Saturday, January 29, 2022

Will We Ever Eradicate the Cancer of Identity Politics?

Regardless of who replaces Justice Breyer, one hopes the Supreme Court next term will take us closer to a society that is race-blind by gutting affirmative action in America.

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court finally granted a writ of certiorari in two now-consolidated affirmative action cases, Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina. The cases will be argued jointly during the next Supreme Court term, and they place directly in their crosshairs the court’s noxious precedents in the thorny area of race-conscious university admission policies. As presented to the court, the leading question the justices will consider is “whether the Supreme Court should . . . hold that institutions of higher education cannot use race as a factor in admissions.”

The court should of course do so posthaste. The propagandist assertion that America in the year 2022 is bedeviled by a sprawling “systemic racism” is a destructive lie, but the ubiquity of affirmative action means that university admissions offices do, in fact, propagate systemic racism. Fortunately, there is reason for optimism that the justices will do their job. It was the mercurial Chief Justice John Roberts himself who, in the 2007 case of Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle, penned perhaps his most iconic line: “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”

But by Wednesday afternoon, Monday’s propitious step forward toward an America no longer obsessed with race and identity politics was abruptly undermined by a severe step backward toward a race-centric polity.

Justice Stephen Breyer, an octogenarian Jewish male and the senior statesman of the court’s liberal bloc, announced his retirement, effective at the end of this court term and contingent upon the successful confirmation of his successor. The announcement was hardly surprising; given Breyer’s long-standing Democratic ties, his liberal jurisprudence, and the fact that Republicans are poised to retake control of the U.S. Senate this fall, it would have been more surprising if Breyer had not retired this year.

The more interesting twist came after news broke of the impending retirement: Joe Biden affirmed that he intends to fulfill his 2020 campaign promise to nominate a black woman—not a black man, not a Hispanic woman, but specifically a black woman—to replace the retiring Jewish male justice.

There is only one way to describe crass identity politics operationalized at this high a political level: Evil.

The nine justices of the Supreme Court are the most important jurists in the country. They swear an oath to uphold the Constitution and the American rule of law, which has the equality principle at its very core. From the Declaration of Independence to the 14th Amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, genuine equality under the law and an eschewing of the centrality of something as arbitrary as race has always been the American lodestar. Americans have often fallen short of our enunciated ideals, but the equality ideal of race neutrality has often provided American statesmen succor during our darkest hours. For Abraham Lincoln, the equality-centric Declaration was an “apple of gold” for which the Constitution was but an enveloping “frame of silver.”

Biden’s affirmation of his campaign-season promise to nominate such a specific population subgroup is a dagger to the telos—the overarching orientation of true colorblind equality and justice—of the United States. Even holding aside the lunacy, from a sheer sample size perspective, of announcing at the outset of a Supreme Court justice search that one intends to limit that search to roughly 2 percent of the national lawyer pool, the higher-level message Democrats telegraph by magnifying such an identity politics obsession is extraordinarily pernicious. How can a justice who knows she was selected purely on the basis of race and gender reasonably be expected to adjudicate cases during her court tenure that implicate issues of race and gender?

Furthermore, consider the impact Biden’s announcement surely has on young lawyers all across the nation who do not fit into the narrow sliver of the intersectional pie that he has now proclaimed will comprise his entire prospective talent pool. Hold aside white men; that ship seems to have sailed. What kind of message does this send to young liberal lawyers who are black men? Or how about the message it sends to young liberal lawyers who are Hispanic women?

And why stop at the intersectional sliver of black and female? Why not preemptively announce that his next two hypothetical court picks will be a Muslim and a homosexual, respectively? (Jews and Mormons, two religious minorities who nonetheless sit low on the Left’s intersectional hierarchy pyramid, need not apply.)

The juxtaposition of the court’s colorblind certiorari grant on Monday and Biden’s color (and sex)-centric announcement on Wednesday is nothing if not ironic. Perhaps Republicans might be galvanized to make opposition to identity politics a key part of their 2022 midterm election platform. And regardless of who replaces Justice Breyer, one hopes the court next term will take us closer to a society that is race-blind—and not besotted by cancerous identity politics—by gutting affirmative action in America.

X22, And we Know, and more-Jan 29


Enjoy tonight's rally! Here's tonight's news:

(Very important read!):

Texas Rally watch thread


Thank you to The Right Scoop for the links to this rally!

President Donald Trump is holding a Save America rally in Conroe Texas on Saturday and you can watch live all day below. We’ll also have some photos and video clips from the speeches, the attendees, from Right Side Broadcasting and more as they are shared throughout the day.

There’s a lot to talk about this week and we hope he can get to as much as will fit in one evening, including boycotts of Spotify for not curtailing speech, the exploding Ukraine situation where Biden has let Putin walk over him, the crashing economy, creeping totalitarianism speeding up to a brisk walk, and a lot more.

Speakers include: Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, AG Ken Paxton, Gonzales Mayor Connie Kacir, Texas GOP Chair Matt Rinaldi, and of course Donald Trump Jr. (and possibly Kayleigh McEnany!)

The President is speaking at 8pm EST.

If you have Fox Nation, you can watch here, or watch at Newsmax during Trump’s speech here.

Biden’s Nominee Replacing Breyer on SCOTUS—Whoever That Nominee May Be—Sexually Assaulted Me in the 1980s

I ask you to be patient with my therapist and with me. We are confident that more details will reoccur to me in subsequent news cycles.

Those of you who know me realize that I’m a very private person. Like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, my only involvement in politics is incessant social media posting on controversial issues, and long-time highly paid work for partisans in the fight over legal abortion. Apart from that, I’m just an ordinary Joe Lunchpail, albeit with elite media connections and friends in the U.S. Senate. I wish to honor Christine’s struggle to have her story heard, while I strive to make known my own.

Like Christine, I want to preserve my anonymity, which is why I am shopping this story only to the most discrete members of my own party on the Senate Judiciary Committee. And working with the most trustworthy opposition researchers on my side of the aisle. I have retained as my lead attorney an activist who serves with various nonprofit NGOs funded by international philanthropist Vladimir Putin. Let’s call my attorney “Grigori,” for the moment. All fact inquiries should be directed to Grigori. I may or may not choose to tell my story publicly, depending on the advice of my personal counselors, and Lindsey Graham’s gut sense of whether Joe Biden’s nominee can be counted on to step aside in disgrace without a televised Senate hearing.

My Pain Will Not Be Denied

My story is one of trust abused, deep personal pain, systemic cover-up by powerful institutional interests, and the ugly impact of sexual/racial/class inequity. The nature of the sexual abuse to which I was subjected is something I will address, should it become necessary, however painful that may prove to me and my loved ones. To be honest, I am struggling to recover my memories of this traumatic incident, whose specific details will emerge with time, remaining as they do, indelible in the hippocampus. My memories will doubtless become more specific once the Biden Administration releases the nominee’s name.

At this point, I am only comfortable in revealing that the sexual conduct to which I was subjected against my will took place in the early 1980s, during a summer social event, which included members of elite boys and/or girls academies located in a major urban area in the continental United States. Unless it took place in the mid-’80s. I ask you to be patient with my therapist and with me. We are confident that more details will reoccur to me in subsequent news cycles.

Don’t Be the Next Leland Kyser

I have old friends and schoolmates who may or may not have been present for the attack, and might remember that I made an “outcry” declaration at the time. I look forward to reconnecting with these beloved long-time acquaintances who share my political goals, to confirm their recollections of who did what to me when. I will be reaching out soon to these long-lost soulmates, either personally or via members of my staff. Remembering the personal betrayal which Ms. Ford suffered, and the tragic life consequences for her faithless friend who failed to corroborate her pain, I suggest that those who remember me from the 1980s start getting my story straight.

One strong lingering impression that remains with me is this: I believe that my assailant had a close friend and associate who wrote and published detailed accounts of substance abuse and inappropriate sexual activities during the time period and in the place where my assault occurred. These accounts may have been in the form of memoirs, underground high school newsletters, or yearbooks. As my research staff acquires and digests these materials, I feel confident that my internal framework of vivid, traumatic memories will crystallize and prove more relatable. My assailant’s friend and associate, who may or may not have participated in the assault, had better be ready to testify under oath, if he or she knows what’s good for them.

Lawyers, Start Hitting the Sawdust Trail

It may emerge that the nominee, whoever he or she may be, is plausibly guilty of other sexual assaults committed against dozens of other vulnerable young people in that same urban area and time period. I trust that entrepreneurial attorneys are already canvassing potential victims as you read this.

Faced with the ugly, partisan outcome of Ms. Ford’s plea for accountability we must be prepared to pierce the veil of denial, to sweep away the archaic presumption of innocence, and to interpret brazen, indignant protestations as evidence of deep-seated, repressed remorse. Based on my personal interactions with this nominee, I can promise you that he or she has enjoyed racial, sexual, or financial privilege for decades, and brings with it the expectation that past abuse can be buried or swept away.

We must not let that happen again. If not for my sake, then for Christine’s, or Anita Hill’s, can we at least unite as a nation to get it right this time?

'Aiding and Abetting': Calls for Biden's Impeachment Begin After Dirty Secret Exposed

One New York Republican congresswoman is calling for President Joe Biden’s impeachment for sending illegal immigrants into the interior of the U.S., while another has accused him of effectively “aiding and abetting” these lawbreakers.

Reps. Claudia Tenney and Nicole Malliotakis railed against the administration Thursday on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” after leaked video showed federal contractors flying illegal immigrants into a suburban New York airport.

The footage, taken from the body camera of a Westchester County police officer on Aug. 13, was unearthed through a Freedom of Information Act request sought by Rob Astorino, former Westchester County executive and 2022 Republican candidate for New York governor, according to the New York Post.

“Gov’t contractor talking about the secret midnight flights from southern border into Westchester (NY) Airport: ‘If it gets out… the government is betraying the American people,'” Astorino tweeted with the footage Wednesday.

“Stop lying to us. Secure the border. Uphold rule of law,” the candidate urged.

“The government is betraying the American people,” an unidentified federal contractor can be heard telling an officer while standing near a chartered airliner at the Westchester County Airport.

Do you think Biden should be impeached over this?

Tenney echoed Astorino’s sentiments but came to a more definitive conclusion about what to do about the president.

“This is a complete, aggravated dereliction of duty, which is why last night on Twitter I called for Joe Biden to be impeached and removed,” Tenny told host Steve Doocy.

“His primary obligation as the commander-in-chief and the president of the United States is to enforce our laws, to live up to his oath, to enforce our border security and also to tell the truth to the American people,” she added.

Malliotakis similarly had strong words against the president’s actions.

“Aiding and abetting illegal immigration is a violation of the law,” she said. “And you have it coming from the president of the United States.”

“It is completely unacceptable. The Supreme Court ruled that he had to reinstate ‘Remain in Mexico.’ He has clearly not done that,” the congresswoman said, referring to the Trump-era policy that required asylum seekers to wait on the other side of the border for their claims to be processed.

“In addition to that, you know that the drug cartels are making billions and billions of dollars every month with human trafficking, drug trafficking,” Malliotakis continued.

“We have the highest rate of fentanyl deaths in this country. Among 18-to-45-year-olds, it is the leading cause of death, and yet this president is on the side of the drug cartels and not the American people,” she charged.

“We have many pieces of legislation that will address this very issue, but we need to take back the House first,” Malliotakis said as the GOP anticipates big wins in the 2022 midterms.

Former President Donald Trump faced two impeachment attempts at the hands of Democrats that went nowhere, but what Biden is facilitating with these clandestine flights is far more serious — and likely illegal.

Border processing facilities are bursting at the seams with illegal immigrants, and it appears Biden is trying to solve that problem by bringing them further into the U.S. rather than deporting them or building a wall.

To be sure, there are many crises and unfolding political disasters that are caused by Biden’s incompetence, but this latest alleged scheme plays out more like a criminal enterprise than a policy blunder.

If these allegations are true, and the camera caught what it purports to have caught, Biden not only should be impeached but he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The only thing the president can do now in the face of this evidence is hope Republicans don’t retake Congress in 2022.

Why Today's Austin-Milley Press Conference Convinces Me That Joe Biden Wants Conflict With Russia in Ukraine

streiff reporting for RedState 

On Friday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark “White Rage” Milley held a press conference about the “crisis” in Ukraine. If you’ve watched these two dips***s in action, you know that sending them out, separately or as a pair, has the potential to make just about any situation more interesting.

As this comes on the heels of a disputed “readout” of a phone call between Joey SoftServe and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky that seemed to show Biden chomping at the bit to go to war –better “prepare for impact,” he told them–and deliberately inflating the nature of the Russian threat (Controversy Over Report: Biden Called Zelensky and Said ‘Brace’ for Invasion and #ReleaseTheTranscript Trends After CNN Starts Deleting Damaging Reports on Joe Biden’s Ukraine Call) and a news conference by Zelensky earlier on Friday (Zelensky Rebukes Biden, Saying He Knows More About Threat to Ukraine) that tried to show that someone sane was still involved in NATO’s Ukraine response even if that person was not Biden, a rational observer would be excused from asking “wtf are they thinking?” Unfortunately, they did not fail to deliver.

Below is the entire briefing. Unfortunately, no transcript is available at this writing, so I’ll use quotes from the mainstream press.

Via PBS:

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said during a news briefing Friday that there was still “time and space for diplomacy” with Russia over Ukraine.

Austin said Friday the buildup of Russian forces along Ukraine’s border has reached the point where President Vladimir Putin now has a complete range of military options, including actions short of a full-scale invasion.

“While we don’t believe that President Putin has made a final decision to use these forces against Ukraine, he clearly now has the capability,” Austin told a Pentagon news conference.

Austin said Putin could use any portion of his force of an estimated 100,000 troops to seize Ukrainian cities and “significant territories” or to launch “coercive acts or provocative political acts” like the recognition of breakaway territories inside Ukraine. He urged Putin to de-escalate the tensions.

Austin spoke alongside Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who said Russian forces near Ukraine include not only ground troops and naval and air forces but also cyber and electronic warfare capabilities, as well as special operations forces. He urged Putin to choose a diplomatic path over conflict.

“If Russia chooses to invade Ukraine, it will not be cost free, in terms of casualties and other significant effects,” Milley said.

From CBS:

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley briefed reporters at the Pentagon on Friday amid Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine’s border. Austin said “conflict is not inevitable” and that there’s still time for diplomacy.

For the past several months, Russia has been building forces in the western parts of Russia near Ukraine and in Belarus, north of Ukraine. The U.S. along with its NATO allies has called on Russia to deescalate the tensions and warned of consequences if Russia launches another incursion.

There are no plans to send U.S. troops to Ukraine, but the U.S. has put 8,500 U.S. troops from stateside bases on heightened alert to potentially deploy to Eastern Europe. The vast majority of those 8,500 troops would support the NATO Response Force if activated by the alliance.

From CNN:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley warned a Russian invasion of Ukraine would be “horrific” for the country and would result in “significant” casualties as he urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to choose a diplomatic path instead.

“Given the type of forces that are arrayed … if that was unleashed on Ukraine, it would be significant, very significant, and it would result in a significant amount of casualties,” Milley said at a Pentagon press briefing Friday. “You can imagine what that might look like in dense urban areas, along roads, and so on and so forth. It would be horrific. It would be terrible. And it’s not necessary. And we think a diplomatic outcome is the way to go here.”

Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin briefed reporters Friday on the US military’s preparations ahead of a possible Russian invasion with tens of thousands of Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border, which prompted Austin this week to put 8,500 US troops on alert for possible deployment to support NATO in Eastern Europe.

Milley spoke of Ukraine’s geography, noting that when its “high water table” freezes, “it makes it for optimal conditions for cross-country tract and wheeled vehicle maneuver.”

“There are many people and highly dense population centers throughout Ukraine. And if war were to break out on a scale and scope that is possible, the civilian population will suffer immensely,” he said.

Milley’s remarks stand in contrast to the message coming from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelesnky spoke to US President Joe Biden by phone Thursday, where the two leaders disagreed on the urgency of the threat Russia poses, and Zelensky reiterated his view speaking in Ukraine Friday that the rhetoric risks causing panic and destabilizing his country’s economy.

When the dichotomy between what Austin and Milley are saying to the world, and the message Ukraine President Zelensky wants to send is so different that even CNN notices, well, there is a real problem.

This is my favorite clip.

I don’t know about you, but a demand to “stand down” followed up by nebulous assertions of NATO’s military strength sounds a lot more like a challenge than an invitation to walk away. It’s the type of invitation that gets your ass beat with a pool cue outside some dive bar in downtown Phenix City, Alabama.

In fact, when we look at this press conference in the context of the anonymous “read out” we all saw yesterday from the “anonymous” Ukrainian official, you can’t but notice how similar the tone is here to that taken by Biden in the now disavowed version of his call to Zelensky.

So, we have a request from the President of Ukraine, the guy with his nads firmly gripped by Vladimir Putin’s personal set of vise-grips, to back off the rhetoric and not inflame the situation. How does anything said by Austin or Milley fit in with that goal? In fact, the press conference gives all indications that Biden wants something else. Everything said by Austin and Milley was calculated to close off Russian options and not leave Vladimir Putin any way out of Ukraine, short of a public climb down.

Indeed, to a great extent, those 130,000 troops Putin has deployed on the periphery of Ukraine are very much like Chekov’s Pistol. That is, “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired.” Those troops are a show of force IF Putin can extract concessions of some visible sort from Ukraine and/or show NATO to be toothless. If he has to send them back to barracks with nothing gained, he becomes a loser in a political system that treats losers in a very rough manner.

I don’t know what Biden and his brain trust were after with this press conference, but one can’t escape the feeling that the last thing they want is a non-violent conclusion to the confrontation in Ukraine and to violate Rahm Emanuel’s maxim about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. I think I’d even go as far as to say that we should hope it was all intentional because if it wasn’t, we are really screwed.

Report: Biden Takes the Toughest Sanctions for Russia off the Table

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden doesn’t seem to know how to deal with the situation between Russia and Ukraine.

Indeed, everything he does just seems to heighten the tension and move the dial more toward war between them.

He threw Ukraine under the bus early on, by waiving sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which helped Russia, increased EU dependence on Russian oil, and hurt the United States and Ukraine.

Then Biden seemed to greenlight aggression with careless words, by saying U.S. troops would be off the table in December and then talking about “minor incursions” not causing a significant response in January, then having to scramble to clean that up.

While he tells us that he threatens the toughest sanctions ever if Russia further invades Ukraine, there are a few problems with this approach. He’s not moving pro-actively to stop Putin first. He’s only threatening sanctions after Putin moves, as opposed to moving sanctions now to back Russia down from their threats. As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said, then the sanctions would come too late. “If there’s a full-scale war tomorrow, why do we need sanctions afterward?” he asked. “I don’t think it’s fair.”

The Biden administration is threatening to hit some Russian banks, government-owned companies, and some imports with sanctions, saying that these threatened actions would be more than have been used against Russia in recent years.

But according to the Wall Street Journal:

Off the table, for now, are sanctions on oil and natural gas exports or disconnecting Russia from SWIFT, the basic infrastructure that facilitates financial transactions between banks across the world, said one of the officials.

In other words, the things that would hurt Russia where they lived aren’t being considered. And if we know this, then Russia knows they’re not on the table too.

I don’t get this. Why would you ever advertise that things are off the table, as the Biden team has been doing? That’s basically what he’s doing, if the sanctions he flashes around have no real teeth. We saw how well the nominal sanctions that Obama had in 2014 worked.

There are upsides and downsides to the imposition of sanctions. But the reason Biden may have done it was to kowtow to Germany, which has become dependent on its Russian oil. So, you don’t have all the NATO allies on the same page because Putin has already seduced Germany. If Biden is going to take things off the table, why doesn’t he just advertise to Putin: ‘Hey come on in, the water is fine’? And it was supposed to be President Donald Trump who was the Putin stooge? It’s really Biden who has bent over at every turn for Putin.

Meanwhile, Zelensky said Biden is stoking panic with his characterization of the threat as so imminent. Zelensky insists Biden needs to cool his jets in pushing the fear-porn. While there’s a threat, he says, he doesn’t think it’s as desperate as Biden is painting it ,and Zelensky knows better than Biden what’s happening in his country.

So, Biden needs to re-orient where he is at, get all NATO on the same page, and stand fully behind Ukraine: throw down some significant sanctions now to back them off. That’s what he should do. But he’s Biden, so don’t expect any move that makes sense.

Not a Joke, U.S. Govt Takes the Official Position There Is No Food Inflation

The same people who told us to appreciate saving $0.16 on our July 4th BBQs last summer are now taking the official position there is no massive food inflation.  [DATA HERE]

Those skyrocketing prices you think you see at the grocery store are not real.  Those announcements of forecasted price increases by the food producers, well, those are not real either.  So sayeth the United States Dept of Agriculture (USDA).

In their update to the USDA pricing forecast and analysis dated January 25, 2022, the USDA claims: “2021 retail food price inflation continued at same pace as 2020 but varied among food categories.”  Oh, but it gets even more stupid:

“USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS) researchers project that prices for food-at-home, or food purchased typically from grocery stores or other food stores, will increase between 1.5 and 2.5 percent in 2022, lower than the 3.5-percent increase that occurred in both 2020 and 2021. Forecasts for all food categories for 2022 are available in ERS’s monthly Food Price Outlook data product, updated January 25, 2022.” (link)

If there was ever an argument that every single institution in the U.S. government was corrupt, manipulative and ideologically bent, this claim by the USDA would be a case study in the supportive evidence.

Apparently, if you are to follow the outlook of the USDA – and reconcile their institutional hypocrisy, Joe Biden increased the rate of food stamp assistance by 25 percent for some unknown reason.  Because according to the Dept of Agriculture, “Retail food prices increased by a mere 3.5 percent in 2021, equal to the rate in 2020.”

3.5% ?

You just cannot make this up.

Beef has doubled in price.  Bacon has gone up by 30% in the last quarter.  Milk has gone up by 40% in the past two months. Fish, eggs and poultry are between 30 to 60% higher than a year ago.  Fresh fruits and vegetables still rising in price.  Food producers have announced price increases in products from 8% to 60% in the next few months.  Beverages and sports drinks are rising 20% beginning in March.  Kraft Foods announced processed meat (lunchmeat) price increases up to 30% in a few weeks.  However, according to the USDA, these are not the droids you are looking for.

We are living in a parallel universe, a true state of propaganda pushed by the institutions of government.

Count all the people with COVID as having died from COVID to maintain the fear.  Hide the ships further offshore, and the port backlog disappears.  Don’t count the imported goods, and our domestic economic activity is great.  Ignore the prices at the grocery store, and there is no food inflation…

It would be funny if the reality of our situation was not so serious.

Biden’s Pledge To Nominate A Black Woman For SCOTUS Is Racist And Sexist


Article by Joy Pullman in The Federalist


Biden’s Pledge To Nominate A Black Woman For SCOTUS Is Racist And Sexist

 Joe Biden is a complete embarrassment and making major steps backward for our nation in hiring people based on their race and sex.

Joe Biden affirmed he will again institutionalize government racism and sexism through his selection of a nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy soon arising due to Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement.



The president of the United States has repeatedly stated that he uses race and sex as his selection criteria for top government posts. He made that clear during his campaign, saying that he would use race and sex as his baseline criteria for picking his vice president and cabinet.

Biden wasn’t even shy about it, like the Ivy Leagues have been about “affirmative action,” which majorities of Americans of all racial backgrounds rightly oppose. Rather than coyly claiming to seek a “diversity” that everyone knows is code for hiring people with politically favored skin tones, Biden openly proclaimed he uses skin color and sexual organs to choose staff. 



 Biden has a long track record of weaponizing race and using it as a political tool.


Joy Behar isn’t worthy to tie Clarence Thomas’s shoes and she feels free to go on national television and say he’s a bad black man in the same category as a mass rapist and mass murderer because she doesn’t like his judicial philosophy — a philosophy she can’t even comprehend. This kind of racial patronizing and demands that people “stay in their racial lane” should get people kicked off the air and their careers canceled. Instead, it’s beamed directly into the brains of America’s soccer moms because apparently political consultants believe being racist will get people to vote for Democrats.


This makes me sick. When I was a girl, my momma taught me that in America, we don’t treat people any differently due to their skin color. She taught me that’s an evil thing, and she learned it coming of age in Detroit during the civil rights movement. Most Americans alive today learned the same thing from our parents and schools. We hate this and find it utterly repulsive. This is not the America we want, not at all.

Historically, the United States has been likely the least racist country in the world. Despite well-known and very painful struggles with institutional and personal racism in our country, the United States has also been a shining example of citizens largely working together across ethnicities and differences in our outward appearances.

We are certainly better than almost every other country in the world in this regard. Ethnic wars and violent conflicts are common in history and globally, and while the United States has seen some of this as well, our legal and cultural ideals of equality before the law have kept us in better shape than most in terms of ethnic conflict. Even our Civil War over racial subjugation consisted of mostly white people fighting white people!

Also, even when the United States legally sanctioned the evil practice of chattel slavery, it was Western nations including the United States that led the world in outlawing that immoral practice endemic in every society going back to the dawn of humankind. Today, Americans are nearly unanimous in support for interracial dating and marriages, one top marker of racial acceptance and integration.

The American left’s sickening neo-racism as demonstrated in Biden’s use of race and sex to pick people for government leadership posts is completely anti-American. Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. believed and said they were working to make good on our nation’s founding affirmation of the great and universal truth that “all men are created equal.” Now our nation’s top leaders instead work to communicate the disgusting idea that “some men are created more equal than others” based on performance-indifferent personal characteristics people are born with and cannot change.

It’s shameful to see our president declare self righteously that he bestows government authority based on people’s skin color and sex. Joe Biden is a complete embarrassment and making major steps backward for our nation.

Our nation has worked very hard to get away from this poison. People died, were beaten by police, lost jobs, and made other huge personal sacrifices to bring about a United States in which “they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character.” Is this what we’re going to do with what these Americans sacrificed to achieve?

What a slap in the face, by the way, to Breyer. Nothing says, “Thanks for your service!” like a president effectively deciding you’re unfit to fill the very post you just vacated because he believes it’s politically convenient to discriminate against the skin hue and gonads you were born with. But that’s what the left does. In two years, Breyer will have his namesakes and statues ripped down, just like Lincoln. That’s what they call progress.

Today’s left also calls “progress” picking a woman for her boobs instead of her brains, and a judge for her skin color instead of her adherence to the law. They also claim that a nominee should be immune to all criticism and gain unthinking support from elected representatives based solely on her skin color and biological sex.

I call this disgustingly racist and sexist. It is not progress, it is retrogression. Americans should not tolerate social Jim Crow dynamics like these any more than we tolerated Jim Crow laws in the second half of the 20th century. I don’t want to go through another round of mass civil unrest to re-establish that American ideal, either. Neither should anyone else, but that’s what this kind of sex- and race-baiting will lead to if left unchecked. 


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