,” she said. “Some work and there is no virtual option, and they simply have no choice but send the kid with a mask and hope that their kid doesn’t contract it and suffer really dire health consequences.” (read more)

No one is stopping the plaintiffs from wearing a mask. The plaintiffs are demanding that everyone else must wear them.

This lawsuit is akin to the FAA dropping their mask mandate for air travel, and yet the ACLU suing the airlines to keep every airline traveler in masks because immunocompromised people need to fly.

If it seems bizarro world the American Civil Liberties Union would be suing to keep civil liberties and choice away from people, it would be; except that the ACLU does not exist to promote civil liberties, the ACLU exists to advance political ideology under the guise of civil liberties.

The mask dropping from institutions continues (no pun intended).

Meanwhile, teacher union boss Randi Weingarten argues the way people “feel,” not science, should drive mask mandates on kids in school. WATCH: